1 // $Id: decl.cpp,v 1.144 2004/09/26 22:40:41 elliott-oss Exp $
2 //
3 // This software is subject to the terms of the IBM Jikes Compiler
4 // License Agreement available at the following URL:
5 // http://ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes.
6 // Copyright (C) 1996, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
7 // You must accept the terms of that agreement to use this software.
8 //
9 #include "platform.h"
10 #include "semantic.h"
11 #include "control.h"
12 #include "depend.h"
13 #include "table.h"
14 #include "tuple.h"
15 #include "spell.h"
16 #include "option.h"
17 #include "stream.h"
20 namespace Jikes { // Open namespace Jikes block
21 #endif
23 //
24 // If this compilation unit contains a package declaration, make sure
25 // the package is not also associated with a type. We used to also
26 // require that the package exist at compile time, but this was
27 // changed so that we are compatible with other Java compilers.
28 //
CheckPackage()29 inline void Semantic::CheckPackage()
30 {
31     if (! compilation_unit -> package_declaration_opt)
32         return;
33     AstPackageDeclaration* package_decl =
34         compilation_unit -> package_declaration_opt;
35     //
36     // Make sure that the package or any of its parents does not match the
37     // name of a type.
38     //
39     for (PackageSymbol* subpackage = this_package,
40              *package = subpackage -> owner;
41          package; subpackage = package, package = package -> owner)
42     {
43         FileSymbol* file_symbol =
44             Control::GetFile(control, package, subpackage -> Identity());
45         if (file_symbol)
46         {
47             char* file_name = file_symbol -> FileName();
48             int length = file_symbol -> FileNameLength();
49             wchar_t* error_name = new wchar_t[length + 1];
50             for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
51                 error_name[i] = file_name[i];
52             error_name[length] = U_NULL;
54             ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_TYPE_CONFLICT,
55                            compilation_unit -> package_declaration_opt -> name,
56                            package -> PackageName(), subpackage -> Name(),
57                            error_name);
58             delete [] error_name;
59         }
60     }
61     // TODO: Warn about package annotations outside of package-info.java.
62     ProcessPackageModifiers(package_decl);
63 }
66 //
67 // Pass 1: Introduce the main package, the current package and all types
68 // specified into their proper scope
69 //
ProcessTypeNames()70 void Semantic::ProcessTypeNames()
71 {
72     import_on_demand_packages.Next() = control.LangPackage();
73     compilation_unit = source_file_symbol -> compilation_unit;
75     //
76     // If we are supposed to be verbose, report empty declarations...
77     //
78     if (control.option.pedantic)
79     {
80         if (compilation_unit -> EmptyCompilationUnitCast())
81             ReportSemError(SemanticError::NO_TYPES, compilation_unit);
82         for (unsigned i = 0;
83              i < compilation_unit -> NumTypeDeclarations(); i++)
84         {
85             AstDeclaredType* type_declaration =
86                 compilation_unit -> TypeDeclaration(i);
87             if (type_declaration -> EmptyDeclarationCast())
88             {
89                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::EMPTY_DECLARATION,
90                                type_declaration);
91             }
92         }
93     }
95     //
96     // If we have a bad compilation unit insert its types as "bad types"
97     //
98     if (compilation_unit -> BadCompilationUnitCast())
99     {
100         for (unsigned i = 0; i < lex_stream -> NumTypes(); i++)
101         {
102             TokenIndex identifier_token =
103                 lex_stream -> Next(lex_stream -> Type(i));
104             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
105                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
106             if (name_symbol)
107             {
108                 TypeSymbol* type = this_package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
109                 assert(type);
111                 type -> MarkBad();
112                 type -> MarkSourceNoLongerPending();
113                 type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
114                 type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
115                 type -> semantic_environment =
116                     new SemanticEnvironment(this, type, NULL);
117                 if (type != control.Object())
118                     type -> super = control.no_type;
119                 if (! type -> FindMethodSymbol(control.init_name_symbol))
120                     AddDefaultConstructor(type);
121                 source_file_symbol -> types.Next() = type;
122             }
123         }
124         return;
125     }
127     //
128     // Use this tuple to compute the list of valid types encountered in this
129     // compilation unit.
130     //
131     Tuple<TypeSymbol*> type_list;
133     //
134     // Process each type in this compilation unit, in turn
135     //
136     for (unsigned k = 0; k < compilation_unit -> NumTypeDeclarations(); k++)
137     {
138         TokenIndex identifier_token = BAD_TOKEN;
139         TypeSymbol* type = NULL;
140         AstDeclaredType* declaration = compilation_unit -> TypeDeclaration(k);
141         if (! declaration -> EmptyDeclarationCast())
142         {
143             identifier_token = declaration -> class_body -> identifier_token;
144             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
145                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
146             //
147             // Warn against unconventional names.
148             //
149             if (name_symbol -> IsBadStyleForClass())
150             {
151                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCONVENTIONAL_CLASS_NAME,
152                                identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name());
153             }
154             type = this_package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
155             // type was already created in Control::ProcessPackageDeclaration
156             assert(type);
157             if (! type -> SourcePending())
158             {
159                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_TYPE_DECLARATION,
160                                identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
161                                type -> FileLoc());
162                 type = NULL;
163             }
164             else
165             {
166                 if (type -> ContainingPackage() == control.UnnamedPackage())
167                 {
168                     TypeSymbol* old_type = (TypeSymbol*) control.
169                         unnamed_package_types.Image(name_symbol);
170                     if (old_type != type)
171                     {
172                         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_TYPE_DECLARATION,
173                                        identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
174                                        old_type -> FileLoc());
175                     }
176                 }
177                 // Save valid type for later processing. See below.
178                 type_list.Next() = type;
179                 type -> MarkSourceNoLongerPending();
180                 type -> semantic_environment =
181                     new SemanticEnvironment(this, type, NULL);
182                 type -> declaration = declaration -> class_body;
183                 type -> SetFlags(ProcessTopLevelTypeModifiers(declaration));
184                 //
185                 // Add 3 extra elements for padding. May need a default
186                 // constructor and other support elements.
187                 //
188                 type -> SetSymbolTable(declaration -> class_body ->
189                                        NumClassBodyDeclarations() + 3);
190                 type -> SetLocation();
192                 if (lex_stream -> IsDeprecated(declaration -> LeftToken()))
193                     type -> MarkDeprecated();
194                 source_file_symbol -> types.Next() = type;
195                 declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment =
196                     type -> semantic_environment;
197                 CheckNestedMembers(type, declaration -> class_body);
198             }
199         }
201         //
202         // If we successfully processed this type, check that
203         //     . its name does not conflict with a subpackage
204         //     . if it is contained in a file with a different name
205         //       than its own name that there does not also exist a
206         //       (java or class) file with its name.
207         //
208         if (type)
209         {
210             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
211                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
212             for (unsigned i = 0; i < this_package -> directory.Length(); i++)
213             {
214                 //
215                 // The unnamed package cannot contain subpackages, as
216                 // subpackages require a named top-level package. In other
217                 // words, java.lang is not a subpackage of the unnamed one.
218                 //
219                 if ((this_package -> directory[i] ->
220                      FindDirectorySymbol(name_symbol)) &&
221                     this_package != control.UnnamedPackage())
222                 {
223                     char* file_name = type -> file_symbol -> FileName();
224                     int length = type -> file_symbol -> FileNameLength();
225                     wchar_t* error_name = new wchar_t[length + 1];
226                     for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)
227                         error_name[j] = file_name[j];
228                     error_name[length] = U_NULL;
230                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_TYPE_CONFLICT,
231                                    identifier_token,
232                                    this_package -> PackageName(),
233                                    name_symbol -> Name(), error_name);
234                     delete [] error_name;
235                 }
236             }
238             if (type -> Identity() != source_file_symbol -> Identity())
239             {
240                 PackageSymbol* package = this_package;
241                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
242                     Control::GetJavaFile(package, type -> Identity());
244                 if (file_symbol)
245                 {
246                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_IN_MULTIPLE_FILES,
247                                    identifier_token,
248                                    this_package -> PackageName(),
249                                    source_file_symbol -> Name(),
250                                    package -> PackageName(), type -> Name());
251                 }
252             }
253         }
254     }
256     CheckPackage();
257     ProcessImports();
259     //
260     // Make sure that compilation unit contains exactly one public type, and
261     // that it matches the file name.
262     //
263     TypeSymbol* public_type = NULL;
264     for (unsigned i = 0; i < type_list.Length(); i++)
265     {
266         TypeSymbol* type = type_list[i];
267         if (type && type -> ACC_PUBLIC())
268         {
269             if (! public_type)
270             {
271                 public_type = type;
272                 if (source_file_symbol -> Identity() !=
273                     public_type -> Identity())
274                 {
275                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_TYPE_AND_FILE_NAMES,
276                                    type -> declaration -> identifier_token,
277                                    public_type -> Name());
278                 }
279             }
280             else
281             {
282                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::MULTIPLE_PUBLIC_TYPES,
283                                type -> declaration -> identifier_token,
284                                type -> Name(),
285                                public_type -> Name());
286             }
287         }
288     }
289 }
CheckNestedMembers(TypeSymbol * containing_type,AstClassBody * class_body)292 void Semantic::CheckNestedMembers(TypeSymbol* containing_type,
293                                   AstClassBody* class_body)
294 {
295     unsigned i;
296     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumNestedClasses(); i++)
297     {
298         AstClassDeclaration* decl = class_body -> NestedClass(i);
299         ProcessNestedTypeName(containing_type, decl);
300     }
301     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumNestedEnums(); i++)
302     {
303         AstEnumDeclaration* decl = class_body -> NestedEnum(i);
304         ProcessNestedTypeName(containing_type, decl);
305     }
306     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumNestedInterfaces(); i++)
307     {
308         AstInterfaceDeclaration* decl = class_body -> NestedInterface(i);
309         ProcessNestedTypeName(containing_type, decl);
310     }
311     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumNestedAnnotations(); i++)
312     {
313         AstAnnotationDeclaration* decl = class_body -> NestedAnnotation(i);
314         ProcessNestedTypeName(containing_type, decl);
315     }
316     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumEmptyDeclarations(); i++)
317     {
318         if (control.option.pedantic)
319             ReportSemError(SemanticError::EMPTY_DECLARATION,
320                            class_body -> EmptyDeclaration(i));
321     }
322 }
325 //
326 // Given a type shadow symbol, returns the first accessible type, and reports
327 // an error for any other accessible types.
328 //
FindTypeInShadow(TypeShadowSymbol * type_shadow_symbol,TokenIndex identifier_token)329 inline TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindTypeInShadow(TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol,
330                                               TokenIndex identifier_token)
331 {
332     TypeSymbol* type = type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol;
333     unsigned i = 0;
334     if (! TypeAccessCheck(type))
335     {
336         if (type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts())
337         {
338             //
339             // The conflicts are necessarily accessible, because they are
340             // public types inherited from interfaces.
341             //
342             type = type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(0);
343             i = 1;
344         }
345         else type = NULL;
346     }
347     for ( ; i < type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); i++)
348     {
349         ReportSemError(SemanticError::AMBIGUOUS_TYPE,
350                        identifier_token, type -> Name(),
351                        type -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackageName(),
352                        type -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName(),
353                        type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(i) -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ContainingPackageName(),
354                        type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(i) -> owner -> TypeCast() -> ExternalName());
355     }
356     return type;
357 }
CheckNestedTypeDuplication(SemanticEnvironment * env,TokenIndex identifier_token)360 void Semantic::CheckNestedTypeDuplication(SemanticEnvironment* env,
361                                           TokenIndex identifier_token)
362 {
363     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
365     //
366     // First check to see if we have a duplication at the same level...
367     //
368     TypeSymbol* old_type = NULL;
369     if (env -> symbol_table.Size())
370     {
371         for (int i = env -> symbol_table.Size(); --i >= 0; )
372         {
373             old_type = env -> symbol_table[i] -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
374             if (old_type)
375                 break;
376         }
377     }
378     else old_type = env -> Type() -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
379     if (old_type)
380     {
381         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_TYPE_DECLARATION,
382                        identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
383                        old_type -> FileLoc());
384     }
385     else
386     {
387         //
388         // ... Then check the enclosing environments...
389         //
390         for (; env; env = env -> previous)
391         {
392             if (env -> Type() -> Identity() == name_symbol)
393             {
394                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_INNER_TYPE_NAME,
395                                identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
396                                env -> Type() -> FileLoc());
397                 break;
398             }
399         }
400     }
401 }
ProcessNestedTypeName(TypeSymbol * containing_type,AstDeclaredType * declaration)404 TypeSymbol* Semantic::ProcessNestedTypeName(TypeSymbol* containing_type,
405                                             AstDeclaredType* declaration)
406 {
407     AstClassBody* class_body = declaration -> class_body;
408     NameSymbol* name_symbol =
409         lex_stream -> NameSymbol(class_body -> identifier_token);
410     TypeSymbol* outermost_type = containing_type -> outermost_type;
412     CheckNestedTypeDuplication(containing_type -> semantic_environment,
413                                class_body -> identifier_token);
414     int length = containing_type -> ExternalNameLength() + 1 +
415         name_symbol -> NameLength(); // +1 for $,... +1 for $
416     wchar_t* external_name = new wchar_t[length + 1]; // +1 for '\0';
417     wcscpy(external_name, containing_type -> ExternalName());
418     wcscat(external_name, StringConstant::US_DS);
419     wcscat(external_name, name_symbol -> Name());
421     TypeSymbol* inner_type =
422         containing_type -> InsertNestedTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
423     inner_type -> outermost_type = outermost_type;
424     inner_type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
425     inner_type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
426     inner_type -> SetExternalIdentity(control.FindOrInsertName(external_name,
427                                                                length));
428     inner_type -> semantic_environment =
429         new SemanticEnvironment(this, inner_type,
430                                 containing_type -> semantic_environment);
431     inner_type -> declaration = declaration -> class_body;
432     inner_type -> file_symbol = source_file_symbol;
433     inner_type -> SetFlags(ProcessNestedTypeModifiers(containing_type,
434                                                       declaration));
435     inner_type -> SetOwner(containing_type);
436     //
437     // Add 3 extra elements for padding. May need a default constructor and
438     // other support elements.
439     //
440     inner_type -> SetSymbolTable(class_body -> NumClassBodyDeclarations() + 3);
441     inner_type -> SetLocation();
442     inner_type -> SetSignature(control);
444     delete [] external_name;
446     if (lex_stream -> IsDeprecated(declaration -> LeftToken()))
447         inner_type -> MarkDeprecated();
449     //
450     // If not a top-level type, then add pointer to enclosing type.
451     //
452     if (! inner_type -> ACC_STATIC())
453         inner_type -> InsertThis0();
454     else if (containing_type -> IsInner())
455     {
456         ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_TYPE_IN_INNER_CLASS,
457                        class_body -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
458                        containing_type -> Name(),
459                        containing_type -> FileLoc());
460         // Change its status so we can continue compiling...
461         inner_type -> ResetACC_STATIC();
462     }
464     if (inner_type -> IsLocal())
465     {
466         if (! outermost_type -> local)
467             outermost_type -> local = new SymbolSet;
468         outermost_type -> local -> AddElement(inner_type);
469     }
470     else
471     {
472         if (! outermost_type -> non_local)
473             outermost_type -> non_local = new SymbolSet;
474         outermost_type -> non_local -> AddElement(inner_type);
475     }
477     //
478     // Warn against unconventional names.
479     //
480     if (name_symbol -> IsBadStyleForClass())
481     {
482         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCONVENTIONAL_CLASS_NAME,
483                        class_body -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name());
484     }
486     declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment =
487         inner_type -> semantic_environment;
488     CheckNestedMembers(inner_type, class_body);
489     return inner_type;
490 }
493 //
494 // Pass 1.2: Process all import statements
495 //
ProcessImports()496 void Semantic::ProcessImports()
497 {
498     for (unsigned i = 0; i < compilation_unit -> NumImportDeclarations(); i++)
499     {
500         AstImportDeclaration* import_declaration =
501             compilation_unit -> ImportDeclaration(i);
502         if (import_declaration -> static_token_opt)
503         {
504             // TODO: Add static import support for 1.5.
505             //      if (control.option.source < JikesOption::SDK1_5)
506             {
507                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_IMPORT_UNSUPPORTED,
508                                import_declaration -> static_token_opt);
509             }
510         }
511         if (import_declaration -> star_token_opt)
512             ProcessTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(import_declaration);
513         else ProcessSingleTypeImportDeclaration(import_declaration);
514     }
515 }
518 //
519 // Pass 2: Process "extends" and "implements" clauses associated with the
520 // types.
521 //
ProcessTypeHeader(AstClassDeclaration * declaration)522 void Semantic::ProcessTypeHeader(AstClassDeclaration* declaration)
523 {
524     TypeSymbol* type =
525         declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment -> Type();
526     assert(! type -> HeaderProcessed() || type -> Bad());
527     type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
528     if (type -> Bad())
529         return;
531     //
532     // Special case certain classes in java.lang.  We can't use the
533     // control.Classname() accessor method here, because that causes problems
534     // with recursion or non-existant classes.
535     //
536     if (this_package == control.LangPackage() && ! type -> IsNested())
537     {
538         // java.lang.Object is the only class with no supertype.
539         if (type -> Identity() == control.Object_name_symbol)
540         {
541             if (declaration -> super_opt || declaration -> NumInterfaces())
542             {
543                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::OBJECT_WITH_SUPER_TYPE,
544                                declaration -> LeftToken(),
545                                declaration -> class_body -> left_brace_token - 1);
546             }
547             if (declaration -> type_parameters_opt)
548             {
549                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_MAY_NOT_HAVE_PARAMETERS,
550                                declaration -> LeftToken(),
551                                declaration -> class_body -> left_brace_token - 1,
552                                type -> ContainingPackageName(),
553                                type -> ExternalName());
554             }
555             type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
556             return;
557         }
558         //
559         // java.lang.Enum didn't exist before 1.5.
560         //
561         else if (type -> Identity() == control.Enum_name_symbol)
562             type -> MarkEnum();
563     }
565     if (declaration -> type_parameters_opt)
566         ProcessTypeParameters(type, declaration -> type_parameters_opt);
568     //
569     // Process the supertypes.
570     //
571     if (declaration -> super_opt)
572     {
573         ProcessType(declaration -> super_opt);
574         TypeSymbol* super_type = declaration -> super_opt -> symbol;
575         assert(! super_type -> SourcePending());
576         if (! super_type -> HeaderProcessed())
577             super_type -> ProcessTypeHeaders();
578         if (control.option.deprecation && state_stack.Size() == 0 &&
579             super_type -> IsDeprecated() && ! type -> IsDeprecated())
580         {
581             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_TYPE,
582                            declaration -> super_opt,
583                            super_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
584                            super_type -> ExternalName());
585         }
586         if (super_type -> IsEnum())
587         {
588             ReportSemError(SemanticError::SUPER_IS_ENUM,
589                            declaration -> super_opt,
590                            super_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
591                            super_type -> ExternalName());
592         }
593         else if (super_type -> ACC_INTERFACE())
594         {
595             ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_A_CLASS,
596                            declaration -> super_opt,
597                            super_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
598                            super_type -> ExternalName());
599         }
600         else if (super_type -> ACC_FINAL())
601         {
602             ReportSemError(SemanticError::SUPER_IS_FINAL,
603                            declaration -> super_opt,
604                            super_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
605                            super_type -> ExternalName());
606         }
607         else if (super_type -> Bad())
608             ; // ignore
609         else
610         {
611             super_type -> subtypes -> AddElement(type);
612             type -> super = super_type;
613             while (super_type)
614             {
615                 type -> supertypes_closure -> AddElement(super_type);
616                 type -> supertypes_closure -> Union(*super_type ->
617                                                     supertypes_closure);
618                 if (super_type -> owner -> TypeCast())
619                     super_type = super_type -> ContainingType();
620                 else super_type = NULL;
621             }
622         }
623     }
624     if (! type -> super)
625     {
626         type -> super = control.Object();
627         type -> supertypes_closure -> AddElement(control.Object());
628         control.Object() -> subtypes -> AddElement(type);
629     }
630     AddDependence(type, type -> super);
632     for (unsigned i = 0; i < declaration -> NumInterfaces(); i++)
633         ProcessSuperinterface(type, declaration -> Interface(i));
635     // if there is a cycle, break it and issue an error message
636     if (type -> supertypes_closure -> IsElement(type))
637     {
638         type -> super = control.Object();
639         type -> ResetInterfaces();
640         type -> MarkCircular();
641         ReportSemError(SemanticError::CIRCULAR_CLASS,
642                        declaration -> class_body -> identifier_token,
643                        declaration -> class_body -> left_brace_token - 1,
644                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
645                        type -> ExternalName());
646     }
647     else if (declaration -> type_parameters_opt &&
648              type -> IsSubclass(control.Throwable()))
649     {
650         ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_MAY_NOT_HAVE_PARAMETERS,
651                        declaration -> LeftToken(),
652                        declaration -> class_body -> left_brace_token - 1,
653                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
654                        type -> ExternalName());
655     }
656 }
ProcessTypeHeader(AstEnumDeclaration * declaration)659 void Semantic::ProcessTypeHeader(AstEnumDeclaration* declaration)
660 {
661     TypeSymbol* type =
662         declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment -> Type();
663     assert(! type -> HeaderProcessed() || type -> Bad());
664     type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
665     // TODO: Add enum support for 1.5.
666 //      if (control.option.source < JikesOption::SDK1_5)
667     {
668         ReportSemError(SemanticError::ENUM_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED,
669                        declaration -> enum_token);
670         type -> super = control.Object();
671         type -> MarkBad();
672     }
673     if (type -> Bad())
674         return;
676     //
677     // Process the supertypes.
678     //
679     type -> super = control.Enum();
680     type -> supertypes_closure -> AddElement(control.Enum());
681     type -> MarkEnum(); // Since ACC_ENUM is only for enum constants.
682     control.Enum() -> subtypes -> AddElement(type);
683     AddDependence(type, type -> super);
684     for (unsigned i = 0; i < declaration -> NumInterfaces(); i++)
685         ProcessSuperinterface(type, declaration -> Interface(i));
686     // there will not be a cycle
687     assert(! type -> supertypes_closure -> IsElement(type));
688 }
ProcessTypeHeader(AstInterfaceDeclaration * declaration)691 void Semantic::ProcessTypeHeader(AstInterfaceDeclaration* declaration)
692 {
693     TypeSymbol* type =
694         declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment -> Type();
695     assert(! type -> HeaderProcessed() || type -> Bad());
696     type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
697     if (declaration -> type_parameters_opt)
698         ProcessTypeParameters(type, declaration -> type_parameters_opt);
700     //
701     // Although interfaces do not have a superclass in source code, in
702     // bytecode they are treated as subclasses of Object.
703     //
704     type -> super = control.Object();
705     AddDependence(type, control.Object());
706     for (unsigned k = 0; k < declaration -> NumInterfaces(); k++)
707         ProcessSuperinterface(type, declaration -> Interface(k));
709     if (type -> supertypes_closure -> IsElement(type))
710     {
711         //
712         // Remove all the interfaces if a loop is detected.
713         //
714         type -> ResetInterfaces();
715         type -> MarkCircular();
716         ReportSemError(SemanticError::CIRCULAR_INTERFACE,
717                        declaration -> class_body -> identifier_token,
718                        declaration -> class_body -> left_brace_token - 1,
719                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
720                        type -> ExternalName());
721     }
722 }
ProcessTypeHeader(AstAnnotationDeclaration * declaration)725 void Semantic::ProcessTypeHeader(AstAnnotationDeclaration* declaration)
726 {
727     TypeSymbol* type =
728         declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment -> Type();
729     assert(! type -> HeaderProcessed() || type -> Bad());
730     type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
731     // TODO: Add annotation support for 1.5.
732 //      if (control.option.source < JikesOption::SDK1_5)
733     {
734         ReportSemError(SemanticError::ANNOTATION_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED,
735                        declaration -> interface_token - 1,
736                        declaration -> interface_token);
737         type -> MarkBad();
738     }
739     //
740     // All annotations are treated as subclasses of Object and Annotation.
741     //
742     type -> super = control.Object();
743     AddDependence(type, control.Object());
744     type -> AddInterface(control.Annotation());
745     AddDependence(type, control.Annotation());
746 }
ProcessSuperinterface(TypeSymbol * base_type,AstTypeName * name)749 void Semantic::ProcessSuperinterface(TypeSymbol* base_type, AstTypeName* name)
750 {
751     ProcessType(name);
752     TypeSymbol* interf = name -> symbol;
754     assert(! interf -> SourcePending());
755     if (! interf -> HeaderProcessed())
756         interf -> ProcessTypeHeaders();
757     if (control.option.deprecation && state_stack.Size() == 0 &&
758         interf -> IsDeprecated() && ! base_type -> IsDeprecated())
759     {
760         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_TYPE, name,
761                        interf -> ContainingPackageName(),
762                        interf -> ExternalName());
763     }
764     if (! interf -> ACC_INTERFACE())
765     {
766         if (! interf -> Bad())
767         {
768             ReportSemError(SemanticError::NOT_AN_INTERFACE, name,
769                            interf -> ContainingPackageName(),
770                            interf -> ExternalName());
771         }
772         name -> symbol = NULL;
773     }
774     else
775     {
776         for (unsigned k = 0; k < base_type -> NumInterfaces(); k++)
777         {
778             if (base_type -> Interface(k) == interf)
779             {
780                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_INTERFACE, name,
781                                interf -> ContainingPackageName(),
782                                interf -> ExternalName(),
783                                base_type -> ExternalName());
784                 name -> symbol = NULL;
785                 return;
786             }
787         }
788         name -> symbol = interf; // save type name in ast.
789         base_type -> AddInterface(interf);
790         interf -> subtypes -> AddElement(base_type);
791         AddDependence(base_type, interf);
792         while (interf)
793         {
794             base_type -> supertypes_closure -> AddElement(interf);
795             base_type -> supertypes_closure -> Union(*interf ->
796                                                      supertypes_closure);
797             if (interf -> owner -> TypeCast())
798                 interf = interf -> ContainingType();
799             else interf = NULL;
800         }
801     }
802 }
805 //
806 // Processes the type parameters of a class or interface.
807 //
ProcessTypeParameters(TypeSymbol *,AstTypeParameters * parameters)808 void Semantic::ProcessTypeParameters(TypeSymbol* /*type*/,
809                                      AstTypeParameters* parameters)
810 {
811     // TODO: Add generics support for 1.5.
812     ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_PARAMETERS_UNSUPPORTED, parameters);
813 }
816 //
817 // Process the type headers of the owner of body.  Anonymous types have no
818 // owner, so anon_type must be non-null only in that case.
819 //
ProcessTypeHeaders(AstClassBody * body,TypeSymbol * anon_type)820 TypeSymbol* Semantic::ProcessTypeHeaders(AstClassBody* body,
821                                          TypeSymbol* anon_type)
822 {
823     assert(! body -> owner ^ ! anon_type);
824     SemanticEnvironment* sem = anon_type ? anon_type -> semantic_environment
825         : body -> semantic_environment;
826     TypeSymbol* type = anon_type ? anon_type : sem -> Type();
827     if (type -> HeaderProcessed())
828         return type; // Possible if a subclass was declared in the same file.
829     if (anon_type)
830         anon_type -> MarkHeaderProcessed();
831     else if (body -> owner -> ClassDeclarationCast())
832         ProcessTypeHeader((AstClassDeclaration*) body -> owner);
833     else if (body -> owner -> EnumDeclarationCast())
834         ProcessTypeHeader((AstEnumDeclaration*) body -> owner);
835     else if (body -> owner -> InterfaceDeclarationCast())
836         ProcessTypeHeader((AstInterfaceDeclaration*) body -> owner);
837     else
838     {
839         assert(body -> owner -> AnnotationDeclarationCast());
840         ProcessTypeHeader((AstAnnotationDeclaration*) body -> owner);
841     }
842     state_stack.Push(sem);
843     unsigned i;
844     for (i = 0; i < body -> NumNestedClasses(); i++)
845     {
846         AstClassDeclaration* nested_class = body -> NestedClass(i);
847         type -> AddNestedType(ProcessTypeHeaders(nested_class -> class_body));
848     }
849     for (i = 0; i < body -> NumNestedEnums(); i++)
850     {
851         AstEnumDeclaration* nested_enum = body -> NestedEnum(i);
852         type -> AddNestedType(ProcessTypeHeaders(nested_enum -> class_body));
853     }
854     for (i = 0; i < body -> NumNestedInterfaces(); i++)
855     {
856         AstInterfaceDeclaration* nested = body -> NestedInterface(i);
857         type -> AddNestedType(ProcessTypeHeaders(nested -> class_body));
858     }
859     for (i = 0; i < body -> NumNestedAnnotations(); i++)
860     {
861         AstAnnotationDeclaration* nested = body -> NestedAnnotation(i);
862         type -> AddNestedType(ProcessTypeHeaders(nested -> class_body));
863     }
864     state_stack.Pop();
865     return type;
866 }
ReportTypeInaccessible(TokenIndex left_tok,TokenIndex right_tok,TypeSymbol * type)869 void Semantic::ReportTypeInaccessible(TokenIndex left_tok,
870                                       TokenIndex right_tok,
871                                       TypeSymbol* type)
872 {
873     ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_ACCESSIBLE, left_tok, right_tok,
874                    type -> ContainingPackageName(),
875                    type -> ExternalName(), type -> AccessString());
876 }
879 //
880 // Finds an accessible member type named identifier_token within type, or
881 // returns NULL. Issues an error if there are multiple ambiguous types. The
882 // caller is responsible for searching for inaccessible member types.
883 //
FindNestedType(TypeSymbol * type,TokenIndex identifier_token)884 TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindNestedType(TypeSymbol* type,
885                                      TokenIndex identifier_token)
886 {
887     if (type == control.null_type || type -> Bad() || type -> Primitive())
888     {
889         return NULL;
890     }
892     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
894     if (! type -> expanded_type_table)
895         ComputeTypesClosure(type, identifier_token);
896     TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol =
897         type -> expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
899     return (type_shadow_symbol
900             ? FindTypeInShadow(type_shadow_symbol, identifier_token)
901             : (TypeSymbol*) NULL);
902 }
905 //
906 // Finds a nested type named name within the enclosing type, and establishes
907 // a dependence relation. This also searches for inaccessible types, and
908 // reports an error before returning the inaccessible type. For any other
909 // error, the return is control.no_type.
910 //
MustFindNestedType(TypeSymbol * type,AstName * name)911 TypeSymbol* Semantic::MustFindNestedType(TypeSymbol* type, AstName* name)
912 {
913     if (type -> Bad())
914         return control.no_type;
915     if (name -> base_opt && ! name -> base_opt -> symbol)
916         type = MustFindNestedType(type, name -> base_opt);
917     TypeSymbol* inner_type = FindNestedType(type, name -> identifier_token);
918     if (! inner_type)
919     {
920         //
921         // Before failing completely, check whether or not the user is trying
922         // to access an inaccessible nested type.
923         //
924         NameSymbol* name_symbol =
925             lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
926         for (TypeSymbol* super_type = type -> super;
927              super_type && ! super_type -> Bad();
928              super_type = super_type -> super)
929         {
930             assert(super_type -> expanded_type_table);
932             TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol = super_type ->
933                 expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
934             if (type_shadow_symbol)
935             {
936                 inner_type = FindTypeInShadow(type_shadow_symbol,
937                                               name -> identifier_token);
938                 break;
939             }
940         }
942         if (inner_type)
943             ReportTypeInaccessible(name, inner_type);
944         else inner_type = GetBadNestedType(type, name -> identifier_token);
945     }
946     return inner_type -> Bad() ? control.no_type : inner_type;
947 }
950 //
951 // Pass 3: Process all method and constructor declarations within the
952 // compilation unit so that any field initialization enclosed in the
953 // compilation unit can invoke any constructor or method within the unit.
954 //
ProcessConstructorMembers(AstClassBody * class_body)955 inline void Semantic::ProcessConstructorMembers(AstClassBody* class_body)
956 {
957     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
958     assert(this_type -> HeaderProcessed());
959     if (class_body -> NumConstructors())
960     {
961         for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumConstructors(); i++)
962             ProcessConstructorDeclaration(class_body -> Constructor(i));
963     }
964     else if (! this_type -> Anonymous() && ! this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE())
965         AddDefaultConstructor(this_type);
966     this_type -> MarkConstructorMembersProcessed();
967 }
ProcessMethodMembers(AstClassBody * class_body)970 inline void Semantic::ProcessMethodMembers(AstClassBody* class_body)
971 {
972     assert(ThisType() -> HeaderProcessed());
973     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumMethods(); i++)
974         ProcessMethodDeclaration(class_body -> Method(i));
975     ThisType() -> MarkMethodMembersProcessed();
976 }
ProcessFieldMembers(AstClassBody * class_body)979 inline void Semantic::ProcessFieldMembers(AstClassBody* class_body)
980 {
981     assert(ThisType() -> HeaderProcessed());
982     unsigned i;
983     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumInstanceVariables(); i++)
984         ProcessFieldDeclaration(class_body -> InstanceVariable(i));
985     for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumClassVariables(); i++)
986         ProcessFieldDeclaration(class_body -> ClassVariable(i));
987     ThisType() -> MarkFieldMembersProcessed();
988 }
ProcessClassBodyForEffectiveJavaChecks(AstClassBody * class_body)991 void Semantic::ProcessClassBodyForEffectiveJavaChecks(AstClassBody* class_body)
992 {
993     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
994     assert(this_type -> HeaderProcessed());
996     //
997     // Find out about this class' constructors:
998     // Does it have any non-default constructors?
999     // Does it have a private constructor?
1000     //
1001     bool has_private_constructor = false;
1002     bool has_non_default_constructor = false;
1003     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumConstructors(); ++i)
1004     {
1005         AstConstructorDeclaration* constructor_declaration =
1006             class_body -> Constructor(i);
1007         if (! constructor_declaration -> IsValid())
1008             continue;
1009         MethodSymbol* constructor = constructor_declaration ->
1010             constructor_symbol;
1011         if (constructor -> ACC_PRIVATE())
1012         {
1013             has_private_constructor = true;
1014         }
1016         if (class_body -> default_constructor == NULL ||
1017             constructor != class_body -> default_constructor -> constructor_symbol)
1018         {
1019             has_non_default_constructor = true;
1020         }
1021     }
1023     //
1024     // Find out about equals and hashCode, and count how many instance methods
1025     // we have (the NumMethods member function returns the sum of both the
1026     // class and instance methods).
1027     //
1028     bool has_correct_equals_method = false;
1029     AstMethodDeclaration* equals_method = NULL;
1030     AstMethodDeclaration* hashCode_method = NULL;
1031     int instance_method_count = 0;
1033     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumMethods(); ++i)
1034     {
1035         AstMethodDeclaration* method_declaration = class_body -> Method(i);
1036         if (! method_declaration -> IsValid())
1037             continue;
1038         MethodSymbol* method = method_declaration -> method_symbol;
1039         if (! method -> ACC_STATIC())
1040         {
1041             ++instance_method_count;
1042         }
1043         if (! this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() && ! method -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
1044         {
1045             //
1046             // Is it "boolean equals(T other)" for some type T?
1047             //
1048             if (method -> name_symbol == control.equals_name_symbol &&
1049                 method -> Type() == control.boolean_type &&
1050                 method -> NumFormalParameters() == 1 &&
1051                 ! has_correct_equals_method)
1052             {
1053                 equals_method = method_declaration;
1054                 has_correct_equals_method = (method -> FormalParameter(0) ->
1055                                              Type() == control.Object());
1056             }
1058             //
1059             // Is it "int hashCode()"?
1060             //
1061             if (method -> name_symbol == control.hashCode_name_symbol &&
1062                 method -> Type() == control.int_type &&
1063                 method -> NumFormalParameters() == 0)
1064             {
1065                 hashCode_method = method_declaration;
1066             }
1067         }
1068     }
1070     //
1071     // Warn about problems with equals and hashCode.
1072     //
1073     if (equals_method != NULL && ! has_correct_equals_method)
1074     {
1075         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_AVOID_OVERLOADING_EQUALS,
1076                        equals_method -> method_declarator -> identifier_token,
1077                        this_type -> Name());
1078     }
1079     if (equals_method != NULL && hashCode_method == NULL)
1080     {
1081         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_EQUALS_WITHOUT_HASH_CODE,
1082                        equals_method -> method_declarator -> identifier_token,
1083                        this_type -> Name());
1084     }
1085     if (equals_method == NULL && hashCode_method != NULL)
1086     {
1087         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_HASH_CODE_WITHOUT_EQUALS,
1088                        hashCode_method -> method_declarator -> identifier_token,
1089                        this_type -> Name());
1090     }
1092     //
1093     // Warn against utility classes that don't have a private constructor.
1094     // Empty classes don't count. They're not very useful, but they do
1095     // exist. The jacks test suite uses one to check the compiler's
1096     // working, and Sun use them in the Swing Windows plaf, for example.
1097     //
1098     bool is_non_empty_class = (class_body -> NumClassVariables() > 0 ||
1099                                class_body -> NumInstanceVariables() > 0 ||
1100                                class_body -> NumMethods() > 0);
1101     bool has_instance_members = (class_body -> NumInstanceVariables() > 0 ||
1102                                  instance_method_count > 0);
1103     if (is_non_empty_class &&
1104         ! has_instance_members &&
1105         ! this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
1106         ! this_type -> ACC_ABSTRACT() &&
1107         ! this_type -> Anonymous() &&
1108         ! has_non_default_constructor &&
1109         ! has_private_constructor &&
1110         this_type -> super == control.Object())
1111     {
1112         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_MISSING_PRIVATE_CONSTRUCTOR,
1113                        class_body -> identifier_token,
1114                        this_type -> Name());
1115     }
1117     //
1118     // Warn against interfaces that don't define any behavior.
1119     //
1120     if (this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
1121         this_type -> super == control.Object() &&
1122         class_body -> NumMethods() == 0)
1123     {
1124         //
1125         // Tag interfaces such as java.io.Serializable are okay, so we need
1126         // to check that there is actually something in this interface
1127         // before we complain about it.
1128         //
1129         int field_count = class_body -> NumClassVariables() +
1130                           class_body -> NumInstanceVariables();
1131         if (field_count != 0)
1132         {
1133             ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_INTERFACE_DOES_NOT_DEFINE_TYPE,
1134                            class_body -> identifier_token,
1135                            this_type -> Name());
1136         }
1137     }
1139     CheckForSerializationMistakes(class_body);
1140 }
CheckForSerializationMistakes(AstClassBody * class_body)1143 void Semantic::CheckForSerializationMistakes(AstClassBody* class_body)
1144 {
1145     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
1147     if (! this_type -> Implements(control.Serializable()))
1148         return;
1150     if (this_type -> IsInner())
1151     {
1152         // FIXME: If the class implements the readObject and writeObject
1153         // methods, it should be okay. But would anyone really do that?
1154         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_SERIALIZABLE_INNER_CLASS,
1155                        class_body -> identifier_token);
1156     }
1158     //
1159     // Warn against Serializable classes without an explicit serialVersionUID.
1160     //
1161     bool found_serialVersionUID = false;
1162     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumClassVariables(); ++i)
1163     {
1164         AstFieldDeclaration* fd = class_body -> ClassVariable(i);
1165         for (unsigned j = 0; j < fd -> NumVariableDeclarators(); ++j)
1166         {
1167             AstVariableDeclarator* vd = fd -> VariableDeclarator(j);
1168             NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(vd ->
1169                 variable_declarator_name -> identifier_token);
1170             if (name_symbol == control.serialVersionUID_name_symbol)
1171             {
1172                 found_serialVersionUID = true;
1173             }
1174         }
1175     }
1176     if (! found_serialVersionUID)
1177     {
1178         ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISSING_SERIAL_VERSION_UID,
1179                        class_body -> identifier_token);
1180     }
1181 }
ProcessMembers(AstClassBody * class_body)1184 void Semantic::ProcessMembers(AstClassBody* class_body)
1185 {
1186     state_stack.Push(class_body -> semantic_environment);
1187     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
1188     unsigned i;
1190     assert(! this_type -> ConstructorMembersProcessed() || this_type -> Bad());
1191     assert(! this_type -> MethodMembersProcessed() || this_type -> Bad());
1192     assert(! this_type -> FieldMembersProcessed() || this_type -> Bad());
1194     ProcessConstructorMembers(class_body);
1195     ProcessMethodMembers(class_body);
1196     ProcessFieldMembers(class_body);
1197     ProcessClassBodyForEffectiveJavaChecks(class_body);
1199     delete this_type -> innertypes_closure; // save some space !!!
1200     this_type -> innertypes_closure = NULL;
1202     if (this_type -> IsInner())
1203     {
1204         for (i = 0; i < class_body -> NumStaticInitializers(); i++)
1205         {
1206             ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_INITIALIZER_IN_INNER_CLASS,
1207                            class_body -> StaticInitializer(i),
1208                            this_type -> Name(), this_type -> FileLoc());
1209         }
1210     }
1212     for (i = 0; i < this_type -> NumNestedTypes(); i++)
1213     {
1214         TypeSymbol* inner_type = this_type -> NestedType(i);
1215         ProcessMembers(inner_type -> declaration);
1216     }
1217     state_stack.Pop();
1218 }
1221 //
1222 // Pass 4: Process the field declarations at the top level of the types
1223 //
CompleteSymbolTable(AstClassBody * class_body)1224 void Semantic::CompleteSymbolTable(AstClassBody* class_body)
1225 {
1226     if (compilation_unit -> BadCompilationUnitCast())
1227         return;
1229     state_stack.Push(class_body -> semantic_environment);
1230     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
1231     TokenIndex identifier = class_body -> identifier_token;
1233     assert(this_type -> ConstructorMembersProcessed());
1234     assert(this_type -> MethodMembersProcessed());
1235     assert(this_type -> FieldMembersProcessed());
1237     if (! this_type -> expanded_method_table)
1238         ComputeMethodsClosure(this_type, identifier);
1240     if (this_type -> super && ! this_type -> Bad())
1241     {
1242         if (! this_type -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
1243         {
1244             //
1245             // We already checked that this class does not declare abstract
1246             // methods. Now see that there are no unimplemented abstract
1247             // methods in any of the superclasses or superinterfaces. Exploit
1248             // the fact that the method table is built with the first element
1249             // being from a superclass; all conflicts are inherited from
1250             // interfaces and are necessarily abstract.
1251             //
1252             ExpandedMethodTable* expanded_table =
1253                 this_type -> expanded_method_table;
1254             for (unsigned i = 0;
1255                  i < expanded_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
1256             {
1257                 MethodSymbol* method =
1258                     expanded_table -> symbol_pool[i] -> method_symbol;
1260                 if (method -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
1261                 {
1262                     TypeSymbol* containing_type = method -> containing_type;
1263                     if (containing_type != this_type)
1264                     {
1265                         if (! method -> IsTyped())
1266                             method -> ProcessMethodSignature(this, identifier);
1268                         ReportSemError(SemanticError::NON_ABSTRACT_TYPE_INHERITS_ABSTRACT_METHOD,
1269                                        identifier, method -> Header(),
1270                                        containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1271                                        containing_type -> ExternalName(),
1272                                        this_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1273                                        this_type -> ExternalName());
1274                     }
1275                 }
1276             }
1277         }
1279         //
1280         // If any superclass of this_type is abstract and is contained in a
1281         // different package, check to see if its members include abstract
1282         // methods with default access. If so, this class must be abstract,
1283         // as it cannot override them. And if this class has a protected or
1284         // public method with a conflicting signature, then it is cannot be
1285         // implemented. However, this can be tricky: suppose abstract p1.A
1286         // declares abstract foo(), abstract p2.B extends p1.A, abstract p1.C
1287         // extends p2.B and implements foo(). Then, p2.B does not inherit foo()
1288         // and thus neither does p1.C, but p1.C DOES override foo() with a
1289         // valid implementation. And thus, p2.D extends p1.C may be concrete.
1290         //
1291         PackageSymbol* package = this_type -> ContainingPackage();
1292         for (TypeSymbol* super_type = this_type -> super;
1293              super_type && super_type -> ACC_ABSTRACT();
1294              super_type = super_type -> super)
1295         {
1296             if (super_type -> ContainingPackage() == package)
1297                 continue;
1299             package = super_type -> ContainingPackage();
1300             ExpandedMethodTable* super_expanded_table =
1301                 super_type -> expanded_method_table;
1302             for (unsigned i = 0;
1303                  i < super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
1304             {
1305                 MethodSymbol* method =
1306                     super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool[i] -> method_symbol;
1308                 //
1309                 // Remember that abstract methods cannot be private, and that
1310                 // non-default methods were inherited.
1311                 //
1312                 if (! method -> ACC_ABSTRACT() || method -> ACC_PUBLIC() ||
1313                     method -> ACC_PROTECTED())
1314                 {
1315                     continue;
1316                 }
1317                 TypeSymbol* containing_type = method -> containing_type;
1318                 if (! method -> IsTyped())
1319                     method -> ProcessMethodSignature(this, identifier);
1321                 //
1322                 // Search all intermediate superclasses in the same package
1323                 // as the current super_class for an override of the abstract
1324                 // method in question. Also report any protected or public
1325                 // methods outside super's package that cause this class
1326                 // to be uninstantiable.
1327                 //
1328                 TypeSymbol* intermediate;
1329                 MethodSymbol* method_clash = NULL;
1330                 for (intermediate = this_type;
1331                      intermediate != super_type;
1332                      intermediate = intermediate -> super)
1333                 {
1334                     MethodShadowSymbol* shadow = intermediate ->
1335                         expanded_method_table ->
1336                         FindOverloadMethodShadow(method, this, identifier);
1337                     if (! shadow)
1338                         continue;
1339                     if (intermediate -> ContainingPackage() != package)
1340                     {
1341                         if ((shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PUBLIC() ||
1342                              shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PROTECTED()) &&
1343                             (shadow -> method_symbol -> Type() !=
1344                              method -> Type()))
1345                         {
1346                             //
1347                             // No need to repeat the warning for subclasses of
1348                             // where the problem originally occurred.
1349                             //
1350                             if (method_clash == shadow -> method_symbol)
1351                                 method_clash = NULL;
1352                             else method_clash = shadow -> method_symbol;
1353                         }
1354                     }
1355                     else if (shadow -> method_symbol -> containing_type ==
1356                              intermediate)
1357                     {
1358                         break;
1359                     }
1360                 }
1362                 if (intermediate == super_type &&
1363                     ! this_type -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
1364                 {
1365                     ReportSemError((this_type -> Anonymous()
1366                                     ? SemanticError::ANONYMOUS_TYPE_CANNOT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_METHOD
1367                                     : SemanticError::NON_ABSTRACT_TYPE_CANNOT_OVERRIDE_DEFAULT_ABSTRACT_METHOD),
1368                                    identifier, method -> Header(),
1369                                    containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1370                                    containing_type -> ExternalName(),
1371                                    this_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1372                                    this_type -> ExternalName());
1373                 }
1374                 if (method_clash)
1375                 {
1376                     TypeSymbol* base_type = method_clash -> containing_type;
1377                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNIMPLEMENTABLE_CLASS,
1378                                    identifier,
1379                                    this_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1380                                    this_type -> ExternalName(),
1381                                    method_clash -> Header(),
1382                                    base_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1383                                    base_type -> ExternalName(),
1384                                    method -> Header(),
1385                                    containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1386                                    containing_type -> ExternalName());
1387                 }
1388             }
1389         }
1390     }
1392     //
1393     // Compute the set of final variables declared by the user in this type.
1394     // Then process all variable initializers and initializer blocks.
1395     //
1396     DefiniteSetup();
1397     ProcessStaticInitializers(class_body);
1398     ProcessInstanceInitializers(class_body);
1400     //
1401     // Reset the this_variable and this_method may have been set in
1402     // ProcessStaticInitializers and/or ProcessInstanceInitializers.
1403     // Indicate that there is no method being currently compiled
1404     // in this environment.
1405     //
1406     ThisVariable() = NULL;
1407     ThisMethod() = NULL;
1409     //
1410     // Recursively process all inner types
1411     //
1412     for (unsigned l = 0; l < this_type -> NumNestedTypes(); l++)
1413     {
1414         TypeSymbol* inner_type = this_type -> NestedType(l);
1415         CompleteSymbolTable(inner_type -> declaration);
1416     }
1417     state_stack.Pop();
1418 }
1421 //
1422 // Pass 5: Free up unneeded space.
1423 //
CleanUp()1424 void Semantic::CleanUp()
1425 {
1426     if (control.option.nocleanup)
1427         return;
1429     for (unsigned i = 0; i < compilation_unit -> NumTypeDeclarations(); i++)
1430     {
1431         AstDeclaredType* type_declaration =
1432             compilation_unit -> TypeDeclaration(i);
1433         if (type_declaration -> class_body &&
1434             type_declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment)
1435         {
1436             CleanUpType(type_declaration -> class_body ->
1437                         semantic_environment -> Type());
1438         }
1439     }
1440 }
CleanUpType(TypeSymbol * type)1443 void Semantic::CleanUpType(TypeSymbol* type)
1444 {
1445     type -> DeleteAnonymousTypes();
1446     for (unsigned i = 0; i < type -> NumNestedTypes(); i++)
1447         CleanUpType(type -> NestedType(i));
1449     type -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
1451     for (unsigned j = 0; j < type -> NumMethodSymbols(); j++)
1452         type -> MethodSym(j) -> CleanUp();
1454     delete type -> local;
1456     type -> local = NULL;
1458     delete type -> non_local;
1459     type -> non_local = NULL;
1461     delete type -> semantic_environment;
1462     type -> semantic_environment = NULL;
1464     type -> declaration = NULL;
1465 }
ReadType(FileSymbol * file_symbol,PackageSymbol * package,NameSymbol * name_symbol,TokenIndex tok)1468 TypeSymbol* Semantic::ReadType(FileSymbol* file_symbol, PackageSymbol* package,
1469                                NameSymbol* name_symbol, TokenIndex tok)
1470 {
1471     TypeSymbol* type;
1473     if (file_symbol && file_symbol -> IsJava())
1474     {
1475         if (! file_symbol -> semantic)
1476             control.ProcessHeaders(file_symbol);
1477         type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1478         if (! type)
1479         {
1480             type = package -> InsertOuterTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1481             type -> MarkBad();
1482             type -> outermost_type = type;
1483             type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
1484             type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
1485             type -> semantic_environment =
1486                 new SemanticEnvironment(this, type, NULL);
1487             if (type != control.Object())
1488                 type -> super = (type == control.Throwable()
1489                                  ? control.Object() : control.Throwable());
1490             type -> SetOwner(package);
1491             type -> SetSignature(control);
1492             AddDefaultConstructor(type);
1493             type -> file_symbol = file_symbol;
1494             file_symbol -> types.Next() = type;
1496             ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FOUND, tok,
1497                            type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1498                            type -> ExternalName());
1499         }
1500         else if (file_symbol -> semantic -> NumErrors())
1501         {
1502             ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_TYPE_FOUND, tok,
1503                            name_symbol -> Name());
1504         }
1505     }
1506     else if (file_symbol)
1507     {
1508         // Read class file.
1509         type = package -> InsertOuterTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1510         type -> outermost_type = type;
1511         type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
1512         type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
1513         type -> SetOwner(package);
1514         type -> SetSignature(control);
1515         type -> file_symbol = file_symbol;
1516         type -> SetLocation();
1518         file_symbol -> package = package;
1519         file_symbol -> types.Next() = type;
1521         ReadClassFile(type, tok);
1522         assert (! type -> IsNested());
1523         control.input_class_file_set.AddElement(file_symbol);
1524     }
1525     else
1526     {
1527         //
1528         // No file found. See if a package by the same name exists, otherwise
1529         // create a placeholder type to avoid errors when the type name is
1530         // subsequently used.
1531         //
1532         PackageSymbol* subpackage = package -> FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1533         if (! subpackage)
1534             subpackage = package -> InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1535         control.FindPathsToDirectory(subpackage);
1536         if (subpackage -> directory.Length())
1537         {
1538             if (package -> directory.Length())
1539                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_NOT_TYPE, tok,
1540                                subpackage -> PackageName());
1541             type = control.no_type;
1542         }
1543         else
1544         {
1545             type = package -> InsertOuterTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1546             type -> outermost_type = type;
1547             type -> SetOwner(package);
1548             type -> SetSignature(control);
1549             control.ProcessBadType(type);
1550             type -> MarkBad();
1551             ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FOUND, tok,
1552                            type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1553                            type -> ExternalName());
1554         }
1555     }
1556     return type;
1557 }
GetBadNestedType(TypeSymbol * type,TokenIndex identifier_token)1560 TypeSymbol* Semantic::GetBadNestedType(TypeSymbol* type,
1561                                        TokenIndex identifier_token)
1562 {
1563     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
1565     TypeSymbol* outermost_type = type -> outermost_type;
1566     if (! outermost_type -> non_local)
1567         outermost_type -> non_local = new SymbolSet;
1568     if (! outermost_type -> local)
1569         outermost_type -> local = new SymbolSet;
1571     int length = type -> ExternalNameLength() + 1 +
1572         name_symbol -> NameLength(); // +1 for $,... +1 for $
1573     wchar_t* external_name = new wchar_t[length + 1]; // +1 for '\0';
1574     wcscpy(external_name, type -> ExternalName());
1575     wcscat(external_name, StringConstant::US_DS);
1576     wcscat(external_name, name_symbol -> Name());
1578     TypeSymbol* inner_type = type -> InsertNestedTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1579     inner_type -> MarkBad();
1580     inner_type -> outermost_type = type -> outermost_type;
1581     inner_type -> supertypes_closure = new SymbolSet;
1582     inner_type -> subtypes = new SymbolSet;
1583     inner_type -> SetExternalIdentity(control.FindOrInsertName(external_name,
1584                                                                length));
1585     inner_type -> super = control.Object();
1586     inner_type -> SetOwner(type);
1587     if (! type -> Bad())
1588         ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FOUND, identifier_token,
1589                        inner_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1590                        inner_type -> ExternalName());
1592     delete [] external_name;
1594     return inner_type;
1595 }
ProcessImportQualifiedName(AstName * name)1598 void Semantic::ProcessImportQualifiedName(AstName* name)
1599 {
1600     if (name -> base_opt)
1601     {
1602         ProcessImportQualifiedName(name -> base_opt);
1603         Symbol* symbol = name -> base_opt -> symbol;
1605         TypeSymbol* type = symbol -> TypeCast();
1606         NameSymbol* name_symbol =
1607             lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1608         if (type) // The base name is a type
1609         {
1610             if (type -> Bad()) // Avoid chain-reaction errors.
1611             {
1612                 name -> symbol = control.no_type;
1613                 return;
1614             }
1615             if (! type -> expanded_type_table)
1616                 ComputeTypesClosure(type, name -> identifier_token);
1617             TypeSymbol* inner_type = NULL;
1618             TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol = type ->
1619                 expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
1620             //
1621             // Only canonical names may be used in import statements, so we
1622             // don't worry about ambiguous names (which are necessarily
1623             // inherited and hence non-canonical). But we do need an extra
1624             // filter on the containing type being correct.
1625             //
1626             if (type_shadow_symbol)
1627                 inner_type = type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol;
1628             if (! inner_type)
1629                 inner_type = control.no_type;
1630             else if (type != inner_type -> owner)
1631             {
1632                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::IMPORT_NOT_CANONICAL,
1633                                name, name_symbol -> Name(),
1634                                inner_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1635                                inner_type -> ExternalName());
1636             }
1637             else if (inner_type -> ACC_PRIVATE() ||
1638                      (! inner_type -> ACC_PUBLIC() &&
1639                       inner_type -> ContainingPackage() != this_package))
1640             {
1641                 ReportTypeInaccessible(name, inner_type);
1642             }
1643             name -> symbol = inner_type;
1644         }
1645         else
1646         {
1647             PackageSymbol* package = symbol -> PackageCast();
1648             type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1649             if (! type)
1650             {
1651                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
1652                     Control::GetFile(control, package, name_symbol);
1653                 if (file_symbol)
1654                     type = ReadType(file_symbol, package, name_symbol,
1655                                     name -> identifier_token);
1656             }
1657             else if (type -> SourcePending())
1658                 control.ProcessHeaders(type -> file_symbol);
1660             //
1661             // If the field_access was resolved to a type, save it later use.
1662             // Otherwise, assume the field_access is a package name.
1663             //
1664             if (type)
1665             {
1666                 if (! type -> ACC_PUBLIC() &&
1667                     type -> ContainingPackage() != this_package)
1668                 {
1669                     ReportTypeInaccessible(name, type);
1670                 }
1671                 name -> symbol = type;
1672             }
1673             else
1674             {
1675                 PackageSymbol* subpackage =
1676                     package -> FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1677                 if (! subpackage)
1678                     subpackage = package -> InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1679                 control.FindPathsToDirectory(subpackage);
1680                 name -> symbol = subpackage;
1681             }
1682         }
1683     }
1684     else // unqualified name
1685     {
1686         //
1687         // JLS 6.3 The leading simple name of a type import must be a package
1688         // name, as class names are not in scope. JLS 7.5: Nested classes of
1689         // all sorts (top-level or inner) can be imported by either kind of
1690         // import statement. Class names in import statements must be the
1691         // canonical version.
1692         //
1693         TypeSymbol* type = FindSimpleNameType(control.UnnamedPackage(),
1694                                               name -> identifier_token);
1696         //
1697         // If the name is a type, detect the error. Otherwise, assume
1698         // it is a package, and legal.
1699         //
1700         if (type)
1701         {
1702             ReportSemError(SemanticError::IMPORT_FROM_UNNAMED_PACKAGE,
1703                            name -> identifier_token,
1704                            lex_stream -> NameString(name -> identifier_token));
1705             name -> symbol = control.no_type;
1706         }
1707         else
1708         {
1709             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
1710                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1711             PackageSymbol* package =
1712                 control.external_table.FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1713             if (! package)
1714                 package = control.external_table.
1715                     InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol, NULL);
1716             control.FindPathsToDirectory(package);
1717             name -> symbol = package;
1718         }
1719     }
1720 }
1723 //
1724 // Processes a package-or-type name. If an accessible type exists, it is
1725 // chosen. Next, if a package exists, it is chosen. Then, an error is issued,
1726 // but a check for an inaccessible type is made before inventing a package.
1727 // The result is stored in name->symbol.
1728 //
ProcessPackageOrType(AstName * name)1729 void Semantic::ProcessPackageOrType(AstName* name)
1730 {
1731     if (name -> base_opt)
1732     {
1733         ProcessPackageOrType(name -> base_opt);
1734         Symbol* symbol = name -> base_opt -> symbol;
1736         TypeSymbol* type = symbol -> TypeCast();
1737         if (type) // The base name is a type
1738             name -> symbol = MustFindNestedType(type, name);
1739         else
1740         {
1741             // Base name is package. Search for type, then subpackage.
1742             PackageSymbol* package = symbol -> PackageCast();
1743             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
1744                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1745             type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1746             if (! type)
1747             {
1748                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
1749                     Control::GetFile(control, package, name_symbol);
1750                 if (file_symbol)
1751                     type = ReadType(file_symbol, package, name_symbol,
1752                                     name -> identifier_token);
1753             }
1754             else if (type -> SourcePending())
1755                 control.ProcessHeaders(type -> file_symbol);
1757             //
1758             // If the field access was resolved into a type, then save it.
1759             // Otherwise, assume it is a package
1760             //
1761             if (type)
1762                 // save the resolved type of this expression for later use...
1763                 name -> symbol = type;
1764             else
1765             {
1766                 NameSymbol* name_symbol =
1767                     lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1768                 PackageSymbol* subpackage =
1769                     package -> FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1770                 if (! subpackage)
1771                     subpackage = package -> InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1772                 control.FindPathsToDirectory(subpackage);
1773                 name -> symbol = subpackage;
1774                 if (subpackage -> directory.Length() == 0)
1775                 {
1776                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND,
1777                                    name -> identifier_token,
1778                                    subpackage -> PackageName());
1779                 }
1780             }
1781         }
1782     }
1783     else // unqualified name
1784     {
1785         TypeSymbol* type = FindType(name -> identifier_token);
1786         if (type)
1787             name -> symbol = type;
1788         else
1789         {
1790             NameSymbol* name_symbol =
1791                 lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1792             PackageSymbol* package =
1793                 control.external_table.FindPackageSymbol(name_symbol);
1794             if (! package)
1795                 package = control.external_table.
1796                     InsertPackageSymbol(name_symbol, NULL);
1797             control.FindPathsToDirectory(package);
1798             if (package -> directory.Length() == 0)
1799             {
1800                 //
1801                 // If there is no package, see if the user is trying to access
1802                 // an inaccessible nested type before giving up.
1803                 //
1804                 if (state_stack.Size())
1805                 {
1806                     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream ->
1807                         NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
1808                     for (TypeSymbol* super_type = ThisType() -> super;
1809                          super_type; super_type = super_type -> super)
1810                     {
1811                         assert(super_type -> expanded_type_table);
1813                         TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol =
1814                             super_type -> expanded_type_table ->
1815                             FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
1816                         if (type_shadow_symbol)
1817                         {
1818                             type = type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol;
1819                             break;
1820                         }
1821                     }
1822                 }
1823                 if (type)
1824                 {
1825                     ReportTypeInaccessible(name, type);
1826                     name -> symbol = type;
1827                 }
1828                 else
1829                 {
1830                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND,
1831                                    name -> identifier_token,
1832                                    package -> PackageName());
1833                     name -> symbol = package;
1834                 }
1835             }
1836             else name -> symbol = package;
1837         }
1838     }
1839 }
ProcessTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(AstImportDeclaration * import_declaration)1842 void Semantic::ProcessTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(AstImportDeclaration* import_declaration)
1843 {
1844     ProcessImportQualifiedName(import_declaration -> name);
1845     Symbol* symbol = import_declaration -> name -> symbol;
1847     PackageSymbol* package = symbol -> PackageCast();
1848     if (package && package -> directory.Length() == 0)
1849     {
1850         ReportSemError(SemanticError::PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND,
1851                        import_declaration -> name,
1852                        package -> PackageName());
1853     }
1855     //
1856     // Two or more type-import-on-demand may name the same package; the effect
1857     // is as if there were only one such declaration. Likewise, importing the
1858     // current package or java.lang.* is ok, although useless.
1859     // TODO: In pedantic mode, warn about duplicate imports of the same
1860     // package, of the current package, or of java.lang.*.
1861     //
1862     if (symbol == this_package)
1863         return;
1864     for (unsigned i = 0; i < import_on_demand_packages.Length(); i++)
1865     {
1866         if (symbol == import_on_demand_packages[i])
1867             return;
1868     }
1870     import_on_demand_packages.Next() = symbol;
1872     TypeSymbol* type = symbol -> TypeCast();
1873     if (control.option.deprecation && type &&
1874         type -> IsDeprecated() && type -> file_symbol != source_file_symbol)
1875     {
1876         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_TYPE,
1877                        import_declaration -> name,
1878                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
1879                        type -> ExternalName());
1880     }
1881 }
FindSimpleNameType(PackageSymbol * package,TokenIndex identifier_token)1884 TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindSimpleNameType(PackageSymbol* package,
1885                                          TokenIndex identifier_token)
1886 {
1887     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
1888     TypeSymbol* type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1889     if (type)
1890     {
1891         if (type -> SourcePending())
1892             control.ProcessHeaders(type -> file_symbol);
1893     }
1894     else
1895     {
1896         //
1897         // Check whether or not the type was declared in another compilation
1898         // unit in the main package.
1899         //
1900         FileSymbol* file_symbol = Control::GetFile(control, package,
1901                                                    name_symbol);
1902         if (file_symbol)
1903             type = ReadType(file_symbol, package, name_symbol,
1904                             identifier_token);
1905     }
1907     return type;
1908 }
ProcessSingleTypeImportDeclaration(AstImportDeclaration * import_declaration)1910 void Semantic::ProcessSingleTypeImportDeclaration(AstImportDeclaration* import_declaration)
1911 {
1912     ProcessImportQualifiedName(import_declaration -> name);
1913     Symbol* symbol = import_declaration -> name -> symbol;
1914     PackageSymbol* package = symbol -> PackageCast();
1915     TypeSymbol* type = symbol -> TypeCast();
1917     //
1918     // Technically, the JLS grammar forbids "import foo;". However, our
1919     // grammar parses it, and will either find or create the package foo, so
1920     // we can give a better message than "expected '.'". If a non-type is
1921     // imported, we create a place-holder type so that the use of the
1922     // unqualified type name won't cause cascading errors elsewhere.
1923     //
1924     if (package)
1925     {
1926         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNKNOWN_ON_DEMAND_IMPORT,
1927                        import_declaration -> name,
1928                        package -> PackageName());
1929         NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream ->
1930             NameSymbol(import_declaration -> name -> RightToken());
1931         type = package -> InsertOuterTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
1932         type -> MarkBad();
1933         type -> super = control.no_type;
1934         type -> outermost_type = control.no_type;
1935     }
1937     //
1938     // If two single-type-import declarations in the same compilation unit
1939     // attempt to import types with the same simple name, then a compile-time
1940     // error occurs, unless the two types are the same type, in which case the
1941     // duplicate declaration is ignored.
1942     // TODO: Give pedantic warnings about duplicate type declarations.
1943     //
1944     for (unsigned i = 0; i < single_type_imports.Length(); i++)
1945     {
1946         if (type == single_type_imports[i])
1947             return;
1948     }
1950     TypeSymbol* old_type = NULL;
1951     unsigned k;
1952     for (k = 0; k < compilation_unit -> NumTypeDeclarations(); k++)
1953     {
1954         AstDeclaredType* declaration = compilation_unit -> TypeDeclaration(k);
1955         if (declaration -> class_body &&
1956             declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment)
1957         {
1958             old_type =
1959                 declaration -> class_body -> semantic_environment -> Type();
1960             if (old_type -> Identity() == type -> Identity())
1961                 break;
1962         }
1963     }
1965     if (k < compilation_unit -> NumTypeDeclarations())
1966     {
1967         AstName* name = import_declaration -> name;
1968         package = name -> base_opt
1969             ? name -> base_opt -> symbol -> PackageCast()
1970             : control.UnnamedPackage();
1972         //
1973         // It's ok to import a type that is being compiled...
1974         //
1975         if (type == old_type && package == this_package)
1976         {
1977             ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNNECESSARY_TYPE_IMPORT, name,
1978                            lex_stream -> NameString(name -> identifier_token),
1979                            old_type -> FileLoc());
1980         }
1981         else
1982         {
1983             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_IMPORT_NAME, name,
1984                            lex_stream -> NameString(name -> identifier_token),
1985                            old_type -> FileLoc());
1986         }
1987     }
1988     else
1989     {
1990         unsigned i = 0;
1991         for (i = 0; i < compilation_unit -> NumImportDeclarations(); i++)
1992         {
1993             TypeSymbol* other_type =
1994                 compilation_unit -> ImportDeclaration(i) -> name -> Type();
1995             if (compilation_unit -> ImportDeclaration(i) == import_declaration ||
1996                 (other_type && other_type -> Identity() == type -> Identity()))
1997             {
1998                 break;
1999             }
2000         }
2002         assert(i < compilation_unit -> NumImportDeclarations());
2004         if (compilation_unit -> ImportDeclaration(i) == import_declaration)
2005         {
2006             // No duplicate found
2007             import_declaration -> name -> symbol = type;
2008             single_type_imports.Next() = type;
2009         }
2010         else
2011         {
2012             AstName* name = compilation_unit -> ImportDeclaration(i) -> name;
2013             FileLocation file_location(lex_stream, name -> identifier_token);
2014             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_IMPORT_NAME, name,
2015                            lex_stream -> NameString(name -> identifier_token),
2016                            file_location.location);
2017         }
2018     }
2020     if (control.option.deprecation && type -> IsDeprecated() &&
2021         type -> file_symbol != source_file_symbol)
2022     {
2023         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_TYPE,
2024                        import_declaration -> name,
2025                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2026                        type -> ExternalName());
2027     }
2028 }
ProcessFieldDeclaration(AstFieldDeclaration * field_declaration)2031 void Semantic::ProcessFieldDeclaration(AstFieldDeclaration* field_declaration)
2032 {
2033     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
2034     AccessFlags access_flags = this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()
2035         ? ProcessInterfaceFieldModifiers(field_declaration)
2036         : ProcessFieldModifiers(field_declaration);
2038     //
2039     // JLS2 8.1.2 - Inner classes may not have static fields unless they are
2040     // final and initialized by a constant.  Hence, the type of the static
2041     // field may only be a primitive or String.  Here, we check that the
2042     // entire declaration is final, then that each variableDeclarator is
2043     // of the right type and is initialized.  Later, when processing the
2044     // initializer, we check that it is indeed a compile-time constant
2045     // (see init.cpp, Semantic::ProcessVariableInitializer)
2046     //
2047     bool must_be_constant = false;
2048     if (this_type -> IsInner() && access_flags.ACC_STATIC())
2049     {
2050         if (access_flags.ACC_FINAL())
2051             must_be_constant = true;
2052         else
2053         {
2054             assert(field_declaration -> modifiers_opt &&
2055                    field_declaration -> modifiers_opt -> static_token_opt);
2056             ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_FIELD_IN_INNER_CLASS_NOT_FINAL,
2057                            field_declaration -> modifiers_opt -> static_token_opt,
2058                            this_type -> Name(),
2059                            this_type -> FileLoc());
2060         }
2061     }
2063     //
2064     // To avoid deprecated type warnings when processing a deprecated field
2065     // declaration, we must temporarily mark this type as deprecated, because
2066     // the field variable symbol(s) do not yet exist.
2067     //
2068     bool deprecated_declarations =
2069         lex_stream -> IsDeprecated(field_declaration -> LeftToken());
2070     bool deprecated_type = this_type -> IsDeprecated();
2071     if (deprecated_declarations)
2072         this_type -> MarkDeprecated();
2073     ProcessType(field_declaration -> type);
2074     TypeSymbol* field_type = field_declaration -> type -> symbol;
2075     if (! deprecated_type && deprecated_declarations)
2076         this_type -> ResetDeprecated();
2078     for (unsigned i = 0;
2079          i < field_declaration -> NumVariableDeclarators(); i++)
2080     {
2081         AstVariableDeclarator* variable_declarator =
2082             field_declaration -> VariableDeclarator(i);
2083         AstVariableDeclaratorId* name =
2084             variable_declarator -> variable_declarator_name;
2085         NameSymbol* name_symbol =
2086             lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
2088         if (this_type -> FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol))
2089         {
2090             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_FIELD,
2091                            name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
2092                            this_type -> Name(),
2093                            this_type -> FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol) -> FileLoc());
2094         }
2095         else
2096         {
2097             if (name_symbol != control.serialVersionUID_name_symbol)
2098             {
2099                 WarnOfAccessibleFieldWithName(SemanticError::HIDDEN_FIELD,
2100                                               name, name_symbol, access_flags.ACC_STATIC());
2101             }
2103             VariableSymbol* variable =
2104                 this_type -> InsertVariableSymbol(name_symbol);
2105             unsigned dims =
2106                 field_type -> num_dimensions + name -> NumBrackets();
2107             variable -> SetType(field_type -> GetArrayType(this, dims));
2108             variable -> SetFlags(access_flags);
2109             variable -> SetOwner(this_type);
2110             variable -> declarator = variable_declarator;
2111             if (must_be_constant &&
2112                 (dims || ! variable_declarator -> variable_initializer_opt ||
2113                  (! field_type -> Primitive() &&
2114                   field_type != control.String())))
2115             {
2116                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_FIELD_IN_INNER_CLASS_NOT_CONSTANT,
2117                                name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
2118                                this_type -> Name(), this_type -> FileLoc());
2119             }
2120             variable_declarator -> symbol = variable;
2121             variable -> SetLocation();
2122             if (deprecated_declarations)
2123                 variable -> MarkDeprecated();
2124         }
2126         CheckFieldDeclaration(field_declaration, name, access_flags);
2127     }
2128 }
CheckFieldDeclaration(AstFieldDeclaration * field_declaration,AstVariableDeclaratorId * name,const AccessFlags & access_flags)2131 void Semantic::CheckFieldDeclaration(AstFieldDeclaration* field_declaration,
2132                                      AstVariableDeclaratorId* name,
2133                                      const AccessFlags& access_flags)
2134 {
2135     TypeSymbol* field_type = field_declaration -> type -> symbol;
2136     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream ->
2137         NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
2139     //
2140     // Warn against public static final array fields.
2141     //
2142     bool is_constant_field = (access_flags.ACC_FINAL() &&
2143                               access_flags.ACC_STATIC());
2144     if (access_flags.ACC_PUBLIC() &&
2145         is_constant_field &&
2146         field_type -> IsArray())
2147     {
2148         // FIXME: shouldn't warn if it's a zero-length array.
2149         ReportSemError(SemanticError::EJ_PUBLIC_STATIC_FINAL_ARRAY_FIELD,
2150                        name, name_symbol -> Name());
2151     }
2153     if (name_symbol == control.serialVersionUID_name_symbol)
2154     {
2155         //
2156         // Warn about serialVersionUID mistakes.
2157         //
2158         TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
2159         bool is_serializable = this_type -> Implements(control.Serializable());
2160         if (! is_serializable)
2161         {
2162             ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNNEEDED_SERIAL_VERSION_UID,
2163                            name);
2164         }
2165         else if (field_type != control.long_type ||
2166                  is_constant_field == false ||
2167                  access_flags.ACC_PUBLIC() ||
2168                  access_flags.ACC_PROTECTED())
2169         {
2170             ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_SERIAL_VERSION_UID,
2171                            field_declaration);
2172         }
2173     }
2174     else if (name_symbol == control.serialPersistentFields_name_symbol)
2175     {
2176         //
2177         // FIXME: Warn about serialPersistentFields mistakes; has anyone
2178         // ever seen this used in the wild?
2179         //
2180     }
2181     else
2182     {
2183         //
2184         // Warn against unconventional field names. This doesn't apply to
2185         // the serialization fields above, because their names are mandated
2186         // names that break conventions, and aren't likely to be fixed.
2187         //
2188         CheckFieldName(name, name_symbol, is_constant_field);
2189     }
2190 }
CheckFieldName(AstVariableDeclaratorId * name,NameSymbol * name_symbol,bool is_constant_field)2193 void Semantic::CheckFieldName(AstVariableDeclaratorId* name,
2194                               NameSymbol* name_symbol,
2195                               bool is_constant_field)
2196 {
2197     if (is_constant_field &&
2198         name_symbol -> IsBadStyleForConstantField())
2199     {
2200         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCONVENTIONAL_CONSTANT_FIELD_NAME,
2201                        name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name());
2202     }
2203     else if (! is_constant_field &&
2204              name_symbol -> IsBadStyleForField())
2205     {
2206         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCONVENTIONAL_FIELD_NAME,
2207                        name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name());
2208     }
2209 }
ProcessConstructorDeclaration(AstConstructorDeclaration * constructor_declaration)2212 void Semantic::ProcessConstructorDeclaration(AstConstructorDeclaration* constructor_declaration)
2213 {
2214     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
2216     AccessFlags access_flags =
2217         ProcessConstructorModifiers(constructor_declaration);
2218     if (this_type -> ACC_STRICTFP())
2219         access_flags.SetACC_STRICTFP();
2221     if (constructor_declaration -> type_parameters_opt)
2222     {
2223         // TODO: Add generics support for 1.5.
2224         ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_PARAMETERS_UNSUPPORTED,
2225                        constructor_declaration -> type_parameters_opt);
2226     }
2228     AstMethodDeclarator* constructor_declarator =
2229         constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator;
2230     const wchar_t* constructor_name =
2231         lex_stream -> NameString(constructor_declarator -> identifier_token);
2233     //
2234     // A bad name indicates either a misspelling, or a method missing
2235     // a return type.  In an anonymous class, assume a missing return
2236     // type.  In all other classes, if the probability of misspelling
2237     // >= 50%, correct the name, otherwise treat it as a method with
2238     // bad return type.
2239     //
2240     bool treat_as_method = false;
2241     if (this_type -> Anonymous())
2242     {
2243         ReportSemError(SemanticError::CONSTRUCTOR_FOUND_IN_ANONYMOUS_CLASS,
2244                        constructor_declarator, constructor_name);
2245         treat_as_method = true;
2246     }
2247     else if (lex_stream -> NameSymbol(constructor_declarator -> identifier_token) != this_type -> Identity())
2248     {
2249         if (Spell::Index(constructor_name, this_type -> Name()) >= 5)
2250         {
2251             ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISSPELLED_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME,
2252                            constructor_declarator -> identifier_token,
2253                            constructor_name, this_type -> Name());
2254             constructor_name = this_type -> Name(); // correct the name
2255         }
2256         else
2257         {
2258             ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME,
2259                            constructor_declarator -> identifier_token,
2260                            constructor_name, this_type -> Name());
2261             treat_as_method = true;
2262         }
2263     }
2265     //
2266     // As the body of the constructor may not have been parsed yet, we estimate
2267     // a size for its symbol table based on the number of lines in the body + a
2268     // margin for one-liners.
2269     //
2270     BlockSymbol* block_symbol =
2271         new BlockSymbol(constructor_declarator -> NumFormalParameters() + 3);
2272     // All types need a spot for "this".
2273     block_symbol -> max_variable_index = 1;
2275     ProcessFormalParameters(block_symbol, constructor_declarator);
2277     //
2278     // Note that constructors are always named "<init>", but if this is a
2279     // method with missing return type, we use the method name.
2280     //
2281     NameSymbol* name_symbol = treat_as_method
2282         ? lex_stream -> NameSymbol(constructor_declarator -> identifier_token)
2283         : control.init_name_symbol;
2284     MethodSymbol* constructor = this_type -> FindMethodSymbol(name_symbol);
2285     if (constructor && this_type -> FindOverloadMethod(constructor,
2286                                                        constructor_declarator))
2287     {
2288         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_CONSTRUCTOR,
2289                        constructor_declarator, this_type -> Name(),
2290                        constructor -> FileLoc());
2291         delete block_symbol;
2292         return;
2293     }
2295     constructor = this_type -> InsertMethodSymbol(name_symbol);
2296     TypeSymbol* ctor_type = this_type;
2297     if (treat_as_method)
2298         ctor_type = control.no_type;
2299     constructor -> SetType(ctor_type);
2300     constructor -> SetFlags(access_flags);
2301     constructor -> SetContainingType(this_type);
2302     constructor -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol);
2303     constructor -> declaration = constructor_declaration;
2304     constructor -> SetLocation();
2305     if (this_type -> EnclosingType())
2306     {
2307         VariableSymbol* this0_variable =
2308             block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(control.this_name_symbol);
2309         this0_variable -> SetType(this_type -> ContainingType());
2310         this0_variable -> SetOwner(constructor);
2311         this0_variable -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol ->
2312                                                 max_variable_index++);
2313         this0_variable -> MarkComplete();
2314         this0_variable -> SetACC_SYNTHETIC();
2315     }
2317     for (unsigned i = 0;
2318          i < constructor_declarator -> NumFormalParameters(); i++)
2319     {
2320         AstVariableDeclarator* formal_declarator =
2321             constructor_declarator -> FormalParameter(i) -> formal_declarator;
2322         VariableSymbol* symbol = formal_declarator -> symbol;
2324         symbol -> SetOwner(constructor);
2325         symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++);
2326         symbol -> MarkComplete();
2327         if (control.IsDoubleWordType(symbol -> Type()))
2328             block_symbol -> max_variable_index++;
2329         symbol -> declarator = formal_declarator;
2330         symbol -> SetLocation();
2331         constructor -> AddFormalParameter(symbol);
2332     }
2333     constructor -> SetSignature(control);
2335     for (unsigned k = 0; k < constructor_declaration -> NumThrows(); k++)
2336     {
2337         AstTypeName* throw_expr = constructor_declaration -> Throw(k);
2338         ProcessType(throw_expr);
2339         constructor -> AddThrows(throw_expr -> symbol);
2340     }
2342     // save for processing bodies later.
2343     constructor_declaration -> constructor_symbol = constructor;
2345     if (lex_stream -> IsDeprecated(constructor_declaration -> LeftToken()))
2346         constructor -> MarkDeprecated();
2347 }
AddDefaultConstructor(TypeSymbol * type)2350 void Semantic::AddDefaultConstructor(TypeSymbol* type)
2351 {
2352     assert(! type -> ACC_INTERFACE());
2353     MethodSymbol* constructor =
2354         type -> InsertMethodSymbol(control.init_name_symbol);
2356     BlockSymbol* block_symbol = new BlockSymbol(1);
2357     block_symbol -> max_variable_index = 1; // All types need a spot for "this"
2359     constructor -> SetType(type);
2360     constructor -> SetContainingType(type);
2361     constructor -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol);
2362     if (type -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2363         constructor -> SetACC_PUBLIC();
2364     else if (type -> ACC_PROTECTED())
2365         constructor -> SetACC_PROTECTED();
2366     else if (type -> ACC_PRIVATE())
2367         constructor -> SetACC_PRIVATE();
2369     if (type -> ACC_STRICTFP())
2370         constructor -> SetACC_STRICTFP();
2372     if (type -> EnclosingType())
2373     {
2374         VariableSymbol* this0_variable =
2375             block_symbol -> InsertVariableSymbol(control.this_name_symbol);
2376         this0_variable -> SetType(type -> ContainingType());
2377         this0_variable -> SetOwner(constructor);
2378         this0_variable -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol ->
2379                                                 max_variable_index++);
2380         this0_variable -> MarkComplete();
2381         this0_variable -> SetACC_SYNTHETIC();
2382     }
2383     constructor -> SetSignature(control);
2385     AstClassBody* class_body = type -> declaration;
2386     if (class_body)
2387     {
2388         TokenIndex left_loc = class_body -> identifier_token;
2389         TokenIndex right_loc = class_body -> left_brace_token - 1;
2391         AstMethodDeclarator* method_declarator =
2392             compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodDeclarator();
2393         method_declarator -> identifier_token = left_loc;
2394         method_declarator -> left_parenthesis_token = left_loc;
2395         method_declarator -> right_parenthesis_token = right_loc;
2397         AstSuperCall* super_call = NULL;
2398         if (type != control.Object())
2399         {
2400             super_call = compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenSuperCall();
2401             super_call -> super_token = left_loc;
2402             super_call -> arguments = compilation_unit -> ast_pool ->
2403                 GenArguments(left_loc, right_loc);
2404             super_call -> semicolon_token = right_loc;
2405         }
2407         AstReturnStatement* return_statement =
2408             compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenReturnStatement();
2409         return_statement -> return_token = left_loc;
2410         return_statement -> semicolon_token = left_loc;
2411         return_statement -> is_reachable = true;
2413         AstMethodBody* constructor_block =
2414             compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenMethodBody();
2415         // This symbol table will be empty.
2416         constructor_block -> block_symbol = new BlockSymbol(0);
2417         constructor_block -> left_brace_token  = left_loc;
2418         constructor_block -> right_brace_token = right_loc;
2419         constructor_block -> AllocateStatements(1);
2420         constructor_block -> AddStatement(return_statement);
2421         constructor_block -> explicit_constructor_opt = super_call;
2423         AstConstructorDeclaration* constructor_declaration =
2424             compilation_unit -> ast_pool -> GenConstructorDeclaration();
2425         constructor_declaration -> constructor_declarator = method_declarator;
2426         constructor_declaration -> constructor_body = constructor_block;
2428         constructor_declaration -> constructor_symbol = constructor;
2429         constructor -> declaration = constructor_declaration;
2430         class_body -> default_constructor = constructor_declaration;
2431     }
2432 }
2435 //
2436 // This is called by AddInheritedMethods in two conditions: First, method
2437 // belongs to base_type, so it must successfully override hidden_method,
2438 // including a compatible throws clause. Second, method belongs to a supertype
2439 // of base_type, in which case base_type is inheriting two declarations, one
2440 // of which is necessarily abstract. If one is non-abstract, it must
2441 // successfully override the abstract version, including the throws clause;
2442 // but if both are abstract the throws clauses are inconsequential. It is
2443 // possible that both method and hidden_method were declared in the same
2444 // class, and inherited through two paths, in which case we do nothing.
2445 // See JLS, and 9.4.1.
2446 //
CheckMethodOverride(MethodSymbol * method,MethodSymbol * hidden_method,TypeSymbol * base_type)2447 void Semantic::CheckMethodOverride(MethodSymbol* method,
2448                                    MethodSymbol* hidden_method,
2449                                    TypeSymbol* base_type)
2450 {
2451     assert(! hidden_method -> ACC_PRIVATE());
2453     //
2454     // If we inherit the same method from multiple paths (including methods
2455     // of Object via interfaces), we already know the result.
2456     //
2457     if (hidden_method == method ||
2458         (method -> containing_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
2459          method -> containing_type != base_type &&
2460          hidden_method -> containing_type == control.Object()))
2461     {
2462         return;
2463     }
2465     TokenIndex left_tok;
2466     TokenIndex right_tok;
2468     if (method -> containing_type == base_type && ThisType() == base_type)
2469     {
2470         AstMethodDeclaration* method_declaration =
2471             (AstMethodDeclaration*) method -> declaration;
2472         assert(method_declaration);
2473         AstMethodDeclarator* method_declarator =
2474             method_declaration -> method_declarator;
2476         left_tok = method_declarator -> LeftToken();
2477         right_tok = method_declarator -> RightToken();
2478     }
2479     else
2480     {
2481         left_tok = ThisType() -> declaration -> identifier_token;
2482         right_tok = ThisType() -> declaration -> left_brace_token - 1;
2483     }
2485     //
2486     // Return types must match.
2487     //
2488     if (hidden_method -> Type() != method -> Type())
2489     {
2490         //
2491         // We support covariant return types when loading from .class files,
2492         // even though this is not strictly legal in JLS2 (according to binary
2493         // compatibility, changing the return type need not be supported).
2494         // This is done in anticipation of JDK 1.5, when covariance is likely
2495         // to be introduced. The resultant effect is that the subclass must
2496         // conform to the narrower return type. Note that we currently only
2497         // support Object->Object covariance (and not primitive->primitive,
2498         // void->primitive, or void->Object). When loading from .java files,
2499         // however, we enforce exact return type matching.
2500         //
2501         if (hidden_method -> Type() -> IsSubtype(control.Object()) &&
2502             method -> Type() -> IsSubtype(hidden_method -> Type()))
2503         {
2504             // Silent acceptance for .class files only.
2505             // They must work, because the 1.5 library is covariant,
2506             // even for -source 1.4!
2507             if (control.option.source < JikesOption::SDK1_5 &&
2508                 ! hidden_method -> containing_type ->
2509                   file_symbol -> IsClassOnly())
2510             {
2511                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::COVARIANCE_UNSUPPORTED,
2512                                left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2513                                hidden_method -> Header());
2514             }
2515         }
2516         else if (method -> containing_type == base_type)
2517         {
2518             if (base_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
2519                 hidden_method -> containing_type == control.Object())
2520             {
2521                 //
2522                 // TODO: Review this when JLS3 is published.  See Sun bug
2523                 // 4479715, which explains our current stance of allowing
2524                 // int clone() throws MyException; or Object finalize();.
2525                 //
2526                 if (hidden_method -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2527                 {
2528                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_IMPLICIT_METHOD,
2529                                    left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2530                                    hidden_method -> Header());
2531                     base_type -> MarkBad();
2532                 }
2533                 else
2534                 {
2535                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNIMPLEMENTABLE_INTERFACE,
2536                                    left_tok, right_tok,
2537                                    base_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2538                                    base_type -> ExternalName(),
2539                                    method -> Header(),
2540                                    hidden_method -> Header());
2541                 }
2542             }
2543             else
2544             {
2545                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_INHERITED_METHOD,
2546                                left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2547                                hidden_method -> Header(),
2548                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2549                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2550                 base_type -> MarkBad();
2551             }
2552         }
2553         else
2554         {
2555             ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_INHERITED_METHOD_EXTERNALLY,
2556                            left_tok, right_tok, base_type -> ExternalName(),
2557                            method -> Header(),
2558                            method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2559                            method -> containing_type -> ExternalName(),
2560                            hidden_method -> Header(),
2561                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2562                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2563             base_type -> MarkBad();
2564         }
2565     }
2568     //
2569     // If base_type declared method, hidden_method must not be final. On the
2570     // other hand, if a type inherits a final method from a superclass and
2571     // an abstract method from an interface, it is legal.
2572     //
2573     if (method -> containing_type == base_type &&
2574         (hidden_method -> ACC_FINAL() ||
2575          hidden_method -> containing_type -> ACC_FINAL()))
2576     {
2577         if (base_type -> ACC_INTERFACE())
2578         {
2579             ReportSemError(SemanticError::FINAL_IMPLICIT_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2580                            left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2581                            hidden_method -> Header());
2582         }
2583         else
2584         {
2585             ReportSemError(SemanticError::FINAL_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2586                            left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2587                            hidden_method -> Header(),
2588                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2589                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2590         }
2591         base_type -> MarkBad();
2592     }
2594     //
2595     // Warn if a method we have source for is overriding a deprecated method.
2596     //
2597     if (control.option.deprecation &&
2598         hidden_method -> IsDeprecated() &&
2599         ! method -> containing_type -> file_symbol -> IsClassOnly())
2600     {
2601         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2602                        left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2603                        hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2604                        hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2605     }
2607     //
2608     // Both or neither versions must be static.
2609     //
2610     if (method -> ACC_STATIC() != hidden_method -> ACC_STATIC())
2611     {
2612         if (method -> containing_type == base_type)
2613         {
2614             ReportSemError((method -> ACC_STATIC()
2615                             ? SemanticError::INSTANCE_METHOD_OVERRIDE
2616                             : SemanticError::CLASS_METHOD_OVERRIDE),
2617                            left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2618                            hidden_method -> Header(),
2619                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2620                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2621         }
2622         else
2623         {
2624             assert(method -> ACC_STATIC());
2625             ReportSemError(SemanticError::INSTANCE_METHOD_OVERRIDE_EXTERNALLY,
2626                            left_tok, right_tok, base_type -> ExternalName(),
2627                            method -> Header(),
2628                            method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2629                            method -> containing_type -> ExternalName(),
2630                            hidden_method -> Header(),
2631                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2632                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2633         }
2634         base_type -> MarkBad();
2635     }
2637     //
2638     // An overriding method cannot be less accessible. On the other hand, it
2639     // is legal to inherit two abstract methods when one is not public.
2640     //
2641     if (hidden_method -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2642     {
2643         if (! method -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2644         {
2645             if (method -> containing_type == base_type)
2646             {
2647                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_ACCESS_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2648                                left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2649                                method -> AccessString(),
2650                                hidden_method -> Header(),
2651                                StringConstant::US_public,
2652                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2653                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2654                 base_type -> MarkBad();
2655             }
2656             else if (! method -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
2657             {
2658                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_ACCESS_METHOD_OVERRIDE_EXTERNALLY,
2659                                left_tok, right_tok,
2660                                base_type -> ExternalName(),
2661                                method -> Header(),
2662                                method -> AccessString(),
2663                                method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2664                                method -> containing_type -> ExternalName(),
2665                                hidden_method -> Header(),
2666                                StringConstant::US_public,
2667                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2668                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2669                 base_type -> MarkBad();
2670             }
2671         }
2672     }
2673     else if (hidden_method -> ACC_PROTECTED())
2674     {
2675         if (! method -> ACC_PROTECTED() &&
2676             ! method -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2677         {
2678             ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_ACCESS_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2679                            left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2680                            method -> AccessString(),
2681                            hidden_method -> Header(),
2682                            StringConstant::US_protected,
2683                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2684                            hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2685             base_type -> MarkBad();
2686         }
2687     }
2688     else if (method -> ACC_PRIVATE())
2689     {
2690         ReportSemError(SemanticError::BAD_ACCESS_METHOD_OVERRIDE,
2691                        left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
2692                        StringConstant::US_private,
2693                        hidden_method -> Header(),
2694                        StringConstant::US_default,
2695                        hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2696                        hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2697         base_type -> MarkBad();
2698     }
2700     //
2701     // Check the throws clause, unless base_type is inheriting two abstract
2702     // methods.
2703     //
2704     if (method -> containing_type != base_type && method -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
2705         return;
2707     method -> ProcessMethodThrows(this, left_tok);
2708     hidden_method -> ProcessMethodThrows(this, left_tok);
2710     for (int i = method -> NumThrows() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
2711     {
2712         TypeSymbol* exception = method -> Throws(i);
2714         if (! CheckedException(exception))
2715             continue;
2717         int k;
2718         for (k = hidden_method -> NumThrows() - 1; k >= 0; k--)
2719         {
2720             if (exception -> IsSubclass(hidden_method -> Throws(k)))
2721                 break;
2722         }
2724         if (k < 0)
2725         {
2726             if (method -> containing_type == base_type)
2727             {
2728                 if (base_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
2729                     hidden_method -> containing_type == control.Object())
2730                 {
2731                     //
2732                     // TODO: Review this when JLS3 is published.  See Sun bug
2733                     // 4479715, which explains our current stance of allowing
2734                     // int clone() throws MyException; or Object finalize();.
2735                     //
2736                     if (hidden_method -> ACC_PUBLIC())
2737                     {
2738                         ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_IMPLICIT_OVERRIDDEN_EXCEPTION,
2739                                        left_tok, right_tok,
2740                                        exception -> Name(),
2741                                        method -> Header());
2742                         base_type -> MarkBad();
2743                     }
2744                 }
2745                 else
2746                 {
2747                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_OVERRIDDEN_EXCEPTION,
2748                                    left_tok, right_tok,
2749                                    exception -> Name(),
2750                                    hidden_method -> Header(),
2751                                    hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2752                                    hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2753                     base_type -> MarkBad();
2754                 }
2755             }
2756             else
2757             {
2758                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISMATCHED_OVERRIDDEN_EXCEPTION_EXTERNALLY,
2759                                left_tok, right_tok,
2760                                base_type -> ExternalName(),
2761                                exception -> Name(), method -> Header(),
2762                                method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2763                                method -> containing_type -> ExternalName(),
2764                                hidden_method -> Header(),
2765                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
2766                                hidden_method -> containing_type -> ExternalName());
2767                 base_type -> MarkBad();
2768             }
2769         }
2770     }
2771 }
AddInheritedTypes(TypeSymbol * base_type,TypeSymbol * super_type)2774 void Semantic::AddInheritedTypes(TypeSymbol* base_type, TypeSymbol* super_type)
2775 {
2776     if (super_type -> Bad())
2777     {
2778         base_type -> MarkBad();
2779         return;
2780     }
2782     ExpandedTypeTable& base_expanded_table =
2783         *(base_type -> expanded_type_table);
2784     ExpandedTypeTable& super_expanded_table =
2785         *(super_type -> expanded_type_table);
2787     for (unsigned i = 0; i < super_expanded_table.symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
2788     {
2789         TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol =
2790             super_expanded_table.symbol_pool[i];
2791         TypeSymbol* type = type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol;
2793         //
2794         // Note that since all types in an interface are implicitly public,
2795         // all other types encountered here are enclosed in a type that is a
2796         // super class of base_type.
2797         //
2798         if (type -> ACC_PUBLIC() ||
2799             type -> ACC_PROTECTED() ||
2800             (! type -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
2801              super_type -> ContainingPackage() == base_type -> ContainingPackage()))
2802         {
2803             TypeShadowSymbol* shadow =
2804                 base_expanded_table.FindTypeShadowSymbol(type -> Identity());
2806             if (! shadow || shadow -> type_symbol -> owner != base_type)
2807             {
2808                 if (! shadow)
2809                     shadow = base_expanded_table.InsertTypeShadowSymbol(type);
2810                 else shadow -> AddConflict(type);
2812                 assert(type -> owner != super_type ||
2813                        type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts() == 0);
2814                 for (unsigned j = 0;
2815                      j < type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); j++)
2816                 {
2817                     shadow -> AddConflict(type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(j));
2818                 }
2819             }
2820         }
2821         //
2822         // The main type was not accessible. But it may have been inherited
2823         // from yet another class, in which case any conflicts (which are
2824         // necessarily public types from interfaces) are still inherited in
2825         // the base_type.
2826         //
2827         else if (! type -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
2828                  type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts())
2829         {
2830             assert(type -> owner != super_type);
2831             TypeShadowSymbol* shadow =
2832                 base_expanded_table.FindTypeShadowSymbol(type -> Identity());
2834             if (shadow)
2835                 assert(shadow -> type_symbol -> owner == base_type);
2836             else
2837             {
2838                 shadow = base_expanded_table.
2839                     InsertTypeShadowSymbol(type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(0));
2840                 for (unsigned k = 1;
2841                      k < type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); k++)
2842                 {
2843                     shadow -> AddConflict(type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(k));
2844                 }
2845             }
2846         }
2847     }
2848 }
AddInheritedFields(TypeSymbol * base_type,TypeSymbol * super_type)2851 void Semantic::AddInheritedFields(TypeSymbol* base_type,
2852                                   TypeSymbol* super_type)
2853 {
2854     if (super_type -> Bad())
2855     {
2856         base_type -> MarkBad();
2857         return;
2858     }
2860     ExpandedFieldTable& base_expanded_table =
2861         *(base_type -> expanded_field_table);
2862     ExpandedFieldTable& super_expanded_table =
2863         *(super_type -> expanded_field_table);
2865     for (unsigned i = 0; i < super_expanded_table.symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
2866     {
2867         VariableShadowSymbol* variable_shadow_symbol =
2868             super_expanded_table.symbol_pool[i];
2869         VariableSymbol* variable = variable_shadow_symbol -> variable_symbol;
2870         //
2871         // Note that since all fields in an interface are implicitly public,
2872         // all other fields encountered here are enclosed in a type that is a
2873         // super class of base_type.
2874         //
2875         if (variable -> ACC_PUBLIC() ||
2876             variable -> ACC_PROTECTED() ||
2877             (! variable -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
2878              super_type -> ContainingPackage() == base_type -> ContainingPackage()))
2879         {
2880             VariableShadowSymbol* shadow = base_expanded_table.
2881                 FindVariableShadowSymbol(variable -> Identity());
2883             if (! shadow || shadow -> variable_symbol -> owner != base_type)
2884             {
2885                 if (! shadow)
2886                     shadow = base_expanded_table.
2887                         InsertVariableShadowSymbol(variable);
2888                 else shadow -> AddConflict(variable);
2890                 assert(variable -> owner != super_type ||
2891                        variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts() == 0);
2892                 for (unsigned j = 0;
2893                      j < variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); j++)
2894                 {
2895                     shadow -> AddConflict(variable_shadow_symbol ->
2896                                           Conflict(j));
2897                 }
2898             }
2899         }
2900         //
2901         // The main field was not accessible. But it may have been inherited
2902         // from yet another class, in which case any conflicts (which are
2903         // necessarily public fields from interfaces) are still inherited in
2904         // the base_type.
2905         //
2906         else if (! variable -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
2907                  ! variable -> ACC_SYNTHETIC() &&
2908                  variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts())
2909         {
2910             assert(variable -> owner != super_type);
2911             VariableShadowSymbol* shadow = base_expanded_table.
2912                 FindVariableShadowSymbol(variable -> Identity());
2914             if (shadow)
2915                 assert(shadow -> variable_symbol -> owner == base_type);
2916             else
2917             {
2918                 shadow = base_expanded_table.
2919                     InsertVariableShadowSymbol(variable_shadow_symbol ->
2920                                                Conflict(0));
2922                 for (unsigned k = 1;
2923                      k < variable_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); k++)
2924                 {
2925                     shadow -> AddConflict(variable_shadow_symbol ->
2926                                           Conflict(k));
2927                 }
2928             }
2929         }
2930     }
2931 }
AddInheritedMethods(TypeSymbol * base_type,TypeSymbol * super_type,TokenIndex tok)2934 void Semantic::AddInheritedMethods(TypeSymbol* base_type,
2935                                    TypeSymbol* super_type, TokenIndex tok)
2936 {
2937     if (super_type -> Bad())
2938     {
2939         base_type -> MarkBad();
2940         return;
2941     }
2943     ExpandedMethodTable* base_expanded_table =
2944         base_type -> expanded_method_table;
2945     ExpandedMethodTable* super_expanded_table =
2946         super_type -> expanded_method_table;
2947     PackageSymbol* base_package = base_type -> ContainingPackage();
2948     unsigned i;
2950     for (i = 0; i < super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
2951     {
2952         MethodShadowSymbol* method_shadow_symbol =
2953             super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool[i];
2954         MethodSymbol* method = method_shadow_symbol -> method_symbol;
2956         //
2957         // We have to special case interfaces, since they implicitly declare
2958         // the public methods of Object. In ComputeMethodsClosure, we add all
2959         // methods from Object after adding those from interfaces. Also, since
2960         // user code cannot invoke synthetic methods, we ignore those.
2961         //
2962         if ((base_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
2963              super_type -> ACC_INTERFACE() &&
2964              method -> containing_type == control.Object()) ||
2965             method -> ACC_SYNTHETIC())
2966         {
2967             continue;
2968         }
2970         //
2971         // Note that since all methods in an interface are implicitly
2972         // public, all other methods encountered here are enclosed in a
2973         // type that is a super class of base_type.
2974         //
2975         if (method -> ACC_PUBLIC() || method -> ACC_PROTECTED() ||
2976             (! method -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
2977              super_type -> ContainingPackage() == base_package))
2978         {
2979             //
2980             // Check that method is compatible with every method it
2981             // overrides.
2982             //
2983             MethodShadowSymbol* shadow = base_expanded_table ->
2984                 FindOverloadMethodShadow(method, this, tok);
2985             if (shadow)
2986             {
2987                 CheckMethodOverride(shadow -> method_symbol, method,
2988                                     base_type);
2989                 for (unsigned m = 0;
2990                      m < method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); m++)
2991                 {
2992                     CheckMethodOverride(shadow -> method_symbol,
2993                                         method_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(m),
2994                                         base_type);
2995                 }
2996             }
2998             if (! shadow ||
2999                 shadow -> method_symbol -> containing_type != base_type)
3000             {
3001                 if (! shadow)
3002                     shadow = base_expanded_table -> Overload(method);
3003                 else shadow -> AddConflict(method);
3005                 assert(method -> containing_type != super_type ||
3006                        method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts() == 0);
3007                 for (unsigned j = 0;
3008                      j < method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); j++)
3009                 {
3010                     shadow -> AddConflict(method_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(j));
3011                 }
3012             }
3013         }
3014         //
3015         // The main method was not accessible. But it may have been inherited
3016         // from yet another class, in which case any conflicts (which are
3017         // necessarily public methods from interfaces) are still inherited in
3018         // the base_type.
3019         //
3020         else if (! method -> ACC_PRIVATE())
3021         {
3022             MethodShadowSymbol* shadow = base_expanded_table ->
3023                 FindOverloadMethodShadow(method, this, tok);
3024             if (method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts())
3025             {
3026                 assert(method -> containing_type != super_type);
3028                 if (shadow)
3029                 {
3030                     assert(shadow -> method_symbol -> containing_type == base_type);
3031                     for (unsigned k = 0;
3032                          k < method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); k++)
3033                     {
3034                         CheckMethodOverride(shadow -> method_symbol,
3035                                             method_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(k),
3036                                             base_type);
3037                     }
3038                 }
3039                 else
3040                 {
3041                     shadow = base_expanded_table ->
3042                         Overload(method_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(0));
3044                     for (unsigned l = 1;
3045                          l < method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts(); l++)
3046                     {
3047                         shadow -> AddConflict(method_shadow_symbol ->
3048                                               Conflict(l));
3049                     }
3050                 }
3051             }
3052             else if (shadow && control.option.pedantic)
3053             {
3054                 //
3055                 // The base_type declares a method by the same name as a
3056                 // method in the superclass, but the new method does not
3057                 // override or hide the old. Warn the user about this fact,
3058                 // although it is usually not an error.
3059                 //
3060                 assert(shadow -> method_symbol -> containing_type ==
3061                        base_type);
3062                 TokenIndex left_tok;
3063                 TokenIndex right_tok;
3065                 if (ThisType() == base_type)
3066                 {
3067                     AstMethodDeclaration* method_declaration =
3068                         (AstMethodDeclaration*) shadow -> method_symbol -> declaration;
3069                     AstMethodDeclarator* method_declarator =
3070                         method_declaration -> method_declarator;
3072                     left_tok = method_declarator -> LeftToken();
3073                     right_tok = method_declarator -> RightToken();
3074                 }
3075                 else
3076                 {
3077                     left_tok = ThisType() -> declaration -> identifier_token;
3078                     right_tok =
3079                         ThisType() -> declaration -> right_brace_token - 1;
3080                 }
3082                 if (! method -> IsTyped())
3083                     method -> ProcessMethodSignature(this, tok);
3085                 //
3086                 // We filter here, because CompleteSymbolTable gives a
3087                 // different warning for unimplementable abstract classes.
3088                 //
3089                 if (! method -> ACC_ABSTRACT() ||
3090                     method -> Type() == shadow -> method_symbol -> Type() ||
3091                     (! shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PUBLIC() &&
3092                      ! shadow -> method_symbol -> ACC_PROTECTED()))
3093                 {
3094                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEFAULT_METHOD_NOT_OVERRIDDEN,
3095                                    left_tok, right_tok, method -> Header(),
3096                                    base_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3097                                    base_type -> ExternalName(),
3098                                    super_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3099                                    super_type -> ExternalName());
3100                 }
3101             }
3102         }
3103     }
3104     //
3105     // Now, we must ensure that any time the inheritance tree left and
3106     // reentered the package, the non-inherited default methods were
3107     // correctly overridden or hidden if redeclared in this class. A method
3108     // is non-inherited only if a class C is in the package, it's subclass
3109     // is not, and there is no interface method also inherited into C.
3110     //
3111     while (super_type -> super)
3112     {
3113         TypeSymbol* prev = super_type;
3114         super_type = super_type -> super;
3115         if (prev -> ContainingPackage() == base_package ||
3116             super_type -> ContainingPackage() != base_package)
3117         {
3118             continue;
3119         }
3120         super_expanded_table = super_type -> expanded_method_table;
3121         for (i = 0; i < super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool.Length(); i++)
3122         {
3123             MethodShadowSymbol* method_shadow_symbol =
3124                 super_expanded_table -> symbol_pool[i];
3125             MethodSymbol* method = method_shadow_symbol -> method_symbol;
3126             if (! method -> ACC_PUBLIC() && ! method -> ACC_PROTECTED() &&
3127                 ! method -> ACC_PRIVATE() && ! method -> ACC_SYNTHETIC() &&
3128                 method_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts() == 0)
3129             {
3130                 // found a non-inherited package scope method
3131                 MethodShadowSymbol* shadow = base_expanded_table ->
3132                     FindOverloadMethodShadow(method, this, tok);
3133                 if (shadow &&
3134                     shadow -> method_symbol -> containing_type == base_type)
3135                 {
3136                     CheckMethodOverride(shadow -> method_symbol, method,
3137                                         base_type);
3138                 }
3139             }
3140         }
3141     }
3142 }
ComputeTypesClosure(TypeSymbol * type,TokenIndex tok)3145 void Semantic::ComputeTypesClosure(TypeSymbol* type, TokenIndex tok)
3146 {
3147     if (! type -> HeaderProcessed())
3148         type -> ProcessTypeHeaders();
3149     type -> expanded_type_table = new ExpandedTypeTable();
3151     TypeSymbol* super_class = type -> super;
3152     if (super_class)
3153     {
3154         if (! super_class -> expanded_type_table)
3155             ComputeTypesClosure(super_class, tok);
3156     }
3158     for (unsigned j = 0; j < type -> NumInterfaces(); j++)
3159     {
3160         TypeSymbol* interf = type -> Interface(j);
3161         if (! interf -> expanded_type_table)
3162             ComputeTypesClosure(interf, tok);
3163     }
3165     if (! type -> NestedTypesProcessed())
3166         type -> ProcessNestedTypeSignatures(this, tok);
3167     for (unsigned i = 0; i < type -> NumTypeSymbols(); i++)
3168     {
3169         if (! type -> TypeSym(i) -> Bad())
3170         {
3171             type -> expanded_type_table ->
3172                 InsertTypeShadowSymbol(type -> TypeSym(i));
3173         }
3174     }
3175     if (super_class)
3176         AddInheritedTypes(type, super_class);
3177     for (unsigned k = 0; k < type -> NumInterfaces(); k++)
3178         AddInheritedTypes(type, type -> Interface(k));
3179     type -> expanded_type_table -> CompressSpace();
3180 }
ComputeFieldsClosure(TypeSymbol * type,TokenIndex tok)3183 void Semantic::ComputeFieldsClosure(TypeSymbol* type, TokenIndex tok)
3184 {
3185     type -> expanded_field_table = new ExpandedFieldTable();
3187     TypeSymbol* super_class = type -> super;
3188     if (super_class)
3189     {
3190         if (! super_class -> expanded_field_table)
3191             ComputeFieldsClosure(super_class, tok);
3192     }
3194     for (unsigned j = 0; j < type -> NumInterfaces(); j++)
3195     {
3196         TypeSymbol* interf = type -> Interface(j);
3197         if (! interf -> expanded_field_table)
3198             ComputeFieldsClosure(interf, tok);
3199     }
3201     assert(type -> FieldMembersProcessed());
3203     for (unsigned i = 0; i < type -> NumVariableSymbols(); i++)
3204     {
3205         VariableSymbol* variable = type -> VariableSym(i);
3206         type -> expanded_field_table -> InsertVariableShadowSymbol(variable);
3207     }
3209     //
3210     // As the type Object which is the super type of all interfaces does
3211     // not contain any field declarations, we don't have to do any special
3212     // check here as we have to when computing method closures.
3213     //
3214     if (super_class)
3215         AddInheritedFields(type, super_class);
3216     for (unsigned k = 0; k < type -> NumInterfaces(); k++)
3217         AddInheritedFields(type, type -> Interface(k));
3218     type -> expanded_field_table -> CompressSpace();
3219 }
ComputeMethodsClosure(TypeSymbol * type,TokenIndex tok)3222 void Semantic::ComputeMethodsClosure(TypeSymbol* type, TokenIndex tok)
3223 {
3224     type -> expanded_method_table = new ExpandedMethodTable();
3226     TypeSymbol* super_class = type -> super;
3227     if (super_class)
3228     {
3229         if (! super_class -> expanded_method_table)
3230             ComputeMethodsClosure(super_class, tok);
3231     }
3233     for (unsigned j = 0; j < type -> NumInterfaces(); j++)
3234     {
3235         TypeSymbol* interf = type -> Interface(j);
3237         if (! interf -> expanded_method_table)
3238             ComputeMethodsClosure(interf, tok);
3239     }
3241     assert(type -> MethodMembersProcessed());
3243     for (unsigned i = 0; i < type -> NumMethodSymbols(); i++)
3244     {
3245         MethodSymbol* method = type -> MethodSym(i);
3246         //
3247         // If the method in question is neither a constructor nor an
3248         // initializer, then ...
3249         //
3250         if (*(method -> Name()) != U_LESS)
3251         {
3252             type -> expanded_method_table -> Overload(method);
3253         }
3254     }
3256     //
3257     // We build in this order to guarantee that the first method listed in
3258     // the table will be declared in a class.  Conflicts, if any, are from
3259     // interfaces and are necessarily abstract; but if the first method
3260     // is not abstract, it implements all the conflicts.
3261     //
3262     if (super_class && ! type -> ACC_INTERFACE())
3263         AddInheritedMethods(type, super_class, tok);
3264     for (unsigned k = 0; k < type -> NumInterfaces(); k++)
3265         AddInheritedMethods(type, type -> Interface(k), tok);
3266     if (type -> ACC_INTERFACE()) // the super class is Object
3267         AddInheritedMethods(type, control.Object(), tok);
3268     type -> expanded_method_table -> CompressSpace();
3269 }
ProcessFormalParameters(BlockSymbol * block,AstMethodDeclarator * method_declarator)3272 void Semantic::ProcessFormalParameters(BlockSymbol* block,
3273                                        AstMethodDeclarator* method_declarator)
3274 {
3275     for (unsigned i = 0; i < method_declarator -> NumFormalParameters(); i++)
3276     {
3277         AstFormalParameter* parameter =
3278             method_declarator -> FormalParameter(i);
3279         AccessFlags access_flags = ProcessFormalModifiers(parameter);
3280         ProcessType(parameter -> type);
3281         TypeSymbol* parm_type = parameter -> type -> symbol;
3283         AstVariableDeclaratorId* name =
3284             parameter -> formal_declarator -> variable_declarator_name;
3285         NameSymbol* name_symbol =
3286             lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
3287         VariableSymbol* symbol = block -> FindVariableSymbol(name_symbol);
3288         if (symbol)
3289         {
3290             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_FORMAL_PARAMETER,
3291                            name -> identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name());
3292         }
3293         else symbol = block -> InsertVariableSymbol(name_symbol);
3295         unsigned dims = parm_type -> num_dimensions + name -> NumBrackets();
3296         if (parameter -> ellipsis_token_opt)
3297         {
3298             assert(i == method_declarator -> NumFormalParameters() - 1);
3299             dims++;
3300             access_flags.SetACC_VARARGS();
3301             // TODO: Add varargs support for 1.5.
3302             //            if (control.option.source < JikesOption::SDK1_5)
3303             {
3304                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::VARARGS_UNSUPPORTED,
3305                                parameter -> ellipsis_token_opt);
3306             }
3307         }
3308         symbol -> SetType(parm_type -> GetArrayType(this, dims));
3309         symbol -> SetFlags(access_flags);
3310         symbol -> MarkComplete();
3311         symbol -> MarkInitialized();
3313         parameter -> formal_declarator -> symbol = symbol;
3314     }
3315 }
ProcessMethodDeclaration(AstMethodDeclaration * method_declaration)3318 void Semantic::ProcessMethodDeclaration(AstMethodDeclaration* method_declaration)
3319 {
3320     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
3321     AccessFlags access_flags = this_type -> ACC_INTERFACE()
3322         ? ProcessInterfaceMethodModifiers(method_declaration)
3323         : ProcessMethodModifiers(method_declaration);
3324     //
3325     // By JLS2, a private method and all methods declared in a
3326     // final class are implicitly final. Also, all methods in a strictfp
3327     // class are strictfp.
3328     //
3329     if (access_flags.ACC_PRIVATE() || this_type -> ACC_FINAL())
3330         access_flags.SetACC_FINAL();
3331     if (this_type -> ACC_STRICTFP())
3332         access_flags.SetACC_STRICTFP();
3334     if (method_declaration -> type_parameters_opt)
3335     {
3336         // TODO: Add generics support for 1.5.
3337         ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_PARAMETERS_UNSUPPORTED,
3338                        method_declaration -> type_parameters_opt);
3339     }
3340     //
3341     // A method enclosed in an inner type may not be declared static.
3342     //
3343     if (access_flags.ACC_STATIC() && this_type -> IsInner())
3344     {
3345         assert(method_declaration -> modifiers_opt &&
3346                method_declaration -> modifiers_opt -> static_token_opt);
3347         ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_METHOD_IN_INNER_CLASS,
3348                        method_declaration -> modifiers_opt -> static_token_opt,
3349                        lex_stream -> NameString(method_declaration -> method_declarator -> identifier_token),
3350                        this_type -> Name(),
3351                        this_type -> FileLoc());
3352     }
3354     //
3355     // To avoid deprecated type warnings when processing a deprecated method
3356     // declaration, we must temporarily mark this type as deprecated, because
3357     // the method symbol does not yet exist. We fix it after formal parameter
3358     // processing.
3359     //
3360     bool deprecated_method =
3361         lex_stream -> IsDeprecated(method_declaration -> LeftToken());
3362     bool deprecated_type = this_type -> IsDeprecated();
3363     if (deprecated_method)
3364         this_type -> MarkDeprecated();
3365     ProcessType(method_declaration -> type);
3366     TypeSymbol* method_type = method_declaration -> type -> symbol;
3368     AstMethodDeclarator* method_declarator =
3369         method_declaration -> method_declarator;
3370     if (method_declarator -> NumBrackets())
3371     {
3372         if (method_type == control.void_type)
3373         {
3374             ReportSemError(SemanticError::VOID_ARRAY,
3375                            method_declaration -> type -> LeftToken(),
3376                            method_declarator -> RightToken());
3377             method_type = control.no_type;
3378         }
3379         else ReportSemError(SemanticError::OBSOLESCENT_BRACKETS,
3380                             method_declarator);
3381     }
3383     NameSymbol* name_symbol =
3384         lex_stream -> NameSymbol(method_declarator -> identifier_token);
3386     if (name_symbol == this_type -> Identity())
3387     {
3388         ReportSemError(SemanticError::METHOD_WITH_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME,
3389                        method_declaration -> type -> LeftToken(),
3390                        method_declarator -> identifier_token,
3391                        name_symbol -> Name());
3392     }
3394     //
3395     // Warn against unconventional names.
3396     //
3397     if (name_symbol -> IsBadStyleForMethod())
3398     {
3399         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNCONVENTIONAL_METHOD_NAME,
3400                        method_declarator -> identifier_token,
3401                        name_symbol -> Name());
3402     }
3404     //
3405     // As the body of the method may not have been parsed yet, we estimate a
3406     // size for its symbol table based on the number of lines in the body + a
3407     // margin for one-liners.
3408     //
3409     BlockSymbol* block_symbol =
3410         new BlockSymbol(method_declarator -> NumFormalParameters());
3411     block_symbol -> max_variable_index = (access_flags.ACC_STATIC() ? 0 : 1);
3412     ProcessFormalParameters(block_symbol, method_declarator);
3413     if (! deprecated_type && deprecated_method)
3414         this_type -> ResetDeprecated();
3416     MethodSymbol* method = this_type -> FindMethodSymbol(name_symbol);
3417     if (method && this_type -> FindOverloadMethod(method, method_declarator))
3418     {
3419         ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_METHOD,
3420                        method_declarator, name_symbol -> Name(),
3421                        this_type -> Name(), method -> FileLoc());
3422         delete block_symbol;
3423         return;
3424     }
3426     method = this_type -> InsertMethodSymbol(name_symbol);
3427     unsigned dims =
3428         method_type -> num_dimensions + method_declarator -> NumBrackets();
3429     method -> SetType(method_type -> GetArrayType(this, dims));
3431     //
3432     // if the method is not static, leave a slot for the "this" pointer.
3433     //
3434     method -> SetFlags(access_flags);
3435     method -> SetContainingType(this_type);
3436     method -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol);
3437     method -> declaration = method_declaration;
3438     method -> SetLocation();
3439     for (unsigned i = 0; i < method_declarator -> NumFormalParameters(); i++)
3440     {
3441         AstVariableDeclarator* formal_declarator =
3442             method_declarator -> FormalParameter(i) -> formal_declarator;
3443         VariableSymbol* symbol = formal_declarator -> symbol;
3445         symbol -> SetOwner(method);
3446         symbol -> SetLocalVariableIndex(block_symbol -> max_variable_index++);
3447         symbol -> MarkComplete();
3448         if (control.IsDoubleWordType(symbol -> Type()))
3449             block_symbol -> max_variable_index++;
3450         symbol -> declarator = formal_declarator;
3451         symbol -> SetLocation();
3452         method -> AddFormalParameter(symbol);
3453     }
3454     method -> SetSignature(control);
3456     for (unsigned k = 0; k < method_declaration -> NumThrows(); k++)
3457     {
3458         AstTypeName* throw_expr = method_declaration -> Throw(k);
3459         ProcessType(throw_expr);
3460         method -> AddThrows(throw_expr -> symbol);
3461     }
3463     // save for processing bodies later.
3464     method_declaration -> method_symbol = method;
3466     if (method -> ACC_ABSTRACT() && ! this_type -> ACC_ABSTRACT())
3467     {
3468         ReportSemError(SemanticError::NON_ABSTRACT_TYPE_CONTAINS_ABSTRACT_METHOD,
3469                        method_declaration -> LeftToken(),
3470                        method_declarator -> identifier_token,
3471                        name_symbol -> Name(),
3472                        this_type -> Name());
3473     }
3475     if (deprecated_method)
3476         method -> MarkDeprecated();
3477 }
3480 //
3481 // Return the type corresponding to a primitive type keyword.
3482 //
FindPrimitiveType(AstPrimitiveType * primitive_type)3483 TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindPrimitiveType(AstPrimitiveType* primitive_type)
3484 {
3485     switch (primitive_type -> kind)
3486     {
3487     case Ast::INT:
3488         return control.int_type;
3489     case Ast::DOUBLE:
3490         return control.double_type;
3491     case Ast::CHAR:
3492         return control.char_type;
3493     case Ast::LONG:
3494         return control.long_type;
3495     case Ast::FLOAT:
3496         return control.float_type;
3497     case Ast::BYTE:
3498         return control.byte_type;
3499     case Ast::SHORT:
3500         return control.short_type;
3501     case Ast::BOOLEAN:
3502         return control.boolean_type;
3503     default:
3504         break;
3505     }
3507     return control.void_type;
3508 }
3511 //
3512 // Search the import-on-demand locations for a type with the given name. This
3513 // returns inaccessible types if found, with no error message, but favors
3514 // accessible ones. It will issue an error if the only way an accessible type
3515 // was found is non-canonical. If no type is found, NULL is returned.
3516 //
ImportType(TokenIndex identifier_token,NameSymbol * name_symbol)3517 TypeSymbol* Semantic::ImportType(TokenIndex identifier_token,
3518                                  NameSymbol* name_symbol)
3519 {
3520     //
3521     // To keep track of inaccessible types, we note the first one we find,
3522     // while leaving the location as NULL. Once we find an accessible type, we
3523     // set location, so that we know that future types are duplicates. We
3524     // pre-filtered duplicate import-on-demands, as well as adding java.lang.*.
3525     //
3526     TypeSymbol* type = NULL;
3527     PackageSymbol* location = NULL;
3529     for (unsigned i = 0; i < import_on_demand_packages.Length(); i++)
3530     {
3531         PackageSymbol* import_package =
3532             import_on_demand_packages[i] -> PackageCast();
3533         TypeSymbol* possible_type = NULL;
3535         if (import_package)
3536         {
3537             possible_type = import_package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
3538             if (! possible_type)
3539             {
3540                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
3541                     Control::GetFile(control, import_package, name_symbol);
3542                 if (file_symbol)
3543                     possible_type = ReadType(file_symbol, import_package,
3544                                              name_symbol, identifier_token);
3545             }
3546             else if (possible_type -> SourcePending())
3547                 control.ProcessHeaders(possible_type -> file_symbol);
3548         }
3549         else
3550         {
3551             TypeSymbol* import_type =
3552                 (TypeSymbol*) import_on_demand_packages[i];
3553             if (! import_type -> expanded_type_table)
3554                 ComputeTypesClosure(import_type, identifier_token);
3555             TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol = import_type ->
3556                 expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
3557             if (type_shadow_symbol)
3558             {
3559                 //
3560                 // Only canonical names may be used in import statements, hence
3561                 // the extra filter on the containing type being correct. If
3562                 // we encounter conflicts, they are necessarily accessible
3563                 // inherited types from interfaces (and hence non-canonical).
3564                 //
3565                 possible_type = (type_shadow_symbol -> NumConflicts()
3566                                  ? type_shadow_symbol -> Conflict(0)
3567                                  : type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol);
3568                 if (! possible_type -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
3569                     import_type == possible_type -> owner)
3570                 {
3571                     import_package = import_type -> ContainingPackage();
3572                 }
3573             }
3574         }
3575         if (possible_type)
3576         {
3577             if (location && import_package &&
3578                 (possible_type -> ACC_PUBLIC() ||
3579                  import_package == this_package))
3580             {
3581                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::DUPLICATE_ON_DEMAND_IMPORT,
3582                                identifier_token, name_symbol -> Name(),
3583                                location -> PackageName(),
3584                                import_package -> PackageName());
3585             }
3586             else
3587             {
3588                 type = possible_type;
3589                 if (type -> ACC_PUBLIC() || import_package == this_package)
3590                     location = import_package; // may be NULL
3591             }
3592         }
3593     }
3595     if (type && ! location && ! type -> ACC_PRIVATE() &&
3596         (type -> ACC_PUBLIC() || type -> ContainingPackage() == this_package))
3597     {
3598         ReportSemError(SemanticError::IMPORT_NOT_CANONICAL,
3599                        identifier_token, type -> Name(),
3600                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3601                        type -> ExternalName());
3602     }
3604     // Keep track of referenced types.
3605     if (type && location)
3606         referenced_package_imports.AddElement(location);
3608     return type;
3609 }
3612 //
3613 // Finds an accessible type by the name located at identifier_token, or returns
3614 // NULL. If there are ambiguous accessible types, this issues an error in the
3615 // process. Note that inaccessible types are skipped - if the caller wishes
3616 // to use an inaccessible type, they must search for it.
3617 //
FindType(TokenIndex identifier_token)3618 TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindType(TokenIndex identifier_token)
3619 {
3620     TypeSymbol* type;
3621     NameSymbol* name_symbol = lex_stream -> NameSymbol(identifier_token);
3623     SemanticEnvironment* env = NULL;
3624     if (state_stack.Size())
3625         env = state_stack.Top();
3626     for ( ; env; env = env -> previous)
3627     {
3628         // Search for local types, which are always accessible.
3629         type = env -> symbol_table.FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
3630         if (type)
3631             break;
3632         // Search for declared or inherited member types.
3633         type = env -> Type();
3634         if (! type -> expanded_type_table)
3635             ComputeTypesClosure(type, identifier_token);
3636         TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol =
3637             type -> expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
3638         if (type_shadow_symbol)
3639         {
3640             type = FindTypeInShadow(type_shadow_symbol, identifier_token);
3641             if (type)
3642                 break;
3643         }
3644     }
3646     if (env) // The type was found in some enclosing environment?
3647     {
3648         //
3649         // A static type cannot access a non-static member type of an enclosing
3650         // class by simple name.
3651         //
3652         TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
3653         assert(this_type);
3654         if (this_type -> ACC_STATIC() && ! type -> ACC_STATIC() &&
3655             ! this_type -> IsSubclass(type -> ContainingType()))
3656         {
3657             ReportSemError(SemanticError::STATIC_TYPE_ACCESSING_MEMBER_TYPE,
3658                            identifier_token,
3659                            this_type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3660                            this_type -> ExternalName(),
3661                            type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3662                            type -> ExternalName(),
3663                            env -> Type() -> ContainingPackageName(),
3664                            env -> Type() -> ExternalName());
3665         }
3666         //
3667         // If the type was inherited, give a warning if it shadowed another
3668         // type of the same name within an enclosing lexical scope.
3669         //
3670         if (type -> owner -> TypeCast() && type -> owner != env -> Type())
3671         {
3672             TypeSymbol* supertype = (TypeSymbol*) type -> owner;
3673             for ( ; env; env = env -> previous)
3674             {
3675                 //
3676                 // First, check the enclosing type name - this is a caution,
3677                 // because this behavior is opposite C++ when a type inherits
3678                 // a membertype with the same name.
3679                 //
3680                 if (name_symbol == env -> Type() -> Identity() &&
3681                     env -> Type() != type)
3682                 {
3683                     ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_TYPE,
3684                                    identifier_token,
3685                                    lex_stream -> NameString(identifier_token),
3686                                    type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3687                                    type -> ExternalName(),
3688                                    env -> Type() -> ContainingPackageName(),
3689                                    env -> Type() -> ExternalName());
3690                     break;
3691                 }
3692                 if (env -> previous && control.option.pedantic)
3693                 {
3694                     // Next, in pedantic mode, check local type
3695                     SemanticEnvironment* env2 = env -> previous;
3696                     TypeSymbol* outer_type =
3697                         env2 -> symbol_table.FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
3698                     if (outer_type)
3699                     {
3700                         assert(outer_type -> owner -> MethodCast());
3701                         ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_LOCAL,
3702                                        identifier_token,
3703                                        lex_stream -> NameString(identifier_token),
3704                                        supertype -> ContainingPackageName(),
3705                                        supertype -> ExternalName(),
3706                                        ((MethodSymbol*) outer_type -> owner) -> Name());
3707                         break;
3708                     }
3709                     // If local type not found, check inner type.
3710                     if (! env2 -> Type() -> expanded_type_table)
3711                         ComputeTypesClosure(env2 -> Type(), identifier_token);
3712                     TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol =
3713                         env2 -> Type() -> expanded_type_table ->
3714                         FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
3715                     if (type_shadow_symbol)
3716                         outer_type = FindTypeInShadow(type_shadow_symbol,
3717                                                       identifier_token);
3718                     if (outer_type && outer_type != type &&
3719                         outer_type -> owner == env2 -> Type())
3720                     {
3721                         ReportSemError(SemanticError::INHERITANCE_AND_LEXICAL_SCOPING_CONFLICT_WITH_MEMBER,
3722                                        identifier_token,
3723                                        lex_stream -> NameString(identifier_token),
3724                                        supertype -> ContainingPackageName(),
3725                                        supertype -> ExternalName(),
3726                                        env2 -> Type() -> ContainingPackageName(),
3727                                        env2 -> Type() -> ExternalName());
3728                         break;
3729                     }
3730                 }
3731             }
3732         }
3734         return type;
3735     }
3737     //
3738     // Search for the type in the current compilation unit if it was declared
3739     // as a class or interface or imported by a single-type-import declaration.
3740     //
3741     for (unsigned i = 0; i < single_type_imports.Length(); i++)
3742     {
3743         type = single_type_imports[i];
3744         if (name_symbol == type -> Identity())
3745         {
3746             // Keep track of referenced types.
3747             referenced_type_imports.AddElement(type);
3748             return type;
3749         }
3750     }
3752     //
3753     // Search for another file in the current package, and if that fails, check
3754     // for an accessible import-on-demand.
3755     //
3756     type = FindSimpleNameType(this_package, identifier_token);
3757     TypeSymbol* imported_type = (! type || type -> Bad()
3758                                  ? ImportType(identifier_token, name_symbol)
3759                                  : (TypeSymbol*) NULL);
3761     //
3762     // If a valid type can be imported on demand, choose that type.
3763     // Otherwise, if a type was found at all, do some final checks on it.
3764     //
3765     // Note that a type T contained in a package P is always accessible to all
3766     // other types contained in P. I.e., we do not need to perform access check
3767     // for type...
3768     //
3769     if (imported_type && TypeAccessCheck(imported_type))
3770         type = imported_type;
3771     else if (type)
3772     {
3773         //
3774         // If a type T was specified in a source file that is not called T.java
3775         // but X.java (where X != T) and we are not currently compiling file X,
3776         // issue a warning to alert the user that in some circumstances, this
3777         // may not be visible. (i.e., if the file X has not yet been compiled,
3778         // then T is invisile as the compiler will only look for T in T.java.)
3779         //
3780         FileSymbol* file_symbol = type -> file_symbol;
3781         if (file_symbol && type -> Identity() != file_symbol -> Identity() &&
3782             file_symbol != this -> source_file_symbol)
3783         {
3784             ReportSemError(SemanticError::REFERENCE_TO_TYPE_IN_MISMATCHED_FILE,
3785                            identifier_token, type -> Name(),
3786                            file_symbol -> Name());
3787         }
3788     }
3790     return type;
3791 }
3794 //
3795 // Returns an inaccessible type of the given name, or 0 if there is none.
3796 // No errors are reported by this method.
3797 //
FindInaccessibleType(AstName * name)3798 TypeSymbol* Semantic::FindInaccessibleType(AstName* name)
3799 {
3800     assert(! name -> base_opt);
3801     NameSymbol* name_symbol =
3802         lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
3804     // Check for inaccessible member type.
3805     if (state_stack.Size())
3806     {
3807         for (TypeSymbol* super_type = ThisType() -> super;
3808              super_type; super_type = super_type -> super)
3809         {
3810             assert(super_type -> expanded_type_table);
3811             TypeShadowSymbol* type_shadow_symbol = super_type ->
3812                 expanded_type_table -> FindTypeShadowSymbol(name_symbol);
3813             if (type_shadow_symbol)
3814             {
3815                 return type_shadow_symbol -> type_symbol;
3816             }
3817         }
3818     }
3819     // Check for an inaccessible import.
3820     return ImportType(name -> identifier_token, name_symbol);
3821 }
3824 //
3825 // Finds a type by the given name, and add the dependence information. If one
3826 // exists, but is not accessible, it is returned after an error. After other
3827 // errors, control.no_type is returned.
3828 //
MustFindType(AstName * name)3829 TypeSymbol* Semantic::MustFindType(AstName* name)
3830 {
3831     TypeSymbol* type;
3832     NameSymbol* name_symbol =
3833         lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
3834     if (! name -> base_opt)
3835     {
3836         type = FindType(name -> identifier_token);
3837         //
3838         // If the type was not found, generate an appropriate error message.
3839         //
3840         if (! type)
3841         {
3842             type = FindInaccessibleType(name);
3843             if (type)
3844                 ReportTypeInaccessible(name, type);
3845             else
3846             {
3847                 // Try reading the file again, to force an error.
3848                 NameSymbol* name_symbol =
3849                     lex_stream -> NameSymbol(name -> identifier_token);
3850                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
3851                     Control::GetFile(control, this_package, name_symbol);
3852                 type = ReadType(file_symbol, this_package, name_symbol,
3853                                 name -> identifier_token);
3854             }
3855         }
3856     }
3857     else // qualified name
3858     {
3859         ProcessPackageOrType(name -> base_opt);
3860         Symbol* symbol = name -> base_opt -> symbol;
3861         type = symbol -> TypeCast();
3862         if (type)
3863             type = MustFindNestedType(type, name);
3864         else
3865         {
3866             PackageSymbol* package = symbol -> PackageCast();
3867             type = package -> FindTypeSymbol(name_symbol);
3868             if (! type)
3869             {
3870                 FileSymbol* file_symbol =
3871                     Control::GetFile(control, package, name_symbol);
3872                 type = ReadType(file_symbol, package, name_symbol,
3873                                 name -> identifier_token);
3874             }
3875             else if (type -> SourcePending())
3876                 control.ProcessHeaders(type -> file_symbol);
3877             if (! TypeAccessCheck(type))
3878                 ReportTypeInaccessible(name, type);
3879         }
3880     }
3882     //
3883     // Establish a dependence from the base_type to a type that it "must find".
3884     // Note that the only time an environment is not available is when were are
3885     // processing the type header of an outermost type.
3886     //
3887     if (state_stack.Size())
3888     {
3889         AddDependence(ThisType(), type);
3890         if (control.option.deprecation && type -> IsDeprecated() &&
3891             ! InDeprecatedContext())
3892         {
3893             ReportSemError(SemanticError::DEPRECATED_TYPE, name,
3894                            type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3895                            type -> ExternalName());
3896         }
3897     }
3898     if (type -> Anonymous() && ! type -> Bad())
3899     {
3900         ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNNAMED_TYPE_ACCESS, name,
3901                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3902                        type -> ExternalName());
3903     }
3904     if (type -> ACC_SYNTHETIC() && ! type -> Bad())
3905     {
3906         ReportSemError(SemanticError::SYNTHETIC_TYPE_ACCESS, name,
3907                        type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3908                        type -> ExternalName());
3909     }
3910     return type -> Bad() ? control.no_type : type;
3911 }
ProcessType(AstType * type_expr)3914 void Semantic::ProcessType(AstType* type_expr)
3915 {
3916     if (type_expr -> symbol)
3917         return; // already processed
3918     AstArrayType* array_type = type_expr -> ArrayTypeCast();
3919     AstType* actual_type = array_type ? array_type -> type : type_expr;
3920     AstTypeName* name = actual_type -> TypeNameCast();
3921     AstPrimitiveType* primitive_type = actual_type -> PrimitiveTypeCast();
3922     AstWildcard* wildcard_type = actual_type -> WildcardCast();
3923     if (wildcard_type)
3924     {
3925         ReportSemError(SemanticError::WILDCARD_UNSUPPORTED, type_expr);
3926         type_expr -> symbol = control.no_type;
3927         return;
3928     }
3929     assert(name || primitive_type);
3930     //
3931     // Occaisionally, MustFindType finds a bad type (for example, if we
3932     // reference Other.java which has syntax errors), but does not know to
3933     // report the error.
3934     //
3935     unsigned error_count = NumErrors();
3936     TypeSymbol* type;
3937     if (primitive_type)
3938         type = FindPrimitiveType(primitive_type);
3939     else
3940     {
3941         if (name -> base_opt)
3942         {
3943             ProcessType(name -> base_opt);
3944             type = MustFindNestedType(name -> base_opt -> symbol,
3945                                       name -> name);
3946         }
3947         else type = MustFindType(name -> name);
3948         if (name -> type_arguments_opt)
3949         {
3950             // TODO: Add generics support for 1.5.
3951             ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_ARGUMENTS_UNSUPPORTED,
3952                            name -> type_arguments_opt,
3953                            type -> ContainingPackageName(),
3954                            type -> ExternalName());
3955         }
3956     }
3957     if (type -> Bad() && NumErrors() == error_count)
3958     {
3959         if (type == control.no_type)
3960         {
3961             ReportSemError(SemanticError::TYPE_NOT_FOUND, actual_type,
3962                            NULL,
3963                            lex_stream -> NameString(type_expr ->
3964                                                     IdentifierToken()));
3965         }
3966         else
3967         {
3968             ReportSemError(SemanticError::INVALID_TYPE_FOUND, actual_type,
3969                            lex_stream -> NameString(type_expr ->
3970                                                     IdentifierToken()));
3971         }
3972     }
3973     if (array_type)
3974         type = type -> GetArrayType(this, array_type -> NumBrackets());
3975     type_expr -> symbol = type;
3976 }
3979 //
3980 // Initializes a static or instance field. In addition to checking the
3981 // semantics, the initialization is added as a statement in the init_method,
3982 // for easy bytecode emission, if it has an initializer and is not a constant.
3983 //
InitializeVariable(AstFieldDeclaration * field_declaration,MethodSymbol * init_method)3984 void Semantic::InitializeVariable(AstFieldDeclaration* field_declaration,
3985                                   MethodSymbol* init_method)
3986 {
3987     ThisMethod() = NULL;
3988     AstMethodDeclaration* declaration =
3989         (AstMethodDeclaration*) init_method -> declaration;
3990     assert(declaration -> method_body_opt);
3992     for (unsigned i = 0;
3993          i < field_declaration -> NumVariableDeclarators(); i++)
3994     {
3995         AstVariableDeclarator* variable_declarator =
3996             field_declaration -> VariableDeclarator(i);
3997         VariableSymbol* variable = variable_declarator -> symbol;
3999         if (variable)
4000         {
4001             ThisVariable() = variable;
4002             if (variable_declarator -> variable_initializer_opt)
4003             {
4004                 variable_declarator -> pending = true;
4006                 unsigned start_num_errors = NumErrors();
4007                 ProcessVariableInitializer(variable_declarator);
4008                 if (NumErrors() == start_num_errors)
4009                 {
4010                     DefiniteFieldInitializer(variable_declarator);
4011                     if (! variable -> initial_value)
4012                     {
4013                         declaration -> method_body_opt ->
4014                             AddStatement(variable_declarator);
4015                     }
4016                 }
4017                 else if (variable -> ACC_FINAL())
4018                 {
4019                     // Suppress further error messages.
4020                     DefinitelyAssignedVariables() ->
4021                         AssignElement(variable -> LocalVariableIndex());
4022                 }
4024                 variable_declarator -> pending = false;
4025             }
4026             variable -> MarkComplete();
4027         }
4028     }
4029 }
4032 //
4033 // Adds an initializer block to the init_method, after checking its semantics,
4034 // for easier bytecode emission.
4035 //
ProcessInitializer(AstInitializerDeclaration * initializer,MethodSymbol * init_method)4036 inline void Semantic::ProcessInitializer(AstInitializerDeclaration* initializer,
4037                                          MethodSymbol* init_method)
4038 {
4039     ThisVariable() = NULL;
4040     ThisMethod() = init_method;
4041     AstMethodDeclaration* declaration =
4042         (AstMethodDeclaration*) init_method -> declaration;
4044     LocalBlockStack().Push(declaration -> method_body_opt);
4045     LocalSymbolTable().Push(init_method -> block_symbol -> Table());
4047     //
4048     // Initializer blocks are always reachable, as prior blocks must be able
4049     // to complete normally.
4050     //
4051     initializer -> block -> is_reachable = true;
4053     if (initializer -> block -> explicit_constructor_opt)
4054     {
4055         AstStatement* explicit_ctor =
4056             initializer -> block -> explicit_constructor_opt;
4057         ReportSemError(SemanticError::MISPLACED_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTOR,
4058                        explicit_ctor);
4059     }
4060     ProcessInitializerModifiers(initializer);
4061     ProcessBlock(initializer -> block);
4062     DefiniteBlockInitializer(initializer -> block, LocalBlockStack().max_size);
4064     declaration -> method_body_opt -> AddStatement(initializer -> block);
4066     //
4067     // If the initializer has a higher max_variable_index than the overall
4068     // block, update max_variable_index in the method_body, accordingly.
4069     //
4070     if (init_method -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index <
4071         LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex())
4072     {
4073         init_method -> block_symbol -> max_variable_index =
4074             LocalBlockStack().TopMaxEnclosedVariableIndex();
4075     }
4077     if (! initializer -> block -> can_complete_normally)
4078         ReportSemError(SemanticError::ABRUPT_INITIALIZER, initializer);
4080     LocalBlockStack().Pop();
4081     LocalSymbolTable().Pop();
4082 }
4085 //
4086 // Lazily create and return the static initializer for this type. The estimate
4087 // is for the number of initializers that will be grouped into this method.
4088 // This is called both when processing static initializers, and any time an
4089 // assert statement is encountered (since assertions require an initialized
4090 // static variable to operate).
4091 //
GetStaticInitializerMethod(unsigned estimate)4092 MethodSymbol* Semantic::GetStaticInitializerMethod(unsigned estimate)
4093 {
4094     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
4095     if (this_type -> static_initializer_method)
4096         return this_type -> static_initializer_method;
4098     StoragePool* ast_pool = compilation_unit -> ast_pool;
4099     TokenIndex loc = this_type -> declaration -> identifier_token;
4101     // The symbol table associated with this block has no elements.
4102     BlockSymbol* block_symbol = new BlockSymbol(0);
4103     block_symbol -> max_variable_index = 0;
4105     // The body of the static initializer. This will contain each initializer
4106     // block in sequence.
4107     AstMethodBody* block = ast_pool -> GenMethodBody();
4108     block -> left_brace_token = loc;
4109     block -> right_brace_token = loc;
4110     block -> block_symbol = block_symbol;
4111     block -> AllocateStatements(estimate);
4113     // The return type (void).
4114     AstType* return_type = ast_pool -> GenPrimitiveType(Ast::VOID_TYPE, loc);
4115     return_type -> symbol = control.void_type;
4117     // The method declaration. We leave some fields uninitialized, because
4118     // they are not needed in bytecode.cpp.
4119     AstMethodDeclaration* declaration = ast_pool -> GenMethodDeclaration();
4120     MethodSymbol* init_method =
4121         this_type -> InsertMethodSymbol(control.clinit_name_symbol);
4122     declaration -> type = return_type;
4123     declaration -> method_symbol = init_method;
4124     declaration -> method_body_opt = block;
4126     // The method symbol.
4127     init_method -> SetType(control.void_type);
4128     init_method -> SetFlags(AccessFlags::ACCESS_PRIVATE |
4129                             AccessFlags::ACCESS_FINAL |
4130                             AccessFlags::ACCESS_STATIC);
4131     if (this_type -> ACC_STRICTFP())
4132         init_method -> SetACC_STRICTFP();
4133     init_method -> SetContainingType(this_type);
4134     init_method -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol);
4135     init_method -> SetSignature(control);
4136     init_method -> declaration = declaration;
4138     this_type -> static_initializer_method = init_method;
4139     return init_method;
4140 }
ProcessStaticInitializers(AstClassBody * class_body)4143 void Semantic::ProcessStaticInitializers(AstClassBody* class_body)
4144 {
4145     //
4146     // Notice that the bodies of methods have not been processed yet when this
4147     // is called.  If any method contains an assert, it will generate a static
4148     // initializer for the $noassert variable as needed.  On the other hand, if
4149     // we already encountered an assert statement in an instance initializer,
4150     // the static initializer already exists.  The assert variable initializer
4151     // is magically implemented by bytecode.cpp, rather than adding all the AST
4152     // structure to the block of the static initializer.
4153     //
4154     if (class_body -> NumStaticInitializers() == 0 &&
4155         class_body -> NumClassVariables() == 0)
4156     {
4157         return;
4158     }
4160     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
4161     LocalBlockStack().max_size = 1;
4162     assert(FinalFields());
4164     //
4165     // Work out how many statements we'll need.
4166     //
4167     unsigned estimate = class_body -> NumStaticInitializers();
4168     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumClassVariables(); ++i)
4169     {
4170         estimate += class_body -> ClassVariable(i) -> NumVariableDeclarators();
4171     }
4172     MethodSymbol* init_method = GetStaticInitializerMethod(estimate);
4174     //
4175     // The static initializers and class variable initializers are executed
4176     // in textual order, with the exception that assignments may occur before
4177     // declaration. See JLS 8.5.
4178     //
4179     unsigned j = 0;
4180     unsigned k = 0;
4181     while (j < class_body -> NumClassVariables() &&
4182            k < class_body -> NumStaticInitializers())
4183     {
4184         if (class_body -> ClassVariable(j) -> semicolon_token <
4185             class_body -> StaticInitializer(k) -> block -> right_brace_token)
4186         {
4187             InitializeVariable(class_body -> ClassVariable(j++), init_method);
4188         }
4189         else
4190         {
4191             ProcessInitializer(class_body -> StaticInitializer(k++),
4192                                init_method);
4193         }
4194     }
4195     while (j < class_body -> NumClassVariables())
4196     {
4197         InitializeVariable(class_body -> ClassVariable(j++), init_method);
4198     }
4199     while (k < class_body -> NumStaticInitializers())
4200     {
4201         ProcessInitializer(class_body -> StaticInitializer(k++),
4202                            init_method);
4203     }
4205     //
4206     // Check that each static final variable has been initialized by now.
4207     // If not, issue an error and assume it is.  Notice that for inner
4208     // classes, we have already reported that a non-constant static
4209     // field is illegal, so we only need an error here for top-level
4210     // and static classes.
4211     //
4212     for (unsigned l = 0; l < FinalFields() -> Length(); l++)
4213     {
4214         VariableSymbol* final_var = (*FinalFields())[l];
4215         if (final_var -> ACC_STATIC() &&
4216             ! DefinitelyAssignedVariables() -> da_set[l])
4217         {
4218             if (! this_type -> IsInner())
4219             {
4220                 ReportSemError(SemanticError::UNINITIALIZED_STATIC_FINAL_VARIABLE,
4221                                final_var -> declarator, final_var -> Name());
4222             }
4223             DefinitelyAssignedVariables() -> AssignElement(l);
4224         }
4225     }
4227     //
4228     // If an initialization method has been defined, update its
4229     // max_block_depth.
4230     //
4231     if (this_type -> static_initializer_method)
4232     {
4233         MethodSymbol* init_method = this_type -> static_initializer_method;
4234         init_method -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
4235         init_method -> block_symbol -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
4236     }
4237 }
ProcessInstanceInitializers(AstClassBody * class_body)4240 void Semantic::ProcessInstanceInitializers(AstClassBody* class_body)
4241 {
4242     //
4243     // For instance initializers, we create a method to do all the
4244     // initialization. We name the method 'this', which is legal in VM's
4245     // but an illegal user name, to avoid name clashes. Constructors which
4246     // do not invoke another constructor via the this() statement will call
4247     // the instance initializer method after calling super(). We rely on the
4248     // fact that VM's allow assignment of final instance variables in an
4249     // instance method, rather than requiring it to be in a constructor.
4250     //
4251     if (class_body -> NumInstanceInitializers() == 0 &&
4252         class_body -> NumInstanceVariables() == 0)
4253     {
4254         return;
4255     }
4257     TypeSymbol* this_type = ThisType();
4258     LocalBlockStack().max_size = 1;
4259     StoragePool* ast_pool = compilation_unit -> ast_pool;
4260     TokenIndex loc = this_type -> declaration -> identifier_token;
4262     // The symbol table associated with this block has one element, the
4263     // current instance 'this'.
4264     BlockSymbol* block_symbol = new BlockSymbol(1);
4265     block_symbol -> max_variable_index = 1;
4267     // The combined block of the instance initializations. This will contain
4268     // each initializer block in sequence, and be inlined into constructors.
4269     AstMethodBody* block = ast_pool -> GenMethodBody();
4270     block -> left_brace_token = loc;
4271     block -> right_brace_token = loc;
4272     block -> block_symbol = block_symbol;
4274     // The return type (void).
4275     AstType* return_type = ast_pool -> GenPrimitiveType(Ast::VOID_TYPE, loc);
4276     return_type -> symbol = control.void_type;
4278     // The method declaration. We leave some fields uninitialized, because
4279     // they are not needed in bytecode.cpp.
4280     AstMethodDeclaration* declaration = ast_pool -> GenMethodDeclaration();
4281     MethodSymbol* init_method =
4282         this_type -> InsertMethodSymbol(control.block_init_name_symbol);
4283     declaration -> type = return_type;
4284     declaration -> method_symbol = init_method;
4285     declaration -> method_body_opt = block;
4287     // The method symbol.
4288     init_method -> SetType(control.void_type);
4289     init_method -> SetFlags(AccessFlags::ACCESS_PRIVATE |
4290                             AccessFlags::ACCESS_FINAL |
4291                             AccessFlags::ACCESS_SYNTHETIC);
4292     if (this_type -> ACC_STRICTFP())
4293         init_method -> SetACC_STRICTFP();
4294     init_method -> SetContainingType(this_type);
4295     init_method -> SetBlockSymbol(block_symbol);
4296     init_method -> SetSignature(control);
4297     init_method -> declaration = declaration;
4299     assert(this_type -> instance_initializer_method == NULL);
4300     this_type -> instance_initializer_method = init_method;
4302     //
4303     // Make sure the instance final fields are properly set.
4304     //
4305     assert(FinalFields());
4306     for (unsigned i = 0; i < FinalFields() -> Length(); i++)
4307     {
4308         VariableSymbol* variable_symbol = (*FinalFields())[i];
4309         if (variable_symbol -> ACC_STATIC())
4310         {
4311             DefinitelyAssignedVariables() -> AssignElement(i);
4312             BlankFinals() -> RemoveElement(i);
4313         }
4314         else
4315             DefinitelyAssignedVariables() -> ReclaimElement(i);
4316     }
4318     //
4319     // Work out how many statements we'll need.
4320     //
4321     unsigned estimate = class_body -> NumInstanceInitializers();
4322     for (unsigned i = 0; i < class_body -> NumInstanceVariables(); ++i)
4323     {
4324         estimate += class_body -> InstanceVariable(i) ->
4325             NumVariableDeclarators();
4326     }
4327     block -> AllocateStatements(estimate);
4329     //
4330     // Initialization code is executed by every constructor that does not call
4331     // this(), just after the superclass constructor is called, in textual
4332     // order along with any instance variable initializations.
4333     //
4334     unsigned j = 0;
4335     unsigned k = 0;
4336     while (j < class_body -> NumInstanceVariables() &&
4337            k < class_body -> NumInstanceInitializers())
4338     {
4339         if (class_body -> InstanceVariable(j) -> semicolon_token <
4340             class_body -> InstanceInitializer(k) -> block -> right_brace_token)
4341         {
4342             InitializeVariable(class_body -> InstanceVariable(j++),
4343                                init_method);
4344         }
4345         else
4346         {
4347             ProcessInitializer(class_body -> InstanceInitializer(k++),
4348                                init_method);
4349         }
4350     }
4351     while (j < class_body -> NumInstanceVariables())
4352     {
4353         InitializeVariable(class_body -> InstanceVariable(j++), init_method);
4354     }
4355     while (k < class_body -> NumInstanceInitializers())
4356     {
4357         ProcessInitializer(class_body -> InstanceInitializer(k++),
4358                            init_method);
4359     }
4361     //
4362     // Note that unlike the case of static fields, we do not ensure here that
4363     // each final instance variable has been initialized at this point. This
4364     // is because the user may choose instead to initialize such a final
4365     // variable in every constructor instead. See body.cpp
4366     //
4367     init_method -> max_block_depth = LocalBlockStack().max_size;
4368     init_method -> block_symbol -> CompressSpace(); // space optimization
4369 }
4372 } // Close namespace Jikes block
4373 #endif