1 /* Declarations for arithmetics
2  German comments and names translated into English: Reini Urban 2007-11
4  Type hierarchy:
5  Number (N) =
6     Real (R) =
7        Float (F) =
8           Short float (SF)
9           Single float (FF)
10           Double float (DF)
11           Long float (LF)
12        Rational (RA) =
13           Integer (I) =
14              Fixnum (FN)
15              Bignum (BN)
16           Ratio (RT)
17     Complex (C)
19  Notes:
20   - Complex may consist of two real parts of different types. If the
21     imaginary part is EQ to 0, it will be converted to a real.
22     (See CLTL p. 195)
23     Pro: (let ((x (sqrt -9.0))) (* x x))
24       (instead of x = #C(0.0 3.0)  -> Value #C(-9.0 0.0) )
25       x = #C(0 3.0)  -> Value #C(-9.0 0) = -9.0
26   - Coercions with operations of different types:
27       Rational -> Long-float -> Double-float -> Single-float -> Short-float
28       (different from CLTL p. 195)
29       Reason: mathematically
30              (1.0 +- 1e-8) + (1.0 +- 1e-16) = (2.0 +- 1e-8),
31              so (+ 1.0s0 1.0d0) ==> 2.0s0 justified.
32       In short: unavailable accuracy may not be fooled by precision.
33       See also <http://clisp.org/impnotes/num-concepts.html#flocont>.
34   - With Single and Double Float we hold on to the IEEE-Standard (1981),
35       but without such features such as +0,-0, +inf,-inf, gradual underflow,
36       NAN, ..., because COMMON LISP has no use for that.
37   - Long Float accuracy is specified by the place (LONG-FLOAT-DIGITS).
39  Data structures:
41    Fixnum (FN) : 1 longword, immediate:
42                Bits 30..24: type info and sign.
43                Bits 23..0:  Value (together with the sign of the twos
44                complement representation)
45  Mask for the value: */
46 #define FN_value_mask  ((oint)wbitm(oint_data_len+oint_data_shift)-(oint)wbit(oint_data_shift))
47 /* Mask for the value and sign: */
48 #define FN_value_vz_mask  (FN_value_mask|wbit(sign_bit_o))
49 /* type info for FN >=0:  fixnum_type
50  type info for FN <0: */
51 #define fixnum_vz_type  (fixnum_type|bit(sign_bit_t))
52 /* (defconstant most-positive-fixnum (- (expt 2 oint_data_len) 1))
53    (defconstant most-negative-fixnum (- (expt 2 oint_data_len)))
54  0 fixnum:
55 #define Fixnum_0  fixnum(0)
56  1 Fixnum:
57 #define Fixnum_1  fixnum(1)
58  -1 Fixnum:
59 #define Fixnum_minus1  type_data_object(fixnum_vz_type,FN_value_mask>>oint_data_shift)
60  most-positive-fixnum: */
61 #define Fixnum_mpos  type_data_object(fixnum_type,FN_value_mask>>oint_data_shift)
62 /* most-negative-fixnum: */
63 #define Fixnum_mneg  type_data_object(fixnum_vz_type,0)
64 /* maximal needed length of a digit sequence for a fixnum: */
65 #define FN_maxlength  ceiling(oint_data_len+1,intDsize)
66 /* maximal needed length (without sign) of a digit sequence for a fixnum: */
67 #define pFN_maxlength  ceiling(oint_data_len,intDsize)
68 /* It applies pFN_maxlength <= FN_maxlength <= bn_minlength.
70  Longword (L) - only used internally -
71    as longword as signed integer, in two-complement (sint32).
73  Bignum (BN) : 1 longword, indirect:
74                Bits 30..24: type info and sign
75                Bits 23..0: pointer X
76                X^.length = length n (uintC), >= bn_minlength
77                X^.data = n Digits (as normalized digit sequence) */
78 #define bn_minlength  ceiling(oint_data_len+2,intDsize)
79 /* Because bignums with n < ceiling((oint_data_len+2)/intDsize) digits
80      are integers with maximal intDsize*n < oint_data_len+2 bits, so
81      integers with maximal oint_data_len+1 bits (incl. sign),
82      and they fit into fixnums. 1 <= bn_minlength <= 5.
84  Ratio (RT) = a record with two components:
85                 NUM = numerator (Integer), DEN = denominator (Integer > 0)
86                 with coprime numerator and denominator.
87    (in detail: Bits 30..24 = type info and sign
88                Bits 23..0  = pointer X
89                X^.rt_num   = NUM, X^.rt_den = DEN. )
91  Rational (RA) = Integer or Ratio.
93  For all floating point numbers:
94    sign s, exponent e, mantissa mk-1,...,m0
95    represents the number (-1)^s * 2^(e-_EXP_MID) * [0 . 1 mk-1 ... m0]
96    e=0 is the number 0.0, always with signs=0 (and mantissa =0).
97    _exp_low and _exp_high are bounds (inclusive) for e.
98    Bitnumbers for  sign s     exponent e    mantisse m (= k)
99    SF                   1              8             16
100    FF                   1              8             23
101    DF                   1              11            52
102    LF                   1              32            uintDsize*n >= 53
104  Short float (SF)  : 1 longword, direct:
105                Bits 30..24: typeinfo and sign s.
106                Bits 23..16: exponent e (8 Bits)
107                Bits 15..0: mantissa m (16 Bits)
108                The number 0 is represented by s=0, e=0, m=0. */
109 #define SF_exp_len    8  /* Number of exponent bits */
110 #define SF_mant_len  16  /* Number of mantissa bits */
111 /* Choose the same values as for single float, so that conversion from
112  short float to single float always succeeds without overflow or underflow. */
113 #if 1
114   #define SF_exp_low   1        /* minimal exponent */
115   #define SF_exp_mid   126      /* value representing exponent 0 */
116   #define SF_exp_high  254      /* maximal exponent */
117 #else
118   #define SF_exp_low   1                 /* minimal exponent */
119   #define SF_exp_mid   bit(SF_exp_len-1) /* value representing exponent 0 */
120   #define SF_exp_high  (bit(SF_exp_len)-1)  /* maximal exponent */
121 #endif
122 #define SF_exp_shift  (SF_mant_len+SF_mant_shift) /* lowest bit of the exponenten in oint */
123 #define SF_mant_shift  oint_data_shift /* lowest bit of the mantissa in oint */
124 /* Typeinfo-Byte for SF >=0 : */
125 #define SF_type     sfloat_type
126 /* Typeinfo-Byte for SF <0, with set sign-bit: */
127 #define SF_vz_type  (sfloat_type|bit(sign_bit_t))
128 /* Creates a single float from sign (0 or -1), exponent and mantissa: */
129 #define make_SF(sign,exp,mant)  \
130   type_data_object(SF_type | (bit(sign_bit_t) & (sign)), \
131     (((exp) & (bit(SF_exp_len)-1)) << SF_mant_len) | ((mant) & (bit(SF_mant_len)-1)))
132 /* Short Float 0.0 : */
133 #define SF_0  make_SF(0,0,0)
134 /* Short Float 1.0 : */
135 #define SF_1  make_SF(0,SF_exp_mid+1,bit(SF_mant_len))
136 /* Short Float -1.0 : */
137 #define SF_minus1  make_SF(-1,SF_exp_mid+1,bit(SF_mant_len))
139 /* Single float (FF) : 1 longword, indirect:
140                Bits 30..24: type info and sign
141                Bits 23..0: pointer X
142                X^.float_value = 1 longword:
143                     Bit 31 = s, Bits 30..23 = e, Bits 22..0 = m.
144                The number 0.0 is represented by s=0, e=0, m=0. */
145 #define FF_exp_len    8  /* Number of exponent bits */
146 #define FF_mant_len  23  /* Number of mantissa bits */
147 /* On platforms with FAST_FLOAT we obey the IEEE 754 values. Choose the same
148    values on other platforms as well, so that
149      1. most-positive-single-float etc. will be platform independent,
150      2. in the FFI, the conversion from a Lisp ffloat to a C 'float' is
151         trivial.  */
152 #define FF_exp_low  1
153 #define FF_exp_mid  126  /* It is unclear to me why that is the "middle",
154                             but IEEE 754 specifies it like this. */
155 #define FF_exp_high 254  /* Exponent 255 is interpreted as NaN/Inf! */
156 #ifdef TYPECODES
157 /* Typeinfo-Byte for FF >=0 : */
158   #define FF_type     ffloat_type
159 /* Typeinfo-Byte for FF <0, with set sign-bit: */
160   #define FF_vz_type  (ffloat_type|bit(vorz_bit_t))
161 #endif
163 /* Creates a single float from sign (0 or -1), exponent and mantissa: */
164   #define make_FF(sign,exp,mant)  \
165     type_data_object(FF_type | (bit(vorz_bit_t) & (sign)),      \
166       (ffloat)((sign) << (FF_exp_len+FF_mant_len)               \
167                | (((exp) & (bit(FF_exp_len)-1)) << FF_mant_len) \
168                | ((mant) & (bit(FF_mant_len)-1))))
169 /* Single Float 0.0 : */
170   #define FF_0  make_FF(0,0,0)
171 /* Single Float 1.0 : */
172   #define FF_1  make_FF(0,FF_exp_mid+1,bit(FF_mant_len))
173 /* Single Float -1.0 : */
174   #define FF_minus1  make_FF(-1,FF_exp_mid+1,bit(FF_mant_len))
175 #else
176 /* Single Float 0.0 : */
177   #define FF_0  (object)O(FF_zero)
178 /* Single Float 1.0 : */
179   #define FF_1  (object)O(FF_one)
180 /* Single Float -1.0 : */
181   #define FF_minus1  (object)O(FF_minusone)
182 #endif
184 /* Double float (DF) : 1 longword, indirect:
185                Bits 30..24: type info and sign
186                Bits 23..0: pointer X
187                X^.float_value = 2 longwords:
188                     Bit 63 = s, Bits 62..52 = e, Bits 51..0 = m.
189                The number 0.0 is represented by s=0, e=0, m=0. */
190 #define DF_exp_len   11  /* Number of exponent bits */
191 #define DF_mant_len  52  /* Anzahl der Bits der Mantisse */
192 /* On platforms with FAST_FLOAT we obey the IEEE 754 values. Choose the same
193    values on other platforms as well, so that
194      1. most-positive-double-float etc. will be platform independent,
195      2. in the FFI, the conversion from a Lisp dfloat to a C 'double' is
196         trivial.  */
197 #define DF_exp_low  1
198 #define DF_exp_mid  1022 /* It is unclear to me why that is the "middle",
199                             but IEEE 754 specifies it like this. */
200 #define DF_exp_high 2046 /* Exponent 2047 is interpreted as NaN/Inf! */
201 #ifdef TYPECODES
202 /* Typeinfo-Byte for DF >=0 : */
203   #define DF_type     dfloat_type
204 /* Typeinfo-Byte for DF <0, with set sign-bit: */
205   #define DF_vz_type  (dfloat_type|bit(vorz_bit_t))
206 #endif
207 /* Double Float 0.0 : */
208 #define DF_0  (object)O(DF_zero)
209 /* Double Float 1.0 : */
210 #define DF_1  (object)O(DF_one)
211 /* Double Float -1.0 : */
212 #define DF_minus1  (object)O(DF_minusone)
214 /* Long float (LF) : 1 longword, indirect:
215      Bits 30..24: type info and sign
216      Bits 23..0: pointer X
217     X^.len = n = Number of following mantissa words, n>=ceiling(53/intDsize)
218     X^.expo = e (32 Bits)
219     X^.data[0] ... X^.data[n-1] = intDsize*n mantissa bits (MSD ... LSD)
220     The number 0.0 is represented by e=0, m=0.
221     For e /= 0 the highest bit is 1.
222     n>=ceiling(53/intDsize), that a LF has not less mantissa bits than a DF. */
223 #define LF_minlen  ceiling(53,intDsize)
224 /* Define as 'unsigned int', not 'unsigned long', so that
225    LF_exp_high+1 wraps around to 0 just like the 'expo' field does. */
226 #define LF_exp_low  1
227 #define LF_exp_mid  0x80000000U
228 #define LF_exp_high 0xFFFFFFFFU
229 #ifdef TYPECODES
230 /* Typeinfo-Byte for LF >=0 : */
231   #define LF_type     lfloat_type
232 /* Typeinfo-Byte for LF <0, with set sign-Bit: */
233   #define LF_vz_type  (lfloat_type|bit(vorz_bit_t))
234 #endif
236 /* Byte (BYTE) : Record with the components size and position:
237              1 longword, indirect:
238              Bits 30..24: type info
239              Bits 23..0: pointer X
240              X^.byte_size = size, a fixnum >=0.
241              X^.byte_position = position, a fixnum >=0.
242  Typetest with bytep and if_bytep, constructor with allocate_byte().
244  NUM_STACK is some kind of a number-stack-pointer.
245    Usage:
246      {
247       SAVE_NUM_STACK
248       ...
249       num_stack_need(...);
250       ...
251       num_stack_need(...);
253       ...
254      }
255    SAVE_NUM_STACK saves the current value of NUM_STACK.
256    Then you may reserve space unlimited times on the numeric stack with
257    num_stack_need().
258    With RESTORE_NUM_STACK NUM_STACK will be reset to the previous value and
259    the allocated stack-space will be freed.
260    In each C function SAVE_NUM_STACK/RESTORE_NUM_STACK should only be
261    called once.
263  num_stack_need(need, low_addr = , high_addr = );
264  reserves need digits on the number-stack and puts the lower (the MSDptr)
265  and upper limit (the LSDptr) of the allocated space into low_addr and
266  high_addr. Both are optional.
268  num_stack_need_1(need, low_addr = , high_addr = );
269  same as num_stack_need, with additional space for one digit below low_addr. */
271 #ifdef LISPARIT
273 #ifdef GNU
274   #define SAVE_NUM_STACK
275   #define RESTORE_NUM_STACK  ;
276   #define num_stack_need(need,low_assignment,high_assignment)           \
277     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need);                                  \
278      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)__builtin_alloca(__need*sizeof(uintD)); \
279      check_SP_notUNIX();                                                \
280      unused (low_assignment &__array[0]);                               \
281      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                         \
282     }
283   #define num_stack_need_1(need,low_assignment,high_assignment)         \
284     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need)+1;                                \
285      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)__builtin_alloca(__need*sizeof(uintD)); \
286      check_SP_notUNIX();                                                \
287      unused (low_assignment &__array[1]);                               \
288      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                         \
289     }
290 #elif (defined(UNIX) && !defined(NO_ALLOCA) && !defined(SPARC)) || defined(MICROSOFT)
291   /* reserve space at the machine stack. */
292   #define SAVE_NUM_STACK
293   #define RESTORE_NUM_STACK  ;
294   #define num_stack_need(need,low_assignment,high_assignment)           \
295     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need);                                  \
296      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)alloca(__need*sizeof(uintD));         \
297      unused (low_assignment &__array[0]);                               \
298      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                         \
299     }
300   #define num_stack_need_1(need,low_assignment,high_assignment) \
301     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need)+1;                        \
302      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)alloca(__need*sizeof(uintD)); \
303      unused (low_assignment &__array[1]);                       \
304      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                 \
305     }
306 #else
307 /* Use malloca/freea.
308    num_stack is the first stack-allocated block. freea(num_stack) also frees
309    all more recently allocated blocks. */
310   #define SAVE_NUM_STACK  var void* num_stack = NULL;
311   #define RESTORE_NUM_STACK  if (num_stack) freea(num_stack);
312   #define num_stack_need(need,low_assignment,high_assignment)           \
313     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need);                                  \
314      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)malloca(__need*sizeof(uintD));        \
315      if (!num_stack) { num_stack = __array; }                           \
316      unused (low_assignment &__array[0]);                               \
317      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                         \
318     }
319   #define num_stack_need_1(need,low_assignment,high_assignment)         \
320     {var uintL __need = (uintL)(need)+1;                                \
321      var uintD* __array = (uintD*)malloca(__need*sizeof(uintD));        \
322      if (!num_stack) { num_stack = __array; }                           \
323      unused (low_assignment &__array[1]);                               \
324      unused (high_assignment &__array[__need]);                         \
325     }
326 #endif
328 #endif /* LISPARIT */
330 /* Returns 2^n, n being a constant expression.
331    Returns the same value as bit(n), is however undefined if n<0 or n>=32. */
332 #define bitc(n)  (1UL << (((n) >= 0 && (n) < intLsize) ? (n) : 0))
334 #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT) || defined(MICROSOFT)
335 /* Returns 2^n, n being a constant expression.
336    Returns the same value as wbit(n), is however undefined if n<0 or n>=64. */
337   #define wbitc(n)  (ULL(1) << (((n) >= 0 && (n) < 2*intLsize) ? (n) : 0))
338 #endif
340 #ifdef LISPARIT
342 /* Error message for division by zero */
divide_0(void)343 local _Noreturn void divide_0 (void) {
344   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* slot :OPERATION */
345   pushSTACK(NIL);               /* slot :OPERANDS not available */
346   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
347   error(division_by_zero,GETTEXT("~S: division by zero"));
348 }
350 /* Error message for floating point overflow
351  error_overflow(); */
error_overflow(void)352 local _Noreturn void error_overflow (void) {
353   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* slot :OPERATION */
354   pushSTACK(NIL);               /* slot :OPERANDS not available */
355   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
356   error(floating_point_overflow,GETTEXT("~S: floating point overflow"));
357 }
359 /* Error message for floating point underflow
360  error_underflow(); */
error_underflow(void)361 local _Noreturn void error_underflow (void) {
362   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name); /* slot :OPERATION */
363   pushSTACK(NIL);               /* slot :OPERANDS not available */
364   pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
365   error(floating_point_underflow,GETTEXT("~S: floating point underflow"));
366 }
368 /* Checks if floating point underflow is allowed
369  underflow_allowed() */
370 #define underflow_allowed() (nullpSv(inhibit_floating_point_underflow))
372 #endif /* LISPARIT */