1 // $Id: control.h,v 1.57 2004/04/04 19:45:48 ericb Exp $ -*- c++ -*-
2 //
3 // This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
4 // License Agreement available at the following URL:
5 // http://ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes.
6 // Copyright (C) 1996, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
8 //
10 #ifndef control_INCLUDED
11 #define control_INCLUDED
13 #include "platform.h"
14 #include "symbol.h"
15 #include "tuple.h"
16 #include "set.h"
19 namespace Jikes { // Open namespace Jikes block
20 #endif
22 class StoragePool;
23 class Option;
24 class Scanner;
25 class Parser;
26 class Semantic;
27 class LexStream;
28 class AstPackageDeclaration;
29 class AstName;
30 class TypeDependenceChecker;
32 //
33 // This class represents the control information common across all compilation
34 // units.  It provides a cache for essential classes and objects, as well as
35 // the command line options in force.
36 //
37 class Control : public StringConstant
38 {
39 public:
40     int return_code;
41     Option& option;
42     SymbolTable classpath_table;
43     SymbolTable external_table;
45     unsigned dot_classpath_index;
46     Tuple<PathSymbol*> classpath;
47     Tuple<wchar_t*> bad_dirnames;
48     Tuple<wchar_t*> bad_zip_filenames;
49     Tuple<wchar_t*> bad_input_filenames;
50     Tuple<wchar_t*> unreadable_input_filenames;
51     Tuple<const wchar_t*> general_io_errors;
52     Tuple<const wchar_t*> general_io_warnings;
54     SystemTable* system_table;
55     Tuple<DirectorySymbol*> system_directories;
57     Semantic* system_semantic;
58     Tuple<Semantic*> semantic;
59     Tuple<TypeSymbol*> needs_body_work;
60     Tuple<TypeSymbol*> type_trash_bin;
62     NameSymbolMap unnamed_package_types;
64     SymbolSet input_java_file_set;
65     SymbolSet input_class_file_set;
66     SymbolSet expired_file_set;
67     SymbolSet recompilation_file_set;
69     Parser* parser;
70     Scanner* scanner;
72     //
73     // Tables for hashing everything we've seen so far.
74     //
75     LiteralLookupTable string_table;
76     LiteralLookupTable int_table;
77     LiteralLookupTable long_table;
78     LiteralLookupTable char_table;
79     LiteralLookupTable float_table;
80     LiteralLookupTable double_table;
81     NameLookupTable name_table;
82     TypeLookupTable type_table;
84     //
85     // This cache of name symbols is initialized in system.cpp.
86     //
87     NameSymbol* access_name_symbol;
88     NameSymbol* array_name_symbol;
89     NameSymbol* assert_name_symbol;
90     NameSymbol* block_init_name_symbol;
91     NameSymbol* class_name_symbol;
92     NameSymbol* clinit_name_symbol;
93     NameSymbol* clone_name_symbol;
94     NameSymbol* dot_name_symbol;
95     NameSymbol* dot_dot_name_symbol;
96     NameSymbol* Enum_name_symbol;
97     NameSymbol* equals_name_symbol;
98     NameSymbol* false_name_symbol;
99     NameSymbol* hashCode_name_symbol;
100     NameSymbol* init_name_symbol;
101     NameSymbol* length_name_symbol;
102     NameSymbol* null_name_symbol;
103     NameSymbol* Object_name_symbol;
104     NameSymbol* package_info_name_symbol;
105     NameSymbol* question_name_symbol;
106     NameSymbol* serialPersistentFields_name_symbol;
107     NameSymbol* serialVersionUID_name_symbol;
108     NameSymbol* this_name_symbol;
109     NameSymbol* true_name_symbol;
110     NameSymbol* val_name_symbol;
112     Utf8LiteralValue* ConstantValue_literal;
113     Utf8LiteralValue* Exceptions_literal;
114     Utf8LiteralValue* InnerClasses_literal;
115     Utf8LiteralValue* Synthetic_literal;
116     Utf8LiteralValue* Deprecated_literal;
117     Utf8LiteralValue* LineNumberTable_literal;
118     Utf8LiteralValue* LocalVariableTable_literal;
119     Utf8LiteralValue* Code_literal;
120     Utf8LiteralValue* SourceFile_literal;
121     Utf8LiteralValue* EnclosingMethod_literal;
123     //
124     // The primitive types.
125     //
126     TypeSymbol* byte_type;
127     TypeSymbol* short_type;
128     TypeSymbol* int_type;
129     TypeSymbol* long_type;
130     TypeSymbol* char_type;
131     TypeSymbol* float_type;
132     TypeSymbol* double_type;
133     TypeSymbol* boolean_type;
134     TypeSymbol* void_type;
135     TypeSymbol* null_type;
136     TypeSymbol* no_type;
138     //
139     // System package accessors.
140     //
AnnotationPackage()141     inline PackageSymbol* AnnotationPackage()
142     {
143         if (! annotation_package)
144             annotation_package = ProcessPackage(US_java_SL_lang_SL_annotation);
145         return annotation_package;
146     }
IoPackage()147     inline PackageSymbol* IoPackage()
148     {
149         if (! io_package)
150             io_package = ProcessPackage(US_java_SL_io);
151         return io_package;
152     }
LangPackage()153     inline PackageSymbol* LangPackage()
154     {
155         assert(lang_package);
156         return lang_package;
157     }
UtilPackage()158     inline PackageSymbol* UtilPackage()
159     {
160         if (! util_package)
161             util_package = ProcessPackage(US_java_SL_util);
162         return util_package;
163     }
UnnamedPackage()164     inline PackageSymbol* UnnamedPackage()
165     {
166         assert(unnamed_package);
167         return unnamed_package;
168     }
170     //
171     // System type, method, and field accessors. Useful boilerplate macros
172     // reduce the chance for typos, but be sure to update Control::Control to
173     // initialize the field created by the macros to NULL.
174     //
176     // TYPE_ACCESSOR(classname, expression);
177 #define TYPE_ACCESSOR(type, package)                           \
178 private:                                                       \
179     TypeSymbol* type ## _type;                                 \
180 public:                                                        \
181     inline TypeSymbol* type()                                  \
182     {                                                          \
183         if (! type ## _type)                                   \
184             type ## _type = ProcessSystemType(package, #type); \
185         return type ## _type;                                  \
186     }
188     // METHOD_ACCESSOR(class_methodname, expression, "name", "descriptor");
189 #define METHOD_ACCESSOR(method, type, name, descriptor)                      \
190 private:                                                                     \
191     MethodSymbol* method ## _method;                                         \
192 public:                                                                      \
193     inline MethodSymbol* method ## Method()                                  \
194     {                                                                        \
195         if (! method ## _method)                                             \
196             method ## _method = ProcessSystemMethod(type, name, descriptor); \
197         return method ## _method;                                            \
198     }
200     // FIELD_ACCESSOR(classname, fieldname, "descriptor");
201 #define FIELD_ACCESSOR(type, name, descriptor)                  \
202 private:                                                        \
203     VariableSymbol* type ## _ ## name ## _field;                \
204 public:                                                         \
205     inline VariableSymbol* type ## _ ## name ## _Field()        \
206     {                                                           \
207         if (! type ## _ ## name ## _field)                      \
208             type ## _ ## name ## _field =                       \
209                 ProcessSystemField(type (), #name, descriptor); \
210         return type ## _ ## name ## _field;                     \
211     }
213     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Annotation, AnnotationPackage());
214     TYPE_ACCESSOR(AssertionError, lang_package);
215     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_Init, AssertionError(), "<init>", "()V");
216     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithChar, AssertionError(),
217                     "<init>", "(C)V");
218     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithBoolean, AssertionError(),
219                     "<init>", "(Z)V");
220     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithInt, AssertionError(),
221                     "<init>", "(I)V");
222     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithLong, AssertionError(),
223                     "<init>", "(J)V");
224     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithFloat, AssertionError(),
225                     "<init>", "(F)V");
226     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithDouble, AssertionError(),
227                     "<init>", "(D)V");
228     METHOD_ACCESSOR(AssertionError_InitWithObject, AssertionError(),
229                     "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V");
230     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Boolean, lang_package);
231     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Boolean, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
232     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Byte, lang_package);
233     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Byte, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
234     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Character, lang_package);
235     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Character, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
236     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Class, lang_package);
237     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Class_forName, Class(),
238                     "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;");
239     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Class_getComponentType, Class(),
240                     "getComponentType", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
241     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Class_desiredAssertionStatus, Class(),
242                     "desiredAssertionStatus", "()Z");
243     TYPE_ACCESSOR(ClassNotFoundException, lang_package);
244     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Cloneable, lang_package);
245     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Comparable, lang_package);
246     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Double, lang_package);
247     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Double, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
248     TYPE_ACCESSOR(ElementType, AnnotationPackage());
249     FIELD_ACCESSOR(ElementType, TYPE, "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
250     FIELD_ACCESSOR(ElementType, FIELD, "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
251     FIELD_ACCESSOR(ElementType, METHOD, "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
252     FIELD_ACCESSOR(ElementType, PARAMETER, "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
254                    "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
256                    "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
258                    "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
259     FIELD_ACCESSOR(ElementType, PACKAGE, "java/lang/annotation/ElementType");
260     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Enum, lang_package);
261     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Enum_Init, Enum(), "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V");
262     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Enum_ordinal, Enum(), "ordinal", "()I");
263     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Enum_valueOf, Enum(), "valueOf",
264                     "(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Enum;");
265     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Error, lang_package);
266     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Exception, lang_package);
267     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Float, lang_package);
268     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Float, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
269     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Integer, lang_package);
270     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Integer, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
271     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Iterable, lang_package);
272     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Iterable_iterator, Iterable(),
273                     "iterator", "()Ljava/util/Iterator;");
274     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Iterator, UtilPackage());
275     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Iterator_hasNext, Iterator(), "hasNext", "()Z");
276     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Iterator_next, Iterator(), "next", "()Ljava/lang/Object;");
277     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Long, lang_package);
278     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Long, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
279     TYPE_ACCESSOR(NoClassDefFoundError, lang_package);
280     METHOD_ACCESSOR(NoClassDefFoundError_Init, NoClassDefFoundError(),
281                     "<init>", "()V");
282     METHOD_ACCESSOR(NoClassDefFoundError_InitString, NoClassDefFoundError(),
283                     "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
284     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Object, lang_package);
285     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Object_getClass, Object(),
286                     "getClass", "()Ljava/lang/Class;");
287     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Overrides, lang_package);
288     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Retention, AnnotationPackage());
289     TYPE_ACCESSOR(RetentionPolicy, AnnotationPackage());
290     FIELD_ACCESSOR(RetentionPolicy, SOURCE,
291                    "java/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy");
292     FIELD_ACCESSOR(RetentionPolicy, CLASS,
293                    "java/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy");
294     FIELD_ACCESSOR(RetentionPolicy, RUNTIME,
295                    "java/lang/annotation/RetentionPolicy");
296     TYPE_ACCESSOR(RuntimeException, lang_package);
297     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Serializable, IoPackage());
298     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Short, lang_package);
299     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Short, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
300     TYPE_ACCESSOR(String, lang_package);
301     TYPE_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer, lang_package);
302     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_Init, StringBuffer(), "<init>", "()V");
303     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_InitWithString, StringBuffer(),
304                     "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
305     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_toString, StringBuffer(),
306                     "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
307     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_char, StringBuffer(),
308                     "append", "(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
309     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_boolean, StringBuffer(),
310                     "append", "(Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
311     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_int, StringBuffer(),
312                     "append", "(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
313     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_long, StringBuffer(),
314                     "append", "(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
315     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_float, StringBuffer(),
316                     "append", "(F)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
317     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_double, StringBuffer(),
318                     "append", "(D)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
319     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_string, StringBuffer(),
320                     "append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
321     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuffer_append_object, StringBuffer(),
322                     "append", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
323     TYPE_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder, lang_package);
324     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_Init, StringBuilder(), "<init>", "()V");
325     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_InitWithString, StringBuilder(),
326                     "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");
327     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_toString, StringBuilder(),
328                     "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
329     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_char, StringBuilder(),
330                     "append", "(C)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
331     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_boolean, StringBuilder(),
332                     "append", "(Z)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
333     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_int, StringBuilder(),
334                     "append", "(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
335     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_long, StringBuilder(),
336                     "append", "(J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
337     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_float, StringBuilder(),
338                     "append", "(F)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
339     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_double, StringBuilder(),
340                     "append", "(D)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
341     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_string, StringBuilder(),
342                     "append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
343     METHOD_ACCESSOR(StringBuilder_append_object, StringBuilder(),
344                     "append", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;");
345     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Target, AnnotationPackage());
346     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Throwable, lang_package);
347     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Throwable_getMessage, Throwable(),
348                     "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
349     METHOD_ACCESSOR(Throwable_initCause, Throwable(), "initCause",
350                     "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;");
351     TYPE_ACCESSOR(Void, lang_package);
352     FIELD_ACCESSOR(Void, TYPE, "java/lang/Class");
354 #undef TYPE_ACCESSOR
358     IntLiteralTable int_pool;
359     LongLiteralTable long_pool;
360     FloatLiteralTable float_pool;
361     DoubleLiteralTable double_pool;
362     Utf8LiteralTable Utf8_pool;
364     Control(char**, Option&);
365     ~Control();
ConvertUnicodeToUtf8(const wchar_t * source)367     Utf8LiteralValue* ConvertUnicodeToUtf8(const wchar_t* source)
368     {
369         // Should be big enough for the worst case.
370         char* target = new char[wcslen(source) * 3 + 1];
371         int length = ConvertUnicodeToUtf8(source, target);
372         Utf8LiteralValue* literal = Utf8_pool.FindOrInsert(target, length);
373         delete [] target;
374         return literal;
375     }
377     static int ConvertUtf8ToUnicode(wchar_t*, const char*, int);
ConvertUtf8ToUnicode(const char * source,int length)379     NameSymbol* ConvertUtf8ToUnicode(const char* source, int length)
380     {
381         wchar_t* name = new wchar_t[length + 1];
382         int name_length = ConvertUtf8ToUnicode(name, source, length);
383         NameSymbol* name_symbol = FindOrInsertName(name, name_length);
384         delete [] name;
385         return name_symbol;
386     }
388     void FindPathsToDirectory(PackageSymbol*);
390     DirectoryEntry* FindInputFile(FileSymbol*);
391     void FindMoreRecentInputFiles(SymbolSet&);
392     void RemoveTrashedTypes(SymbolSet&);
393     void RereadDirectory(DirectorySymbol*);
394     void RereadDirectories();
395     void ComputeRecompilationSet(TypeDependenceChecker&);
396     bool IncrementalRecompilation();
398     //
399     // The one and only bad value constant.
400     //
BadValue()401     LiteralValue* BadValue() { return &bad_value; }
403     //
404     // Note that only names are converted here and not literals, since
405     // no error can occur in a name.
406     // A literal is converted during the semantic pass so that an
407     // accurate diagnostic can be issued in case it is invalid.
408     //
FindOrInsertName(const wchar_t * name,int len)409     NameSymbol* FindOrInsertName(const wchar_t* name, int len)
410     {
411         NameSymbol* name_symbol = name_table.FindOrInsertName(name, len);
412         if (! name_symbol -> Utf8_literal)
413             name_symbol -> Utf8_literal =
414                 ConvertUnicodeToUtf8(name_symbol -> Name());
415         return name_symbol;
416     }
418     //
419     // Make up a parameter name of the form $(num) and return its name symbol.
420     //
MakeParameter(int num)421     NameSymbol* MakeParameter(int num)
422     {
423         IntToWstring value(num);
424         wchar_t str[13];
425         str[0] = U_DOLLAR; // '$'
426         wcscpy(&str[1], value.String());
427         return FindOrInsertName(str, value.Length() + 1);
428     }
430     //
431     //
432     //
433     static DirectorySymbol* GetOutputDirectory(FileSymbol*);
434     static FileSymbol* GetJavaFile(PackageSymbol*, const NameSymbol*);
435     static FileSymbol* GetFile(Control&, PackageSymbol*, const NameSymbol*);
436     static FileSymbol* GetFileFirst(Control&, PackageSymbol*,
437                                     const NameSymbol*);
438     static FileSymbol* GetFileBoth(Control&, PackageSymbol*,
439                                    const NameSymbol*);
441     PackageSymbol* FindOrInsertPackage(LexStream*, AstName*);
442     void ProcessPackageDeclaration(FileSymbol*, AstPackageDeclaration*);
443     void CleanUp(FileSymbol*);
IsSimpleIntegerValueType(const TypeSymbol * type)445     inline bool IsSimpleIntegerValueType(const TypeSymbol* type)
446     {
447         return type == byte_type || type == short_type ||
448             type == int_type || type == char_type;
449     }
IsIntegral(const TypeSymbol * type)451     inline bool IsIntegral(const TypeSymbol* type)
452     {
453         return IsSimpleIntegerValueType(type) || type == long_type;
454     }
IsFloatingPoint(const TypeSymbol * type)456     inline bool IsFloatingPoint(const TypeSymbol* type)
457     {
458         return type == float_type || type == double_type;
459     }
IsNumeric(const TypeSymbol * type)461     inline bool IsNumeric(const TypeSymbol* type)
462     {
463         return IsIntegral(type) || IsFloatingPoint(type);
464     }
IsDoubleWordType(const TypeSymbol * type)466     inline bool IsDoubleWordType(const TypeSymbol* type)
467     {
468         return type == long_type || type == double_type;
469     }
IsPrimitive(const TypeSymbol * type)471     inline bool IsPrimitive(const TypeSymbol* type)
472     {
473         return IsNumeric(type) || type == boolean_type;
474     }
ProcessBadType(TypeSymbol * type_symbol)476     inline void ProcessBadType(TypeSymbol* type_symbol)
477     {
478         type_trash_bin.Next() = type_symbol;
479     }
481     void ProcessHeaders(FileSymbol*);
483 #ifdef JIKES_DEBUG
484     int input_files_processed,
485         class_files_read,
486         class_files_written,
487         line_count;
488 #endif // JIKES_DEBUG
490     PackageSymbol* ProcessPackage(const wchar_t*);
492     DirectorySymbol* FindSubdirectory(PathSymbol*, wchar_t*, int);
493     DirectorySymbol* ProcessSubdirectories(wchar_t*, int, bool);
495 private:
496     LiteralValue bad_value;
498     //
499     // Cache of system packages. lang and unnamed are always valid, because of
500     // ProcessUnnamedPackage and ProcessSystemInformation in system.cpp, the
501     // constructor initializes the rest to NULL in control.cpp; see accessor
502     // methods above for assignment.
503     //
504     PackageSymbol* annotation_package;
505     PackageSymbol* io_package;
506     PackageSymbol* lang_package;
507     PackageSymbol* util_package;
508     PackageSymbol* unnamed_package;
510     static int ConvertUnicodeToUtf8(const wchar_t*, char*);
511     NameSymbol* FindOrInsertSystemName(const char* name);
513     void ProcessGlobals();
514     void ProcessUnnamedPackage();
515     void ProcessPath();
516     void ProcessBootClassPath();
517     void ProcessExtDirs();
518     void ProcessClassPath();
519     void ProcessSourcePath();
520     TypeSymbol* GetPrimitiveType(const char*, char);
521     void ProcessSystemInformation();
522     TypeSymbol* ProcessSystemType(PackageSymbol*, const char*);
523     MethodSymbol* ProcessSystemMethod(TypeSymbol*, const char*, const char*);
524     VariableSymbol* ProcessSystemField(TypeSymbol*, const char*, const char*);
526     void ProcessFile(FileSymbol*);
527     void ProcessMembers();
528     void CollectTypes(TypeSymbol*, Tuple<TypeSymbol*>&);
529     void ProcessBodies(TypeSymbol*);
530     void CheckForUnusedImports(Semantic *);
532     void ProcessNewInputFiles(SymbolSet&, char**);
534     FileSymbol* FindOrInsertJavaInputFile(DirectorySymbol*, NameSymbol*);
535     FileSymbol* FindOrInsertJavaInputFile(wchar_t*, int);
536 };
539 } // Close namespace Jikes block
540 #endif
542 #endif // control_INCLUDED