2--  Rules.Barrier_Expressions - Package body                        --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) Adalog  2004-2005. The Ada  Controller is --
5--  free software;  you can redistribute it and/or  modify it under --
6--  terms of  the GNU  General Public License  as published  by the --
7--  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) --
8--  any later version.   This unit is distributed in  the hope that --
9--  it will be  useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the --
10--  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR --
11--  PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License for more details. --
12--  You  should have  received a  copy  of the  GNU General  Public --
13--  License distributed  with this  program; see file  COPYING.  If --
14--  not, write to  the Free Software Foundation, 59  Temple Place - --
15--  Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                          --
16--                                                                  --
17--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
18--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
19--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
20--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
21--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
22--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
23--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
24--                                                                  --
25--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
26--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
27--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
28--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
31-- Ada
33  Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
35-- Asis
37  Asis.Declarations,
38  Asis.Definitions,
39  Asis.Elements,
40  Asis.Expressions;
42-- Adalog
44  Thick_Queries,
45  Utilities;
47-- AdaControl
49   Framework.Language;
50pragma Elaborate (Framework.Language);
52package body Rules.Barrier_Expressions is
53   use Framework, Framework.Control_Manager;
55   type Keyword is (K_Entity,              K_Allocation,          K_Any_Component,
56                    K_Any_Variable,        K_Arithmetic_Operator, K_Array_Aggregate,
57                    K_Comparison_Operator, K_Conversion,          K_Dereference,
58                    K_Indexing,            K_Function_Attribute,  K_Local_Function,
59                    K_Logical_Operator,    K_Record_Aggregate,    K_Value_Attribute);
60   package Keyword_Flag_Utilities is new Framework.Language.Flag_Utilities (Keyword, "K_");
62   -- In the following record, Types (K) is true if the check must be performed for K,
63   -- i.e. the <entity> is /not/ allowed for K
64   type Key_Context is new Root_Context with
65      record
66         Types : Control_Kinds_Set;
67      end record;
68   Contexts  : Context_Store;
70   Rule_Used : Control_Kinds_Set := (others => False);
71   Save_Used : Control_Kinds_Set;
72   Labels    : array (Control_Kinds) of Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Unbounded_Wide_String;
74   ----------
75   -- Help --
76   ----------
78   procedure Help is
79      use Utilities, Keyword_Flag_Utilities;
80   begin
81      User_Message  ("Rule: " & Rule_Id);
82      User_Message  ("Control constucts used in protected entry barriers");
83      User_Message;
84      Help_On_Flags ("Parameter(s):", Extra_Value => "<entity>");
85   end Help;
88   -----------------
89   -- Add_Control --
90   -----------------
92   procedure Add_Control (Ctl_Label : in Wide_String; Ctl_Kind : in Control_Kinds) is
93      use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
94      use Framework.Language, Keyword_Flag_Utilities, Utilities;
96      Key  : Keyword;
97      Spec : Entity_Specification;
98      Cont : Key_Context;
99   begin
100      if Rule_Used (Ctl_Kind) then
101         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id,  "rule already specified for " & To_Lower (Control_Kinds'Wide_Image (Ctl_Kind)));
102      end if;
103      Cont.Types            := (others => True);
104      Cont.Types (Ctl_Kind) := False;
106      while Parameter_Exists loop
107         Key := Get_Flag_Parameter (Allow_Any => True);
109         if Key = K_Entity then
110            Spec := Get_Entity_Parameter;
111         else
112            Spec := Value (Image (Key));
113         end if;
115         begin
116            Associate (Contexts, Spec, Cont);
117         exception
118            when Already_In_Store =>
119               Cont := Key_Context (Association (Contexts, Spec));
120               if Cont.Types (Ctl_Kind) then
121                  Cont.Types (Ctl_Kind) := False;
122                  Update (Contexts, Cont);
123               else
124                  Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "parameter already provided for "
125                                     & To_Lower (Control_Kinds'Wide_Image (Ctl_Kind))
126                                     & ": " & Image (Spec));
127               end if;
128         end;
129      end loop;
131      Labels    (Ctl_Kind) := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Ctl_Label);
132      Rule_Used (Ctl_Kind) := True;
133   end Add_Control;
136   -------------
137   -- Command --
138   -------------
140   procedure Command (Action : in Framework.Rules_Manager.Rule_Action) is
141      use Framework.Rules_Manager;
142   begin
143      case Action is
144         when Clear =>
145            Rule_Used := (others => False);
146            Clear (Contexts);
147         when Suspend =>
148            Save_Used := Rule_Used;
149            Rule_Used := (others => False);
150         when Resume =>
151            Rule_Used := Save_Used;
152      end case;
153   end Command;
156   -------------------------------
157   -- Process_Entry_Declaration --
158   -------------------------------
160   procedure Process_Entry_Declaration (Decl : in Asis.Declaration) is
161      use Asis.Declarations;
163      procedure Check_Expression (Exp : in Asis.Expression) is
164         use Asis, Asis.Definitions, Asis.Elements, Asis.Expressions;
165         use Keyword_Flag_Utilities, Thick_Queries, Utilities;
167         procedure Do_Report (Message    : in Wide_String;
168                              Context    : in Root_Context'Class;
169                              Identifier : in Asis.Element := Nil_Element;
170                              Loc        : in Location := Get_Location (Exp))
171         is
172            use Framework.Reports, Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
173            S : Control_Kinds_Set;
174         begin
175            if Context = No_Matching_Context then
176               if Is_Nil (Identifier) then
177                  S := Rule_Used;
178               else
179                  declare
180                     Alternate_Context : constant Root_Context'Class
181                       := Matching_Context (Contexts, Identifier, Extend_To => All_Extensions);
182                  begin
183                     if Alternate_Context = No_Matching_Context then
184                        S := Rule_Used;
185                     else
186                        S := Key_Context (Alternate_Context).Types and Rule_Used;
187                     end if;
188                  end;
189               end if;
190            else
191               S := Key_Context (Context).Types and Rule_Used;
192            end if;
194            if S (Check) then
195               Report (Rule_Id, To_Wide_String (Labels (Check)), Check, Loc, Message);
196            elsif S (Search) then
197               Report (Rule_Id, To_Wide_String (Labels (Search)), Search, Loc, Message);
198            end if;
200            if S (Count) then
201               Report (Rule_Id, To_Wide_String (Labels (Count)), Count, Loc, "");
202            end if;
203         end Do_Report;
205      begin   -- Check_Expression
206         case Expression_Kind (Exp) is
207            when Not_An_Expression =>
208               Failure (Rule_Id & ": Not_An_Expression");
210            when An_Identifier =>
211               declare
212                  Used_Names : constant Asis.Expression_List := Used_Identifiers (Exp);
213                  Name_Decl  : Asis.Declaration;
214               begin
215                  for N in Used_Names'Range loop
216                     Name_Decl  := Corresponding_Name_Declaration (Used_Names(N));
217                     case Declaration_Kind (Name_Decl) is
218                        when A_Package_Declaration
219                           | A_Package_Body_Declaration
220                           | A_Package_Renaming_Declaration
221                           =>
222                           -- Can appear only as prefix => Harmless
223                           null;
224                        when A_Function_Declaration
225                           | An_Expression_Function_Declaration   -- Ada 2012
226                           | A_Function_Body_Declaration
227                           | A_Function_Renaming_Declaration
228                           =>
229                           -- Can be a call or a prefix, but the case of the call was handled as
230                           -- A_Function_Call
231                           null;
232                        when A_Type_Declaration
233                           | A_Subtype_Declaration
234                           =>
235                           -- Can appear in a membership choice list
236                           null;
237                        when A_Variable_Declaration
238                           | An_Object_Renaming_Declaration
239                           | A_Single_Protected_Declaration
240                           | A_Loop_Parameter_Specification  -- Consider this (and next) as variables,
241                           | An_Entry_Index_Specification    -- although they are strictly speaking constants
242                           =>
243                           Do_Report ("variable",
244                                      Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Any_Variable)),
245                                      Used_Names(N));
246                        when A_Component_Declaration =>
247                           -- This can be:
248                           --   A component of a protected element: boolean fields always allowed, others checked
249                           --   A component of a record type: nothing to check, the check is performed on the data
250                           --      that encloses the component.
251                           if Definition_Kind (Enclosing_Element (Name_Decl)) = A_Protected_Definition then
252                              -- A field of the protected element, boolean fields always allowed
253                              if To_Upper (Full_Name_Image
254                                           (Subtype_Simple_Name
255                                            (Component_Definition_View
256                                             (Object_Declaration_View (Name_Decl)))))
257                                  /= "STANDARD.BOOLEAN"
258                              then
259                                 Do_Report ("non-boolean protected component",
260                                            Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Any_Component)),
261                                            Used_Names(N));
262                              end if;
263                        end if;
264                        when A_Constant_Declaration
265                           | A_Number_Declaration
266                             =>
267                           -- always allowed
268                           null;
269                        when others =>
270                           Failure (Rule_Id
271                                    & ": unexpected declaration kind "
272                                    & Declaration_Kinds'Wide_Image (Declaration_Kind (Name_Decl)),
273                                    Used_Names(N));
274                     end case;
275                  end loop;
276               end;
277            when An_Integer_Literal
278              | A_String_Literal
279              | A_Real_Literal
280              | A_Character_Literal
281              | An_Enumeration_Literal
282              | A_Null_Literal
283              =>
284               -- always allowed
285               null;
287            when An_Operator_Symbol =>
288               -- Already handled as A_Function_Call
289               null;
291            when An_Attribute_Reference =>
292               if Is_Callable_Construct (Exp) then
293                  Do_Report ("callable attribute",
294                             Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Function_Attribute)),
295                             Exp);
296               else
297                  Do_Report ("value attribute",
298                             Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Value_Attribute)),
299                             Exp);
300               end if;
302            when An_And_Then_Short_Circuit
303              | An_Or_Else_Short_Circuit
304              =>
305               Do_Report ("short-circuit control form",
306                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Logical_Operator)),
307                          Loc => Get_Next_Word_Location (Short_Circuit_Operation_Left_Expression (Exp)));
309               -- Check left and right expressions
310               Check_Expression (Short_Circuit_Operation_Left_Expression (Exp));
311               Check_Expression (Short_Circuit_Operation_Right_Expression (Exp));
313            when A_Parenthesized_Expression =>
314               -- Check the expression within parenthesis
315               Check_Expression (Expression_Parenthesized (Exp));
317            when A_Record_Aggregate =>
318               Do_Report ("record aggregate",
319                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Record_Aggregate)));
321               -- Record_Component_Associations + Record_Component_Choices/Component_Expression
322               declare
323                  Record_Associations : constant Asis.Association_List := Record_Component_Associations (Exp);
324               begin
325                  for Assoc in Record_Associations'Range loop
326                     Check_Expression (Component_Expression (Record_Associations (Assoc)));
327                  end loop;
328               end;
330            when An_Extension_Aggregate =>
331               Do_Report ("record extension",
332                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Record_Aggregate)));
334               -- Extension_Aggregate_Expression
335               -- Record_Component_Associations + Record_Component_Choices/Component_Expression
336               Check_Expression (Extension_Aggregate_Expression (Exp));
337               declare
338                  Record_Associations : constant Asis.Association_List :=
339                    Record_Component_Associations (Exp);
340               begin
341                  for Assoc in Record_Associations'Range loop
342                     Check_Expression (Component_Expression (Record_Associations (Assoc)));
343                  end loop;
344               end;
346            when A_Positional_Array_Aggregate
347              | A_Named_Array_Aggregate
348              =>
349               Do_Report ("array aggregate",
350                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Array_Aggregate)));
352               -- Array_Component_Associations + Array_Component_Choices/Component_Expression
353               declare
354                  Array_Associations : constant Asis.Association_List :=
355                    Array_Component_Associations (Exp);
356               begin
357                  for Assoc in Array_Associations'Range loop
358                     declare
359                        Choices : constant Asis.Element_List :=
360                          Array_Component_Choices (Array_Associations (Assoc));
361                        Choice : Asis.Element;
362                     begin
363                        for Choice_Index in Choices'Range loop
364                           Choice := Choices (Choice_Index);
365                           if not Is_Nil (Choice) then
366                              case Element_Kind (Choice) is
367                                 when An_Expression =>
368                                    Check_Expression (Choice);
369                                 when A_Definition =>
370                                    case Definition_Kind (Choice) is
371                                       when An_Others_Choice =>
372                                          null;
373                                       when A_Discrete_Range =>
374                                          case Discrete_Range_Kind (Choice) is
375                                             when Not_A_Discrete_Range =>
376                                                Failure (Rule_Id & ": Array_Aggregate . Discrete_Range_Kind");
377                                             when A_Discrete_Subtype_Indication
378                                               | A_Discrete_Range_Attribute_Reference
379                                               =>
380                                                null;
381                                             when A_Discrete_Simple_Expression_Range =>
382                                                Check_Expression (Lower_Bound (Choice));
383                                                Check_Expression (Upper_Bound (Choice));
384                                          end case;
385                                       when others =>
386                                          Failure (Rule_Id & ": Array_Aggregate . Definition_Kind");
387                                    end case;
388                                 when others =>
389                                    Failure (Rule_Id & ": Array_Aggregate . Element_Kind");
390                              end case;
391                           end if;
392                        end loop;
393                     end;
394                     Check_Expression (Component_Expression (Array_Associations (Assoc)));
395                  end loop;
396               end;
398            when An_In_Membership_Test
399              | A_Not_In_Membership_Test
400              =>
401               Do_Report ("membership test",
402                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Logical_Operator)),
403                          Loc => Get_Next_Word_Location (Membership_Test_Expression (Exp)));
405               -- Check both tested expression and each membership choice
406               Check_Expression (Membership_Test_Expression (Exp));
407               declare
408                  Choices : constant Asis.Element_List := Membership_Test_Choices (Exp);
409               begin
410                  for C in Choices'Range loop
411                     if Element_Kind (Choices (C)) = An_Expression then
412                        Check_Expression (Choices (C));
413                     else
414                        -- A range
415                        case Constraint_Kind (Choices (C)) is
416                           when A_Range_Attribute_Reference =>
417                              null;
418                           when A_Simple_Expression_Range =>
419                              Check_Expression (Lower_Bound (Choices (C)));
420                              Check_Expression (Upper_Bound (Choices (C)));
421                           when others =>
422                              Failure (Rule_Id & ": Membership_Test_Range => invalid Constraint_Kind");
423                        end case;
424                     end if;
425                  end loop;
426               end;
428            when An_Indexed_Component =>
429               Do_Report ("indexing",
430                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Indexing)));
432               -- Check for implicit dereference
433               if Is_Access_Expression (Prefix (Exp)) then
434                Do_Report ("dereference",
435                           Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Dereference)));
436               end if;
437               -- Check both prefix and indexes of the component
438               Check_Expression (Prefix (Exp));
439               declare
440                  Indexes : constant Asis.Expression_List := Index_Expressions (Exp);
441               begin
442                  for I in Indexes'Range loop
443                     Check_Expression (Indexes (I));
444                  end loop;
445               end;
447            when A_Slice =>
448               Do_Report ("slice",
449                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Indexing)));
451                -- Check for implicit dereference
452               if Is_Access_Expression (Prefix (Exp)) then
453                Do_Report ("dereference",
454                           Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Dereference)));
455               end if;                                          -- Check both slice prefix and range
456               Check_Expression (Prefix (Exp));
457               declare
458                  The_Range : constant Asis.Discrete_Range := Slice_Range (Exp);
459               begin
460                  case Discrete_Range_Kind (The_Range) is
461                     when Not_A_Discrete_Range =>
462                        Failure (Rule_Id & ": Slice_Range => Not_A_Discrete_Range");
463                     when A_Discrete_Subtype_Indication
464                       | A_Discrete_Range_Attribute_Reference
465                       =>
466                        null;
467                     when A_Discrete_Simple_Expression_Range =>
468                        Check_Expression (Lower_Bound (The_Range));
469                        Check_Expression (Upper_Bound (The_Range));
470                  end case;
471               end;
473            when A_Selected_Component =>
474               -- Check for implicit dereference
475               if Is_Access_Expression (Prefix (Exp)) then
476                  Do_Report ("dereference",
477                             Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Dereference)));
478               end if;
479               -- Check both prefix and selector
480               Check_Expression (Prefix (Exp));
481               Check_Expression (Selector (Exp));
483            when A_Function_Call =>
484               -- Checks about the call itself
485               declare
486                  Called : constant Call_Descriptor := Corresponding_Call_Description (Exp);
487               begin
488                  case Called.Kind is
489                     when A_Regular_Call =>
490                        if Definition_Kind (Enclosing_Element (Called.Declaration)) = A_Protected_Definition
491                          and then Is_Nil (External_Call_Target (Exp))
492                        then
493                           -- It is a call to a protected function of the same PO
494                           Do_Report ("local function call",
495                                      Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Local_Function)),
496                                      Called_Simple_Name (Exp));
497                        else
498                           Do_Report ("non-local function call", Matching_Context (Contexts,
499                                                                                   Called_Simple_Name (Exp),
500                                                                                   Extend_To => All_Extensions));
501                        end if;
502                     when A_Predefined_Entity_Call =>
503                        case Operator_Kind (Called_Simple_Name (Exp)) is
504                           when Not_An_Operator =>
505                              Failure (Rule_Id & ": Not_An_Operator");
506                           when An_And_Operator
507                              | An_Or_Operator
508                              | An_Xor_Operator
509                              | A_Not_Operator
510                                =>
511                              Do_Report ("predefined logical operator",
512                                         Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Logical_Operator)),
513                                         Loc => Get_Location (Prefix (Exp)));
514                           when An_Equal_Operator
515                              | A_Not_Equal_Operator
516                              | A_Less_Than_Operator
517                              | A_Less_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
518                              | A_Greater_Than_Operator
519                              | A_Greater_Than_Or_Equal_Operator
520                                =>
521                              Do_Report ("predefined comparison operator",
522                                         Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Comparison_Operator)),
523                                         Loc => Get_Location (Prefix (Exp)));
524                           when others =>
525                              Do_Report ("predefined arithmetic operator",
526                                         Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Arithmetic_Operator)),
527                                         Loc => Get_Location (Prefix (Exp)));
528                        end case;
530                     when An_Attribute_Call =>
531                        -- Will handle it when traversing the prefix (because we need to handle value
532                        -- attributes anyway)
533                        null;
535                     when A_Dereference_Call =>
536                        Do_Report ("dereference",
537                                   Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Dereference)));
539                     when A_Dispatching_Call =>
540                        -- Same as regular call
541                        Do_Report ("non-local function call", Matching_Context (Contexts, Called_Simple_Name (Exp)));
543                     when An_Enumeration_Literal =>
544                        -- Allways allowed
545                        null;
546                  end case;
548               end;
549               -- Check prefix
550               Check_Expression (Prefix (Exp));
551               -- Check each parameter
552               declare
553                  Parameters : constant Asis.Association_List := Function_Call_Parameters (Exp);
554               begin
555                  for Index in Parameters'Range loop
556                     Check_Expression (Actual_Parameter (Parameters (Index)));
557                  end loop;
558               end;
560            when An_Explicit_Dereference =>
561               Do_Report ("dereference",
562                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Dereference)));
563               Check_Expression (Prefix (Exp));
565            when A_Type_Conversion
566              | A_Qualified_Expression
567              =>
568               Do_Report ("conversion or qualified expression",
569                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Conversion)));
570               Check_Expression (Converted_Or_Qualified_Expression (Exp));
572            when An_Allocation_From_Subtype =>
573               Do_Report ("allocation",
574                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Allocation)));
576            when An_Allocation_From_Qualified_Expression =>
577               Do_Report ("allocation",
578                          Control_Manager.Association (Contexts, Image (K_Allocation)));
579               Check_Expression (Allocator_Qualified_Expression (Exp));
581            pragma Warnings(Off); -- others covers nothing for versions of gnat that do not support the extension
582            when others =>
583               -- Corresponds to GNAT extension: A_Conditional_Expression
584               Reports.Uncheckable (Rule_Id, False_Negative, Get_Location (Exp), "Use of compiler specific extension");
585            pragma Warnings (On);
586         end case;
587      end Check_Expression;
590   begin -- Process_Entry_Declaration
591      if Rule_Used = (Control_Kinds => False) then
592         return;
593      end if;
594      Rules_Manager.Enter (Rule_Id);
596      Check_Expression (Entry_Barrier (Decl));
597   end Process_Entry_Declaration;
599begin  -- Rules.Barrier_Expressions
600   Framework.Rules_Manager.Register (Rule_Id,
601                                     Rules_Manager.Semantic,
602                                     Help_CB        => Help'Access,
603                                     Add_Control_CB => Add_Control'Access,
604                                     Command_CB     => Command'Access);
605end Rules.Barrier_Expressions;