2%%  wings_vertex.erl --
4%%     This module contains utility functions for vertices.
6%%  Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Bjorn Gustavsson
8%%  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
9%%  of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11%%     $Id$
16	 fold/4,other/2,other_pos/3,
17	 until/4,until/5,
18	 center/1,center/2,
19	 bounding_box/1,bounding_box/2,bounding_box/3,
20	 normal/2,per_face/2,
21	 flatten/3,flatten/4,
22	 dissolve_isolated/2,
23	 connect/3,connect_cut/3,force_connect/4,
24	 pos/2,outer_vertices_ccw/2,reachable/2,
25	 isolated/1,edge_through/3,edge_through/4]).
30-import(lists, [member/2,foldl/3,reverse/1,sort/1]).
32-type vertex_num() :: non_neg_integer().
33-type edge_num() :: wings_edge:edge_num().
35%% from_faces(FaceGbSet, We) -> VertexList
36%%  Convert a set of faces to a list of vertices.
37from_faces(Fs, We) ->
38    wings_face:to_vertices(Fs, We).
40%% to_vertices(EdgeGbSet, We) -> VertexGbSet
41%%  Convert a set of edges to a set of vertices.
42from_edges(Es, We) ->
43    wings_edge:to_vertices(Es, We).
46%% Fold over all edges/faces surrounding a vertex.
49fold(F, Acc, V, #we{vc=Vct}=We) ->
50    Edge = array:get(V, Vct),
51    fold(F, Acc, V, Edge, We).
53fold(F, Acc0, V, Edge, #we{es=Etab}) ->
54    Acc = case array:get(Edge, Etab) of
55	      #edge{vs=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtpr=NextEdge}=E ->
56		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
57	      #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtsu=NextEdge}=E ->
58		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0)
59	  end,
60    fold(F, Acc, V, Other, NextEdge, Edge, Etab).
62fold(_F, Acc, _V, _Face, Last, Last, _Etab) -> Acc;
63fold(F, Acc0, V, Face, Edge, LastEdge, Etab) ->
64    Acc = case array:get(Edge, Etab) of
65	      #edge{vs=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtpr=NextEdge}=E ->
66		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
67	      #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtsu=NextEdge}=E ->
68		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
69	      #edge{vs=V,rf=Face,lf=Other,ltsu=NextEdge}=E ->
70		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
71	      #edge{ve=V,rf=Face,lf=Other,ltpr=NextEdge}=E ->
72		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0)
73	  end,
74    fold(F, Acc, V, Other, NextEdge, LastEdge, Etab).
77%% Fold over all edges/faces surrounding a vertex until the
78%% accumulator changes.
81until(F, Acc, V, #we{vc=Vct}=We) ->
82    Edge = array:get(V, Vct),
83    until(F, Acc, V, Edge, We).
85until(F, Acc, V, Edge, #we{es=Etab}) ->
86    #edge{lf=Face} = array:get(Edge, Etab),
87    until(F, Acc, V, Face, Edge, Edge, Etab, not_done).
89until(_F, Acc, _V, _Face, Last, Last, _Etab, done) -> Acc;
90until(F, Acc0, V, Face, Edge, LastEdge, Etab, _) ->
91    Acc = case array:get(Edge, Etab) of
92	      #edge{vs=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtpr=NextEdge}=E ->
93		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
94	      #edge{ve=V,lf=Face,rf=Other,rtsu=NextEdge}=E ->
95		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
96	      #edge{vs=V,rf=Face,lf=Other,ltsu=NextEdge}=E ->
97		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0);
98	      #edge{ve=V,rf=Face,lf=Other,ltpr=NextEdge}=E ->
99		  F(Edge, Face, E, Acc0)
100	  end,
101    if
102	Acc =:= Acc0 ->
103	    until(F, Acc, V, Other, NextEdge, LastEdge, Etab, done);
104	true -> Acc
105    end.
107%% other(Vertex, EdgeRecord) -> OtherVertex
108%%  Pick up the "other vertex" from an edge record.
109other(V, #edge{vs=V,ve=Other}) -> Other;
110other(V, #edge{ve=V,vs=Other}) -> Other.
112%% pos(Vertex, VtabOrWe) -> {X,Y,Z}
113%%  Return the three coordinates for a vertex.
114pos(V, #we{vp=Vtab}) ->
115    array:get(V, Vtab);
116pos(V, Vtab) ->
117    array:get(V, Vtab).
119%% other_pos(Vertex, EdgeRecord, VtabOrWe) -> {X,Y,Z}
120%%  Pick up the position for the "other vertex" from an edge record.
121other_pos(V, #edge{vs=V,ve=Other}, Tab) -> pos(Other, Tab);
122other_pos(V, #edge{ve=V,vs=Other}, Tab) -> pos(Other, Tab).
124%% center(We) -> {CenterX,CenterY,CenterZ}
125%%  Find the geometric center of a body.
126center(#we{vp=Vtab}=We) ->
127    Center = e3d_vec:average(array:sparse_to_list(Vtab)),
128    Flatten = wings_we:mirror_projection(We),
129    e3d_mat:mul_point(Flatten, Center).
131%% center(VertexGbSet, We) -> {CenterX,CenterY,CenterZ}
132%%  Find the geometric center of all vertices.
133center(Vs0, #we{vp=Vtab}) ->
134    Vs = if
135	     is_list(Vs0) -> Vs0;
136	     true -> gb_sets:to_list(Vs0)
137	 end,
138    center(Vs, Vtab);
139center(Vlist, Vtab) ->
140    Positions = foldl(fun(V, A) ->
141			      [pos(V, Vtab)|A]
142		      end, [], Vlist),
143    e3d_vec:average(Positions).
145bounding_box(We) ->
146    bounding_box(We, none).
148bounding_box(#we{vp=Vtab}=We, BB) ->
149    do_bounding_box(array:sparse_to_list(Vtab), We, BB);
150bounding_box(Vs, We) ->
151    bounding_box(Vs, We, none).
153bounding_box(Vs, We, BB) when is_list(Vs) ->
154    bounding_box_1(ordsets:from_list(Vs), We, BB);
155bounding_box(Vs, We, BB) ->
156    bounding_box(gb_sets:to_list(Vs), We, BB).
158bounding_box_1(Vs0, #we{vp=Vtab}=We, BB) ->
159    Vs1 = sofs:from_external(Vs0, [vertex]),
160    R = sofs:from_external(array:sparse_to_orddict(Vtab), [{vertex,data}]),
161    I = sofs:image(R, Vs1),
162    Vs = sofs:to_external(I),
163    do_bounding_box(Vs, We, BB).
165do_bounding_box(Vs, #we{mirror=none}, BB) ->
166    do_bounding_box_1(Vs, BB);
167do_bounding_box(Vs0, #we{}=We, BB) ->
168    Mtx = wings_we:mirror_projection(We),
169    Vs = foldl(fun(P0, A) ->
170		       P = e3d_mat:mul_point(Mtx, P0),
171		       [P,P0|A]
172	       end, [], Vs0),
173    do_bounding_box_1(Vs, BB).
175do_bounding_box_1(Vs, none) ->
176    e3d_vec:bounding_box(Vs);
177do_bounding_box_1(Vs, [Min,Max]) ->
178    e3d_vec:bounding_box([Min,Max|Vs]).
180%% normal(Vertex, We) -> Normal
181%%  Calculate the normal for a vertex (based on the normals for all
182%%  surrounding faces).
183normal(V, We) ->
184    Ns = fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) ->
185		      [wings_face:normal(Face, We)|A]
186	      end, [], V, We),
187    e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:add(Ns)).
189%% per_face(Vs, We) -> [{Face,[V]}]
190%%  Group vertices according to face.
191per_face(Vs, We) when is_list(Vs) ->
192    per_face(Vs, We, []);
193per_face(Vs, We) ->
194    per_face(gb_sets:to_list(Vs), We, []).
196per_face([V|Vs], We, Acc0) ->
197    Acc = fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) ->
198		       [{Face,V}|A]
199	       end, Acc0, V, We),
200    per_face(Vs, We, Acc);
201per_face([], _We, Acc) ->
202    R = sofs:relation(Acc),
203    F = sofs:relation_to_family(R),
204    sofs:to_external(F).
206%% flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, We) -> We'
207%%  Flatten vertices by projecting them to the given plane.
208flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, We) when is_list(Vs) ->
209    Center = wings_vertex:center(Vs, We),
210    flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, Center, We);
211flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, We) ->
212    flatten(gb_sets:to_list(Vs), PlaneNormal, We).
214flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, Center, #we{vp=Vtab0}=We0) when is_list(Vs) ->
215    Flatten = flatten_matrix(Center, PlaneNormal),
216    Vtab = foldl(fun(V, Tab0) ->
217			 flatten_move(V, Flatten, Tab0)
218		 end, Vtab0, Vs),
219    We = We0#we{vp=Vtab},
220    wings_we:mirror_flatten(We0, We);
221flatten(Vs, PlaneNormal, Center, We) ->
222    flatten(gb_sets:to_list(Vs), PlaneNormal, Center, We).
224flatten_matrix(Origin, PlaneNormal) ->
225    M0 = e3d_mat:translate(Origin),
226    M = e3d_mat:mul(M0, e3d_mat:project_to_plane(PlaneNormal)),
227    e3d_mat:mul(M, e3d_mat:translate(e3d_vec:neg(Origin))).
229flatten_move(V, Matrix, Vtab0) ->
230    Pos0 = array:get(V, Vtab0),
231    Pos = e3d_mat:mul_point(Matrix, Pos0),
232    array:set(V, Pos, Vtab0).
234%% dissolve_isolated_vs([Vertex], We) -> We'
235%%  Remove all isolated vertices ("winged vertices", or vertices
236%%  having exactly two edges).
237dissolve_isolated(Vs, We) ->
238    wings_edge:dissolve_isolated_vs(Vs, We).
240%% Connect vertices (which must share a face).
241connect(_Face, [_], We) -> We;
242connect(Face, Vs, #we{} = We0) ->
243    case polygon_pairs(Face, Vs, We0) of
244	no -> min_distance_pairs(Face, Vs, We0);
245	#we{} = We -> We
246    end.
248%% Connect Va to Vb, maybe through several faces.
249%% Return {#we{},gbset(Edges).
251-spec connect_cut(vertex_num(), vertex_num(), #we{}) ->
252                         {#we{},gb_sets:set(edge_num())}.
254connect_cut(VS0, VE0, #we{}=We0) when is_integer(VS0), is_integer(VE0) ->
255    CutPlane = calc_planes(VS0,VE0,We0),
256    ETree = collect_edges(CutPlane, ordsets:from_list([VS0, VE0]), We0),
257    try
258	CutEs = select_cut_edges(VS0, VE0, ETree, We0),
259	Cut = fun({edge, Ei, Pos, Face}, {WeAcc,AccVs}) ->
260		      {We1,Idx} = wings_edge:fast_cut(Ei, Pos, WeAcc),
261		      {We1, [Idx,Face|AccVs]};
262		 ({vertex,_,V,Face}, {WeAcc, AccVs}) ->
263		      {WeAcc, [V,Face|AccVs]}
264	      end,
265	{We2,Vs1} = lists:foldl(Cut, {We0, []}, CutEs),
266	connect_vs(Vs1, We2, [])
267    catch _:_Reason:_ST ->
268	    %% io:format("~p: ~p~n", [Reason, _ST]),
269	    wings_u:error_msg(?__(1, "Could not connect vertices."))
270    end.
272connect_vs([Va, Face|[Vb|_]=Vs], #we{next_id=Edge}=We0, Acc) ->
273    case edge_through(Va, Vb, Face, We0) of
274	none ->
275	    {We,_} = force_connect(Va, Vb, Face, We0),
276	    connect_vs(Vs, We, [Edge|Acc]);
277	Exist ->
278	    connect_vs(Vs, We0, [Exist|Acc])
279    end;
280connect_vs([_, undefined], We, Acc) ->
281    {We,gb_sets:from_list(Acc)}.
283path_length([V1|[V2|_]=Vs], We, Acc) ->
284    Dist = e3d_vec:dist(v(V1, We),v(V2, We)),
285    path_length(Vs, We, Dist + Acc);
286path_length([_], _, Acc) -> Acc.
288v({edge, _, Pos, _}, _We) -> Pos;
289v({vertex,_, V, _}, We) ->    pos(V, We).
291select_cut_edges(VS0, VE0, Es, We) ->
292    FS0 = wings_face:from_vs([VS0], We),
293    Start00 = wings_face:fold_faces(
294		fun(Face, V, _Edge, _E, _Acc) when V =:= VE0 ->
295			[{stop, Face}];
296		   (Face, _V, EdgeId, E, Acc) ->
297			case collect_cut_edge(Face, Es, EdgeId, E, Acc) of
298			    Acc -> Acc;
299			    [{vertex, _, V,_},{vertex,_,V,_}|_] -> Acc;
300			    [S1|Acc] -> [S1,Face|Acc]
301			end
302		end, [], FS0, We),
303    select_start_edges(filter_edges(Start00, []), VS0, VE0, Es, We).
305filter_edges([_,Face|[_,Face|_]=Start], Acc) ->
306    filter_edges(Start, Acc);
307filter_edges([EI,Face|Start], Acc) ->
308    filter_edges(Start, [Face,EI|Acc]);
309filter_edges([{stop,Face}|_], _) -> [{stop,Face}];
310filter_edges([], Acc) -> Acc.
312select_start_edges([{stop,Face}], VS0, VE0, _Es, _We) ->
313    [{vertex, undefined, VE0, undefined}, {vertex, undefined, VS0, Face}];
314select_start_edges([F1, S1], VS0, VE0, Es, We) when is_integer(F1) ->
315    case select_cut_edges_2(S1, VE0, Es, We, [{vertex,undefined,VS0, F1}]) of
316	fail -> throw(fail);
317	R1   -> [VE0|R1]
318    end;
319select_start_edges([F1, S1, F2, S2], VS0, VE0, Es, We) ->
320    R1 = select_cut_edges_2(S1, VE0, Es, We, [{vertex,undefined,VS0,F1}]),
321    R2 = select_cut_edges_2(S2, VE0, Es, We, [{vertex,undefined,VS0,F2}]),
322    case {R1, R2} of
323	{fail, fail} -> throw(fail);
324	{fail, R2} -> [{vertex,undefined,VE0,undefined}|R2];
325	{R1, fail} -> [{vertex,undefined,VE0,undefined}|R1];
326	_ ->
327	    Path1 = [{vertex,undefined,VE0,undefined}|R2],
328	    Path2 = [{vertex,undefined,VE0,undefined}|R1],
329	    case path_length(Path1, We, 0.0) < path_length(Path2, We, 0.0) of
330		true -> Path1;
331		false -> Path2
332	    end
333    end.
335select_cut_edges_2({stop,_Face}, _, _, _, CEs) ->
336    CEs;
337select_cut_edges_2({Type, Edge, VId, Face}=New, Stop, Es0, We, CEs) ->
338    Es = gb_trees:delete(Edge,Es0),
339    Next = wings_face:fold(fun(V, _EdgeId, _E, _Acc) when V =:= Stop ->
340				   [{stop,Face}];
341			      (_V, _EdgeId, _E, [{stop,_}]=Acc) -> Acc;
342			      (_V, EdgeId, E, Acc) ->
343				   collect_cut_edge(Face, Es, EdgeId, E, Acc)
344			   end, [fail], Face, We),
345    case {Type, CEs} of
346	{vertex, [{vertex, _, VId, _}|Acc]} -> %% Ignore already connect VId
347	    select_cut_edges_2(hd(Next), Stop, Es, We, [New|Acc]);
348	_ ->
349	    select_cut_edges_2(hd(Next), Stop, Es, We, [New|CEs])
350    end;
351select_cut_edges_2(fail, _, _, _, _) -> fail.
353collect_cut_edge(_Face, _Es, _Edge, _E, [stop]=R) -> R;
354collect_cut_edge(Face, Es, Edge, E, Acc) ->
355    case gb_trees:lookup(Edge, Es) of
356	none -> Acc;
357	{value,{reuse_vertex, V}} ->
358	    Next = wings_face:other(Face, E),
359	    [{vertex, Edge, V, Next}|Acc];
360	{value,Dist} ->
361	    Next = wings_face:other(Face, E),
362	    [{edge, Edge, Dist, Next}|Acc]
363    end.
365%% Collect all edges on the cut plane and calc edge cut distance
366collect_edges(Plane, Ignore, #we{es=Etab}=We) ->
367    Tol = 0.0001,
368    Filter =
369	fun(Ei, _Val, Acc) ->
370		#edge{vs=VS,ve=VE} = array:get(Ei,Etab),
371		Pt1 = wings_vertex:pos(VS,We),
372		Pt2 = wings_vertex:pos(VE,We),
373		S1 = e3d_vec:plane_side(Pt1, Plane),
374		S2 = e3d_vec:plane_side(Pt2, Plane),
375		D1 = abs(e3d_vec:plane_dist(Pt1, Plane)),
376		D2 = abs(e3d_vec:plane_dist(Pt2, Plane)),
377		if
378		    D1 < Tol ->
379			Add = D2 >= Tol andalso
380			    ordsets:is_disjoint(ordsets:from_list([VS,VE]),Ignore),
381			reuse_vertex(Add, VS, Ei, Acc);
382		    D2 < Tol ->
383			Add = D1 >= Tol andalso
384			    ordsets:is_disjoint(ordsets:from_list([VS,VE]),Ignore),
385			reuse_vertex(Add, VE, Ei, Acc);
386		    S1 =/= S2 ->
387			Dir = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:sub(Pt2,Pt1)),
388			Percent = D1/(D1+D2),
389			PtX = e3d_vec:add(Pt1, e3d_vec:mul(Dir, Percent*wings_edge:length(Ei,We))),
390			gb_trees:enter(Ei,PtX,Acc);
391		    true ->
392			Acc
393		end
394	end,
395    array:sparse_foldl(Filter, gb_trees:empty(), Etab).
397reuse_vertex(false, _, _Ei, Acc) ->
398    Acc;
399reuse_vertex(true, VS, Ei, Acc) ->
400    gb_trees:enter(Ei,{reuse_vertex, VS}, Acc).
402calc_planes(VS0, VE0, We) ->
403    P1  = wings_vertex:pos(VS0,We),
404    P2  = wings_vertex:pos(VE0,We),
405    Vec = e3d_vec:norm(e3d_vec:sub(P2, P1)),
406    Mid = e3d_vec:average(P1, P2),
407    N1 = wings_vertex:normal(VS0,We),
408    N2 = wings_vertex:normal(VE0, We),
409    AverN = e3d_vec:average(N1, N2),
410    Wanted = [N || N <- [AverN, N1, N2],
411		   e3d_vec:len(N) > 0.0001,
412		   abs(e3d_vec:dot(Vec, N)) < 0.9999],
413    Normal = case Wanted of
414		 [N|_] -> N;
415		 [] ->
416		     {X,Y,Z} = Vec,
417		     if abs(X) < abs(Z), abs(Y) < abs(Z) -> {1.0, 0.0, 0.0};
418			abs(Z) < abs(X), abs(Y) < abs(X) -> {0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
419			true -> {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}
420		     end
421	     end,
422    e3d_vec:plane(Mid, e3d_vec:cross(Vec,Normal)).
425%% Create pairs by walking the edge of the face. If we can connect
426%% all selected vertices for the face we are done. The result will
427%% be a polygon.
429%% +----*----+
430%% |   / \   |
431%% |  /	  \  |	     * = Selected vertices
432%% | /     \ |	     + = Unselected vertices
433%% |/  	    \|
434%% *         *
435%% |\  	    /|
436%% | \ 	   / |
437%% |  \	  /  |
438%% |   \ /   |
439%% +----*----+
441polygon_pairs(Face, Vs, We0) ->
442    ?ASSERT(length(Vs) > 1),
443    Iter = wings_face:iterator(Face, We0),
444    {Vstart,_,_,_} = wings_face:next_cw(Iter),
445    case pp_make_pairs(Iter, Vs, Vstart, []) of
446	[Va,Vb] ->
447	    case try_connect({Va,Vb}, Face, We0) of
448		no -> We0;
449		{We,_} -> We
450	    end;
451	Pairs -> polygon_pairs_1(Pairs, Face, Pairs, We0)
452    end.
454polygon_pairs_1([Va|[Vb|_]=T], Face, Pairs, We0) ->
455    case try_connect({Va,Vb}, Face, We0) of
456	no -> no;
457	{We,_} -> polygon_pairs_1(T, Face, Pairs, We)
458    end;
459polygon_pairs_1([Va], Face, [Vb|_], We) ->
460    polygon_pairs_1([Va,Vb], Face, [], We);
461polygon_pairs_1([_], _, [], We) -> We.
463pp_make_pairs(Iter0, Vs, Vstart, Acc) ->
464    case wings_face:next_cw(Iter0) of
465	{Vstart,_,_,_} when Acc =/= [] ->
466	    reverse(Acc);
467	{V,_,_,Iter} ->
468	    case member(V, Vs) of
469		false -> pp_make_pairs(Iter, Vs, Vstart, Acc);
470		true -> pp_make_pairs(Iter, Vs, Vstart, [V|Acc])
471	    end
472    end.
474%% If polygon_pairs/3 failed, we search for the two
475%% vertices which are nearest each other. We try to connect,
476%% then repeat the search in both the original face and the
477%% the newly created face. We continue until no more connections
478%% are possible. Two vertices that have been connected cannot be
479%% connected again (in the same face).
481%% +-----+
482%% |	 |   * = Selected vertices
483%% *-----*   + = Non-selected vertices
484%% |	 |
485%% |	 |
486%% *-----*
487%% |	 |
488%% |	 |
489%% *-----*
490%% |	 |
491%% +-----+
494min_distance_pairs(Face, Vs, We) ->
495    min_distance_pairs_1(gb_sets:singleton(Face), ordsets:from_list(Vs), We).
497min_distance_pairs_1(Faces0, Vs0, We0) ->
498    case gb_sets:is_empty(Faces0) of
499	true -> We0;
500	false ->
501	    {Face,Faces1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Faces0),
502	    case nearest_pair_smart(Face, Vs0, We0) of  % dgud
503		no ->
504		    case nearest_pair(Face, Vs0, We0) of
505			no ->
506			    min_distance_pairs_1(Faces1, Vs0, We0);
507			{{Va,Vb},{We,NewFace}} ->
508			    Faces = gb_sets:insert(NewFace, Faces0),
509			    Vs = ordsets:subtract(Vs0, ordsets:from_list([Va,Vb])),
510			    min_distance_pairs_1(Faces, Vs, We)
511		    end;
512		{{Va,Vb},{We,NewFace}} ->
513		    Faces = gb_sets:insert(NewFace, Faces0),
514		    Vs = ordsets:subtract(Vs0, ordsets:from_list([Va,Vb])),
515		    min_distance_pairs_1(Faces, Vs, We)
516	    end
517    end.
519%% Don't go for position distance - use the topological distance instead.
520%% Hopefully fixes this problem:
521%%     A  B  C
522%%  +__*_ *__*_+
523%%   \       |  \
524%%    \      |   \
525%%     \      |   \
526%%      \     |    \
527%%       \    |     \
528%%        \   |      \
529%%         +--*--*--*-+
530%%            D  E  F
531%%  What we do is to try connecting each selected vertex to the
532%%  next selected vertex near it. For instance, we might try the following
533%%  connections: A-B, B-C, C-D... The first two connections will be
534%%  discarded because the resulting new faces do not have defined
535%%  normals. The connection C-D will succeed.
537nearest_pair_smart(Face, AllVs, We) ->
538    FaceVs = wings_face:vertices_ccw(Face, We),
539    Vs0    = ordsets:from_list(FaceVs),
540    Vs     = ordsets:intersection(Vs0, AllVs),
541    nearest_pair_smart_1(FaceVs, Vs, Face, We, []).
543%% If we knew that the intersection was stable this step wouldn't be needed.
544nearest_pair_smart_1([V|Vs], Sel, Face, We, Acc) ->
545    case ordsets:is_element(V, Sel) of
546	true ->
547	    nearest_pair_smart_1(Vs, Sel, Face, We, [V|Acc]);
548	false ->
549	    nearest_pair_smart_1(Vs, Sel, Face, We, Acc)
550    end;
551nearest_pair_smart_1([], _, Face, We, Acc=[Last|_]) when length(Acc) > 1 ->
552    connect_pairs([Last|reverse(Acc)],Face,We);
553nearest_pair_smart_1([], _, _, _, _) ->
554    no.
556nearest_pair(Face, AllVs, #we{vp=Vtab}=We) ->
557    Vs0 = ordsets:from_list(wings_face:vertices_ccw(Face, We)),
558    Vs = ordsets:intersection(Vs0, AllVs),
559    VsPos = [{V,array:get(V, Vtab)} || V <- Vs],
560    nearest_pair(VsPos, Face, We, []).
562nearest_pair([{V,Pos}|VsPos], Face, We, Acc0) ->
563    Acc = nearest_pair_1(VsPos, V, Pos, Acc0),
564    nearest_pair(VsPos, Face, We, Acc);
565nearest_pair([], Face, We, Acc) ->
566    connect_pairs(sort(Acc), Face, We).
568nearest_pair_1([{Vb,PosB}|VsPos], Va, PosA, Acc) ->
569    Dist = e3d_vec:dist(PosA, PosB),
570    nearest_pair_1(VsPos, Va, PosA, [{Dist,{Va,Vb}}|Acc]);
571nearest_pair_1([], _, _, Acc) -> Acc.
573connect_pairs([{_,Pair}|Pairs], Face, We0) ->
574    case try_connect(Pair, Face, We0) of
575	no -> connect_pairs(Pairs, Face, We0);
576	{_,_}=Res -> {Pair,Res}
577    end;
578%% <dgud
579connect_pairs([Va,Vb|Pairs], Face, We0) ->
580    Pair = {Va,Vb},
581    case try_connect(Pair, Face, We0) of
582	no -> connect_pairs([Vb|Pairs], Face, We0);
583	{_,_}=Res -> {Pair,Res}
584    end;
585connect_pairs([_], _, _) -> no;
586%% dgud>
587connect_pairs([], _, _) -> no.
589try_connect({Va,Vb}, Face, We) ->
590    %% Do not try to connect if there is an edge from Va to Vb in this face.
591    case edge_through(Va, Vb, Face, We) of
592	none -> try_connect_1(Va, Vb, Face, We);
593	_ -> no
594    end.
596try_connect_1(Va, Vb, Face, We0) ->
597    {We,NewFace} = Res = force_connect(Va, Vb, Face, We0),
599    %% It is crucial that we reject long thin faces, such as
600    %%
601    %%   A
602    %%   |
603    %%   |
604    %%   C
605    %%   |
606    %%   |
607    %%   B
608    %%
609    %% (where the edges are A-C, C-B, and B-A), since the
610    %% Connect command for vertices will try many combinations
611    %% of pair of vertices if the user has selected more than two
612    %% vertices.
613    case wings_face:is_thin(Face, We) orelse
614	wings_face:is_thin(NewFace, We) of
615	true -> no;
616	false -> Res
617    end.
619%% force_connect(Vstart, Vend, Face, We0) -> We
620%%  Create a new edge between the vertices Vstart and Vend
621%%  in face Face, also creating a new face.
623%%  The edges between Vstart and Vend (in the clockwise direction)
624%%  and the left side of the new edge will belong to the new face.
626force_connect(Vstart, Vend, Face, #we{es=Etab0,fs=Ftab0}=We0) ->
627    All = wings_face:vertices_ccw(Face, We0),
628    true = lists:member(Vstart, All) andalso lists:member(Vend, All),
629    {NewFace,We1} = wings_we:new_ids(1, We0),
630    NewEdge = NewFace,
631    NeRec0 = #edge{vs=Vstart,ve=Vend,lf=NewFace,rf=Face},
633    Iter0 = wings_face:iterator(Face, We1),
634    Iter1 = wings_face:skip_to_cw(Vstart, Iter0),
635    {_,_,_,Iter2} = wings_face:next_ccw(Iter1),
636    {Etab1,NeRec1,Iter3} = connect_1(Iter2, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab0),
637    {Etab2,NeRec2} = connect_2(Iter3, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec1, Etab1),
638    {Etab3,Iter} = connect_3(Iter3, Face, Vend, NewFace, Etab2),
639    Etab = connect_4(Iter, Vend, NewEdge, NeRec2, Etab3),
641    Ftab1 = gb_trees:insert(NewFace, NewEdge, Ftab0),
642    Ftab = gb_trees:update(Face, NewEdge, Ftab1),
643    Mat = wings_facemat:face(Face, We1),
644    We2 = We1#we{es=Etab,fs=Ftab},
646    LeftAttr = wings_va:vtx_attrs(Vstart, Face, We0),
647    RightAttr = wings_va:vtx_attrs(Vend, Face, We0),
648    We = wings_va:set_both_edge_attrs(NewEdge, LeftAttr, RightAttr, We2),
650    {wings_facemat:assign(Mat, [NewFace], We),NewFace}.
652%% connect_1(Iter0, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab0) -> {Etab,NeRec,Iter}
653%%  Connect the edge immediately before Vstart.
654connect_1(Iter0, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab) ->
655    case wings_face:next_cw(Iter0) of
656	{_,Edge,#edge{ve=Vstart}=Rec0,Iter} ->
657	    NeRec = NeRec0#edge{rtpr=Edge},
658	    Rec = Rec0#edge{rtsu=NewEdge};
659	{_,Edge,#edge{vs=Vstart}=Rec0,Iter} ->
660	    NeRec = NeRec0#edge{rtpr=Edge},
661	    Rec = Rec0#edge{ltsu=NewEdge}
662    end,
663    {array:set(Edge, Rec, Etab),NeRec,Iter}.
665%% connect_2(Iter0, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab) -> {Etab,NeRec}
666%%  Connect the edge immediately after Vstart.
667connect_2(Iter, Vstart, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab) ->
668    case wings_face:next_cw(Iter) of
669	{_,Edge,#edge{vs=Vstart}=Rec0,_} ->
670	    NeRec = NeRec0#edge{ltsu=Edge},
671	    Rec = Rec0#edge{rtpr=NewEdge};
672	{_,Edge,#edge{ve=Vstart}=Rec0,_} ->
673	    NeRec = NeRec0#edge{ltsu=Edge},
674	    Rec = Rec0#edge{ltpr=NewEdge}
675    end,
676    {array:set(Edge, Rec, Etab),NeRec}.
678%% connect_3(Iter, Face, Vend, NewFace, Etab0) -> {Etab,Iter}
679%%  Replace the face for all edges between Vstart and Vend.
680%%  The returned iterator points to the edge immediately before Vend.
681connect_3(Iter0, Face, Vend, NewFace, Etab0) ->
682    {_,Edge,_,Iter} = wings_face:next_cw(Iter0),
684    %% Ignore the record returned by the iterator, because it
685    %% is stale for the edge that was updated by connect_2/5.
686    Rec = case array:get(Edge, Etab0) of
687	      #edge{lf=Face}=Rec0 -> Rec0#edge{lf=NewFace};
688	      #edge{rf=Face}=Rec0 -> Rec0#edge{rf=NewFace}
689	  end,
690    Etab = array:set(Edge, Rec, Etab0),
691    case Rec of
692	#edge{vs=Vend} -> {Etab,Iter0};
693	#edge{ve=Vend} -> {Etab,Iter0};
694	_Other -> connect_3(Iter, Face, Vend, NewFace, Etab)
695    end.
697%% connect_4(Iter, Vend, NewEdge, NeRec, Etab0) -> Etab
698%%  Patches the final two edges.
699connect_4(Iter0, Vend, NewEdge, NeRec0, Etab0) ->
700    {_,Edge,_,Iter} = wings_face:next_cw(Iter0),
701    Rec = case array:get(Edge, Etab0) of
702	      #edge{ve=Vend}=Rec0 ->
703		  NeRec1 = NeRec0#edge{ltpr=Edge},
704		  Rec0#edge{rtsu=NewEdge};
705	      #edge{vs=Vend}=Rec0 ->
706		  NeRec1 = NeRec0#edge{ltpr=Edge},
707		  Rec0#edge{ltsu=NewEdge}
708	  end,
709    Etab1 = array:set(Edge, Rec, Etab0),
711    %% Now for the final edge.
712    FinalRec = case wings_face:next_cw(Iter) of
713		   {_,Final,#edge{vs=Vend}=FinalRec0,_} ->
714		       NeRec = NeRec1#edge{rtsu=Final},
715		       FinalRec0#edge{rtpr=NewEdge};
716		   {_,Final,#edge{ve=Vend}=FinalRec0,_} ->
717		       NeRec = NeRec1#edge{rtsu=Final},
718		       FinalRec0#edge{ltpr=NewEdge}
719	       end,
720    Etab = array:set(Final, FinalRec, Etab1),
721    array:set(NewEdge, NeRec, Etab).
723%% outer_vertices_ccw(Faces, We) -> [V] | error
724%%  Faces (non-empty list or gb_set) must comprise a single face region
725%%  (each face must share at least one edge with another face in the
726%%  region). This functions returns a list of the outer vertices,
727%%  ordered in CCW order. (Useful for calculating the normal for
728%%  an edge loop, for instance.) The return value is 'error' if
729%%  the faces don't comprise a single region.
731outer_vertices_ccw(Faces, We) when is_list(Faces) ->
732    collect_outer_edges(Faces, gb_sets:from_list(Faces), We, []);
733outer_vertices_ccw(Faces, We) ->
734    collect_outer_edges(gb_sets:to_list(Faces), Faces, We, []).
736collect_outer_edges([Face|Fs], Faces, We, Acc0) ->
737    Acc = wings_face:fold(
738	    fun(_, _, Erec, A) ->
739		    outer_edge(Erec, Face, Faces, A)
740	    end, Acc0, Face, We),
741    collect_outer_edges(Fs, Faces, We, Acc);
743collect_outer_edges([], _Faces, _We, []) ->
744    error;
746collect_outer_edges([], _Faces, _We, Acc) ->
747    R = sofs:relation(Acc),
748    F0 = sofs:relation_to_family(R),
749    [{Va,Info}|F] = sofs:to_external(F0),
750    order_edges(Va, Info, gb_trees:from_orddict(F), []).
752outer_edge(Erec, Face, Faces, Acc) ->
753    {V,OtherV,OtherFace} =
754	case Erec of
755	    #edge{vs=Vs,ve=Ve,lf=Face,rf=Other0} ->
756		{Vs,Ve,Other0};
757	    #edge{vs=Vs,ve=Ve,rf=Face,lf=Other0} ->
758		{Ve,Vs,Other0}
759	end,
760    case gb_sets:is_member(OtherFace, Faces) of
761	true -> Acc;				%Not an outer edge.
762	false -> [{V,{V,OtherV}}|Acc]
763    end.
765order_edges(Va, [{Va,Vb}], Es0, Acc0) ->
766    Acc = [Va|Acc0],
767    case gb_trees:lookup(Vb, Es0) of
768	none ->
769	    %% We have collected all outer vertices for one
770	    %% face region. We are done unless more edges remain
771	    %% (which is an error).
772	    case gb_trees:is_empty(Es0) of
773		true -> Acc;
774		false -> error
775	    end;
776	{value,Val} ->
777	    Es = gb_trees:delete(Vb, Es0),
778	    order_edges(Vb, Val, Es, Acc)
779    end;
780order_edges(_, [_,_|_], _, _) ->
781    %% Two face regions are connected by a single vertex.
782    error.
784%% reachable([Vertex], We) -> [ReachableVertex]
785%%  Returns a list of the vertices that can be reached by following
786%%  edges from the given list of vertices.
787reachable(Vs0, #we{es=Etab,vc=Vct}) when is_list(Vs0) ->
788    Es0 = foldl(fun(V, A) ->
789			[array:get(V, Vct)|A]
790		end, [], Vs0),
791    Es1 = gb_sets:from_list(Es0),
792    Es = reachable_edges(Es1, Etab, gb_trees:empty()),
793    Vs = foldl(fun(#edge{vs=Va,ve=Vb}, A) ->
794		       [Va,Vb|A]
795	       end, [], gb_trees:values(Es)),
796    ordsets:from_list(Vs).
798reachable_edges(Ws0, Etab, Reachable0) ->
799    case gb_sets:is_empty(Ws0) of
800	true -> Reachable0;
801	false ->
802	    {Edge,Ws1} = gb_sets:take_smallest(Ws0),
803	    Rec = array:get(Edge, Etab),
804	    Reachable = gb_trees:insert(Edge, Rec, Reachable0),
805	    #edge{ltpr=LP,ltsu=LS,rtpr=RP,rtsu=RS} = Rec,
806	    reachable_edges_1([LP,LS,RP,RS], Etab, Ws1, Reachable)
807    end.
809reachable_edges_1([E|Es], Etab, Ws, Reachable) ->
810    case gb_trees:is_defined(E, Reachable) of
811	true ->
812	    reachable_edges_1(Es, Etab, Ws, Reachable);
813	false ->
814	    reachable_edges_1(Es, Etab, gb_sets:add(E, Ws), Reachable)
815    end;
816reachable_edges_1([], Etab, Ws, Reachable) ->
817    reachable_edges(Ws, Etab, Reachable).
819%% isolated(We) -> GbSet
820%%  Returns a list containing all isolated vertices in We.
822isolated(#we{vp=Vtab}=We) ->
823    Vs0 = foldl(fun(V, A) ->
824			isolated_1(V, We, A)
825		end, [], wings_util:array_keys(Vtab)),
826    Vs1 = sofs:relation(Vs0),
827    Fs0 = sofs:domain(Vs1),
828    Fs = sofs:to_external(Fs0),
829    StableFaces = sofs:set(stable_faces(Fs, We)),
830    Vs = sofs:image(Vs1, StableFaces),
831    sofs:to_external(Vs).
833isolated_1(V, We, Acc) ->
834    Fs = fold(fun(_, Face, _, A) ->
835		      [Face|A]
836	      end, [], V, We),
837    case Fs of
838	[A,B] -> [{A,V},{B,V}|Acc];
839	[_|_] -> Acc
840    end.
842%% stable_faces(Faces, We) -> StableFaces
843%%  Returns a list of the stable faces. Stable faces have at least
844%%  three corner vertices (vertices with 3 or more neighboring edges),
845%%  meaning that the face will not collapse if any vertices with only
846%%  two edges are removed from it.
848stable_faces(Fs, We) ->
849    stable_faces(Fs, We, []).
851stable_faces([F|Fs], We, Acc) ->
852    case is_face_stable(F, We) of
853	true -> stable_faces(Fs, We, [F|Acc]);
854	false -> stable_faces(Fs, We, Acc)
855    end;
856stable_faces([], _, Acc) -> Acc.
858is_face_stable(Face, We) ->
859    Vs = wings_face:vertices_ccw(Face, We),
860    is_face_stable_1(Vs, We, 0).
862is_face_stable_1([V|Vs], We, N) ->
863    case is_corner(V, We) of
864	true -> is_face_stable_1(Vs, We, N+1);
865	false -> is_face_stable_1(Vs, We, N)
866    end;
867is_face_stable_1([], _, N) -> N >= 3.
869is_corner(V, We) ->
870    N = fold(fun(_, _, _, A) -> A+1 end, 0, V, We),
871    N >= 3.
873%% edge_through(Vertex1, Vertex1, Face, We) -> Edge|none
874%%  Returns the edge number of the edge between Vertex1 and Vertex2
875%%  in the given face (if there is one).
876edge_through(Va, Vb, Face, We) ->
877    foldl(fun({Edge,Lf,Rf}, A) ->
878		  case Face of
879		      Lf -> Edge;
880		      Rf -> Edge;
881		      _ -> A
882		  end
883	  end, none, edge_through(Va, Vb, We)).
885%% edge_through(Vertex1, Vertex1, We) -> [{Edge,LeftFace,RightFace}]
886%%  Returns edge number and faces number for all edges between
887%%  Vertex1 and Vertex2.
888edge_through(Va, Vb, We) ->
889    fold(fun(Edge, _, #edge{lf=Lf,rf=Rf}=Rec, A) ->
890		 case other(Va, Rec) of
891		     Vb -> [{Edge,Lf,Rf}|A];
892		     _ -> A
893		 end
894	 end, [], Va, We).