1%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
3%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
7%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13%% limitations under the License.
16%%% File    : dialyzer_typesig.erl
17%%% Author  : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
18%%% Description :
20%%% Created : 25 Apr 2005 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
28%%-import(helper, %% 'helper' could be any module doing sanity checks...
30        [t_has_var/1, t_inf/2, t_is_equal/2, t_is_subtype/2,
31        t_subtract/2, t_subtract_list/2, t_sup/1, t_sup/2,t_unify/2]).
34	[t_any/0, t_atom/0, t_atom_vals/1,
35	 t_binary/0, t_bitstr/0, t_bitstr/2, t_bitstr_concat/1, t_boolean/0,
36	 t_collect_vars/1, t_cons/2, t_cons_hd/1, t_cons_tl/1,
37	 t_float/0, t_from_range/2, t_from_term/1,
38	 t_fun/0, t_fun/2, t_fun_args/1, t_fun_range/1,
39         t_integer/0,
40	 t_is_any/1, t_is_atom/1, t_is_any_atom/2, t_is_cons/1,
41	 t_is_float/1, t_is_fun/1,
42	 t_is_integer/1, t_non_neg_integer/0,
43	 t_is_list/1, t_is_nil/1, t_is_none/1, t_is_number/1,
44	 t_is_singleton/1, t_is_none_or_unit/1,
46         t_limit/2, t_list/0, t_list/1,
47	 t_list_elements/1, t_nonempty_list/1, t_maybe_improper_list/0,
48	 t_module/0, t_number/0, t_number_vals/1,
49	 t_pid/0, t_port/0, t_product/1, t_reference/0,
50	 t_subst/2,
51	 t_timeout/0, t_tuple/0, t_tuple/1,
52         t_var/1, t_var_name/1,
53	 t_none/0, t_unit/0,
54	 t_map/0, t_map/1, t_map_get/2, t_map_put/2
55     ]).
61-type dep()      :: integer().  %% type variable names used as constraint ids
62-type deps()     :: ordsets:ordset(dep()).
64-type type_var() :: erl_types:erl_type(). %% actually: {'c','var',_,_}
66-record(fun_var, {'fun' :: fun((_) -> erl_types:erl_type()), deps :: deps(),
67		  origin :: integer() | 'undefined'}).
69-type constr_op()    :: 'eq' | 'sub'.
70-type fvar_or_type() :: #fun_var{} | erl_types:erl_type().
72-record(constraint, {lhs  :: erl_types:erl_type(),
73		     op   :: constr_op(),
74		     rhs  :: fvar_or_type(),
75		     deps :: deps()}).
77-type constraint() :: #constraint{}.
79-type mask() :: ordsets:ordset(non_neg_integer()).
81-record(constraint_list, {type :: 'conj' | 'disj',
82			  list :: [constr()],
83                          deps :: deps(),
84                          masks ::  #{dep() => mask()} | 'undefined',
85			  id   :: {'list', dep()} | 'undefined'}).
87-type constraint_list() :: #constraint_list{}.
89-record(constraint_ref, {id :: type_var(), deps :: deps()}).
91-type constraint_ref() :: #constraint_ref{}.
93-type constr() :: constraint() | constraint_list() | constraint_ref().
95-type types() :: erl_types:type_table().
97-type typesig_funmap() :: #{type_var() => type_var()}.
99-type prop_types() :: orddict:orddict(label(), erl_types:erl_type()).
100-type dict_prop_types() :: dict:dict(label(), erl_types:erl_type()).
102-record(state, {callgraph                :: dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph()
103                                          | 'undefined',
104                cserver                  :: dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
105		cs          = []         :: [constr()],
106		cmap        = maps:new() :: #{type_var() => constr()},
107		fun_map     = maps:new() :: typesig_funmap(),
108		fun_arities = maps:new() :: #{type_var() => arity()},
109		in_match    = false      :: boolean(),
110		in_guard    = false      :: boolean(),
111		module                   :: module(),
112		name_map    = maps:new() :: #{mfa() => cerl:c_fun()},
113		next_label  = 0          :: label(),
114		self_rec                 :: 'false' | erl_types:erl_type(),
115		plt                      :: dialyzer_plt:plt()
116                                          | 'undefined',
117		prop_types  = dict:new() :: dict_prop_types(),
118                mod_records = []         :: [{module(), types()}],
119		scc         = []         :: ordsets:ordset(type_var()),
120		mfas                     :: [mfa()],
121                solvers     = []         :: [solver()]
122	       }).
124-type state() :: #state{}.
128-define(TYPE_LIMIT, 4).
129-define(INTERNAL_TYPE_LIMIT, 5).
131%%-define(DEBUG, true).
132%%-define(DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS, true).
134-define(DEBUG_NAME_MAP, true).
135-define(DEBUG_LOOP_DETECTION, true).
137%%-define(DEBUG_NAME_MAP, true).
138%%-define(DEBUG_LOOP_DETECTION, true).
141-define(debug(__String, __Args), io:format(__String, __Args)).
142-define(mk_fun_var(Fun, Vars), mk_fun_var(?LINE, Fun, Vars)).
143-define(pp_map(S, M), pp_map(S, M)).
145-define(debug(__String, __Args), ok).
146-define(mk_fun_var(Fun, Vars), mk_fun_var(Fun, Vars)).
147-define(pp_map(S, M), ok).
150%% ============================================================================
152%%  The analysis.
154%% ============================================================================
157%% Analysis of strongly connected components.
159%% analyze_scc(SCC, NextLabel, CallGraph, CodeServer,
160%%             PLT, PropTypes, Solvers) -> FunTypes
162%% SCC       - [{MFA}]
163%% NextLabel - An integer that is higher than any label in the code.
164%% CallGraph - A callgraph as produced by dialyzer_callgraph.erl
165%%             Note: The callgraph must have been built with all the
166%%                   code that the SCC is a part of.
167%% PLT       - A dialyzer PLT. This PLT should contain available information
168%%             about functions that can be called by this SCC.
169%% PropTypes - A dictionary.
170%% FunTypes  - A dictionary.
171%% Solvers   - User specified solvers.
174-spec analyze_scc([mfa()], label(),
175		  dialyzer_callgraph:callgraph(),
176                  dialyzer_codeserver:codeserver(),
177		  dialyzer_plt:plt(), prop_types(), [solver()]) -> prop_types().
179analyze_scc(SCC, NextLabel, CallGraph, CServer, Plt, PropTypes, Solvers0) ->
180  Solvers = solvers(Solvers0),
181  State1 = new_state(SCC, NextLabel, CallGraph, CServer, Plt, PropTypes,
182                     Solvers),
183  DefSet = add_def_list(maps:values(State1#state.name_map), sets:new()),
184  State2 = traverse_scc(SCC, CServer, DefSet, State1),
185  State3 = state__finalize(State2),
186  Funs = state__scc(State3),
187  pp_constrs_scc(Funs, State3),
188  constraints_to_dot_scc(Funs, State3),
189  T = solve(Funs, State3),
190  orddict:from_list(maps:to_list(T)).
192solvers([]) -> [v2];
193solvers(Solvers) -> Solvers.
195%% ============================================================================
197%%  Gets the constraints by traversing the code.
199%% ============================================================================
201traverse_scc([{M,_,_}=MFA|Left], Codeserver, DefSet, AccState) ->
202  TmpState1 = state__set_module(AccState, M),
203  Def = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_code(MFA, Codeserver),
204  DummyLetrec = cerl:c_letrec([Def], cerl:c_atom(foo)),
205  TmpState2 = state__new_constraint_context(TmpState1),
206  {NewAccState, _} = traverse(DummyLetrec, DefSet, TmpState2),
207  traverse_scc(Left, Codeserver, DefSet, NewAccState);
208traverse_scc([], _Codeserver, _DefSet, AccState) ->
209  AccState.
211traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
212  ?debug("Handling ~p\n", [cerl:type(Tree)]),
213  case cerl:type(Tree) of
214    alias ->
215      Var = cerl:alias_var(Tree),
216      Pat = cerl:alias_pat(Tree),
217      DefinedVars1 = add_def(Var, DefinedVars),
218      {State1, PatVar} = traverse(Pat, DefinedVars1, State),
219      State2 = state__store_conj(mk_var(Var), eq, PatVar, State1),
220      {State2, PatVar};
221    apply ->
222      Args = cerl:apply_args(Tree),
223      Arity = length(Args),
224      Op = cerl:apply_op(Tree),
225      {State0, ArgTypes} = traverse_list(Args, DefinedVars, State),
226      {State1, OpType} = traverse(Op, DefinedVars, State0),
227      {State2, FunType} = state__get_fun_prototype(OpType, Arity, State1),
228      State3 = state__store_conj(FunType, eq, OpType, State2),
229      State4 = state__store_conj(mk_var(Tree), sub, t_fun_range(FunType),
230				 State3),
231      State5 = state__store_conj_lists(ArgTypes, sub, t_fun_args(FunType),
232				       State4),
233      case state__lookup_apply(Tree, State) of
234	unknown ->
235	  {State5, mk_var(Tree)};
236	FunLabels ->
237	  case get_apply_constr(FunLabels, mk_var(Tree), ArgTypes, State5) of
238	    error -> {State5, mk_var(Tree)};
239	    {ok, State6} -> {State6, mk_var(Tree)}
240	  end
241      end;
242    binary ->
243      {State1, SegTypes} = traverse_list(cerl:binary_segments(Tree),
244					 DefinedVars, State),
245      Type = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
246			     TmpSegTypes = lookup_type_list(SegTypes, Map),
247			     t_bitstr_concat(TmpSegTypes)
248			 end, SegTypes),
249      {state__store_conj(mk_var(Tree), sub, Type, State1), mk_var(Tree)};
250    bitstr ->
251      Size = cerl:bitstr_size(Tree),
252      UnitVal = cerl:int_val(cerl:bitstr_unit(Tree)),
253      Val = cerl:bitstr_val(Tree),
254      {State1, [SizeType, ValType]} =
255	traverse_list([Size, Val], DefinedVars, State),
256      {State2, TypeConstr, BinValTypeConstr} =
257	case cerl:bitstr_bitsize(Tree) of
258	  all ->
259            T = t_bitstr(UnitVal, 0),
260            {State1, T, T};
261	  utf ->
262            %% contains an integer number of bytes
263            T = t_binary(),
264            {State1, T, T};
265	  N when is_integer(N) ->
266            {State1, t_bitstr(0, N), t_bitstr(1, N)};
267	  any -> % Size is not a literal
268            T1 = ?mk_fun_var(bitstr_constr(SizeType, UnitVal), [SizeType]),
269            T2 =
270              ?mk_fun_var(bitstr_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, match), [SizeType]),
271	    {state__store_conj(SizeType, sub, t_non_neg_integer(), State1),
272             T1, T2}
273	end,
274      ValTypeConstr =
275	case cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_type(Tree)) of
276	  binary -> BinValTypeConstr;
277	  float ->
278	    case state__is_in_match(State1) of
279	      true -> t_float();
280	      false -> t_number()
281	    end;
282	  integer ->
283	    case state__is_in_match(State1) of
284	      true ->
285		Flags = cerl:concrete(cerl:bitstr_flags(Tree)),
286		?mk_fun_var(bitstr_val_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, Flags),
287			    [SizeType]);
288	      false -> t_integer()
289	    end;
290	  utf8  -> t_integer();
291	  utf16 -> t_integer();
292	  utf32 -> t_integer()
293	end,
294      State3 = state__store_conj(ValType, sub, ValTypeConstr, State2),
295      State4 = state__store_conj(mk_var(Tree), sub, TypeConstr, State3),
296      {State4, mk_var(Tree)};
297    'case' ->
298      Arg = cerl:case_arg(Tree),
299      Clauses = cerl:case_clauses(Tree),
300      {State1, ArgVar} = traverse(Arg, DefinedVars, State),
301      handle_clauses(Clauses, mk_var(Tree), ArgVar, DefinedVars, State1);
302    call ->
303      handle_call(Tree, DefinedVars, State);
304    'catch' ->
305      %% XXX: Perhaps there is something to say about this.
306      {State, mk_var(Tree)};
307    cons ->
308      Hd = cerl:cons_hd(Tree),
309      Tl = cerl:cons_tl(Tree),
310      {State1, [HdVar, TlVar]} = traverse_list([Hd, Tl], DefinedVars, State),
311      case cerl:is_literal(fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree, State)) of
312	true ->
313	  %% We do not need to do anything more here.
314	  {State, t_cons(HdVar, TlVar)};
315	false ->
316	  ConsVar = mk_var(Tree),
317	  ConsType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
318				     t_cons(lookup_type(HdVar, Map),
319					    lookup_type(TlVar, Map))
320				 end, [HdVar, TlVar]),
321	  HdType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
322				   Cons = lookup_type(ConsVar, Map),
323				   case t_is_cons(Cons) of
324				     false -> t_any();
325				     true -> t_cons_hd(Cons)
326				   end
327			       end, [ConsVar]),
328	  TlType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
329				   Cons = lookup_type(ConsVar, Map),
330				   case t_is_cons(Cons) of
331				     false -> t_any();
332				     true -> t_cons_tl(Cons)
333				   end
334			       end, [ConsVar]),
335	  State2 = state__store_conj_lists([HdVar, TlVar, ConsVar], sub,
336					   [HdType, TlType, ConsType],
337					   State1),
338	  {State2, ConsVar}
339      end;
340    'fun' ->
341      Body = cerl:fun_body(Tree),
342      Vars = cerl:fun_vars(Tree),
343      DefinedVars1 = add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars),
344      State0 = state__new_constraint_context(State),
345      FunFailType =
346	case state__prop_domain(cerl_trees:get_label(Tree), State0) of
347	  error -> t_fun(length(Vars), t_none());
348	  {ok, Dom} -> t_fun(Dom, t_none())
349	end,
350      TreeVar = mk_var(Tree),
351      State2 =
352	try
353	  State1 = case state__add_prop_constrs(Tree, State0) of
354		     not_called -> State0;
355		     PropState -> PropState
356		   end,
357	  {BodyState, BodyVar} = traverse(Body, DefinedVars1, State1),
358	  state__store_conj(TreeVar, eq,
359			    t_fun(mk_var_list(Vars), BodyVar), BodyState)
360	catch
361	  throw:error ->
362	    state__store_conj(TreeVar, eq, FunFailType, State0)
363	end,
364      Cs = state__cs(State2),
365      State3 = state__store_constrs(TreeVar, Cs, State2),
366      Ref = mk_constraint_ref(TreeVar, get_deps(Cs)),
367      OldCs = state__cs(State),
368      State4 = state__new_constraint_context(State3),
369      State5 = state__store_conj_list([OldCs, Ref], State4),
370      State6 = state__store_fun_arity(Tree, State5),
371      State7 = state__add_fun_to_scc(TreeVar, State6),
372      {State7, TreeVar};
373    'let' ->
374      Vars = cerl:let_vars(Tree),
375      Arg = cerl:let_arg(Tree),
376      Body = cerl:let_body(Tree),
377      {State1, ArgVars} = traverse(Arg, DefinedVars, State),
378      State2 = state__store_conj(t_product(mk_var_list(Vars)), eq,
379				 ArgVars, State1),
380      DefinedVars1 = add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars),
381      traverse(Body, DefinedVars1, State2);
382    letrec ->
383      Defs = cerl:letrec_defs(Tree),
384      Body = cerl:letrec_body(Tree),
385      Funs = [Fun || {_Var, Fun} <- Defs],
386      Vars = [Var || {Var, _Fun} <- Defs],
387      State1 = state__store_funs(Vars, Funs, State),
388      DefinedVars1 = add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars),
389      {State2, _} = traverse_list(Funs, DefinedVars1, State1),
390      traverse(Body, DefinedVars1, State2);
391    literal ->
392      %% Maps are special; a literal pattern matches more than just the value
393      %% constructed by the literal. For example #{} constructs the empty map,
394      %% but matches every map.
395      case state__is_in_match(State) of
396	true ->
397	  Tree1 = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Tree),
398	  case cerl:is_literal(Tree1) of
399	    false -> traverse(Tree1, DefinedVars, State);
400	    true -> {State, t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Tree))}
401	  end;
402	_ -> {State, t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Tree))}
403      end;
404    module ->
405      Defs = cerl:module_defs(Tree),
406      Funs = [Fun || {_Var, Fun} <- Defs],
407      Vars = [Var || {Var, _Fun} <- Defs],
408      DefinedVars1 = add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars),
409      State1 = state__store_funs(Vars, Funs, State),
410      FoldFun = fun(Fun, AccState) ->
411		    {S, _} = traverse(Fun, DefinedVars1,
412				      state__new_constraint_context(AccState)),
413		    S
414		end,
415      lists:foldl(FoldFun, State1, Funs);
416    primop ->
417      case cerl:atom_val(cerl:primop_name(Tree)) of
418	match_fail -> throw(error);
419	raise -> throw(error);
420	bs_init_writable -> {State, t_from_term(<<>>)};
421	build_stacktrace ->
422          V = mk_var(Tree),
423          Type = erl_bif_types:type(erlang, build_stacktrace, 0),
424          State1 = state__store_conj(V, sub, Type, State),
425          {State1, V};
426        dialyzer_unknown ->
427          %% See dialyzer_clean_core:clean_letrec/1.
428          {State, mk_var(Tree)};
429        recv_peek_message ->
430          {State1, Vars} = state__mk_vars(2, State),
431          {State1, t_product(Vars)};
432        recv_wait_timeout ->
433          [Timeout] = cerl:primop_args(Tree),
434          case cerl:is_c_atom(Timeout) andalso
435            cerl:atom_val(Timeout) =:= infinity of
436            true ->
437              {State, t_none()};
438            false ->
439              {State1, TimeoutVar} = traverse(Timeout, DefinedVars, State),
440              State2 = state__store_conj(TimeoutVar, sub, t_timeout(), State1),
441              {State2, mk_var(Tree)}
442          end;
443        remove_message ->
444          {State, t_any()};
445        timeout ->
446          {State, t_any()};
447	Other -> erlang:error({'Unsupported primop', Other})
448      end;
449    'receive' ->
450      Clauses = cerl:receive_clauses(Tree),
451      Timeout = cerl:receive_timeout(Tree),
452      case (cerl:is_c_atom(Timeout) andalso
453	    (cerl:atom_val(Timeout) =:= infinity)) of
454	true ->
455	  handle_clauses(Clauses, mk_var(Tree), [], DefinedVars, State);
456 	false ->
457	  Action = cerl:receive_action(Tree),
458	  {State1, TimeoutVar} = traverse(Timeout, DefinedVars, State),
459	  State2 = state__store_conj(TimeoutVar, sub, t_timeout(), State1),
460	  handle_clauses(Clauses, mk_var(Tree), [], Action, DefinedVars, State2)
461     end;
462    seq ->
463      Body = cerl:seq_body(Tree),
464      Arg = cerl:seq_arg(Tree),
465      {State1, _} = traverse(Arg, DefinedVars, State),
466      traverse(Body, DefinedVars, State1);
467    'try' ->
468      handle_try(Tree, DefinedVars, State);
469    tuple ->
470      Elements = cerl:tuple_es(Tree),
471      {State1, EVars} = traverse_list(Elements, DefinedVars, State),
472      {State2, TupleType} =
473	case cerl:is_literal(fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree, State1)) of
474	  true ->
475	    %% We do not need to do anything more here.
476	    {State, t_tuple(EVars)};
477	  false ->
478	    %% We have the same basic problem as in products, but we want to
479	    %% make sure that everything that can be used as tags for the
480	    %% disjoint unions stays in the tuple.
481	    Fun = fun(Var, AccState) ->
482		      case t_has_var(Var) of
483			true ->
484			  {AccState1, NewVar} = state__mk_var(AccState),
485			  {NewVar,
486			   state__store_conj(Var, eq, NewVar, AccState1)};
487			false ->
488			  {Var, AccState}
489		      end
490		  end,
491	    {NewEvars, TmpState} = lists:mapfoldl(Fun, State1, EVars),
492	    {TmpState, t_tuple(NewEvars)}
493	end,
494      case Elements of
495	[Tag|Fields] ->
496	  case cerl:is_c_atom(Tag) andalso is_literal_record(Tree) of
497	    true ->
498              %% Check if a record is constructed.
499              Arity = length(Fields),
500              case lookup_record(State2, cerl:atom_val(Tag), Arity) of
501                {error, State3} -> {State3, TupleType};
502                {ok, RecType, State3} ->
503                  State4 = state__store_conj(TupleType, sub, RecType, State3),
504                  {State4, TupleType}
505              end;
506	    false -> {State2, TupleType}
507          end;
508	[] -> {State2, TupleType}
509      end;
510    map ->
511      Entries = cerl:map_es(Tree),
512      MapFoldFun = fun(Entry, AccState) ->
513		       AccState1 = state__set_in_match(AccState, false),
514		       {AccState2, KeyVar} = traverse(cerl:map_pair_key(Entry),
515						      DefinedVars, AccState1),
516		       AccState3 = state__set_in_match(
517				     AccState2, state__is_in_match(AccState)),
518		       {AccState4, ValVar} = traverse(cerl:map_pair_val(Entry),
519						      DefinedVars, AccState3),
520		       {{KeyVar, ValVar}, AccState4}
521		   end,
522      {Pairs, State1} = lists:mapfoldl(MapFoldFun, State, Entries),
523      %% We mustn't recurse into map arguments to matches. Not only are they
524      %% syntactically only allowed to be the literal #{}, but that would also
525      %% cause an infinite recursion, since traverse/3 unfolds literals with
526      %% maps in them using dialyzer_utils:reflow_pattern/1.
527      {State2, ArgVar} =
528	case state__is_in_match(State) of
529	  false -> traverse(cerl:map_arg(Tree), DefinedVars, State1);
530	  true -> {State1, t_map()}
531	end,
532      MapVar = mk_var(Tree),
533      MapType = ?mk_fun_var(
534		   fun(Map) ->
535		       lists:foldl(
536			 fun({K,V}, TypeAcc) ->
537			     t_map_put({lookup_type(K, Map),
538					lookup_type(V, Map)},
539				       TypeAcc)
540			 end, t_inf(t_map(), lookup_type(ArgVar, Map)),
541			 Pairs)
542		   end, [ArgVar | lists:append([[K,V] || {K,V} <- Pairs])]),
543      %% TODO: does the "same element appearing several times" problem apply
544      %% here too?
545      Fun =
546	fun({KeyVar, ValVar}, {AccState, ShadowKeys}) ->
547	    %% If Val is known to be the last association of Key (i.e. Key
548	    %% is not in ShadowKeys), Val must be a subtype of what is
549	    %% associated to Key in Tree
550	    TypeFun =
551	      fun(Map) ->
552		  KeyType = lookup_type(KeyVar, Map),
553		  case t_is_singleton(KeyType) of
554		    false -> t_any();
555		    true ->
556		      MT = t_inf(lookup_type(MapVar, Map), t_map()),
557		      case t_is_none_or_unit(MT) of
558			true -> t_none();
559			false ->
560			  DisjointFromKeyType =
561			    fun(ShadowKey) ->
562                                ST = t_inf(lookup_type(ShadowKey, Map),
563                                           KeyType),
564				t_is_none_or_unit(ST)
565			    end,
566			  case lists:all(DisjointFromKeyType, ShadowKeys) of
567			    true -> t_map_get(KeyType, MT);
568			    %% A later association might shadow this one
569			    false -> t_any()
570			  end
571		      end
572		  end
573	      end,
574	    ValType = ?mk_fun_var(TypeFun, [KeyVar, MapVar | ShadowKeys]),
575	    {state__store_conj(ValVar, sub, ValType, AccState),
576	     [KeyVar | ShadowKeys]}
577	end,
578      %% Accumulate shadowing keys right-to-left
579      {State3, _} = lists:foldr(Fun, {State2, []}, Pairs),
580      %% In a map expression, Arg must contain all keys that are inserted with
581      %% the exact (:=) operator, and are known (i.e. are not in ShadowedKeys)
582      %% to not have been introduced by a previous association
583      State4 =
584	case state__is_in_match(State) of
585	  true -> State3;
586	  false ->
587	    ArgFun =
588	      fun(Map) ->
589		  FoldFun =
590		    fun({{KeyVar, _}, Entry}, {AccType, ShadowedKeys}) ->
591			OpTree = cerl:map_pair_op(Entry),
592			KeyType = lookup_type(KeyVar, Map),
593			AccType1 =
594			  case cerl:is_literal(OpTree) andalso
595			    cerl:concrete(OpTree) =:= exact of
596			    true ->
597                              ST = t_inf(ShadowedKeys, KeyType),
598                              case t_is_none_or_unit(ST) of
599				true ->
600				  t_map_put({KeyType, t_any()}, AccType);
601				false ->
602				  AccType
603			      end;
604			    false ->
605			      AccType
606			  end,
607			{AccType1, t_sup(KeyType, ShadowedKeys)}
608		    end,
609		  %% Accumulate shadowed keys left-to-right
610		  {ResType, _} = lists:foldl(FoldFun, {t_map(), t_none()},
611					     lists:zip(Pairs, Entries)),
612		  ResType
613	      end,
614	    ArgType = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [KeyVar || {KeyVar, _} <- Pairs]),
615	    state__store_conj(ArgVar, sub, ArgType, State3)
616	end,
617      {state__store_conj(MapVar, sub, MapType, State4), MapVar};
618    values ->
619      %% We can get into trouble when unifying products that have the
620      %% same element appearing several times. Handle these cases by
621      %% introducing fresh variables and constraining them to be equal
622      %% to the original ones. This is similar to what happens in
623      %% pattern matching where the matching is done on fresh
624      %% variables and guards assert that the matching is correct.
625      Elements = cerl:values_es(Tree),
626      {State1, EVars} = traverse_list(Elements, DefinedVars, State),
627      Arity = length(EVars),
628      Unique = length(ordsets:from_list(EVars)),
629      case Arity =:= Unique of
630	true -> {State1, t_product(EVars)};
631	false ->
632	  {State2, Vars} = state__mk_vars(Arity, State1),
633	  State3 = state__store_conj_lists(Vars, eq, EVars, State2),
634	  {State3, t_product(Vars)}
635      end;
636    var ->
637      case is_def(Tree, DefinedVars) of
638	true -> {State, mk_var(Tree)};
639	false ->
640	  %% If we are analyzing SCCs this can be a function variable.
641	  case state__lookup_undef_var(Tree, State) of
642	    error -> erlang:error({'Undefined variable', Tree});
643	    {ok, Type} ->
644	      {State1, NewVar} = state__mk_var(State),
645	      {state__store_conj(NewVar, sub, Type, State1), NewVar}
646	  end
647      end;
648    Other ->
649      erlang:error({'Unsupported type', Other})
650  end.
652traverse_list(Trees, DefinedVars, State) ->
653  traverse_list(Trees, DefinedVars, State, []).
655traverse_list([Tree|Tail], DefinedVars, State, Acc) ->
656  {State1, Var} = traverse(Tree, DefinedVars, State),
657  traverse_list(Tail, DefinedVars, State1, [Var|Acc]);
658traverse_list([], _DefinedVars, State, Acc) ->
659  {State, lists:reverse(Acc)}.
661add_def(Var, Set) ->
662  sets:add_element(cerl_trees:get_label(Var), Set).
664add_def_list([H|T], Set) ->
665  add_def_list(T, add_def(H, Set));
666add_def_list([], Set) ->
667  Set.
669add_def_from_tree(T, DefinedVars) ->
670  Vars = cerl_trees:fold(fun(X, Acc) ->
671			     case cerl:is_c_var(X) of
672			       true -> [X|Acc];
673			       false -> Acc
674			     end
675			 end, [], T),
676  add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars).
678add_def_from_tree_list([H|T], DefinedVars) ->
679  add_def_from_tree_list(T, add_def_from_tree(H, DefinedVars));
680add_def_from_tree_list([], DefinedVars) ->
681  DefinedVars.
683is_def(Var, Set) ->
684  sets:is_element(cerl_trees:get_label(Var), Set).
687%% Try
690handle_try(Tree, DefinedVars, State) ->
691  Arg = cerl:try_arg(Tree),
692  Vars = cerl:try_vars(Tree),
693  EVars = cerl:try_evars(Tree),
694  Body = cerl:try_body(Tree),
695  Handler = cerl:try_handler(Tree),
696  State1 = state__new_constraint_context(State),
697  {ArgBodyState, BodyVar} =
698    try
699      {State2, ArgVar} = traverse(Arg, DefinedVars, State1),
700      DefinedVars1 = add_def_list(Vars, DefinedVars),
701      {State3, BodyVar1} = traverse(Body, DefinedVars1, State2),
702      State4 = state__store_conj(t_product(mk_var_list(Vars)), eq, ArgVar,
703				 State3),
704      {State4, BodyVar1}
705    catch
706      throw:error ->
707	{State1, t_none()}
708    end,
709  State6 = state__new_constraint_context(ArgBodyState),
710  {HandlerState, HandlerVar} =
711    try
712      DefinedVars2 = add_def_list([X || X <- EVars, cerl:is_c_var(X)],
713				  DefinedVars),
714      traverse(Handler, DefinedVars2, State6)
715    catch
716      throw:error ->
717	{State6, t_none()}
718    end,
719  ArgBodyCs = state__cs(ArgBodyState),
720  HandlerCs = state__cs(HandlerState),
721  TreeVar = mk_var(Tree),
722  OldCs = state__cs(State),
723  case state__is_in_guard(State) of
724    true ->
725      Conj1 = mk_conj_constraint_list([ArgBodyCs,
726				       mk_constraint(BodyVar,
727                                                     eq,
728                                                     TreeVar)]),
729      Disj = mk_disj_constraint_list([Conj1,
730				      mk_constraint(HandlerVar,
731                                                    eq,
732                                                    TreeVar)]),
733      NewState1 = state__new_constraint_context(HandlerState),
734      Conj2 = mk_conj_constraint_list([OldCs, Disj]),
735      NewState2 = state__store_conj(Conj2, NewState1),
736      {NewState2, TreeVar};
737    false ->
738      {NewCs, ReturnVar} =
739	case {t_is_none(BodyVar), t_is_none(HandlerVar)} of
740	  {false, false} ->
741	    Conj1 =
742	      mk_conj_constraint_list([ArgBodyCs,
743				       mk_constraint(TreeVar,
744                                                     eq,
745                                                     BodyVar)]),
746	    Conj2 =
747	      mk_conj_constraint_list([HandlerCs,
748				       mk_constraint(TreeVar,
749                                                     eq,
750                                                     HandlerVar)]),
751	    Disj = mk_disj_constraint_list([Conj1, Conj2]),
752	    {Disj, TreeVar};
753	  {false, true} ->
754	    {mk_conj_constraint_list([ArgBodyCs,
755				      mk_constraint(TreeVar,
756                                                    eq,
757                                                    BodyVar)]),
758	     BodyVar};
759	  {true, false} ->
760	    {mk_conj_constraint_list([HandlerCs,
761				      mk_constraint(TreeVar,
762                                                    eq,
763                                                    HandlerVar)]),
764	     HandlerVar};
765	  {true, true} ->
766	    ?debug("Throw failed\n", []),
767	    throw(error)
768	end,
769      Conj = mk_conj_constraint_list([OldCs, NewCs]),
770      NewState1 = state__new_constraint_context(HandlerState),
771      NewState2 = state__store_conj(Conj, NewState1),
772      {NewState2, ReturnVar}
773  end.
776%% Call
779handle_call(Call, DefinedVars, State) ->
780  Args = cerl:call_args(Call),
781  Mod = cerl:call_module(Call),
782  Fun = cerl:call_name(Call),
783  Dst = mk_var(Call),
784  case cerl:is_c_atom(Mod) andalso cerl:is_c_atom(Fun) of
785    true ->
786      M = cerl:atom_val(Mod),
787      F = cerl:atom_val(Fun),
788      A = length(Args),
789      MFA = {M, F, A},
790      {State1, ArgVars} = traverse_list(Args, DefinedVars, State),
791      case state__lookup_rec_var_in_scope(MFA, State) of
792	error ->
793	  case get_bif_constr(MFA, Dst, ArgVars, State1) of
794	    none ->
795	      {get_plt_constr(MFA, Dst, ArgVars, State1), Dst};
796	    C ->
797	      {state__store_conj(C, State1), Dst}
798	  end;
799	{ok, Var} ->
800	  %% This is part of the SCC currently analyzed.
801	  %% Intercept and change this to an apply instead.
802	  ?debug("Found the call to ~tw\n", [MFA]),
803	  Label = cerl_trees:get_label(Call),
804	  Apply = cerl:ann_c_apply([{label, Label}], Var, Args),
805	  traverse(Apply, DefinedVars, State)
806      end;
807    false ->
808      {State1, MF} = traverse_list([Mod, Fun], DefinedVars, State),
809      {state__store_conj_lists(MF, sub, [t_module(), t_atom()], State1), Dst}
810  end.
812get_plt_constr(MFA, Dst, ArgVars, State) ->
813  Plt = state__plt(State),
814  PltRes = dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, MFA),
815  SCCMFAs = State#state.mfas,
816  Contract =
817    case lists:member(MFA, SCCMFAs) of
818      true -> none;
819      false -> dialyzer_plt:lookup_contract(Plt, MFA)
820    end,
821  case Contract of
822    none ->
823      case PltRes of
824	none -> State;
825	{value, {PltRetType, PltArgTypes}} ->
826	  state__store_conj_lists([Dst|ArgVars], sub,
827				  [PltRetType|PltArgTypes], State)
828      end;
829    {value, #contract{args = GenArgs} = C} ->
830      {RetType, ArgCs} =
831	case PltRes of
832	  none ->
833	    {?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
834			     ArgTypes = lookup_type_list(ArgVars, Map),
835                             get_contract_return(C, ArgTypes)
836			 end, ArgVars), GenArgs};
837	  {value, {PltRetType, PltArgTypes}} ->
838	    %% Need to combine the contract with the success typing.
839	    {?mk_fun_var(
840		fun(Map) ->
841		    ArgTypes = lookup_type_list(ArgVars, Map),
842                    CRet = get_contract_return(C, ArgTypes),
843		    t_inf(CRet, PltRetType)
844		end, ArgVars),
845	     [t_inf(X, Y) || {X, Y} <- lists:zip(GenArgs, PltArgTypes)]}
846	end,
847      state__store_conj_lists([Dst|ArgVars], sub, [RetType|ArgCs], State)
848  end.
850get_contract_return(C, ArgTypes) ->
851  dialyzer_contracts:get_contract_return(C, ArgTypes).
853%% If there is a significant number of clauses, we cannot apply the
854%% list subtraction scheme since it causes the analysis to be too
855%% slow. Typically, this only affects automatically generated files.
856%% The dataflow analysis doesn't suffer from this, so we will get some
857%% information anyway.
858-define(MAX_NOF_CLAUSES, 15).
860handle_clauses(Clauses, TopVar, Arg, DefinedVars, State) ->
861  handle_clauses(Clauses, TopVar, Arg, none, DefinedVars, State).
863handle_clauses([], _, _, Action, DefinedVars, State) when Action =/= none ->
864  %% Can happen when a receive has no clauses, see filter_match_fail.
865  traverse(Action, DefinedVars, State);
866handle_clauses(Clauses, TopVar, Arg, Action, DefinedVars, State) ->
867  SubtrTypeList =
868    if length(Clauses) > ?MAX_NOF_CLAUSES -> overflow;
869       true -> []
870    end,
871  {State1, CList} = handle_clauses_1(Clauses, TopVar, Arg, DefinedVars,
872				     State, SubtrTypeList, []),
873  {NewCs, NewState} =
874    case Action of
875      none ->
876	if CList =:= [] -> throw(error);
877	   true -> {CList, State1}
878	end;
879      _ ->
880	try
881	  {State2, ActionVar} = traverse(Action, DefinedVars, State1),
882	  TmpC = mk_constraint(TopVar, eq, ActionVar),
883	  ActionCs = mk_conj_constraint_list([state__cs(State2),TmpC]),
884	  {[ActionCs|CList], State2}
885	catch
886	  throw:error ->
887	    if CList =:= [] -> throw(error);
888	       true -> {CList, State1}
889	    end
890	end
891    end,
892  OldCs = state__cs(State),
893  NewCList = mk_disj_constraint_list(NewCs),
894  FinalState = state__new_constraint_context(NewState),
895  {state__store_conj_list([OldCs, NewCList], FinalState), TopVar}.
897handle_clauses_1([Clause|Tail], TopVar, Arg, DefinedVars,
898		 State, SubtrTypes, Acc) ->
899  State0 = state__new_constraint_context(State),
900  Pats = cerl:clause_pats(Clause),
901  Guard = cerl:clause_guard(Clause),
902  Body = cerl:clause_body(Clause),
903  NewSubtrTypes =
904    case SubtrTypes =:= overflow of
905      true -> overflow;
906      false ->
907	ordsets:add_element(get_safe_underapprox(Pats, Guard), SubtrTypes)
908    end,
909  try
910    DefinedVars1 = add_def_from_tree_list(Pats, DefinedVars),
911    State1 = state__set_in_match(State0, true),
912    {State2, PatVars} = traverse_list(Pats, DefinedVars1, State1),
913    State3 =
914      case Arg =:= [] of
915	true -> State2;
916        false ->
917	  S = state__store_conj(Arg, eq, t_product(PatVars), State2),
918	  case SubtrTypes =:= overflow of
919	    true -> S;
920	    false ->
921	      SubtrPatVar = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
922					    TmpType = lookup_type(Arg, Map),
923					    t_subtract_list(TmpType, SubtrTypes)
924					end, [Arg]),
925	      state__store_conj(Arg, sub, SubtrPatVar, S)
926	  end
927      end,
928    State4 = handle_guard(Guard, DefinedVars1, State3),
929    {State5, BodyVar} = traverse(Body, DefinedVars1,
930				 state__set_in_match(State4, false)),
931    State6 = state__store_conj(TopVar, eq, BodyVar, State5),
932    Cs = state__cs(State6),
933    handle_clauses_1(Tail, TopVar, Arg, DefinedVars, State6,
934		     NewSubtrTypes, [Cs|Acc])
935  catch
936    throw:error ->
937      handle_clauses_1(Tail, TopVar, Arg, DefinedVars,
938		       State, NewSubtrTypes, Acc)
939  end;
940handle_clauses_1([], _TopVar, _Arg, _DefinedVars, State, _SubtrType, Acc) ->
941  {state__new_constraint_context(State), Acc}.
943-spec get_safe_underapprox([cerl:c_values()], cerl:cerl()) -> erl_types:erl_type().
945get_safe_underapprox(Pats, Guard) ->
946  try
947    Map1 = cerl_trees:fold(fun(X, Acc) ->
948			       case cerl:is_c_var(X) of
949				 true ->
950				   maps:put(cerl_trees:get_label(X), t_any(),
951                                            Acc);
952				 false -> Acc
953			       end
954			   end, maps:new(), cerl:c_values(Pats)),
955    {Type, Map2} = get_underapprox_from_guard(Guard, Map1),
956    Map3 = case t_is_none(t_inf(t_from_term(true), Type)) of
957	     true -> throw(dont_know);
958	     false ->
959	       case cerl:is_c_var(Guard) of
960		 false -> Map2;
961		 true ->
962		   maps:put(cerl_trees:get_label(Guard),
963                            t_from_term(true), Map2)
964	       end
965	   end,
966    {Ts, _Map4} = get_safe_underapprox_1(Pats, [], Map3),
967    t_product(Ts)
968  catch
969    throw:dont_know -> t_none()
970  end.
972get_underapprox_from_guard(Tree, Map) ->
973  True = t_from_term(true),
974  case cerl:type(Tree) of
975    call ->
976      case {cerl:concrete(cerl:call_module(Tree)),
977	    cerl:concrete(cerl:call_name(Tree)),
978	    length(cerl:call_args(Tree))} of
979	{erlang, is_function, 2} ->
980	  [Fun, Arity] = cerl:call_args(Tree),
981	  case cerl:is_c_int(Arity) of
982	    false -> throw(dont_know);
983	    true ->
984	      {FunType, Map1} = get_underapprox_from_guard(Fun, Map),
985	      Inf = t_inf(FunType, t_fun(cerl:int_val(Arity), t_any())),
986	      case t_is_none(Inf) of
987		true -> throw(dont_know);
988		false ->
989		  {True, maps:put(cerl_trees:get_label(Fun), Inf, Map1)}
990	      end
991	  end;
992	MFA ->
993	  case get_type_test(MFA) of
994	    {ok, Type} ->
995	      [Arg0] = cerl:call_args(Tree),
996              Arg = cerl:fold_literal(Arg0),
997	      {ArgType, Map1} = get_underapprox_from_guard(Arg, Map),
998	      Inf = t_inf(Type, ArgType),
999	      case t_is_none(Inf) of
1000		true -> throw(dont_know);
1001		false ->
1002		  case cerl:is_literal(Arg) of
1003		    true -> {True, Map1};
1004		    false ->
1005		      {True, maps:put(cerl_trees:get_label(Arg), Inf, Map1)}
1006		  end
1007	      end;
1008	    error ->
1009	      case MFA of
1010		{erlang, '=:=', 2} -> throw(dont_know);
1011		{erlang, '==', 2} -> throw(dont_know);
1012		{erlang, 'and', 2} ->
1013		  [Arg1_0, Arg2_0] = cerl:call_args(Tree),
1014                  Arg1 = cerl:fold_literal(Arg1_0),
1015                  Arg2 = cerl:fold_literal(Arg2_0),
1016		  case ((cerl:is_c_var(Arg1) orelse cerl:is_literal(Arg1))
1017			andalso
1018			(cerl:is_c_var(Arg2) orelse cerl:is_literal(Arg2))) of
1019		    true ->
1020		      {Arg1Type, _} = get_underapprox_from_guard(Arg1, Map),
1021		      {Arg2Type, _} = get_underapprox_from_guard(Arg2, Map),
1022		      case (t_is_equal(True, Arg1Type) andalso
1023			    t_is_equal(True, Arg2Type)) of
1024			true -> {True, Map};
1025			false -> throw(dont_know)
1026		      end;
1027		    false ->
1028		      throw(dont_know)
1029		  end;
1030		{erlang, 'or', 2} -> throw(dont_know);
1031		_ -> throw(dont_know)
1032	      end
1033	  end
1034      end;
1035    var ->
1036      Type =
1037	case maps:find(cerl_trees:get_label(Tree), Map) of
1038	  error -> throw(dont_know);
1039	  {ok, T} -> T
1040	end,
1041      {Type, Map};
1042    literal ->
1043      case cerl:unfold_literal(Tree) of
1044	Tree ->
1045	  Type =
1046	    case cerl:concrete(Tree) of
1047	      Int when is_integer(Int) -> t_from_term(Int);
1048	      Atom when is_atom(Atom) -> t_from_term(Atom);
1049	      _Other -> throw(dont_know)
1050	    end,
1051	  {Type, Map};
1052	OtherTree ->
1053	  get_underapprox_from_guard(OtherTree, Map)
1054      end;
1055    _ ->
1056      throw(dont_know)
1057  end.
1060%% The guard test {erlang, is_function, 2} is handled specially by the
1061%% function get_underapprox_from_guard/2
1063get_type_test({erlang, is_atom, 1}) ->      {ok, t_atom()};
1064get_type_test({erlang, is_boolean, 1}) ->   {ok, t_boolean()};
1065get_type_test({erlang, is_binary, 1}) ->    {ok, t_binary()};
1066get_type_test({erlang, is_bitstring, 1}) -> {ok, t_bitstr()};
1067get_type_test({erlang, is_float, 1}) ->     {ok, t_float()};
1068get_type_test({erlang, is_function, 1}) ->  {ok, t_fun()};
1069get_type_test({erlang, is_integer, 1}) ->   {ok, t_integer()};
1070get_type_test({erlang, is_list, 1}) ->      {ok, t_list()};
1071get_type_test({erlang, is_map, 1}) ->       {ok, t_map()};
1072get_type_test({erlang, is_number, 1}) ->    {ok, t_number()};
1073get_type_test({erlang, is_pid, 1}) ->       {ok, t_pid()};
1074get_type_test({erlang, is_port, 1}) ->      {ok, t_port()};
1075%% get_type_test({erlang, is_record, 2}) ->    {ok, t_tuple()};
1076%% get_type_test({erlang, is_record, 3}) ->    {ok, t_tuple()};
1077get_type_test({erlang, is_reference, 1}) -> {ok, t_reference()};
1078get_type_test({erlang, is_tuple, 1}) ->     {ok, t_tuple()};
1079get_type_test({M, F, A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> error.
1081bitstr_constr(SizeType, UnitVal) ->
1082  bitstr_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, construct).
1084bitstr_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, ConstructOrMatch) ->
1085  Unit =
1086    case ConstructOrMatch of
1087      construct -> 0;
1088      match -> 1
1089    end,
1090  fun(Map) ->
1091      TmpSizeType = lookup_type(SizeType, Map),
1092      case t_is_subtype(TmpSizeType, t_non_neg_integer()) of
1093	true ->
1094	  case t_number_vals(TmpSizeType) of
1095	    [OneSize] -> t_bitstr(Unit, OneSize * UnitVal);
1096	    _ ->
1097	      MinSize = erl_types:number_min(TmpSizeType),
1098	      t_bitstr(UnitVal, MinSize * UnitVal)
1099	  end;
1100	false ->
1101	  t_bitstr(UnitVal, 0)
1102      end
1103  end.
1105bitstr_val_constr(SizeType, UnitVal, Flags) ->
1106  fun(Map) ->
1107      TmpSizeType = lookup_type(SizeType, Map),
1108      case t_is_subtype(TmpSizeType, t_non_neg_integer()) of
1109	true ->
1110	  case erl_types:number_max(TmpSizeType) of
1111	    N when is_integer(N), N < 128 -> %% Avoid illegal arithmetic
1112	      TotalSizeVal = N * UnitVal,
1113	      {RangeMin, RangeMax} =
1114		case lists:member(signed, Flags) of
1115		  true -> {-(1 bsl (TotalSizeVal - 1)),
1116			   1 bsl (TotalSizeVal - 1) - 1};
1117		  false -> {0, 1 bsl TotalSizeVal - 1}
1118		end,
1119	      t_from_range(RangeMin, RangeMax);
1120	    _ ->
1121	      t_integer()
1122	  end;
1123	false ->
1124	  t_integer()
1125      end
1126  end.
1128get_safe_underapprox_1([Pat0|Left], Acc, Map) ->
1129  %% Maps should be treated as patterns, not as literals
1130  Pat = dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Pat0),
1131  case cerl:type(Pat) of
1132    alias ->
1133      APat = cerl:alias_pat(Pat),
1134      AVar = cerl:alias_var(Pat),
1135      {[VarType], Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1([AVar], [], Map),
1136      {[PatType], Map2} = get_safe_underapprox_1([APat], [], Map1),
1137      Inf = t_inf(VarType, PatType),
1138      case t_is_none(Inf) of
1139	true -> throw(dont_know);
1140	false ->
1141	  Map3 = maps:put(cerl_trees:get_label(AVar), Inf, Map2),
1142	  get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Inf|Acc], Map3)
1143      end;
1144    binary ->
1145      %% TODO: Can maybe do something here
1146      throw(dont_know);
1147    cons ->
1148      {[Hd, Tl], Map1} =
1149	get_safe_underapprox_1([cerl:cons_hd(Pat), cerl:cons_tl(Pat)], [], Map),
1150      case t_is_any(Tl) of
1151	true -> get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [t_nonempty_list(Hd)|Acc], Map1);
1152	false -> throw(dont_know)
1153      end;
1154    literal ->
1155      case cerl:unfold_literal(Pat) of
1156	Pat ->
1157	  Type =
1158	    case cerl:concrete(Pat) of
1159	      Int when is_integer(Int) -> t_from_term(Int);
1160	      Atom when is_atom(Atom) -> t_from_term(Atom);
1161	      [] -> t_from_term([]);
1162	      _Other -> throw(dont_know)
1163	    end,
1164	  get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map);
1165	OtherPat ->
1166	  get_safe_underapprox_1([OtherPat|Left], Acc, Map)
1167      end;
1168    tuple ->
1169      Es = cerl:tuple_es(Pat),
1170      {Ts, Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1(Es, [], Map),
1171      Type = t_tuple(Ts),
1172      get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map1);
1173    map ->
1174      %% Some assertions in case the syntax gets more premissive in the future
1175      true = #{} =:= cerl:concrete(cerl:map_arg(Pat)),
1176      true = lists:all(fun(P) ->
1177			   cerl:is_literal(Op = cerl:map_pair_op(P)) andalso
1178			     exact =:= cerl:concrete(Op)
1179		       end, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
1180      KeyTrees = lists:map(fun cerl:map_pair_key/1, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
1181      ValTrees = lists:map(fun cerl:map_pair_val/1, cerl:map_es(Pat)),
1182      %% Keys must not be underapproximated. Overapproximations are safe.
1183      Keys = get_safe_overapprox(KeyTrees),
1184      {Vals, Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1(ValTrees, [], Map),
1185      case lists:all(fun erl_types:t_is_singleton/1, Keys) of
1186	false -> throw(dont_know);
1187	true -> ok
1188      end,
1189      SortedPairs = lists:sort(lists:zip(Keys, Vals)),
1190      %% We need to deal with duplicates ourselves
1191      SquashDuplicates =
1192	fun SquashDuplicates([{K,First},{K,Second}|List]) ->
1193	    case t_is_none(Inf = t_inf(First, Second)) of
1194	      true -> throw(dont_know);
1195	      false -> [{K, Inf}|SquashDuplicates(List)]
1196	    end;
1197	    SquashDuplicates([Good|Rest]) ->
1198	    [Good|SquashDuplicates(Rest)];
1199	    SquashDuplicates([]) -> []
1200	end,
1201      Type = t_map(SquashDuplicates(SortedPairs)),
1202      get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map1);
1203    values ->
1204      Es = cerl:values_es(Pat),
1205      {Ts, Map1} = get_safe_underapprox_1(Es, [], Map),
1206      Type = t_product(Ts),
1207      get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [Type|Acc], Map1);
1208    var ->
1209      case maps:find(cerl_trees:get_label(Pat), Map) of
1210	error -> throw(dont_know);
1211	{ok, VarType} -> get_safe_underapprox_1(Left, [VarType|Acc], Map)
1212      end
1213  end;
1214get_safe_underapprox_1([], Acc, Map) ->
1215  {lists:reverse(Acc), Map}.
1217get_safe_overapprox(Pats) ->
1218  lists:map(fun get_safe_overapprox_1/1, Pats).
1220get_safe_overapprox_1(Pat) ->
1221  case cerl:is_literal(Lit = cerl:fold_literal(Pat)) of
1222    true  -> t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Lit));
1223    false -> t_any()
1224  end.
1227%% Guards
1230handle_guard(Guard, DefinedVars, State) ->
1231  True = t_from_term(true),
1232  State1 = state__set_in_guard(State, true),
1233  State2 = state__new_constraint_context(State1),
1234  {State3, Return} = traverse(Guard, DefinedVars, State2),
1235  State4 = state__store_conj(Return, eq, True, State3),
1236  Cs = state__cs(State4),
1237  NewCs = mk_disj_norm_form(Cs),
1238  OldCs = state__cs(State),
1239  State5 = state__set_in_guard(State4, state__is_in_guard(State)),
1240  State6 = state__new_constraint_context(State5),
1241  state__store_conj(mk_conj_constraint_list([OldCs, NewCs]), State6).
1245%%  BIF constraints
1249get_bif_constr({erlang, Op, 2}, Dst, Args = [Arg1, Arg2], _State)
1250  when Op =:= '+'; Op =:= '-'; Op =:= '*' ->
1251  ReturnType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
1252			       TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1253			       bif_return(erlang, Op, 2, TmpArgTypes)
1254			   end, Args),
1255  ArgFun =
1256    fun(A, Pos) ->
1257	F =
1258	  fun(Map) ->
1259	      DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1260	      AType = lookup_type(A, Map),
1261	      case t_is_integer(DstType) of
1262		true ->
1263		  case t_is_integer(AType) of
1264		    true ->
1265		      eval_inv_arith(Op, Pos, DstType, AType);
1266		    false  ->
1267		      %% This must be temporary.
1268		      t_integer()
1269		  end;
1270		false ->
1271		  case t_is_float(DstType) of
1272		    true ->
1273		      case t_is_integer(AType) of
1274			true -> t_float();
1275			false -> t_number()
1276		      end;
1277		    false ->
1278		      t_number()
1279		  end
1280	      end
1281	  end,
1282	?mk_fun_var(F, [Dst, A])
1283    end,
1284  Arg1FunVar = ArgFun(Arg2, 2),
1285  Arg2FunVar = ArgFun(Arg1, 1),
1286  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, ReturnType),
1287			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, Arg1FunVar),
1288			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, Arg2FunVar)]);
1289get_bif_constr({erlang, Op, 2}, Dst, [Arg1, Arg2] = Args, _State)
1290  when Op =:= '<'; Op =:= '=<'; Op =:= '>'; Op =:= '>=' ->
1291  ArgFun =
1292    fun(LocalArg1, LocalArg2, LocalOp) ->
1293	fun(Map) ->
1294	    DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1295	    IsTrue = t_is_any_atom(true, DstType),
1296	    IsFalse = t_is_any_atom(false, DstType),
1297	    case IsTrue orelse IsFalse of
1298	      true ->
1299		Arg1Type = lookup_type(LocalArg1, Map),
1300		Arg2Type = lookup_type(LocalArg2, Map),
1301		case t_is_integer(Arg1Type) andalso t_is_integer(Arg2Type) of
1302		  true ->
1303		    Max1 = erl_types:number_max(Arg1Type),
1304		    Min1 = erl_types:number_min(Arg1Type),
1305		    Max2 = erl_types:number_max(Arg2Type),
1306		    Min2 = erl_types:number_min(Arg2Type),
1307		    case LocalOp of
1308		      '=<' ->
1309			if IsTrue  -> t_from_range(Min1, Max2);
1310			   IsFalse -> t_from_range(range_inc(Min2), Max1)
1311			end;
1312		      '<'  ->
1313			if IsTrue  -> t_from_range(Min1, range_dec(Max2));
1314			   IsFalse -> t_from_range(Min2, Max1)
1315			end;
1316		      '>=' ->
1317			if IsTrue  -> t_from_range(Min2, Max1);
1318			   IsFalse -> t_from_range(Min1, range_dec(Max2))
1319			end;
1320		      '>'  ->
1321			if IsTrue  -> t_from_range(range_inc(Min2), Max1);
1322			   IsFalse -> t_from_range(Min1, Max2)
1323			end
1324		    end;
1325		  false -> t_any()
1326		end;
1327	      false -> t_any()
1328	    end
1329	end
1330    end,
1331  {Arg1Fun, Arg2Fun} =
1332    case Op of
1333      '<'  -> {ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2, '<'),  ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1, '>=')};
1334      '=<' -> {ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2, '=<'), ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1, '>=')};
1335      '>'  -> {ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2, '>'),  ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1, '<')};
1336      '>=' -> {ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2, '>='), ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1, '=<')}
1337    end,
1338  DstArgs = [Dst, Arg1, Arg2],
1339  Arg1Var = ?mk_fun_var(Arg1Fun, DstArgs),
1340  Arg2Var = ?mk_fun_var(Arg2Fun, DstArgs),
1341  DstVar = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
1342			   TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1343			   bif_return(erlang, Op, 2, TmpArgTypes)
1344		       end, Args),
1345  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstVar),
1346			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, Arg1Var),
1347			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, Arg2Var)]);
1348get_bif_constr({erlang, '++', 2}, Dst, [Hd, Tl] = Args, _State) ->
1349  HdFun = fun(Map) ->
1350	      DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1351	      case t_is_cons(DstType) of
1352		true -> t_list(t_cons_hd(DstType));
1353		false ->
1354		  case t_is_list(DstType) of
1355		    true ->
1356		      case t_is_nil(DstType) of
1357			true -> DstType;
1358			false -> t_list(t_list_elements(DstType))
1359		      end;
1360		    false -> t_list()
1361 		  end
1362	      end
1363	  end,
1364  TlFun = fun(Map) ->
1365	      DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1366	      case t_is_cons(DstType) of
1367		true -> t_sup(t_cons_tl(DstType), DstType);
1368		false ->
1369		  case t_is_list(DstType) of
1370		    true ->
1371		      case t_is_nil(DstType) of
1372			true -> DstType;
1373			false -> t_list(t_list_elements(DstType))
1374		      end;
1375		    false -> t_any()
1376		  end
1377	      end
1378	  end,
1379  DstL = [Dst],
1380  HdVar = ?mk_fun_var(HdFun, DstL),
1381  TlVar = ?mk_fun_var(TlFun, DstL),
1382  ArgTypes = erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, '++', 2),
1383  ReturnType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
1384			       TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1385			       bif_return(erlang, '++', 2, TmpArgTypes)
1386			   end, Args),
1387  Cs = mk_constraints(Args, sub, ArgTypes),
1388  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, ReturnType),
1389			   mk_constraint(Hd, sub, HdVar),
1390			   mk_constraint(Tl, sub, TlVar)
1391			   |Cs]);
1392get_bif_constr({erlang, is_atom, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1393  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_atom(), State);
1394get_bif_constr({erlang, is_binary, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1395  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_binary(), State);
1396get_bif_constr({erlang, is_bitstring, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1397  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_bitstr(), State);
1398get_bif_constr({erlang, is_boolean, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1399  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_boolean(), State);
1400get_bif_constr({erlang, is_float, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1401  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_float(), State);
1402get_bif_constr({erlang, is_function, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1403  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_fun(), State);
1404get_bif_constr({erlang, is_function, 2}, Dst, [Fun, Arity], _State) ->
1405  ArgFun = fun(Map) ->
1406	       DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1407	       case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1408		 true ->
1409		   ArityType = lookup_type(Arity, Map),
1410		   case t_number_vals(ArityType) of
1411		     unknown -> t_fun();
1412		     Vals -> t_sup([t_fun(X, t_any()) || X <- Vals])
1413		   end;
1414		 false -> t_any()
1415	       end
1416	   end,
1417  ArgV = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [Dst, Arity]),
1418  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, t_boolean()),
1419			   mk_constraint(Arity, sub, t_integer()),
1420			   mk_constraint(Fun, sub, ArgV)]);
1421get_bif_constr({erlang, is_integer, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1422  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_integer(), State);
1423get_bif_constr({erlang, is_list, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1424  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_maybe_improper_list(), State);
1425get_bif_constr({erlang, is_map, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1426  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_map(), State);
1427get_bif_constr({erlang, is_number, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1428  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_number(), State);
1429get_bif_constr({erlang, is_pid, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1430  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_pid(), State);
1431get_bif_constr({erlang, is_port, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1432  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_port(), State);
1433get_bif_constr({erlang, is_reference, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1434  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_reference(), State);
1435get_bif_constr({erlang, is_record, 2}, Dst, [Var, Tag] = Args, _State) ->
1436  ArgFun = fun(Map) ->
1437	       case t_is_any_atom(true, lookup_type(Dst, Map)) of
1438		 true -> t_tuple();
1439		 false -> t_any()
1440	       end
1441	   end,
1442  ArgV = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [Dst]),
1443  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1444	       TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1445	       bif_return(erlang, is_record, 2, TmpArgTypes)
1446	   end,
1447  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1448  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1449			   mk_constraint(Tag, sub, t_atom()),
1450			   mk_constraint(Var, sub, ArgV)]);
1451get_bif_constr({erlang, is_record, 3}, Dst, [Var, Tag, Arity] = Args, State) ->
1452  %% TODO: Revise this to make it precise for Tag and Arity.
1453  ArgFun =
1454    fun(Map) ->
1455	case t_is_any_atom(true, lookup_type(Dst, Map)) of
1456	  true ->
1457	    ArityType = lookup_type(Arity, Map),
1458	    case t_is_integer(ArityType) of
1459	      true ->
1460		case t_number_vals(ArityType) of
1461		  [ArityVal] ->
1462		    TagType = lookup_type(Tag, Map),
1463		    case t_is_atom(TagType) of
1464		      true ->
1465			AnyElems = lists:duplicate(ArityVal-1, t_any()),
1466			GenRecord = t_tuple([TagType|AnyElems]),
1467			case t_atom_vals(TagType) of
1468			  [TagVal] ->
1469			    case lookup_record(State, TagVal, ArityVal - 1) of
1470			      {ok, Type, _NewState} ->
1471                                Type;
1472			      {error, _NewState} -> GenRecord
1473			    end;
1474			  _ -> GenRecord
1475			end;
1476		      false -> t_tuple(ArityVal)
1477		    end;
1478		  _ -> t_tuple()
1479		end;
1480	      false -> t_tuple()
1481	    end;
1482	  false -> t_any()
1483	end
1484    end,
1485  ArgV = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [Tag, Arity, Dst]),
1486  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1487	       [TmpVar, TmpTag, TmpArity] = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1488               TmpArgTypes = [TmpVar,TmpTag,TmpArity],
1489	       bif_return(erlang, is_record, 3, TmpArgTypes)
1490	   end,
1491  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1492  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1493			   mk_constraint(Arity, sub, t_integer()),
1494			   mk_constraint(Tag, sub, t_atom()),
1495			   mk_constraint(Var, sub, ArgV)]);
1496get_bif_constr({erlang, is_tuple, 1}, Dst, [Arg], State) ->
1497  get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, t_tuple(), State);
1498get_bif_constr({erlang, 'and', 2}, Dst, [Arg1, Arg2] = Args, _State) ->
1499  True = t_from_term(true),
1500  False = t_from_term(false),
1501  ArgFun = fun(Var) ->
1502	       fun(Map) ->
1503		   DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1504		   case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1505		     true -> True;
1506		     false ->
1507		       case t_is_any_atom(false, DstType) of
1508			 true ->
1509			   case
1510                             t_is_any_atom(true, lookup_type(Var, Map))
1511                           of
1512			     true -> False;
1513			     false -> t_boolean()
1514			   end;
1515			 false ->
1516			   t_boolean()
1517		       end
1518		   end
1519	       end
1520	   end,
1521  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1522	       Arg1Type = lookup_type(Arg1, Map),
1523	       case t_is_any_atom(false, Arg1Type) of
1524		 true -> False;
1525		 false ->
1526		   Arg2Type = lookup_type(Arg2, Map),
1527		   case t_is_any_atom(false, Arg2Type) of
1528		     true -> False;
1529		     false ->
1530		       case (t_is_any_atom(true, Arg1Type)
1531			     andalso t_is_any_atom(true, Arg2Type)) of
1532			 true -> True;
1533			 false -> t_boolean()
1534		       end
1535		   end
1536	       end
1537	   end,
1538  ArgV1 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg2), [Arg2, Dst]),
1539  ArgV2 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg1), [Arg1, Dst]),
1540  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1541  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1542			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, ArgV1),
1543			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, ArgV2)]);
1544get_bif_constr({erlang, 'or', 2}, Dst, [Arg1, Arg2] = Args, _State) ->
1545  True = t_from_term(true),
1546  False = t_from_term(false),
1547  ArgFun = fun(Var) ->
1548	       fun(Map) ->
1549		   DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1550		   case t_is_any_atom(false, DstType) of
1551		     true -> False;
1552		     false ->
1553		       case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1554			 true ->
1555			   case
1556                             t_is_any_atom(false, lookup_type(Var, Map))
1557                           of
1558			     true -> True;
1559			     false -> t_boolean()
1560			   end;
1561			 false ->
1562			   t_boolean()
1563		       end
1564		   end
1565	       end
1566	   end,
1567  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1568	       Arg1Type = lookup_type(Arg1, Map),
1569	       case t_is_any_atom(true, Arg1Type) of
1570		 true -> True;
1571		 false ->
1572		   Arg2Type = lookup_type(Arg2, Map),
1573		   case t_is_any_atom(true, Arg2Type) of
1574		     true -> True;
1575		     false ->
1576		       case (t_is_any_atom(false, Arg1Type)
1577			     andalso t_is_any_atom(false, Arg2Type)) of
1578			 true -> False;
1579			 false -> t_boolean()
1580		       end
1581		   end
1582	       end
1583	   end,
1584  ArgV1 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg2), [Arg2, Dst]),
1585  ArgV2 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg1), [Arg1, Dst]),
1586  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1587  F = fun(A) ->
1588	  try [mk_constraint(A, sub, True)]
1589	  catch throw:error -> []
1590	  end
1591      end,
1592  Constrs = F(Arg1) ++ F(Arg2),
1593  Disj = mk_disj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, False)|Constrs]),
1594  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1595			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, ArgV1),
1596			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, ArgV2),
1597			   Disj]);
1598get_bif_constr({erlang, 'not', 1}, Dst, [Arg] = Args, _State) ->
1599  True = t_from_term(true),
1600  False = t_from_term(false),
1601  Fun = fun(Var) ->
1602	    fun(Map) ->
1603		Type = lookup_type(Var, Map),
1604		case t_is_any_atom(true, Type) of
1605		  true -> False;
1606		  false ->
1607		    case t_is_any_atom(false, Type) of
1608		      true -> True;
1609		      false -> t_boolean()
1610		    end
1611		end
1612	    end
1613	end,
1614  ArgV = ?mk_fun_var(Fun(Dst), [Dst]),
1615  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(Fun(Arg), Args),
1616  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Arg, sub, ArgV),
1617			   mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV)]);
1618get_bif_constr({erlang, '=:=', 2}, Dst, [Arg1, Arg2] = Args, _State) ->
1619  ArgFun =
1620    fun(Self, OtherVar) ->
1621	fun(Map) ->
1622	    DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1623	    OtherVarType = lookup_type(OtherVar, Map),
1624	    case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1625	      true -> OtherVarType;
1626	      false ->
1627		case t_is_any_atom(false, DstType) of
1628		  true ->
1629		    case is_singleton_type(OtherVarType) of
1630		      true -> t_subtract(lookup_type(Self, Map), OtherVarType);
1631		      false -> t_any()
1632		    end;
1633		  false ->
1634		    t_any()
1635		end
1636	    end
1637	end
1638    end,
1639  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1640	       ArgType1 = lookup_type(Arg1, Map),
1641	       ArgType2 = lookup_type(Arg2, Map),
1642	       case t_is_none(t_inf(ArgType1, ArgType2)) of
1643		 true -> t_from_term(false);
1644		 false -> t_boolean()
1645	       end
1646	   end,
1647  DstArgs = [Dst, Arg1, Arg2],
1648  ArgV1 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2), DstArgs),
1649  ArgV2 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1), DstArgs),
1650  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1651  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1652			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, ArgV1),
1653			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, ArgV2)]);
1654get_bif_constr({erlang, '==', 2}, Dst, [Arg1, Arg2] = Args, _State) ->
1655  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1656	       TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1657	       bif_return(erlang, '==', 2, TmpArgTypes)
1658	   end,
1659  ArgFun =
1660    fun(Var, Self) ->
1661	fun(Map) ->
1662	    VarType = lookup_type(Var, Map),
1663	    DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1664	    case is_singleton_non_number_type(VarType) of
1665	      true ->
1666		case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1667		  true -> VarType;
1668		  false ->
1669		    case t_is_any_atom(false, DstType) of
1670		      true -> t_subtract(lookup_type(Self, Map), VarType);
1671		      false -> t_any()
1672		    end
1673		end;
1674	      false ->
1675		case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1676		  true ->
1677		    case t_is_number(VarType) of
1678		      true -> t_number();
1679		      false ->
1680			case t_is_atom(VarType) of
1681			  true -> VarType;
1682			  false -> t_any()
1683			end
1684		    end;
1685		  false ->
1686		    t_any()
1687		end
1688	    end
1689	end
1690    end,
1691  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, Args),
1692  ArgL = [Arg1, Arg2, Dst],
1693  ArgV1 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg2, Arg1), ArgL),
1694  ArgV2 = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun(Arg1, Arg2), ArgL),
1695  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1696			   mk_constraint(Arg1, sub, ArgV1),
1697			   mk_constraint(Arg2, sub, ArgV2)]);
1698get_bif_constr({erlang, element, 2} = _BIF, Dst, Args,
1699               #state{cs = Constrs}) ->
1700  GenType = erl_bif_types:type(erlang, element, 2),
1701  case t_is_none(GenType) of
1702    true -> ?debug("Bif: ~w failed\n", [_BIF]), throw(error);
1703    false ->
1704      Fun = fun(Map) ->
1705		ATs2 = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1706		bif_return(erlang, element, 2, ATs2)
1707	    end,
1708      ReturnType = ?mk_fun_var(Fun, Args),
1709      ArgTypes = erl_bif_types:arg_types(erlang, element, 2),
1710      Cs = mk_constraints(Args, sub, ArgTypes),
1711      NewCs =
1712        case find_element(Args, Constrs) of
1713          'unknown' -> Cs;
1714          Elem -> [mk_constraint(Dst, eq, Elem)|Cs]
1715        end,
1716      mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, ReturnType)|NewCs])
1717  end;
1718get_bif_constr({M, F, A} = _BIF, Dst, Args, _State) ->
1719  GenType = erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A),
1720  case t_is_none(GenType) of
1721    true -> ?debug("Bif: ~w failed\n", [_BIF]), throw(error);
1722    false ->
1723      ReturnType = ?mk_fun_var(fun(Map) ->
1724                                  TmpArgTypes = lookup_type_list(Args, Map),
1725                                  bif_return(M, F, A, TmpArgTypes)
1726			      end, Args),
1727      case erl_bif_types:is_known(M, F, A) of
1728	false ->
1729	  case t_is_any(GenType) of
1730	    true ->
1731	      none;
1732	    false ->
1733	      mk_constraint(Dst, sub, ReturnType)
1734	  end;
1735	true ->
1736	  ArgTypes = erl_bif_types:arg_types(M, F, A),
1737	  Cs = mk_constraints(Args, sub, ArgTypes),
1738	  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, ReturnType)|Cs])
1739      end
1740  end.
1742eval_inv_arith('+', _Pos, Dst, Arg) ->
1743  bif_return(erlang, '-', 2, [Dst, Arg]);
1744eval_inv_arith('*', _Pos, Dst, Arg) ->
1745  Zero = t_from_term(0),
1746  case t_is_none(t_inf(Arg, Zero)) of
1747    false -> t_integer();
1748    true ->
1749      TmpRet = bif_return(erlang, 'div', 2, [Dst, Arg]),
1750      %% If 0 is not part of the result, it cannot be part of the argument.
1751      case t_is_subtype(Zero, Dst) of
1752	false -> t_subtract(TmpRet, Zero);
1753	true -> TmpRet
1754      end
1755  end;
1756eval_inv_arith('-', 1, Dst, Arg) ->
1757  bif_return(erlang, '-', 2, [Arg, Dst]);
1758eval_inv_arith('-', 2, Dst, Arg) ->
1759  bif_return(erlang, '+', 2, [Arg, Dst]).
1761range_inc(neg_inf) -> neg_inf;
1762range_inc(pos_inf) -> pos_inf;
1763range_inc(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> Int + 1.
1765range_dec(neg_inf) -> neg_inf;
1766range_dec(pos_inf) -> pos_inf;
1767range_dec(Int) when is_integer(Int) -> Int - 1.
1769get_bif_test_constr(Dst, Arg, Type, _State) ->
1770  ArgFun = fun(Map) ->
1771	       DstType = lookup_type(Dst, Map),
1772	       case t_is_any_atom(true, DstType) of
1773		 true -> Type;
1774		 false -> t_any()
1775	       end
1776	   end,
1777  ArgV = ?mk_fun_var(ArgFun, [Dst]),
1778  DstFun = fun(Map) ->
1779	       ArgType = lookup_type(Arg, Map),
1780	       case t_is_none(t_inf(ArgType, Type)) of
1781		 true ->
1782                   t_from_term(false);
1783		 false ->
1784		   case t_is_subtype(ArgType, Type) of
1785		     true -> t_from_term(true);
1786		     false -> t_boolean()
1787		   end
1788	       end
1789	   end,
1790  DstV = ?mk_fun_var(DstFun, [Arg]),
1791  mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_constraint(Dst, sub, DstV),
1792			   mk_constraint(Arg, sub, ArgV)]).
1796%%  Constraint solver.
1800solve([Fun], State) ->
1801  ?debug("============ Analyzing Fun: ~tw ===========\n",
1802	 [debug_lookup_name(Fun)]),
1803  solve_fun(Fun, map_new(), State);
1804solve([_|_] = SCC, State) ->
1805  ?debug("============ Analyzing SCC: ~tw ===========\n",
1806	 [[debug_lookup_name(F) || F <- SCC]]),
1807  Users = comp_users(SCC, State),
1808  solve_scc(SCC, map_new(), State, Users, _ToSolve=SCC, false).
1810comp_users(SCC, State) ->
1811  Vars0 = [{Fun, state__get_rec_var(Fun, State)} || Fun <- SCC],
1812  Vars = lists:sort([t_var_name(Var) || {_, {ok, Var}} <- Vars0]),
1813  family([{t_var(V), F} ||
1814           F <- SCC,
1815           V <- ordsets:intersection(get_deps(state__get_cs(F, State)),
1816                                     Vars)]).
1818solve_fun(Fun, FunMap, State) ->
1819  Cs = state__get_cs(Fun, State),
1820  Deps = get_deps(Cs),
1821  Ref = mk_constraint_ref(Fun, Deps),
1822  %% Note that functions are always considered to succeed.
1823  NewMap = solve(Fun, Ref, FunMap, State),
1824  NewType = lookup_type(Fun, NewMap),
1825  NewFunMap1 = case state__get_rec_var(Fun, State) of
1826		 error -> FunMap;
1827		 {ok, Var} -> enter_type(Var, NewType, FunMap)
1828	       end,
1829  enter_type(Fun, NewType, NewFunMap1).
1831solve_scc(SCC, Map, State, Users, ToSolve, TryingUnit) ->
1832  Vars0 = [{Fun, state__get_rec_var(Fun, State)} || Fun <- SCC],
1833  Vars = [Var || {_, {ok, Var}} <- Vars0],
1834  Funs = [Fun || {Fun, {ok, _}} <- Vars0],
1835  Types = unsafe_lookup_type_list(Funs, Map),
1836  RecTypes = [t_limit(Type, ?TYPE_LIMIT) || Type <- Types],
1837  CleanMap = lists:foldl(fun(Fun, AccFunMap) ->
1838			     erase_type(t_var_name(Fun), AccFunMap)
1839			 end, Map, ToSolve),
1840  Map1 = enter_type_lists(Vars, RecTypes, CleanMap),
1841  ?debug("Checking SCC: ~tw\n", [[debug_lookup_name(F) || F <- SCC]]),
1842  SolveFun = fun(X, Y) -> scc_fold_fun(X, Y, State) end,
1843  Map2 = lists:foldl(SolveFun, Map1, ToSolve),
1844  Updated = updated_vars_only(Vars, Map, Map2),
1845  case Updated =:= [] of
1846    true ->
1847      ?debug("SCC ~tw reached fixpoint\n", [SCC]),
1848      NewTypes = unsafe_lookup_type_list(Funs, Map2),
1849      case erl_types:any_none([t_fun_range(T) || T <- NewTypes])
1850	andalso TryingUnit =:= false of
1851	true ->
1852	  UnitTypes =
1853	    [case t_is_none(t_fun_range(T)) of
1854	       false -> T;
1855	       true -> t_fun(t_fun_args(T), t_unit())
1856	     end || T <- NewTypes],
1857	  Map3 = enter_type_lists(Funs, UnitTypes, Map2),
1858	  solve_scc(SCC, Map3, State, Users, SCC, true);
1859	false ->
1860	  Map2
1861      end;
1862    false ->
1863      ?debug("SCC ~tw did not reach fixpoint\n", [SCC]),
1864      ToSolve1 = affected(Updated, Users),
1865      solve_scc(SCC, Map2, State, Users, ToSolve1, TryingUnit)
1866  end.
1868affected(Updated, Users) ->
1869  lists:umerge([case lists:keyfind(V, 1, Users) of
1870                  {V, Vs} -> Vs;
1871                  false -> []
1872                end || V <- Updated]).
1874scc_fold_fun(F, FunMap, State) ->
1875  Deps = get_deps(state__get_cs(F, State)),
1876  Cs = mk_constraint_ref(F, Deps),
1877  %% Note that functions are always considered to succeed.
1878  Map = solve(F, Cs, FunMap, State),
1879  NewType0 = unsafe_lookup_type(F, Map),
1880  NewType = t_limit(NewType0, ?TYPE_LIMIT),
1881  NewFunMap = case state__get_rec_var(F, State) of
1882		{ok, R} ->
1883		  enter_type(R, NewType, enter_type(F, NewType, FunMap));
1884		error ->
1885		  enter_type(F, NewType, FunMap)
1886	      end,
1887  ?debug("Done solving for function ~tw :: ~ts\n", [debug_lookup_name(F),
1888                                                    format_type(NewType)]),
1889  NewFunMap.
1891solve(Fun, Cs, FunMap, State) ->
1892  Solvers = State#state.solvers,
1893  R = [solver(S, solve_fun(S, Fun, Cs, FunMap, State)) || S <- Solvers],
1894  check_solutions(R, Fun, no_solver, no_map).
1896solver(Solver, SolveFun) ->
1897  ?debug("Start solver ~w\n", [Solver]),
1898  try timer:tc(SolveFun) of
1899    {Time, {ok, Map}} ->
1900      ?debug("End solver ~w (~w microsecs)\n", [Solver, Time]),
1901      {Solver, Map, Time};
1902    {_, _R} ->
1903      ?debug("Solver ~w returned unexpected result:\n  ~P\n",
1904             [Solver, _R, 60]),
1905      throw(error)
1906  catch E:R:S ->
1907      io:format("Solver ~w failed: ~w:~p\n ~tp\n", [Solver, E, R, S]),
1908      throw(error)
1909  end.
1911solve_fun(v1, _Fun, Cs, FunMap, State) ->
1912  fun() ->
1913      {ok, _MapDict, NewMap} = solve_ref_or_list(Cs, FunMap, map_new(), State),
1914      {ok, NewMap}
1915  end;
1916solve_fun(v2, Fun, _Cs, FunMap, State) ->
1917  fun() -> v2_solve_ref(Fun, FunMap, State) end.
1919check_solutions([], _Fun, _S, Map) ->
1920  Map;
1921check_solutions([{S1,Map1,_Time1}|Maps], Fun, S, Map) ->
1922  ?debug("Solver ~w needed ~w microsecs\n", [S1, _Time1]),
1923  case Map =:= no_map orelse sane_maps(Map, Map1, [Fun], S, S1) of
1924    true ->
1925      check_solutions(Maps, Fun, S1, Map1);
1926    false ->
1927      ?debug("Constraint solvers do not agree on ~w\n", [Fun]),
1928      ?pp_map(atom_to_list(S), Map),
1929      ?pp_map(atom_to_list(S1), Map1),
1930      io:format("A bug was found. Please report it, and use the option "
1931                "`--solver v1' until the bug has been fixed.\n"),
1932      throw(error)
1933  end.
1935sane_maps(Map1, Map2, Keys, _S1, _S2) ->
1936  lists:all(fun(Key) ->
1937                V1 = unsafe_lookup_type(Key, Map1),
1938                V2 = unsafe_lookup_type(Key, Map2),
1939                case t_is_equal(V1, V2) of
1940                  true -> true;
1941                  false ->
1942                    ?debug("Constraint solvers do not agree on ~w\n", [Key]),
1943                    ?debug("~w: ~ts\n",
1944                           [_S1, format_type(unsafe_lookup_type(Key, Map1))]),
1945                    ?debug("~w: ~ts\n",
1946                           [_S2, format_type(unsafe_lookup_type(Key, Map2))]),
1947                    false
1948                end
1949            end, Keys).
1951%% Solver v2
1953-record(v2_state, {constr_data = maps:new() :: map(),
1954		   state :: state()}).
1956v2_solve_ref(Fun, Map, State) ->
1957  V2State = #v2_state{state = State},
1958  {ok, NewMap, _, _} = v2_solve_reference(Fun, Map, V2State),
1959  {ok, NewMap}.
1961v2_solve(#constraint{}=C, Map, V2State) ->
1962  case solve_one_c(C, Map) of
1963    error ->
1964      report_failed_constraint(C, Map),
1965      {error, V2State};
1966    {ok, {NewMap, U}} ->
1967      {ok, NewMap, V2State, U}
1968  end;
1969v2_solve(#constraint_list{type = disj}=C, Map, V2State) ->
1970  v2_solve_disjunct(C, Map, V2State);
1971v2_solve(#constraint_list{type = conj}=C, Map, V2State) ->
1972  v2_solve_conjunct(C, Map, V2State);
1973v2_solve(#constraint_ref{id = Id}, Map, V2State) ->
1974  v2_solve_reference(Id, Map, V2State).
1976v2_solve_reference(Id, Map, V2State0) ->
1977  ?debug("Checking ref to fun: ~tw\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
1978  ?pp_map("Map", Map),
1979  pp_constr_data("solve_ref", V2State0),
1980  Map1 = restore_local_map(V2State0, Id, Map),
1981  State = V2State0#v2_state.state,
1982  Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
1983  Res =
1984    case state__is_self_rec(Id, State) of
1985      true -> v2_solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map1, Id, t_none(), V2State0);
1986      false -> v2_solve(Cs, Map1, V2State0)
1987    end,
1988  {FunType, V2State} =
1989    case Res of
1990      {error, V2State1} ->
1991        ?debug("Error solving for function ~tp\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
1992        Arity = state__fun_arity(Id, State),
1993        FunType0 =
1994          case state__prop_domain(t_var_name(Id), State) of
1995            error -> t_fun(Arity, t_none());
1996            {ok, Dom} -> t_fun(Dom, t_none())
1997          end,
1998        {FunType0, V2State1};
1999      {ok, NewMap, V2State1, U} ->
2000        ?debug("Done solving fun: ~tp\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2001        FunType0 = lookup_type(Id, NewMap),
2002        V2State2 = save_local_map(V2State1, Id, U, NewMap),
2003        {FunType0, V2State2}
2004    end,
2005  ?debug("ref Id=~w Assigned ~ts\n", [Id, format_type(FunType)]),
2006  {NewMap1, U1} = enter_var_type(Id, FunType, Map),
2007  {NewMap2, U2} =
2008    case state__get_rec_var(Id, State) of
2009      {ok, Var} -> enter_var_type(Var, FunType, NewMap1);
2010      error -> {NewMap1, []}
2011    end,
2012  {ok, NewMap2, V2State, lists:umerge(U1, U2)}.
2014v2_solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, Id, RecType0, V2State0) ->
2015  ?debug("Solving self recursive ~tw\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2016  State = V2State0#v2_state.state,
2017  {ok, RecVar} = state__get_rec_var(Id, State),
2018  ?debug("OldRecType ~ts\n", [format_type(RecType0)]),
2019  RecType = t_limit(RecType0, ?TYPE_LIMIT),
2020  {Map1, U0} = enter_var_type(RecVar, RecType, Map),
2021  V2State1 = save_updated_vars1(V2State0, Cs, U0), % Probably not necessary
2022  case v2_solve(Cs, Map1, V2State1) of
2023    {error, _V2State}=Error ->
2024      case t_is_none(RecType0) of
2025	true ->
2026	  %% Try again and assume that this is a non-terminating function.
2027	  Arity = state__fun_arity(Id, State),
2028	  NewRecType = t_fun(lists:duplicate(Arity, t_any()), t_unit()),
2029	  v2_solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, Id, NewRecType, V2State0);
2030	false ->
2031	  Error
2032      end;
2033    {ok, NewMap, V2State, U} ->
2034      ?pp_map("recursive finished", NewMap),
2035      NewRecType = unsafe_lookup_type(Id, NewMap),
2036      case is_equal(NewRecType, RecType0) of
2037	true ->
2038          {NewMap2, U1} = enter_var_type(RecVar, NewRecType, NewMap),
2039	  {ok, NewMap2, V2State, lists:umerge(U, U1)};
2040	false ->
2041	  v2_solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, Id, NewRecType, V2State0)
2042      end
2043  end.
2045enter_var_type(Var, Type, Map0) ->
2046  {Map, Vs} = enter_type2(Var, Type, Map0),
2047  {Map, [t_var_name(V) || V <- Vs]}.
2049v2_solve_disjunct(Disj, Map, V2State0) ->
2050  #constraint_list{type = disj, id = _Id, list = Cs, masks = Masks} = Disj,
2051  ?debug("disjunct Id=~w~n", [_Id]),
2052  ?pp_map("Map", Map),
2053  pp_constr_data("disjunct", V2State0),
2054  case get_flags(V2State0, Disj) of
2055    {V2State1, failed_list} -> {error, V2State1}; % cannot happen
2056    {V2State1, Flags} when Flags =/= [] ->
2057      {ok, V2State, Eval, UL, MapL0, Uneval, Failed} =
2058        v2_solve_disj(Flags, Cs, 1, Map, V2State1, [], [], [], [], false),
2059      ?debug("disj ending _Id=~w Eval=~w, |Uneval|=~w |UL|=~w~n",
2060             [_Id, Eval, length(Uneval), length(UL)]),
2061      if Eval =:= [], Uneval =:= [] ->
2062           {error, failed_list(Disj, V2State0)};
2063         true ->
2064           {Is0, UnIds} = lists:unzip(Uneval),
2065           MapL = [restore_local_map(V2State, Id, Map) ||
2066                    Id <- UnIds] ++ MapL0,
2067           %% If some branch has just failed every variable of the
2068           %% non-failed branches need to be checked, not just the
2069           %% updated ones.
2070           U0 = case Failed of
2071                  false -> lists:umerge(UL);
2072                  true -> constrained_keys(MapL)
2073                end,
2074           if U0 =:= [] -> {ok, Map, V2State, []};
2075              true ->
2076                NotFailed = lists:umerge(Is0, Eval),
2077                U1 = [V || V <- U0,
2078                           var_occurs_everywhere(V, Masks, NotFailed)],
2079                NewMap = join_maps(U1, MapL, Map),
2080                ?pp_map("NewMap", NewMap),
2081                U = updated_vars_only(U1, Map, NewMap),
2082                ?debug("disjunct finished _Id=~w\n", [_Id]),
2083                {ok, NewMap, V2State, U}
2084           end
2085      end
2086  end.
2088var_occurs_everywhere(V, Masks, NotFailed) ->
2089  ordsets:is_subset(NotFailed, get_mask(V, Masks)).
2091v2_solve_disj([I|Is], [C|Cs], I, Map0, V2State0, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval,
2092              Failed0) ->
2093  Id = C#constraint_list.id,
2094  Map1 = restore_local_map(V2State0, Id, Map0),
2095  case v2_solve(C, Map1, V2State0) of
2096    {error, V2State} ->
2097      ?debug("disj error I=~w~n", [I]),
2098      Failed = Failed0 orelse not is_failed_list(C, V2State0),
2099      v2_solve_disj(Is, Cs, I+1, Map0, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval, Failed);
2100    {ok, Map, V2State1, U} ->
2101      ?debug("disj I=~w U=~w~n", [I, U]),
2102      V2State = save_local_map(V2State1, Id, U, Map),
2103      ?pp_map("DMap", Map),
2104      v2_solve_disj(Is, Cs, I+1, Map0, V2State, [U|UL], [Map|MapL],
2105                    [I|Eval], Uneval, Failed0)
2106  end;
2107v2_solve_disj([], [], _I, _Map, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval, Failed) ->
2108  {ok, V2State, lists:reverse(Eval), UL, MapL, lists:reverse(Uneval), Failed};
2109v2_solve_disj([every_i], Cs, I, Map, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval, Failed) ->
2110  NewIs = case Cs of
2111            [] -> [];
2112            _ -> [I, every_i]
2113          end,
2114  v2_solve_disj(NewIs, Cs, I, Map, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval, Failed);
2115v2_solve_disj(Is, [C|Cs], I, Map, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval0, Failed) ->
2116  Uneval = [{I,C#constraint_list.id} ||
2117             not is_failed_list(C, V2State)] ++ Uneval0,
2118  v2_solve_disj(Is, Cs, I+1, Map, V2State, UL, MapL, Eval, Uneval, Failed).
2120save_local_map(#v2_state{constr_data = ConData}=V2State, Id, U, Map) ->
2121  Part0 = [{V,maps:get(V, Map)} || V <- U],
2122  Part1 =
2123    case maps:find(Id, ConData) of
2124      error -> []; % cannot happen
2125      {ok, {Part2,[]}} -> Part2
2126    end,
2127  ?debug("save local map Id=~w:\n", [Id]),
2128  Part = lists:ukeymerge(1, lists:keysort(1, Part0), Part1),
2129  ?pp_map("New Part", maps:from_list(Part0)),
2130  ?pp_map("Old Part", maps:from_list(Part1)),
2131  ?pp_map(" => Part", maps:from_list(Part)),
2132  V2State#v2_state{constr_data = maps:put(Id, {Part,[]}, ConData)}.
2134restore_local_map(#v2_state{constr_data = ConData}, Id, Map0) ->
2135  case maps:find(Id, ConData) of
2136    error -> Map0;
2137    {ok, failed} -> Map0;
2138    {ok, {[],_}} -> Map0;
2139    {ok, {Part0,U}} ->
2140      Part = [KV || {K,_V} = KV <- Part0, not lists:member(K, U)],
2141      ?debug("restore local map Id=~w U=~w\n", [Id, U]),
2142      ?pp_map("Part", maps:from_list(Part)),
2143      ?pp_map("Map0", Map0),
2144      Map = lists:foldl(fun({K,V}, D) -> maps:put(K, V, D) end, Map0, Part),
2145      ?pp_map("Map", Map),
2146      Map
2147  end.
2149v2_solve_conjunct(Conj, Map, V2State0) ->
2150  #constraint_list{type = conj, list = Cs} = Conj,
2151  ?debug("conjunct Id=~w~n", [Conj#constraint_list.id]),
2152  IsFlat = case Cs of [#constraint{}|_] -> true; _ -> false end,
2153  case get_flags(V2State0, Conj) of
2154    {V2State, failed_list} -> {error, V2State};
2155    {V2State, Flags} ->
2156      v2_solve_conj(Flags, Cs, 1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, [], [], [],
2157                    Map, Flags)
2158  end.
2160%% LastMap and LastFlags are used for loop detection.
2161v2_solve_conj([I|Is], [Cs|Tail], I, Map0, Conj, IsFlat, V2State0,
2162              UL, NewFs0, VarsUp, LastMap, LastFlags) ->
2163  ?debug("conj Id=~w I=~w~n", [Conj#constraint_list.id, I]),
2164  true = IsFlat =:= is_record(Cs, constraint),
2165  pp_constr_data("conj", V2State0),
2166  case v2_solve(Cs, Map0, V2State0) of
2167    {error, V2State1} -> {error, failed_list(Conj, V2State1)};
2168    {ok, Map, V2State1, []} ->
2169      v2_solve_conj(Is, Tail, I+1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State1,
2170                    UL, NewFs0, VarsUp, LastMap, LastFlags);
2171    {ok, Map, V2State1, U} when IsFlat -> % optimization
2172      %% It is ensured by enumerate_constraints() that every
2173      %% #constraint{} has a conjunct as parent, and that such a
2174      %% parent has nothing but #constraint{}:s as children, a fact
2175      %% which is used here to simplify the flag calculation.
2176      Mask = lists:umerge([get_mask(V, Conj#constraint_list.masks) || V <- U]),
2177      {Is1, NewF} = add_mask_to_flags(Is, Mask, I, []),
2178      NewFs = [NewF|NewFs0],
2179      v2_solve_conj(Is1, Tail, I+1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State1,
2180                    [U|UL], NewFs, VarsUp, LastMap, LastFlags);
2181    {ok, Map, V2State1, U} ->
2182      #constraint_list{masks = Masks, list = AllCs} = Conj,
2183      M = lists:keydelete(I, 1, vars_per_child(U, Masks)),
2184      {V2State2, NewF0} = save_updated_vars_list(AllCs, M, V2State1),
2185      {NewF, F} = lists:splitwith(fun(J) -> J < I end, NewF0),
2186      Is1 = umerge_mask(Is, F),
2187      NewFs = [NewF|NewFs0],
2188      v2_solve_conj(Is1, Tail, I+1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State2,
2189                    [U|UL], NewFs, VarsUp, LastMap, LastFlags)
2190  end;
2191v2_solve_conj([], _Cs, _I, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, UL, NewFs, VarsUp,
2192             LastMap, LastFlags) ->
2193  U = lists:umerge(UL),
2194  case lists:umerge(NewFs) of
2195    [] ->
2196      ?debug("conjunct finished Id=~w\n", [Conj#constraint_list.id]),
2197      {ok, Map, V2State, lists:umerge([U|VarsUp])};
2198    NewFlags when NewFlags =:= LastFlags, Map =:= LastMap ->
2199      %% A loop was detected! The cause is some bug, possibly in erl_types.
2200      %% The evaluation continues, but the results can be wrong.
2201      report_detected_loop(Conj),
2202      {ok, Map, V2State, lists:umerge([U|VarsUp])};
2203    NewFlags ->
2204      #constraint_list{type = conj, list = Cs} = Conj,
2205      v2_solve_conj(NewFlags, Cs, 1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State,
2206                    [], [], [U|VarsUp], Map, NewFlags)
2207  end;
2208v2_solve_conj([every_i], Cs, I, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, UL, NewFs, VarsUp,
2209              LastMap, LastFlags) ->
2210  NewIs = case Cs of
2211            [] -> [];
2212            _ -> [I, every_i]
2213          end,
2214  v2_solve_conj(NewIs, Cs, I, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, UL, NewFs, VarsUp,
2215                LastMap, LastFlags);
2216v2_solve_conj(Is, [_|Tail], I, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, UL, NewFs, VarsUp,
2217             LastMap, LastFlags) ->
2218  v2_solve_conj(Is, Tail, I+1, Map, Conj, IsFlat, V2State, UL, NewFs, VarsUp,
2219               LastMap, LastFlags).
2222report_detected_loop(Conj) ->
2223  io:format("A loop was detected in ~w\n", [Conj#constraint_list.id]).
2225report_detected_loop(_) ->
2226  ok.
2229add_mask_to_flags(Flags, [Im|M], I, L) when I > Im ->
2230  add_mask_to_flags(Flags, M, I, [Im|L]);
2231add_mask_to_flags(Flags, [_|M], _I, L) ->
2232  {umerge_mask(Flags, M), lists:reverse(L)}.
2234umerge_mask([every_i]=Is, _F) ->
2235  Is;
2236umerge_mask(Is, F) ->
2237  lists:umerge(Is, F).
2239get_mask(V, Masks) ->
2240  case maps:find(V, Masks) of
2241    error -> [];
2242    {ok, M} -> M
2243  end.
2245get_flags(#v2_state{constr_data = ConData}=V2State0, C) ->
2246  #constraint_list{id = Id, list = Cs, masks = Masks} = C,
2247  case maps:find(Id, ConData) of
2248    error ->
2249      ?debug("get_flags Id=~w Flags=all ~w\n", [Id, length(Cs)]),
2250      V2State = V2State0#v2_state{constr_data = maps:put(Id, {[],[]}, ConData)},
2251      {V2State, [every_i]};
2252    {ok, failed} ->
2253      {V2State0, failed_list};
2254    {ok, {Part,U}} when U =/= [] ->
2255      ?debug("get_flags Id=~w U=~w\n", [Id, U]),
2256      V2State = V2State0#v2_state{constr_data = maps:put(Id, {Part,[]}, ConData)},
2257      save_updated_vars_list(Cs, vars_per_child(U, Masks), V2State)
2258  end.
2260vars_per_child(U, Masks) ->
2261  family([{I, V} || V <- lists:usort(U), I <- get_mask(V, Masks)]).
2263save_updated_vars_list(Cs, IU, V2State) ->
2264  save_updated_vars_list1(Cs, IU, V2State, 1, []).
2266save_updated_vars_list1([C|Cs], [{I,U}|IU], V2State0, I, Is) ->
2267  V2State = save_updated_vars(C, U, V2State0),
2268  save_updated_vars_list1(Cs, IU, V2State, I+1, [I|Is]);
2269save_updated_vars_list1([], [], V2State, _I, Is) ->
2270  {V2State, lists:reverse(Is)};
2271save_updated_vars_list1([_|Cs], IU, V2State, I, Is) ->
2272  save_updated_vars_list1(Cs, IU, V2State, I+1, Is).
2274save_updated_vars(#constraint{}, _, V2State) ->
2275  V2State;
2276save_updated_vars(#constraint_list{}=C, U, V2State0) ->
2277  save_updated_vars1(V2State0, C, U);
2278save_updated_vars(#constraint_ref{id = Id}, U, V2State) ->
2279  Cs = state__get_cs(Id, V2State#v2_state.state),
2280  save_updated_vars(Cs, U, V2State).
2282save_updated_vars1(V2State, C, U) ->
2283  #v2_state{constr_data = ConData} = V2State,
2284  #constraint_list{id = Id} = C,
2285  case maps:find(Id, ConData) of
2286    error -> V2State; % error means everything is flagged
2287    {ok, failed} -> V2State;
2288    {ok, {Part,U0}} ->
2289      %% Duplicates are not so common; let masks/2 remove them.
2290      U1 = U ++ U0,
2291      V2State#v2_state{constr_data = maps:put(Id, {Part,U1}, ConData)}
2292  end.
2295pp_constr_data(_Tag, #v2_state{constr_data = D}) ->
2296  io:format("Constr data at ~p\n", [_Tag]),
2297  _ = [begin
2298         case _PartU of
2299           {_Part, _U} ->
2300             io:format("Id: ~w Vars: ~w\n", [_Id, _U]),
2301             [?pp_map("Part", maps:from_list(_Part)) || _Part =/= []];
2302           failed ->
2303             io:format("Id: ~w failed list\n", [_Id])
2304         end
2305       end ||
2306        {_Id, _PartU} <- lists:keysort(1, maps:to_list(D))],
2307  ok.
2310pp_constr_data(_Tag, _V2State) ->
2311  ok.
2314failed_list(#constraint_list{id = Id}, #v2_state{constr_data = D}=V2State) ->
2315  ?debug("error list ~w~n", [Id]),
2316  V2State#v2_state{constr_data = maps:put(Id, failed, D)}.
2318is_failed_list(#constraint_list{id = Id}, #v2_state{constr_data = D}) ->
2319  maps:find(Id, D) =:= {ok, failed}.
2321%% Solver v1
2323solve_ref_or_list(#constraint_ref{id = Id, deps = Deps},
2324		  Map, MapDict, State) ->
2325  {OldLocalMap, Check} =
2326    case maps:find(Id, MapDict) of
2327      error -> {map_new(), false};
2328      {ok, M} -> {M, true}
2329    end,
2330  ?debug("Checking ref to fun: ~tw\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2331  %% Note: mk_constraint_ref() has already removed Id from Deps. The
2332  %% reason for doing it there is that it makes it easy for
2333  %% calculate_masks() to make the corresponding adjustment for
2334  %% version v2.
2335  CheckDeps = ordsets:del_element(t_var_name(Id), Deps),
2336  true = CheckDeps =:= Deps,
2337  case Check andalso maps_are_equal(OldLocalMap, Map, CheckDeps) of
2338    true ->
2339      ?debug("Equal\n", []),
2340      {ok, MapDict, Map};
2341    false ->
2342      ?debug("Not equal. Solving\n", []),
2343      Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
2344      Res =
2345	case state__is_self_rec(Id, State) of
2346	  true -> solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, t_none(), State);
2347	  false -> solve_ref_or_list(Cs, Map, MapDict, State)
2348	end,
2349      {NewMapDict, FunType} =
2350	case Res of
2351	  {error, NewMapDict0} ->
2352	    ?debug("Error solving for function ~tp\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2353	    Arity = state__fun_arity(Id, State),
2354	    FunType0 =
2355	      case state__prop_domain(t_var_name(Id), State) of
2356		error -> t_fun(Arity, t_none());
2357		{ok, Dom} -> t_fun(Dom, t_none())
2358	      end,
2359	    {NewMapDict0, FunType0};
2360	  {ok, NewMapDict0, NewMap} ->
2361	    ?debug("Done solving fun: ~tp\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2362	    FunType0 = lookup_type(Id, NewMap),
2363	    {NewMapDict0, FunType0}
2364	end,
2365      ?debug("  Id=~w Assigned ~ts\n", [Id, format_type(FunType)]),
2366      NewMap1 = enter_type(Id, FunType, Map),
2367      NewMap2 =
2368	case state__get_rec_var(Id, State) of
2369	  {ok, Var} -> enter_type(Var, FunType, NewMap1);
2370	  error -> NewMap1
2371	end,
2372      {ok, maps:put(Id, NewMap2, NewMapDict), NewMap2}
2373  end;
2374solve_ref_or_list(#constraint_list{type=Type, list = Cs, deps = Deps, id = Id},
2375		  Map, MapDict, State) ->
2376  {OldLocalMap, Check} =
2377    case maps:find(Id, MapDict) of
2378      error -> {map_new(), false};
2379      {ok, M} -> {M, true}
2380    end,
2381  ?debug("Checking ref to list: ~w\n", [Id]),
2382  if
2383    OldLocalMap =:= error -> {error, MapDict};
2384    true ->
2385      case Check andalso maps_are_equal(OldLocalMap, Map, Deps) of
2386        true ->
2387          ?debug("~tw equal ~w\n", [Type, Id]),
2388          {ok, MapDict, Map};
2389        false ->
2390          ?debug("~tw not equal: ~w. Solving\n", [Type, Id]),
2391          solve_clist(Cs, Type, Id, Deps, MapDict, Map, State)
2392      end
2393  end.
2395solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, RecType0, State) ->
2396  ?debug("Solving self recursive ~tw\n", [debug_lookup_name(Id)]),
2397  {ok, RecVar} = state__get_rec_var(Id, State),
2398  ?debug("OldRecType ~ts\n", [format_type(RecType0)]),
2399  RecType = t_limit(RecType0, ?TYPE_LIMIT),
2400  Map1 = enter_type(RecVar, RecType, erase_type(t_var_name(Id), Map)),
2401  ?pp_map("Map1", Map1),
2402  case solve_ref_or_list(Cs, Map1, MapDict, State) of
2403    {error, _} = Error ->
2404      case t_is_none(RecType0) of
2405	true ->
2406	  %% Try again and assume that this is a non-terminating function.
2407	  Arity = state__fun_arity(Id, State),
2408	  NewRecType = t_fun(lists:duplicate(Arity, t_any()), t_unit()),
2409	  solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, NewRecType, State);
2410	false ->
2411	  Error
2412      end;
2413    {ok, NewMapDict, NewMap} ->
2414      ?pp_map("NewMap", NewMap),
2415      NewRecType = unsafe_lookup_type(Id, NewMap),
2416      case is_equal(NewRecType, RecType0) of
2417	true ->
2418	  {ok, NewMapDict, enter_type(RecVar, NewRecType, NewMap)};
2419	false ->
2420	  solve_self_recursive(Cs, Map, MapDict, Id, NewRecType, State)
2421      end
2422  end.
2424solve_clist(Cs, conj, Id, Deps, MapDict, Map, State) ->
2425  case solve_cs(Cs, Map, MapDict, State) of
2426    {error, NewMapDict} ->
2427      {error, maps:put(Id, error, NewMapDict)};
2428    {ok, NewMapDict, NewMap} = Ret ->
2429      case Cs of
2430	[_] ->
2431	  %% Just a special case for one conjunctive constraint.
2432	  Ret;
2433	_ ->
2434	  case maps_are_equal(Map, NewMap, Deps) of
2435	    true -> {ok, maps:put(Id, NewMap, NewMapDict), NewMap};
2436	    false -> solve_clist(Cs, conj, Id, Deps, NewMapDict, NewMap, State)
2437	  end
2438      end
2439  end;
2440solve_clist(Cs, disj, Id, _Deps, MapDict, Map, State) ->
2441  Fun = fun(C, Dict) ->
2442	    case solve_ref_or_list(C, Map, Dict, State) of
2443	      {ok, NewDict, NewMap} -> {{ok, NewMap}, NewDict};
2444	      {error, _NewDict} = Error -> Error
2445	    end
2446	end,
2447  {Maps, NewMapDict} = lists:mapfoldl(Fun, MapDict, Cs),
2448  case [X || {ok, X} <- Maps] of
2449    [] -> {error, maps:put(Id, error, NewMapDict)};
2450    MapList ->
2451      NewMap = join_maps(MapList),
2452      {ok, maps:put(Id, NewMap, NewMapDict), NewMap}
2453  end.
2455solve_cs([#constraint_ref{} = C|Tail], Map, MapDict, State) ->
2456  case solve_ref_or_list(C, Map, MapDict, State) of
2457    {ok, NewMapDict, Map1} -> solve_cs(Tail, Map1, NewMapDict, State);
2458    {error, _NewMapDict} = Error -> Error
2459  end;
2460solve_cs([#constraint_list{} = C|Tail], Map, MapDict, State) ->
2461  case solve_ref_or_list(C, Map, MapDict, State) of
2462    {ok, NewMapDict, Map1} -> solve_cs(Tail, Map1, NewMapDict, State);
2463    {error, _NewMapDict} = Error -> Error
2464  end;
2465solve_cs([#constraint{} = C|Tail], Map, MapDict, State) ->
2466  case solve_one_c(C, Map) of
2467    error ->
2468      report_failed_constraint(C, Map),
2469      {error, MapDict};
2470    {ok, {NewMap, _U}} ->
2471      solve_cs(Tail, NewMap, MapDict, State)
2472  end;
2473solve_cs([], Map, MapDict, _State) ->
2474  {ok, MapDict, Map}.
2476solve_one_c(#constraint{lhs = Lhs, rhs = Rhs, op = Op}, Map) ->
2477  LhsType = lookup_type(Lhs, Map),
2478  RhsType = lookup_type(Rhs, Map),
2479  Inf = t_inf(LhsType, RhsType),
2480  ?debug("Solving: ~ts :: ~ts ~w ~ts :: ~ts\n\tInf: ~ts\n",
2481	 [format_type(Lhs), format_type(LhsType), Op,
2482	  format_type(Rhs), format_type(RhsType), format_type(Inf)]),
2483  case t_is_none(Inf) of
2484    true -> error;
2485    false ->
2486      case Op of
2487	sub -> solve_subtype(Lhs, Inf, Map);
2488	eq ->
2489	  case solve_subtype(Lhs, Inf, Map) of
2490	    error -> error;
2491	    {ok, {Map1, U1}} ->
2492              case solve_subtype(Rhs, Inf, Map1) of
2493                error -> error;
2494                {ok, {Map2, U2}} -> {ok, {Map2, lists:umerge(U1, U2)}}
2495              end
2496	  end
2497      end
2498  end.
2500solve_subtype(Type, Inf, Map) ->
2501  %% case cerl:is_literal(Type) of
2502  %%   true ->
2503  %%     case t_is_subtype(t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Type)), Inf) of
2504  %%	true -> {ok, Map};
2505  %%	false -> error
2506  %%     end;
2507  %%   false ->
2508      try t_unify(Type, Inf) of
2509	{_, List} -> {ok, enter_type_list(List, Map)}
2510      catch
2511	throw:{mismatch, _T1, _T2} ->
2512	  ?debug("Mismatch between ~ts and ~ts\n",
2513		 [format_type(_T1), format_type(_T2)]),
2514	  error
2515      end.
2516  %% end.
2518report_failed_constraint(_C, _Map) ->
2519  ?debug("+++++++++++\nFailed: ~ts :: ~ts ~w ~ts :: ~ts\n+++++++++++\n",
2520         [format_type(_C#constraint.lhs),
2521          format_type(lookup_type(_C#constraint.lhs, _Map)),
2522          _C#constraint.op,
2523          format_type(_C#constraint.rhs),
2524          format_type(lookup_type(_C#constraint.rhs, _Map))]).
2526%% ============================================================================
2528%%  Maps and types.
2530%% ============================================================================
2532map_new() ->
2533  maps:new().
2535join_maps([Map]) ->
2536  Map;
2537join_maps(Maps) ->
2538  Keys = constrained_keys(Maps),
2539  join_maps(Keys, Maps, map_new()).
2541constrained_keys(Maps) ->
2542  lists:foldl(fun(TmpMap, AccKeys) ->
2543                  [Key || Key <- AccKeys, maps:is_key(Key, TmpMap)]
2544              end,
2545              maps:keys(hd(Maps)), tl(Maps)).
2547join_maps([Key|Left], Maps = [Map|MapsLeft], AccMap) ->
2548  NewType = join_one_key(Key, MapsLeft, lookup_type(Key, Map)),
2549  NewAccMap = enter_type(Key, NewType, AccMap),
2550  join_maps(Left, Maps, NewAccMap);
2551join_maps([], _Maps, AccMap) ->
2552  AccMap.
2554join_one_key(Key, [Map|Maps], Type) ->
2555  case t_is_any(Type) of
2556    true -> Type;
2557    false ->
2558      NewType = lookup_type(Key, Map),
2559      case is_equal(NewType, Type) of
2560	true  -> join_one_key(Key, Maps, Type);
2561	false -> join_one_key(Key, Maps, t_sup(NewType, Type))
2562      end
2563  end;
2564join_one_key(_Key, [], Type) ->
2565  Type.
2567maps_are_equal(Map1, Map2, Deps) ->
2568  NewDeps = prune_keys(Map1, Map2, Deps),
2569  maps_are_equal_1(Map1, Map2, NewDeps).
2571maps_are_equal_1(Map1, Map2, [H|Tail]) ->
2572  T1 = lookup_type(H, Map1),
2573  T2 = lookup_type(H, Map2),
2574  case is_equal(T1, T2) of
2575    true -> maps_are_equal_1(Map1, Map2, Tail);
2576    false ->
2577      ?debug("~w: ~ts =/= ~ts\n", [H, format_type(T1), format_type(T2)]),
2578      false
2579  end;
2580maps_are_equal_1(_Map1, _Map2, []) ->
2581  true.
2583-define(PRUNE_LIMIT, 100).
2585prune_keys(Map1, Map2, Deps) ->
2586  %% This is only worthwhile if the number of deps is reasonably large,
2587  %% and also bigger than the number of elements in the maps.
2588  NofDeps = length(Deps),
2589  case NofDeps > ?PRUNE_LIMIT of
2590    true ->
2591      Keys1 = maps:keys(Map1),
2592      case length(Keys1) > NofDeps of
2593	true ->
2594	  Set1 = lists:sort(Keys1),
2595	  Set2 = lists:sort(maps:keys(Map2)),
2596	  ordsets:intersection(ordsets:union(Set1, Set2), Deps);
2597	false ->
2598	  Deps
2599      end;
2600    false ->
2601      Deps
2602  end.
2604enter_type(Key, Val, Map) when is_integer(Key) ->
2605  ?debug("Entering ~ts :: ~ts\n", [format_type(t_var(Key)), format_type(Val)]),
2606  %% Keep any() in the map if it is opaque:
2607  case is_equal(Val, t_any()) of
2608    true ->
2609      erase_type(Key, Map);
2610    false ->
2611      LimitedVal = t_limit(Val, ?INTERNAL_TYPE_LIMIT),
2612      case is_equal(LimitedVal, Val) of
2613	true -> ok;
2614	false -> ?debug("LimitedVal ~ts\n", [format_type(LimitedVal)])
2615      end,
2616      case maps:find(Key, Map) of
2617        {ok, Value} ->
2618          case is_equal(Value, LimitedVal) of
2619            true -> Map;
2620            false -> map_store(Key, LimitedVal, Map)
2621          end;
2622	error -> map_store(Key, LimitedVal, Map)
2623      end
2624  end;
2625enter_type(Key, Val, Map) ->
2626  KeyName = t_var_name(Key),
2627  enter_type(KeyName, Val, Map).
2629enter_type_lists([Key|KeyTail], [Val|ValTail], Map) ->
2630  Map1 = enter_type(Key, Val, Map),
2631  enter_type_lists(KeyTail, ValTail, Map1);
2632enter_type_lists([], [], Map) ->
2633  Map.
2635enter_type_list(KeyVals, Map) ->
2636  enter_type_list(KeyVals, Map, []).
2638enter_type_list([{Key, Val}|Tail], Map, U0) ->
2639  {Map1,U1} = enter_type2(Key, Val, Map),
2640  enter_type_list(Tail, Map1, U1++U0);
2641enter_type_list([], Map, U) ->
2642  {Map, ordsets:from_list(U)}.
2644enter_type2(Key, Val, Map) ->
2645  Map1 = enter_type(Key, Val, Map),
2646  {Map1, [Key || not is_same(Key, Map, Map1)]}.
2648map_store(Key, Val, Map) ->
2649  ?debug("Storing ~tw :: ~ts\n", [Key, format_type(Val)]),
2650  maps:put(Key, Val, Map).
2652erase_type(Key, Map) ->
2653  maps:remove(Key, Map).
2655lookup_type_list(List, Map) ->
2656  [lookup_type(X, Map) || X <- List].
2658unsafe_lookup_type(Key, Map) ->
2659  case maps:find(t_var_name(Key), Map) of
2660    {ok, Type} -> Type;
2661    error -> t_none()
2662  end.
2664unsafe_lookup_type_list(List, Map) ->
2665  [unsafe_lookup_type(X, Map) || X <- List].
2667lookup_type(Key, Map) when is_integer(Key) ->
2668  case maps:find(Key, Map) of
2669    error -> t_any();
2670    {ok, Val} -> Val
2671  end;
2672lookup_type(#fun_var{'fun' = Fun}, Map) ->
2673  Fun(Map);
2674lookup_type(Key, Map) ->
2675  %% Seems unused and dialyzer complains about it -- commented out.
2676  %% case cerl:is_literal(Key) of
2677  %%   true -> t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Key));
2678  %%   false ->
2679  t_subst(Key, Map).
2680  %% end.
2682mk_var(Var) ->
2683  case cerl:is_literal(Var) of
2684    true -> Var;
2685    false ->
2686      case cerl:is_c_values(Var) of
2687	true -> t_product(mk_var_no_lit_list(cerl:values_es(Var)));
2688	false -> t_var(cerl_trees:get_label(Var))
2689      end
2690  end.
2692mk_var_list(List) ->
2693  [mk_var(X) || X <- List].
2695mk_var_no_lit(Var) ->
2696  case cerl:is_literal(Var) of
2697    true -> t_from_term(cerl:concrete(Var));
2698    false -> mk_var(Var)
2699  end.
2701mk_var_no_lit_list(List) ->
2702  [mk_var_no_lit(X) || X <- List].
2704updated_vars_only(U, OldMap, NewMap) ->
2705  [V || V <- U, not is_same(V, OldMap, NewMap)].
2707is_same(Key, Map1, Map2) ->
2708  is_equal(lookup_type(Key, Map1), lookup_type(Key, Map2)).
2710is_equal(Type1, Type2) ->
2711  t_is_equal(Type1, Type2).
2713%% ============================================================================
2715%%  The State.
2717%% ============================================================================
2719new_state(MFAs, NextLabel, CallGraph, CServer, Plt, PropTypes0, Solvers) ->
2720  List_SCC =
2721    [begin
2722       {Var, Label} = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mfa_var_label(MFA, CServer),
2723       {{MFA, Var}, t_var(Label)}
2724   end || MFA <- MFAs],
2725  {List, SCC} = lists:unzip(List_SCC),
2726  NameMap = maps:from_list(List),
2727  SelfRec =
2728    case SCC of
2729      [OneF] ->
2730	Label = t_var_name(OneF),
2731	case dialyzer_callgraph:is_self_rec(Label, CallGraph) of
2732	  true -> OneF;
2733	  false -> false
2734	end;
2735      _Many -> false
2736    end,
2737  PropTypes = dict:from_list(PropTypes0),
2738  #state{callgraph = CallGraph, name_map = NameMap, next_label = NextLabel,
2739	 prop_types = PropTypes, plt = Plt, scc = ordsets:from_list(SCC),
2740	 mfas = MFAs, self_rec = SelfRec, solvers = Solvers,
2741         cserver = CServer}.
2743state__set_module(State, Module) ->
2744  State#state{module = Module}.
2746state__set_in_match(State, Bool) ->
2747  State#state{in_match = Bool}.
2749state__is_in_match(#state{in_match = Bool}) ->
2750  Bool.
2752state__set_in_guard(State, Bool) ->
2753  State#state{in_guard = Bool}.
2755state__is_in_guard(#state{in_guard = Bool}) ->
2756  Bool.
2758state__get_fun_prototype(Op, Arity, State) ->
2759  case t_is_fun(Op) of
2760    true -> {State, Op};
2761    false ->
2762      {State1, [Ret|Args]} = state__mk_vars(Arity+1, State),
2763      Fun = t_fun(Args, Ret),
2764      {State1, Fun}
2765  end.
2767state__lookup_rec_var_in_scope(MFA, #state{name_map = NameMap}) ->
2768  maps:find(MFA, NameMap).
2770state__store_fun_arity(Tree, #state{fun_arities = Map} = State) ->
2771  Arity = length(cerl:fun_vars(Tree)),
2772  Id = mk_var(Tree),
2773  State#state{fun_arities = maps:put(Id, Arity, Map)}.
2775state__fun_arity(Id, #state{fun_arities = Map}) ->
2776  maps:get(Id, Map).
2778state__lookup_undef_var(Tree, #state{callgraph = CG, plt = Plt}) ->
2779  Label = cerl_trees:get_label(Tree),
2780  case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_rec_var(Label, CG) of
2781    error -> error;
2782    {ok, MFA} ->
2783      case dialyzer_plt:lookup(Plt, MFA) of
2784	none -> error;
2785	{value, {RetType, ArgTypes}} ->
2786          {ok, t_fun(ArgTypes, RetType)}
2787      end
2788  end.
2790state__lookup_apply(Tree, #state{callgraph = Callgraph}) ->
2791  Apply = cerl_trees:get_label(Tree),
2792  case dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_call_site(Apply, Callgraph) of
2793    error ->
2794      unknown;
2795    {ok, List} ->
2796      case lists:member(external, List) of
2797	true -> unknown;
2798	false -> List
2799      end
2800  end.
2802get_apply_constr(FunLabels, Dst, ArgTypes, #state{callgraph = CG} = State) ->
2803  MFAs = [dialyzer_callgraph:lookup_name(Label, CG) || Label <- FunLabels],
2804  case lists:member(error, MFAs) of
2805    true -> error;
2806    false ->
2807      Constrs0 =
2808	[begin
2809	   State1 = state__new_constraint_context(State),
2810	   try get_plt_constr(MFA, Dst, ArgTypes, State1) of
2811	       State2 -> state__cs(State2)
2812	   catch
2813	     throw:error -> error
2814	   end
2815	 end || {ok, MFA} <- MFAs],
2816      case [C || C <- Constrs0, C =/= error] of
2817	[] -> throw(error);
2818	Constrs ->
2819	  ApplyConstr = mk_disj_constraint_list(Constrs),
2820	  {ok, state__store_conj(ApplyConstr, State)}
2821      end
2822  end.
2824state__scc(#state{scc = SCC}) ->
2825  SCC.
2827state__add_fun_to_scc(Fun, #state{scc = SCC} = State) ->
2828  State#state{scc = ordsets:add_element(Fun, SCC)}.
2830state__plt(#state{plt = PLT}) ->
2831  PLT.
2833state__new_constraint_context(State) ->
2834  State#state{cs = []}.
2836state__prop_domain(FunLabel, #state{prop_types = PropTypes}) ->
2837 case dict:find(FunLabel, PropTypes) of
2838    error -> error;
2839    {ok, {_Range_Fun, Dom}} -> {ok, Dom};
2840    {ok, FunType} -> {ok, t_fun_args(FunType)}
2841  end.
2843state__add_prop_constrs(Tree, #state{prop_types = PropTypes} = State) ->
2844  Label = cerl_trees:get_label(Tree),
2845  case dict:find(Label, PropTypes) of
2846    error -> State;
2847    {ok, FunType} ->
2848      case t_fun_args(FunType) of
2849	unknown -> State;
2850	ArgTypes ->
2851	  case erl_types:any_none(ArgTypes) of
2852	    true -> not_called;
2853	    false ->
2854	      ?debug("Adding propagated constr: ~ts for function ~tw\n",
2855		     [format_type(FunType), debug_lookup_name(mk_var(Tree))]),
2856	      FunVar = mk_var(Tree),
2857	      state__store_conj(FunVar, sub, FunType, State)
2858	  end
2859      end
2860  end.
2862state__cs(#state{cs = Cs}) ->
2863  mk_conj_constraint_list(Cs).
2865state__store_conj(C, #state{cs = Cs} = State) ->
2866  State#state{cs = [C|Cs]}.
2868state__store_conj_list([H|T], State) ->
2869  State1 = state__store_conj(H, State),
2870  state__store_conj_list(T, State1);
2871state__store_conj_list([], State) ->
2872  State.
2874state__store_conj(Lhs, Op, Rhs, #state{cs = Cs} = State) ->
2875  State#state{cs = [mk_constraint(Lhs, Op, Rhs)|Cs]}.
2877state__store_conj_lists(List1, Op, List2, State) ->
2878  {NewList1, NewList2} = strip_of_any_constrs(List1, List2),
2879  state__store_conj_lists_1(NewList1, Op, NewList2, State).
2881strip_of_any_constrs(List1, List2) ->
2882  strip_of_any_constrs(List1, List2, [], []).
2884strip_of_any_constrs([T1|Left1], [T2|Left2], Acc1, Acc2) ->
2885  case t_is_any(T1) orelse constraint_opnd_is_any(T2) of
2886    true -> strip_of_any_constrs(Left1, Left2, Acc1, Acc2);
2887    false -> strip_of_any_constrs(Left1, Left2, [T1|Acc1], [T2|Acc2])
2888  end;
2889strip_of_any_constrs([], [], Acc1, Acc2) ->
2890  {Acc1, Acc2}.
2892state__store_conj_lists_1([Arg1|Arg1Tail], Op, [Arg2|Arg2Tail], State) ->
2893  State1 = state__store_conj(Arg1, Op, Arg2, State),
2894  state__store_conj_lists_1(Arg1Tail, Op, Arg2Tail, State1);
2895state__store_conj_lists_1([], _Op, [], State) ->
2896  State.
2898state__mk_var(#state{next_label = NL} = State) ->
2899  {State#state{next_label = NL+1}, t_var(NL)}.
2901state__mk_vars(N, #state{next_label = NL} = State) ->
2902  NewLabel = NL + N,
2903  Vars = [t_var(X) || X <- lists:seq(NL, NewLabel-1)],
2904  {State#state{next_label = NewLabel}, Vars}.
2906state__store_constrs(Id, Cs, #state{cmap = Map} = State) ->
2907  NewMap = maps:put(Id, Cs, Map),
2908  State#state{cmap = NewMap}.
2910state__get_cs(Var, #state{cmap = Map}) ->
2911  maps:get(Var, Map).
2913state__is_self_rec(Fun, #state{self_rec = SelfRec}) ->
2914  not (SelfRec =:= 'false') andalso is_equal(Fun, SelfRec).
2916state__store_funs(Vars0, Funs0, #state{fun_map = Map} = State) ->
2917  debug_make_name_map(Vars0, Funs0),
2918  Vars = mk_var_list(Vars0),
2919  Funs = mk_var_list(Funs0),
2920  NewMap = lists:foldl(fun({Var, Fun}, MP) -> maps:put(Fun, Var, MP) end,
2921		       Map, lists:zip(Vars, Funs)),
2922  State#state{fun_map = NewMap}.
2924state__get_rec_var(Fun, #state{fun_map = Map}) ->
2925  maps:find(Fun, Map).
2927state__finalize(State) ->
2928  State1 = state__new_constraint_context(State),
2929  State2 = enumerate_constraints(State1),
2930  order_fun_constraints(State2).
2932%% ============================================================================
2934%%  Constraints
2936%% ============================================================================
2938-spec mk_constraint(erl_types:erl_type(),
2939                    constr_op(),
2940                    fvar_or_type()) -> #constraint{}.
2942mk_constraint(Lhs, Op, Rhs) ->
2943  case t_is_any(Lhs) orelse constraint_opnd_is_any(Rhs) of
2944    false ->
2945      Deps = find_constraint_deps([Lhs, Rhs]),
2946      C = mk_constraint_1(Lhs, Op, Rhs, Deps),
2947      case Deps =:= [] of
2948	true ->
2949	  %% This constraint is constant. Solve it immediately.
2950	  case solve_one_c(C, map_new()) of
2951	    error -> throw(error);
2952	    _R ->
2953	      %% This is always true, keep it anyway for logistic reasons
2954	      C
2955	  end;
2956	false ->
2957	  C
2958      end;
2959    true ->
2960      mk_constraint_any(Op)
2961  end.
2963mk_constraint_any(Op) ->
2964  mk_constraint_1(t_any(), Op, t_any(), []).
2966%% the following function is used so that we do not call
2967%% erl_types:t_is_any/1 with a term other than an erl_type()
2968-spec constraint_opnd_is_any(fvar_or_type()) -> boolean().
2970constraint_opnd_is_any(#fun_var{}) -> false;
2971constraint_opnd_is_any(Type) -> t_is_any(Type).
2975-spec mk_fun_var(integer(),
2976                 fun((_) -> erl_types:erl_type()),
2977                 [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> #fun_var{}.
2979mk_fun_var(Line, Fun, Types) ->
2980  Deps = [t_var_name(Var) || Var <- t_collect_vars(t_product(Types))],
2981  #fun_var{'fun' = Fun, deps = ordsets:from_list(Deps), origin = Line}.
2983pp_map(S, Map) ->
2984  ?debug("\t~s: ~p\n",
2985            [S, [{X, lists:flatten(format_type(Y))} ||
2986                  {X, Y} <- lists:keysort(1, maps:to_list(Map))]]).
2990-spec mk_fun_var(fun((_) -> erl_types:erl_type()), [erl_types:erl_type()]) -> #fun_var{}.
2992mk_fun_var(Fun, Types) ->
2993  Deps = [t_var_name(Var) || Var <- t_collect_vars(t_product(Types))],
2994  #fun_var{'fun' = Fun, deps = ordsets:from_list(Deps)}.
2998-spec get_deps(constr()) -> deps().
3000get_deps(#constraint{deps = D}) -> D;
3001get_deps(#constraint_list{deps = D}) -> D;
3002get_deps(#constraint_ref{deps = D}) -> D.
3004-spec find_constraint_deps([fvar_or_type()]) -> deps().
3006find_constraint_deps(List) ->
3007  ordsets:from_list(find_constraint_deps(List, [])).
3009find_constraint_deps([#fun_var{deps = Deps}|Tail], Acc) ->
3010  find_constraint_deps(Tail, [Deps|Acc]);
3011find_constraint_deps([Type|Tail], Acc) ->
3012  NewAcc = [[t_var_name(D) || D <- t_collect_vars(Type)]|Acc],
3013  find_constraint_deps(Tail, NewAcc);
3014find_constraint_deps([], Acc) ->
3015  lists:append(Acc).
3017mk_constraint_1(Lhs, eq, Rhs, Deps) when Lhs < Rhs ->
3018  #constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = eq, rhs = Rhs, deps = Deps};
3019mk_constraint_1(Lhs, eq, Rhs, Deps) ->
3020  #constraint{lhs = Rhs, op = eq, rhs = Lhs, deps = Deps};
3021mk_constraint_1(Lhs, Op, Rhs, Deps) ->
3022  #constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs, deps = Deps}.
3024mk_constraints([Lhs|LhsTail], Op, [Rhs|RhsTail]) ->
3025  [mk_constraint(Lhs, Op, Rhs) |
3026   mk_constraints(LhsTail, Op, RhsTail)];
3027mk_constraints([], _Op, []) ->
3028  [].
3030mk_constraint_ref(Id, Deps) ->
3031  %% See also solve_ref_or_list(), #constraint_ref{}.
3032  Ds = ordsets:del_element(t_var_name(Id), Deps),
3033  #constraint_ref{id = Id, deps = Ds}.
3035mk_constraint_list(Type, List) ->
3036  List1 = ordsets:from_list(lift_lists(Type, List)),
3037  case Type of
3038    conj ->
3039      List2 = ordsets:filter(fun(X) -> get_deps(X) =/= [] end, List1),
3040      mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List2);
3041    disj ->
3042      case lists:any(fun(X) -> get_deps(X) =:= [] end, List1) of
3043	true -> mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, [mk_constraint_any(eq)]);
3044	false -> mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List1)
3045      end
3046  end.
3048mk_constraint_list_cont(Type, List) ->
3049  Deps = calculate_deps(List),
3050  case Deps =:= [] of
3051    true -> #constraint_list{type = conj,
3052			     list = [mk_constraint_any(eq)],
3053			     deps = []};
3054    false -> #constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, deps = Deps}
3055  end.
3057lift_lists(Type, List) ->
3058  lift_lists(Type, List, []).
3060lift_lists(Type, [#constraint_list{type = Type, list = List}|Tail], Acc) ->
3061  lift_lists(Type, Tail, List++Acc);
3062lift_lists(Type, [C|Tail], Acc) ->
3063  lift_lists(Type, Tail, [C|Acc]);
3064lift_lists(_Type, [], Acc) ->
3065  Acc.
3067update_constraint_list(CL, List) ->
3068  CL#constraint_list{list = List}.
3070%% We expand guard constraints into dijunctive normal form to gain
3071%% precision in simple guards. However, because of the exponential
3072%% growth of this expansion in the presens of disjunctions we can even
3073%% get into trouble while expanding.
3075%% To limit this we only expand when the number of disjunctions are
3076%% below a certain limit. This limit is currently set based on the
3077%% behaviour of boolean 'or'.
3079%%         V1 = V2 or V3
3081%% Gives us in simplified form the constraints
3083%%         <Some cs> * ((V1 = true) + (V2 = true) + (V1 = false))
3085%% and thus a three-parted disjunction. If want to allow for two
3086%% levels of disjunction we need to have 3^2 = 9 disjunctions. If we
3087%% want three levels we need 3^3 = 27 disjunctions. More than that
3088%% seems unnecessary and tends to blow up.
3090%% Note that by not expanding we lose some precision, but we get a
3091%% safe over approximation.
3093-define(DISJ_NORM_FORM_LIMIT, 28).
3095mk_disj_norm_form(#constraint_list{} = CL) ->
3096  try
3097    List1 = expand_to_conjunctions(CL),
3098    mk_disj_constraint_list(List1)
3099  catch
3100    throw:too_many_disj -> CL
3101  end.
3103expand_to_conjunctions(#constraint_list{type = conj, list = List}) ->
3104  List1 = [C || C <- List, is_simple_constraint(C)],
3105  List2 = [expand_to_conjunctions(C) || #constraint_list{} = C <- List],
3106  case List2 =:= [] of
3107    true -> [mk_conj_constraint_list(List1)];
3108    false ->
3109      case List2 of
3110	[JustOneList] ->
3111	  [mk_conj_constraint_list([L|List1]) || L <- JustOneList];
3112	_ ->
3113	  combine_conj_lists(List2, List1)
3114      end
3115  end;
3116expand_to_conjunctions(#constraint_list{type = disj, list = List}) ->
3117  if length(List) > ?DISJ_NORM_FORM_LIMIT -> throw(too_many_disj);
3118     true -> ok
3119  end,
3120  List1 = [C || C <- List, is_simple_constraint(C)],
3121  %% Just an assert.
3122  [] = [C || #constraint{} = C <- List1],
3123  Expanded = lists:append([expand_to_conjunctions(C)
3124                           || #constraint_list{} = C <- List]),
3125  ReturnList = Expanded ++ List1,
3126  if length(ReturnList) > ?DISJ_NORM_FORM_LIMIT -> throw(too_many_disj);
3127     true -> ReturnList
3128  end.
3130is_simple_constraint(#constraint{}) -> true;
3131is_simple_constraint(#constraint_ref{}) -> true;
3132is_simple_constraint(#constraint_list{}) -> false.
3134combine_conj_lists([List1, List2|Left], Prefix) ->
3135  NewList = [mk_conj_constraint_list([L1, L2]) || L1 <- List1, L2 <- List2],
3136  if length(NewList) > ?DISJ_NORM_FORM_LIMIT -> throw(too_many_disj);
3137     true -> ok
3138  end,
3139  combine_conj_lists([NewList|Left], Prefix);
3140combine_conj_lists([List], Prefix) ->
3141  [mk_conj_constraint_list([mk_conj_constraint_list(Prefix), L]) || L <- List].
3143calculate_deps(List) ->
3144  calculate_deps(List, []).
3146calculate_deps([H|Tail], Acc) ->
3147  Deps = get_deps(H),
3148  calculate_deps(Tail, [Deps|Acc]);
3149calculate_deps([], []) -> [];
3150calculate_deps([], [L]) -> L;
3151calculate_deps([], Acc) ->
3152  lists:umerge(Acc).
3154mk_conj_constraint_list(List) ->
3155  mk_constraint_list(conj, List).
3157mk_disj_constraint_list([NotReallyAList]) ->
3158  NotReallyAList;
3159mk_disj_constraint_list(List) ->
3160  %% Make sure each element in the list is either a conjunction or a
3161  %% ref. Wrap single constraints into conjunctions.
3162  List1 = [wrap_simple_constr(C) || C <- List],
3163  mk_constraint_list(disj, List1).
3165wrap_simple_constr(#constraint{} = C) -> mk_conj_constraint_list([C]);
3166wrap_simple_constr(#constraint_list{} = C) -> C;
3167wrap_simple_constr(#constraint_ref{} = C) -> C.
3169enumerate_constraints(State) ->
3170  Cs = [mk_constraint_ref(Id, get_deps(state__get_cs(Id, State)))
3171	|| Id <- state__scc(State)],
3172  {_, _, NewState} = enumerate_constraints(Cs, 0, [], State),
3173  NewState.
3175enumerate_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id} = C|Tail], N, Acc, State) ->
3176  Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
3177  {[NewCs], NewN, NewState1} = enumerate_constraints([Cs], N, [], State),
3178  NewState2 = state__store_constrs(Id, NewCs, NewState1),
3179  enumerate_constraints(Tail, NewN+1, [C|Acc], NewState2);
3180enumerate_constraints([#constraint_list{type = conj, list = List} = C|Tail],
3181		      N, Acc, State) ->
3182  %% Separate the flat constraints from the deep ones to make a
3183  %% separate fixpoint iteration over the flat ones for speed.
3184  {Flat, Deep} = lists:partition(fun(#constraint{}) -> true;
3185				    (#constraint_list{}) -> false;
3186				    (#constraint_ref{}) -> false
3187				 end, List),
3188  {NewFlat, N1, State1} = enumerate_constraints(Flat, N, [], State),
3189  {NewDeep, N2, State2} = enumerate_constraints(Deep, N1, [], State1),
3190  {NewList, N3} =
3191    if
3192      NewFlat =:= [] -> {NewDeep, N2};
3193      NewDeep =:= [] -> {NewFlat, N2};
3194      true ->
3195        TmpCList = mk_conj_constraint_list(NewFlat),
3196        {[TmpCList#constraint_list{id = {list, N2}}| NewDeep],
3197         N2 + 1}
3198    end,
3199  NewAcc = [C#constraint_list{list = NewList, id = {list, N3}}|Acc],
3200  enumerate_constraints(Tail, N3+1, NewAcc, State2);
3201enumerate_constraints([#constraint_list{list = List, type = disj} = C|Tail],
3202		      N, Acc, State) ->
3203  {NewList, NewN, NewState} = enumerate_constraints(List, N, [], State),
3204  NewAcc = [C#constraint_list{list = NewList, id = {list, NewN}}|Acc],
3205  enumerate_constraints(Tail, NewN+1, NewAcc, NewState);
3206enumerate_constraints([#constraint{} = C|Tail], N, Acc, State) ->
3207  enumerate_constraints(Tail, N, [C|Acc], State);
3208enumerate_constraints([], N, Acc, State) ->
3209  {lists:reverse(Acc), N, State}.
3211%% Put the fun ref constraints last in any conjunction since we need
3212%% to separate the environment from the interior of the function.
3213order_fun_constraints(State) ->
3214  Cs = [mk_constraint_ref(Id, get_deps(state__get_cs(Id, State)))
3215	|| Id <- state__scc(State)],
3216  order_fun_constraints(Cs, State).
3218order_fun_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id}|Tail], State) ->
3219  Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
3220  {[Cs1], State1} = order_fun_constraints([Cs], [], [], State),
3221  NewCs = Cs1#constraint_list{deps = Cs#constraint_list.deps},
3222  NewState = state__store_constrs(Id, NewCs, State1),
3223  order_fun_constraints(Tail, NewState);
3224order_fun_constraints([], State) ->
3225  State.
3227order_fun_constraints([#constraint_ref{} = C|Tail], Funs, Acc, State) ->
3228  order_fun_constraints(Tail, [C|Funs], Acc, State);
3229order_fun_constraints([#constraint_list{list = List,
3230                                        type = Type,
3231                                        masks = OldMasks} = C|Tail],
3232		      Funs, Acc, State) ->
3233  case OldMasks of
3234    undefined ->
3235      {NewList, NewState} =
3236        case Type of
3237          conj -> order_fun_constraints(List, [], [], State);
3238          disj ->
3239            FoldFun = fun(X, AccState) ->
3240                          {[NewX], NewAccState} =
3241                            order_fun_constraints([X], [], [], AccState),
3242                          {NewX, NewAccState}
3243                      end,
3244            lists:mapfoldl(FoldFun, State, List)
3245        end,
3246      NewList2 = reset_deps(NewList, State),
3247      C1 = update_constraint_list(C, NewList2),
3248      Masks = calculate_masks(NewList, 1, []),
3249      NewAcc = [update_masks(C1, Masks)|Acc],
3250      order_fun_constraints(Tail, Funs, NewAcc, NewState);
3251    M when is_map(M) ->
3252      order_fun_constraints(Tail, Funs, [C|Acc], State)
3253  end;
3254order_fun_constraints([#constraint{} = C|Tail], Funs, Acc, State) ->
3255  order_fun_constraints(Tail, Funs, [C|Acc], State);
3256order_fun_constraints([], Funs, Acc, State) ->
3257  NewState = order_fun_constraints(Funs, State),
3258  {lists:reverse(Acc)++Funs, NewState}.
3260update_masks(C, Masks) ->
3261  C#constraint_list{masks = Masks}.
3263reset_deps(ConstrList, #state{solvers = Solvers}) ->
3264  case lists:member(v1, Solvers) of
3265    true ->
3266      ConstrList;
3267    false ->
3268      [reset_deps(Constr) || Constr <- ConstrList]
3269  end.
3271reset_deps(#constraint{}=C) -> C#constraint{deps = []};
3272reset_deps(#constraint_list{}=C) -> C#constraint_list{deps = []};
3273reset_deps(#constraint_ref{}=C) -> C#constraint_ref{deps = []}.
3275calculate_masks([C|Cs], I, L0) ->
3276  calculate_masks(Cs, I+1, [{V, I} || V <- get_deps(C)] ++ L0);
3277calculate_masks([], _I, L) ->
3278  M = family(L),
3279  maps:from_list(M).
3281%% ============================================================================
3283%%  Utilities.
3285%% ============================================================================
3287bif_return(M, F, A, Xs) ->
3288  erl_bif_types:type(M, F, A, Xs).
3290is_singleton_non_number_type(Type) ->
3291  case t_is_number(Type) of
3292    true -> false;
3293    false -> is_singleton_type(Type)
3294  end.
3296is_singleton_type(Type) ->
3297  case t_is_atom(Type) of
3298    true ->
3299      case t_atom_vals(Type) of
3300	unknown -> false;
3301	[_] -> true;
3302	[_|_] -> false
3303      end;
3304    false ->
3305      case t_is_integer(Type) of
3306	true ->
3307	  case t_number_vals(Type) of
3308	    unknown -> false;
3309	    [_] -> true;
3310	    [_|_] -> false
3311	  end;
3312	false ->
3313	  t_is_nil(Type)
3314      end
3315  end.
3317find_element(Args, Cs) ->
3318  [Pos, Tuple] = Args,
3319  case t_is_number(Pos) of
3320    true ->
3321      case erl_types:t_number_vals(Pos) of
3322        'unknown' -> 'unknown';
3323        [I] ->
3324          case find_constraint(Tuple, Cs) of
3325            'unknown' -> 'unknown';
3326            #constraint{lhs = ExTuple} ->
3327              case erl_types:t_is_tuple(ExTuple) of
3328                true ->
3329                  Elems = erl_types:t_tuple_args(ExTuple),
3330                  Elem = lists:nth(I, Elems),
3331                  case erl_types:t_is_var(Elem) of
3332                    true -> Elem;
3333                    false -> 'unknown'
3334                  end;
3335                false -> 'unknown'
3336              end
3337          end;
3338        _ -> 'unknown'
3339      end;
3340    false -> 'unknown'
3341  end.
3343find_constraint(_Tuple, []) ->
3344  'unknown';
3345find_constraint(Tuple, [#constraint{op = 'eq', rhs = Tuple} = C|_]) ->
3346  C;
3347find_constraint(Tuple, [#constraint_list{list = List}|Cs]) ->
3348  find_constraint(Tuple, List ++ Cs);
3349find_constraint(Tuple, [_|Cs]) ->
3350  find_constraint(Tuple, Cs).
3352-spec fold_literal_maybe_match(cerl:cerl(), state()) -> cerl:cerl().
3354fold_literal_maybe_match(Tree0, State) ->
3355  Tree1 = cerl:fold_literal(Tree0),
3356  case state__is_in_match(State) of
3357    false -> Tree1;
3358    true -> dialyzer_utils:refold_pattern(Tree1)
3359  end.
3361lookup_record(State, Tag, Arity) ->
3362  #state{module = M, mod_records = ModRecs, cserver = CServer} = State,
3363  {State1, Rec} =
3364    case lists:keyfind(M, 1, ModRecs) of
3365      {M, Rec0} ->
3366        {State, Rec0};
3367      false ->
3368        Rec0 = dialyzer_codeserver:lookup_mod_records(M, CServer),
3369        NewModRecs = [{M, Rec0}|ModRecs],
3370        {State#state{mod_records = NewModRecs}, Rec0}
3371    end,
3372  case erl_types:lookup_record(Tag, Arity, Rec) of
3373    {ok, Fields} ->
3374      RecType =
3375        t_tuple([t_from_term(Tag)|
3376                 [FieldType || {_FieldName, _Abstr, FieldType} <- Fields]]),
3377      {ok, RecType, State1};
3378    error ->
3379      {error, State1}
3380  end.
3382is_literal_record(Tree) ->
3383  Ann = cerl:get_ann(Tree),
3384  lists:member(record, Ann).
3386family(L) ->
3387  dialyzer_utils:family(L).
3389%% ============================================================================
3391%%  Pretty printer and debug facilities.
3393%% ============================================================================
3397-define(DEBUG, true).
3402format_type(#fun_var{deps = Deps, origin = Origin}) ->
3403  L = [format_type(t_var(X)) || X <- Deps],
3404  io_lib:format("Fun@L~p(~ts)", [Origin, join_chars(L, ",")]);
3405format_type(Type) ->
3406  case cerl:is_literal(Type) of
3407    true -> io_lib:format("~tw", [cerl:concrete(Type)]);
3408    false -> erl_types:t_to_string(Type)
3409  end.
3411join_chars([], _Sep) ->
3412  [];
3413join_chars([H|T], Sep) ->
3414  [H|[[Sep,X] || X <- T]].
3416debug_lookup_name(Var) ->
3417  case maps:find(t_var_name(Var), get(dialyzer_typesig_map)) of
3418    error -> Var;
3419    {ok, Name} -> Name
3420  end.
3424debug_make_name_map(Vars, Funs) ->
3425  Map = get(dialyzer_typesig_map),
3426  NewMap =
3427    if Map =:= undefined -> debug_make_name_map(Vars, Funs, maps:new());
3428       true              -> debug_make_name_map(Vars, Funs, Map)
3429    end,
3430  put(dialyzer_typesig_map, NewMap).
3432debug_make_name_map([Var|VarLeft], [Fun|FunLeft], Map) ->
3433  Name = {cerl:fname_id(Var), cerl:fname_arity(Var)},
3434  FunLabel = cerl_trees:get_label(Fun),
3435  debug_make_name_map(VarLeft, FunLeft, maps:put(FunLabel, Name, Map));
3436debug_make_name_map([], [], Map) ->
3437  Map.
3440debug_make_name_map(_Vars, _Funs) ->
3441  ok.
3445pp_constrs_scc(SCC, State) ->
3446  [pp_constrs(Fun, state__get_cs(Fun, State), State) || Fun <- SCC].
3448pp_constrs(Fun, Cs, State) ->
3449  io:format("Constraints for fun: ~tw", [debug_lookup_name(Fun)]),
3450  MaxDepth = pp_constraints(Cs, State),
3451  io:format("Depth: ~w\n", [MaxDepth]).
3453pp_constraints(Cs, State) ->
3454  Res = pp_constraints([Cs], 0, 0, State),
3455  io:nl(),
3456  Res.
3458pp_constraints([List|Tail], Level, MaxDepth, State) when is_list(List) ->
3459  pp_constraints(List++Tail, Level, MaxDepth, State);
3460pp_constraints([#constraint_ref{id = Id}|Left], Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
3461  Cs = state__get_cs(Id, State),
3462  pp_indent(Level),
3463  io:format("%Ref ~w%", [t_var_name(Id)]),
3464  pp_constraints([Cs|Left], Level, MaxDepth, State);
3465pp_constraints([#constraint{}=C], Level, MaxDepth, _State) ->
3466  pp_op(C, Level),
3467  erlang:max(Level, MaxDepth);
3468pp_constraints([#constraint{}=C|Tail], Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
3469  pp_op(C, Level),
3470  pp_constraints(Tail, Level, MaxDepth, State);
3471pp_constraints([#constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, id = Id}|Tail],
3472	       Level, MaxDepth, State) ->
3473  pp_indent(Level),
3474  case Type of
3475    conj -> io:format("Conj ~w (", [Id]);
3476    disj -> io:format("Disj ~w (", [Id])
3477  end,
3478  NewMaxDepth = pp_constraints(List, Level+1, MaxDepth, State),
3479  io:format(")"),
3480  case Tail =:= [] of
3481    true  -> NewMaxDepth + 1;
3482    false -> pp_constraints(Tail, Level, NewMaxDepth, State)
3483  end.
3485pp_op(#constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs}, Level) ->
3486  pp_indent(Level),
3487  io:format("~ts ~w ~ts", [format_type(Lhs), Op, format_type(Rhs)]).
3489pp_indent(Level) ->
3490  io:format("\n~*s", [Level*2, ""]).
3492pp_constrs_scc(_SCC, _State) ->
3493  ok.
3498constraints_to_dot_scc(SCC, State) ->
3499  %% TODO: handle Unicode names.
3500  io:format("SCC: ~tp\n", [SCC]),
3501  Name = lists:flatten([format_lookup_name(debug_lookup_name(Fun))
3502                        || Fun <- SCC]),
3503  Cs = [state__get_cs(Fun, State) || Fun <- SCC],
3504  constraints_to_dot(Cs, Name, State).
3506format_lookup_name({FunName, Arity}) ->
3507  TupleS = io_lib:format("{~ts,~w}", [atom_to_list(FunName), Arity]),
3508  io_lib:format("~tw", [list_to_atom(lists:flatten(TupleS))]).
3510constraints_to_dot(Cs0, Name, State) ->
3511  NofCs = length(Cs0),
3512  Cs = lists:zip(lists:seq(1, NofCs), Cs0),
3513  {Graph, Opts, _N} = constraints_to_nodes(Cs, NofCs + 1, 1, [], [], State),
3514  dialyzer_dot:translate_list(Graph, "/tmp/cs.dot", "foo", Opts),
3515  %% "-T ps" works for Latin-1. dialyzer_dot cannot handle UTF-8 either.
3516  Res = os:cmd("dot -o /tmp/"++ Name ++ ".ps -T ps /tmp/cs.dot"),
3517  io:format("Res: ~ts~n", [Res]),
3518  ok.
3520constraints_to_nodes([{Name, #constraint_list{type = Type, list = List, id=Id}}
3521		      |Left], N, Level, Graph, Opts, State) ->
3522  N1 = N + length(List),
3523  NewList = lists:zip(lists:seq(N, N1 - 1), List),
3524  Names = [SubName || {SubName, _C} <- NewList],
3525  Edges = [{Name, SubName} || SubName <- Names],
3526  ThisNode = [{Name, Opt} || Opt <- [{label,
3527				      lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Id]))},
3528				     {shape, get_shape(Type)},
3529				     {level, Level}]],
3530  {NewGraph, NewOpts, N2} = constraints_to_nodes(NewList, N1, Level+1,
3531						 [Edges|Graph],
3532						 [ThisNode|Opts], State),
3533  constraints_to_nodes(Left, N2, Level, NewGraph, NewOpts, State);
3534constraints_to_nodes([{Name, #constraint{lhs = Lhs, op = Op, rhs = Rhs}}|Left],
3535		     N, Level, Graph, Opts, State) ->
3536  Label = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~ts ~w ~ts",
3537				      [format_type(Lhs), Op,
3538				       format_type(Rhs)])),
3539  ThisNode = [{Name, Opt} || Opt <- [{label, Label}, {level, Level}]],
3540  NewOpts = [ThisNode|Opts],
3541  constraints_to_nodes(Left, N, Level, Graph, NewOpts, State);
3542constraints_to_nodes([{Name, #constraint_ref{id = Id0}}|Left],
3543		     N, Level, Graph, Opts, State) ->
3544  Id = debug_lookup_name(Id0),
3545  CList = state__get_cs(Id0, State),
3546  ThisNode = [{Name, Opt} || Opt <- [{label,
3547				      lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w", [Id]))},
3548				     {shape, ellipse},
3549				     {level, Level}]],
3550  NewList = [{N, CList}],
3551  {NewGraph, NewOpts, N1} = constraints_to_nodes(NewList, N + 1, Level + 1,
3552						 [{Name, N}|Graph],
3553						 [ThisNode|Opts], State),
3554  constraints_to_nodes(Left, N1, Level, NewGraph, NewOpts, State);
3555constraints_to_nodes([], N, _Level, Graph, Opts, _State) ->
3556  {lists:flatten(Graph), lists:flatten(Opts), N}.
3558get_shape(conj) -> box;
3559get_shape(disj) -> diamond.
3562constraints_to_dot_scc(_SCC, _State) ->
3563  ok.