1# $EPIC: killpath,v 1.2 2000/10/03 23:04:59 jnelson Exp $
3   load killpath
6   This script primarily redefines how KILL messages (operator and server
7   kills) are displayed.  It filters out most of the generally unimportant
8   information (i.e. the kill path) to make the message more readable.
10See Also:
11   kill(3); kpstat(8); load(5); on(5) 436, server_notice
13Other Notes:
14   This script has been maintained and modified by numerous people over the
15   years.  The original was by YeggMan.  Matthew Green (phone) modified it
16   for compatibility with the then-new ircII 2.2.x clients, and Nicolas
17   Pioch (Nap), pioch@poly.polytechnique.fr, made modifications for the
18   then-new 2.7.x series of servers.  Ian Frechette (Daemon) later
19   simplified it, and Jeremy Nelson (hop), jnelson@acronet.net, further
20   simplified it for EPIC, such that it now has more lines of comments and
21   credits than actual code.