2	"information_for_contributors": [
3		"This file has been converted from https://github.com/emilast/vscode-logfile-highlighter/blob/master/syntaxes/log.tmLanguage",
4		"If you want to provide a fix or improvement, please create a pull request against the original repository.",
5		"Once accepted there, we are happy to receive an update request."
6	],
7	"version": "https://github.com/emilast/vscode-logfile-highlighter/commit/fbe9797ea7889ee55def6da8dee86ba625ca9759",
8	"name": "Log file",
9	"scopeName": "text.log",
10	"patterns": [
11		{
12			"match": "\\b(Trace)\\b:",
13			"name": "comment log.verbose"
14		},
15		{
16			"match": "(?i)\\[(verbose|verb|vrb|vb|v)\\]",
17			"name": "comment log.verbose"
18		},
19		{
20			"match": "\\bV/",
21			"name": "comment log.verbose"
22		},
23		{
24			"match": "\\b(DEBUG|Debug)\\b|(?i)\\b(debug)\\:",
25			"name": "markup.changed log.debug"
26		},
27		{
28			"match": "(?i)\\[(debug|dbug|dbg|de|d)\\]",
29			"name": "markup.changed log.debug"
30		},
31		{
32			"match": "\\bD/",
33			"name": "markup.changed log.debug"
34		},
35		{
36			"match": "\\b(HINT|INFO|INFORMATION|Info|NOTICE|II)\\b|(?i)\\b(info|information)\\:",
37			"name": "markup.inserted log.info"
38		},
39		{
40			"match": "(?i)\\[(information|info|inf|in|i)\\]",
41			"name": "markup.inserted log.info"
42		},
43		{
44			"match": "\\bI/",
45			"name": "markup.inserted log.info"
46		},
47		{
48			"match": "\\b(WARNING|WARN|Warn|WW)\\b|(?i)\\b(warning)\\:",
49			"name": "markup.deleted log.warning"
50		},
51		{
52			"match": "(?i)\\[(warning|warn|wrn|wn|w)\\]",
53			"name": "markup.deleted log.warning"
54		},
55		{
56			"match": "\\bW/",
57			"name": "markup.deleted log.warning"
58		},
59		{
60			"match": "\\b(ALERT|CRITICAL|EMERGENCY|ERROR|FAILURE|FAIL|Fatal|FATAL|Error|EE)\\b|(?i)\\b(error)\\:",
61			"name": "string.regexp, strong log.error"
62		},
63		{
64			"match": "(?i)\\[(error|eror|err|er|e|fatal|fatl|ftl|fa|f)\\]",
65			"name": "string.regexp, strong log.error"
66		},
67		{
68			"match": "\\bE/",
69			"name": "string.regexp, strong log.error"
70		},
71		{
72			"match": "\\b\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}(T|\\b)",
73			"name": "comment log.date"
74		},
75		{
76			"match": "\\b\\d{2}[^\\w\\s]\\d{2}[^\\w\\s]\\d{4}\\b",
77			"name": "comment log.date"
78		},
79		{
80			"match": "\\d{1,2}:\\d{2}(:\\d{2}([.,]\\d{1,})?)?(Z| ?[+-]\\d{1,2}:\\d{2})?\\b",
81			"name": "comment log.date"
82		},
83		{
84			"match": "\\b([0-9a-fA-F]{40}|[0-9a-fA-F]{10}|[0-9a-fA-F]{7})\\b",
85			"name": "constant.language"
86		},
87		{
88			"match": "[0-9a-fA-F]{8}[-]?([0-9a-fA-F]{4}[-]?){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}",
89			"name": "constant.language log.constant"
90		},
91		{
92			"match": "\\b([0-9]+|true|false|null)\\b",
93			"name": "constant.language log.constant"
94		},
95		{
96			"match": "\"[^\"]*\"",
97			"name": "string log.string"
98		},
99		{
100			"match": "(?<![\\w])'[^']*'",
101			"name": "string log.string"
102		},
103		{
104			"match": "\\b([a-zA-Z.]*Exception)\\b",
105			"name": "string.regexp, emphasis log.exceptiontype"
106		},
107		{
108			"begin": "^[\\t ]*at",
109			"end": "$",
110			"name": "string.key, emphasis log.exception"
111		},
112		{
113			"match": "\\b(http|https|ftp|file)://\\S+\\b/?",
114			"name": "constant.language log.constant"
115		},
116		{
117			"match": "(?<![\\w/\\\\])([\\w-]+\\.)+([\\w-])+(?![\\w/\\\\])",
118			"name": "constant.language log.constant"
119		}
120	]