1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 package java.lang.invoke;
28 import java.util.ArrayList;
29 import java.util.Arrays;
30 import java.util.List;
32 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.*;
33 import static java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm.BasicType.*;
35 /** Working storage for an LF that is being transformed.
36  *  Similarly to a StringBuffer, the editing can take place in multiple steps.
37  */
38 final class LambdaFormBuffer {
39     private int arity, length;
40     private Name[] names;
41     private Name[] originalNames;  // snapshot of pre-transaction names
42     private byte flags;
43     private int firstChange;
44     private Name resultName;
45     private ArrayList<Name> dups;
47     private static final int F_TRANS = 0x10, F_OWNED = 0x03;
LambdaFormBuffer(LambdaForm lf)49     LambdaFormBuffer(LambdaForm lf) {
50         this.arity = lf.arity;
51         setNames(lf.names);
52         int result = lf.result;
53         if (result == LAST_RESULT)  result = length - 1;
54         if (result >= 0 && lf.names[result].type != V_TYPE) {
55             resultName = lf.names[result];
56         }
57         assert(lf.nameRefsAreLegal());
58     }
lambdaForm()60     private LambdaForm lambdaForm() {
61         assert(!inTrans());  // need endEdit call to tidy things up
62         return new LambdaForm(arity, nameArray(), resultIndex());
63     }
name(int i)65     Name name(int i) {
66         assert(i < length);
67         return names[i];
68     }
70     Name[] nameArray() {
71         return Arrays.copyOf(names, length);
72     }
74     int resultIndex() {
75         if (resultName == null)  return VOID_RESULT;
76         int index = indexOf(resultName, names);
77         assert(index >= 0);
78         return index;
79     }
setNames(Name[] names2)81     void setNames(Name[] names2) {
82         names = originalNames = names2;  // keep a record of where everything was to start with
83         length = names2.length;
84         flags = 0;
85     }
verifyArity()87     private boolean verifyArity() {
88         for (int i = 0; i < arity && i < firstChange; i++) {
89             assert(names[i].isParam()) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i];
90         }
91         for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) {
92             assert(!names[i].isParam()) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i];
93         }
94         for (int i = length; i < names.length; i++) {
95             assert(names[i] == null) : "#" + i + "=" + names[i];
96         }
97         // check resultName also
98         if (resultName != null) {
99             int resultIndex = indexOf(resultName, names);
100             assert(resultIndex >= 0) : "not found: " + resultName.exprString() + Arrays.asList(names);
101             assert(names[resultIndex] == resultName);
102         }
103         return true;
104     }
verifyFirstChange()106     private boolean verifyFirstChange() {
107         assert(inTrans());
108         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
109             if (names[i] != originalNames[i]) {
110                 assert(firstChange == i) : Arrays.asList(firstChange, i, originalNames[i].exprString(), Arrays.asList(names));
111                 return true;
112             }
113         }
114         assert(firstChange == length) : Arrays.asList(firstChange, Arrays.asList(names));
115         return true;
116     }
indexOf(NamedFunction fn, List<NamedFunction> fns)118     private static int indexOf(NamedFunction fn, List<NamedFunction> fns) {
119         for (int i = 0; i < fns.size(); i++) {
120             if (fns.get(i) == fn)  return i;
121         }
122         return -1;
123     }
indexOf(Name n, Name[] ns)125     private static int indexOf(Name n, Name[] ns) {
126         for (int i = 0; i < ns.length; i++) {
127             if (ns[i] == n)  return i;
128         }
129         return -1;
130     }
inTrans()132     boolean inTrans() {
133         return (flags & F_TRANS) != 0;
134     }
ownedCount()136     int ownedCount() {
137         return flags & F_OWNED;
138     }
growNames(int insertPos, int growLength)140     void growNames(int insertPos, int growLength) {
141         int oldLength = length;
142         int newLength = oldLength + growLength;
143         int oc = ownedCount();
144         if (oc == 0 || newLength > names.length) {
145             names = Arrays.copyOf(names, (names.length + growLength) * 5 / 4);
146             if (oc == 0) {
147                 flags++;
148                 oc++;
149                 assert(ownedCount() == oc);
150             }
151         }
152         if (originalNames != null && originalNames.length < names.length) {
153             originalNames = Arrays.copyOf(originalNames, names.length);
154             if (oc == 1) {
155                 flags++;
156                 oc++;
157                 assert(ownedCount() == oc);
158             }
159         }
160         if (growLength == 0)  return;
161         int insertEnd = insertPos + growLength;
162         int tailLength = oldLength - insertPos;
163         System.arraycopy(names, insertPos, names, insertEnd, tailLength);
164         Arrays.fill(names, insertPos, insertEnd, null);
165         if (originalNames != null) {
166             System.arraycopy(originalNames, insertPos, originalNames, insertEnd, tailLength);
167             Arrays.fill(originalNames, insertPos, insertEnd, null);
168         }
169         length = newLength;
170         if (firstChange >= insertPos) {
171             firstChange += growLength;
172         }
173     }
lastIndexOf(Name n)175     int lastIndexOf(Name n) {
176         int result = -1;
177         for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
178             if (names[i] == n)  result = i;
179         }
180         return result;
181     }
183     /** We have just overwritten the name at pos1 with the name at pos2.
184      *  This means that there are two copies of the name, which we will have to fix later.
185      */
noteDuplicate(int pos1, int pos2)186     private void noteDuplicate(int pos1, int pos2) {
187         Name n = names[pos1];
188         assert(n == names[pos2]);
189         assert(originalNames[pos1] != null);  // something was replaced at pos1
190         assert(originalNames[pos2] == null || originalNames[pos2] == n);
191         if (dups == null) {
192             dups = new ArrayList<>();
193         }
194         dups.add(n);
195     }
197     /** Replace duplicate names by nulls, and remove all nulls. */
clearDuplicatesAndNulls()198     private void clearDuplicatesAndNulls() {
199         if (dups != null) {
200             // Remove duplicates.
201             assert(ownedCount() >= 1);
202             for (Name dup : dups) {
203                 for (int i = firstChange; i < length; i++) {
204                     if (names[i] == dup && originalNames[i] != dup) {
205                         names[i] = null;
206                         assert(Arrays.asList(names).contains(dup));
207                         break;  // kill only one dup
208                     }
209                 }
210             }
211             dups.clear();
212         }
213         // Now that we are done with originalNames, remove "killed" names.
214         int oldLength = length;
215         for (int i = firstChange; i < length; i++) {
216             if (names[i] == null) {
217                 System.arraycopy(names, i + 1, names, i, (--length - i));
218                 --i;  // restart loop at this position
219             }
220         }
221         if (length < oldLength) {
222             Arrays.fill(names, length, oldLength, null);
223         }
224         assert(!Arrays.asList(names).subList(0, length).contains(null));
225     }
227     /** Create a private, writable copy of names.
228      *  Preserve the original copy, for reference.
229      */
startEdit()230     void startEdit() {
231         assert(verifyArity());
232         int oc = ownedCount();
233         assert(!inTrans());  // no nested transactions
234         flags |= F_TRANS;
235         Name[] oldNames = names;
236         Name[] ownBuffer = (oc == 2 ? originalNames : null);
237         assert(ownBuffer != oldNames);
238         if (ownBuffer != null && ownBuffer.length >= length) {
239             names = copyNamesInto(ownBuffer);
240         } else {
241             // make a new buffer to hold the names
242             final int SLOP = 2;
243             names = Arrays.copyOf(oldNames, Math.max(length + SLOP, oldNames.length));
244             if (oc < 2)  ++flags;
245             assert(ownedCount() == oc + 1);
246         }
247         originalNames = oldNames;
248         assert(originalNames != names);
249         firstChange = length;
250         assert(inTrans());
251     }
changeName(int i, Name name)253     void changeName(int i, Name name) {
254         assert(inTrans());
255         assert(i < length);
256         Name oldName = names[i];
257         assert(oldName == originalNames[i]);  // no multiple changes
258         assert(verifyFirstChange());
259         if (ownedCount() == 0)
260             growNames(0, 0);
261         names[i] = name;
262         if (firstChange > i) {
263             firstChange = i;
264         }
265         if (resultName != null && resultName == oldName) {
266             resultName = name;
267         }
268     }
270     /** Change the result name.  Null means a void result. */
setResult(Name name)271     void setResult(Name name) {
272         assert(name == null || lastIndexOf(name) >= 0);
273         resultName = name;
274     }
276     /** Finish a transaction. */
endEdit()277     LambdaForm endEdit() {
278         assert(verifyFirstChange());
279         // Assuming names have been changed pairwise from originalNames[i] to names[i],
280         // update arguments to ensure referential integrity.
281         for (int i = Math.max(firstChange, arity); i < length; i++) {
282             Name name = names[i];
283             if (name == null)  continue;  // space for removed duplicate
284             Name newName = name.replaceNames(originalNames, names, firstChange, i);
285             if (newName != name) {
286                 names[i] = newName;
287                 if (resultName == name) {
288                     resultName = newName;
289                 }
290             }
291         }
292         assert(inTrans());
293         flags &= ~F_TRANS;
294         clearDuplicatesAndNulls();
295         originalNames = null;
296         // If any parameters have been changed, then reorder them as needed.
297         // This is a "sheep-and-goats" stable sort, pushing all non-parameters
298         // to the right of all parameters.
299         if (firstChange < arity) {
300             Name[] exprs = new Name[arity - firstChange];
301             int argp = firstChange, exprp = 0;
302             for (int i = firstChange; i < arity; i++) {
303                 Name name = names[i];
304                 if (name.isParam()) {
305                     names[argp++] = name;
306                 } else {
307                     exprs[exprp++] = name;
308                 }
309             }
310             assert(exprp == (arity - argp));
311             // copy the exprs just after the last remaining param
312             System.arraycopy(exprs, 0, names, argp, exprp);
313             // adjust arity
314             arity -= exprp;
315         }
316         assert(verifyArity());
317         return lambdaForm();
318     }
copyNamesInto(Name[] buffer)320     private Name[] copyNamesInto(Name[] buffer) {
321         System.arraycopy(names, 0, buffer, 0, length);
322         Arrays.fill(buffer, length, buffer.length, null);
323         return buffer;
324     }
326     /** Replace any Name whose function is in oldFns with a copy
327      *  whose function is in the corresponding position in newFns.
328      *  Only do this if the arguments are exactly equal to the given.
329      */
replaceFunctions(List<NamedFunction> oldFns, List<NamedFunction> newFns, Object... forArguments)330     LambdaFormBuffer replaceFunctions(List<NamedFunction> oldFns, List<NamedFunction> newFns,
331                                       Object... forArguments) {
332         assert(inTrans());
333         if (oldFns.isEmpty())  return this;
334         for (int i = arity; i < length; i++) {
335             Name n = names[i];
336             int nfi = indexOf(n.function, oldFns);
337             if (nfi >= 0 && Arrays.equals(n.arguments, forArguments)) {
338                 changeName(i, new Name(newFns.get(nfi), n.arguments));
339             }
340         }
341         return this;
342     }
replaceName(int pos, Name binding)344     private void replaceName(int pos, Name binding) {
345         assert(inTrans());
346         assert(verifyArity());
347         assert(pos < arity);
348         Name param = names[pos];
349         assert(param.isParam());
350         assert(param.type == binding.type);
351         changeName(pos, binding);
352     }
354     /** Replace a parameter by a fresh parameter. */
355     LambdaFormBuffer renameParameter(int pos, Name newParam) {
356         assert(newParam.isParam());
357         replaceName(pos, newParam);
358         return this;
359     }
361     /** Replace a parameter by a fresh expression. */
362     LambdaFormBuffer replaceParameterByNewExpression(int pos, Name binding) {
363         assert(!binding.isParam());
364         assert(lastIndexOf(binding) < 0);  // else use replaceParameterByCopy
365         replaceName(pos, binding);
366         return this;
367     }
369     /** Replace a parameter by another parameter or expression already in the form. */
370     LambdaFormBuffer replaceParameterByCopy(int pos, int valuePos) {
371         assert(pos != valuePos);
372         replaceName(pos, names[valuePos]);
373         noteDuplicate(pos, valuePos);  // temporarily, will occur twice in the names array
374         return this;
375     }
377     private void insertName(int pos, Name expr, boolean isParameter) {
378         assert(inTrans());
379         assert(verifyArity());
380         assert(isParameter ? pos <= arity : pos >= arity);
381         growNames(pos, 1);
382         if (isParameter)  arity += 1;
383         changeName(pos, expr);
384     }
386     /** Insert a fresh expression. */
387     LambdaFormBuffer insertExpression(int pos, Name expr) {
388         assert(!expr.isParam());
389         insertName(pos, expr, false);
390         return this;
391     }
393     /** Insert a fresh parameter. */
394     LambdaFormBuffer insertParameter(int pos, Name param) {
395         assert(param.isParam());
396         insertName(pos, param, true);
397         return this;
398     }
399 }