1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
19 package org.apache.commons.beanutils;
21 import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
22 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
23 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
24 import java.util.Map;
26 import org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap;
29 /**
30  * <p>Utility methods for using Java Reflection APIs to facilitate generic
31  * property getter and setter operations on Java objects.</p>
32  *
33  * <p>The implementations for these methods are provided by <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.
34  * For more details see {@link PropertyUtilsBean}.</p>
35  *
36  * @version $Id$
37  * @see PropertyUtilsBean
38  * @see org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver
39  */
41 public class PropertyUtils {
44     // ----------------------------------------------------- Manifest Constants
47     /**
48      * The delimiter that preceeds the zero-relative subscript for an
49      * indexed reference.
50      *
51      * @deprecated The notation used for property name expressions is now
52      * dependant on the {@link org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver}
53      * implementation being used.
54      */
55     @Deprecated
56     public static final char INDEXED_DELIM = '[';
59     /**
60      * The delimiter that follows the zero-relative subscript for an
61      * indexed reference.
62      *
63      * @deprecated The notation used for property name expressions is now
64      * dependant on the {@link org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver}
65      * implementation being used.
66      */
67     @Deprecated
68     public static final char INDEXED_DELIM2 = ']';
71     /**
72      * The delimiter that preceeds the key of a mapped property.
73      *
74      * @deprecated The notation used for property name expressions is now
75      * dependant on the {@link org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver}
76      * implementation being used.
77      */
78     @Deprecated
79     public static final char MAPPED_DELIM = '(';
82     /**
83      * The delimiter that follows the key of a mapped property.
84      *
85      * @deprecated The notation used for property name expressions is now
86      * dependant on the {@link org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver}
87      * implementation being used.
88      */
89     @Deprecated
90     public static final char MAPPED_DELIM2 = ')';
93     /**
94      * The delimiter that separates the components of a nested reference.
95      *
96      * @deprecated The notation used for property name expressions is now
97      * dependant on the {@link org.apache.commons.beanutils.expression.Resolver}
98      * implementation being used.
99      */
100     @Deprecated
101     public static final char NESTED_DELIM = '.';
104     // ------------------------------------------------------- Static Variables
107     /**
108      * The debugging detail level for this component.
109      *
110      * Note that this static variable will have unexpected side-effects if
111      * this class is deployed in a shared classloader within a container.
112      * However as it is actually completely ignored by this class due to its
113      * deprecated status, it doesn't do any actual harm.
114      *
115      * @deprecated The <code>debug</code> static property is no longer used
116      */
117     @Deprecated
118     private static int debug = 0;
120     /**
121      * The <code>debug</code> static property is no longer used
122      * @return debug property
123      * @deprecated The <code>debug</code> static property is no longer used
124      */
125     @Deprecated
getDebug()126     public static int getDebug() {
127         return (debug);
128     }
130     /**
131      * The <code>debug</code> static property is no longer used
132      * @param newDebug debug property
133      * @deprecated The <code>debug</code> static property is no longer used
134      */
135     @Deprecated
setDebug(final int newDebug)136     public static void setDebug(final int newDebug) {
137         debug = newDebug;
138     }
140     // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
143     /**
144      * Clear any cached property descriptors information for all classes
145      * loaded by any class loaders.  This is useful in cases where class
146      * loaders are thrown away to implement class reloading.
147      *
148      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
149      *
150      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#clearDescriptors
151      */
clearDescriptors()152     public static void clearDescriptors() {
154         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().clearDescriptors();
156     }
158     /**
159      * Resets the registered {@link BeanIntrospector} objects to the initial default
160      * state.
161      *
162      * @since 1.9
163      */
resetBeanIntrospectors()164     public static void resetBeanIntrospectors() {
165         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().resetBeanIntrospectors();
166     }
168     /**
169      * Adds a <code>BeanIntrospector</code>. This object is invoked when the
170      * property descriptors of a class need to be obtained.
171      *
172      * @param introspector the <code>BeanIntrospector</code> to be added (must
173      *        not be <b>null</b>
174      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument is <b>null</b>
175      * @since 1.9
176      */
addBeanIntrospector(final BeanIntrospector introspector)177     public static void addBeanIntrospector(final BeanIntrospector introspector) {
178         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().addBeanIntrospector(introspector);
179     }
181     /**
182      * Removes the specified <code>BeanIntrospector</code>.
183      *
184      * @param introspector the <code>BeanIntrospector</code> to be removed
185      * @return <b>true</b> if the <code>BeanIntrospector</code> existed and
186      *         could be removed, <b>false</b> otherwise
187      * @since 1.9
188      */
removeBeanIntrospector(final BeanIntrospector introspector)189     public static boolean removeBeanIntrospector(final BeanIntrospector introspector) {
190         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().removeBeanIntrospector(
191                 introspector);
192     }
194     /**
195      * <p>Copy property values from the "origin" bean to the "destination" bean
196      * for all cases where the property names are the same (even though the
197      * actual getter and setter methods might have been customized via
198      * <code>BeanInfo</code> classes).</p>
199      *
200      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
201      *
202      * @param dest Destination bean whose properties are modified
203      * @param orig Origin bean whose properties are retrieved
204      *
205      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
206      *  access to the property accessor method
207      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>dest</code> or
208      *  <code>orig</code> argument is null
209      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
210      *  throws an exception
211      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
212      *  propety cannot be found
213      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#copyProperties
214      */
copyProperties(final Object dest, final Object orig)215     public static void copyProperties(final Object dest, final Object orig)
216             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
217             NoSuchMethodException {
219         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().copyProperties(dest, orig);
220     }
223     /**
224      * <p>Return the entire set of properties for which the specified bean
225      * provides a read method.</p>
226      *
227      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
228      *
229      * @param bean Bean whose properties are to be extracted
230      * @return The set of properties for the bean
231      *
232      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
233      *  access to the property accessor method
234      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> is null
235      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
236      *  throws an exception
237      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
238      *  propety cannot be found
239      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#describe
240      */
describe(final Object bean)241     public static Map<String, Object> describe(final Object bean)
242             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
243             NoSuchMethodException {
245         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().describe(bean));
247     }
250     /**
251      * <p>Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified
252      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
253      *
254      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
255      *
256      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
257      * @param name <code>propertyname[index]</code> of the property value
258      *  to be extracted
259      * @return the indexed property value
260      *
261      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index
262      *  is outside the valid range for the underlying property
263      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
264      *  access to the property accessor method
265      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
266      *  <code>name</code> is null
267      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
268      *  throws an exception
269      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
270      *  propety cannot be found
271      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getIndexedProperty(Object,String)
272      */
getIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)273     public static Object getIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)
274             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
275             NoSuchMethodException {
277         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getIndexedProperty(bean, name));
279     }
282     /**
283      * <p>Return the value of the specified indexed property of the specified
284      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
285      *
286      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
287      *
288      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
289      * @param name Simple property name of the property value to be extracted
290      * @param index Index of the property value to be extracted
291      * @return the indexed property value
292      *
293      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index
294      *  is outside the valid range for the underlying property
295      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
296      *  access to the property accessor method
297      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
298      *  <code>name</code> is null
299      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
300      *  throws an exception
301      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
302      *  propety cannot be found
303      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getIndexedProperty(Object,String, int)
304      */
getIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final int index)305     public static Object getIndexedProperty(final Object bean,
306                                             final String name, final int index)
307             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
308             NoSuchMethodException {
310         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getIndexedProperty(bean, name, index));
311     }
314     /**
315      * <p>Return the value of the specified mapped property of the
316      * specified bean, with no type conversions.</p>
317      *
318      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
319      *
320      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
321      * @param name <code>propertyname(key)</code> of the property value
322      *  to be extracted
323      * @return the mapped property value
324      *
325      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
326      *  access to the property accessor method
327      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
328      *  throws an exception
329      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
330      *  propety cannot be found
331      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getMappedProperty(Object,String)
332      */
getMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)333     public static Object getMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)
334             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
335             NoSuchMethodException {
337         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getMappedProperty(bean, name));
339     }
342     /**
343      * <p>Return the value of the specified mapped property of the specified
344      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
345      *
346      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
347      *
348      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
349      * @param name Mapped property name of the property value to be extracted
350      * @param key Key of the property value to be extracted
351      * @return the mapped property value
352      *
353      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
354      *  access to the property accessor method
355      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
356      *  throws an exception
357      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
358      *  propety cannot be found
359      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getMappedProperty(Object,String, String)
360      */
getMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final String key)361     public static Object getMappedProperty(final Object bean,
362                                            final String name, final String key)
363             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
364             NoSuchMethodException {
366         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getMappedProperty(bean, name, key);
368     }
371     /**
372      * <p>Return the mapped property descriptors for this bean class.</p>
373      *
374      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
375      *
376      * @param beanClass Bean class to be introspected
377      * @return the mapped property descriptors
378      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getMappedPropertyDescriptors(Class)
379      * @deprecated This method should not be exposed
380      */
381     @Deprecated
getMappedPropertyDescriptors(final Class<?> beanClass)382     public static FastHashMap getMappedPropertyDescriptors(final Class<?> beanClass) {
384         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getMappedPropertyDescriptors(beanClass);
386     }
389     /**
390      * <p>Return the mapped property descriptors for this bean.</p>
391      *
392      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
393      *
394      * @param bean Bean to be introspected
395      * @return the mapped property descriptors
396      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getMappedPropertyDescriptors(Object)
397      * @deprecated This method should not be exposed
398      */
399     @Deprecated
getMappedPropertyDescriptors(final Object bean)400     public static FastHashMap getMappedPropertyDescriptors(final Object bean) {
402         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getMappedPropertyDescriptors(bean);
404     }
407     /**
408      * <p>Return the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified
409      * name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.</p>
410      *
411      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
412      *
413      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
414      * @param name Possibly nested name of the property to be extracted
415      * @return the nested property value
416      *
417      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
418      *  access to the property accessor method
419      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
420      *  <code>name</code> is null
421      * @throws NestedNullException if a nested reference to a
422      *  property returns null
423      * @throws InvocationTargetException
424      * if the property accessor method throws an exception
425      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
426      *  propety cannot be found
427      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getNestedProperty
428      */
getNestedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)429     public static Object getNestedProperty(final Object bean, final String name)
430             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
431             NoSuchMethodException {
433         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getNestedProperty(bean, name);
435     }
438     /**
439      * <p>Return the value of the specified property of the specified bean,
440      * no matter which property reference format is used, with no
441      * type conversions.</p>
442      *
443      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
444      *
445      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
446      * @param name Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property
447      *  to be extracted
448      * @return the property value
449      *
450      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
451      *  access to the property accessor method
452      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
453      *  <code>name</code> is null
454      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
455      *  throws an exception
456      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
457      *  propety cannot be found
458      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getProperty
459      */
getProperty(final Object bean, final String name)460     public static Object getProperty(final Object bean, final String name)
461             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
462             NoSuchMethodException {
464         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getProperty(bean, name));
466     }
469     /**
470      * <p>Retrieve the property descriptor for the specified property of the
471      * specified bean, or return <code>null</code> if there is no such
472      * descriptor.</p>
473      *
474      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
475      *
476      * @param bean Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
477      * @param name Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for
478      *  which a property descriptor is requested
479      * @return the property descriptor
480      *
481      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
482      *  access to the property accessor method
483      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
484      *  <code>name</code> is null
485      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a nested reference to a
486      *  property returns null
487      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
488      *  throws an exception
489      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
490      *  propety cannot be found
491      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getPropertyDescriptor
492      */
getPropertyDescriptor(final Object bean, final String name)493     public static PropertyDescriptor getPropertyDescriptor(final Object bean,
494                                                            final String name)
495             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
496             NoSuchMethodException {
498         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyDescriptor(bean, name);
500     }
503     /**
504      * <p>Retrieve the property descriptors for the specified class,
505      * introspecting and caching them the first time a particular bean class
506      * is encountered.</p>
507      *
508      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
509      *
510      * @param beanClass Bean class for which property descriptors are requested
511      * @return the property descriptors
512      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>beanClass</code> is null
513      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getPropertyDescriptors(Class)
514      */
515     public static PropertyDescriptor[]
getPropertyDescriptors(final Class<?> beanClass)516             getPropertyDescriptors(final Class<?> beanClass) {
518         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyDescriptors(beanClass);
520     }
523     /**
524      * <p>Retrieve the property descriptors for the specified bean,
525      * introspecting and caching them the first time a particular bean class
526      * is encountered.</p>
527      *
528      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
529      *
530      * @param bean Bean for which property descriptors are requested
531      * @return the property descriptors
532      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> is null
533      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getPropertyDescriptors(Object)
534      */
getPropertyDescriptors(final Object bean)535     public static PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors(final Object bean) {
537         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyDescriptors(bean);
539     }
542     /**
543      * <p>Return the Java Class repesenting the property editor class that has
544      * been registered for this property (if any).</p>
545      *
546      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
547      *
548      * @param bean Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
549      * @param name Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for
550      *  which a property descriptor is requested
551      * @return the property editor class
552      *
553      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
554      *  access to the property accessor method
555      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
556      *  <code>name</code> is null
557      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a nested reference to a
558      *  property returns null
559      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
560      *  throws an exception
561      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
562      *  propety cannot be found
563      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getPropertyEditorClass(Object,String)
564      */
getPropertyEditorClass(final Object bean, final String name)565     public static Class<?> getPropertyEditorClass(final Object bean, final String name)
566             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
567             NoSuchMethodException {
569         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyEditorClass(bean, name);
571     }
574     /**
575      * <p>Return the Java Class representing the property type of the specified
576      * property, or <code>null</code> if there is no such property for the
577      * specified bean.</p>
578      *
579      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
580      *
581      * @param bean Bean for which a property descriptor is requested
582      * @param name Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property for
583      *  which a property descriptor is requested
584      * @return The property type
585      *
586      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
587      *  access to the property accessor method
588      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
589      *  <code>name</code> is null
590      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a nested reference to a
591      *  property returns null
592      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
593      *  throws an exception
594      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
595      *  propety cannot be found
596      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getPropertyType(Object, String)
597      */
getPropertyType(final Object bean, final String name)598     public static Class<?> getPropertyType(final Object bean, final String name)
599             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
600             NoSuchMethodException {
602         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getPropertyType(bean, name);
603     }
606     /**
607      * <p>Return an accessible property getter method for this property,
608      * if there is one; otherwise return <code>null</code>.</p>
609      *
610      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
611      *
612      * @param descriptor Property descriptor to return a getter for
613      * @return The read method
614      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getReadMethod(PropertyDescriptor)
615      */
getReadMethod(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor)616     public static Method getReadMethod(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor) {
618         return (PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getReadMethod(descriptor));
620     }
623     /**
624      * <p>Return the value of the specified simple property of the specified
625      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
626      *
627      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
628      *
629      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be extracted
630      * @param name Name of the property to be extracted
631      * @return The property value
632      *
633      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
634      *  access to the property accessor method
635      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
636      *  <code>name</code> is null
637      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property name
638      *  is nested or indexed
639      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
640      *  throws an exception
641      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
642      *  propety cannot be found
643      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getSimpleProperty
644      */
getSimpleProperty(final Object bean, final String name)645     public static Object getSimpleProperty(final Object bean, final String name)
646             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
647             NoSuchMethodException {
649         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getSimpleProperty(bean, name);
651     }
654     /**
655      * <p>Return an accessible property setter method for this property,
656      * if there is one; otherwise return <code>null</code>.</p>
657      *
658      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
659      *
660      * @param descriptor Property descriptor to return a setter for
661      * @return The write method
662      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#getWriteMethod(PropertyDescriptor)
663      */
getWriteMethod(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor)664     public static Method getWriteMethod(final PropertyDescriptor descriptor) {
666         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().getWriteMethod(descriptor);
668     }
671     /**
672      * <p>Return <code>true</code> if the specified property name identifies
673      * a readable property on the specified bean; otherwise, return
674      * <code>false</code>.</p>
675      *
676      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
677      *
678      * @param bean Bean to be examined (may be a {@link DynaBean}
679      * @param name Property name to be evaluated
680      * @return <code>true</code> if the property is readable,
681      * otherwise <code>false</code>
682      *
683      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code>
684      *  or <code>name</code> is <code>null</code>
685      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#isReadable
686      * @since BeanUtils 1.6
687      */
isReadable(final Object bean, final String name)688     public static boolean isReadable(final Object bean, final String name) {
690         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().isReadable(bean, name);
691     }
694     /**
695      * <p>Return <code>true</code> if the specified property name identifies
696      * a writeable property on the specified bean; otherwise, return
697      * <code>false</code>.</p>
698      *
699      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
700      *
701      * @param bean Bean to be examined (may be a {@link DynaBean}
702      * @param name Property name to be evaluated
703      * @return <code>true</code> if the property is writeable,
704      * otherwise <code>false</code>
705      *
706      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code>
707      *  or <code>name</code> is <code>null</code>
708      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#isWriteable
709      * @since BeanUtils 1.6
710      */
isWriteable(final Object bean, final String name)711     public static boolean isWriteable(final Object bean, final String name) {
713         return PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().isWriteable(bean, name);
714     }
717     /**
718      * <p>Sets the value of the specified indexed property of the specified
719      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
720      *
721      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
722      *
723      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be modified
724      * @param name <code>propertyname[index]</code> of the property value
725      *  to be modified
726      * @param value Value to which the specified property element
727      *  should be set
728      *
729      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index
730      *  is outside the valid range for the underlying property
731      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
732      *  access to the property accessor method
733      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
734      *  <code>name</code> is null
735      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
736      *  throws an exception
737      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
738      *  propety cannot be found
739      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setIndexedProperty(Object, String, Object)
740      */
setIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)741     public static void setIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name,
742                                           final Object value)
743             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
744             NoSuchMethodException {
746         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setIndexedProperty(bean, name, value);
748     }
751     /**
752      * <p>Sets the value of the specified indexed property of the specified
753      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
754      *
755      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
756      *
757      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be set
758      * @param name Simple property name of the property value to be set
759      * @param index Index of the property value to be set
760      * @param value Value to which the indexed property element is to be set
761      *
762      * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index
763      *  is outside the valid range for the underlying property
764      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
765      *  access to the property accessor method
766      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
767      *  <code>name</code> is null
768      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
769      *  throws an exception
770      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
771      *  propety cannot be found
772      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setIndexedProperty(Object, String, Object)
773      */
setIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final int index, final Object value)774     public static void setIndexedProperty(final Object bean, final String name,
775                                           final int index, final Object value)
776             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
777             NoSuchMethodException {
779         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setIndexedProperty(bean, name, index, value);
780     }
783     /**
784      * <p>Sets the value of the specified mapped property of the
785      * specified bean, with no type conversions.</p>
786      *
787      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
788      *
789      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be set
790      * @param name <code>propertyname(key)</code> of the property value
791      *  to be set
792      * @param value The property value to be set
793      *
794      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
795      *  access to the property accessor method
796      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
797      *  throws an exception
798      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
799      *  propety cannot be found
800      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setMappedProperty(Object, String, Object)
801      */
setMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)802     public static void setMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name,
803                                          final Object value)
804             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
805             NoSuchMethodException {
807         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setMappedProperty(bean, name, value);
808     }
811     /**
812      * <p>Sets the value of the specified mapped property of the specified
813      * bean, with no type conversions.</p>
814      *
815      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
816      *
817      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be set
818      * @param name Mapped property name of the property value to be set
819      * @param key Key of the property value to be set
820      * @param value The property value to be set
821      *
822      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
823      *  access to the property accessor method
824      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
825      *  throws an exception
826      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
827      *  propety cannot be found
828      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setMappedProperty(Object, String, String, Object)
829      */
setMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final String key, final Object value)830     public static void setMappedProperty(final Object bean, final String name,
831                                          final String key, final Object value)
832             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
833             NoSuchMethodException {
835         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setMappedProperty(bean, name, key, value);
836     }
839     /**
840      * <p>Sets the value of the (possibly nested) property of the specified
841      * name, for the specified bean, with no type conversions.</p>
842      *
843      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
844      *
845      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be modified
846      * @param name Possibly nested name of the property to be modified
847      * @param value Value to which the property is to be set
848      *
849      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
850      *  access to the property accessor method
851      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
852      *  <code>name</code> is null
853      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a nested reference to a
854      *  property returns null
855      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
856      *  throws an exception
857      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
858      *  propety cannot be found
859      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setNestedProperty
860      */
setNestedProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)861     public static void setNestedProperty(final Object bean,
862                                          final String name, final Object value)
863             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
864             NoSuchMethodException {
866         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setNestedProperty(bean, name, value);
867     }
870     /**
871      * <p>Set the value of the specified property of the specified bean,
872      * no matter which property reference format is used, with no
873      * type conversions.</p>
874      *
875      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
876      *
877      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be modified
878      * @param name Possibly indexed and/or nested name of the property
879      *  to be modified
880      * @param value Value to which this property is to be set
881      *
882      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
883      *  access to the property accessor method
884      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
885      *  <code>name</code> is null
886      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
887      *  throws an exception
888      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
889      *  propety cannot be found
890      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setProperty
891      */
setProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)892     public static void setProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)
893             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
894             NoSuchMethodException {
896         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setProperty(bean, name, value);
898     }
901     /**
902      * <p>Set the value of the specified simple property of the specified bean,
903      * with no type conversions.</p>
904      *
905      * <p>For more details see <code>PropertyUtilsBean</code>.</p>
906      *
907      * @param bean Bean whose property is to be modified
908      * @param name Name of the property to be modified
909      * @param value Value to which the property should be set
910      *
911      * @throws IllegalAccessException if the caller does not have
912      *  access to the property accessor method
913      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>bean</code> or
914      *  <code>name</code> is null
915      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property name is
916      *  nested or indexed
917      * @throws InvocationTargetException if the property accessor method
918      *  throws an exception
919      * @throws NoSuchMethodException if an accessor method for this
920      *  propety cannot be found
921      * @see PropertyUtilsBean#setSimpleProperty
922      */
setSimpleProperty(final Object bean, final String name, final Object value)923     public static void setSimpleProperty(final Object bean,
924                                          final String name, final Object value)
925             throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException,
926             NoSuchMethodException {
928         PropertyUtilsBean.getInstance().setSimpleProperty(bean, name, value);
929     }
932 }