2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2020. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
21%%% Common Test Framework callback module.
23%%% This module exports framework callback functions which are
24%%% called from the test_server.
28-export([init_tc/3, end_tc/3, end_tc/4, get_suite/2, get_all_cases/1]).
29-export([report/2, warn/1, error_notification/4]).
31-export([get_log_dir/0, get_logopts/0, format_comment/1, get_html_wrapper/4]).
33-export([error_in_suite/1, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
34	 init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2]).
40-define(val(Key, List), proplists:get_value(Key, List)).
41-define(val(Key, List, Def), proplists:get_value(Key, List, Def)).
42-define(rev(L), lists:reverse(L)).
45%%% -spec init_tc(Mod,Func,Args) -> {ok,NewArgs} | {error,Reason} |
46%%%         {skip,Reason} | {auto_skip,Reason}
47%%%      Mod = atom()
48%%%      Func = atom()
49%%%      Args = list()
50%%%      NewArgs = list()
51%%%      Reason = term()
53%%% Test server framework callback, called by the test_server
54%%% when a new test case is started.
55init_tc(_,{end_per_testcase_not_run,_},[Config]) ->
56    %% Testcase is completed (skipped or failed), but end_per_testcase
57    %% is not run - don't call pre-hook.
58    {ok,[Config]};
59init_tc(Mod,EPTC={end_per_testcase,_},[Config]) ->
60    %% in case Mod == ct_framework, lookup the suite name
61    Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, Config),
62    case ct_hooks:init_tc(Suite,EPTC,Config) of
63	NewConfig when is_list(NewConfig) ->
64	    {ok,[NewConfig]};
65	Other->
66	    Other
67    end;
69init_tc(Mod,Func0,Args) ->
70    %% in case Mod == ct_framework, lookup the suite name
71    Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, Args),
72    {Func,HookFunc} = case Func0 of
73			  {init_per_testcase,F} -> {F,Func0};
74			  _                     -> {Func0,Func0}
75		      end,
77    %% check if previous testcase was interpreted and has left
78    %% a "dead" trace window behind - if so, kill it
79    case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of
80	{What,kill,{TCPid,AttPid}} ->
81	    ct_util:kill_attached(TCPid,AttPid),
82	    ct_util:set_testdata({interpret,{What,kill,{undefined,undefined}}});
83	_ ->
84	    ok
85    end,
87    case Func=/=end_per_suite
88	andalso Func=/=end_per_group
89	andalso ct_util:get_testdata(skip_rest) of
90	true ->
91            initialize(false,Mod,Func,Args),
92	    {auto_skip,"Repeated test stopped by force_stop option"};
93	_ ->
94	    case ct_util:get_testdata(curr_tc) of
95		{Suite,{suite0_failed,{require,Reason}}} ->
96                    initialize(false,Mod,Func,Args),
97		    {auto_skip,{require_failed_in_suite0,Reason}};
98		{Suite,{suite0_failed,_}=Failure} ->
99                    initialize(false,Mod,Func,Args),
100		    {fail,Failure};
101		_ ->
102		    ct_util:update_testdata(curr_tc,
103					    fun(undefined) ->
104						    [{Suite,Func}];
105					       (Running) ->
106						    [{Suite,Func}|Running]
107					    end, [create]),
108		    case ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Suite,Func}) of
109			undefined ->
110			    init_tc1(Mod,Suite,Func,HookFunc,Args);
111			Seq when is_atom(Seq) ->
112			    case ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Suite,Seq}) of
113				[Func|TCs] -> % this is the 1st case in Seq
114				    %% make sure no cases in this seq are
115				    %% marked as failed from an earlier execution
116				    %% in the same suite
117				    lists:foreach(
118				      fun(TC) ->
119					      ct_util:save_suite_data(
120						{seq,Suite,TC},
121						Seq)
122				      end, TCs);
123				_ ->
124				    ok
125			    end,
126			    init_tc1(Mod,Suite,Func,HookFunc,Args);
127			{failed,Seq,BadFunc} ->
128                            initialize(false,Mod,Func,Args),
129                            {auto_skip,{sequence_failed,Seq,BadFunc}}
130		    end
131	    end
132    end.
134init_tc1(?MODULE,_,error_in_suite,_,[Config0]) when is_list(Config0) ->
135    initialize(false,?MODULE,error_in_suite),
136    _ = ct_suite_init(?MODULE,error_in_suite,[],Config0),
137    case ?val(error,Config0) of
138	undefined ->
139	    {fail,"unknown_error_in_suite"};
140	Reason ->
141	    {fail,Reason}
142    end;
144init_tc1(Mod,Suite,Func,HookFunc,[Config0]) when is_list(Config0) ->
145    Config1 =
146	case ct_util:read_suite_data(last_saved_config) of
147	    {{Suite,LastFunc},SavedConfig} ->	% last testcase
148		[{saved_config,{LastFunc,SavedConfig}} |
149		 lists:keydelete(saved_config,1,Config0)];
150	    {{LastSuite,InitOrEnd},
151	     SavedConfig} when InitOrEnd == init_per_suite ;
152			       InitOrEnd == end_per_suite ->
153		%% last suite
154		[{saved_config,{LastSuite,SavedConfig}} |
155		 lists:keydelete(saved_config,1,Config0)];
156	    undefined ->
157		lists:keydelete(saved_config,1,Config0)
158	end,
159    ct_util:delete_suite_data(last_saved_config),
160    Config = lists:keydelete(watchdog,1,Config1),
162    if Func == init_per_suite ->
163	    %% delete all default values used in previous suite
164	    ct_config:delete_default_config(suite),
165	    %% release all name -> key bindings (once per suite)
166	    ct_config:release_allocated();
167       Func /= init_per_suite ->
168	    ok
169    end,
171    GroupPath = ?val(tc_group_path, Config, []),
172    AllGroups =	[?val(tc_group_properties, Config, []) | GroupPath],
174    %% clear all config data default values set by previous
175    %% testcase info function (these should only survive the
176    %% testcase, not the whole suite)
177    FuncSpec = group_or_func(Func,Config0),
178    HookFunc1 =
179	if is_tuple(FuncSpec) ->		% group
180	    FuncSpec;
181	   true ->
182		ct_config:delete_default_config(testcase),
183		HookFunc
184	end,
185    case add_defaults(Mod,Func,AllGroups) of
186	Error = {suite0_failed,_} ->
187	    initialize(false,Mod,FuncSpec),
188	    ct_util:set_testdata({curr_tc,{Suite,Error}}),
189	    {error,Error};
190	Error = {group0_failed,_} ->
191	    initialize(false,Mod,FuncSpec),
192	    {auto_skip,Error};
193	Error = {testcase0_failed,_} ->
194	    initialize(false,Mod,FuncSpec),
195	    {auto_skip,Error};
196	{SuiteInfo,MergeResult} ->
197	    case MergeResult of
198		{error,Reason} ->
199		    initialize(false,Mod,FuncSpec),
200		    {fail,Reason};
201		_ ->
202		    init_tc2(Mod,Suite,Func,HookFunc1,
203			     SuiteInfo,MergeResult,Config)
204	    end
205    end;
207init_tc1(_Mod,_Suite,_Func,_HookFunc,Args) ->
208    {ok,Args}.
210init_tc2(Mod,Suite,Func,HookFunc,SuiteInfo,MergeResult,Config) ->
211    %% timetrap must be handled before require
212    MergedInfo = timetrap_first(MergeResult, [], []),
213    %% tell logger to use specified style sheet
214    _ = case lists:keysearch(stylesheet,1,MergeResult++Config) of
215	{value,{stylesheet,SSFile}} ->
216	    ct_logs:set_stylesheet(Func,add_data_dir(SSFile,Config));
217	_ ->
218	    case ct_util:get_testdata(stylesheet) of
219		undefined ->
220		    ct_logs:clear_stylesheet(Func);
221		SSFile ->
222		    ct_logs:set_stylesheet(Func,SSFile)
223	    end
224    end,
225    %% suppress output for connections (Conns is a
226    %% list of {Type,Bool} tuples, e.g. {telnet,true}),
227    case ct_util:get_overridden_silenced_connections() of
228	undefined ->
229	    case lists:keysearch(silent_connections,1,MergeResult++Config) of
230		{value,{silent_connections,Conns}} ->
231		    ct_util:silence_connections(Conns);
232		_ ->
233		    ok
234	    end;
235	Conns ->
236	    ct_util:silence_connections(Conns)
237    end,
238    FuncSpec = group_or_func(Func,Config),
239    initialize((Func==init_per_suite),Mod,FuncSpec),
241    case catch configure(MergedInfo,MergedInfo,SuiteInfo,
242			 FuncSpec,[],Config) of
243	{suite0_failed,Reason} ->
244	    ct_util:set_testdata({curr_tc,{Mod,{suite0_failed,
245						{require,Reason}}}}),
246	    {auto_skip,{require_failed_in_suite0,Reason}};
247	{error,Reason} ->
248	    {auto_skip,{require_failed,Reason}};
249	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
250	    {fail,Reason};
251	{ok,PostInitHook,Config1} ->
252	    case get('$test_server_framework_test') of
253		undefined ->
254		    ct_suite_init(Suite,HookFunc,PostInitHook,Config1);
255		Fun ->
256		    PostInitHookResult = do_post_init_hook(PostInitHook,
257							   Config1),
258		    case Fun(init_tc, [PostInitHookResult ++ Config1]) of
259			NewConfig when is_list(NewConfig) ->
260			    {ok,NewConfig};
261			Else ->
262			    Else
263		    end
264	    end
265    end.
267initialize(RefreshLogs,Mod,Func,[Config]) when is_list(Config) ->
268    initialize(RefreshLogs,Mod,group_or_func(Func,Config));
269initialize(RefreshLogs,Mod,Func,_) ->
270    initialize(RefreshLogs,Mod,Func).
272initialize(RefreshLogs,Mod,FuncSpec) ->
273    ct_logs:init_tc(RefreshLogs),
274    ct_event:notify(#event{name=tc_start,
275			   node=node(),
276			   data={Mod,FuncSpec}}).
279ct_suite_init(Suite,HookFunc,PostInitHook,Config) when is_list(Config) ->
280    case ct_hooks:init_tc(Suite,HookFunc,Config) of
281	NewConfig when is_list(NewConfig) ->
282	    PostInitHookResult = do_post_init_hook(PostInitHook,NewConfig),
283	    {ok, [PostInitHookResult ++ NewConfig]};
284	Else ->
285	    Else
286    end.
288do_post_init_hook(PostInitHook,Config) ->
289    lists:flatmap(fun({Tag,Fun}) ->
290			  case lists:keysearch(Tag,1,Config) of
291			      {value,_} ->
292				  [];
293			      false ->
294				  case Fun() of
295				      {error,_} -> [];
296				      Result    -> [{Tag,Result}]
297				  end
298			  end
299		  end, PostInitHook).
301add_defaults(Mod,Func, GroupPath) ->
302    Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, GroupPath),
303    case (catch Suite:suite()) of
304	{'EXIT',{undef,_}} ->
305	    SuiteInfo = merge_with_suite_defaults(Suite,[]),
306	    SuiteInfoNoCTH = [I || I <- SuiteInfo, element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
307	    case add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath, SuiteInfoNoCTH) of
308		Error = {group0_failed,_} -> Error;
309		Error = {testcase0_failed,_} -> Error;
310		Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo,Error};
311		MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo,MergedInfo}
312	    end;
313	{'EXIT',Reason} ->
314	    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
315				   "~w:suite/0 failed: ~tp~n",
316				   [Suite,Reason]),
317	    io:format("~ts", [ErrStr]),
318	    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [ErrStr]),
319	    {suite0_failed,{exited,Reason}};
320	SuiteInfo when is_list(SuiteInfo) ->
321	    case lists:all(fun(E) when is_tuple(E) -> true;
322			      (_) -> false
323			   end, SuiteInfo) of
324		true ->
325		    SuiteInfo1 = merge_with_suite_defaults(Suite, SuiteInfo),
326		    SuiteInfoNoCTH = [I || I <- SuiteInfo1,
327					   element(1,I) =/= ct_hooks],
328		    case add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath,
329				       SuiteInfoNoCTH) of
330			Error = {group0_failed,_} -> Error;
331			Error = {testcase0_failed,_} -> Error;
332			Error = {error,_} -> {SuiteInfo1,Error};
333			MergedInfo -> {SuiteInfo1,MergedInfo}
334		    end;
335		false ->
336		    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
337					   "Invalid return value from "
338					   "~w:suite/0: ~tp~n",
339					   [Suite,SuiteInfo]),
340		    io:format("~ts", [ErrStr]),
341		    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [ErrStr]),
342		    {suite0_failed,bad_return_value}
343	    end;
344	SuiteInfo ->
345	    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
346				   "Invalid return value from "
347				   "~w:suite/0: ~tp~n", [Suite,SuiteInfo]),
348	    io:format("~ts", [ErrStr]),
349	    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [ErrStr]),
350	    {suite0_failed,bad_return_value}
351    end.
353add_defaults1(Mod,Func, GroupPath, SuiteInfo) ->
354    Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, GroupPath),
355    %% GroupPathInfo (for subgroup on level X) =
356    %%     [LevelXGroupInfo, LevelX-1GroupInfo, ..., TopLevelGroupInfo]
357    GroupPathInfo =
358	lists:map(fun(GroupProps) ->
359			  case ?val(name, GroupProps) of
360			      undefined ->
361				  [];
362			      Name ->
363				  case catch Suite:group(Name) of
364				      GrInfo when is_list(GrInfo) -> GrInfo;
365				      {'EXIT',{undef,_}} -> [];
366				      BadGr0 -> {error,BadGr0,Name}
367				  end
368			  end
369		  end, GroupPath),
370    case lists:keysearch(error, 1, GroupPathInfo) of
371	{value,{error,BadGr0Val,GrName}} ->
372	    Gr0ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
373				      "Invalid return value from "
374				      "~w:group(~tw): ~tp~n",
375				      [Mod,GrName,BadGr0Val]),
376	    io:format("~ts", [Gr0ErrStr]),
377	    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [Gr0ErrStr]),
378	    {group0_failed,bad_return_value};
379	_ ->
380	    Args = if Func == init_per_group ; Func == end_per_group ->
381			   [?val(name, hd(GroupPath))];
382		      true ->
383			   []
384		   end,
385	    TestCaseInfo =
386		case catch apply(Mod,Func,Args) of
387		    TCInfo when is_list(TCInfo) -> TCInfo;
388		    {'EXIT',{undef,_}} -> [];
389		    BadTC0 -> {error,BadTC0}
390		end,
392	    case TestCaseInfo of
393		{error,BadTC0Val} ->
394		    TC0ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
395					      "Invalid return value from "
396					      "~w:~tw/0: ~tp~n",
397					      [Mod,Func,BadTC0Val]),
398		    io:format("~ts", [TC0ErrStr]),
399		    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [TC0ErrStr]),
400		    {testcase0_failed,bad_return_value};
401		_ ->
402		    %% let test case info (also for all config funcs) override
403		    %% group info, and lower level group info override higher
404		    %% level info
405		    TCAndGroupInfo =
406			[TestCaseInfo | remove_info_in_prev(TestCaseInfo,
407							    GroupPathInfo)],
408		    %% find and save require terms found in suite info
409		    SuiteReqs =
410			[SDDef || SDDef <- SuiteInfo,
411				  ((require == element(1,SDDef))
412				   or (default_config == element(1,SDDef)))],
413		    case check_for_clashes(TestCaseInfo, GroupPathInfo,
414					   SuiteReqs) of
415			[] ->
416			    add_defaults2(Mod,Func, TCAndGroupInfo,
417					  SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs);
418			Clashes ->
419			    {error,{config_name_already_in_use,Clashes}}
420		    end
421	    end
422    end.
424get_suite_name(?MODULE, [Cfg|_]) when is_list(Cfg), Cfg /= [] ->
425    get_suite_name(?MODULE, Cfg);
427get_suite_name(?MODULE, Cfg) when is_list(Cfg), Cfg /= [] ->
428    case ?val(tc_group_properties, Cfg) of
429	undefined ->
430	    case ?val(suite, Cfg) of
431		undefined -> ?MODULE;
432		Suite -> Suite
433	    end;
434	GrProps ->
435	    case ?val(suite, GrProps) of
436		undefined -> ?MODULE;
437		Suite -> Suite
438	    end
439    end;
440get_suite_name(Mod, _) ->
441    Mod.
443%% Check that alias names are not already in use
444check_for_clashes(TCInfo, [CurrGrInfo|Path], SuiteInfo) ->
445    ReqNames = fun(Info) -> [element(2,R) || R <- Info,
446					     size(R) == 3,
447					     require == element(1,R)]
448	       end,
449    ExistingNames = lists:flatten([ReqNames(L)  || L <- [SuiteInfo|Path]]),
450    CurrGrReqNs = ReqNames(CurrGrInfo),
451    GrClashes = [Name || Name <- CurrGrReqNs,
452			 true == lists:member(Name, ExistingNames)],
453    AllReqNs = CurrGrReqNs ++ ExistingNames,
454    TCClashes = [Name || Name <- ReqNames(TCInfo),
455			 true == lists:member(Name, AllReqNs)],
456    TCClashes ++ GrClashes.
458%% Delete the info terms in Terms from all following info lists
459remove_info_in_prev(Terms, [[] | Rest]) ->
460    [[] | remove_info_in_prev(Terms, Rest)];
461remove_info_in_prev(Terms, [Info | Rest]) ->
462    UniqueInInfo = [U || U <- Info,
463			  ((timetrap == element(1,U)) and
464			   (not lists:keymember(timetrap,1,Terms))) or
465			  ((require == element(1,U)) and
466			   (not lists:member(U,Terms))) or
467			  ((default_config == element(1,U)) and
468                           (not keysmember([default_config,1,
469					    element(2,U),2], Terms)))],
470    OtherTermsInInfo = [T || T <- Info,
471			     timetrap /= element(1,T),
472			     require /= element(1,T),
473			     default_config /= element(1,T),
474			     false == lists:keymember(element(1,T),1,
475						      Terms)],
476    KeptInfo = UniqueInInfo ++ OtherTermsInInfo,
477    [KeptInfo | remove_info_in_prev(Terms ++ KeptInfo, Rest)];
478remove_info_in_prev(_, []) ->
479    [].
481keysmember([Key,Pos|Next], List) ->
482    case [Elem || Elem <- List, Key == element(Pos,Elem)] of
483	[]    -> false;
484	Found -> keysmember(Next, Found)
485    end;
486keysmember([], _) -> true.
489add_defaults2(_Mod,init_per_suite, IPSInfo, SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs) ->
490    Info = lists:flatten([IPSInfo, SuiteReqs]),
491    lists:flatten([Info,remove_info_in_prev(Info, [SuiteInfo])]);
493add_defaults2(_Mod,init_per_group, IPGAndGroupInfo, SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs) ->
494    SuiteInfo1 =
495	remove_info_in_prev(lists:flatten([IPGAndGroupInfo,
496					   SuiteReqs]), [SuiteInfo]),
497    %% don't require terms in prev groups (already processed)
498    case IPGAndGroupInfo of
499	[IPGInfo] ->
500	    lists:flatten([IPGInfo,SuiteInfo1]);
501	[IPGInfo | [CurrGroupInfo | PrevGroupInfo]] ->
502	    PrevGroupInfo1 = delete_require_terms(PrevGroupInfo),
503	    lists:flatten([IPGInfo,CurrGroupInfo,PrevGroupInfo1,
504			   SuiteInfo1])
505    end;
507add_defaults2(_Mod,_Func, TCAndGroupInfo, SuiteInfo,SuiteReqs) ->
508    %% Include require elements from test case info and current group,
509    %% but not from previous groups or suite/0 (since we've already required
510    %% those vars). Let test case info elements override group and suite
511    %% info elements.
512    SuiteInfo1 = remove_info_in_prev(lists:flatten([TCAndGroupInfo,
513						    SuiteReqs]), [SuiteInfo]),
514    %% don't require terms in prev groups (already processed)
515    case TCAndGroupInfo of
516	[TCInfo] ->
517	    lists:flatten([TCInfo,SuiteInfo1]);
518	[TCInfo | [CurrGroupInfo | PrevGroupInfo]] ->
519	    PrevGroupInfo1 = delete_require_terms(PrevGroupInfo),
520	    lists:flatten([TCInfo,CurrGroupInfo,PrevGroupInfo1,
521			   SuiteInfo1])
522    end.
524delete_require_terms([Info | Prev]) ->
525    Info1 = [T || T <- Info,
526		  require /= element(1,T),
527		  default_config /= element(1,T)],
528    [Info1 | delete_require_terms(Prev)];
529delete_require_terms([]) ->
530    [].
532merge_with_suite_defaults(Mod,SuiteInfo) ->
533    case lists:keysearch(suite_defaults,1,Mod:module_info(attributes)) of
534	{value,{suite_defaults,Defaults}} ->
535	    SDReqs =
536		[SDDef || SDDef <- Defaults,
537			  require == element(1,SDDef),
538			  false == lists:keymember(element(2,SDDef),2,
539						   SuiteInfo)],
540	    SuiteInfo ++ SDReqs ++
541		[SDDef || SDDef <- Defaults,
542			  require /= element(1,SDDef),
543			  false == lists:keymember(element(1,SDDef),1,
544						   SuiteInfo)];
545	false ->
546	    SuiteInfo
547    end.
549timetrap_first([Trap = {timetrap,_} | Rest],Info,Found) ->
550    timetrap_first(Rest,Info,[Trap | Found]);
551timetrap_first([Other | Rest],Info,Found) ->
552    timetrap_first(Rest,[Other | Info],Found);
553timetrap_first([],Info,[]) ->
554    [{timetrap,{minutes,30}} | ?rev(Info)];
555timetrap_first([],Info,Found) ->
556    ?rev(Found) ++ ?rev(Info).
559	  Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
560    case ct:require(Required) of
561	ok ->
562	    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
563	Error = {error,Reason} ->
564	    case required_default('_UNDEF',Required,Info,
565				  SuiteInfo,Scope) of
566		ok ->
567		    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
568		_ ->
569		    case lists:keymember(Required,2,SuiteInfo) of
570			true ->
571			    {suite0_failed,Reason};
572			false ->
573			    Error
574		    end
575	    end
576    end;
578	  Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
579    case ct:require(Name,Required) of
580	ok ->
581	    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
582	Error = {error,Reason} ->
583	    case required_default(Name,Required,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope) of
584		ok ->
585		    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
586		_ ->
587		    case lists:keymember(Name,2,SuiteInfo) of
588			true ->
589			    {suite0_failed,Reason};
590			false ->
591			    Error
592		    end
593	    end
594    end;
595configure([{timetrap,off}|Rest],Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
596    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
597configure([{timetrap,Time}|Rest],Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
598    PostInitHook1 =
599	[{watchdog,fun() -> case test_server:get_timetrap_info() of
600				undefined ->
601				    test_server:timetrap(Time);
602				_ ->
603				    {error,already_set}
604			    end
605		   end} | PostInitHook],
606    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook1,Config);
607configure([{ct_hooks,Hook}|Rest],Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
608    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,[{ct_hooks,Hook}|Config]);
609configure([_|Rest],Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config) ->
610    configure(Rest,Info,SuiteInfo,Scope,PostInitHook,Config);
611configure([],_,_,_,PostInitHook,Config) ->
612    {ok,PostInitHook,Config}.
614%% the require element in Info may come from suite/0 and
615%% should be scoped 'suite', or come from the group info
616%% function and be scoped 'group', or come from the testcase
617%% info function and then be scoped 'testcase'
619required_default(Name,Key,Info,_,init_per_suite) ->
620    try_set_default(Name,Key,Info,suite);
621required_default(Name,Key,Info,_,{init_per_group,GrName,_}) ->
622    try_set_default(Name,Key,Info,{group,GrName});
623required_default(Name,Key,Info,_,_FuncSpec) ->
624    try_set_default(Name,Key,Info,testcase).
626try_set_default(Name,Key,Info,Where) ->
627    CfgElems =
628	case lists:keysearch(Name,1,Info) of
629	    {value,{Name,Val}} ->
630		[Val];
631	    false ->
632		case catch [{Key,element(3,Elem)} || Elem <- Info,
633						     element(1,Elem)==default_config,
634						     element(2,Elem)==Key] of
635		    {'EXIT',_} -> [];
636		    Result -> Result
637		end
638	end,
639    case {Name,CfgElems} of
640	{_,[]} ->
641	    no_default;
642	{'_UNDEF',_} ->
643	    _ = [ct_config:set_default_config([CfgVal],Where) || CfgVal <- CfgElems],
644	    ok;
645	_ ->
646	    _ = [ct_config:set_default_config(Name,[CfgVal],Where) || CfgVal <- CfgElems],
647	    ok
648    end.
652%%% -spec end_tc(Mod,Func,Args) -> {ok,NewArgs}| {error,Reason} |
653%%%         {skip,Reason} | {auto_skip,Reason}
654%%%      Mod = atom()
655%%%      Func = atom()
656%%%      Args = list()
657%%%      NewArgs = list()
658%%%      Reason = term()
660%%% Test server framework callback, called by the test_server
661%%% when a test case is finished.
662end_tc(Mod, Fun, Args) ->
663    %% Have to keep end_tc/3 for backwards compatibility issues
664    end_tc(Mod, Fun, Args, '$end_tc_dummy').
665end_tc(?MODULE,error_in_suite,{Result,[Args]},Return) ->
666    %% this clause gets called if CT has encountered a suite that
667    %% can't be executed
668    FinalNotify =
669	case ct_hooks:end_tc(?MODULE, error_in_suite, Args, Result, Return) of
670	    '$ct_no_change' ->
671		Result;
672	    HookResult ->
673		HookResult
674	end,
675    Event = #event{name=tc_done,
676		   node=node(),
677		   data={?MODULE,error_in_suite,tag(FinalNotify)}},
678    ct_event:sync_notify(Event),
679    ok;
680end_tc(Mod,Func,{TCPid,Result,[Args]}, Return) when is_pid(TCPid) ->
681    end_tc(Mod,Func,TCPid,Result,Args,Return);
682end_tc(Mod,Func,{Result,[Args]}, Return) ->
683    end_tc(Mod,Func,self(),Result,Args,Return).
685end_tc(Mod,IPTC={init_per_testcase,_Func},_TCPid,Result,Args,Return) ->
686    case end_hook_func(IPTC,Return,IPTC) of
687        undefined -> ok;
688        _ ->
689            %% in case Mod == ct_framework, lookup the suite name
690            Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, Args),
691            case ct_hooks:end_tc(Suite,IPTC,Args,Result,Return) of
692                '$ct_no_change' ->
693                    ok;
694                HookResult ->
695                    HookResult
696            end
697    end;
699end_tc(Mod,Func00,TCPid,Result,Args,Return) ->
700    %% in case Mod == ct_framework, lookup the suite name
701    Suite = get_suite_name(Mod, Args),
702    {OnlyCleanup,Func0} =
703        case Func00 of
704            {cleanup,F0} ->
705                {true,F0};
706            _ ->
707                {false,Func00}
708        end,
709    {Func,FuncSpec,HookFunc} =
710        case Func0 of
711            {end_per_testcase_not_run,F} ->
712                %% Testcase is completed (skipped or failed), but
713                %% end_per_testcase is not run - don't call post-hook.
714                {F,F,undefined};
715            {end_per_testcase,F} ->
716                {F,F,Func0};
717            _ ->
718                FS = group_or_func(Func0,Args),
719                HF = end_hook_func(Func0,Return,FS),
720                {Func0,FS,HF}
721        end,
723    test_server:timetrap_cancel(),
725    %% save the testcase process pid so that it can be used
726    %% to look up the attached trace window later
727    case ct_util:get_testdata(interpret) of
728	{What,kill,_} ->
729	    AttPid = ct_util:get_attached(self()),
730	    ct_util:set_testdata({interpret,{What,kill,{self(),AttPid}}});
731	_ ->
732	    ok
733    end,
734    if Func == end_per_group; Func == end_per_suite ->
735	    %% clean up any saved comments
736	    ct_util:match_delete_testdata({comment,'_'});
737       true ->
738	    %% attemp to delete any saved comment for this TC
739	    case process_info(TCPid, group_leader) of
740		{group_leader,TCGL} ->
741		    ct_util:delete_testdata({comment,TCGL});
742		_ ->
743		    ok
744	    end
745    end,
746    ct_util:delete_suite_data(last_saved_config),
748    {Result1,FinalNotify} =
749        case HookFunc of
750            undefined ->
751                {ok,Result};
752            _ when OnlyCleanup ->
753                {ok,Result};
754            _ ->
755                case ct_hooks:end_tc(Suite,HookFunc,Args,Result,Return) of
756                    '$ct_no_change' ->
757                        {ok,Result};
758                    HookResult ->
759                        {HookResult,HookResult}
760                end
761        end,
762    FinalResult =
763	case get('$test_server_framework_test') of
764            _ when OnlyCleanup ->
765                Result1;
766	    undefined ->
767		%% send sync notification so that event handlers may print
768		%% in the log file before it gets closed
769		Event = #event{name=tc_done,
770			       node=node(),
771			       data={Mod,FuncSpec,
772				     tag(FinalNotify)}},
773		ct_event:sync_notify(Event),
774		Result1;
775	    Fun ->
776		%% send sync notification so that event handlers may print
777		%% in the log file before it gets closed
778		Event = #event{name=tc_done,
779			       node=node(),
780			       data={Mod,FuncSpec,
781				     tag({'$test_server_framework_test',
782					  FinalNotify})}},
783		ct_event:sync_notify(Event),
784		Fun(end_tc, Return)
785	end,
787    case FuncSpec of
788	{_,GroupName,_Props} ->
789	    if Func == end_per_group ->
790		    ct_config:delete_default_config({group,GroupName});
791	       true -> ok
792	    end,
793	    case lists:keysearch(save_config,1,Args) of
794		{value,{save_config,SaveConfig}} ->
795		    ct_util:save_suite_data(last_saved_config,
796					    {Suite,{group,GroupName}},
797					    SaveConfig);
798		false ->
799		    ok
800	    end;
801	_ ->
802	    case lists:keysearch(save_config,1,Args) of
803		{value,{save_config,SaveConfig}} ->
804		    ct_util:save_suite_data(last_saved_config,
805					    {Suite,Func},SaveConfig);
806		false ->
807		    ok
808	    end
809    end,
811    ct_util:reset_silent_connections(),
813    %% reset the curr_tc state, or delete this TC from the list of
814    %% executing cases (if in a parallel group)
815    ClearCurrTC = fun(Running = [_,_|_]) ->
816			  lists:keydelete(Func,2,Running);
817		     ({_,{suite0_failed,_}}) ->
818			  undefined;
819		     ([{_,_}]) ->
820			  undefined;
821		     (undefined) ->
822			  undefined;
823		     (Unexpected) ->
824			  {error,{reset_curr_tc,{Mod,Func},Unexpected}}
825		  end,
826    case ct_util:update_testdata(curr_tc, ClearCurrTC) of
827	{error,_} = ClearError ->
828	    exit(ClearError);
829	_ ->
830	    ok
831    end,
833    case FinalResult of
834	{auto_skip,{sequence_failed,_,_}} ->
835	    %% ct_logs:init_tc is never called for a skipped test case
836	    %% in a failing sequence, so neither should end_tc
837	    ok;
838	_ ->
839	    case ct_logs:end_tc(TCPid) of
840		{error,Reason} ->
841		    exit({error,{logger,Reason}});
842		_ ->
843		    ok
844	    end
845    end,
846    case Func of
847	end_per_suite ->
848	    ct_util:match_delete_suite_data({seq,Suite,'_'});
849	_ ->
850	    ok
851    end,
852    FinalResult.
854%% This is to make sure that no post_init_per_* is ever called if the
855%% corresponding pre_init_per_* was not called.
856%% The skip or fail reasons are those that can be returned from
857%% init_tc above in situations where we never came to call
858%% ct_hooks:init_tc/3, e.g. if suite/0 fails, then we never call
859%% ct_hooks:init_tc for init_per_suite, and thus we must not call
860%% ct_hooks:end_tc for init_per_suite either.
861end_hook_func({init_per_testcase,_},{auto_skip,{sequence_failed,_,_}},_) ->
862    undefined;
863end_hook_func({init_per_testcase,_},{auto_skip,"Repeated test stopped by force_stop option"},_) ->
864    undefined;
865end_hook_func({init_per_testcase,_},{fail,{config_name_already_in_use,_}},_) ->
866    undefined;
868  when InfoFuncError==testcase0_failed;
869       InfoFuncError==require_failed ->
870    undefined;
872  when InfoFuncError==group0_failed;
873       InfoFuncError==require_failed ->
874    undefined;
875end_hook_func(init_per_suite,{auto_skip,{require_failed_in_suite0,_}},_) ->
876    undefined;
877end_hook_func(init_per_suite,{auto_skip,{failed,{error,{suite0_failed,_}}}},_) ->
878    undefined;
879end_hook_func(_,_,Default) ->
880    Default.
882%% {error,Reason} | {skip,Reason} | {timetrap_timeout,TVal} |
883%% {testcase_aborted,Reason} | testcase_aborted_or_killed |
884%% {'EXIT',Reason} | {fail,Reason} | {failed,Reason} |
885%% {user_timetrap_error,Reason} |
886%% Other (ignored return value, e.g. 'ok')
887tag({'$test_server_framework_test',Result}) ->
888    case tag(Result) of
889	ok      -> Result;
890	Failure -> Failure
891    end;
892tag({skipped,Reason={failed,{_,init_per_testcase,_}}}) ->
893    {auto_skipped,Reason};
894tag({STag,Reason}) when STag == skip; STag == skipped ->
895    case Reason of
896	{failed,{_,init_per_testcase,_}} -> {auto_skipped,Reason};
897	_ -> {skipped,Reason}
898    end;
899tag({auto_skip,Reason}) ->
900    {auto_skipped,Reason};
901tag({fail,Reason}) ->
902    {failed,{error,Reason}};
903tag(Failed = {failed,_Reason}) ->
904    Failed;
905tag(E = {ETag,_}) when ETag == error; ETag == 'EXIT';
906			   ETag == timetrap_timeout;
907			   ETag == testcase_aborted ->
908    {failed,E};
909tag(E = testcase_aborted_or_killed) ->
910    {failed,E};
911tag(UserTimetrap = {user_timetrap_error,_Reason}) ->
912    UserTimetrap;
913tag(_Other) ->
914    ok.
917%%% -spec error_notification(Mod,Func,Args,Error) -> ok
918%%%      Mod = atom()
919%%%      Func = atom()
920%%%      Args = list()
921%%%      Error = term()
923%%% This function is called as the result of testcase
924%%% Func in suite Mod crashing.
925%%% Error specifies the reason for failing.
926error_notification(Mod,Func,_Args,{Error,Loc}) ->
927    ErrorSpec = case Error of
928		 {What={_E,_R},Trace} when is_list(Trace) ->
929		      What;
930		  What ->
931		      What
932	      end,
933    ErrorStr = case ErrorSpec of
934		 {badmatch,Descr} ->
935                     Descr1 = io_lib:format("~tP",[Descr,10]),
936                     DescrLength = string:length(Descr1),
937                     if DescrLength > 50 ->
938			     Descr2 = string:slice(Descr1,0,50),
939			     io_lib:format("{badmatch,~ts...}",[Descr2]);
940			true ->
941			     io_lib:format("{badmatch,~ts}",[Descr1])
942		     end;
943		 {test_case_failed,Reason} ->
944		     case (catch io_lib:format("{test_case_failed,~ts}", [Reason])) of
945			 {'EXIT',_} ->
946			     io_lib:format("{test_case_failed,~tp}", [Reason]);
947			 Result -> Result
948		     end;
949		 Other ->
950		     io_lib:format("~tP", [Other,5])
951	     end,
952    ErrorHtml =
953	"<font color=\"brown\">" ++ ct_logs:escape_chars(ErrorStr) ++ "</font>",
954    case {Mod,Error} of
955	%% some notifications come from the main test_server process
956	%% and for these cases the existing comment may not be modified
957	{_,{timetrap_timeout,_TVal}} ->
958	    ok;
959	{_,{testcase_aborted,_Info}} ->
960	    ok;
961	{_,testcase_aborted_or_killed} ->
962	    ok;
963	{undefined,_OtherError} ->
964	    ok;
965	_ ->
966	    %% this notification comes from the test case process, so
967	    %% we can add error info to comment with test_server:comment/1
968	    case ct_util:get_testdata({comment,group_leader()}) of
969		undefined ->
970		    test_server:comment(ErrorHtml);
971		Comment ->
972		    CommentHtml =
973			"<font color=\"green\">" ++ "(" ++ "</font>"
974			++ Comment ++
975			"<font color=\"green\">" ++ ")" ++ "</font>",
976		    Str = io_lib:format("~ts   ~ts", [ErrorHtml,CommentHtml]),
977		    test_server:comment(Str)
978	    end
979    end,
981    PrintError = fun(ErrorFormat, ErrorArgs) ->
982                      Div = "\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "
983                            "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n",
984		       ErrorStr2 = io_lib:format(ErrorFormat, ErrorArgs),
985                      io:format(?def_gl, "~ts~n", [lists:concat([Div,ErrorStr2,Div])]),
986		       Link =
987			   "\n\n<a href=\"#end\">"
988			   "Full error description and stacktrace"
989			   "</a>",
990		       ErrorHtml2 = ct_logs:escape_chars(ErrorStr2),
991		       ct_logs:tc_log(ct_error_notify,
992				      ?MAX_IMPORTANCE,
993				      "CT Error Notification",
994                                      "~ts", [ErrorHtml2++Link],
995                                      [])
996	       end,
997    case Loc of
998	[{?MODULE,error_in_suite}] ->
999	    PrintError("Error in suite detected: ~ts", [ErrorStr]);
1001	R when R == unknown; R == undefined ->
1002	    PrintError("Error detected: ~ts", [ErrorStr]);
1004	%% if a function specified by all/0 does not exist, we
1005	%% pick up undef here
1006	[{LastMod,LastFunc}|_] when ErrorStr == "undef" ->
1007	    PrintError("~w:~tw could not be executed~nReason: ~ts",
1008		     [LastMod,LastFunc,ErrorStr]);
1010	[{LastMod,LastFunc}|_] ->
1011	    PrintError("~w:~tw failed~nReason: ~ts", [LastMod,LastFunc,ErrorStr]);
1013	[{LastMod,LastFunc,LastLine}|_] ->
1014	    %% print error to console, we are only
1015	    %% interested in the last executed expression
1016	    PrintError("~w:~tw failed on line ~w~nReason: ~ts",
1017		     [LastMod,LastFunc,LastLine,ErrorStr]),
1019	    case ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Mod,Func}) of
1020		undefined ->
1021		    ok;
1022		Seq ->
1023		    SeqTCs = ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Mod,Seq}),
1024		    mark_as_failed(Seq,Mod,Func,SeqTCs)
1025	    end
1026    end,
1027    ok.
1029%% cases in seq that have already run
1030mark_as_failed(Seq,Mod,Func,[Func|TCs]) ->
1031    mark_as_failed1(Seq,Mod,Func,TCs);
1032mark_as_failed(Seq,Mod,Func,[_TC|TCs]) ->
1033    mark_as_failed(Seq,Mod,Func,TCs);
1034mark_as_failed(_,_,_,[]) ->
1035    ok;
1036mark_as_failed(_,_,_,undefined) ->
1037    ok.
1039%% mark rest of cases in seq to be skipped
1040mark_as_failed1(Seq,Mod,Func,[TC|TCs]) ->
1041    ct_util:save_suite_data({seq,Mod,TC},{failed,Seq,Func}),
1042    mark_as_failed1(Seq,Mod,Func,TCs);
1043mark_as_failed1(_,_,_,[]) ->
1044    ok.
1046group_or_func(Func, Config) when Func == init_per_group;
1047				 Func == end_per_group ->
1048    case ?val(tc_group_properties, Config) of
1049	undefined ->
1050	    {Func,unknown,[]};
1051	GrProps ->
1052	    GrName = ?val(name,GrProps),
1053	    {Func,GrName,proplists:delete(name,GrProps)}
1054    end;
1055group_or_func(Func, _Config) ->
1056    Func.
1059%%% -spec get_suite(Mod, Func) -> Tests
1061%%% Called from test_server for every suite (Func==all)
1062%%% and every test case. If the former, all test cases in the suite
1063%%% should be returned.
1065get_suite(Mod, all) ->
1066    case safe_apply_groups_0(Mod,{ok,[]}) of
1067        {ok,GroupDefs} ->
1068            try ct_groups:find_groups(Mod, all, all, GroupDefs) of
1069                ConfTests when is_list(ConfTests) ->
1070                    get_all(Mod, ConfTests)
1071            catch
1072                throw:{error,Error} ->
1073                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Error}]]}];
1074                _:Error:S ->
1075                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{Error,S}}]]}]
1076            end;
1077        {error,{bad_return,_Bad}} ->
1078	    E = "Bad return value from "++atom_to_list(Mod)++":groups/0",
1079	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,list_to_atom(E)}]]}];
1080        {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}} ->
1081	    E = "Bad return value from post_groups/2 hook function",
1082	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{list_to_atom(E),Bad}}]]}];
1083        {error,{failed,ExitReason}} ->
1084	    case ct_util:get_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod}) of
1085		undefined ->
1086		    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
1087					   "~w:groups/0 failed: ~p~n",
1088					   [Mod,ExitReason]),
1089		    io:format(?def_gl, ErrStr, []),
1090		    %% save the error info so it doesn't get printed twice
1091		    ct_util:set_testdata_async({{error_in_suite,Mod},
1092						ExitReason});
1093		_ExitReason ->
1094		    ct_util:delete_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod})
1095	    end,
1096	    Reason = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++":groups/0 failed"),
1097	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Reason}]]}];
1098        {error,What} ->
1099            [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,What}]]}]
1100    end;
1103%%! Note: The handling of sequences in get_suite/2 and get_all/2
1104%%! is deprecated and should be removed at some point...
1107%% group
1108get_suite(Mod, Group={conf,Props,_Init,TCs,_End}) ->
1109    case safe_apply_groups_0(Mod,{ok,[Group]}) of
1110        {ok,GroupDefs} ->
1111            Name = ?val(name, Props),
1112            try ct_groups:find_groups(Mod, Name, TCs, GroupDefs) of
1113                [] ->
1114                    [];
1115                ConfTests when is_list(ConfTests) ->
1116                    case lists:member(skipped, Props) of
1117                        true ->
1118                            %% a *subgroup* specified *only* as skipped (and not
1119                            %% as an explicit test) should not be returned, or
1120                            %% init/end functions for top groups will be executed
1121                            try ?val(name, element(2, hd(ConfTests))) of
1122                                Name ->		% top group
1123                                    ct_groups:delete_subs(ConfTests, ConfTests);
1124                                _ -> []
1125                            catch
1126                                _:_ -> []
1127                            end;
1128                        false ->
1129                            ConfTests1 = ct_groups:delete_subs(ConfTests,
1130                                                               ConfTests),
1131                            case ?val(override, Props) of
1132                                undefined ->
1133                                    ConfTests1;
1134                                [] ->
1135                                    ConfTests1;
1136                                ORSpec ->
1137                                    ORSpec1 = if is_tuple(ORSpec) -> [ORSpec];
1138                                                 true -> ORSpec end,
1139                                    ct_groups:search_and_override(ConfTests1,
1140                                                                  ORSpec1, Mod)
1141                            end
1142                    end
1143            catch
1144                throw:{error,Error} ->
1145                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Error}]]}];
1146                _:Error:S ->
1147                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{Error,S}}]]}]
1148            end;
1149        {error,{bad_return,_Bad}} ->
1150	    E = "Bad return value from "++atom_to_list(Mod)++":groups/0",
1151	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,list_to_atom(E)}]]}];
1152        {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}} ->
1153            E = "Bad return value from post_groups/2 hook function",
1154	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{list_to_atom(E),Bad}}]]}];
1155        {error,{failed,ExitReason}} ->
1156	    case ct_util:get_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod}) of
1157		undefined ->
1158		    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
1159					   "~w:groups/0 failed: ~p~n",
1160					   [Mod,ExitReason]),
1161		    io:format(?def_gl, ErrStr, []),
1162		    %% save the error info so it doesn't get printed twice
1163		    ct_util:set_testdata_async({{error_in_suite,Mod},
1164						ExitReason});
1165		_ExitReason ->
1166		    ct_util:delete_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod})
1167	    end,
1168	    Reason = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++":groups/0 failed"),
1169	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Reason}]]}];
1170         {error,What} ->
1171            [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,What}]]}]
1172    end;
1174%% testcase
1175get_suite(Mod, Name) ->
1176    get_seq(Mod, Name).
1180get_all_cases(Suite) ->
1181    case get_suite(Suite, all) of
1182	[{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,_}=Error]]}] ->
1183		Error;
1184	[{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[Error]]}] ->
1185	    {error,Error};
1186	Tests ->
1187	    Cases = get_all_cases1(Suite, Tests),
1188	    ?rev(lists:foldl(fun(TC, TCs) ->
1189				     case lists:member(TC, TCs) of
1190				      true  -> TCs;
1191					 false -> [TC | TCs]
1192				     end
1193			     end, [], Cases))
1194    end.
1196get_all_cases1(Suite, [{conf,_Props,_Init,GrTests,_End} | Tests]) ->
1197    get_all_cases1(Suite, GrTests) ++ get_all_cases1(Suite, Tests);
1199get_all_cases1(Suite, [Test | Tests]) when is_atom(Test) ->
1200    [{Suite,Test} | get_all_cases1(Suite, Tests)];
1202get_all_cases1(Suite, [Test | Tests]) ->
1203    [Test | get_all_cases1(Suite, Tests)];
1205get_all_cases1(_, []) ->
1206    [].
1210get_all(Mod, ConfTests) ->
1211    case safe_apply_all_0(Mod) of
1212        {ok,AllTCs} ->
1213            %% expand group references using ConfTests
1214            try ct_groups:expand_groups(AllTCs, ConfTests, Mod) of
1215                {error,_} = Error ->
1216                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[Error]]}];
1217                Tests0 ->
1218                    Tests = ct_groups:delete_subs(Tests0, Tests0),
1219                    expand_tests(Mod, Tests)
1220            catch
1221                throw:{error,Error} ->
1222                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Error}]]}];
1223                _:Error:S ->
1224                    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{Error,S}}]]}]
1225            end;
1226        Skip = {skip,_Reason} ->
1227	    Skip;
1228        {error,undef} ->
1229            Reason =
1230                case code:which(Mod) of
1231                    non_existing ->
1232                        list_to_atom(
1233                          atom_to_list(Mod)++
1234                              " cannot be compiled or loaded");
1235                    _ ->
1236                        list_to_atom(
1237                          atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0 is missing")
1238                end,
1239            %% this makes test_server call error_in_suite as first
1240            %% (and only) test case so we can report Reason properly
1241            [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Reason}]]}];
1242	{error,{bad_return,_Bad}} ->
1243	    Reason =
1244		list_to_atom("Bad return value from "++
1245				 atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0"),
1246	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Reason}]]}];
1247        {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}} ->
1248	    Reason =
1249		list_to_atom("Bad return value from post_all/3 hook function"),
1250	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,{Reason,Bad}}]]}];
1251        {error,{failed,ExitReason}} ->
1252	    case ct_util:get_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod}) of
1253		undefined ->
1254		    ErrStr = io_lib:format("~n*** ERROR *** "
1255					   "~w:all/0 failed: ~tp~n",
1256					   [Mod,ExitReason]),
1257		    io:format(?def_gl, "~ts", [ErrStr]),
1258		    %% save the error info so it doesn't get printed twice
1259		    ct_util:set_testdata_async({{error_in_suite,Mod},
1260						ExitReason});
1261		_ExitReason ->
1262		    ct_util:delete_testdata({error_in_suite,Mod})
1263	    end,
1264	    Reason = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++":all/0 failed"),
1265	    %% this makes test_server call error_in_suite as first
1266	    %% (and only) test case so we can report Reason properly
1267	    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,Reason}]]}];
1268        {error,What} ->
1269            [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,What}]]}]
1270    end.
1273%%! The support for sequences by means of using sequences/0
1274%%! will be removed in OTP R15. The code below is only kept
1275%%! for backwards compatibility. From OTP R13 groups with
1276%%! sequence property should be used instead!
1281get_seq(Mod, Func) ->
1282    case ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Mod,Func}) of
1283	undefined ->
1284	    case catch apply(Mod,sequences,[]) of
1285		{'EXIT',_} ->
1286		    [];
1287		Seqs ->
1288		    case lists:keysearch(Func,1,Seqs) of
1289			{value,{Func,SeqTCs}} ->
1290			    case catch save_seq(Mod,Func,SeqTCs) of
1291				{error,What} ->
1292				    [{?MODULE,error_in_suite,[[{error,What}]]}];
1293				_ ->
1294				    SeqTCs
1295			    end;
1296			false ->
1297			    []
1298		    end
1299	    end;
1300	TCs when is_list(TCs) ->
1301	    TCs;
1302	_ ->
1303	    []
1304    end.
1306save_seqs(Mod,AllTCs) ->
1307    case lists:keymember(sequence,1,AllTCs) of
1308	true ->
1309	    case catch apply(Mod,sequences,[]) of
1310		{'EXIT',_} ->
1311		    Reason = list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Mod)++
1312					  ":sequences/0 is missing"),
1313		    throw({error,Reason});
1314		Seqs ->
1315		    save_seqs(Mod,AllTCs,Seqs,AllTCs)
1316	    end;
1317	false ->
1318	    AllTCs
1319    end.
1321save_seqs(Mod,[{sequence,Seq}|TCs],Seqs,All) ->
1322    case lists:keysearch(Seq,1,Seqs) of
1323	{value,{Seq,SeqTCs}} ->
1324	    save_seq(Mod,Seq,SeqTCs,All),
1325	    [Seq|save_seqs(Mod,TCs,Seqs,All)];
1326	false ->
1327	    Reason = list_to_atom(
1328		       atom_to_list(Seq)++" is missing in "++
1329		       atom_to_list(Mod)),
1330	    throw({error,Reason})
1331    end;
1332save_seqs(Mod,[TC|TCs],Seqs,All) ->
1333    [TC|save_seqs(Mod,TCs,Seqs,All)];
1334save_seqs(_,[],_,_) ->
1335    [].
1337save_seq(Mod,Seq,SeqTCs) ->
1338    save_seq(Mod,Seq,SeqTCs,apply(Mod,all,[])).
1340save_seq(Mod,Seq,SeqTCs,All) ->
1341    check_private(Seq,SeqTCs,All),
1342    check_multiple(Mod,Seq,SeqTCs),
1343    ct_util:save_suite_data({seq,Mod,Seq},SeqTCs),
1344    lists:foreach(fun(TC) ->
1345			  ct_util:save_suite_data({seq,Mod,TC},Seq)
1346		  end, SeqTCs).
1348check_private(Seq,TCs,All) ->
1349    Bad = lists:filter(fun(TC) -> lists:member(TC,All) end, TCs),
1350    if Bad /= [] ->
1351	    Reason = io_lib:format("regular test cases not allowed in sequence ~tp: "
1352				   "~tp",[Seq,Bad]),
1353	    throw({error,list_to_atom(lists:flatten(Reason))});
1354       true ->
1355	    ok
1356    end.
1358check_multiple(Mod,Seq,TCs) ->
1359    Bad = lists:filter(fun(TC) ->
1360			       case ct_util:read_suite_data({seq,Mod,TC}) of
1361				   Seq1 when Seq1 /= undefined, Seq1 /= Seq ->
1362				       true;
1364				   _ -> false
1365			       end
1366		       end,TCs),
1367    if Bad /= [] ->
1368	    Reason = io_lib:format("test cases found in multiple sequences: "
1369				   "~tp",[Bad]),
1370	    throw({error,list_to_atom(lists:flatten(Reason))});
1371       true ->
1372	    ok
1373    end.
1378%% let test_server call this function as a testcase only so that
1379%% the user may see info about what's missing in the suite
1380error_in_suite(Config) ->
1381    Reason = test_server:lookup_config(error,Config),
1382    exit(Reason).
1384%% if init_per_suite and end_per_suite are missing in the suite,
1385%% these will be called instead (without any trace of them in the
1386%% log files), only so that it's possible to call hook functions
1387%% for configuration
1388init_per_suite(Config) ->
1389    Config.
1391end_per_suite(_Config) ->
1392    ok.
1394%% if the group config functions are missing in the suite,
1395%% use these instead
1396init_per_group(GroupName, Config) ->
1397    ct:comment(io_lib:format("start of ~tp", [GroupName])),
1398    ct_logs:log("TEST INFO", "init_per_group/2 for ~tw missing "
1399		"in suite, using default.",
1400		[GroupName]),
1401    Config.
1403end_per_group(GroupName, _) ->
1404    ct:comment(io_lib:format("end of ~tp", [GroupName])),
1405    ct_logs:log("TEST INFO", "end_per_group/2 for ~tw missing "
1406		"in suite, using default.",
1407		[GroupName]),
1408    ok.
1411%%% -spec report(What,Data) -> ok
1412report(What,Data) ->
1413    case What of
1414	loginfo ->
1415	    %% logfiles and direcories have been created for a test and the
1416	    %% top level test index page needs to be refreshed
1417	    TestName = filename:basename(?val(topdir, Data), ".logs"),
1418	    RunDir = ?val(rundir, Data),
1419	    _ = ct_logs:make_all_suites_index({TestName,RunDir}),
1420	    ok;
1421	tests_start ->
1422	    ok;
1423	tests_done ->
1424	    ok;
1425	severe_error ->
1426	    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=What,
1427					node=node(),
1428					data=Data}),
1429	    ct_util:set_testdata({What,Data}),
1430	    ok;
1431	tc_start ->
1432	    %% Data = {{Suite,{Func,GroupName}},LogFileName}
1433	    Data1 = case Data of
1434			{{Suite,{Func,undefined}},LFN} -> {{Suite,Func},LFN};
1435			_ -> Data
1436		    end,
1437	    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=tc_logfile,
1438					node=node(),
1439					data=Data1}),
1440	    ok;
1441	tc_done ->
1442	    {Suite,{Func,GrName},Result} = Data,
1443            FuncSpec = if GrName == undefined -> Func;
1444                          true                -> {Func,GrName}
1445                       end,
1446	    %% Register the group leader for the process calling the report
1447	    %% function, making it possible for a hook function to print
1448	    %% in the test case log file
1449	    ReportingPid = self(),
1450	    ct_logs:register_groupleader(ReportingPid, group_leader()),
1451	    case Result of
1452		{failed, Reason} ->
1453		    ct_hooks:on_tc_fail(What, {Suite,FuncSpec,Reason});
1454		{skipped,{failed,{_,init_per_testcase,_}}=Reason} ->
1455		    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(tc_auto_skip,  {Suite,FuncSpec,Reason});
1456		{skipped,{require_failed,_}=Reason} ->
1457		    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(tc_auto_skip, {Suite,FuncSpec,Reason});
1458		{skipped,Reason} ->
1459		    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(tc_user_skip, {Suite,FuncSpec,Reason});
1460		{auto_skipped,Reason} ->
1461		    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(tc_auto_skip, {Suite,FuncSpec,Reason});
1462		_Else ->
1463		    ok
1464	    end,
1465	    ct_logs:unregister_groupleader(ReportingPid),
1466	    case {Func,Result} of
1467		{error_in_suite,_} when Suite == ?MODULE ->
1468		    ok;
1469		{init_per_suite,_} ->
1470		    ok;
1471		{end_per_suite,_} ->
1472		    ok;
1473		{init_per_group,_} ->
1474		    ok;
1475		{end_per_group,_} ->
1476		    ok;
1477		{_,ok} ->
1478		    add_to_stats(ok);
1479		{_,{skipped,{failed,{_,init_per_testcase,_}}}} ->
1480		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1481		{_,{skipped,{require_failed,_}}} ->
1482		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1483		{_,{skipped,{timetrap_error,_}}} ->
1484		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1485		{_,{skipped,{invalid_time_format,_}}} ->
1486		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1487		{_,{skipped,_}} ->
1488		    add_to_stats(user_skipped);
1489		{_,{auto_skipped,_}} ->
1490		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1491		{_,{SkipOrFail,_Reason}} ->
1492		    add_to_stats(SkipOrFail)
1493	    end;
1494	tc_user_skip ->
1495	    %% test case or config function specified as skipped in testspec,
1496	    %% or init config func for suite/group has returned {skip,Reason}
1497	    %% Data = {Suite,{Func,GroupName},Comment}
1498	    {Func,Data1} = case Data of
1499			       {Suite,{F,undefined},Comment} ->
1500				   {F,{Suite,F,Comment}};
1501			       D = {_,{F,_},_} ->
1502				   {F,D}
1503			   end,
1504	    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=tc_user_skip,
1505					node=node(),
1506					data=Data1}),
1507	    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(What, Data1),
1508	    if Func /= init_per_suite, Func /= init_per_group,
1509	       Func /= end_per_suite, Func /= end_per_group ->
1510		    add_to_stats(user_skipped);
1511	       true ->
1512		    ok
1513	    end;
1514	tc_auto_skip ->
1515	    %% test case skipped because of error in config function, or
1516	    %% config function skipped because of error in info function
1517	    %% Data = {Suite,{Func,GroupName},Comment}
1518	    {Func,Data1} = case Data of
1519			       {Suite,{F,undefined},Comment} ->
1520				   {F,{Suite,F,Comment}};
1521			       D = {_,{F,_},_} ->
1522				   {F,D}
1523			   end,
1524	    %% this test case does not have a log, so printouts
1525	    %% from event handlers should end up in the main log
1526	    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=tc_auto_skip,
1527					node=node(),
1528					data=Data1}),
1529	    ct_hooks:on_tc_skip(What, Data1),
1530	    if Func /= end_per_suite,
1531	       Func /= end_per_group ->
1532		    add_to_stats(auto_skipped);
1533	       true ->
1534		    ok
1535	    end;
1536	framework_error ->
1537	    case Data of
1538		{{M,F},E} ->
1539		    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=tc_done,
1540						node=node(),
1541						data={M,F,{framework_error,E}}});
1542		_ ->
1543		    ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=tc_done,
1544						node=node(),
1545						data=Data})
1546	    end;
1547	_ ->
1548	    ok
1549    end.
1551add_to_stats(Result) ->
1552    Update = fun({Ok,Failed,Skipped={UserSkipped,AutoSkipped}}) ->
1553		     Stats =
1554			 case Result of
1555			     ok ->
1556				 {Ok+1,Failed,Skipped};
1557			     failed ->
1558				 {Ok,Failed+1,Skipped};
1559			     skipped ->
1560				 {Ok,Failed,{UserSkipped+1,AutoSkipped}};
1561			     user_skipped ->
1562				 {Ok,Failed,{UserSkipped+1,AutoSkipped}};
1563			     auto_skipped ->
1564				 {Ok,Failed,{UserSkipped,AutoSkipped+1}}
1565			 end,
1566		     ct_event:sync_notify(#event{name=test_stats,
1567						 node=node(),
1568						 data=Stats}),
1569		     Stats
1570	     end,
1571    ct_util:update_testdata(stats, Update).
1574%%% -spec warn(What) -> true | false
1575warn(What) when What==nodes; What==processes ->
1576    false;
1577warn(_What) ->
1578    true.
1581%%% -spec add_data_dir(File0, Config) -> File1
1582add_data_dir(File,Config) when is_atom(File) ->
1583    add_data_dir(atom_to_list(File),Config);
1585add_data_dir(File,Config) when is_list(File) ->
1586    case filename:split(File) of
1587	[File] ->
1588	    %% no user path, add data dir
1589	    case lists:keysearch(data_dir,1,Config) of
1590		{value,{data_dir,DataDir}} ->
1591		    filename:join(DataDir,File);
1592		_ ->
1593		    File
1594	    end;
1595	_ ->
1596	    File
1597    end.
1600%%% -spec get_logopts() -> [LogOpt]
1601get_logopts() ->
1602    case ct_util:get_testdata(logopts) of
1603	undefined ->
1604	    [];
1605	LogOpts ->
1606	    LogOpts
1607    end.
1610%%% -spec format_comment(Comment) -> HtmlComment
1611format_comment(Comment) ->
1612    "<font color=\"green\">" ++ Comment ++ "</font>".
1615%%% -spec get_html_wrapper(TestName, PrintLabel, Cwd) -> Header
1616get_html_wrapper(TestName, PrintLabel, Cwd, TableCols) ->
1617    get_html_wrapper(TestName, PrintLabel, Cwd, TableCols, utf8).
1619get_html_wrapper(TestName, PrintLabel, Cwd, TableCols, Encoding) ->
1620    ct_logs:get_ts_html_wrapper(TestName, PrintLabel, Cwd, TableCols, Encoding).
1623%%% -spec get_log_dir() -> {ok,LogDir}
1624get_log_dir() ->
1625    ct_logs:get_log_dir(true).
1628%%% Call all and group callbacks and post_* hooks with error handling
1629safe_apply_all_0(Mod) ->
1630    try apply(Mod, all, []) of
1631        AllTCs0 when is_list(AllTCs0) ->
1632	    try save_seqs(Mod,AllTCs0) of
1633		SeqsAndTCs when is_list(SeqsAndTCs) ->
1634                    all_hook(Mod,SeqsAndTCs)
1635            catch throw:{error,What} ->
1636		    {error,What}
1637            end;
1638        {skip,_}=Skip ->
1639            all_hook(Mod,Skip);
1640        Bad ->
1641            {error,{bad_return,Bad}}
1642    catch
1643        _:Reason:Stacktrace ->
1644            handle_callback_crash(Reason,Stacktrace,Mod,all,{error,undef})
1645    end.
1647all_hook(Mod, All) ->
1648    case ct_hooks:all(Mod, All) of
1649        AllTCs when is_list(AllTCs) ->
1650            {ok,AllTCs};
1651        {skip,_}=Skip ->
1652            Skip;
1653        {fail,Reason} ->
1654            {error,Reason};
1655        Bad ->
1656            {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}}
1657    end.
1659safe_apply_groups_0(Mod,Default) ->
1660    try apply(Mod, groups, []) of
1661        GroupDefs when is_list(GroupDefs) ->
1662            case ct_hooks:groups(Mod, GroupDefs) of
1663                GroupDefs1 when is_list(GroupDefs1) ->
1664                    {ok,GroupDefs1};
1665                {fail,Reason} ->
1666                    {error,Reason};
1667                Bad ->
1668                    {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}}
1669            end;
1670        Bad ->
1671            {error,{bad_return,Bad}}
1672    catch
1673        _:Reason:Stacktrace ->
1674            handle_callback_crash(Reason,Stacktrace,Mod,groups,Default)
1675    end.
1677handle_callback_crash(undef,[{Mod,Func,[],_}|_],Mod,Func,Default) ->
1678    case ct_hooks:Func(Mod, []) of
1679        [] ->
1680            Default;
1681        List when is_list(List) ->
1682            {ok,List};
1683        {fail,Reason} ->
1684            {error,Reason};
1685        Bad ->
1686            {error,{bad_hook_return,Bad}}
1687    end;
1688handle_callback_crash(Reason,Stacktrace,_Mod,_Func,_Default) ->
1689    {error,{failed,{Reason,Stacktrace}}}.
1691expand_tests(Mod, [{testcase,Case,[Prop]}|Tests]) ->
1692    [{repeat,{Mod,Case},Prop}|expand_tests(Mod,Tests)];
1693expand_tests(Mod,[Test|Tests]) ->
1694    [Test|expand_tests(Mod,Tests)];
1695expand_tests(_Mod,[]) ->
1696    [].