1;;; Sources for CLISP DEFSTRUCT macro
2;;; Bruno Haible 1988-2005
3;;; Sam Steingold 1998-2010, 2017
4;;; German comments translated into English: Stefan Kain 2003-01-14
6(in-package "SYSTEM")
8#| Explanation of the appearing data types:
10   For structure types (but not for structure classes!):
12   (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION) =
13     #(type size keyword-constructor effective-slotlist direct-slotlist
14       boa-constructors copier predicate defaultfun0 defaultfun1 ...)
16   type (if the type of the whole structure is meant):
17      = LIST                   storage as list
18      = VECTOR                 storage as (simple-)vector
19      = (VECTOR element-type)  storage as vector with element-type
21   size is the list length / vector length.
23   keyword-constructor = NIL or the name of the keyword-constructor
24   boa-constructors = list of names of BOA constructors
25   copier = NIL or the name of the copier function
26   predicate = NIL or the name of the predicate function
28   effective-slotlist is a packed description of the slots of a structure:
29   effective-slotlist = ({slot}*)
30   slot = an instance of structure-effective-slot-definition, containing:
31         name - the slotname,
32         initargs - a list containing the initialization argument,
33              or NIL for the pseudo-slot containing the structure name in
34              named structures,
35         offset - the location of the slot in any instance,
36         initer = (initform . initfunction) - as usual,
37         init-function-form -
38              a form (a symbol or a list (SVREF ...)), that yields
39              upon evaluation in an arbitrary environment a function,
40              that returns the default value, when called.
41         type - the declared type for this slot,
42         readonly = NIL or = T specifying, if this slot is readonly, i.e.
43              after the construction of the Structure the slot cannot be
44              changed with (setf ...) anymore.
45         (See also pr_structure_default() in io.d.)
46   direct-slotlist is the list of slots defined together with the structure:
47   direct-slotlist = ({slot*})
48   slot = an instance of structure-direct-slot-definition, containing:
49         name, initform, initfunction, initargs, type, initer - see above
50         writers - list of setters: ((setf struct-slot-name))
51         readers - list of getters: (struct-slot-name)
52   The initializations are specified as follows:
53     - not real slot (i.e. initargs = ()):
54       initform           = `(QUOTE ,name)
55       initfunction       = a constant-initfunction for name
56       init-function-form = `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION ',name)
57     - real slot with constant initform:
58       initform           = as specified by the user
59       initfunction       = a constant-initfunction for the initform's value
60       init-function-form = `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION ,initform)
61     - real slot with non-constant initform:
62       initform           = as specified by the user
63       initfunction       = a closure taking 0 arguments, or nil
64       init-function-form = for inherited slots: `(SVREF ...)
65                            for direct slots: `(FUNCTION (LAMBDA () ,initform))
66                            In both cases, after some processing: a gensym
67                            referring to a binding.
69   For structure classes, i.e. if type = T, all this information is contained
70   in the CLOS class (get name 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS). In this case, all slots are
71   real slots: the names list is stored in the first memory word already by
72   ALLOCATE-INSTANCE, without need for corresponding effective-slot-definition.
75;; Indices of the fixed elements of a defstruct-description:
76;; if you add a slot, you need to modify io.d:SYS::STRUCTURE-READER
77(defconstant *defstruct-description-type-location* 0)
78(defconstant *defstruct-description-size-location* 1)
79(defconstant *defstruct-description-kconstructor-location* 2)
80(defconstant *defstruct-description-slots-location* 3)
81(defconstant *defstruct-description-direct-slots-location* 4)
82(defconstant *defstruct-description-boa-constructors-location* 5)
83(defconstant *defstruct-description-copier-location* 6)
84(defconstant *defstruct-description-predicate-location* 7)
85(proclaim '(constant-inline *defstruct-description-type-location*
86                            *defstruct-description-size-location*
87                            *defstruct-description-kconstructor-location*
88                            *defstruct-description-slots-location*
89                            *defstruct-description-direct-slots-location*
90                            *defstruct-description-boa-constructors-location*
91                            *defstruct-description-copier-location*
92                            *defstruct-description-predicate-location*))
94(defun make-ds-slot (name initargs offset initer type readonly)
95  (clos::make-instance-<structure-effective-slot-definition>
96    clos::<structure-effective-slot-definition>
97    :name name
98    :initargs initargs
99    :initform (car initer) :initfunction (cdr initer) 'clos::inheritable-initer initer
100    :type type
101    'clos::readonly readonly
102    'clos::location offset))
103(defun copy-<structure-effective-slot-definition> (slot)
104  (make-ds-slot
105    (clos:slot-definition-name slot)
106    (clos:slot-definition-initargs slot)
107    (clos:slot-definition-location slot)
108    (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot)
109    (clos:slot-definition-type slot)
110    (clos::structure-effective-slot-definition-readonly slot)))
111(defmacro ds-real-slot-p (slot)
112  `(not (null (clos:slot-definition-initargs ,slot))))
113(defmacro ds-pseudo-slot-default (slot)
114  ;; The pseudo-slots have an initform = (QUOTE name) and an initfunction which
115  ;; returns the name.
116  `(funcall (clos:slot-definition-initfunction ,slot)))
118#| The type test comes in 4 variants. Keep them in sync! |#
120#| Type test, for TYPEP.
121   Must be equivalent to (typep object (ds-canonicalize-type symbol)).
123(defun ds-typep (object symbol desc)
124  (declare (ignore symbol))
125  (let ((type (svref desc *defstruct-description-type-location*))
126        (size (svref desc *defstruct-description-size-location*)))
127    (if (eq type 'LIST)
128      (and (conses-p size object)
129           (dolist (slot (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*) t)
130             (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
131               (unless (eq (nth (clos:slot-definition-location slot) object)
132                           (ds-pseudo-slot-default slot))
133                 (return nil)))))
134      (and (vectorp object) (simple-array-p object)
135           (>= (length object) size)
136           (equal (array-element-type object)
137                  (if (consp type)
138                    (upgraded-array-element-type (second type))
139                    'T))
140           (dolist (slot (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*) t)
141             (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
142               (unless (and (simple-vector-p object)
143                            (eq (svref object (clos:slot-definition-location slot))
144                                (ds-pseudo-slot-default slot)))
145                 (return nil))))))))
147#| Type test expansion, for TYPEP compiler macro. |#
148(defun ds-typep-expansion (objform symbol desc)
149  (declare (ignore symbol))
150  (let ((type (svref desc *defstruct-description-type-location*))
151        (size (svref desc *defstruct-description-size-location*))
152        (tmp (gensym)))
153    `(LET ((,tmp ,objform))
154       ,(if (eq type 'LIST)
155          `(AND ,@(case size
156                    (0 '())
157                    (1 `((CONSP ,tmp)))
158                    (t `((CONSES-P ,size ,tmp))))
159                ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (slot)
160                              (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
161                                `((EQ (NTH ,(clos:slot-definition-location slot) ,tmp)
162                                      ',(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot)))))
163                          (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*)))
164          (let ((eltype (if (consp type)
165                          (upgraded-array-element-type (second type))
166                          'T)))
167            `(AND ,@(if (eq eltype 'T)
168                      `((SIMPLE-VECTOR-P ,tmp))
169                      `((VECTORP ,tmp)
170                        (SIMPLE-ARRAY-P ,tmp)
171                        (EQUAL (ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE ,tmp) ',eltype)))
172                  ,(case size
173                     (0 'T)
174                     (t `(>= (LENGTH ,tmp) ,size)))
175                  ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (slot)
176                                (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
177                                  `((EQ (SVREF ,tmp ,(clos:slot-definition-location slot))
178                                        ',(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot)))))
179                            (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*))))))))
181#| Type canonicalization, for SUBTYPEP. |#
182(defun ds-canonicalize-type (symbol)
183  (let ((desc (get symbol 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
184    (if desc
185      (let ((type (svref desc *defstruct-description-type-location*))
186            (size (svref desc *defstruct-description-size-location*))
187            (slotlist (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*)))
188        (if (eq type 'LIST)
189          (let ((resulttype 'T))
190            ;; Start with T, not (MEMBER NIL), because of the possibility
191            ;; of subclasses.
192            (dotimes (i size) (setq resulttype (list 'CONS 'T resulttype)))
193            (dolist (slot slotlist)
194              (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
195                (let ((resttype resulttype))
196                  (dotimes (j (clos:slot-definition-location slot))
197                    (setq resttype (third resttype)))
198                  (setf (second resttype) `(EQL ,(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot))))))
199            resulttype)
200          `(AND (SIMPLE-ARRAY ,(if (consp type) (second type) 'T) (*))
201                ;; Constraints that cannot be represented through ANSI CL
202                ;; type specifiers. We use SATISFIES types with uninterned
203                ;; symbols. This is possible because this function is only
204                ;; used for SUBTYPEP.
205                ,@(when (or (plusp size)
206                            (some #'(lambda (slot) (not (ds-real-slot-p slot)))
207                                  slotlist))
208                    (let ((constraint-name (gensym)))
209                      (setf (symbol-function constraint-name)
210                            #'(lambda (x) (typep x symbol)))
211                      `((SATISFIES ,constraint-name)))))))
212      ; The DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION was lost.
213      'NIL)))
215#| (ds-make-pred predname type name slotlist size)
216   returns the form, that creates the type-test-predicate for
217   the structure name.
219   type         the type of the structure,
220   name         the name of the structure,
221   predname     the name of the type-test-predicate,
222   slotlist     (only used when type /= T) list of slots
223   size         instance size
225(defun ds-make-pred (predname type name slotlist size)
226  `(,@(if (eq type 'T) `((PROCLAIM '(INLINE ,predname))) '())
227    (DEFUN ,predname (OBJECT)
228      ,(if (eq type 'T)
229         `(%STRUCTURE-TYPE-P ',name OBJECT)
230         (let ((max-offset -1)
231               (max-name-offset -1))
232           (dolist (slot+initff slotlist)
233             (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
234               (setq max-offset (max max-offset (clos:slot-definition-location slot)))
235               (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
236                 (setq max-name-offset (max max-name-offset (clos:slot-definition-location slot))))))
237           ; This code is only used when there is at least one named slot.
238           (assert (<= 0 max-name-offset max-offset))
239           (assert (< max-offset size))
240           (if (eq type 'LIST)
241             `(AND ,@(case size
242                       (0 '())
243                       (1 `((CONSP OBJECT)))
244                       (t `((CONSES-P ,size OBJECT))))
245                   ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (slot+initff)
246                                 (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
247                                   (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
248                                     `((EQ (NTH ,(clos:slot-definition-location slot) OBJECT)
249                                           ',(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot))))))
250                             slotlist))
251             ; This code is only used when there is at least one named slot.
252             ; Therefore the vector's upgraded element type must contain
253             ; SYMBOL, i.e. it must be a general vector.
254             `(AND (SIMPLE-VECTOR-P OBJECT)
255                   (>= (LENGTH OBJECT) ,size)
256                   ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (slot+initff)
257                                 (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
258                                   (unless (ds-real-slot-p slot)
259                                     `((EQ (SVREF OBJECT ,(clos:slot-definition-location slot))
260                                           ',(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot))))))
261                             slotlist))))))))
263#| auxiliary function for both constructors:
264   (ds-arg-default arg slot+initff)
265   returns for an argument arg (part of the argument list) the part of
266   the argument list, that binds this argument with the default for slot.
269(defun ds-arg-default (arg slot+initff)
270  (let* ((slot (car slot+initff))
271         (initer (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot))
272         (initfunction (clos::inheritable-slot-definition-initfunction initer)))
273    `(,arg
274      ;; Initial value: If it is not a constant form, must funcall the
275      ;; initfunction. If it is a constant, we can use the initform directly.
276      ;; If no initform has been provided, ANSI CL says that "the consequences
277      ;; are undefined if an attempt is later made to read the slot's value
278      ;; before a value is explicitly assigned", i.e. we could leave the slot
279      ;; uninitialized (= #<UNBOUND> in the structure case). But CLtL2 says
280      ;; "the element's initial value is undefined", which implies that the
281      ;; slot is initialized to an arbitrary value. We use NIL as this value.
282      ,(if ; equivalent to (constantp (clos::inheritable-slot-definition-initform initer))
283           (or (null initfunction) (constant-initfunction-p initfunction))
284         (clos::inheritable-slot-definition-initform initer)
285         `(FUNCALL ,(cdr slot+initff))))))
287#| auxiliary function for both constructors:
288   (ds-make-constructor-body type name names size slotlist get-var)
289   returns the expression, that creates and fills a structure
290   of given type.
292(defun ds-make-constructor-body (type name names size slotlist varlist)
293  (if (and (or (eq type 'VECTOR) (eq type 'LIST))
294           (do ((slotlistr slotlist (cdr slotlistr))
295                (index 0 (1+ index)))
296               ((null slotlistr) (eql index size))
297             (let* ((slot+initff (car slotlistr))
298                    (slot (car slot+initff)))
299               (unless (eq (clos:slot-definition-location slot) index)
300                 (return nil)))))
301    ;; optimize the simple case
302    `(,type ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (slot+initff var)
303                          (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
304                            (if (ds-real-slot-p slot)
305                              `(THE ,(clos:slot-definition-type slot) ,var)
306                              `(QUOTE ,(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot)))))
307                       slotlist varlist))
308    `(LET ((OBJECT
309             ,(cond ((eq type 'T) `(%MAKE-STRUCTURE ,names ,size))
310                    ((eq type 'LIST) `(MAKE-LIST ,size))
311                    ((consp type)
312                     `(MAKE-ARRAY ,size :ELEMENT-TYPE ',(second type)))
313                    (t `(MAKE-ARRAY ,size)))))
314       ,@(mapcar
315           #'(lambda (slot+initff var)
316               (let* ((slot (car slot+initff))
317                      (offset (clos:slot-definition-location slot)))
318                 `(SETF
319                    ,(cond ((eq type 'T)
320                            `(%STRUCTURE-REF ',name OBJECT ,offset))
321                           ((eq type 'LIST)
322                            `(NTH ,offset OBJECT))
323                           ((eq type 'VECTOR)
324                            `(SVREF OBJECT ,offset))
325                           (t `(AREF OBJECT ,offset)))
326                    ,(if (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
327                       `(THE ,(clos:slot-definition-type slot) ,var)
328                       `(QUOTE ,(ds-pseudo-slot-default slot))))))
329           slotlist varlist)
330       OBJECT)))
332#| auxiliary function for ds-make-boa-constructor:
334   (ds-arg-with-default arg slotlist)
335   returns for an argument arg (part of the argument list) the part of
336   the argument list, that binds this argument with the correct default value.
339(defun ds-arg-with-default (arg slotlist)
340  (if (and (listp arg) (consp (cdr arg)))
341    ;; default value is already supplied
342    arg
343    ;; no default value in the lambda-list
344    (let* ((var (if (listp arg) (first arg) arg))
345           (slot+initff (find (if (consp var) (second var) var) slotlist
346                              :key #'(lambda (slot+initff)
347                                       (clos:slot-definition-name (car slot+initff)))
348                              :test #'eq)))
349      (if slot+initff
350        ;; slot found -> take its default value
351        (ds-arg-default var slot+initff)
352        ;; slot not found, no default value
353        arg))))
355#| (ds-make-boa-constructor descriptor type name names size slotlist whole-form)
356   returns the form that defines the BOA-constructor.
358(defun ds-make-boa-constructor (descriptor type name names size slotlist whole-form)
359  (let ((constructorname (first descriptor))
360        (arglist (second descriptor)))
361    (multiple-value-bind (reqs optvars optinits optsvars rest
362                          keyflag keywords keyvars keyinits keysvars
363                          allow-other-keys auxvars auxinits)
364        (analyze-lambdalist arglist
365          #'(lambda (lalist detail errorstring &rest arguments)
366              (declare (ignore lalist)) ; use WHOLE-FORM instead
367              (sys::lambda-list-error whole-form detail
368                (TEXT "~S ~S: In ~S argument list: ~?")
369                'defstruct name ':constructor errorstring arguments)))
370      (let* ((argnames
371               ; The list of all arguments that are already supplied with
372               ; values through the parameter list.
373               (append reqs optvars (if (not (eql rest 0)) (list rest))
374                       keyvars auxvars))
375             (new-arglist ; new argument list
376               `(;; required args:
377                 ,@reqs
378                 ;; optional args:
379                 ,@(if optvars
380                     (cons '&optional
381                           (mapcar #'(lambda (arg var init svar)
382                                       (declare (ignore var init svar))
383                                       (ds-arg-with-default arg slotlist))
384                                   (cdr (memq '&optional arglist))
385                                   optvars optinits optsvars))
386                     '())
387                 ;; &rest arg:
388                 ,@(if (not (eql rest 0))
389                     (list '&rest rest)
390                     '())
391                 ;; &key args:
392                 ,@(if keyflag
393                     (cons '&key
394                           (append
395                             (mapcar #'(lambda (arg symbol var init svar)
396                                         (declare (ignore symbol var init svar))
397                                         (ds-arg-with-default arg slotlist))
398                                     (cdr (memq '&key arglist))
399                                     keywords keyvars keyinits keysvars)
400                             (if allow-other-keys '(&allow-other-keys) '())))
401                     '())
402                 ;; &aux args:
403                 &aux
404                 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg var init)
405                               (declare (ignore var init))
406                               (ds-arg-with-default arg slotlist))
407                           (cdr (memq '&aux arglist))
408                           auxvars auxinits)
409                 ,@(let ((slotinitlist nil))
410                     (dolist (slot+initff slotlist)
411                       (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
412                         (when (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
413                           (unless (memq (clos:slot-definition-name slot) argnames)
414                             (push (ds-arg-with-default
415                                     (clos:slot-definition-name slot) slotlist)
416                                   slotinitlist)))))
417                     (nreverse slotinitlist)))))
418        `(DEFUN ,constructorname ,new-arglist
419           ,(ds-make-constructor-body type name names size slotlist
420              (mapcar #'(lambda (slot+initff)
421                          (clos:slot-definition-name (car slot+initff)))
422                      slotlist)))))))
424#| (ds-make-keyword-constructor descriptor type name names size slotlist)
425   returns the form, that defines the keyword-constructor. |#
426(defun ds-make-keyword-constructor (descriptor type name names size slotlist)
427  (let ((varlist
428          (mapcar #'(lambda (slot+initff)
429                      (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
430                        (if (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
431                          (make-symbol
432                            (symbol-name (clos:slot-definition-name slot)))
433                          nil)))
434                  slotlist)))
435    `(DEFUN ,descriptor
436       (&KEY
437        ,@(mapcan
438            #'(lambda (slot+initff var)
439                (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
440                  (if (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
441                    (list (ds-arg-default var slot+initff))
442                    '())))
443            slotlist varlist))
444       ,(ds-make-constructor-body type name names size slotlist varlist))))
446(defun ds-make-copier (copiername name type)
447  (declare (ignore name))
448  `(,@(if (or (eq type 'T) (eq type 'LIST))
449        `((PROCLAIM '(INLINE ,copiername)))
450        '())
451    (DEFUN ,copiername (STRUCTURE)
452      ,(if (eq type 'T)
454         (if (eq type 'LIST)
455           '(COPY-LIST STRUCTURE)
456           (if (consp type)
459                                         (QUOTE ,(second type)))))
460                (DOTIMES (I OBJ-LENGTH OBJECT)
461                  (SETF (AREF OBJECT I) (AREF STRUCTURE I))))
462             '(%COPY-SIMPLE-VECTOR STRUCTURE)))))))
464(defun ds-accessor-name (slotname concname)
465  (if concname
466    (concat-pnames concname slotname)
467    slotname))
469(defun ds-make-readers (name names type concname slotlist)
470  (mapcap
471    #'(lambda (slot+initff)
472        (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
473          (when (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
474            (let ((accessorname (ds-accessor-name (clos:slot-definition-name slot) concname))
475                  (offset (clos:slot-definition-location slot))
476                  (slottype (clos:slot-definition-type slot)))
477              ;; This makes the macroexpansion depend on the current state
478              ;; of the compilation environment, but it doesn't hurt because
479              ;; the included structure's definition must already be
480              ;; present in the compilation environment anyway. We don't expect
481              ;; people to re-DEFUN defstruct accessors.
482              (unless (memq (get accessorname 'SYSTEM::DEFSTRUCT-READER name)
483                            (cdr names))
484                `((PROCLAIM '(FUNCTION ,accessorname (,name) ,slottype))
485                  (PROCLAIM '(INLINE ,accessorname))
486                  (DEFUN ,accessorname (OBJECT)
487                    (THE ,slottype
488                      ,(cond ((eq type 'T)
489                              `(%STRUCTURE-REF ',name OBJECT ,offset))
490                             ((eq type 'LIST) `(NTH ,offset OBJECT))
491                             ((consp type) `(AREF OBJECT ,offset))
492                             (t `(SVREF OBJECT ,offset)))))
493                  (SYSTEM::%PUT ',accessorname 'SYSTEM::DEFSTRUCT-READER
494                                ',name)))))))
495    slotlist))
497(defun ds-make-writers (name names type concname slotlist)
498  (mapcap
499    #'(lambda (slot+initff)
500        (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
501          (when (and (or (eq type 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
502                     (not (clos::structure-effective-slot-definition-readonly slot)))
503            (let ((accessorname (ds-accessor-name (clos:slot-definition-name slot) concname))
504                  (offset (clos:slot-definition-location slot))
505                  (slottype (clos:slot-definition-type slot)))
506              ;; This makes the macroexpansion depend on the current state
507              ;; of the compilation environment, but it doesn't hurt because
508              ;; the included structure's definition must already be
509              ;; present in the compilation environment anyway. We don't expect
510              ;; people to re-DEFUN or re-DEFSETF defstruct accessors.
511              (unless (memq (get accessorname 'SYSTEM::DEFSTRUCT-WRITER name)
512                            (cdr names))
513                `((PROCLAIM '(FUNCTION (SETF ,accessorname) (,slottype ,name) ,slottype))
514                  (PROCLAIM '(INLINE (SETF ,accessorname)))
515                  (DEFUN (SETF ,accessorname) (VALUE OBJECT)
516                    ,(if (eq type 'T)
517                       `(%STRUCTURE-STORE ',name
518                          OBJECT
519                          ,offset
520                          ,(if (eq 'T slottype)
521                             `VALUE
522                             `(THE ,slottype VALUE)))
523                       (if (eq type 'LIST)
524                         `(SETF (NTH ,offset OBJECT) VALUE)
525                         (if (consp type)
526                           `(SETF (AREF OBJECT ,offset) VALUE)
527                           `(SETF (SVREF OBJECT ,offset) VALUE)))))
528                  (SYSTEM::%PUT ',accessorname 'SYSTEM::DEFSTRUCT-WRITER
529                                ',name)))))))
530    slotlist))
532(defun find-structure-class-slot-initfunction (classname slotname) ; ABI
533  (let ((class (find-class classname)))
534    (unless (clos::structure-class-p class)
535      (error (TEXT "The class ~S is not a structure class: ~S")
536             classname class))
537    (let* ((slots (clos:class-slots class))
538           (slot
539             ; (find slotname (the list) slots :test #'clos:slot-definition-name)
540             (dolist (s slots)
541               (when (eql (clos:slot-definition-name s) slotname) (return s)))))
542      (unless slot
543        (error (TEXT "The class ~S has no slot named ~S.")
544               classname slotname))
545      (clos:slot-definition-initfunction slot))))
547(defun find-structure-slot-initfunction (name slotname) ; ABI
548  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
549    (unless desc
550      (if (clos::defined-class-p (get name 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS))
551        (error (TEXT "The structure type ~S has been defined as a class.")
552               name)
553        (error (TEXT "The structure type ~S has not been defined.")
554               name)))
555    (let* ((slots (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*))
556           (slot
557             ; (find slotname (the list) slots :test #'clos:slot-definition-name)
558             (dolist (s slots)
559               (when (eql (clos:slot-definition-name s) slotname) (return s)))))
560      (unless slot
561        (error (TEXT "The structure type ~S has no slot named ~S.")
562               name slotname))
563      (clos:slot-definition-initfunction slot))))
565(defun ds-initfunction-fetcher (name type slotname)
566  (if (eq type 'T)
568    `(FIND-STRUCTURE-SLOT-INITFUNCTION ',name ',slotname)))
570;; A hook for CLOS
571(predefun clos::defstruct-remove-print-object-method (name) ; preliminary
572  (declare (ignore name))
573  nil)
575(defun make-load-form-slot-list (slotlist default-slots default-vars mlf)
576  (mapcar #'(lambda (slot+initff)
577              (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
578                (funcall mlf
579                         slot
580                         (let ((i (position slot+initff default-slots)))
581                           (if i (nth i default-vars) (cdr slot+initff))))))
582          slotlist))
584(defmacro defstruct (&whole whole-form
585                     name-and-options . docstring-and-slotargs)
586  (let ((name                              name-and-options)
587        (options                           nil)
588        (conc-name-option                  t)
589        (constructor-option-list           nil)
590        (keyword-constructor               nil)
591        (boa-constructors                  '())
592        (copier-option                     t)
593        (predicate-option                  0)
594        (include-option                    nil)
595         names
596         namesform
597        (namesbinding                      nil)
598        (print-object-option               nil)
599        (type-option                       t)
600        (named-option                      0)
601        (initial-offset-option             0)
602        (initial-offset                    0)
603        (docstring                         nil)
604        (slotargs                          docstring-and-slotargs)
605        (directslotlist                    nil) ; list of (slot . initff)
606         size
607        (include-skip                      0)
608        (inherited-slot-count              0)
609        (slotlist                          nil) ; list of (slot . initff)
610        (slotdefaultvars                   nil)
611        (slotdefaultfuns                   nil)
612        (slotdefaultslots                  nil) ; list of (slot . initff)
613        (slotdefaultdirectslots            nil) ; list of (slot . initff)
614         constructor-forms                      )
615    ;; check name-and-options:
616    (when (listp name-and-options)
617      (setq name (first name-and-options))
618      (setq options (rest name-and-options)))
619    ;; otherwise, name and options are already correct.
620    (setq name (check-not-declaration name 'defstruct))
621    ;; name is a symbol, options is the list of options.
622    ;; processing the options:
623    (dolist (option options)
624      (when (keywordp option) (setq option (list option))) ; option without arguments
625      (if (listp option)
626        (if (keywordp (car option))
627          (case (first option)
628            (:CONC-NAME
629             (setq conc-name-option (second option)))
630            (:CONSTRUCTOR
631               (if (atom (cdr option))
632                 ;; default-keyword-constructor
633                 (push (concat-pnames "MAKE-" name) constructor-option-list)
634                 (let ((arg (second option)))
635                   (setq arg (check-symbol arg 'defstruct))
636                   (push
637                     (if (atom (cddr option))
638                       arg ; keyword-constructor
639                       (if (not (listp (third option)))
640                         (error-of-type 'source-program-error
641                           :form whole-form
642                           :detail (third option)
643                           (TEXT "~S ~S: argument list should be a list: ~S")
644                           'defstruct name (third option))
645                         (rest option))) ; BOA-constructor
646                     constructor-option-list))))
647            (:COPIER
648               (when (consp (cdr option))
649                 (let ((arg (second option)))
650                   (setq arg (check-symbol arg 'defstruct))
651                   (setq copier-option arg))))
652            (:PREDICATE
653               (when (consp (cdr option))
654                 (let ((arg (second option)))
655                   (setq arg (check-symbol arg 'defstruct))
656                   (setq predicate-option arg))))
657            ((:INCLUDE :INHERIT)
658               (if (null include-option)
659                 (setq include-option option)
660                 (error-of-type 'source-program-error
661                   :form whole-form
662                   :detail options
663                   (TEXT "~S ~S: At most one :INCLUDE argument may be specified: ~S")
664                   'defstruct name options)))
666               (if (null (cdr option))
667                 (setq print-object-option '(PRINT-STRUCTURE STRUCT STREAM))
668                 (let ((arg (second option)))
669                   (when (and (consp arg) (eq (first arg) 'FUNCTION))
670                     (warn (TEXT "~S: Use of ~S implicitly applies FUNCTION.~@
671                                     Therefore using ~S instead of ~S.")
672                           'defstruct (first option) (second arg) arg)
673                     (setq arg (second arg)))
674                   (setq print-object-option
675                         `(,arg STRUCT STREAM
676                           ,@(if (eq (first option) ':PRINT-FUNCTION)
677                                 '(*PRIN-LEVEL*) '()))))))
678            (:TYPE (setq type-option (second option)))
679            (:NAMED (setq named-option t))
680            (:INITIAL-OFFSET (setq initial-offset-option (or (second option) 0)))
681            (T (error-of-type 'source-program-error
682                 :form whole-form
683                 :detail (first option)
684                 (TEXT "~S ~S: unknown option ~S")
685                 'defstruct name (first option))))
686          (error-of-type 'source-program-error
687            :form whole-form
688            :detail option
689            (TEXT "~S ~S: invalid syntax in ~S option: ~S")
690            'defstruct name 'defstruct option))
691        (error-of-type 'source-program-error
692          :form whole-form
693          :detail option
694          (TEXT "~S ~S: not a ~S option: ~S")
695          'defstruct name 'defstruct option)))
696    ;;; conc-name-option is either T or NIL or the :CONC-NAME argument.
697    ;; constructor-option-list is a list of all :CONSTRUCTOR-arguments,
698    ;;   each in the form  symbol  or  (symbol arglist . ...).
699    ;; copier-option is either T or the :COPIER-argument.
700    ;; predicate-option is either 0 or the :PREDICATE-argument.
701    ;; include-option is either NIL or the entire
702    ;;   :INCLUDE/:INHERIT-option.
703    ;; print-object-option is NIL or a form for the body of the PRINT-OBJECT
704    ;;   method.
705    ;; type-option is either T or the :TYPE-argument.
706    ;; named-option is either 0 or T.
707    ;; initial-offset-option is either 0 or the :INITIAL-OFFSET-argument.
708    ;;; inspection of the options:
709    (setq named-option (or (eq type-option 'T) (eq named-option 'T)))
710    ;; named-option (NIL or T) specifies, if the name is in the structure.
711    (if named-option
712      (when (eql predicate-option 0)
713        (setq predicate-option (concat-pnames name "-P"))) ; defaultname
714      (if (or (eql predicate-option 0) (eq predicate-option 'NIL))
715        (setq predicate-option 'NIL)
716        (error-of-type 'source-program-error
717          :form whole-form
718          :detail predicate-option
719          (TEXT "~S ~S: There is no ~S for unnamed structures.")
720          'defstruct name :predicate)))
721    ;; predicate-option is
722    ;;   if named-option=T: either NIL or the name of the type-test-predicate,
723    ;;   if named-option=NIL meaningless.
724    (when (eq conc-name-option 'T)
725      (setq conc-name-option (string-concat (string name) "-")))
726    ;; conc-name-option is the name prefix.
727    (if constructor-option-list
728      (setq constructor-option-list (remove 'NIL constructor-option-list))
729      (setq constructor-option-list (list (concat-pnames "MAKE-" name))))
730    ;; constructor-option-list is a list of all constructors that have to be
731    ;; created, each in the form  symbol  or  (symbol arglist . ...).
732    (if (eq copier-option 'T)
733      (setq copier-option (concat-pnames "COPY-" name)))
734    ;; copier-option is either NIL or the name of the copy function.
735    (unless (or (eq type-option 'T)
736                (eq type-option 'VECTOR)
737                (eq type-option 'LIST)
738                (and (consp type-option) (eq (first type-option) 'VECTOR)))
739      (error-of-type 'source-program-error
740        :form whole-form
741        :detail type-option
742        (TEXT "~S ~S: invalid :TYPE option ~S")
743        'defstruct name type-option))
744    ;; type-option is either T or LIST or VECTOR or (VECTOR ...)
745    (unless (and (integerp initial-offset-option) (>= initial-offset-option 0))
746      (error-of-type 'source-program-error
747        :form whole-form
748        :detail initial-offset-option
749        (TEXT "~S ~S: The :INITIAL-OFFSET must be a nonnegative integer, not ~S")
750        'defstruct name initial-offset-option))
751    ;; initial-offset-option is an Integer >=0.
752    (when (and (plusp initial-offset-option) (eq type-option 'T))
753      (error-of-type 'source-program-error
754        :form whole-form
755        :detail options
756        (TEXT "~S ~S: :INITIAL-OFFSET must not be specified without :TYPE : ~S")
757        'defstruct name options))
758    ;; if type-option=T, then initial-offset-option=0.
759    (when (eq type-option 'T) (setq include-skip 1))
760    ;; if type-option=T, include-skip is 1, else 0.
761    (when (stringp (first docstring-and-slotargs))
762      (setq docstring (first docstring-and-slotargs))
763      (setq slotargs (rest docstring-and-slotargs)))
764    ;; else, docstring and slotargs are already correct.
765    ;; docstring is either NIL or a String.
766    ;; slotargs are the remaining arguments.
767    (if include-option
768      (let* ((option (rest include-option))
769             (subname (first option))
770             (incl-class (get subname 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS))
771             (incl-desc (get subname 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
772        (unless (clos::defined-class-p incl-class)
773          (setq incl-class nil))
774        (when (and (null incl-class) (null incl-desc))
775          (error-of-type 'source-program-error
776            :form whole-form
777            :detail subname
778            (TEXT "~S ~S: included structure ~S has not been defined.")
779            'defstruct name subname))
780        (when (and incl-class (not (clos::structure-class-p incl-class)))
781          (error-of-type 'source-program-error
782            :form whole-form
783            :detail subname
784            (TEXT "~S ~S: included structure ~S is not a structure type.")
785            'defstruct name subname))
786        (when incl-class
787          (setq names (cons name (clos::class-names incl-class)))
788          (setq namesbinding
789                (list
790                  (list
791                    (setq namesform (gensym))
792                    `(CONS ',name (CLOS::CLASS-NAMES (GET ',subname 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS)))))))
793        (unless (equalp (if incl-class 't (svref incl-desc *defstruct-description-type-location*)) type-option)
794          (error-of-type 'source-program-error
795            :form whole-form
796            :detail subname
797            (TEXT "~S ~S: included structure ~S must be of the same type ~S.")
798            'defstruct name subname type-option))
799        (setq slotlist
800          (nreverse
801            (mapcar #'(lambda (slot)
802                        (cons (copy-<structure-effective-slot-definition> slot)
803                              (ds-initfunction-fetcher subname type-option
804                                (clos:slot-definition-name slot))))
805                    (if incl-class
806                      (clos:class-slots incl-class)
807                      (svref incl-desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*)))))
808        ;; slotlist is the reversed list of the inherited slots.
809        (setq include-skip (if incl-class
810                             (clos::class-instance-size incl-class)
811                             (svref incl-desc *defstruct-description-size-location*)))
812        (when slotlist
813          (assert (> include-skip (clos:slot-definition-location (car (first slotlist))))))
814        ;; include-skip >=0 is the number of slots that are already consumend
815        ;;    by the substructure, the "size" of the substructure.
816        ;; Process further arguments of the :INCLUDE-option:
817        (dolist (slotarg (rest option))
818          (let* ((slotname (if (atom slotarg) slotarg (first slotarg)))
819                 (slot+initff (find slotname slotlist
820                                    :key #'(lambda (slot+initff)
821                                             (clos:slot-definition-name (car slot+initff)))
822                                    :test #'eq)))
823            (when (null slot+initff)
824              (error-of-type 'source-program-error
825                :form whole-form
826                :detail slotname
827                (TEXT "~S ~S: included structure ~S has no component with name ~S.")
828                'defstruct name subname slotname))
829            (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
830              (if (atom slotarg)
831                ; overwrite default to NIL
832                (progn
833                  (setf (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot)
834                        (cons 'NIL (make-constant-initfunction 'NIL)))
835                  (setf (cdr slot+initff) `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION NIL)))
836                (progn
837                  (let ((initform (second slotarg)))
838                    (if (constantp initform)
839                      (progn
840                        (setf (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot)
841                              (cons initform (make-constant-initfunction (eval initform))))
842                        (setf (cdr slot+initff) `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION ,initform)))
843                      (progn
844                        (setf (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot)
845                              (cons initform nil)) ; FIXME
846                        (setf (cdr slot+initff)
847                              `(FUNCTION ,(concat-pnames "DEFAULT-" slotname)
848                                 (LAMBDA () ,initform))))))
849                  ;; Process the slot-options of this Slot-Specifier:
850                  (do ((slot-arglistr (cddr slotarg) (cddr slot-arglistr)))
851                      ((endp slot-arglistr))
852                    (let ((slot-keyword (first slot-arglistr))
853                          (slot-key-value (second slot-arglistr)))
854                      (cond ((eq slot-keyword ':READ-ONLY)
855                             (if slot-key-value
856                               (setf (clos::structure-effective-slot-definition-readonly slot) t)
857                               (if (clos::structure-effective-slot-definition-readonly slot)
858                                 (error-of-type 'source-program-error
859                                   :form whole-form
860                                   :detail subname
861                                   (TEXT "~S ~S: The READ-ONLY slot ~S of the included structure ~S must remain READ-ONLY in ~S.")
862                                   'defstruct name slotname subname name)
863                                 (setf (clos::structure-effective-slot-definition-readonly slot) nil))))
864                            ((eq slot-keyword ':TYPE)
865                             (unless
866                                 (subtypep
867                                   (type-for-discrimination slot-key-value)
868                                   (type-for-discrimination (clos:slot-definition-type slot)))
869                               (error-of-type 'source-program-error
870                                 :form whole-form
871                                 :detail subname
872                                 (TEXT "~S ~S: The type ~S of slot ~S should be a subtype of the type defined for the included strucure ~S, namely ~S.")
873                                 'defstruct name slot-key-value slotname subname
874                                 (clos:slot-definition-type slot)))
875                             (setf (clos:slot-definition-type slot) slot-key-value))
876                            (t (error-of-type 'source-program-error
877                                 :form whole-form
878                                 :detail slot-keyword
879                                 (TEXT "~S ~S: ~S is not a slot option.")
880                                 'defstruct name slot-keyword)))))))
881              (push (cons
882                      (clos::make-instance-<structure-direct-slot-definition>
883                        clos::<structure-direct-slot-definition>
884                        :name slotname
885                        :initform (clos:slot-definition-initform slot)
886                        :initfunction (clos:slot-definition-initfunction slot)
887                        :initargs (clos:slot-definition-initargs slot)
888                        :type (clos:slot-definition-type slot)
889                        'clos::inheritable-initer (clos::slot-definition-inheritable-initer slot)
890                        ;; no readers/writers: these are inherited slots
891                        :readers '()
892                        :writers '())
893                      (cdr slot+initff))
894                    directslotlist))))
895        (dolist (slot+initff slotlist)
896          (let* ((slot (car slot+initff))
897                 (initfunction (clos:slot-definition-initfunction slot)))
898            (unless (or (null initfunction) (constant-initfunction-p initfunction))
899              (let ((variable (gensym)))
900                (push (cdr slot+initff) slotdefaultfuns)
901                (push variable slotdefaultvars)
902                (push slot+initff slotdefaultslots)
903                (push nil slotdefaultdirectslots)
904                (setf (cdr slot+initff) variable)))))
905        (when (eq (first include-option) ':INHERIT)
906          (setq inherited-slot-count (length slotlist))))
907      (if (eq name 'STRUCTURE-OBJECT)
908        (setq names (list name)
909              namesform `',names)
910        (setq names (cons name (clos::class-names (get 'STRUCTURE-OBJECT 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS)))
911              namesbinding
912              (list
913                (list
914                  (setq namesform (gensym))
915                  `(CONS ',name (CLOS::CLASS-NAMES (GET 'STRUCTURE-OBJECT 'CLOS::CLOSCLASS))))))))
916    ;; names is the include-nesting, namesform is the form belonging to it.
917    ;; slotlist is the former slot list, reversed.
918    ;; inherited-slot-count is the number of slots, that have to be ignored
919    ;; when the accessors are created.
920    (when (and named-option ; named structure
921               (consp type-option) ; of type (VECTOR ...)
922               ;; must be able to contain the name(s):
923               (not (typep names (type-for-discrimination (second type-option)))))
924      (error-of-type 'source-program-error
925        :form whole-form
926        :detail type-option
927        (TEXT "~S ~S: structure of type ~S cannot hold the name.")
928        'defstruct name type-option))
929    ;; layout of the structure:
930    ;; names, poss. include-slots, initial-offset-option times NIL, slots.
931    ;; layout of vector or list:
932    ;; include-part, initial-offset-option times NIL, poss. name, slots.
933    (setq initial-offset (+ include-skip initial-offset-option))
934    (unless (eq type-option 'T)
935      (when named-option
936        (push
937          ; the type recognition pseudo-slot
938          (cons
939            (make-ds-slot nil
940                          '()
941                          initial-offset
942                          (cons `(QUOTE ,name) (make-constant-initfunction name))
943                          'SYMBOL ; type = symbol
944                          T)      ; read-only
945            `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION ',name))
946          slotlist)
947        (incf initial-offset)))
948    ;; the slots are situated behind initial-offset.
949    ;; If type/=T (i.e vector or list) and named-option, the name is situated
950    ;;   in Slot number  (1- initial-offset).
951    ;; processing the slots:
952    (let ((offset initial-offset))
953      (dolist (slotarg slotargs)
954        (let (slotname
955              initform
956              initfunction
957              initfunctionform)
958          (if (atom slotarg)
959            (setq slotname slotarg  initform nil)
960            (setq slotname (first slotarg)  initform (second slotarg)))
961          ;; Here we compare slot names through their symbol-names, not through
962          ;; #'eq, because if we have two slots P::X and Q::X, the two accessor
963          ;; functions would have the same name FOO-X.
964          (when (find (symbol-name slotname) slotlist
965                      :test #'(lambda (name slot+initff)
966                                (let ((slot (car slot+initff)))
967                                  (and (or (eq type-option 'T) (ds-real-slot-p slot))
968                                       (string= (clos:slot-definition-name slot) name)))))
969            (error-of-type 'source-program-error
970              :form whole-form
971              :detail slotname
972              (TEXT "~S ~S: There may be only one slot with the name ~S.")
973              'defstruct name slotname))
974          (let ((type t) (read-only nil))
975            (when (consp slotarg)
976              (do ((slot-arglistr (cddr slotarg) (cddr slot-arglistr)))
977                  ((endp slot-arglistr))
978                (let ((slot-keyword (first slot-arglistr))
979                      (slot-key-value (second slot-arglistr)))
980                  (cond ((eq slot-keyword ':READ-ONLY)
981                         (setq read-only (if slot-key-value t nil)))
982                        ((eq slot-keyword ':TYPE) (setq type slot-key-value))
983                        (t (error-of-type 'source-program-error
984                             :form whole-form
985                             :detail slot-keyword
986                             (TEXT "~S ~S: ~S is not a slot option.")
987                             'defstruct name slot-keyword))))))
988            (if (constantp initform)
989              (setq initfunction (make-constant-initfunction (eval initform))
990                    initfunctionform `(MAKE-CONSTANT-INITFUNCTION ,initform))
991              (let ((variable (gensym)))
992                (push
993                  `(FUNCTION ,(concat-pnames "DEFAULT-" slotname)
994                     (LAMBDA () ,initform))
995                  slotdefaultfuns)
996                (push variable slotdefaultvars)
997                (setq initfunction nil ; FIXME
998                      initfunctionform variable)))
999            (let ((initer (cons initform initfunction))
1000                  (initargs (list (symbol-to-keyword slotname)))
1001                  (accessorname (ds-accessor-name slotname conc-name-option)))
1002              (when (eq predicate-option accessorname)
1003                (warn
1004                 (TEXT "~S ~S: Slot ~S accessor will shadow the predicate ~S.")
1005                 'defstruct name slotname predicate-option)
1006                (setq predicate-option nil))
1007              (push (cons
1008                      (clos::make-instance-<structure-direct-slot-definition>
1009                        clos::<structure-direct-slot-definition>
1010                        :name slotname
1011                        :initform initform
1012                        :initfunction initfunction
1013                        :initargs initargs
1014                        :type type
1015                        'clos::inheritable-initer initer
1016                        ;; we cannot recover accessor names later
1017                        ;; because of the :CONC-NAME option
1018                        :writers (if read-only '() (list `(SETF ,accessorname)))
1019                        :readers (list accessorname))
1020                      initfunctionform)
1021                    directslotlist)
1022              (push (cons
1023                      (make-ds-slot slotname
1024                                    initargs
1025                                    offset ; location
1026                                    initer
1027                                    ;; The following are defstruct specific.
1028                                    type read-only)
1029                      initfunctionform)
1030                    slotlist)
1031              (unless (constantp initform)
1032                (push (car slotlist) slotdefaultslots)
1033                (push (car directslotlist) slotdefaultdirectslots)))))
1034        (incf offset))
1035      (setq size offset))
1036    ;; size = total length of the structure
1037    (setq slotlist (nreverse slotlist))
1038    (setq directslotlist (nreverse directslotlist))
1039    (setq slotdefaultfuns (nreverse slotdefaultfuns))
1040    (setq slotdefaultvars (nreverse slotdefaultvars))
1041    (setq slotdefaultslots (nreverse slotdefaultslots))
1042    (setq slotdefaultdirectslots (nreverse slotdefaultdirectslots))
1043    ;; the slots in slotlist are now sorted in ascending order again.
1044    (setq constructor-forms
1045      (mapcar
1046        #'(lambda (constructor-option)
1047            (if (consp constructor-option)
1048              (ds-make-boa-constructor
1049                constructor-option type-option name namesform size slotlist whole-form)
1050              (progn
1051                (when (null keyword-constructor)
1052                  (setq keyword-constructor constructor-option))
1053                (ds-make-keyword-constructor
1054                  constructor-option type-option name namesform size
1055                  slotlist))))
1056        constructor-option-list))
1057    (setq boa-constructors
1058          (mapcan #'(lambda (constructor-option)
1059                      (when (consp constructor-option)
1060                        (list (first constructor-option))))
1061                  constructor-option-list))
1062    ;; constructor-forms = list of forms, that define the constructors.
1063    (mapc #'(lambda (slot+initff directslot+initff)
1064              (let* ((slot (car slot+initff))
1065                     (initfunctionform
1066                       (ds-initfunction-fetcher name type-option (clos:slot-definition-name slot))))
1067                (setf (cdr slot+initff) initfunctionform)
1068                (when directslot+initff
1069                  (setf (cdr directslot+initff) initfunctionform))))
1070          slotdefaultslots slotdefaultdirectslots)
1071    ;; now, slotlist contains no more slotdefaultvars.
1073       (LET ()
1074         (LET ,(append namesbinding (mapcar #'list slotdefaultvars slotdefaultfuns))
1075           ;; ANSI CL doesn't specify what happens when a structure is
1076           ;; redefined with different specification. We do here what DEFCLASS
1077           ;; also does: remove the accessory functions defined by the previous
1078           ;; specification.
1080           ,(if (eq type-option 'T)
1081              `(REMPROP ',name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)
1082              `(%PUT ',name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION
1083                     (VECTOR ',type-option
1084                             ,size
1085                             ',keyword-constructor
1086                             (LIST ,@(make-load-form-slot-list
1087                                      slotlist slotdefaultslots slotdefaultvars
1088                                      'clos::make-load-form-<structure-effective-slot-definition>))
1089                             (LIST ,@(make-load-form-slot-list
1090                                      directslotlist slotdefaultdirectslots
1091                                      slotdefaultvars
1092                                      'clos::make-load-form-<structure-direct-slot-definition>))
1093                             ',boa-constructors
1094                             ',copier-option
1095                             ',predicate-option)))
1096           ,@(if (eq type-option 'T)
1097              `((CLOS::DEFINE-STRUCTURE-CLASS ',name
1098                 ,namesform
1099                 ',keyword-constructor
1100                 ',boa-constructors
1101                 ',copier-option
1102                 ',predicate-option
1103                 (LIST ,@(make-load-form-slot-list
1104                          slotlist slotdefaultslots slotdefaultvars
1105                          'clos::make-load-form-<structure-effective-slot-definition>))
1106                 (LIST ,@(make-load-form-slot-list
1107                          directslotlist slotdefaultdirectslots slotdefaultvars
1108                          'clos::make-load-form-<structure-direct-slot-definition>))
1109                 ',docstring))
1110              `((CLOS::UNDEFINE-STRUCTURE-CLASS ',name)
1111                ;; see documentation.lisp: we map STRUCTURE to TYPE
1112                (sys::%set-documentation ',name 'TYPE ',docstring)))
1113           ,@constructor-forms)
1114         ,@(if (and named-option predicate-option)
1115             (ds-make-pred predicate-option type-option name slotlist size))
1116         ,@(if copier-option (ds-make-copier copier-option name type-option))
1117         ,@(let ((directslotlist (nthcdr inherited-slot-count slotlist)))
1118             `(,@(ds-make-readers name names type-option conc-name-option
1119                                  directslotlist)
1120               ,@(ds-make-writers name names type-option conc-name-option
1121                                  directslotlist)))
1122         ,@(when (eq type-option 'T)
1123             (list
1124               (if print-object-option
1126                    (PROGN ,print-object-option))
1127                 `(CLOS::DEFSTRUCT-REMOVE-PRINT-OBJECT-METHOD ',name))))
1128         ',name))))
1131;; A kind of Meta-Object Protocol for structures.
1132;; These function apply to structures of any representation
1133;; (structure classes as well as subtypes of LIST or VECTOR).
1134;; This differs from the CLOS MOP
1135;;   1. in the use of a structure name (symbol) instead of a class,
1136;;   2. in the different set of available operations: classes in general
1137;;      don't have kconstructors, boa-constructors, copier, predicate,
1138;;      whereas on the other hand structures in general don't have a prototype
1139;;      and finalization.
1141(defun structure-slots (name)
1142  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1143    (if desc
1144      (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*)
1145      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1146        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class 'structure-slots)
1147        (clos::class-slots class)))))
1149 (defun (setf structure-slots) (new-value name)
1150  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1151    (if desc
1152      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-slots-location*) new-value)
1153      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1154        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class '(setf structure-slots))
1155        (setf (clos::class-slots class) new-value)))))
1158(defun structure-direct-slots (name)
1159  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1160    (if desc
1161      (svref desc *defstruct-description-direct-slots-location*)
1162      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1163        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class 'structure-direct-slots)
1164        (clos::class-direct-slots class)))))
1166 (defun (setf structure-slots) (new-value name)
1167  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1168    (if desc
1169      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-direct-slots-location*) new-value)
1170      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1171        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class '(setf structure-direct-slots))
1172        (setf (clos::class-direct-slots class) new-value)))))
1175(defun structure-instance-size (name)
1176  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1177    (if desc
1178      (svref desc *defstruct-description-size-location*)
1179      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1180        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class 'structure-instance-size)
1181        (clos::class-instance-size class)))))
1183 (defun (setf structure-instance-size) (new-value name)
1184  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1185    (if desc
1186      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-size-location*) new-value)
1187      (let ((class (find-class name)))
1188        (clos::accessor-typecheck class 'structure-class '(setf structure-instance-size))
1189        (setf (clos::class-instance-size class) new-value)))))
1192(defun structure-keyword-constructor (name)
1193  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1194    (if desc
1195      (svref desc *defstruct-description-kconstructor-location*)
1196      (clos::class-kconstructor (find-class name)))))
1198 (defun (setf structure-keyword-constructor) (new-value name)
1199  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1200    (if desc
1201      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-kconstructor-location*) new-value)
1202      (setf (clos::class-kconstructor (find-class name)) new-value))))
1205(defun structure-boa-constructors (name)
1206  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1207    (if desc
1208      (svref desc *defstruct-description-boa-constructors-location*)
1209      (clos::class-boa-constructors (find-class name)))))
1211 (defun (setf structure-boa-constructors) (new-value name)
1212  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1213    (if desc
1214      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-boa-constructors-location*) new-value)
1215      (setf (clos::class-boa-constructors (find-class name)) new-value))))
1218(defun structure-copier (name)
1219  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1220    (if desc
1221      (svref desc *defstruct-description-copier-location*)
1222      (clos::class-copier (find-class name)))))
1224 (defun (setf structure-copier) (new-value name)
1225  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1226    (if desc
1227      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-copier-location*) new-value)
1228      (setf (clos::class-copier (find-class name)) new-value))))
1231(defun structure-predicate (name)
1232  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1233    (if desc
1234      (svref desc *defstruct-description-predicate-location*)
1235      (clos::class-predicate (find-class name)))))
1237 (defun (setf structure-predicate) (new-value name)
1238  (let ((desc (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)))
1239    (if desc
1240      (setf (svref desc *defstruct-description-predicate-location*) new-value)
1241      (setf (clos::class-predicate (find-class name)) new-value))))
1244(defun structure-undefine-accessories (name) ; ABI
1245  (when (or (get name 'DEFSTRUCT-DESCRIPTION)
1246            (clos::structure-class-p (find-class name nil)))
1247    (macrolet ((fmakunbound-if-present (symbol-form)
1248                 `(let ((symbol ,symbol-form))
1249                    (when symbol (fmakunbound symbol)))))
1250      (fmakunbound-if-present (structure-keyword-constructor name))
1251      (mapc #'fmakunbound (structure-boa-constructors name))
1252      (fmakunbound-if-present (structure-copier name))
1253      (fmakunbound-if-present (structure-predicate name))
1254      (dolist (slot (structure-direct-slots name))
1255        (mapc #'fmakunbound (clos::slot-definition-readers slot))
1256        (mapc #'fmakunbound (clos::slot-definition-writers slot))))))