1 /*
2  * @test /nodynamiccopyright/
3  * @bug 8003280
4  * @summary Add lambda tests
5  *   This test is to verify mis-use of capturing local variable within lambda expression
6  * @compile/fail/ref=LambdaTest1_neg3.out -XDrawDiagnostics LambdaTest1_neg3.java
7  */
9 public class LambdaTest1_neg3 {
method()10     void method() {
11         int n = 2; //effectively final variable
12         ((Runnable)
13             ()-> {
14                 int n2 = n; //inside lambda accessing effectively final variable;
15             }
16         ).run();
17         n++; //compile error if n is modified
18     }
19 }