2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2017. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
22%-define(debug, true).
28-define(line, put(line, ?LINE), ).
29-define(config(X,Y), foo).
30-define(datadir, "leex_SUITE_data").
31-define(privdir, "leex_SUITE_priv").
32-define(t, test_server).
35-define(datadir, ?config(data_dir, Config)).
36-define(privdir, ?config(priv_dir, Config)).
39-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
40	 init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2,
41	 init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
44	 file/1, compile/1, syntax/1,
46	 pt/1, man/1, ex/1, ex2/1, not_yet/1,
47	 line_wrap/1,
48	 otp_10302/1, otp_11286/1, unicode/1, otp_13916/1, otp_14285/1]).
50% Default timetrap timeout (set in init_per_testcase).
51-define(default_timeout, ?t:minutes(1)).
53init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
54    ?line Dog = ?t:timetrap(?default_timeout),
55    [{watchdog, Dog} | Config].
57end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
58    Dog = ?config(watchdog, Config),
59    test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
60    ok.
62suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
64all() ->
65    [{group, checks}, {group, examples}, {group, tickets}, {group, bugs}].
67groups() ->
68    [{checks, [], [file, compile, syntax]},
69     {examples, [], [pt, man, ex, ex2, not_yet, unicode]},
70     {tickets, [], [otp_10302, otp_11286, otp_13916, otp_14285]},
71     {bugs, [], [line_wrap]}].
73init_per_suite(Config) ->
74    Config.
76end_per_suite(_Config) ->
77    ok.
79init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
80    Config.
82end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
83    Config.
87file(doc) ->
88    "Bad files and options.";
89file(suite) -> [];
90file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
91    Dir = ?privdir,
92    Ret = [return, {report, false}],
93    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
94        leex:file("not_a_file", Ret),
95    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
96        leex:file("not_a_file", [{return,true}]),
97    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
98        leex:file("not_a_file", [{report,false},return_errors]),
99    ?line error = leex:file("not_a_file"),
100    ?line error = leex:file("not_a_file", [{return,false},report]),
101    ?line error = leex:file("not_a_file", [return_warnings,{report,false}]),
103    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
104    file:delete(Filename),
106    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch leex:file({foo})),
107    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
108        (catch leex:file(Filename, {parserfile,{foo}})),
109    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
110        (catch leex:file(Filename, {includefile,{foo}})),
112    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} = (catch leex:file(Filename, no_option)),
113    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
114        (catch leex:file(Filename, [return | report])),
115    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
116        (catch leex:file(Filename, {return,foo})),
117    ?line {'EXIT', {badarg, _}} =
118        (catch leex:file(Filename, includefile)),
120    Mini = <<"Definitions.\n"
121             "D  = [0-9]\n"
122             "Rules.\n"
123             "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
124             "Erlang code.\n">>,
125    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename, Mini),
126    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
127        leex:file(Filename, [{scannerfile,"//"} | Ret]),
128    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
129        leex:file(Filename, [{includefile,"//"} | Ret]),
130    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
131        leex:file(Filename, [{includefile,"/ /"} | Ret]),
133    LeexPre = filename:join(Dir, "leexinc.hrl"),
134    ?line ok = file:write_file(LeexPre, <<"syntax error.\n">>),
135    PreErrors = run_test(Config, Mini, LeexPre),
136    ?line {errors,
137           [{1,_,["syntax error before: ","error"]},
138            {3,_,undefined_module}],
139           []} =
140        extract(LeexPre, PreErrors),
141    file:delete(LeexPre),
143    Ret2 = [return, report_errors, report_warnings, verbose],
144    Scannerfile = filename:join(Dir, "file.erl"),
145    ?line ok = file:write_file(Scannerfile, <<"nothing">>),
146    ?line unwritable(Scannerfile),
147    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
148        leex:file(Filename, Ret2),
149    ?line writable(Scannerfile),
150    file:delete(Scannerfile),
152    Dotfile = filename:join(Dir, "file.dot"),
153    ?line ok = file:write_file(Dotfile, <<"nothing">>),
154    ?line unwritable(Dotfile),
155    ?line {error,[{_,[{none,leex,{file_error,_}}]}],[]} =
156        leex:file(Filename, [dfa_graph | Ret2]),
157    ?line writable(Dotfile),
158    file:delete(Dotfile),
160    ok = file:delete(Scannerfile),
161    Warn = <<"Definitions.1998\n"
162             "D  = [0-9]\n"
163             "Rules.\n"
164             "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
165             "Erlang code.\n">>,
166    ok = file:write_file(Filename, Warn),
167    error = leex:file(Filename, [warnings_as_errors]),
168    false = filelib:is_regular(Scannerfile),
169    error = leex:file(Filename, [return_warnings,warnings_as_errors]),
170    false = filelib:is_regular(Scannerfile),
171    {error,_,[{Filename,[{1,leex,ignored_characters}]}]} =
172        leex:file(Filename, [return_errors,warnings_as_errors]),
173    false = filelib:is_regular(Scannerfile),
174    {ok,Scannerfile,[{Filename,[{1,leex,ignored_characters}]}]} =
175        leex:file(Filename, [return_warnings]),
176    true = filelib:is_regular(Scannerfile),
178    file:delete(Filename),
179    ok.
181compile(doc) ->
182    "Check of compile/3.";
183compile(suite) -> [];
184compile(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
185    Dir = ?privdir,
186    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
187    Scannerfile = filename:join(Dir, "file.erl"),
188    Mini = <<"Definitions.\n"
189             "D  = [0-9]\n"
190             "Rules.\n"
191             "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
192             "Erlang code.\n">>,
193    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename, Mini),
194    ?line error = leex:compile(Filename, "//", #options{}),
195    ?line ok = leex:compile(Filename, Scannerfile, #options{}),
196    file:delete(Scannerfile),
197    file:delete(Filename),
198    ok.
200syntax(doc) ->
201    "Syntax checks.";
202syntax(suite) -> [];
203syntax(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
204    Dir = ?privdir,
205    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
206    Ret = [return, {report, true}],
207    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
208                               <<"Definitions.\n"
209                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
210                                 "%% comment\n"
211                                 "Rules.\n"
212                                 "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n
213                                 ">>),
214    ?line {error,[{_,[{7,leex,missing_code}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
215    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
216                               <<"Definitions.\n"
217                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
218                                 "Rules.\n"
219                                 "{L}+  : \n">>),
220    ?line {error,[{_,[{5,leex,missing_code}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
221    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
222                               <<"Definitions.\n"
223                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
224                                 "Rules.\n"
225                                 "[] :">>),
226    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,_}}]}],[]} =
227        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
228    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
229                               <<"Definitions.\n"
230                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
231                                 "Rules.\n"
232                                 "{L}+ : .\n"
233                                 "[] : ">>),
234    ?line {error,[{_,[{5,leex,{regexp,_}}]}],[]} =
235        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
236    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
237                               <<"Definitions.\n"
238                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
239                                 "Rules.\n"
240                                 "[] : .\n">>),
241    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,_}}]}],[]} =
242        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
243    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
244                               <<"Definitions.\n"
245                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
246                                 "Rules.\n"
247                                 "{L}+ ">>),
248    ?line {error,[{_,[{5,leex,bad_rule}]}],[]} =
249        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
250    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
251                               <<"Definitions.\n"
252                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
253                                 "Rules.\n"
254                                 "{L}+ ; ">>),
255    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,bad_rule}]}],[]} =
256        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
257    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
258                               <<"Definitions.\n"
259                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
260                                 "Rules.\n"
261                                 "[] : '99\n">>),
262    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,erl_scan,_}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
263    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
264                               <<"Definitions.\n"
265                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
266                                 "Rules.\n">>),
267    ?line {error,[{_,[{3,leex,empty_rules}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
268    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
269                               <<"Definitions.\n"
270                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
271                                 "Rules.\n"
272                                 "Erlang code.\n">>),
273    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,empty_rules}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
274    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
275                               <<"Definitions.\n"
276                                 "D  = [0-9]\n">>),
277    ?line {error,[{_,[{2,leex,missing_rules}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
278    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
279                               <<"Definitions.\n"
280                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
281                                 "Erlang code.\n">>),
282    ?line {error,[{_,[{3,leex,missing_rules}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
283    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
284                               <<"">>),
285    %% This is a weird line:
286    ?line {error,[{_,[{0,leex,missing_defs}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
287    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
288                               <<"Rules.\n">>),
289    ?line {error,[{_,[{1,leex,missing_defs}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
291    %% Check that correct line number is used in messages.
292    ErlFile = filename:join(Dir, "file.erl"),
293    Ret1 = [{scannerfile,ErlFile}|Ret],
294    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
295                               <<"Definitions.\n"
296                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
297                                 "Rules.\n"
298                                 "{L}+  : {token,\n"
299                                 "         {word,TokenLine,TokenChars,\n"
300                                 "          DDDD}}.\n" % unbound
301                                 "Erlang code.\n"
302                                 "an error.\n">>),     % syntax error
303    ?line {ok, _, []} = leex:file(Filename, Ret1),
304    ?line {error,
305           [{_,[{8,_,["syntax error before: ","error"]}]},
306            {_,[{6,_,{unbound_var,'DDDD'}}]}],
307           []} =
308        compile:file(ErlFile, [basic_validation, return]),
310    %% Ignored characters
311    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
312                               <<"Definitions. D = [0-9]\n"
313                                 "Rules. [a-z] : .\n"
314                                 "1 : skip_token.\n"
315                                 "Erlang code. f() -> a.\n">>),
316    ?line {ok,_,[{_,
317                  [{1,leex,ignored_characters},
318                   {2,leex,ignored_characters},
319                   {4,leex,ignored_characters}]}]} =
320        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
322    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
323                               <<"Definitions.\n"
324                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
325                                 "Rules.\n"
326                                 "{L}+\\  : token.\n">>),
327    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{unterminated,"\\"}}}]}],[]} =
328        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
329    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
330                               <<"Definitions.\n"
331                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
332                                 "Rules.\n"
333                                 "{L}+\\x  : token.\n">>),
334    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{illegal_char,"\\x"}}}]}],[]} =
335        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
336    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
337                               <<"Definitions.\n"
338                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
339                                 "Rules.\n"
340                                 "{L}+\\x{  : token.\n">>),
341    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{unterminated,"\\x{"}}}]}],[]} =
342        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
343    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
344                               <<"Definitions.\n"
345                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
346                                 "Rules.\n"
347                                 "[^ab : token.\n">>),
348    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{unterminated,"["}}}]}],[]} =
349        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
350    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
351                               <<"Definitions.\n"
352                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
353                                 "Rules.\n"
354                                 "(a : token.\n">>),
355    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{unterminated,"("}}}]}],[]} =
356        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
357    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
358                               <<"Definitions.\n"
359                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
360                                 "Rules.\n"
361                                 "[b-a] : token.\n">>),
362    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,{char_class,"b-a"}}}]}],[]} =
363        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
365    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
366                               <<"Definitions.\n"
367                                 "D  = [0-9]\n"
368                                 "Rules.\n"
369                                 "\\x{333333333333333333333333} : token.\n">>),
370    ?line {error,[{_,[{4,leex,{regexp,
371                                {illegal_char,
372                                 "\\x{333333333333333333333333}"}}}]}],[]} =
373        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
374    ok.
377pt(doc) ->
378    "Pushing back characters.";
379pt(suite) -> [];
380pt(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
381    %% Needs more testing...
382    Ts = [{pt_1,
383         <<"Definitions.\n"
384            "D  = [0-9]\n"
385            "L  = [a-z]\n"
387            "Rules.\n"
388            "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
389            "abc{D}+  : {skip_token,\"sture\" ++ string:substr(TokenChars, 4)}.\n"
390            "{D}+  : {token,{integer,TokenLine,list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}.\n"
391            "\\s  : .\n"
392            "\\r\\n  : {end_token,{crlf,TokenLine}}.\n"
394            "Erlang code.\n"
395            "-export([t/0]).\n"
396            "t() ->
397                 {ok,[{word,1,\"sture\"},{integer,1,123}],1} =
398                     string(\"abc123\"), ok. ">>,
399           default,
400           ok}],
402    ?line run(Config, Ts),
403    ok.
405unicode(suite) ->
406    [];
407unicode(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
408    Ts = [{unicode_1,
409	   <<"%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n"
410	     "Definitions.\n"
411	     "RTLarrow    = (←)\n"
412	     "Rules.\n"
413	     "{RTLarrow}  : {token,{\"←\",TokenLine}}.\n"
414	     "Erlang code.\n"
415	     "-export([t/0]).\n"
416	     "t() -> {ok, [{\"←\", 1}], 1} = string(\"←\"), ok.">>,
417           default,
418           ok}],
420    ?line run(Config, Ts),
421    ok.
423man(doc) ->
424    "Examples from the manpage.";
425man(suite) -> [];
426man(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
427    Ts = [{man_1,
428     <<"Definitions.\n"
429       "Rules.\n"
430       "[a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]* :\n"
431       "    {token,{atom,TokenLine,list_to_atom(TokenChars)}}.\n"
432       "[A-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]* :\n"
433       "    {token,{var,TokenLine,list_to_atom(TokenChars)}}.\n"
434       "(\\+|-)?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+((E|e)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)? : \n"
435       "   {token,{float,TokenLine,list_to_float(TokenChars)}}.\n"
436       "\\s : skip_token.\n"
437       "Erlang code.\n"
438       "-export([t/0]).\n"
439       "t() ->\n"
440       "    {ok,[{float,1,3.14},{atom,1,atom},{var,1,'V314'}],1} =\n"
441       "        string(\"3.14atom V314\"),\n"
442       "    ok.\n">>,
443           default,
444           ok},
446          {man_2,
447     <<"Definitions.\n"
448       "D = [0-9]\n"
449       "Rules.\n"
450       "{D}+ :\n"
451       "  {token,{integer,TokenLine,list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}.\n"
452       "{D}+\\.{D}+((E|e)(\\+|\\-)?{D}+)? :\n"
453       "  {token,{float,TokenLine,list_to_float(TokenChars)}}.\n"
454       "\\s : skip_token.\n"
455       "Erlang code.\n"
456       "-export([t/0]).\n"
457       "t() ->\n"
458       "    {ok,[{float,1,3.14},{integer,1,314}],1} = \n"
459       "        string(\"3.14 314\"),\n"
460       "    ok.\n">>,
461           default,
462           ok}],
464    ?line run(Config, Ts),
465    ok.
467ex(doc) ->
468    "Examples.";
469ex(suite) -> [];
470ex(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
471    Ts = [{ex_1,
472      <<"Definitions.\n"
473        "D = [0-543-705-982]\n"
474        "Rules.\n"
475        "{D}+ :\n"
476        "  {token,{integer,TokenLine,list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}.\n"
477        "[^235]+ :\n"
478        "  {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars),TokenLine}}.\n"
479        "Erlang code.\n"
480        "-export([t/0]).\n"
481        "t() ->\n"
482        "    {ok,[{integer,1,12},{' c\\na',1},{integer,2,34},{b789a,2}],2} =\n"
483        "        string(\"12 c\\na34b789a\"),\n"
484        "    ok.\n">>,
485           default,
486           ok},
488          {ex_2,
489      <<"Definitions.\n"
490        "L = [a-z]\n"
491        "D = [0-9]\n"
492        "Rules.\n"
493        "{L}+ : {token,chars}.\n"
494        "zyx{D}+ : {token,zyx}.\n"
495        "\\s : skip_token.\n"
496        "Erlang code.\n"
497        "-export([t/0]).\n"
498        "t() ->\n"
499        "    {ok,[chars,zyx],1} = string(\"abcdef zyx123\"),\n"
500        "    ok.\n">>,
501           default,
502           ok},
504          {ex_3,
505      <<"Definitions.\n"
506        "NL = [\\n]\n"
507        "Rules.\n"
508        "{NL}* : {token,newlines}.\n"
509        "Erlang code.\n"
510        "-export([t/0]).\n"
511        "t() ->\n"
512        "     {ok,[],1} = string(\"\"), ok.\n">>, % string("a") would loop...
513           default,
514           ok},
516          {ex_4,
517      <<"Definitions.\n"
518        "SP1 = [\\n-\\s]\n"
519        "SP0 = [\\000-\\n]\n"
520        "Rules.\n"
521        "{SP0}+ : {token,{small,TokenChars}}.\n"
522        "{SP1}+ : {token,{big,TokenChars}}.\n"
523        "Erlang code.\n"
524        "-export([t/0]).\n"
525        "t() ->\n"
526        "     string(\"\\x00\\n\\s\\n\\n\"),\n"
527        "     ok.\n">>,
528          default,
529          ok},
531          {ex_5,
532      <<"Definitions.\n"
533        "L = [a-z]\n"
534        "W = [\\s\\b\\n\\r\\t\\e\\v\\d\\f]\n"
535        "Rules.\n"
536        "\\[{L}+(,{L}+)*\\] : {token,{list,TokenChars}}.\n"
537        "\"{L}+\" : {token,{string,TokenChars}}.\n"
538        "\\$. : {token,{char,TokenChars}}.\n"
539        "{W}+ : {token,{white,TokenChars}}.\n"
540        "ff\\f+ : {token,{form,TokenChars}}.\n"
541        "\\$\\^+\\\\+ : {token,{other,TokenChars}}.\n"
542        "Erlang code.\n"
543        "-export([t/0]).\n"
544        "t() ->\n"
545        "    {ok,[{white,\"\\b\\f\"}],1} = string(\"\\b\\f\"),\n"
546        "    {ok,[{form,\"ff\\f\"}],1} = string(\"ff\\f\"),\n"
547        "    {ok,[{string,\"\\\"foo\\\"\"}],1} = string(\"\\\"foo\\\"\"),\n"
548        "    {ok,[{char,\"$.\"}],1} = string(\"$\\.\"),\n"
549        "    {ok,[{list,\"[a,b,c]\"}],1} = string(\"[a,b,c]\"),\n"
550        "    {ok,[{other,\"$^\\\\\"}],1} = string(\"$^\\\\\"),\n"
551        "    ok.\n">>,
552           default,
553           ok},
555         {ex_6,
556      <<"Definitions.\n"
557        "L = [a-z]\n"
558        "Rules.\n"
559        "L}+ : {token,{TokenChars,#r.f}}.\n"
560        "Erlang code.\n"
561        "-record(r, {f}).\n"
562        "-export([t/0]).\n"
563        "t() ->\n"
564        "    string(\"abc\"),\n"
565        "    ok.\n">>,
566          default,
567          ok},
569         {ex_7, %% Assumes regexp can handle \x
570      <<"Definitions.\n"
571        "H1 = \\x11\\x{ab}\n"
572        "H2 = [\\x{30}\\x{ac}]\n"
573        "Rules.\n"
574        "{H1}{H2}+ : {token,{hex,TokenChars}}.\n"
575        "Erlang code.\n"
576        "-export([t/0]).\n"
577        "t() ->\n"
578        "    {ok,[{hex,[17,171,48,172]}],1} =\n"
579        "        string(\"\\x{11}\\xab0\\xac\"),\n"
580        "    ok.\n">>,
581          default,
582          ok}],
584    ?line run(Config, Ts),
585    ok.
587ex2(doc) ->
588    "More examples.";
589ex2(suite) -> [];
590ex2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
591    Xrl =
592     <<"
593%%% File : erlang_scan.xrl
594%%% Author : Robert Virding
595%%% Purpose : Token definitions for Erlang.
598O  = [0-7]
599D  = [0-9]
600H  = [0-9a-fA-F]
601U  = [A-Z]
602L  = [a-z]
603A  = ({U}|{L}|{D}|_|@)
604WS  = ([\\000-\\s]|%.*)
607{D}+\\.{D}+((E|e)(\\+|\\-)?{D}+)? :
608      {token,{float,TokenLine,list_to_float(TokenChars)}}.
609{D}+#{H}+  :  base(TokenLine, TokenChars).
610{D}+    :  {token,{integer,TokenLine,list_to_integer(TokenChars)}}.
611{L}{A}*    :  Atom = list_to_atom(TokenChars),
612      {token,case reserved_word(Atom) of
613         true -> {Atom,TokenLine};
614         false -> {atom,TokenLine,Atom}
615       end}.
616'(\\\\\\^.|\\\\.|[^'])*' :
617      %% Strip quotes.
618      S = lists:sublist(TokenChars, 2, TokenLen - 2),
619      case catch list_to_atom(string_gen(S)) of
620       {'EXIT',_} -> {error,\"illegal atom \" ++ TokenChars};
621       Atom -> {token,{atom,TokenLine,Atom}}
622      end.
623({U}|_){A}*  :  {token,{var,TokenLine,list_to_atom(TokenChars)}}.
624\"(\\\\\\^.|\\\\.|[^\"])*\" :
625      %% Strip quotes.
626      S = lists:sublist(TokenChars, 2, TokenLen - 2),
627      {token,{string,TokenLine,string_gen(S)}}.
628\\$(\\\\{O}{O}{O}|\\\\\\^.|\\\\.|.) :
629      {token,{char,TokenLine,cc_convert(TokenChars)}}.
630->    :  {token,{'->',TokenLine}}.
631:-    :  {token,{':-',TokenLine}}.
632\\|\\|    :  {token,{'||',TokenLine}}.
633<-    :  {token,{'<-',TokenLine}}.
634\\+\\+    :  {token,{'++',TokenLine}}.
635--    :  {token,{'--',TokenLine}}.
636=/=    :  {token,{'=/=',TokenLine}}.
637==    :  {token,{'==',TokenLine}}.
638=:=    :  {token,{'=:=',TokenLine}}.
639/=    :  {token,{'/=',TokenLine}}.
640>=    :  {token,{'>=',TokenLine}}.
641=<    :  {token,{'=<',TokenLine}}.
642<=    :  {token,{'<=',TokenLine}}.
643<<    :  {token,{'<<',TokenLine}}.
644>>    :  {token,{'>>',TokenLine}}.
645::    :  {token,{'::',TokenLine}}.
646[]()[}{|!?/;:,.*+#<>=-] :
647      {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars),TokenLine}}.
648\\.{WS}    :  {end_token,{dot,TokenLine}}.
649{WS}+    :  skip_token.
651Erlang code.
655%% reserved_word(Atom) -> Bool
656%% return 'true' if Atom is an Erlang reserved word, else 'false'.
658reserved_word('after') -> true;
659reserved_word('begin') -> true;
660reserved_word('case') -> true;
661reserved_word('try') -> true;
662reserved_word('cond') -> true;
663reserved_word('catch') -> true;
664reserved_word('andalso') -> true;
665reserved_word('orelse') -> true;
666reserved_word('end') -> true;
667reserved_word('fun') -> true;
668reserved_word('if') -> true;
669reserved_word('let') -> true;
670reserved_word('of') -> true;
671reserved_word('receive') -> true;
672reserved_word('when') -> true;
673reserved_word('bnot') -> true;
674reserved_word('not') -> true;
675reserved_word('div') -> true;
676reserved_word('rem') -> true;
677reserved_word('band') -> true;
678reserved_word('and') -> true;
679reserved_word('bor') -> true;
680reserved_word('bxor') -> true;
681reserved_word('bsl') -> true;
682reserved_word('bsr') -> true;
683reserved_word('or') -> true;
684reserved_word('xor') -> true;
685reserved_word('spec') -> true;
686reserved_word(_) -> false.
688base(L, Cs) ->
689    H = string:chr(Cs, $#),
690    case list_to_integer(string:substr(Cs, 1, H-1)) of
691        B when B > 16 -> {error,\"illegal base\"};
692        B ->
693            case base(string:substr(Cs, H+1), B, 0) of
694                error -> {error,\"illegal based number\"};
695                N -> {token,{integer,L,N}}
696            end
697    end.
699base([C|Cs], Base, SoFar) when C >= $0, C =< $9, C < Base + $0 ->
700    Next = SoFar * Base + (C - $0),
701    base(Cs, Base, Next);
702base([C|Cs], Base, SoFar) when C >= $a, C =< $f, C < Base + $a - 10 ->
703    Next = SoFar * Base + (C - $a + 10),
704    base(Cs, Base, Next);
705base([C|Cs], Base, SoFar) when C >= $A, C =< $F, C < Base + $A - 10 ->
706    Next = SoFar * Base + (C - $A + 10),
707    base(Cs, Base, Next);
708base([_|_], _, _) -> error;      %Unknown character
709base([], _, N) -> N.
711cc_convert([$$,$\\\\|Cs]) ->
712    hd(string_escape(Cs));
713cc_convert([$$,C]) -> C.
715string_gen([$\\\\|Cs]) ->
716    string_escape(Cs);
717string_gen([C|Cs]) ->
718    [C|string_gen(Cs)];
719string_gen([]) -> [].
721string_escape([O1,O2,O3|S]) when
722        O1 >= $0, O1 =< $7, O2 >= $0, O2 =< $7, O3 >= $0, O3 =< $7 ->
723    [(O1*8 + O2)*8 + O3 - 73*$0|string_gen(S)];
724string_escape([$^,C|Cs]) ->
725    [C band 31|string_gen(Cs)];
726string_escape([C|Cs]) when C >= $\\000, C =< $\\s ->
727    string_gen(Cs);
728string_escape([C|Cs]) ->
729    [escape_char(C)|string_gen(Cs)].
731escape_char($n) -> $\\n;        %\\n = LF
732escape_char($r) -> $\\r;        %\\r = CR
733escape_char($t) -> $\\t;        %\\t = TAB
734escape_char($v) -> $\\v;        %\\v = VT
735escape_char($b) -> $\\b;        %\\b = BS
736escape_char($f) -> $\\f;        %\\f = FF
737escape_char($e) -> $\\e;        %\\e = ESC
738escape_char($s) -> $\\s;        %\\s = SPC
739escape_char($d) -> $\\d;        %\\d = DEL
740escape_char(C) -> C.
741      ">>,
742    Dir = ?privdir,
743    XrlFile = filename:join(Dir, "erlang_scan.xrl"),
744    ?line ok = file:write_file(XrlFile, Xrl),
745    ErlFile = filename:join(Dir, "erlang_scan.erl"),
746    ?line {ok, _} = leex:file(XrlFile, []),
747    ?line {ok, _} = compile:file(ErlFile, [{outdir,Dir}]),
748    code:purge(erlang_scan),
749    AbsFile = filename:rootname(ErlFile, ".erl"),
750    code:load_abs(AbsFile, erlang_scan),
752    F = fun(Cont, Chars, Location) ->
753                erlang_scan:tokens(Cont, Chars, Location)
754        end,
755    F1 = fun(Cont, Chars, Location) ->
756                 erlang_scan:token(Cont, Chars, Location)
757         end,
758    fun() ->
759            S = "ab cd. ",
760            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
761            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1),
762            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
763            {ok, Ts, 1} = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
764    end(),
765    fun() ->
766            S = "'ab\n cd'. ",
767            {ok, Ts, 2} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
768            {ok, Ts, 2} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1),
769            {ok, Ts, 2} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
770            {ok, Ts, 2} = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
771    end(),
772    fun() ->
773            S = "99. ",
774            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
775            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1),
776            {ok, Ts, 1} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
777            {ok, Ts, 1} = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
778    end(),
779    {ok,[{integer,1,99},{dot,1}],1} = erlang_scan:string("99. "),
780    fun() ->
781            Atom = "'" ++ lists:duplicate(1000,$a) ++ "'",
782            S = Atom ++ ". ",
783            Reason = "illegal atom " ++ Atom,
784            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{user,Reason}},1},
785            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
786            {done,Err,[]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1),
787            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
788            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
789    end(),
790    fun() ->
791            S = "\x{aaa}. ",
792            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{illegal,[2730]}},1},
793            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
794            {done,Err,[_]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1), % Note: Rest non-empty
795            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
796            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
797    end(),
798    fun() ->
799            S = "\x{aaa} + 1. 34",
800            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{illegal,[2730]}},1},
801            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
802            {done,Err,[_]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1), % Note: Rest non-empty
803            {done,Err,"34"} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
804            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
805    end(),
806    fun() ->
807            S = "\x{aaa} \x{bbb}. 34",
808            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{illegal,[2730]}},1},
809            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
810            {done,Err,[_]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1), % Note: Rest non-empty
811            {done,Err,"34"} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
812            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
813    end(),
814    fun() ->
815            S = "\x{aaa} 18#34. 34",
816            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{illegal,[2730]}},1},
817            {done,Err,[]} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
818            {done,Err,[_]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1), % Note: Rest non-empty
819            {done,Err,"34"} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
820            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
821    end(),
822    fun() ->
823            S = "\x{aaa}"++eof,
824            Err = {error,{1,erlang_scan,{illegal,[2730]}},1},
825            {done,Err,eof} = scan_tokens_1(S, F, 1),
826            {done,Err,[_]} = scan_token_1(S, F1, 1), % Note: Rest non-empty
827            {done,Err,eof} = scan_tokens(S, F, 1),
828            Err = erlang_scan:string(S, 1)
829    end(),
830    ok.
832scan_tokens(String, Fun, Location) ->
833    scan_tokens(String, Fun, Location, []).
835scan_tokens(String, Fun, Location, Rs) ->
836    case Fun([], String, Location) of
837        {done, {error,_,_}, _} = Error ->
838            Error;
839        {done, {ok,Ts,End}, ""} ->
840            {ok, lists:append(lists:reverse([Ts|Rs])), End};
841        {done, {ok,Ts,End}, Rest} ->
842            scan_tokens(Rest, Fun, End, [Ts|Rs])
843    end.
845scan_tokens_1(String, Fun, Location) ->
846    scan_tokens_1({more, []}, String, Fun, Location, []).
848scan_tokens_1({done, {error, _, _}, _}=Error, _Cs, _Fun, _Location, _Rs) ->
849    Error;
850scan_tokens_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, ""}, "", _Fun, _Location, Rs) ->
851    {ok,lists:append(lists:reverse([Ts|Rs])),End};
852scan_tokens_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, Rest}, Cs, Fun, _Location, Rs) ->
853    scan_tokens_1({more,[]}, Rest++Cs, Fun, End, [Ts|Rs]);
854scan_tokens_1({more, Cont}, [C | Cs], Fun, Loc, Rs) ->
855    R = Fun(Cont, [C], Loc),
856    scan_tokens_1(R, Cs, Fun, Loc, Rs);
857scan_tokens_1({more, Cont}, eof, Fun, Loc, Rs) ->
858    R = Fun(Cont, eof, Loc),
859    scan_tokens_1(R, eof, Fun, Loc, Rs).
861scan_token_1(String, Fun, Location) ->
862    scan_token_1({more, []}, String, Fun, Location, []).
864scan_token_1({done, {error, _, _}, _}=Error, _Cs, _Fun, _Location, _Rs) ->
865    Error;
866scan_token_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, ""}, "", _Fun, _Location, Rs) ->
867    {ok,lists:reverse([Ts|Rs]),End};
868scan_token_1({done, {ok,Ts,End}, Rest}, Cs, Fun, _Location, Rs) ->
869    scan_token_1({more,[]}, Rest++Cs, Fun, End, [Ts|Rs]);
870scan_token_1({more, Cont}, [C | Cs], Fun, Loc, Rs) ->
871    R = Fun(Cont, [C], Loc),
872    scan_token_1(R, Cs, Fun, Loc, Rs).
874%% End of ex2
876line_wrap(doc) ->    "Much more examples.";
877line_wrap(suite) -> [];
878line_wrap(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
879    Xrl =
880     <<"
883[a]+[\\n]*= : {token, {first, TokenLine}}.
884[a]+ : {token, {second, TokenLine}}.
885[\\s\\r\\n\\t]+ : skip_token.
886Erlang code.
887      ">>,
888    Dir = ?privdir,
889    XrlFile = filename:join(Dir, "test_line_wrap.xrl"),
890    ?line ok = file:write_file(XrlFile, Xrl),
891    ErlFile = filename:join(Dir, "test_line_wrap.erl"),
892    {ok, _} = leex:file(XrlFile, []),
893    {ok, _} = compile:file(ErlFile, [{outdir,Dir}]),
894    code:purge(test_line_wrap),
895    AbsFile = filename:rootname(ErlFile, ".erl"),
896    code:load_abs(AbsFile, test_line_wrap),
897    fun() ->
898            S = "aaa\naaa",
899            {ok,[{second,1},{second,2}],2} = test_line_wrap:string(S)
900    end(),
901    fun() ->
902            S = "aaa\naaa",
903            {ok,[{second,3},{second,4}],4} = test_line_wrap:string(S, 3)
904    end(),
905    fun() ->
906            {done,{ok,{second,1},1},"\na"} = test_line_wrap:token([], "a\na"),
907            {more,Cont1} = test_line_wrap:token([], "\na"),
908            {done,{ok,{second,2},2},eof} = test_line_wrap:token(Cont1, eof)
909    end(),
910    fun() ->
911            {more,Cont1} = test_line_wrap:tokens([], "a\na"),
912            {done,{ok,[{second,1},{second,2}],2},eof} = test_line_wrap:tokens(Cont1, eof)
913    end(),
914    ok.
916%% End of line_wrap
918not_yet(doc) ->
919    "Not yet implemented.";
920not_yet(suite) -> [];
921not_yet(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
922    Dir = ?privdir,
923    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
924    Ret = [return, {report, true}],
925    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
926                               <<"Definitions.\n"
927                                 "Rules.\n"
928                                 "$ : .\n"
929                                 "Erlang code.\n">>),
930    ?line {error,[{_,[{3,leex,{regexp,_}}]}],[]} =
931        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
932    ?line ok = file:write_file(Filename,
933                               <<"Definitions.\n"
934                                 "Rules.\n"
935                                 "^ : .\n"
936                                 "Erlang code.\n">>),
937    ?line {error,[{_,[{3,leex,{regexp,_}}]}],[]} =
938        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
940    ok.
942otp_10302(doc) ->
943    "OTP-10302. Unicode characters scanner/parser.";
944otp_10302(suite) -> [];
945otp_10302(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
946    Dir = ?privdir,
947    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
948    Ret = [return, {report, true}],
950    ok = file:write_file(Filename,<<
951         "%% coding: UTF-8\n"
952         "ä"
953     >>),
954    {error,[{_,[{2,leex,cannot_parse}]}],[]} =
955        leex:file(Filename, Ret),
957    ok = file:write_file(Filename,<<
958         "%% coding: UTF-8\n"
959         "Definitions.\n"
960         "ä"
961     >>),
962    {error,[{_,[{3,leex,cannot_parse}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
964    ok = file:write_file(Filename,<<
965         "%% coding: UTF-8\n"
966         "Definitions.\n"
967         "A = a\n"
968         "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
969         "Z = z\n"
970         "Rules.\n"
971         "{L}+ : {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars),Häpp}}.\n"
972     >>),
973    {error,[{_,[{7,leex,cannot_parse}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
975    ok = file:write_file(Filename,<<
976         "%% coding: UTF-8\n"
977         "Definitions.\n"
978         "A = a\n"
979         "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
980         "Z = z\n"
981         "Rules.\n"
982         "{L}+ : {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars)}}.\n"
983         "Erlang code.\n"
984         "-export([t/0]).\n"
985         "t() ->\n"
986         "    Häpp\n"
987      >>),
988    {error,[{_,[{11,leex,cannot_parse}]}],[]} = leex:file(Filename, Ret),
990    Mini = <<"Definitions.\n"
991             "D  = [0-9]\n"
992             "Rules.\n"
993             "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
994             "Erlang code.\n">>,
995    LeexPre = filename:join(Dir, "leexinc.hrl"),
996    ?line ok = file:write_file(LeexPre, <<"%% coding: UTF-8\n ä">>),
997    PreErrors = run_test(Config, Mini, LeexPre),
998    {error,[{IncludeFile,[{2,leex,cannot_parse}]}],[]} = PreErrors,
999    "leexinc.hrl" = filename:basename(IncludeFile),
1001    Ts = [{uni_1,
1002       <<"%% coding: UTF-8\n"
1003         "Definitions.\n"
1004         "A = a\n"
1005         "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
1006         "Z = z\n"
1007         "Rules.\n"
1008         "{L}+ : {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars),\n"
1009         "begin Häpp = foo, Häpp end,"
1010         " 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"}}.\n"
1011         "Erlang code.\n"
1012         "-export([t/0]).\n"
1013         "t() ->\n"
1014         "    %% Häpp, 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"\n"
1015         "    {ok, [R], 1} = string(\"tip\"),\n"
1016         "    {tip,foo,'Häpp',[1024,66],[246,114,110,95,1024]} = R,\n"
1017         "    Häpp = foo,\n"
1018         "    {tip, Häpp, 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"} = R,\n"
1019         "    ok.\n">>,
1020          default,
1021          ok},
1022      {uni_2,
1023       <<"%% coding: Latin-1\n"
1024         "Definitions.\n"
1025         "A = a\n"
1026         "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
1027         "Z = z\n"
1028         "Rules.\n"
1029         "{L}+ : {token,{list_to_atom(TokenChars),\n"
1030         "begin Häpp = foo, Häpp end,"
1031         " 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"}}.\n"
1032         "Erlang code.\n"
1033         "-export([t/0]).\n"
1034         "t() ->\n"
1035         "    %% Häpp, 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"\n"
1036         "    {ok, [R], 1} = string(\"tip\"),\n"
1037         "    {tip,foo,'Häpp',[1024,66],[195,182,114,110,95,208,128]} = R,\n"
1038         "    Häpp = foo,\n"
1039         "    {tip, Häpp, 'Häpp',\"\\x{400}B\",\"örn_Ѐ\"} = R,\n"
1040         "    ok.\n">>,
1041          default,
1042          ok}],
1043    run(Config, Ts),
1045    ok.
1047otp_11286(doc) ->
1048    "OTP-11286. A Unicode filename bug; both Leex and Yecc.";
1049otp_11286(suite) -> [];
1050otp_11286(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
1051    Node = start_node(otp_11286, "+fnu"),
1052    Dir = ?privdir,
1053    UName = [1024] ++ "u",
1054    UDir = filename:join(Dir, UName),
1055    _ = rpc:call(Node, file, make_dir, [UDir]),
1057    %% Note: Cannot use UName as filename since the filename is used
1058    %% as module name. To be fixed in R18.
1059    Filename = filename:join(UDir, 'OTP-11286.xrl'),
1060    Scannerfile = filename:join(UDir, 'OTP-11286.erl'),
1061    Options = [return, {scannerfile, Scannerfile}],
1063    Mini1 = <<"%% coding: utf-8\n"
1064              "Definitions.\n"
1065              "D  = [0-9]\n"
1066              "Rules.\n"
1067              "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
1068              "Erlang code.\n">>,
1069    ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini1]),
1070    {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
1071    {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
1072                  [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
1074    Mini2 = <<"Definitions.\n"
1075              "D  = [0-9]\n"
1076              "Rules.\n"
1077              "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
1078              "Erlang code.\n">>,
1079    ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini2]),
1080    {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
1081    {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
1082                  [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
1084    Mini3 = <<"%% coding: latin-1\n"
1085              "Definitions.\n"
1086              "D  = [0-9]\n"
1087              "Rules.\n"
1088              "{L}+  : {token,{word,TokenLine,TokenChars}}.\n"
1089              "Erlang code.\n">>,
1090    ok = rpc:call(Node, file, write_file, [Filename, Mini3]),
1091    {ok, _, []} = rpc:call(Node, leex, file, [Filename, Options]),
1092    {ok,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, compile, file,
1093                  [Scannerfile,[basic_validation,return]]),
1095    true = test_server:stop_node(Node),
1096    ok.
1098otp_13916(doc) ->
1099    "OTP-13916. Leex rules with newlines result in bad line numbers";
1100otp_13916(suite) -> [];
1101otp_13916(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
1102    Ts = [{otp_13916_1,
1103           <<"Definitions.\n"
1104             "W = [a-zA-Z0-9]\n"
1105             "S = [\\s\\t]\n"
1106             "B = [\\n\\r]\n"
1107             "Rules.\n"
1108             "%% mark line break(s) and empty lines by token 'break'\n"
1109             "%% in order to use as delimiters\n"
1110             "{B}({S}*{B})+ : {token, {break,   TokenLine}}.\n"
1111             "{B}           : {token, {break,   TokenLine}}.\n"
1112             "{S}+          : {token, {blank,   TokenLine, TokenChars}}.\n"
1113             "{W}+          : {token, {word,    TokenLine, TokenChars}}.\n"
1114             "Erlang code.\n"
1115             "-export([t/0]).\n"
1116             "t() ->\n"
1117             "    {ok,[{break,1},{blank,4,\"  \"},{word,4,\"breaks\"}],4} =\n"
1118             "        string(\"\\n\\n  \\n  breaks\"),\n"
1119             "    {ok,[{break,1},{word,4,\"works\"}],4} =\n"
1120             "        string(\"\\n\\n  \\nworks\"),\n"
1121             "    {ok,[{break,1},{word,4,\"L4\"},{break,4},\n"
1122             "         {word,5,\"L5\"},{break,5},{word,7,\"L7\"}], 7} =\n"
1123             "        string(\"\\n\\n  \\nL4\\nL5\\n\\nL7\"),\n"
1124             "    {ok,[{break,1},{blank,4,\" \"},{word,4,\"L4\"},\n"
1125             "         {break,4},{blank,5,\" \"},{word,5,\"L5\"},\n"
1126             "         {break,5},{blank,7,\" \"},{word,7,\"L7\"}], 7} =\n"
1127             "        string(\"\\n\\n  \\n L4\\n L5\\n\\n L7\"),\n"
1128             "    ok.\n">>,
1129           default,
1130           ok}],
1131    ?line run(Config, Ts),
1132    ok.
1134otp_14285(Config) ->
1135    Dir = ?privdir,
1136    Filename = filename:join(Dir, "file.xrl"),
1138    Ts = [{otp_14285_1,
1139           <<"%% encoding: latin-1\n"
1140             "Definitions.\n"
1141             "A = a\n"
1142             "Z = z\n"
1143             "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
1144             "U = [\\x{400}]\n"
1145             "Rules.\n"
1146             "{L}+ : {token,l}.\n"
1147             "{U}+ : {token,'\\x{400}'}.\n"
1148             "Erlang code.\n"
1149             "-export([t/0]).\n"
1150             "t() ->\n"
1151             "    {ok,['\\x{400}'],1} = string(\"\\x{400}\"), ok.\n">>,
1152           default,
1153           ok},
1154          {otp_14285_2,
1155           <<"%% encoding: UTF-8\n"
1156             "Definitions.\n"
1157             "A = a\n"
1158             "Z = z\n"
1159             "L = [{A}-{Z}]\n"
1160             "U = [\x{400}]\n"
1161             "Rules.\n"
1162             "{L}+ : {token,l}.\n"
1163             "{U}+ : {token,'\x{400}'}.\n"
1164             "Erlang code.\n"
1165             "-export([t/0]).\n"
1166             "t() ->\n"
1167             "    {ok,['\x{400}'],1} = string(\"\x{400}\"), ok.\n">>,
1168           default,
1169           ok}],
1170    run(Config, Ts),
1171    ok.
1173start_node(Name, Args) ->
1174    [_,Host] = string:tokens(atom_to_list(node()), "@"),
1175    ct:log("Trying to start ~w@~s~n", [Name,Host]),
1176    case test_server:start_node(Name, peer, [{args,Args}]) of
1177	{error,Reason} ->
1178	    test_server:fail(Reason);
1179	{ok,Node} ->
1180	    ct:log("Node ~p started~n", [Node]),
1181	    Node
1182    end.
1184unwritable(Fname) ->
1185    {ok, Info} = file:read_file_info(Fname),
1186    Mode = Info#file_info.mode - 8#00200,
1187    ok = file:write_file_info(Fname, Info#file_info{mode = Mode}).
1189writable(Fname) ->
1190    {ok, Info} = file:read_file_info(Fname),
1191    Mode = Info#file_info.mode bor 8#00200,
1192    ok = file:write_file_info(Fname, Info#file_info{mode = Mode}).
1194run(Config, Tests) ->
1195    F = fun({N,P,Pre,E}) ->
1196                case catch run_test(Config, P, Pre) of
1197                    E ->
1198                        ok;
1199                    Bad ->
1200                        ?t:format("~nTest ~p failed. Expected~n  ~p~n"
1201                                  "but got~n  ~p~n", [N, E, Bad]),
1202			fail()
1203                end
1204        end,
1205    lists:foreach(F, Tests).
1207run_test(Config, Def, Pre) ->
1208    %% io:format("testing ~s~n", [binary_to_list(Def)]),
1209    DefFile = 'leex_test.xrl',
1210    Filename = 'leex_test.erl',
1211    DataDir = ?privdir,
1212    XrlFile = filename:join(DataDir, DefFile),
1213    ErlFile = filename:join(DataDir, Filename),
1214    Opts = [return, warn_unused_vars,{outdir,DataDir}],
1215    ok = file:write_file(XrlFile, Def),
1216    LOpts = [return, {report, false} |
1217             case Pre of
1218                 default ->
1219                     [];
1220                 _ ->
1221                     [{includefile,Pre}]
1222             end],
1223    XOpts = [verbose, dfa_graph], % just to get some code coverage...
1224    LRet = leex:file(XrlFile, XOpts ++ LOpts),
1225    case LRet of
1226        {ok, _Outfile, _LWs} ->
1227                 CRet = compile:file(ErlFile, Opts),
1228                 case CRet of
1229                     {ok, _M, _Ws} ->
1230                         AbsFile = filename:rootname(ErlFile, ".erl"),
1231                         Mod = leex_test,
1232                         code:purge(Mod),
1233                         code:load_abs(AbsFile, Mod),
1234                         Mod:t();
1235                         %% warnings(ErlFile, Ws);
1236                     {error, [{ErlFile,Es}], []} -> {error, Es, []};
1237                     {error, [{ErlFile,Es}], [{ErlFile,Ws}]} -> {error, Es, Ws};
1238                     Error  -> Error
1239                 end;
1240        {error, [{XrlFile,LEs}], []} -> {error, LEs, []};
1241        {error, [{XrlFile,LEs}], [{XrlFile,LWs}]} -> {error, LEs, LWs};
1242        LError -> LError
1243    end.
1245extract(File, {error, Es, Ws}) ->
1246    {errors, extract(File, Es), extract(File, Ws)};
1247extract(File, Ts) ->
1248    lists:append([T || {F, T} <- Ts,  F =:= File]).
1250fail() ->
1251    ?t:fail().