1from __future__ import absolute_import
3import copy
5from . import (ExprNodes, PyrexTypes, MemoryView,
6               ParseTreeTransforms, StringEncoding, Errors)
7from .ExprNodes import CloneNode, ProxyNode, TupleNode
8from .Nodes import FuncDefNode, CFuncDefNode, StatListNode, DefNode
9from ..Utils import OrderedSet
10from .Errors import error, CannotSpecialize
13class FusedCFuncDefNode(StatListNode):
14    """
15    This node replaces a function with fused arguments. It deep-copies the
16    function for every permutation of fused types, and allocates a new local
17    scope for it. It keeps track of the original function in self.node, and
18    the entry of the original function in the symbol table is given the
19    'fused_cfunction' attribute which points back to us.
20    Then when a function lookup occurs (to e.g. call it), the call can be
21    dispatched to the right function.
23    node    FuncDefNode    the original function
24    nodes   [FuncDefNode]  list of copies of node with different specific types
25    py_func DefNode        the fused python function subscriptable from
26                           Python space
27    __signatures__         A DictNode mapping signature specialization strings
28                           to PyCFunction nodes
29    resulting_fused_function  PyCFunction for the fused DefNode that delegates
30                              to specializations
31    fused_func_assignment   Assignment of the fused function to the function name
32    defaults_tuple          TupleNode of defaults (letting PyCFunctionNode build
33                            defaults would result in many different tuples)
34    specialized_pycfuncs    List of synthesized pycfunction nodes for the
35                            specializations
36    code_object             CodeObjectNode shared by all specializations and the
37                            fused function
39    fused_compound_types    All fused (compound) types (e.g. floating[:])
40    """
42    __signatures__ = None
43    resulting_fused_function = None
44    fused_func_assignment = None
45    defaults_tuple = None
46    decorators = None
48    child_attrs = StatListNode.child_attrs + [
49        '__signatures__', 'resulting_fused_function', 'fused_func_assignment']
51    def __init__(self, node, env):
52        super(FusedCFuncDefNode, self).__init__(node.pos)
54        self.nodes = []
55        self.node = node
57        is_def = isinstance(self.node, DefNode)
58        if is_def:
59            # self.node.decorators = []
60            self.copy_def(env)
61        else:
62            self.copy_cdef(env)
64        # Perform some sanity checks. If anything fails, it's a bug
65        for n in self.nodes:
66            assert not n.entry.type.is_fused
67            assert not n.local_scope.return_type.is_fused
68            if node.return_type.is_fused:
69                assert not n.return_type.is_fused
71            if not is_def and n.cfunc_declarator.optional_arg_count:
72                assert n.type.op_arg_struct
74        node.entry.fused_cfunction = self
75        # Copy the nodes as AnalyseDeclarationsTransform will prepend
76        # self.py_func to self.stats, as we only want specialized
77        # CFuncDefNodes in self.nodes
78        self.stats = self.nodes[:]
80    def copy_def(self, env):
81        """
82        Create a copy of the original def or lambda function for specialized
83        versions.
84        """
85        fused_compound_types = PyrexTypes.unique(
86            [arg.type for arg in self.node.args if arg.type.is_fused])
87        fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types(fused_compound_types)
88        permutations = PyrexTypes.get_all_specialized_permutations(fused_types)
90        self.fused_compound_types = fused_compound_types
92        if self.node.entry in env.pyfunc_entries:
93            env.pyfunc_entries.remove(self.node.entry)
95        for cname, fused_to_specific in permutations:
96            copied_node = copy.deepcopy(self.node)
97            # keep signature object identity for special casing in DefNode.analyse_declarations()
98            copied_node.entry.signature = self.node.entry.signature
100            self._specialize_function_args(copied_node.args, fused_to_specific)
101            copied_node.return_type = self.node.return_type.specialize(
102                                                    fused_to_specific)
104            copied_node.analyse_declarations(env)
105            # copied_node.is_staticmethod = self.node.is_staticmethod
106            # copied_node.is_classmethod = self.node.is_classmethod
107            self.create_new_local_scope(copied_node, env, fused_to_specific)
108            self.specialize_copied_def(copied_node, cname, self.node.entry,
109                                       fused_to_specific, fused_compound_types)
111            PyrexTypes.specialize_entry(copied_node.entry, cname)
112            copied_node.entry.used = True
113            env.entries[copied_node.entry.name] = copied_node.entry
115            if not self.replace_fused_typechecks(copied_node):
116                break
118        self.orig_py_func = self.node
119        self.py_func = self.make_fused_cpdef(self.node, env, is_def=True)
121    def copy_cdef(self, env):
122        """
123        Create a copy of the original c(p)def function for all specialized
124        versions.
125        """
126        permutations = self.node.type.get_all_specialized_permutations()
127        # print 'Node %s has %d specializations:' % (self.node.entry.name,
128        #                                            len(permutations))
129        # import pprint; pprint.pprint([d for cname, d in permutations])
131        # Prevent copying of the python function
132        self.orig_py_func = orig_py_func = self.node.py_func
133        self.node.py_func = None
134        if orig_py_func:
135            env.pyfunc_entries.remove(orig_py_func.entry)
137        fused_types = self.node.type.get_fused_types()
138        self.fused_compound_types = fused_types
140        new_cfunc_entries = []
141        for cname, fused_to_specific in permutations:
142            copied_node = copy.deepcopy(self.node)
144            # Make the types in our CFuncType specific.
145            try:
146                type = copied_node.type.specialize(fused_to_specific)
147            except CannotSpecialize:
148                # unlike for the argument types, specializing the return type can fail
149                error(copied_node.pos, "Return type is a fused type that cannot "
150                      "be determined from the function arguments")
151                self.py_func = None  # this is just to let the compiler exit gracefully
152                return
153            entry = copied_node.entry
154            type.specialize_entry(entry, cname)
156            # Reuse existing Entries (e.g. from .pxd files).
157            for i, orig_entry in enumerate(env.cfunc_entries):
158                if entry.cname == orig_entry.cname and type.same_as_resolved_type(orig_entry.type):
159                    copied_node.entry = env.cfunc_entries[i]
160                    if not copied_node.entry.func_cname:
161                        copied_node.entry.func_cname = entry.func_cname
162                    entry = copied_node.entry
163                    type = entry.type
164                    break
165            else:
166                new_cfunc_entries.append(entry)
168            copied_node.type = type
169            entry.type, type.entry = type, entry
171            entry.used = (entry.used or
172                          self.node.entry.defined_in_pxd or
173                          env.is_c_class_scope or
174                          entry.is_cmethod)
176            if self.node.cfunc_declarator.optional_arg_count:
177                self.node.cfunc_declarator.declare_optional_arg_struct(
178                                           type, env, fused_cname=cname)
180            copied_node.return_type = type.return_type
181            self.create_new_local_scope(copied_node, env, fused_to_specific)
183            # Make the argument types in the CFuncDeclarator specific
184            self._specialize_function_args(copied_node.cfunc_declarator.args,
185                                           fused_to_specific)
187            # If a cpdef, declare all specialized cpdefs (this
188            # also calls analyse_declarations)
189            copied_node.declare_cpdef_wrapper(env)
190            if copied_node.py_func:
191                env.pyfunc_entries.remove(copied_node.py_func.entry)
193                self.specialize_copied_def(
194                        copied_node.py_func, cname, self.node.entry.as_variable,
195                        fused_to_specific, fused_types)
197            if not self.replace_fused_typechecks(copied_node):
198                break
200        # replace old entry with new entries
201        try:
202            cindex = env.cfunc_entries.index(self.node.entry)
203        except ValueError:
204            env.cfunc_entries.extend(new_cfunc_entries)
205        else:
206            env.cfunc_entries[cindex:cindex+1] = new_cfunc_entries
208        if orig_py_func:
209            self.py_func = self.make_fused_cpdef(orig_py_func, env,
210                                                 is_def=False)
211        else:
212            self.py_func = orig_py_func
214    def _get_fused_base_types(self, fused_compound_types):
215        """
216        Get a list of unique basic fused types, from a list of
217        (possibly) compound fused types.
218        """
219        base_types = []
220        seen = set()
221        for fused_type in fused_compound_types:
222            fused_type.get_fused_types(result=base_types, seen=seen)
223        return base_types
225    def _specialize_function_args(self, args, fused_to_specific):
226        for arg in args:
227            if arg.type.is_fused:
228                arg.type = arg.type.specialize(fused_to_specific)
229                if arg.type.is_memoryviewslice:
230                    arg.type.validate_memslice_dtype(arg.pos)
231                if arg.annotation:
232                    # TODO might be nice if annotations were specialized instead?
233                    # (Or might be hard to do reliably)
234                    arg.annotation.untyped = True
236    def create_new_local_scope(self, node, env, f2s):
237        """
238        Create a new local scope for the copied node and append it to
239        self.nodes. A new local scope is needed because the arguments with the
240        fused types are already in the local scope, and we need the specialized
241        entries created after analyse_declarations on each specialized version
242        of the (CFunc)DefNode.
243        f2s is a dict mapping each fused type to its specialized version
244        """
245        node.create_local_scope(env)
246        node.local_scope.fused_to_specific = f2s
248        # This is copied from the original function, set it to false to
249        # stop recursion
250        node.has_fused_arguments = False
251        self.nodes.append(node)
253    def specialize_copied_def(self, node, cname, py_entry, f2s, fused_compound_types):
254        """Specialize the copy of a DefNode given the copied node,
255        the specialization cname and the original DefNode entry"""
256        fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types(fused_compound_types)
257        type_strings = [
258            PyrexTypes.specialization_signature_string(fused_type, f2s)
259                for fused_type in fused_types
260        ]
262        node.specialized_signature_string = '|'.join(type_strings)
264        node.entry.pymethdef_cname = PyrexTypes.get_fused_cname(
265                                        cname, node.entry.pymethdef_cname)
266        node.entry.doc = py_entry.doc
267        node.entry.doc_cname = py_entry.doc_cname
269    def replace_fused_typechecks(self, copied_node):
270        """
271        Branch-prune fused type checks like
273            if fused_t is int:
274                ...
276        Returns whether an error was issued and whether we should stop in
277        in order to prevent a flood of errors.
278        """
279        num_errors = Errors.num_errors
280        transform = ParseTreeTransforms.ReplaceFusedTypeChecks(
281                                       copied_node.local_scope)
282        transform(copied_node)
284        if Errors.num_errors > num_errors:
285            return False
287        return True
289    def _fused_instance_checks(self, normal_types, pyx_code, env):
290        """
291        Generate Cython code for instance checks, matching an object to
292        specialized types.
293        """
294        for specialized_type in normal_types:
295            # all_numeric = all_numeric and specialized_type.is_numeric
296            pyx_code.context.update(
297                py_type_name=specialized_type.py_type_name(),
298                specialized_type_name=specialized_type.specialization_string,
299            )
300            pyx_code.put_chunk(
301                u"""
302                    if isinstance(arg, {{py_type_name}}):
303                        dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = '{{specialized_type_name}}'; break
304                """)
306    def _dtype_name(self, dtype):
307        if dtype.is_typedef:
308            return '___pyx_%s' % dtype
309        return str(dtype).replace(' ', '_')
311    def _dtype_type(self, dtype):
312        if dtype.is_typedef:
313            return self._dtype_name(dtype)
314        return str(dtype)
316    def _sizeof_dtype(self, dtype):
317        if dtype.is_pyobject:
318            return 'sizeof(void *)'
319        else:
320            return "sizeof(%s)" % self._dtype_type(dtype)
322    def _buffer_check_numpy_dtype_setup_cases(self, pyx_code):
323        "Setup some common cases to match dtypes against specializations"
324        if pyx_code.indenter("if kind in b'iu':"):
325            pyx_code.putln("pass")
326            pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_int")
327            pyx_code.dedent()
329        if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'f':"):
330            pyx_code.putln("pass")
331            pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_float")
332            pyx_code.dedent()
334        if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'c':"):
335            pyx_code.putln("pass")
336            pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_complex")
337            pyx_code.dedent()
339        if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'O':"):
340            pyx_code.putln("pass")
341            pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_object")
342            pyx_code.dedent()
344    match = "dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = '{{specialized_type_name}}'"
345    no_match = "dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = None"
346    def _buffer_check_numpy_dtype(self, pyx_code, specialized_buffer_types, pythran_types):
347        """
348        Match a numpy dtype object to the individual specializations.
349        """
350        self._buffer_check_numpy_dtype_setup_cases(pyx_code)
352        for specialized_type in pythran_types+specialized_buffer_types:
353            final_type = specialized_type
354            if specialized_type.is_pythran_expr:
355                specialized_type = specialized_type.org_buffer
356            dtype = specialized_type.dtype
357            pyx_code.context.update(
358                itemsize_match=self._sizeof_dtype(dtype) + " == itemsize",
359                signed_match="not (%s_is_signed ^ dtype_signed)" % self._dtype_name(dtype),
360                dtype=dtype,
361                specialized_type_name=final_type.specialization_string)
363            dtypes = [
364                (dtype.is_int, pyx_code.dtype_int),
365                (dtype.is_float, pyx_code.dtype_float),
366                (dtype.is_complex, pyx_code.dtype_complex)
367            ]
369            for dtype_category, codewriter in dtypes:
370                if dtype_category:
371                    cond = '{{itemsize_match}} and (<Py_ssize_t>arg.ndim) == %d' % (
372                                                    specialized_type.ndim,)
373                    if dtype.is_int:
374                        cond += ' and {{signed_match}}'
376                    if final_type.is_pythran_expr:
377                        cond += ' and arg_is_pythran_compatible'
379                    if codewriter.indenter("if %s:" % cond):
380                        #codewriter.putln("print 'buffer match found based on numpy dtype'")
381                        codewriter.putln(self.match)
382                        codewriter.putln("break")
383                        codewriter.dedent()
385    def _buffer_parse_format_string_check(self, pyx_code, decl_code,
386                                          specialized_type, env):
387        """
388        For each specialized type, try to coerce the object to a memoryview
389        slice of that type. This means obtaining a buffer and parsing the
390        format string.
391        TODO: separate buffer acquisition from format parsing
392        """
393        dtype = specialized_type.dtype
394        if specialized_type.is_buffer:
395            axes = [('direct', 'strided')] * specialized_type.ndim
396        else:
397            axes = specialized_type.axes
399        memslice_type = PyrexTypes.MemoryViewSliceType(dtype, axes)
400        memslice_type.create_from_py_utility_code(env)
401        pyx_code.context.update(
402            coerce_from_py_func=memslice_type.from_py_function,
403            dtype=dtype)
404        decl_code.putln(
405            "{{memviewslice_cname}} {{coerce_from_py_func}}(object, int)")
407        pyx_code.context.update(
408            specialized_type_name=specialized_type.specialization_string,
409            sizeof_dtype=self._sizeof_dtype(dtype))
411        pyx_code.put_chunk(
412            u"""
413                # try {{dtype}}
414                if itemsize == -1 or itemsize == {{sizeof_dtype}}:
415                    memslice = {{coerce_from_py_func}}(arg, 0)
416                    if memslice.memview:
417                        __PYX_XCLEAR_MEMVIEW(&memslice, 1)
418                        # print 'found a match for the buffer through format parsing'
419                        %s
420                        break
421                    else:
422                        __pyx_PyErr_Clear()
423            """ % self.match)
425    def _buffer_checks(self, buffer_types, pythran_types, pyx_code, decl_code, env):
426        """
427        Generate Cython code to match objects to buffer specializations.
428        First try to get a numpy dtype object and match it against the individual
429        specializations. If that fails, try naively to coerce the object
430        to each specialization, which obtains the buffer each time and tries
431        to match the format string.
432        """
433        # The first thing to find a match in this loop breaks out of the loop
434        pyx_code.put_chunk(
435            u"""
436                """ + (u"arg_is_pythran_compatible = False" if pythran_types else u"") + u"""
437                if ndarray is not None:
438                    if isinstance(arg, ndarray):
439                        dtype = arg.dtype
440                        """ + (u"arg_is_pythran_compatible = True" if pythran_types else u"") + u"""
441                    elif __pyx_memoryview_check(arg):
442                        arg_base = arg.base
443                        if isinstance(arg_base, ndarray):
444                            dtype = arg_base.dtype
445                        else:
446                            dtype = None
447                    else:
448                        dtype = None
450                    itemsize = -1
451                    if dtype is not None:
452                        itemsize = dtype.itemsize
453                        kind = ord(dtype.kind)
454                        dtype_signed = kind == 'i'
455            """)
456        pyx_code.indent(2)
457        if pythran_types:
458            pyx_code.put_chunk(
459                u"""
460                        # Pythran only supports the endianness of the current compiler
461                        byteorder = dtype.byteorder
462                        if byteorder == "<" and not __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian():
463                            arg_is_pythran_compatible = False
464                        elif byteorder == ">" and __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian():
465                            arg_is_pythran_compatible = False
466                        if arg_is_pythran_compatible:
467                            cur_stride = itemsize
468                            shape = arg.shape
469                            strides = arg.strides
470                            for i in range(arg.ndim-1, -1, -1):
471                                if (<Py_ssize_t>strides[i]) != cur_stride:
472                                    arg_is_pythran_compatible = False
473                                    break
474                                cur_stride *= <Py_ssize_t> shape[i]
475                            else:
476                                arg_is_pythran_compatible = not (arg.flags.f_contiguous and (<Py_ssize_t>arg.ndim) > 1)
477                """)
478        pyx_code.named_insertion_point("numpy_dtype_checks")
479        self._buffer_check_numpy_dtype(pyx_code, buffer_types, pythran_types)
480        pyx_code.dedent(2)
482        for specialized_type in buffer_types:
483            self._buffer_parse_format_string_check(
484                    pyx_code, decl_code, specialized_type, env)
486    def _buffer_declarations(self, pyx_code, decl_code, all_buffer_types, pythran_types):
487        """
488        If we have any buffer specializations, write out some variable
489        declarations and imports.
490        """
491        decl_code.put_chunk(
492            u"""
493                ctypedef struct {{memviewslice_cname}}:
494                    void *memview
496                void __PYX_XCLEAR_MEMVIEW({{memviewslice_cname}} *, int have_gil)
497                bint __pyx_memoryview_check(object)
498            """)
500        pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk(
501            u"""
502                cdef {{memviewslice_cname}} memslice
503                cdef Py_ssize_t itemsize
504                cdef bint dtype_signed
505                cdef char kind
507                itemsize = -1
508            """)
510        if pythran_types:
511            pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk(u"""
512                cdef bint arg_is_pythran_compatible
513                cdef Py_ssize_t cur_stride
514            """)
516        pyx_code.imports.put_chunk(
517            u"""
518                cdef type ndarray
519                ndarray = __Pyx_ImportNumPyArrayTypeIfAvailable()
520            """)
522        seen_typedefs = set()
523        seen_int_dtypes = set()
524        for buffer_type in all_buffer_types:
525            dtype = buffer_type.dtype
526            dtype_name = self._dtype_name(dtype)
527            if dtype.is_typedef:
528                if dtype_name not in seen_typedefs:
529                    seen_typedefs.add(dtype_name)
530                    decl_code.putln(
531                        'ctypedef %s %s "%s"' % (dtype.resolve(), dtype_name,
532                                                 dtype.empty_declaration_code()))
534            if buffer_type.dtype.is_int:
535                if str(dtype) not in seen_int_dtypes:
536                    seen_int_dtypes.add(str(dtype))
537                    pyx_code.context.update(dtype_name=dtype_name,
538                                            dtype_type=self._dtype_type(dtype))
539                    pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk(
540                        u"""
541                            cdef bint {{dtype_name}}_is_signed
542                            {{dtype_name}}_is_signed = not (<{{dtype_type}}> -1 > 0)
543                        """)
545    def _split_fused_types(self, arg):
546        """
547        Specialize fused types and split into normal types and buffer types.
548        """
549        specialized_types = PyrexTypes.get_specialized_types(arg.type)
551        # Prefer long over int, etc by sorting (see type classes in PyrexTypes.py)
552        specialized_types.sort()
554        seen_py_type_names = set()
555        normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types = [], [], []
556        has_object_fallback = False
557        for specialized_type in specialized_types:
558            py_type_name = specialized_type.py_type_name()
559            if py_type_name:
560                if py_type_name in seen_py_type_names:
561                    continue
562                seen_py_type_names.add(py_type_name)
563                if py_type_name == 'object':
564                    has_object_fallback = True
565                else:
566                    normal_types.append(specialized_type)
567            elif specialized_type.is_pythran_expr:
568                pythran_types.append(specialized_type)
569            elif specialized_type.is_buffer or specialized_type.is_memoryviewslice:
570                buffer_types.append(specialized_type)
572        return normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types, has_object_fallback
574    def _unpack_argument(self, pyx_code):
575        pyx_code.put_chunk(
576            u"""
577                # PROCESSING ARGUMENT {{arg_tuple_idx}}
578                if {{arg_tuple_idx}} < len(<tuple>args):
579                    arg = (<tuple>args)[{{arg_tuple_idx}}]
580                elif kwargs is not None and '{{arg.name}}' in <dict>kwargs:
581                    arg = (<dict>kwargs)['{{arg.name}}']
582                else:
583                {{if arg.default}}
584                    arg = (<tuple>defaults)[{{default_idx}}]
585                {{else}}
586                    {{if arg_tuple_idx < min_positional_args}}
587                        raise TypeError("Expected at least %d argument%s, got %d" % (
588                            {{min_positional_args}}, {{'"s"' if min_positional_args != 1 else '""'}}, len(<tuple>args)))
589                    {{else}}
590                        raise TypeError("Missing keyword-only argument: '%s'" % "{{arg.default}}")
591                    {{endif}}
592                {{endif}}
593            """)
595    def _fused_signature_index(self, pyx_code):
596        """
597        Generate Cython code for constructing a persistent nested dictionary index of
598        fused type specialization signatures.
599        """
600        pyx_code.put_chunk(
601            u"""
602                if not _fused_sigindex:
603                    for sig in <dict>signatures:
604                        sigindex_node = _fused_sigindex
605                        *sig_series, last_type = sig.strip('()').split('|')
606                        for sig_type in sig_series:
607                            if sig_type not in sigindex_node:
608                                sigindex_node[sig_type] = sigindex_node = {}
609                            else:
610                                sigindex_node = sigindex_node[sig_type]
611                        sigindex_node[last_type] = sig
612            """
613        )
615    def make_fused_cpdef(self, orig_py_func, env, is_def):
616        """
617        This creates the function that is indexable from Python and does
618        runtime dispatch based on the argument types. The function gets the
619        arg tuple and kwargs dict (or None) and the defaults tuple
620        as arguments from the Binding Fused Function's tp_call.
621        """
622        from . import TreeFragment, Code, UtilityCode
624        fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types([
625            arg.type for arg in self.node.args if arg.type.is_fused])
627        context = {
628            'memviewslice_cname': MemoryView.memviewslice_cname,
629            'func_args': self.node.args,
630            'n_fused': len(fused_types),
631            'min_positional_args':
632                self.node.num_required_args - self.node.num_required_kw_args
633                if is_def else
634                sum(1 for arg in self.node.args if arg.default is None),
635            'name': orig_py_func.entry.name,
636        }
638        pyx_code = Code.PyxCodeWriter(context=context)
639        decl_code = Code.PyxCodeWriter(context=context)
640        decl_code.put_chunk(
641            u"""
642                cdef extern from *:
643                    void __pyx_PyErr_Clear "PyErr_Clear" ()
644                    type __Pyx_ImportNumPyArrayTypeIfAvailable()
645                    int __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian()
646            """)
647        decl_code.indent()
649        pyx_code.put_chunk(
650            u"""
651                def __pyx_fused_cpdef(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}):
652                    # FIXME: use a typed signature - currently fails badly because
653                    #        default arguments inherit the types we specify here!
655                    cdef list search_list
657                    cdef dict sn, sigindex_node
659                    dest_sig = [None] * {{n_fused}}
661                    if kwargs is not None and not kwargs:
662                        kwargs = None
664                    cdef Py_ssize_t i
666                    # instance check body
667            """)
669        pyx_code.indent()  # indent following code to function body
670        pyx_code.named_insertion_point("imports")
671        pyx_code.named_insertion_point("func_defs")
672        pyx_code.named_insertion_point("local_variable_declarations")
674        fused_index = 0
675        default_idx = 0
676        all_buffer_types = OrderedSet()
677        seen_fused_types = set()
678        for i, arg in enumerate(self.node.args):
679            if arg.type.is_fused:
680                arg_fused_types = arg.type.get_fused_types()
681                if len(arg_fused_types) > 1:
682                    raise NotImplementedError("Determination of more than one fused base "
683                                              "type per argument is not implemented.")
684                fused_type = arg_fused_types[0]
686            if arg.type.is_fused and fused_type not in seen_fused_types:
687                seen_fused_types.add(fused_type)
689                context.update(
690                    arg_tuple_idx=i,
691                    arg=arg,
692                    dest_sig_idx=fused_index,
693                    default_idx=default_idx,
694                )
696                normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types, has_object_fallback = self._split_fused_types(arg)
697                self._unpack_argument(pyx_code)
699                # 'unrolled' loop, first match breaks out of it
700                if pyx_code.indenter("while 1:"):
701                    if normal_types:
702                        self._fused_instance_checks(normal_types, pyx_code, env)
703                    if buffer_types or pythran_types:
704                        env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("IsLittleEndian", "ModuleSetupCode.c"))
705                        self._buffer_checks(buffer_types, pythran_types, pyx_code, decl_code, env)
706                    if has_object_fallback:
707                        pyx_code.context.update(specialized_type_name='object')
708                        pyx_code.putln(self.match)
709                    else:
710                        pyx_code.putln(self.no_match)
711                    pyx_code.putln("break")
712                    pyx_code.dedent()
714                fused_index += 1
715                all_buffer_types.update(buffer_types)
716                all_buffer_types.update(ty.org_buffer for ty in pythran_types)
718            if arg.default:
719                default_idx += 1
721        if all_buffer_types:
722            self._buffer_declarations(pyx_code, decl_code, all_buffer_types, pythran_types)
723            env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("Import", "ImportExport.c"))
724            env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("ImportNumPyArray", "ImportExport.c"))
726        self._fused_signature_index(pyx_code)
728        pyx_code.put_chunk(
729            u"""
730                sigindex_matches = []
731                sigindex_candidates = [_fused_sigindex]
733                for dst_type in dest_sig:
734                    found_matches = []
735                    found_candidates = []
736                    # Make two seperate lists: One for signature sub-trees
737                    #        with at least one definite match, and another for
738                    #        signature sub-trees with only ambiguous matches
739                    #        (where `dest_sig[i] is None`).
740                    if dst_type is None:
741                        for sn in sigindex_matches:
742                            found_matches.extend(sn.values())
743                        for sn in sigindex_candidates:
744                            found_candidates.extend(sn.values())
745                    else:
746                        for search_list in (sigindex_matches, sigindex_candidates):
747                            for sn in search_list:
748                                if dst_type in sn:
749                                    found_matches.append(sn[dst_type])
750                    sigindex_matches = found_matches
751                    sigindex_candidates = found_candidates
752                    if not (found_matches or found_candidates):
753                        break
755                candidates = sigindex_matches
757                if not candidates:
758                    raise TypeError("No matching signature found")
759                elif len(candidates) > 1:
760                    raise TypeError("Function call with ambiguous argument types")
761                else:
762                    return (<dict>signatures)[candidates[0]]
763            """)
765        fragment_code = pyx_code.getvalue()
766        # print decl_code.getvalue()
767        # print fragment_code
768        from .Optimize import ConstantFolding
769        fragment = TreeFragment.TreeFragment(
770            fragment_code, level='module', pipeline=[ConstantFolding()])
771        ast = TreeFragment.SetPosTransform(self.node.pos)(fragment.root)
772        UtilityCode.declare_declarations_in_scope(
773            decl_code.getvalue(), env.global_scope())
774        ast.scope = env
775        # FIXME: for static methods of cdef classes, we build the wrong signature here: first arg becomes 'self'
776        ast.analyse_declarations(env)
777        py_func = ast.stats[-1]  # the DefNode
778        self.fragment_scope = ast.scope
780        if isinstance(self.node, DefNode):
781            py_func.specialized_cpdefs = self.nodes[:]
782        else:
783            py_func.specialized_cpdefs = [n.py_func for n in self.nodes]
785        return py_func
787    def update_fused_defnode_entry(self, env):
788        copy_attributes = (
789            'name', 'pos', 'cname', 'func_cname', 'pyfunc_cname',
790            'pymethdef_cname', 'doc', 'doc_cname', 'is_member',
791            'scope'
792        )
794        entry = self.py_func.entry
796        for attr in copy_attributes:
797            setattr(entry, attr,
798                    getattr(self.orig_py_func.entry, attr))
800        self.py_func.name = self.orig_py_func.name
801        self.py_func.doc = self.orig_py_func.doc
803        env.entries.pop('__pyx_fused_cpdef', None)
804        if isinstance(self.node, DefNode):
805            env.entries[entry.name] = entry
806        else:
807            env.entries[entry.name].as_variable = entry
809        env.pyfunc_entries.append(entry)
811        self.py_func.entry.fused_cfunction = self
812        for node in self.nodes:
813            if isinstance(self.node, DefNode):
814                node.fused_py_func = self.py_func
815            else:
816                node.py_func.fused_py_func = self.py_func
817                node.entry.as_variable = entry
819        self.synthesize_defnodes()
820        self.stats.append(self.__signatures__)
822    def analyse_expressions(self, env):
823        """
824        Analyse the expressions. Take care to only evaluate default arguments
825        once and clone the result for all specializations
826        """
827        for fused_compound_type in self.fused_compound_types:
828            for fused_type in fused_compound_type.get_fused_types():
829                for specialization_type in fused_type.types:
830                    if specialization_type.is_complex:
831                        specialization_type.create_declaration_utility_code(env)
833        if self.py_func:
834            self.__signatures__ = self.__signatures__.analyse_expressions(env)
835            self.py_func = self.py_func.analyse_expressions(env)
836            self.resulting_fused_function = self.resulting_fused_function.analyse_expressions(env)
837            self.fused_func_assignment = self.fused_func_assignment.analyse_expressions(env)
839        self.defaults = defaults = []
841        for arg in self.node.args:
842            if arg.default:
843                arg.default = arg.default.analyse_expressions(env)
844                # coerce the argument to temp since CloneNode really requires a temp
845                defaults.append(ProxyNode(arg.default.coerce_to_temp(env)))
846            else:
847                defaults.append(None)
849        for i, stat in enumerate(self.stats):
850            stat = self.stats[i] = stat.analyse_expressions(env)
851            if isinstance(stat, FuncDefNode) and stat is not self.py_func:
852                # the dispatcher specifically doesn't want its defaults overriding
853                for arg, default in zip(stat.args, defaults):
854                    if default is not None:
855                        arg.default = CloneNode(default).analyse_expressions(env).coerce_to(arg.type, env)
857        if self.py_func:
858            args = [CloneNode(default) for default in defaults if default]
859            self.defaults_tuple = TupleNode(self.pos, args=args)
860            self.defaults_tuple = self.defaults_tuple.analyse_types(env, skip_children=True).coerce_to_pyobject(env)
861            self.defaults_tuple = ProxyNode(self.defaults_tuple)
862            self.code_object = ProxyNode(self.specialized_pycfuncs[0].code_object)
864            fused_func = self.resulting_fused_function.arg
865            fused_func.defaults_tuple = CloneNode(self.defaults_tuple)
866            fused_func.code_object = CloneNode(self.code_object)
868            for i, pycfunc in enumerate(self.specialized_pycfuncs):
869                pycfunc.code_object = CloneNode(self.code_object)
870                pycfunc = self.specialized_pycfuncs[i] = pycfunc.analyse_types(env)
871                pycfunc.defaults_tuple = CloneNode(self.defaults_tuple)
872        return self
874    def synthesize_defnodes(self):
875        """
876        Create the __signatures__ dict of PyCFunctionNode specializations.
877        """
878        if isinstance(self.nodes[0], CFuncDefNode):
879            nodes = [node.py_func for node in self.nodes]
880        else:
881            nodes = self.nodes
883        # For the moment, fused functions do not support METH_FASTCALL
884        for node in nodes:
885            node.entry.signature.use_fastcall = False
887        signatures = [StringEncoding.EncodedString(node.specialized_signature_string)
888                      for node in nodes]
889        keys = [ExprNodes.StringNode(node.pos, value=sig)
890                for node, sig in zip(nodes, signatures)]
891        values = [ExprNodes.PyCFunctionNode.from_defnode(node, binding=True)
892                  for node in nodes]
894        self.__signatures__ = ExprNodes.DictNode.from_pairs(self.pos, zip(keys, values))
896        self.specialized_pycfuncs = values
897        for pycfuncnode in values:
898            pycfuncnode.is_specialization = True
900    def generate_function_definitions(self, env, code):
901        if self.py_func:
902            self.py_func.pymethdef_required = True
903            self.fused_func_assignment.generate_function_definitions(env, code)
905        for stat in self.stats:
906            if isinstance(stat, FuncDefNode) and stat.entry.used:
907                code.mark_pos(stat.pos)
908                stat.generate_function_definitions(env, code)
910    def generate_execution_code(self, code):
911        # Note: all def function specialization are wrapped in PyCFunction
912        # nodes in the self.__signatures__ dictnode.
913        for default in self.defaults:
914            if default is not None:
915                default.generate_evaluation_code(code)
917        if self.py_func:
918            self.defaults_tuple.generate_evaluation_code(code)
919            self.code_object.generate_evaluation_code(code)
921        for stat in self.stats:
922            code.mark_pos(stat.pos)
923            if isinstance(stat, ExprNodes.ExprNode):
924                stat.generate_evaluation_code(code)
925            else:
926                stat.generate_execution_code(code)
928        if self.__signatures__:
929            self.resulting_fused_function.generate_evaluation_code(code)
931            code.putln(
932                "((__pyx_FusedFunctionObject *) %s)->__signatures__ = %s;" %
933                                    (self.resulting_fused_function.result(),
934                                     self.__signatures__.result()))
935            self.__signatures__.generate_giveref(code)
936            self.__signatures__.generate_post_assignment_code(code)
937            self.__signatures__.free_temps(code)
939            self.fused_func_assignment.generate_execution_code(code)
941            # Dispose of results
942            self.resulting_fused_function.generate_disposal_code(code)
943            self.resulting_fused_function.free_temps(code)
944            self.defaults_tuple.generate_disposal_code(code)
945            self.defaults_tuple.free_temps(code)
946            self.code_object.generate_disposal_code(code)
947            self.code_object.free_temps(code)
949        for default in self.defaults:
950            if default is not None:
951                default.generate_disposal_code(code)
952                default.free_temps(code)
954    def annotate(self, code):
955        for stat in self.stats:
956            stat.annotate(code)