1 /* This file is only used when OLD_GC is defined.
2    How to maintain this file: see at the top of spvw_garcol_old.d. */
4 /* Memory management data structures, part 3: global data */
6 /* -------------------------- Specification ---------------------------- */
8 #ifdef TYPECODES
9 /* Number of possible typecodes. */
10   #define typecount  bit(oint_type_len<=8 ? oint_type_len : 8)
11 #endif
13 /* Number of heaps.
14  heapcount */
15 #ifdef SPVW_MIXED
16 /* Two heaps: One for varobjects, one for two-pointer objects. */
17   #define heapcount  2
18 #endif
19 #ifdef SPVW_PURE
20 /* A heap for each possible typecode. */
21   #define heapcount  typecount
22 #endif
24 /* Global memory management data structures. */
25 local struct {
26   /* Lower limit of big allocated memory block. */
27   aint MEMBOT;
29   /* now comes the Lisp STACK */
30   /* now room for the heaps containing Lisp objects. */
31   Heap heaps[heapcount];
32  #ifdef SPVW_PURE
33   sintB heaptype[heapcount];
34   /* for every typecode:
35      0 for conses
36      1 for varobjects containing object pointers
37      2 for varobjects containing no pointers (only immediate data)
38     -1 for SUBRs (gcinvariant)
39     -2 for unused or immediate typecodes */
40  #endif
41  #ifdef SPVW_MIXED
42   #define varobjects  heaps[0] /* objects of various lengths */
43   #define conses      heaps[1] /* conses and other two-pointer objects */
44  #endif
46   /* now empty, free for Lisp objects. */
47    #define MEMRES  conses.heap_end
48   /* now the emergency reserve
49      Upper limit of big allocated memory block. */
50   aint MEMTOP;
51  #endif
52   /* User provided parameters, used for deciding when to start a GC. */
53   double nextgc_trigger_factor; /* influences the amount of space
54                                    that can be allocated until the next GC */
55   /* Statistical data, used for deciding when to start a GC. */
56  #if defined(SPVW_PURE_BLOCKS) || defined(TRIVIALMAP_MEMORY) || defined(GENERATIONAL_GC)
57   uintM total_room; /* the space that may be occupied without triggering GC */
59   bool last_gc_full;  /* if the last GC was a full one */
60   uintM last_gcend_space0; /* how much space was occupied after the last GC */
61   uintM last_gcend_space1; /* (from generation 0 resp. generation 1) */
62   #endif
63  #endif
64  #ifdef SPVW_PAGES
65   Pages free_pages;     /* a list of free, normal-sized pages */
66   uintM total_space; /* how much space do the occupied pages contain at all */
67   uintM used_space;  /* how much space is occupied just now */
68   uintM last_gcend_space; /* how much space was occupied after the last GC */
69   bool last_gc_compacted; /* if the last GC has already compacted */
70   uintM gctrigger_space; /* how much space may be occupied, until the next GC becomes necessary */
71  #endif
72 } mem;
75   #define RESERVE       0x00800L /* 2 KByte memory as reserve */
76 #else
77   #define RESERVE             0 /* need no preallocated reserve */
78 #endif
79   #define MINIMUM_SPACE 0x10000L /* 64 KByte as minimal memory for LISP-data */
81   #define RESERVE_FOR_MALLOC 0x100000L /* leave 1 MByte address space free, for malloc */
82 #endif
84 /* Iteration through all heaps.
85  for_each_heap(heapvar,statement);
87  Iteration through all heaps containing varobjects.
88  for_each_varobject_heap(heapvar,statement);
90  Iteration through all heaps containing conses.
91  for_each_cons_heap(heapvar,statement);
93  Iteration through all pages.
94  for_each_page(page, statement using 'var Page* page');
96  Iteration through all pages containing varobjects.
97  for_each_varobject_page(page, statement using 'var Page* page');
99  Iteration through all pages containing conses.
100  for_each_cons_page(page, statement using 'var Page* page');
101  for_each_cons_page_reversed(page, statement using 'var Page* page');
103  While iterating through all heaps (0 <= heapnr < heapcount):
104  Determine the type of a heap.
105  is_heap_containing_objects(heapnr)
106  is_varobject_heap(heapnr)
107  is_cons_heap(heapnr)
108  is_unused_heap(heapnr)
110  #ifdef TYPECODES
111   Determine the heap that contains objects of the given type.
112   typecode_to_heapnr(type)
113  #endif
115  Test for valid heap address, used only by consistency checks.
116  is_valid_varobject_address(address)
117  is_valid_cons_address(address)
118  is_valid_heap_object_address(address)
119  Likewise for stack-allocated objects, such as DYNAMIC_STRING.
120  is_valid_stack_address(address)
122  Consistency checks.
128  Initializations. */
129 #ifdef SPVW_PURE
130 local inline void init_mem_heaptypes (void);
131 #endif
133 /* -------------------------- Implementation --------------------------- */
135 /* partitioning of the whole memory (partly out-of-date):
136  1. C-program. Memory is allocated by the operating system.
137     un-movable after program start.
138  2. C-Stack.  Is fetched by the C-program.
139     un-movable.
140  3. C-Heap. Is unused here.
142  4. LISP-stack and LISP-data.
143     4a. LISP-stack. un-movable.
144     4b. Objects of variable length. (Un-movable).
145     4c. Conses and similar. Movable with move_conses.
146     Memory therefore is requested from the operating system (has the
147     advantage: On EXECUTE, the whole memory that LISP currently does not
148     need can be provided to the foreign program).
149     We dispense here with a partitioning into single pages.
150     || LISP-      |Objects of      |->  empty   <-|conses     | reserve |
151     || stack      |variable length !              !and similar|         |
152     |STACK_BOUND  |         objects.end     conses.start      |         |
153   MEMBOT   objects.start                                conses.end    MEMTOP
154 #endif
156  4. LISP-stack. Un-movable.
157  5. LISP-data. For each type a large block of objects.
158 #endif
160  4. LISP-stack. Un-movable.
161  5. LISP-data.
162     subdivided into pages for objects of variable length and
163     pages for conses and similar.
164 #endif
165 #ifdef SPVW_PURE_PAGES
166  4. LISP-stack. Un-movable.
167  5. LISP-data. Subdivided into pages, that contain only objects
168     of the same type.
169 #endif
170 */
172 #ifdef SPVW_MIXED
174 /* Iteration through heaps. */
175 #define for_each_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
176   do {                                                   \
177     var uintL heapnr;                                    \
178     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++) {         \
179       var Heap* heapvar = &mem.heaps[heapnr]; statement; \
180     }                                                    \
181   } while(0)
182 #define for_each_varobject_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
183   do { var Heap* heapvar = &mem.varobjects; statement; } while(0)
184 #define for_each_cons_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
185   do { var Heap* heapvar = &mem.conses; statement; } while(0)
187 /* Iteration through pages. */
188 #define for_each_page(pagevar,statement)  \
189   do {                                               \
190     var uintL heapnr;                                \
191     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)       \
192       map_heap(mem.heaps[heapnr],pagevar,statement); \
193   } while(0)
194 #define for_each_varobject_page(pagevar,statement)  \
195   map_heap(mem.varobjects,pagevar,statement)
196 #define for_each_cons_page(pagevar,statement)  \
197   map_heap(mem.conses,pagevar,statement)
198 #define for_each_cons_page_reversed for_each_cons_page
200 /* Heap classification. */
201   #define is_heap_containing_objects(heapnr)  (true)
202   #define is_varobject_heap(heapnr)  ((heapnr)==0)
203   #define is_cons_heap(heapnr)  ((heapnr)==1)
204   #define is_unused_heap(heapnr)  (false)
206 #endif
208 #ifdef SPVW_PURE
210 /* During iterations, `heapnr' is the number of the heap. */
212 /* Iteration through heaps. */
213 #define for_each_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
214   do {                                                     \
215     var uintL heapnr;                                      \
216     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)             \
217       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] >= 0) {                     \
218         var Heap* heapvar = &mem.heaps[heapnr]; statement; \
219       }                                                    \
220   } while(0)
221 #define for_each_varobject_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
222   do {                                                     \
223     var uintL heapnr;                                      \
224     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)             \
225       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] > 0) {                      \
226         var Heap* heapvar = &mem.heaps[heapnr]; statement; \
227       }                                                    \
228   } while(0)
229 #define for_each_cons_heap(heapvar,statement)  \
230   do {                                                     \
231     var uintL heapnr;                                      \
232     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)             \
233       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] == 0) {                     \
234         var Heap* heapvar = &mem.heaps[heapnr]; statement; \
235       }                                                    \
236   } while(0)
238 /* Iteration through pages. */
239 #define for_each_page(pagevar,statement)  \
240   do {                                                     \
241     var uintL heapnr;                                  \
242     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)         \
243       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] >= 0)                   \
244         map_heap(mem.heaps[heapnr],pagevar,statement); \
245   } while(0)
246 #define for_each_varobject_page(pagevar,statement)  \
247   do {                                                     \
248     var uintL heapnr;                                  \
249     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)         \
250       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] > 0)                    \
251         map_heap(mem.heaps[heapnr],pagevar,statement); \
252   } while(0)
253 #define for_each_cons_page(pagevar,statement)  \
254   do {                                                     \
255     var uintL heapnr;                                  \
256     for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++)         \
257       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] == 0)                   \
258         map_heap(mem.heaps[heapnr],pagevar,statement); \
259   } while(0)
260 #define for_each_cons_page_reversed(pagevar,statement)  \
261   do {                                                 \
262     var uintL heapnr;                                  \
263     for (heapnr=heapcount; heapnr-- > 0; )             \
264       if (mem.heaptype[heapnr] == 0)                   \
265         map_heap(mem.heaps[heapnr],pagevar,statement); \
266   } while(0)
268 /* Heap classification. */
269   #define is_heap_containing_objects(heapnr)  ((mem.heaptype[heapnr] >= 0) && (mem.heaptype[heapnr] < 2))
270   #define is_cons_heap(heapnr)  (mem.heaptype[heapnr] == 0)
271   #define is_varobject_heap(heapnr)  (mem.heaptype[heapnr] > 0)
272   #define is_unused_heap(heapnr)  (mem.heaptype[heapnr] < 0)
274 #endif
276 #ifdef TYPECODES
277   #if defined(SPVW_PURE)
278     #define typecode_to_heapnr(type) (type)
279   #else /* SPVW_MIXED */
280     /* Keep this consistent with the definition of 'case_pair'! */
281     #define typecode_to_heapnr(type) ((type)==cons_type) /* 1 or 0 */
282   #endif
283 #endif
285 #if defined(SPVW_BLOCKS) && defined(DEBUG_SPVW)
286   #ifdef SPVW_PURE
287     #define is_valid_varobject_address(address)  \
288       is_varobject_heap(((aint)(address) >> oint_type_shift) & (oint_type_mask >> oint_type_shift))
289     #define is_valid_cons_address(address)  \
290       is_cons_heap(((aint)(address) >> oint_type_shift) & (oint_type_mask >> oint_type_shift))
291     #define is_valid_heap_object_address(address)  \
292       is_heap_containing_objects(((aint)(address) >> oint_type_shift) & (oint_type_mask >> oint_type_shift))
293   #else  /* SPVW_MIXED */
294     #ifdef GENERATIONAL_GC
295       #define is_valid_varobject_address(address)  \
296         ((aint)(address) >= mem.varobjects.heap_gen0_start \
297          && (aint)(address) < mem.varobjects.heap_end)
299         #define is_valid_cons_address(address)  \
300           ((aint)(address) >= mem.conses.heap_start \
301            && (aint)(address) < mem.conses.heap_gen0_end)
302       #else
303         #define is_valid_cons_address(address)  \
304           ((aint)(address) >= mem.conses.heap_gen0_start \
305            && (aint)(address) < mem.conses.heap_end)
306       #endif
307     #else
308       #define is_valid_varobject_address(address)  \
309         ((aint)(address) >= mem.varobjects.heap_start \
310          && (aint)(address) < mem.varobjects.heap_end)
311       #define is_valid_cons_address(address)  \
312         ((aint)(address) >= mem.conses.heap_start \
313          && (aint)(address) < mem.conses.heap_end)
314     #endif
315     #define is_valid_heap_object_address(address)  \
316       (is_valid_varobject_address(address) || is_valid_cons_address(address))
317   #endif
319    /* In case we do not have C stack allocated lisp objects we do not need
320       is_valid_stack_address(). Define to false in order to GC to assert
321       in case of bad object pointer. */
322     #define is_valid_stack_address(address)  false
323   #else /* we have C stack allocated objects */
324     #ifdef SP_DOWN
325       #define is_in_stack_range(address,sp,sp_anchor)  \
326         ((aint)(address) >= (aint)sp && (aint)(address) <= (aint)sp_anchor)
327     #endif
328     #ifdef SP_UP
329       #define is_in_stack_range(address,sp,sp_anchor)  \
330         ((aint)(address) <= (aint)sp && (aint)(address) >= (aint)sp_anchor)
331     #endif
332     #define is_valid_stack_address(address) \
333       is_in_stack_range(address,SP(),SP_anchor)
334   #endif
335 #else
336   #define is_valid_varobject_address(address)  true
337   #define is_valid_cons_address(address)  true
338   #define is_valid_heap_object_address(address)  true
339   #define is_valid_stack_address(address)  true
340 #endif
342 /* Set during the core of GC. */
343 modexp bool inside_gc = false;
345 /* check of the memory content to be GC-proof: */
346 #if defined(SPVW_PAGES) && defined(DEBUG_SPVW)
347 /* check, if the administration of the pages is okay: */
348   #define CHECK_AVL_CONSISTENCY()  check_avl_consistency()
check_avl_consistency(void)349 local void check_avl_consistency (void)
350 {
351  #ifdef DEBUG_AVL
352   var uintL heapnr;
353   for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++) {
354     AVL(AVLID,check) (mem.heaps[heapnr].inuse);
355   }
356  #endif
357 }
358 /* check, if the boundaries of the pages are okay: */
359   #define CHECK_GC_CONSISTENCY()  check_gc_consistency()
check_gc_consistency(void)360 local void check_gc_consistency (void)
361 {
362   for_each_page(page,
363     if ((sintM)page->page_room < 0) {
364       fprintf(stderr,"\npage overrun at address 0x%lx\n",page); abort();
365     }
366     if (page->page_start != page_start0(page) + mem.heaps[heapnr].misaligned) {
367       fprintf(stderr,"\ninconsistent page at address 0x%lx\n",page);
368       abort();
369     }
370     if (page->page_end - mem.heaps[heapnr].misaligned + page->page_room
371         != round_down(page->m_start + page->m_length,
372                       varobject_alignment)) {
373       fprintf(stderr,"\ninconsistent page at address 0x%lx\n",page);
374       abort();
375     }
376     );
377 }
378 /* check, if the boundaries of the pages are okay during the compacting GC: */
379   #define CHECK_GC_CONSISTENCY_2()  check_gc_consistency_2()
check_gc_consistency_2(void)380 local void check_gc_consistency_2 (void)
381 {
382   for_each_page(page,
383     if ((sintM)page->page_room < 0) {
384       fprintf(stderr,"\npage overrun at address 0x%lx\n",page); abort();
385     }
386     if (page->page_end + page->page_room
387         - (page->page_start - page_start0(page))
388         != round_down(page->m_start + page->m_length,
389                       varobject_alignment)) {
390       fprintf(stderr,"\ninconsistent page at address 0x%lx\n",page);
391       abort();
392     }
393     );
394 }
395 #else
397   #define CHECK_GC_CONSISTENCY()
398   #define CHECK_GC_CONSISTENCY_2()
399 #endif
400 #ifdef DEBUG_SPVW
401 /* check, if the tables of the packages are to some extent okay: */
402   #define CHECK_PACK_CONSISTENCY()  check_pack_consistency()
check_pack_consistency(void)403 local void check_pack_consistency (void)
404 {
405   var object plist = O(all_packages);
406   while (consp(plist)) {
407     var object pack = Car(plist);
408     var object symtabs[2];
409     var uintC i;
410     symtabs[0] = ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols;
411     symtabs[1] = ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols;
412     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
413       var object symtab = symtabs[i];
414       var object table = TheSvector(symtab)->data[1];
415       var uintL index = Svector_length(table);
416       while (index!=0) {
417         var object entry = TheSvector(table)->data[--index];
418         var uintC count = 0;
419         while (consp(entry)) {
420           if (!symbolp(Car(entry)))
421             abort();
422           entry = Cdr(entry);
423           count++; if (count>=10000) abort();
424         }
425       }
426     }
427     plist = Cdr(plist);
428   }
429 }
430 #else
432 #endif
434 /* Initializations. */
435 #ifdef SPVW_PURE
init_mem_heaptypes(void)436 local inline void init_mem_heaptypes (void)
437 {
438   var uintL heapnr;
439   for (heapnr=0; heapnr<heapcount; heapnr++) {
440     switch (heapnr) {
441      #ifndef HAVE_SMALL_SSTRING
442       case_sstring:
443      #endif
444       case_sbvector:
445       case_sb2vector:
446       case_sb4vector:
447       case_sb8vector:
448       case_sb16vector:
449       case_sb32vector:
450       case_bignum:
451      #ifndef IMMEDIATE_FFLOAT
452       case_ffloat:
453      #endif
454       case_dfloat:
455       case_lfloat:
456       mem.heaptype[heapnr] = 2; break;
457      #ifdef HAVE_SMALL_SSTRING
458       case_sstring: /* because of the reallocated simple-strings */
459      #endif
460       case_ostring:
461       case_obvector:
462       case_ob2vector:
463       case_ob4vector:
464       case_ob8vector:
465       case_ob16vector:
466       case_ob32vector:
467       case_vector:
468       case_mdarray:
469       case_record:
470       case_symbol:
471       mem.heaptype[heapnr] = 1; break;
472       case_pair:
473       mem.heaptype[heapnr] = 0; break;
474       case_subr:
475       mem.heaptype[heapnr] = -1; break;
476       default:
477         mem.heaptype[heapnr] = -2; break;
478     }
479   }
480 }
481 #endif