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7<title>Eclipse Application Launcher</title>
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12<h1>Eclipse Application Launcher</h1>
13<p>PDE provides an <em>Eclipse Application</em> launcher which allows you to run and debug your plug-in by launching a separate Eclipse application. As with all other launchers in Eclipse (e.g. the <em>Java Application</em> and <em>Java Applet</em> launchers,...), the <em>Eclipse Application</em> launcher can be invoked via a shortcut and its launch configurations are centrally managed in the <strong>Launch Configuration Dialog</strong>. </p>
15<h2>Launching via a Shortcut</h2>
16<p>A quick way to test a plug-in is by launching a separate application via <strong>Eclipse Application</strong> launch shortcuts that are available as: </p>
18  <li> hot links in the <strong>Testing</strong> section of the plug-in manifest editor's <strong>Overview</strong> page</li>
19  <li>actions in the <strong>Run As &gt; </strong>and <strong>Debug As &gt;</strong> context menus of plug-in projects </li>
21<p>Launch shortcuts are context-sensitive. If the selected resource is a plug-in project or plug-in manifest editor that declares an application (an <em>org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications</em> extension) or a product (an <em>org.eclipse.core.runtime.products</em> extension), then PDE launches that application or product. The set of plug-ins PDE launches with is a minimal set made up of the selected plug-in and all its pre-requisites only. If the selected plug-in contains both a product extension and an application extension, the product extension takes precedence. </p>
22<p>If the selected plug-in does not contain either a product extension or an application extension, PDE launches the default product as defined in the <strong>eclipse.product</strong> key of the <em>config.ini</em> file that is located in the <em>${target_home}/configuration</em> directory.  ${target_home} refers to the location of the target platform as specified on the <strong>Windows &gt; Preferences... &gt; Plug-in Development &gt; Target Platform</strong> preference page. If the default product is launched, the set of plug-ins used in the launch are all the workspace plug-ins and all the plug-ins that are checked on the <strong>Target Platform </strong>preference page. Target plug-ins whose ID conflict with the ID of a workspace plug-in are not included in the launch configuration. </p>
23<p>PDE creates a new <em>Eclipse Application</em> launch configuration and pre-configures it with reasonable defaults.  This is done <em>only when needed</em> - not every time an <em>Eclipse Application</em> launch shortcut is invoked. PDE searches existing <em>Eclipse Application</em> launch configurations first and reuses one that is already associated with the product or application being launched. If there are multiple existing launch configurations associated with the product or application being launched, PDE displays a dialog containing all matching launch configurations and lets the user decide. </p>
25<h2>Customizing a Launch Configuration</h2>
26<p>If you require full control over how to launch your Eclipse application, you can create and customize a launch configuration in the <strong>Launch Configuration Dialog</strong>.</p>
27<p>The <strong>Launch Configuration Dialog</strong> can be invoked via <strong>Run &gt; Run...</strong> or <strong>Debug &gt; Debug...</strong> from the top level menu.    A new <em>Eclipse Application</em> launch configuration can be created by double-clicking on the <strong>Eclipse Application</strong> node in the tree viewer to the left. </p>
28<p>An <em>Eclipse Application</em> launch configuration contains seven tabs allowing you to customize all aspects of the test launch. Refer to the following documents for more details: </p>
30  <li><a href="eclipse_main.htm">Main Tab</a></li>
31  <li><a href="arguments.htm">Arguments Tab</a></li>
32  <li><a href="plugins.htm">Plug-ins Tab</a></li>
33  <li><a href="configuration.htm">Configuration Tab</a></li>
34  <li><a href="tracing.htm">Tracing Tab</a></li>
35  <li><a href="environment.htm">Environment Tab</a></li>
36  <li><a href="common.htm">Common Tab</a></li>
37  <li><a href="prototype.htm">Prototype Tab</a></li>
40<h3 class="related">Related references</h3>
41  <a href="junit_launcher.htm">JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher</a><br>
42  <a href="equinox_launcher.htm">OSGi Framework Launcher</a>