1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package sun.reflect.annotation;
28 import java.lang.annotation.*;
29 import java.lang.reflect.*;
30 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
31 import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
32 import java.util.ArrayList;
33 import java.util.Arrays;
34 import java.util.List;
35 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
36 import java.util.Map;
37 import jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets;
38 import jdk.internal.access.JavaLangAccess;
39 import jdk.internal.reflect.ConstantPool;
40 import static sun.reflect.annotation.TypeAnnotation.*;
42 /**
43  * TypeAnnotationParser implements the logic needed to parse
44  * TypeAnnotations from an array of bytes.
45  */
46 public final class TypeAnnotationParser {
47     private static final TypeAnnotation[] EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY = new TypeAnnotation[0];
49     /**
50      * Build an AnnotatedType from the parameters supplied.
51      *
52      * This method and {@code buildAnnotatedTypes} are probably
53      * the entry points you are looking for.
54      *
55      * @param rawAnnotations the byte[] encoding of all type annotations on this declaration
56      * @param cp the ConstantPool needed to parse the embedded Annotation
57      * @param decl the declaration this type annotation is on
58      * @param container the Class this type annotation is on (may be the same as decl)
59      * @param type the type the AnnotatedType corresponds to
60      * @param filter the type annotation targets included in this AnnotatedType
61      */
buildAnnotatedType(byte[] rawAnnotations, ConstantPool cp, AnnotatedElement decl, Class<?> container, Type type, TypeAnnotationTarget filter)62     public static AnnotatedType buildAnnotatedType(byte[] rawAnnotations,
63             ConstantPool cp,
64             AnnotatedElement decl,
65             Class<?> container,
66             Type type,
67             TypeAnnotationTarget filter) {
68         TypeAnnotation[] tas = parseTypeAnnotations(rawAnnotations,
69                 cp, decl, container);
71         List<TypeAnnotation> l = new ArrayList<>(tas.length);
72         for (TypeAnnotation t : tas) {
73             TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti = t.getTargetInfo();
74             if (ti.getTarget() == filter)
75                 l.add(t);
76         }
77         TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations = l.toArray(EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY);
78         return AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType(type,
79                 AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType(type, LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION),
80                 typeAnnotations,
81                 typeAnnotations,
82                 decl);
83     }
85     /**
86      * Build an array of AnnotatedTypes from the parameters supplied.
87      *
88      * This method and {@code buildAnnotatedType} are probably
89      * the entry points you are looking for.
90      *
91      * @param rawAnnotations the byte[] encoding of all type annotations on this declaration
92      * @param cp the ConstantPool needed to parse the embedded Annotation
93      * @param decl the declaration this type annotation is on
94      * @param container the Class this type annotation is on (may be the same as decl)
95      * @param types the Types the AnnotatedTypes corresponds to
96      * @param filter the type annotation targets that included in this AnnotatedType
97      */
buildAnnotatedTypes(byte[] rawAnnotations, ConstantPool cp, AnnotatedElement decl, Class<?> container, Type[] types, TypeAnnotationTarget filter)98     public static AnnotatedType[] buildAnnotatedTypes(byte[] rawAnnotations,
99             ConstantPool cp,
100             AnnotatedElement decl,
101             Class<?> container,
102             Type[] types,
103             TypeAnnotationTarget filter) {
104         int size = types.length;
105         AnnotatedType[] result = new AnnotatedType[size];
106         Arrays.fill(result, AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE);
107         @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
108         ArrayList[] l = new ArrayList[size]; // array of ArrayList<TypeAnnotation>
110         TypeAnnotation[] tas = parseTypeAnnotations(rawAnnotations,
111                 cp, decl, container);
113         for (TypeAnnotation t : tas) {
114             TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti = t.getTargetInfo();
115             if (ti.getTarget() == filter) {
116                 int pos = ti.getCount();
117                 if (l[pos] == null) {
118                     ArrayList<TypeAnnotation> tmp = new ArrayList<>(tas.length);
119                     l[pos] = tmp;
120                 }
121                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
122                 ArrayList<TypeAnnotation> tmp = l[pos];
123                 tmp.add(t);
124             }
125         }
126         // If a constructor has a mandated outer this, that parameter
127         // has no annotations and the annotations to parameter mapping
128         // should be offset by 1.
129         boolean offset = false;
130         if (decl instanceof Constructor) {
131             Constructor<?> ctor = (Constructor<?>) decl;
132             Class<?> declaringClass = ctor.getDeclaringClass();
133             if (!declaringClass.isEnum() &&
134                 (declaringClass.isMemberClass() &&
135                  (declaringClass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) ) {
136                 offset = true;
137             }
138         }
139         for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
140             ArrayList<TypeAnnotation> list;
141             if (offset) {
142                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
143                 ArrayList<TypeAnnotation> tmp = (i == 0) ? null : l[i - 1];
144                 list = tmp;
145             } else {
146                 @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
147                 ArrayList<TypeAnnotation> tmp = l[i];
148                 list = tmp;
149             }
150             TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations;
151             if (list != null) {
152                 typeAnnotations = list.toArray(new TypeAnnotation[list.size()]);
153             } else {
154                 typeAnnotations = EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY;
155             }
156             result[i] = AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType(types[i],
157                     AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType(types[i], LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION),
158                     typeAnnotations,
159                     typeAnnotations,
160                     decl);
162         }
163         return result;
164     }
166     // Class helpers
168     /**
169      * Build an AnnotatedType for the class decl's supertype.
170      *
171      * @param rawAnnotations the byte[] encoding of all type annotations on this declaration
172      * @param cp the ConstantPool needed to parse the embedded Annotation
173      * @param decl the Class which annotated supertype is being built
174      */
buildAnnotatedSuperclass(byte[] rawAnnotations, ConstantPool cp, Class<?> decl)175     public static AnnotatedType buildAnnotatedSuperclass(byte[] rawAnnotations,
176             ConstantPool cp,
177             Class<?> decl) {
178         Type supertype = decl.getGenericSuperclass();
179         if (supertype == null)
180             return AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE;
181         return buildAnnotatedType(rawAnnotations,
182                                   cp,
183                                   decl,
184                                   decl,
185                                   supertype,
186                                   TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_EXTENDS);
187     }
189     /**
190      * Build an array of AnnotatedTypes for the class decl's implemented
191      * interfaces.
192      *
193      * @param rawAnnotations the byte[] encoding of all type annotations on this declaration
194      * @param cp the ConstantPool needed to parse the embedded Annotation
195      * @param decl the Class whose annotated implemented interfaces is being built
196      */
buildAnnotatedInterfaces(byte[] rawAnnotations, ConstantPool cp, Class<?> decl)197     public static AnnotatedType[] buildAnnotatedInterfaces(byte[] rawAnnotations,
198             ConstantPool cp,
199             Class<?> decl) {
200         if (decl == Object.class ||
201                 decl.isArray() ||
202                 decl.isPrimitive() ||
203                 decl == Void.TYPE)
204             return AnnotatedTypeFactory.EMPTY_ANNOTATED_TYPE_ARRAY;
205         return buildAnnotatedTypes(rawAnnotations,
206                                    cp,
207                                    decl,
208                                    decl,
209                                    decl.getGenericInterfaces(),
210                                    TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_IMPLEMENTS);
211     }
213     // TypeVariable helpers
215     /**
216      * Parse regular annotations on a TypeVariable declared on genericDecl.
217      *
218      * Regular Annotations on TypeVariables are stored in the type
219      * annotation byte[] in the class file.
220      *
221      * @param genericDecl the declaration declaring the type variable
222      * @param typeVarIndex the 0-based index of this type variable in the declaration
223      */
parseTypeVariableAnnotations(D genericDecl, int typeVarIndex)224     public static <D extends GenericDeclaration> Annotation[] parseTypeVariableAnnotations(D genericDecl,
225             int typeVarIndex) {
226         AnnotatedElement decl;
227         TypeAnnotationTarget predicate;
228         if (genericDecl instanceof Class) {
229             decl = (Class<?>)genericDecl;
230             predicate = TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER;
231         } else if (genericDecl instanceof Executable) {
232             decl = (Executable)genericDecl;
233             predicate = TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER;
234         } else {
235             throw new AssertionError("Unknown GenericDeclaration " + genericDecl + "\nthis should not happen.");
236         }
237         List<TypeAnnotation> typeVarAnnos = TypeAnnotation.filter(parseAllTypeAnnotations(decl),
238                                                                   predicate);
239         List<Annotation> res = new ArrayList<>(typeVarAnnos.size());
240         for (TypeAnnotation t : typeVarAnnos)
241             if (t.getTargetInfo().getCount() == typeVarIndex)
242                 res.add(t.getAnnotation());
243         return res.toArray(new Annotation[0]);
244     }
246     /**
247      * Build an array of AnnotatedTypes for the declaration decl's bounds.
248      *
249      * @param bounds the bounds corresponding to the annotated bounds
250      * @param decl the declaration whose annotated bounds is being built
251      * @param typeVarIndex the index of this type variable on the decl
252      */
parseAnnotatedBounds(Type[] bounds, D decl, int typeVarIndex)253     public static <D extends GenericDeclaration> AnnotatedType[] parseAnnotatedBounds(Type[] bounds,
254             D decl,
255             int typeVarIndex) {
256         return parseAnnotatedBounds(bounds, decl, typeVarIndex, LocationInfo.BASE_LOCATION);
257     }
258     //helper for above
parseAnnotatedBounds(Type[] bounds, D decl, int typeVarIndex, LocationInfo loc)259     private static <D extends GenericDeclaration> AnnotatedType[] parseAnnotatedBounds(Type[] bounds,
260             D decl,
261             int typeVarIndex,
262             LocationInfo loc) {
263         List<TypeAnnotation> candidates = fetchBounds(decl);
264         if (bounds != null) {
265             int startIndex = 0;
266             AnnotatedType[] res = new AnnotatedType[bounds.length];
268             // Adjust bounds index
269             //
270             // Figure out if the type annotations for this bound starts with 0
271             // or 1. The spec says within a bound the 0:th type annotation will
272             // always be on an bound of a Class type (not Interface type). So
273             // if the programmer starts with an Interface type for the first
274             // (and following) bound(s) the implicit Object bound is considered
275             // the first (that is 0:th) bound and type annotations start on
276             // index 1.
277             if (bounds.length > 0) {
278                 Type b0 = bounds[0];
279                 if (!(b0 instanceof Class<?>)) {
280                     startIndex = 1;
281                 } else {
282                     Class<?> c = (Class<?>)b0;
283                     if (c.isInterface()) {
284                         startIndex = 1;
285                     }
286                 }
287             }
289             for (int i = 0; i < bounds.length; i++) {
290                 List<TypeAnnotation> l = new ArrayList<>(candidates.size());
291                 for (TypeAnnotation t : candidates) {
292                     TypeAnnotationTargetInfo tInfo = t.getTargetInfo();
293                     if (tInfo.getSecondaryIndex() == i + startIndex &&
294                             tInfo.getCount() == typeVarIndex) {
295                         l.add(t);
296                     }
297                 }
298                 res[i] = AnnotatedTypeFactory.buildAnnotatedType(bounds[i],
299                         AnnotatedTypeFactory.nestingForType(bounds[i], loc),
300                         l.toArray(EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY),
301                         candidates.toArray(EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY),
302                         (AnnotatedElement)decl);
303             }
304             return res;
305         }
306         return new AnnotatedType[0];
307     }
fetchBounds(D decl)308     private static <D extends GenericDeclaration> List<TypeAnnotation> fetchBounds(D decl) {
309         AnnotatedElement boundsDecl;
310         TypeAnnotationTarget target;
311         if (decl instanceof Class) {
312             target = TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
313             boundsDecl = (Class)decl;
314         } else {
315             target = TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
316             boundsDecl = (Executable)decl;
317         }
318         return TypeAnnotation.filter(TypeAnnotationParser.parseAllTypeAnnotations(boundsDecl), target);
319     }
321     /*
322      * Parse all type annotations on the declaration supplied. This is needed
323      * when you go from for example an annotated return type on a method that
324      * is a type variable declared on the class. In this case you need to
325      * 'jump' to the decl of the class and parse all type annotations there to
326      * find the ones that are applicable to the type variable.
327      */
parseAllTypeAnnotations(AnnotatedElement decl)328     static TypeAnnotation[] parseAllTypeAnnotations(AnnotatedElement decl) {
329         Class<?> container;
330         byte[] rawBytes;
331         JavaLangAccess javaLangAccess = SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess();
332         if (decl instanceof Class) {
333             container = (Class<?>)decl;
334             rawBytes = javaLangAccess.getRawClassTypeAnnotations(container);
335         } else if (decl instanceof Executable) {
336             container = ((Executable)decl).getDeclaringClass();
337             rawBytes = javaLangAccess.getRawExecutableTypeAnnotations((Executable)decl);
338         } else {
339             // Should not reach here. Assert?
340             return EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY;
341         }
342         return parseTypeAnnotations(rawBytes, javaLangAccess.getConstantPool(container),
343                                     decl, container);
344     }
346     /* Parse type annotations encoded as an array of bytes */
parseTypeAnnotations(byte[] rawAnnotations, ConstantPool cp, AnnotatedElement baseDecl, Class<?> container)347     private static TypeAnnotation[] parseTypeAnnotations(byte[] rawAnnotations,
348             ConstantPool cp,
349             AnnotatedElement baseDecl,
350             Class<?> container) {
351         if (rawAnnotations == null)
352             return EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY;
354         ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(rawAnnotations);
355         int annotationCount = buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
356         List<TypeAnnotation> typeAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(annotationCount);
358         // Parse each TypeAnnotation
359         for (int i = 0; i < annotationCount; i++) {
360              TypeAnnotation ta = parseTypeAnnotation(buf, cp, baseDecl, container);
361              if (ta != null)
362                  typeAnnotations.add(ta);
363         }
365         return typeAnnotations.toArray(EMPTY_TYPE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY);
366     }
369     // Helper
mapTypeAnnotations(TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnos)370     static Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> mapTypeAnnotations(TypeAnnotation[] typeAnnos) {
371         Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, Annotation> result =
372             new LinkedHashMap<>();
373         for (TypeAnnotation t : typeAnnos) {
374             Annotation a = t.getAnnotation();
375             if (a != null) {
376                 Class<? extends Annotation> klass = a.annotationType();
377                 AnnotationType type = AnnotationType.getInstance(klass);
378                 if (type.retention() == RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME &&
379                     result.put(klass, a) != null) {
380                     throw new AnnotationFormatError("Duplicate annotation for class: "+klass+": " + a);
381                 }
382             }
383         }
384         return result;
385     }
387     // Position codes
388     // Regular type parameter annotations
389     private static final byte CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER = 0x00;
390     private static final byte METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER = 0x01;
391     // Type Annotations outside method bodies
392     private static final byte CLASS_EXTENDS = 0x10;
393     private static final byte CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND = 0x11;
394     private static final byte METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND = 0x12;
395     private static final byte FIELD = 0x13;
396     private static final byte METHOD_RETURN = 0x14;
397     private static final byte METHOD_RECEIVER = 0x15;
398     private static final byte METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER = 0x16;
399     private static final byte THROWS = 0x17;
400     // Type Annotations inside method bodies
401     private static final byte LOCAL_VARIABLE = (byte)0x40;
402     private static final byte RESOURCE_VARIABLE = (byte)0x41;
403     private static final byte EXCEPTION_PARAMETER = (byte)0x42;
404     private static final byte INSTANCEOF = (byte)0x43;
405     private static final byte NEW = (byte)0x44;
406     private static final byte CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE = (byte)0x45;
407     private static final byte METHOD_REFERENCE = (byte)0x46;
408     private static final byte CAST = (byte)0x47;
409     private static final byte CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT = (byte)0x48;
410     private static final byte METHOD_INVOCATION_TYPE_ARGUMENT = (byte)0x49;
411     private static final byte CONSTRUCTOR_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT = (byte)0x4A;
412     private static final byte METHOD_REFERENCE_TYPE_ARGUMENT = (byte)0x4B;
parseTypeAnnotation(ByteBuffer buf, ConstantPool cp, AnnotatedElement baseDecl, Class<?> container)414     private static TypeAnnotation parseTypeAnnotation(ByteBuffer buf,
415             ConstantPool cp,
416             AnnotatedElement baseDecl,
417             Class<?> container) {
418         try {
419             TypeAnnotationTargetInfo ti = parseTargetInfo(buf);
420             LocationInfo locationInfo = LocationInfo.parseLocationInfo(buf);
421             Annotation a = AnnotationParser.parseAnnotation(buf, cp, container, false);
422             if (ti == null) // Inside a method for example
423                 return null;
424             return new TypeAnnotation(ti, locationInfo, a, baseDecl);
425         } catch (IllegalArgumentException | // Bad type in const pool at specified index
426                 BufferUnderflowException e) {
427             throw new AnnotationFormatError(e);
428         }
429     }
parseTargetInfo(ByteBuffer buf)431     private static TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parseTargetInfo(ByteBuffer buf) {
432         int posCode = buf.get() & 0xFF;
433         switch(posCode) {
434         case CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER:
435         case METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER: {
436             int index = buf.get() & 0xFF;
437             TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res;
438             if (posCode == CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER)
439                 res = new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER,
440                         index);
441             else
442                 res = new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER,
443                         index);
444             return res;
445             } // unreachable break;
446         case CLASS_EXTENDS: {
447             short index = buf.getShort(); //needs to be signed
448             if (index == -1) {
449                 return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_EXTENDS);
450             } else if (index >= 0) {
451                 TypeAnnotationTargetInfo res = new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_IMPLEMENTS,
452                         index);
453                 return res;
454             }} break;
456             return parse2ByteTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND, buf);
458             return parse2ByteTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND, buf);
459         case FIELD:
460             return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.FIELD);
461         case METHOD_RETURN:
462             return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_RETURN);
463         case METHOD_RECEIVER:
464             return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_RECEIVER);
465         case METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER: {
466             int index = buf.get() & 0xFF;
467             return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(TypeAnnotationTarget.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER,
468                     index);
469             } //unreachable break;
470         case THROWS:
471             return parseShortTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget.THROWS, buf);
473         /*
474          * The ones below are inside method bodies, we don't care about them for core reflection
475          * other than adjusting for them in the byte stream.
476          */
477         case LOCAL_VARIABLE:
478         case RESOURCE_VARIABLE:
479             short length = buf.getShort();
480             for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
481                 short offset = buf.getShort();
482                 short varLength = buf.getShort();
483                 short index = buf.getShort();
484             }
485             return null;
486         case EXCEPTION_PARAMETER: {
487             byte index = buf.get();
488             }
489             return null;
490         case INSTANCEOF:
491         case NEW:
493         case METHOD_REFERENCE: {
494             short offset = buf.getShort();
495             }
496             return null;
497         case CAST:
502             short offset = buf.getShort();
503             byte index = buf.get();
504             }
505             return null;
507         default:
508             // will throw error below
509             break;
510         }
511         throw new AnnotationFormatError("Could not parse bytes for type annotations");
512     }
parseShortTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget target, ByteBuffer buf)514     private static TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parseShortTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget target, ByteBuffer buf) {
515         int index = buf.getShort() & 0xFFFF;
516         return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(target, index);
517     }
parse2ByteTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget target, ByteBuffer buf)518     private static TypeAnnotationTargetInfo parse2ByteTarget(TypeAnnotationTarget target, ByteBuffer buf) {
519         int count = buf.get() & 0xFF;
520         int secondaryIndex = buf.get() & 0xFF;
521         return new TypeAnnotationTargetInfo(target,
522                                             count,
523                                             secondaryIndex);
524     }
525 }