1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2  * Copyright (c) 2003-2012 by AG-Software 											 *
3  * All Rights Reserved.																 *
4  * Contact information for AG-Software is available at http://www.ag-software.de	 *
5  *																					 *
6  * Licence:																			 *
7  * The agsXMPP SDK is released under a dual licence									 *
8  * agsXMPP can be used under either of two licences									 *
9  * 																					 *
10  * A commercial licence which is probably the most appropriate for commercial 		 *
11  * corporate use and closed source projects. 										 *
12  *																					 *
13  * The GNU Public License (GPL) is probably most appropriate for inclusion in		 *
14  * other open source projects.														 *
15  *																					 *
16  * See README.html for details.														 *
17  *																					 *
18  * For general enquiries visit our website at:										 *
19  * http://www.ag-software.de														 *
20  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
22 using System;
24 using agsXMPP.Xml.Dom;
26 namespace agsXMPP.protocol
27 {
28     /*
29         <stream:error>
30           <defined-condition xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'/>
31           <text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams'
32                 xml:lang='langcode'>
33             OPTIONAL descriptive text
34           </text>
35           [OPTIONAL application-specific condition element]
36         </stream:error>
37     */
39     /*
40         RFC 4.7.3.  Defined Conditions
42         The following stream-level error conditions are defined:
44         * <bad-format/> -- the entity has sent XML that cannot be processed; this error MAY be used instead of the more specific XML-related errors, such as <bad-namespace-prefix/>, <invalid-xml/>, <restricted-xml/>, <unsupported-encoding/>, and <xml-not-well-formed/>, although the more specific errors are preferred.
45         * <bad-namespace-prefix/> -- the entity has sent a namespace prefix that is unsupported, or has sent no namespace prefix on an element that requires such a prefix (see XML Namespace Names and Prefixes (XML Namespace Names and Prefixes)).
46         * <conflict/> -- the server is closing the active stream for this entity because a new stream has been initiated that conflicts with the existing stream.
47         * <connection-timeout/> -- the entity has not generated any traffic over the stream for some period of time (configurable according to a local service policy).
48         * <host-gone/> -- the value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header corresponds to a hostname that is no longer hosted by the server.
49         * <host-unknown/> -- the value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header does not correspond to a hostname that is hosted by the server.
50         * <improper-addressing/> -- a stanza sent between two servers lacks a 'to' or 'from' attribute (or the attribute has no value).
51         * <internal-server-error/> -- the server has experienced a misconfiguration or an otherwise-undefined internal error that prevents it from servicing the stream.
52         * <invalid-from/> -- the JID or hostname provided in a 'from' address does not match an authorized JID or validated domain negotiated between servers via SASL or dialback, or between a client and a server via authentication and resource binding.
53         * <invalid-id/> -- the stream ID or dialback ID is invalid or does not match an ID previously provided.
54         * <invalid-namespace/> -- the streams namespace name is something other than "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" or the dialback namespace name is something other than "jabber:server:dialback" (see XML Namespace Names and Prefixes (XML Namespace Names and Prefixes)).
55         * <invalid-xml/> -- the entity has sent invalid XML over the stream to a server that performs validation (see Validation (Validation)).
56         * <not-authorized/> -- the entity has attempted to send data before the stream has been authenticated, or otherwise is not authorized to perform an action related to stream negotiation; the receiving entity MUST NOT process the offending stanza before sending the stream error.
57         * <policy-violation/> -- the entity has violated some local service policy; the server MAY choose to specify the policy in the <text/> element or an application-specific condition element.
58         * <remote-connection-failed/> -- the server is unable to properly connect to a remote entity that is required for authentication or authorization.
59         * <resource-constraint/> -- the server lacks the system resources necessary to service the stream.
60         * <restricted-xml/> -- the entity has attempted to send restricted XML features such as a comment, processing instruction, DTD, entity reference, or unescaped character (see Restrictions (Restrictions)).
61         * <see-other-host/> -- the server will not provide service to the initiating entity but is redirecting traffic to another host; the server SHOULD specify the alternate hostname or IP address (which MUST be a valid domain identifier) as the XML character data of the <see-other-host/> element.
62         * <system-shutdown/> -- the server is being shut down and all active streams are being closed.
63         * <undefined-condition/> -- the error condition is not one of those defined by the other conditions in this list; this error condition SHOULD be used only in conjunction with an application-specific condition.
64         * <unsupported-encoding/> -- the initiating entity has encoded the stream in an encoding that is not supported by the server (see Character Encoding (Character Encoding)).
65         * <unsupported-stanza-type/> -- the initiating entity has sent a first-level child of the stream that is not supported by the server.
66         * <unsupported-version/> -- the value of the 'version' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header specifies a version of XMPP that is not supported by the server; the server MAY specify the version(s) it supports in the <text/> element.
67         * <xml-not-well-formed/> -- the initiating entity has sent XML that is not well-formed as defined by [XML] (Bray, T., Paoli, J., Sperberg-McQueen, C., and E. Maler, �Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2nd ed),� October 2000.).
69     */
71     public enum StreamErrorCondition
72     {
73         /// <summary>
74         /// unknown error condition
75         /// </summary>
76         UnknownCondition        = -1,
79         /// <summary>
80         /// the entity has sent XML that cannot be processed; this error MAY be used instead of the more specific XML-related errors, such as &lt;bad-namespace-prefix/&gt;, &lt;invalid-xml/&gt;, &lt;restricted-xml/&gt;, &lt;unsupported-encoding/&gt;, and &lt;xml-not-well-formed/&gt;, although the more specific errors are preferred.
81         /// </summary>
82         BadFormat,
84         /// <summary>
85         /// the entity has sent a namespace prefix that is unsupported, or has sent no namespace prefix on an element that requires such a prefix (see XML Namespace Names and Prefixes (XML Namespace Names and Prefixes)).
86         /// </summary>
87         BadNamespacePrefix,
89         /// <summary>
90         /// the server is closing the active stream for this entity because a new stream has been initiated that conflicts with the existing stream.
91         /// </summary>
92         Conflict,
94         /// <summary>
95         /// the entity has not generated any traffic over the stream for some period of time (configurable according to a local service policy).
96         /// </summary>
97         ConnectionTimeout,
99         /// <summary>
100         /// the value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header corresponds to a hostname that is no longer hosted by the server.
101         /// </summary>
102         HostGone,
104         /// <summary>
105         /// the value of the 'to' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header does not correspond to a hostname that is hosted by the server.
106         /// </summary>
107         HostUnknown,
109         /// <summary>
110         /// a stanza sent between two servers lacks a 'to' or 'from' attribute (or the attribute has no value).
111         /// </summary>
112         ImproperAddressing,
114         /// <summary>
115         /// the server has experienced a misconfiguration or an otherwise-undefined internal error that prevents it from servicing the stream.
116         /// </summary>
117         InternalServerError,
119         /// <summary>
120         /// the JID or hostname provided in a 'from' address does not match an authorized JID or validated domain negotiated between servers via SASL or dialback, or between a client and a server via authentication and resource binding.
121         /// </summary>
122         InvalidFrom,
124         /// <summary>
125         /// the stream ID or dialback ID is invalid or does not match an ID previously provided.
126         /// </summary>
127         InvalidId,
129         /// <summary>
130         /// the streams namespace name is something other than "http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" or the dialback namespace name is something other than "jabber:server:dialback" (see XML Namespace Names and Prefixes (XML Namespace Names and Prefixes)).
131         /// </summary>
132         InvalidNamespace,
134         /// <summary>
135         /// the entity has sent invalid XML over the stream to a server that performs validation.
136         /// </summary>
137         InvalidXml,
139         /// <summary>
140         /// the entity has attempted to send data before the stream has been authenticated, or otherwise is not authorized to perform an action related to stream negotiation; the receiving entity MUST NOT process the offending stanza before sending the stream error.
141         /// </summary>
142         NotAuthorized,
144         /// <summary>
145         /// the entity has violated some local service policy; the server MAY choose to specify the policy in the &lt;text/&gt; element or an application-specific condition element.
146         /// </summary>
147         PolicyViolation,
149         /// <summary>
150         /// the server is unable to properly connect to a remote entity that is required for authentication or authorization.
151         /// </summary>
152         RemoteConnectionFailed,
154         /// <summary>
155         /// the server lacks the system resources necessary to service the stream.
156         /// </summary>
157         ResourceConstraint,
159         /// <summary>
160         /// the entity has attempted to send restricted XML features such as a comment, processing instruction, DTD, entity reference, or unescaped character (see Restrictions (Restrictions)).
161         /// </summary>
162         RestrictedXml,
164         /// <summary>
165         /// the server will not provide service to the initiating entity but is redirecting traffic to another host; the server SHOULD specify the alternate hostname or IP address (which MUST be a valid domain identifier) as the XML character data of the &lt;see-other-host/&gt; element.
166         /// </summary>
167         SeeOtherHost,
169         /// <summary>
170         /// the server is being shut down and all active streams are being closed.
171         /// </summary>
172         SystemShutdown,
174         /// <summary>
175         /// the error condition is not one of those defined by the other conditions in this list; this error condition SHOULD be used only in conjunction with an application-specific condition.
176         /// </summary>
177         UndefinedCondition,
179         /// <summary>
180         /// the initiating entity has encoded the stream in an encoding that is not supported by the server.
181         /// </summary>
182         UnsupportedEncoding,
184         /// <summary>
185         /// the initiating entity has sent a first-level child of the stream that is not supported by the server.
186         /// </summary>
187         UnsupportedStanzaType,
189         /// <summary>
190         /// the value of the 'version' attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header specifies a version of XMPP that is not supported by the server; the server MAY specify the version(s) it supports in the &lt;text/&gt; element.
191         /// </summary>
192         UnsupportedVersion,
194         /// <summary>
195         /// the initiating entity has sent XML that is not well-formed as defined by the XML specs.
196         /// </summary>
197         XmlNotWellFormed
198     }
201 	// <stream:error>Invalid handshake</stream:error>
202 	// <stream:error>Socket override by another connection.</stream:error>
204 	/// <summary>
205 	/// Stream Errors &lt;stream:error&gt;
206 	/// </summary>
207 	public class Error : Element
208 	{
Error()209 		public Error()
210 		{
211 			this.TagName	= "error";
212 			this.Namespace	= Uri.STREAM;
213 		}
Error(StreamErrorCondition condition)215         public Error(StreamErrorCondition condition) : this()
216         {
217             this.Condition = condition;
218         }
220         /*
221 		public Error(string msg) : this()
222 		{
223 			Message = msg;
224 		}
226 		/// <summary>
227 		/// The error Description
228 		/// </summary>
229 		public string Message
230 		{
231 			get	{ return this.Value;  }
232 			set	{ this.Value = value; }
233 		}
234         */
236         public StreamErrorCondition Condition
237         {
238             get
239             {
240                 if (HasTag("bad-format"))
241                     return StreamErrorCondition.BadFormat;
242                 else if (HasTag("bad-namespace-prefix"))
243                     return StreamErrorCondition.BadNamespacePrefix;
244                 else if (HasTag("conflict"))
245                     return StreamErrorCondition.Conflict;
246                 else if (HasTag("connection-timeout"))
247                     return StreamErrorCondition.ConnectionTimeout;
248                 else if (HasTag("host-gone"))
249                     return StreamErrorCondition.HostGone;
250                 else if (HasTag("host-unknown"))
251                     return StreamErrorCondition.HostUnknown;
252                 else if (HasTag("improper-addressing"))
253                     return StreamErrorCondition.ImproperAddressing;
254                 else if (HasTag("internal-server-error"))
255                     return StreamErrorCondition.InternalServerError;
256                 else if (HasTag("invalid-from"))
257                     return StreamErrorCondition.InvalidFrom;
258                 else if (HasTag("invalid-id"))
259                     return StreamErrorCondition.InvalidId;
260                 else if (HasTag("invalid-namespace"))
261                     return StreamErrorCondition.InvalidNamespace;
262                 else if (HasTag("invalid-xml"))
263                     return StreamErrorCondition.InvalidXml;
264                 else if (HasTag("not-authorized"))
265                     return StreamErrorCondition.NotAuthorized;
266                 else if (HasTag("policy-violation"))
267                     return StreamErrorCondition.PolicyViolation;
268                 else if (HasTag("remote-connection-failed"))
269                     return StreamErrorCondition.RemoteConnectionFailed;
270                 else if (HasTag("resource-constraint"))
271                     return StreamErrorCondition.ResourceConstraint;
272                 else if (HasTag("restricted-xml"))
273                     return StreamErrorCondition.RestrictedXml;
274                 else if (HasTag("see-other-host"))
275                     return StreamErrorCondition.SeeOtherHost;
276                 else if (HasTag("system-shutdown"))
277                     return StreamErrorCondition.SystemShutdown;
278                 else if (HasTag("undefined-condition"))
279                     return StreamErrorCondition.UndefinedCondition;
280                 else if (HasTag("unsupported-encoding"))
281                     return StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedEncoding;
282                 else if (HasTag("unsupported-stanza-type"))
283                     return StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedStanzaType;
284                 else if (HasTag("unsupported-version"))
285                     return StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedVersion;
286                 else if (HasTag("xml-not-well-formed"))
287                     return StreamErrorCondition.XmlNotWellFormed;
288                 else
289                     return StreamErrorCondition.UnknownCondition;
290             }
292             set
293             {
294                 switch (value)
295                 {
296                     case StreamErrorCondition.BadFormat:
297                         SetTag("bad-format", "", Uri.STREAMS);
298                         break;
299                     case StreamErrorCondition.BadNamespacePrefix:
300                         SetTag("bad-namespace-prefix", "", Uri.STREAMS);
301                         break;
302                     case StreamErrorCondition.Conflict:
303                         SetTag("conflict", "", Uri.STREAMS);
304                         break;
305                     case StreamErrorCondition.ConnectionTimeout:
306                         SetTag("connection-timeout", "", Uri.STREAMS);
307                         break;
308                     case StreamErrorCondition.HostGone:
309                         SetTag("host-gone", "", Uri.STREAMS);
310                         break;
311                     case StreamErrorCondition.HostUnknown:
312                         SetTag("host-unknown", "", Uri.STREAMS);
313                         break;
314                     case StreamErrorCondition.ImproperAddressing:
315                         SetTag("improper-addressing", "", Uri.STREAMS);
316                         break;
317                     case StreamErrorCondition.InternalServerError:
318                         SetTag("internal-server-error", "", Uri.STREAMS);
319                         break;
320                     case StreamErrorCondition.InvalidFrom:
321                         SetTag("invalid-from", "", Uri.STREAMS);
322                         break;
323                     case StreamErrorCondition.InvalidId:
324                         SetTag("invalid-id", "", Uri.STREAMS);
325                         break;
326                     case StreamErrorCondition.InvalidNamespace:
327                         SetTag("invalid-namespace", "", Uri.STREAMS);
328                         break;
329                     case StreamErrorCondition.InvalidXml:
330                         SetTag("invalid-xml", "", Uri.STREAMS);
331                         break;
332                     case StreamErrorCondition.NotAuthorized:
333                         SetTag("not-authorized", "", Uri.STREAMS);
334                         break;
335                     case StreamErrorCondition.PolicyViolation:
336                         SetTag("policy-violation", "", Uri.STREAMS);
337                         break;
338                     case StreamErrorCondition.RemoteConnectionFailed:
339                         SetTag("remote-connection-failed", "", Uri.STREAMS);
340                         break;
341                     case StreamErrorCondition.ResourceConstraint:
342                         SetTag("resource-constraint", "", Uri.STREAMS);
343                         break;
344                     case StreamErrorCondition.RestrictedXml:
345                         SetTag("restricted-xml", "", Uri.STREAMS);
346                         break;
347                     case StreamErrorCondition.SeeOtherHost:
348                         SetTag("see-other-host", "", Uri.STREAMS);
349                         break;
350                     case StreamErrorCondition.SystemShutdown:
351                         SetTag("system-shutdown", "", Uri.STREAMS);
352                         break;
353                     case StreamErrorCondition.UndefinedCondition:
354                         SetTag("undefined-condition", "", Uri.STREAMS);
355                         break;
356                     case StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedEncoding:
357                         SetTag("unsupported-encoding", "", Uri.STREAMS);
358                         break;
359                     case StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedStanzaType:
360                         SetTag("unsupported-stanza-type", "", Uri.STREAMS);
361                         break;
362                     case StreamErrorCondition.UnsupportedVersion:
363                         SetTag("unsupported-version", "", Uri.STREAMS);
364                         break;
365                     case StreamErrorCondition.XmlNotWellFormed:
366                         SetTag("xml-not-well-formed", "", Uri.STREAMS);
367                         break;
368                     default:
369                         return;
371                 }
372             }
373         }
375         /// <summary>
376         /// <para>
377         /// The &lt;text/&gt; element is OPTIONAL. If included, it SHOULD be used only to provide descriptive or diagnostic information
378         /// that supplements the meaning of a defined condition or application-specific condition.
379         /// </para>
380         /// <para>
381         /// It SHOULD NOT be interpreted programmatically by an application.
382         /// It SHOULD NOT be used as the error message presented to a user, but MAY be shown in addition to the error message
383         /// associated with the included condition element (or elements).
384         /// </para>
385         /// </summary>
386         public string Text
387         {
388             get { return GetTag("text"); }
389             set
390             {
391                 SetTag("text", value, Uri.STREAMS);
392             }
393         }
395     }
396 }