1{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
3{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
5-- |
6-- Module      : Data.Text.IO
7-- Copyright   : (c) 2009, 2010 Bryan O'Sullivan,
8--               (c) 2009 Simon Marlow
9-- License     : BSD-style
10-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
11-- Portability : GHC
13-- Efficient locale-sensitive support for text I\/O.
15-- Skip past the synopsis for some important notes on performance and
16-- portability across different versions of GHC.
18module Data.Text.IO
19    (
20    -- * Performance
21    -- $performance
23    -- * Locale support
24    -- $locale
25    -- * File-at-a-time operations
26      readFile
27    , writeFile
28    , appendFile
29    -- * Operations on handles
30    , hGetContents
31    , hGetChunk
32    , hGetLine
33    , hPutStr
34    , hPutStrLn
35    -- * Special cases for standard input and output
36    , interact
37    , getContents
38    , getLine
39    , putStr
40    , putStrLn
41    ) where
43import Data.Text (Text)
44import Prelude hiding (appendFile, getContents, getLine, interact,
45                       putStr, putStrLn, readFile, writeFile)
46import System.IO (Handle, IOMode(..), hPutChar, openFile, stdin, stdout,
47                  withFile)
48import qualified Control.Exception as E
49import Control.Monad (liftM2, when)
50import Data.IORef (readIORef, writeIORef)
51import qualified Data.Text as T
52import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion (stream)
53import Data.Text.Internal.Fusion.Types (Step(..), Stream(..))
54import Data.Text.Internal.IO (hGetLineWith, readChunk)
55import GHC.IO.Buffer (Buffer(..), BufferState(..), CharBufElem, CharBuffer,
56                      RawCharBuffer, emptyBuffer, isEmptyBuffer, newCharBuffer,
57                      writeCharBuf)
58import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(ioe_type), IOErrorType(InappropriateType))
59import GHC.IO.Handle.Internals (augmentIOError, hClose_help, wantReadableHandle,
60                                wantWritableHandle)
61import GHC.IO.Handle.Text (commitBuffer')
62import GHC.IO.Handle.Types (BufferList(..), BufferMode(..), Handle__(..),
63                            HandleType(..), Newline(..))
64import System.IO (hGetBuffering, hFileSize, hSetBuffering, hTell)
65import System.IO.Error (isEOFError)
67-- $performance
68-- #performance#
70-- The functions in this module obey the runtime system's locale,
71-- character set encoding, and line ending conversion settings.
73-- If you know in advance that you will be working with data that has
74-- a specific encoding (e.g. UTF-8), and your application is highly
75-- performance sensitive, you may find that it is faster to perform
76-- I\/O with bytestrings and to encode and decode yourself than to use
77-- the functions in this module.
79-- Whether this will hold depends on the version of GHC you are using,
80-- the platform you are working on, the data you are working with, and
81-- the encodings you are using, so be sure to test for yourself.
83-- | The 'readFile' function reads a file and returns the contents of
84-- the file as a string.  The entire file is read strictly, as with
85-- 'getContents'.
86readFile :: FilePath -> IO Text
87readFile name = openFile name ReadMode >>= hGetContents
89-- | Write a string to a file.  The file is truncated to zero length
90-- before writing begins.
91writeFile :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
92writeFile p = withFile p WriteMode . flip hPutStr
94-- | Write a string the end of a file.
95appendFile :: FilePath -> Text -> IO ()
96appendFile p = withFile p AppendMode . flip hPutStr
98catchError :: String -> Handle -> Handle__ -> IOError -> IO (Text, Bool)
99catchError caller h Handle__{..} err
100    | isEOFError err = do
101        buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
102        return $ if isEmptyBuffer buf
103                 then (T.empty, True)
104                 else (T.singleton '\r', True)
105    | otherwise = E.throwIO (augmentIOError err caller h)
107-- | Wrap readChunk and return a value indicating if we're reached the EOF.
108-- This is needed because unpack_nl is unable to discern the difference
109-- between a buffer with just \r due to EOF or because not enough data was left
110-- for decoding. e.g. the final character decoded from the byte buffer was \r.
111readChunkEof :: Handle__ -> CharBuffer -> IO (Text, Bool)
112readChunkEof hh buf = do t <- readChunk hh buf
113                         return (t, False)
115-- | /Experimental./ Read a single chunk of strict text from a
116-- 'Handle'. The size of the chunk depends on the amount of input
117-- currently buffered.
119-- This function blocks only if there is no data available, and EOF
120-- has not yet been reached. Once EOF is reached, this function
121-- returns an empty string instead of throwing an exception.
122hGetChunk :: Handle -> IO Text
123hGetChunk h = wantReadableHandle "hGetChunk" h readSingleChunk
124 where
125  readSingleChunk hh@Handle__{..} = do
126    buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
127    (t, _) <- readChunkEof hh buf `E.catch` catchError "hGetChunk" h hh
128    return (hh, t)
130-- | Read the remaining contents of a 'Handle' as a string.  The
131-- 'Handle' is closed once the contents have been read, or if an
132-- exception is thrown.
134-- Internally, this function reads a chunk at a time from the
135-- lower-level buffering abstraction, and concatenates the chunks into
136-- a single string once the entire file has been read.
138-- As a result, it requires approximately twice as much memory as its
139-- result to construct its result.  For files more than a half of
140-- available RAM in size, this may result in memory exhaustion.
141hGetContents :: Handle -> IO Text
142hGetContents h = do
143  chooseGoodBuffering h
144  wantReadableHandle "hGetContents" h readAll
145 where
146  readAll hh@Handle__{..} = do
147    let readChunks = do
148          buf <- readIORef haCharBuffer
149          (t, eof) <- readChunkEof hh buf
150                         `E.catch` catchError "hGetContents" h hh
151          if eof
152            then return [t]
153            else (t:) `fmap` readChunks
154    ts <- readChunks
155    (hh', _) <- hClose_help hh
156    return (hh'{haType=ClosedHandle}, T.concat ts)
158-- | Use a more efficient buffer size if we're reading in
159-- block-buffered mode with the default buffer size.  When we can
160-- determine the size of the handle we're reading, set the buffer size
161-- to that, so that we can read the entire file in one chunk.
162-- Otherwise, use a buffer size of at least 16KB.
163chooseGoodBuffering :: Handle -> IO ()
164chooseGoodBuffering h = do
165  bufMode <- hGetBuffering h
166  case bufMode of
167    BlockBuffering Nothing -> do
168      d <- E.catch (liftM2 (-) (hFileSize h) (hTell h)) $ \(e::IOException) ->
169           if ioe_type e == InappropriateType
170           then return 16384 -- faster than the 2KB default
171           else E.throwIO e
172      when (d > 0) . hSetBuffering h . BlockBuffering . Just . fromIntegral $ d
173    _ -> return ()
175-- | Read a single line from a handle.
176hGetLine :: Handle -> IO Text
177hGetLine = hGetLineWith T.concat
179-- | Write a string to a handle.
180hPutStr :: Handle -> Text -> IO ()
181-- This function is lifted almost verbatim from GHC.IO.Handle.Text.
182hPutStr h t = do
183  (buffer_mode, nl) <-
184       wantWritableHandle "hPutStr" h $ \h_ -> do
185                     bmode <- getSpareBuffer h_
186                     return (bmode, haOutputNL h_)
187  let str = stream t
188  case buffer_mode of
189     (NoBuffering, _)        -> hPutChars h str
190     (LineBuffering, buf)    -> writeLines h nl buf str
191     (BlockBuffering _, buf)
192         | nl == CRLF        -> writeBlocksCRLF h buf str
193         | otherwise         -> writeBlocksRaw h buf str
195hPutChars :: Handle -> Stream Char -> IO ()
196hPutChars h (Stream next0 s0 _len) = loop s0
197  where
198    loop !s = case next0 s of
199                Done       -> return ()
200                Skip s'    -> loop s'
201                Yield x s' -> hPutChar h x >> loop s'
203-- The following functions are largely lifted from GHC.IO.Handle.Text,
204-- but adapted to a coinductive stream of data instead of an inductive
205-- list.
207-- We have several variations of more or less the same code for
208-- performance reasons.  Splitting the original buffered write
209-- function into line- and block-oriented versions gave us a 2.1x
210-- performance improvement.  Lifting out the raw/cooked newline
211-- handling gave a few more percent on top.
213writeLines :: Handle -> Newline -> Buffer CharBufElem -> Stream Char -> IO ()
214writeLines h nl buf0 (Stream next0 s0 _len) = outer s0 buf0
215 where
216  outer s1 Buffer{bufRaw=raw, bufSize=len} = inner s1 (0::Int)
217   where
218    inner !s !n =
219      case next0 s of
220        Done -> commit n False{-no flush-} True{-release-} >> return ()
221        Skip s' -> inner s' n
222        Yield x s'
223          | n + 1 >= len -> commit n True{-needs flush-} False >>= outer s
224          | x == '\n'    -> do
225                   n' <- if nl == CRLF
226                         then do n1 <- writeCharBuf raw n '\r'
227                                 writeCharBuf raw n1 '\n'
228                         else writeCharBuf raw n x
229                   commit n' True{-needs flush-} False >>= outer s'
230          | otherwise    -> writeCharBuf raw n x >>= inner s'
231    commit = commitBuffer h raw len
233writeBlocksCRLF :: Handle -> Buffer CharBufElem -> Stream Char -> IO ()
234writeBlocksCRLF h buf0 (Stream next0 s0 _len) = outer s0 buf0
235 where
236  outer s1 Buffer{bufRaw=raw, bufSize=len} = inner s1 (0::Int)
237   where
238    inner !s !n =
239      case next0 s of
240        Done -> commit n False{-no flush-} True{-release-} >> return ()
241        Skip s' -> inner s' n
242        Yield x s'
243          | n + 1 >= len -> commit n True{-needs flush-} False >>= outer s
244          | x == '\n'    -> do n1 <- writeCharBuf raw n '\r'
245                               writeCharBuf raw n1 '\n' >>= inner s'
246          | otherwise    -> writeCharBuf raw n x >>= inner s'
247    commit = commitBuffer h raw len
249writeBlocksRaw :: Handle -> Buffer CharBufElem -> Stream Char -> IO ()
250writeBlocksRaw h buf0 (Stream next0 s0 _len) = outer s0 buf0
251 where
252  outer s1 Buffer{bufRaw=raw, bufSize=len} = inner s1 (0::Int)
253   where
254    inner !s !n =
255      case next0 s of
256        Done -> commit n False{-no flush-} True{-release-} >> return ()
257        Skip s' -> inner s' n
258        Yield x s'
259          | n + 1 >= len -> commit n True{-needs flush-} False >>= outer s
260          | otherwise    -> writeCharBuf raw n x >>= inner s'
261    commit = commitBuffer h raw len
263-- This function is completely lifted from GHC.IO.Handle.Text.
264getSpareBuffer :: Handle__ -> IO (BufferMode, CharBuffer)
265getSpareBuffer Handle__{haCharBuffer=ref,
266                        haBuffers=spare_ref,
267                        haBufferMode=mode}
268 = do
269   case mode of
270     NoBuffering -> return (mode, error "no buffer!")
271     _ -> do
272          bufs <- readIORef spare_ref
273          buf  <- readIORef ref
274          case bufs of
275            BufferListCons b rest -> do
276                writeIORef spare_ref rest
277                return ( mode, emptyBuffer b (bufSize buf) WriteBuffer)
278            BufferListNil -> do
279                new_buf <- newCharBuffer (bufSize buf) WriteBuffer
280                return (mode, new_buf)
283-- This function is completely lifted from GHC.IO.Handle.Text.
284commitBuffer :: Handle -> RawCharBuffer -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> Bool
285             -> IO CharBuffer
286commitBuffer hdl !raw !sz !count flush release =
287  wantWritableHandle "commitAndReleaseBuffer" hdl $
288     commitBuffer' raw sz count flush release
289{-# INLINE commitBuffer #-}
291-- | Write a string to a handle, followed by a newline.
292hPutStrLn :: Handle -> Text -> IO ()
293hPutStrLn h t = hPutStr h t >> hPutChar h '\n'
295-- | The 'interact' function takes a function of type @Text -> Text@
296-- as its argument. The entire input from the standard input device is
297-- passed to this function as its argument, and the resulting string
298-- is output on the standard output device.
299interact :: (Text -> Text) -> IO ()
300interact f = putStr . f =<< getContents
302-- | Read all user input on 'stdin' as a single string.
303getContents :: IO Text
304getContents = hGetContents stdin
306-- | Read a single line of user input from 'stdin'.
307getLine :: IO Text
308getLine = hGetLine stdin
310-- | Write a string to 'stdout'.
311putStr :: Text -> IO ()
312putStr = hPutStr stdout
314-- | Write a string to 'stdout', followed by a newline.
315putStrLn :: Text -> IO ()
316putStrLn = hPutStrLn stdout
318-- $locale
320-- /Note/: The behaviour of functions in this module depends on the
321-- version of GHC you are using.
323-- Beginning with GHC 6.12, text I\/O is performed using the system or
324-- handle's current locale and line ending conventions.
326-- Under GHC 6.10 and earlier, the system I\/O libraries do not
327-- support locale-sensitive I\/O or line ending conversion.  On these
328-- versions of GHC, functions in this library all use UTF-8.  What
329-- does this mean in practice?
331-- * All data that is read will be decoded as UTF-8.
333-- * Before data is written, it is first encoded as UTF-8.
335-- * On both reading and writing, the platform's native newline
336--   conversion is performed.
338-- If you must use a non-UTF-8 locale on an older version of GHC, you
339-- will have to perform the transcoding yourself, e.g. as follows:
341-- > import qualified Data.ByteString as B
342-- > import Data.Text (Text)
343-- > import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf16)
344-- >
345-- > putStr_Utf16LE :: Text -> IO ()
346-- > putStr_Utf16LE t = B.putStr (encodeUtf16LE t)
348-- On transcoding errors, an 'IOError' exception is thrown. You can
349-- use the API in "Data.Text.Encoding" if you need more control over
350-- error handling or transcoding.