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.appveyor.ymlH A D24-May-20193.8 KiB8582

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cmake_vs2015.batH A D24-May-20191.1 KiB2422

cmake_xcode.shH A D24-May-20191.2 KiB271


1![Urho3D logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/urho3d/Urho3D/master/bin/Data/Textures/LogoLarge.png)
3# Urho3D
5[![Coverity Scan Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/4954/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/urho3d-urho3d)
6[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/urho3d/Urho3D](https://badges.gitter.im/urho3d/Urho3D.svg)](https://gitter.im/urho3d/Urho3D?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge)
8**Urho3D** is a free lightweight, cross-platform 2D and 3D game engine implemented in C++ and released under the MIT license. Greatly inspired by OGRE and Horde3D.
10Main website: [https://urho3d.github.io/](https://urho3d.github.io/)
12## License
13Licensed under the MIT license, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/urho3d/Urho3D/blob/master/LICENSE) for details.
15## Contributing
16Before making pull requests, please read the [Contribution checklist](https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/_contribution_checklist.html) and [Coding conventions](https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/_coding_conventions.html) pages from the documentation.
18## Credits
19Urho3D development, contributions and bugfixes by:
20- Lasse Öörni
21- Wei Tjong Yao
22- Aster Jian
23- Ricardo Abreu
24- Vivienne Anthony
25- Colin Barrett
26- Erik Beran
27- Gauthier Billot
28- Loic Blot
29- Danny Boisvert
30- Sergey Bosko
31- Lisandro Bruzzo
32- Thomas Böhm
33- Carlo Carollo
34- Pete Chown
35- Christian Clavet
36- Sebastian Delatorre (primitivewaste)
37- Stanislav Demyanovich
38- Josh Engebretson
39- Simon Flores
40- Manuel Freiberger
41- Chris Friesen
42- Alex Fuller
43- Konstantin Guschin
44- Henrik Heino
45- Mika Heinonen
46- Victor Holt
47- Johnathan Jenkins
48- Jukka Jylänki
49- Graham King
50- Jason Kinzer
51- Cameron Kline
52- Jan Korous
53- Eugene Kozlov
54- Gunnar Kriik
55- Aliaksandr Kryvashein
56- Artem Kulyk
57- Rokas Kupstys
58- Ali Kämäräinen
59- Sergey Lapin
60- Pete Leigh
61- Pengfei Li
62- Arnis Lielturks
63- Frode 'Modanung' Lindeijer
64- Thorbjørn Lindeijer
65- Nathanial Lydick
66- Xavier Maupeu
67- Iain Merrick
68- Justin Miller
69- Jonne Nauha
70- Huy Nguyen
71- Paul Noome
72- David Palacios
73- Alex Parlett
74- Jordan Patterson
75- Georgii Pelageikin
76- Anton Petrov
77- Vladimir Pobedinsky
78- Franck Poulain
79- Pranjal Raihan
80- Svyatoslav Razmyslov
81- Mariusz Richtscheid
82- Nick Royer
83- Jonathan Sandusky
84- Miika Santala
85- Anatoly Sennov
86- Matan Shukry
87- Bengt Soderstrom
88- Hualin Song
89- James Thomas
90- Joshua Tippetts
91- Konstantin Tomashevich
92- Yusuf Umar
93- Mateus Vendramini
94- Daniel Wiberg
95- Steven Zhang
96- AGreatFish
97- BlueMagnificent
98- CG-SS
99- Enhex
100- Fastran
101- Firegorilla
102- Gordon-F
103- Lumak
104- Magic.Lixin
105- Mike3D
106- MonkeyFirst
107- Ner'zhul
108- Newb I the Newbd
109- OvermindDL1
110- PredatorMF
111- Scellow
112- Skrylar
113- TheComet93
114- Y-way
115- 1vanK
116- andmar1x
117- amadeus_osa
118- atship
119- att
120- celeron55
121- cosmy1
122- damu
123- dragonCASTjosh
124- feltech
125- fredakilla
126- gleblebedev
127- hdunderscore
128- lhinuz
129- lvshiling
130- marynate
131- meshonline
132- mightyCelu
133- neat3d
134- nemerle
135- ninjastone
136- orefkov
137- proller
138- raould
139- rasteron
140- reattiva
141- rifai
142- rikorin
143- skaiware
144- ssinai1
145- svifylabs
146- szamq
147- thebluefish
148- tommy3
149- yushli
151Urho3D is greatly inspired by OGRE (http://www.ogre3d.org) and Horde3D
152(http://www.horde3d.org). Additional inspiration & research used:
153- Rectangle packing by Jukka Jylänki (clb)
154  http://clb.demon.fi/projects/rectangle-bin-packing
155- Tangent generation from Terathon
156  http://www.terathon.com/code/tangent.html
157- Fast, Minimum Storage Ray/Triangle Intersection by Möller & Trumbore
158  http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/pubs/1997/MT97.pdf
159- Linear-Speed Vertex Cache Optimisation by Tom Forsyth
160  http://home.comcast.net/~tom_forsyth/papers/fast_vert_cache_opt.html
161- Software rasterization of triangles based on Chris Hecker's
162  Perspective Texture Mapping series in the Game Developer magazine
163  http://chrishecker.com/Miscellaneous_Technical_Articles
164- Networked Physics by Glenn Fiedler
165  http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/networked-physics/
166- Euler Angle Formulas by David Eberly
167  https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/EulerAngles.pdf
168- Red Black Trees by Julienne Walker
169  http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/tuts/datastructures/jsw_tut_rbtree.aspx
170- Comparison of several sorting algorithms by Juha Nieminen
171  http://warp.povusers.org/SortComparison/
173Urho3D uses the following third-party libraries:
174- AngelScript 2.31.2 (http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript)
175- Boost 1.64.0 (http://www.boost.org) - only used for AngelScript generic bindings
176- Box2D 2.3.2 WIP (http://box2d.org)
177- Bullet 2.86.1 (http://www.bulletphysics.org)
178- Civetweb 1.7 (https://github.com/civetweb/civetweb)
179- FreeType 2.8 (https://www.freetype.org)
180- GLEW 1.13.0 (http://glew.sourceforge.net)
181- jo_jpeg 1.52 (http://www.jonolick.com/uploads/7/9/2/1/7921194/jo_jpeg.cpp)
182- kNet (https://github.com/juj/kNet)
183- libcpuid 0.4.0 (https://github.com/anrieff/libcpuid)
184- Lua 5.1 (https://www.lua.org)
185- LuaJIT 2.1.0+ (http://www.luajit.org)
186- LZ4 1.7.5 (https://github.com/lz4/lz4)
187- MojoShader (https://icculus.org/mojoshader)
188- Mustache 1.0 (https://mustache.github.io, https://github.com/kainjow/Mustache)
189- nanodbc 2.12.4 (https://lexicalunit.github.io/nanodbc)
190- Open Asset Import Library 3.2 (http://assimp.sourceforge.net)
191- pugixml 1.7 (http://pugixml.org)
192- rapidjson 1.1.0 (https://github.com/miloyip/rapidjson)
193- Recast/Detour (https://github.com/memononen/recastnavigation)
194- SDL 2.0.5 (https://www.libsdl.org)
195- SQLite 3.18.0 (https://www.sqlite.org)
196- StanHull (https://codesuppository.blogspot.com/2006/03/john-ratcliffs-code-suppository-blog.html)
197- stb_image 2.12 (https://nothings.org)
198- stb_image_write 1.02 (https://nothings.org)
199- stb_rect_pack 0.08 (https://nothings.org)
200- stb_vorbis 1.09 (https://nothings.org)
201- tolua++ 1.0.93 (defunct - http://www.codenix.com/~tolua)
202- WebP (https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp)
204DXT / ETC1 / PVRTC decompression code based on the Squish library and the Oolong
206Jack and mushroom models from the realXtend project. (https://www.realxtend.org)
207Ninja model and terrain, water, smoke, flare and status bar textures from OGRE.
208BlueHighway font from Larabie Fonts.
209Anonymous Pro font by Mark Simonson.
210NinjaSnowWar sounds by Veli-Pekka Tätilä.
211PBR textures from Substance Share. (https://share.allegorithmic.com)
212IBL textures from HDRLab's sIBL Archive.
213Dieselpunk Moto model by allexandr007.
214Mutant & Kachujin models from Mixamo.
215License / copyright information included with the assets as necessary. All other assets (including shaders) by Urho3D authors and licensed similarly as the engine itself.
217## Documentation
218Urho3D classes have been sparsely documented using Doxygen notation. To
219generate documentation into the "Docs" subdirectory, open the Doxyfile in the
220"Docs" subdirectory with doxywizard and click "Run doxygen" from the "Run" tab.
221Get Doxygen from http://www.doxygen.org & Graphviz from http://www.graphviz.org.
222See section "Documentation build" below on how to automate documentation
223generation as part of the build process.
225The documentation is also available online at
226  https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/index.html
228Documentation on how to build Urho3D:
229  https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/_building.html
230Documentation on how to use Urho3D as external library
231  https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/_using_library.html
233Replace HEAD with a specific release version in the above links to obtain the
234documentation pertinent to the specified release. Alternatively, use the
235document-switcher in the documentation website to do so.
237## History
238The change history is available online at
239  https://urho3d.github.io/documentation/HEAD/_history.html