1#X3D V3.0 utf8
2PROFILE Immersive
5  outputOnly SFFloat fraction_changed
6  outputOnly SFRotation vl5_rotation_changed
7  outputOnly SFRotation l_hip_rotation_changed
8  outputOnly SFRotation r_hip_rotation_changed
9  outputOnly SFRotation l_knee_rotation_changed
10  outputOnly SFRotation r_knee_rotation_changed
11  outputOnly SFRotation l_ankle_rotation_changed
12  outputOnly SFRotation r_ankle_rotation_changed
13  outputOnly SFRotation thorax_rotation_changed
14  outputOnly SFRotation l_shoulder_rotation_changed
15  outputOnly SFRotation r_shoulder_rotation_changed
16  outputOnly SFRotation l_elbow_rotation_changed
17  outputOnly SFRotation r_elbow_rotation_changed
24DEF vl5 Transform {
25  center 0 1.440839 0
26  children [
27    DEF r_hip Transform {
28      rotation -0.993789 8.755671e-2 6.868960e-2 0.908082
29      translation 0.500000 0 0
30      center 0 1.221470 0
31      children [
32        Shape {
33          appearance Appearance {
34            material Material {
35            }
36          }
37          geometry Box {
38            size 0.536387 2.442940 0.951947
39          }
40        }
41        DEF l_knee Transform {
42          rotation 1 0 0 0.399629
43          translation 0 -2.422641 0
44          center 0 1.221470 0
45          children [
46            Shape {
47              appearance Appearance {
48                material Material {
49                }
50              }
51              geometry Box {
52                size 0.536387 2.442940 0.951947
53              }
54            }
55            DEF l_ankle Transform {
56              rotation -1 0 0 0.185271
57              translation -0.229003 -1.806411 0.482462
58              center 0 0 -0.515563
59              children
60                Shape {
61                  appearance Appearance {
62                    material Material {
63                    }
64                  }
65                  geometry Box {
66                    size 0.928830 0.791525 1.849375
67                  }
68                }
69            }
70          ]
71        }
72      ]
73    }
74    DEF l_hip Transform {
75      rotation -0.991857 -9.631909e-2 -8.332039e-2 0.888472
76      translation -0.500000 0 0
77      center 0 1.221470 0
78      children [
79        Shape {
80          appearance Appearance {
81            material Material {
82            }
83          }
84          geometry Box {
85            size 0.536387 2.442940 0.951947
86          }
87        }
88        DEF r_knee Transform {
89          rotation 1 0 0 1.030355
90          translation 0 -2.422641 0
91          center 0 1.221470 0
92          children [
93            Shape {
94              appearance Appearance {
95                material Material {
96                }
97              }
98              geometry Box {
99                size 0.536387 2.442940 0.951947
100              }
101            }
102            DEF r_ankle Transform {
103              rotation -1 0 0 0.234337
104              translation -0.229003 -1.806411 0.482462
105              center 0 0 -0.515563
106              children
107                Shape {
108                  appearance Appearance {
109                    material Material {
110                    }
111                  }
112                  geometry Box {
113                    size 0.928830 0.791525 1.849375
114                  }
115                }
116            }
117          ]
118        }
119      ]
120    }
121    DEF Transform1 Transform {
122      rotation 0 -0.707107 -0.707107 0.877259
123      translation -6.281046e-2 0.200000 0
124      children [
125        Shape {
126          appearance Appearance {
127            material Material {
128            }
129          }
130          geometry Box {
131            size 2.185481 0.833180 2
132          }
133        }
134        Transform {
135          translation 0 2.000806 -5.079650e-2
136          children [
137            Shape {
138              appearance Appearance {
139                material Material {
140                }
141              }
142              geometry Box {
143                size 1.417411 3.215056 1.533625
144              }
145            }
146            DEF l_shoulder Transform {
147              rotation 7.673684e-2 -0.729528 -0.679633 1.050908
148              translation 1.541875 1.445696 0
149              center -1.082546 0 0
150              children [
151                Shape {
152                  appearance Appearance {
153                    material Material {
154                    }
155                  }
156                  geometry Box {
157                    size 2.165092 0.576475 0.833508
158                  }
159                }
160                DEF l_elbow Transform {
161                  rotation -1 0 0 0.315536
162                  translation 2.128079 3.449835e-2 -0.175739
163                  center -1.021214 0 0.272269
164                  children
165                    Shape {
166                      appearance Appearance {
167                        material Material {
168                        }
169                      }
170                      geometry Box {
171                        size 2.042428 1.064517 0.989234
172                      }
173                    }
174                }
175              ]
176            }
177            DEF r_shoulder Transform {
178              rotation 0.128843 0.706584 0.695801 0.910781
179              translation -1.541875 1.445696 0
180              center 1.082546 0 0
181              children [
182                Shape {
183                  appearance Appearance {
184                    material Material {
185                    }
186                  }
187                  geometry Box {
188                    size 2.165092 0.576475 0.833508
189                  }
190                }
191                DEF r_elbow Transform {
192                  translation -2.032754 3.449835e-2 -0.175739
193                  center 1.021214 0 0.272269
194                  children
195                    Shape {
196                      appearance Appearance {
197                        material Material {
198                        }
199                      }
200                      geometry Box {
201                        size 2.042428 1.064517 0.989234
202                      }
203                    }
204                }
205              ]
206            }
207          ]
208        }
209      ]
210    }
211  ]
214ROUTE GEH_MESS1.l_ankle_rotation_changed TO l_ankle.set_rotation
215ROUTE GEH_MESS1.l_knee_rotation_changed TO l_knee.set_rotation
216ROUTE GEH_MESS1.r_hip_rotation_changed TO r_hip.set_rotation
217ROUTE GEH_MESS1.r_ankle_rotation_changed TO r_ankle.set_rotation
218ROUTE GEH_MESS1.r_knee_rotation_changed TO r_knee.set_rotation
219ROUTE GEH_MESS1.l_hip_rotation_changed TO l_hip.set_rotation
220ROUTE GEH_MESS1.l_elbow_rotation_changed TO l_elbow.set_rotation
221ROUTE GEH_MESS1.l_shoulder_rotation_changed TO l_shoulder.set_rotation
222ROUTE GEH_MESS1.r_elbow_rotation_changed TO r_elbow.set_rotation
223ROUTE GEH_MESS1.r_shoulder_rotation_changed TO r_shoulder.set_rotation
224ROUTE GEH_MESS1.vl5_rotation_changed TO Transform1.set_rotation