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READMEH A D18-Jul-20203.2 KiB7061

background_pure_white.wrlH A D18-Jul-20201.2 KiB4338

background_z_oriented.wrlH A D18-Jul-20201.2 KiB4135

non_convex_face.wrlH A D18-Jul-20201.3 KiB3531

proto_animation_error.wrlH A D18-Jul-20201.8 KiB118105

text_textured.wrlH A D18-Jul-20201.1 KiB3430

triangle_fan_strips_smoothing.x3dvH A D18-Jul-20202.6 KiB147139


3- elephant_smooth_triangle_set.x3dv is based on
4    https://openlibraries.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openlibraries/trunk/media/models/glittering.x3d
5  It was simplified by hand (to leave only simple IndexedTriangleSet
6  with coordIndex and Coordinates) and convertex to classic encoding
7  by view3dscene. OpenLibraries is under LGPL
8  (http://openlibraries.org/wiki/OpenLibraries,
9  https://openlibraries.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/openlibraries/trunk/COPYING)
10  so this example should also fall under LGPL.
12- test_texture.png based on this photo:
13  http://gimp-savvy.com/cgi-bin/img.cgi?ufwsMV1VJR1LXOE702
14  from Copyright-Free Photo Archive:
15  http://gimp-savvy.com/PHOTO-ARCHIVE/
16  Public domain.
18- Everything else by Michalis Kamburelis aka Kambi, VRML / X3D written by hand,
19  texture created in GIMP. Some of this is a subset of
20  [http://vrmlengine.sourceforge.net/kambi_vrml_test_suite.php].
21  Free to modify and redistribute under GNU GPL >= 2.
23So everything should be compatible with GPL 2.
25White_dune problems:
26- triangle_fan_strips_smoothing.x3dv: dune doesn't smooth normals on
27  [Indexed]TriangleFanSet and [Indexed]TriangleStripSet.
28- elephant_smooth_triangle_set.x3dv: like above (larger test,
29  and on IndexedTriangleSet).
30- cylinder_texture_mapping.wrl (the VRML 97 version) and
31  cylinder_texture_mapping_nosolid.x3dv (analogous test but with solid
32  field set to FALSE (Cylinder.solid field is available only since X3D)).
33  Problems:
34  - dune doesn't handle texture alpha channel
35  - VRML 97 version has texture stretched on the sides, it seems
36    applied two times in S direction.
37  - VRML 97 lacks texture on bottom and top caps.
38- background_z_oriented.wrl: dune doesn't rotate Background node.
39- background_pure_white.wrl: when you look around in dune, strange yellow-black
40  colored background appears. While background should clearly be just white,
41  proved by placing clear pure_white.png texture.
42  Strangely, the yellow color seems to come from
43  triangle's material color... (when you change it e.g. to red, the sky
44  also gets red...).
45- non_convex_face.wrl: dune doesn't handle non-convex faces.
46- text_textured.wrl: dune doesn't texture text.
48All screenshots were captured with view3dscene, so you can recreate them
49and investigate models by view3dscene. They show rendering correct with
50respect to X3D spec, assuming view3dscene and xj3d (yes, checked with xj3d
51everything here) are correct.
53As fas as I know, view3dscene (SVN as of today, 2008-08-03)
54results are correct for all of these models.
56(Xj3d notes: note that Xj3d also doesn't render it all perfectly,
57although it fails in other places and I'm pretty sure these are
58unrelated xj3d faults:
59- cylinder_texture_mapping_nosolid gets Z-order problems in Xj3d.
60  Most probably because they use blending for rendering.
61  (view3dscene detects simple yes/no alpha channel and uses alpha_test
62  for such textures, as alpha_test avoids Z order problems).
63- background_z_oriented has inverted zenith and groud direction
64  (seems they have a bug and treat skyAngle wrong, spec says clearly
65  it's an angle from the zenith). Anyway, it shows correctly that
66  groun-zenith are oriented on Z axis, so Background is correctly
67  rotated.
68- textured text doesn't seem to be supported by xj3d.