2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2018-2019. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
24         start/4, start/5, start/7, start/8,
25         stop/1
26        ]).
28-define(TRANSPORT_MOD, socket_test_ttest_tcp_socket).
29-define(MOD(D, A, M),  {?TRANSPORT_MOD, #{domain => D,
30                                          async  => A,
31                                          method => M}}).
33start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo)
34  when is_list(ServerInfo) ->
35    Domain = local,
36    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start_monitor(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
37                                               ServerInfo, Active);
38start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _})
39  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
40    Domain = inet,
41    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start_monitor(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
42                                               ServerInfo, Active);
43start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _})
44  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
45    Domain = inet6,
46    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start_monitor(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
47                                               ServerInfo, Active).
49start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo, MsgID)
50  when is_list(ServerInfo) ->
51    %% This is just a simplification
52    Domain = local,
53    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
54                                       ServerInfo, Active, MsgID);
55start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _}, MsgID)
56  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
57    %% This is just a simplification
58    Domain = inet,
59    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
60                                       Active, ServerInfo, MsgID);
61start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _}, MsgID)
62  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
63    Domain = inet6,
64    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
65                                       ServerInfo, Active, MsgID).
67start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo, MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
68  when is_list(ServerInfo) ->
69    Domain = local,
70    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(false,
71				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
72                                       ServerInfo, Active,
73                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime);
74start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _},
75      MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
76  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
77    Domain = inet,
78    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(false,
79				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
80                                       ServerInfo, Active,
81                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime);
82start(Method, Async, Active, ServerInfo = {Addr, _},
83      MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
84  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
85    Domain = inet6,
86    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(false,
87				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
88                                       ServerInfo, Active,
89                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime).
91start(Quiet, Async, Active, Method, ServerInfo, MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
92  when is_list(ServerInfo) ->
93    Domain = local,
94    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(Quiet,
95				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
96                                       ServerInfo, Active,
97                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime);
98start(Quiet, Async, Active, Method, ServerInfo = {Addr, _},
99      MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
100  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 4) ->
101    Domain = inet,
102    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(Quiet,
103				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
104                                       ServerInfo, Active,
105                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime);
106start(Quiet, Async, Active, Method, ServerInfo = {Addr, _},
107      MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime)
108  when is_tuple(Addr) andalso (size(Addr) =:= 8) ->
109    Domain = inet6,
110    socket_test_ttest_tcp_client:start(Quiet,
111				       ?MOD(Domain, Async, Method),
112                                       ServerInfo, Active,
113                                       MsgID, MaxOutstanding, RunTime).
115stop(Pid) ->
116    socket_test_ttest_client:stop(Pid).