1 /* Palette-manipulation functions functions for xcftools
2  *
3  * This file was written by Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net>
4  * It is hereby in the public domain.
5  *
6  * In jurisdictions that do not recognise grants of copyright to the
7  * public domain: I, the author and (presumably, in those jurisdictions)
8  * copyright holder, hereby permit anyone to distribute and use this code,
9  * in source code or binary form, with or without modifications. This
10  * permission is world-wide and irrevocable.
11  *
12  * Of course, I will not be liable for any errors or shortcomings in the
13  * code, since I give it away without asking any compenstations.
14  *
15  * If you use or distribute this code, I would appreciate receiving
16  * credit for writing it, in whichever way you find proper and customary.
17  */
19 #ifndef PALETTE_H
20 #define PALETTE_H
22 #include "xcftools.h"
23 #include "pixels.h"
25 #define MAX_PALETTE 256
26 extern rgba palette[MAX_PALETTE] ;
27 extern unsigned paletteSize ;
29 typedef uint8_t index_t ;
31 void init_palette_hash(void);
33 /* lookup_or_intern() returns a negative number if there is no room
34  * for the color in the palette.
35  */
36 int lookup_or_intern(rgba color);
38 /* palettify_row will convert a row of 'rgba' values into a packed row
39  * of 'uint8_t' indces. If it succeeds without running out of colormap
40  * entries, it returns nonzero. On the other hand if it does run out
41  * of colormap entries it returns zero _and_ undoes the conversions
42  * already done, so that the row is still a full row of 'rgba' values
43  * afterwards.
44  */
45 int palettify_row(rgba *row,unsigned ncols);
47 /* palettify_rows is like palettify_rows, but works on several
48  * rows at a time.
49  */
50 int palettify_rows(rgba *rows[],unsigned ncols,unsigned nlines);
52 #endif /* PALETTE_H */