1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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21  * questions.
22  */
24 /*
25  * @test 8130450 8158906 8154374 8166400 8171892 8173807 8173848
26  * @summary simple regression test
27  * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream
28  * @run testng SimpleRegressionTest
29  */
32 import java.util.List;
34 import javax.tools.Diagnostic;
36 import jdk.jshell.Snippet;
37 import jdk.jshell.VarSnippet;
38 import jdk.jshell.SnippetEvent;
39 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
41 import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
42 import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse;
43 import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
44 import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.OVERWRITTEN;
45 import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.SubKind.TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND;
46 import static jdk.jshell.Snippet.Status.VALID;
48 @Test
49 public class SimpleRegressionTest extends KullaTesting {
testSnippetMemberAssignment()51     public void testSnippetMemberAssignment() {
52         assertEval("class C { int y; }");
53         assertEval("C c = new C();");
54         assertVarKeyMatch("c.y = 4;", true, "$1", TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND, "int", added(VALID));
55     }
testUserTakesTempVarName()57     public void testUserTakesTempVarName() {
58         assertEval("int $2 = 4;");
59         assertEval("String $1;");
60         assertVarKeyMatch("1234;", true, "$3", TEMP_VAR_EXPRESSION_SUBKIND, "int", added(VALID));
61     }
testCompileThrow()63     public void testCompileThrow() {
64         assertEvalException("throw new Exception();");
65     }
testMultiSnippetDependencies()67     public void testMultiSnippetDependencies() {
68         List<SnippetEvent> events = assertEval("int a = 3, b = a+a, c = b *100;",
69                 DiagCheck.DIAG_OK, DiagCheck.DIAG_OK,
70                 chain(added(VALID)),
71                 chain(added(VALID)),
72                 chain(added(VALID)));
73         assertEquals(events.get(0).value(), "3");
74         assertEquals(events.get(1).value(), "6");
75         assertEquals(events.get(2).value(), "600");
76         assertEval("c;", "600");
77     }
testLessThanParsing()79     public void testLessThanParsing() {
80         assertEval("int x = 3;", "3");
81         assertEval("int y = 4;", "4");
82         assertEval("int z = 5;", "5");
83         assertEval("x < y", "true");
84         assertEval("x < y;", "true");
85         assertEval("x < y && y < z", "true");
86     }
testNotStmtCannotResolve()88     public void testNotStmtCannotResolve() {
89         assertDeclareFail("dfasder;", new ExpectedDiagnostic("compiler.err.cant.resolve.location", 0, 7, 0, -1, -1, Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR));
90     }
testNotStmtIncomparable()92     public void testNotStmtIncomparable() {
93         assertDeclareFail("true == 5.0;", new ExpectedDiagnostic("compiler.err.incomparable.types", 0, 11, 5, -1, -1, Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR));
94     }
testStringAdd()96     public void testStringAdd() {
97         assertEval("String s = \"a\" + \"b\";", "\"ab\"");
98     }
testExprSanity()100     public void testExprSanity() {
101         assertEval("int x = 3;", "3");
102         assertEval("int y = 4;", "4");
103         assertEval("x + y;", "7");
104         assertActiveKeys();
105     }
testGenericMethodCrash()107     public void testGenericMethodCrash() {
108         assertDeclareWarn1("<T> void f(T...a) {}", (ExpectedDiagnostic) null);
109         Snippet sn = methodKey(assertEval("<R> R n(R x) { return x; }", added(VALID)));
110         VarSnippet sne = varKey(assertEval("n(5)", added(VALID)));
111         assertEquals(sne.typeName(), "Integer");
112     }
testLongRemoteStrings()114     public void testLongRemoteStrings() { //8158906
115         assertEval("String m(int x) { byte[] b = new byte[x]; for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i) b[i] = (byte) 'a'; return new String(b); }");
116         boolean[] shut = new boolean[1];
117         getState().onShutdown(j -> {
118             shut[0] = true;
119         });
120         for (String len : new String[]{"12345", "64000", "65535", "65536", "120000"}) {
121             List<SnippetEvent> el = assertEval("m(" + len + ");");
122             assertFalse(shut[0], "JShell died with long string");
123             assertEquals(el.size(), 1, "Excepted one event");
124             assertTrue(el.get(0).value().length() > 10000,
125                     "Expected truncated but long String, got: " + el.get(0).value().length());
126         }
127     }
testLongRemoteJapaneseStrings()129     public void testLongRemoteJapaneseStrings() { //8158906
130         assertEval("import java.util.stream.*;");
131         assertEval("String m(int x) { return Stream.generate(() -> \"\u3042\").limit(x).collect(Collectors.joining()); }");
132         boolean[] shut = new boolean[1];
133         getState().onShutdown(j -> {
134             shut[0] = true;
135         });
136         for (String len : new String[]{"12345", "21843", "21844", "21845", "21846", "64000", "65535", "65536", "120000"}) {
137             List<SnippetEvent> el = assertEval("m(" + len + ");");
138             assertFalse(shut[0], "JShell died with long string");
139             assertEquals(el.size(), 1, "Excepted one event");
140             assertTrue(el.get(0).value().length() > 10000,
141                     "Expected truncated but long String, got: " + el.get(0).value().length());
142         }
143     }
145     // 8130450
testDuplicate()146     public void testDuplicate() {
147         Snippet snm = methodKey(assertEval("void mm() {}", added(VALID)));
148         assertEval("void mm() {}",
149                 ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, false, null),
150                 ste(snm, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
151         Snippet snv = varKey(assertEval("boolean b;", added(VALID)));
152         assertEval("boolean b;",
153                 ste(MAIN_SNIPPET, VALID, VALID, false, null),
154                 ste(snv, VALID, OVERWRITTEN, false, MAIN_SNIPPET));
155     }
testContextClassLoader()157     public void testContextClassLoader() {
158         assertEval("class C {}");
159         assertEval("C.class.getClassLoader() == Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()", "true");
160     }
testArrayRepresentation()162     public void testArrayRepresentation() {
163         assertEval("new int[4]", "int[4] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }");
164         assertEval("new int[0]", "int[0] {  }");
165         assertEval("new byte[2]", "byte[2] { 0, 0 }");
166         assertEval("new short[] { 1234, 4321 }", "short[2] { 1234, 4321 }");
167         assertEval("new long[] { 123456789 }", "long[1] { 123456789 }");
168         assertEval("new float[] { -23.5645f, 1.0101f }", "float[2] { -23.5645, 1.0101 }");
169         assertEval("new double[] { 1/8, Math.PI }", "double[2] { 0.0, 3.141592653589793 }");
170         assertEval("new String[] { \"hi\", \"low\", null }", "String[3] { \"hi\", \"low\", null }");
171         assertEval("new char[] { 'a', 34, 77 }", "char[3] { 'a', '\"', 'M' }");
172         assertEval("new boolean[] { false, true }", "boolean[2] { false, true }");
173         assertEval("new int[][] { new int[] {44, 55}, new int[] {88,99}}",
174                 "int[2][] { int[2] { 44, 55 }, int[2] { 88, 99 } }");
175         assertEval("new Object[] { \"howdy\", new int[] { 33, 44, 55 }, new String[] { \"up\", \"down\" }}",
176                 "Object[3] { \"howdy\", int[3] { 33, 44, 55 }, String[2] { \"up\", \"down\" } }");
177     }
testMultiDimArrayRepresentation()179     public void testMultiDimArrayRepresentation() {
180         assertEval("new int[3][1]",
181                 "int[3][] { int[1] { 0 }, int[1] { 0 }, int[1] { 0 } }");
182         assertEval("new int[3][]",
183                 "int[3][] { null, null, null }");
184         assertEval("new int[][] { new int[] {44}, new int[] {77, 88,99}}",
185                 "int[2][] { int[1] { 44 }, int[3] { 77, 88, 99 } }");
186         assertEval("new String[3][1]",
187                 "String[3][] { String[1] { null }, String[1] { null }, String[1] { null } }");
188         assertEval("class C { }");
189         assertEval("new C[3][2]",
190                 "C[3][] { C[2] { null, null }, C[2] { null, null }, C[2] { null, null } }");
191         assertEval("new boolean[2][1][3]",
192                 "boolean[2][][] { boolean[1][] { boolean[3] { false, false, false } }, boolean[1][] { boolean[3] { false, false, false } } }");
193     }
testStringRepresentation()195     public void testStringRepresentation() {
196         assertEval("\"A!\\rB!\"",
197                    "\"A!\\rB!\"");
198         assertEval("\"a\\bB\\tc\\nd\\fe\\rf\\\"g'\\\\h\"",
199                    "\"a\\bB\\tc\\nd\\fe\\rf\\\"g'\\\\h\"");
200         assertEval("\"\\141\\10B\\11c\\nd\\fe\\15f\\42g\\'\\134h\"",
201                    "\"a\\bB\\tc\\nd\\fe\\rf\\\"g'\\\\h\"");
202         assertEval("\"1234567890!@#$%^&*()-_=+qwertQWERT,./<>?;:[]{}\"",
203                    "\"1234567890!@#$%^&*()-_=+qwertQWERT,./<>?;:[]{}\"");
204         assertEval("\"AA\\1\\7\\35\\25\"",
205                    "\"AA\\001\\007\\035\\025\"");
206         assertEval("\"\"",
207                    "\"\"");
208         assertEval("(String)null",
209                    "null");
210     }
testCharRepresentation()212     public void testCharRepresentation() {
213         for (String s : new String[]{"'A'", "'Z'", "'0'", "'9'",
214             "'a'", "'z'", "'*'", "'%'",
215             "'\\b'", "'\\t'", "'\\n'", "'\\f'", "'\\r'",
216             "'\"'", "'\\\''", "'\\\\'", "'\\007'", "'\\034'",}) {
217             assertEval(s, s);
218         }
219         assertEval("'\\3'",
220                 "'\\003'");
221         assertEval("'\\u001D'",
222                 "'\\035'");
223         assertEval("\"a\\bb\\tc\\nd\\fe\\rf\\\"g'\\\\h\".charAt(1)",
224                 "'\\b'");
225     }
226 }