1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
5  <header>
6    <copyright>
7      <year>1996</year><year>2020</year>
8      <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
9    </copyright>
10    <legalnotice>
11      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13      You may obtain a copy of the License at
15          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21      limitations under the License.
23    </legalnotice>
25    <title>eprof</title>
26    <prepared></prepared>
27    <docno></docno>
28    <date></date>
29    <rev></rev>
30  </header>
31  <module since="">eprof</module>
32  <modulesummary>A Time Profiling Tool for Erlang</modulesummary>
33  <description>
34    <p>The module <c>eprof</c> provides a set of functions for time
35      profiling of Erlang programs to find out how the execution time is
36      used. The profiling is done using the Erlang trace BIFs. Tracing of
37      local function calls for a specified set of processes is enabled when
38      profiling is begun, and disabled when profiling is stopped.</p>
39    <p>When using Eprof, expect a slowdown in program execution.</p>
40  </description>
41  <funcs>
42    <func>
43      <name since="">start() -> {ok,Pid} | {error,Reason}</name>
44      <fsummary>Start Eprof.</fsummary>
45      <type>
46        <v>Pid = pid()</v>
47        <v>Reason = {already_started,Pid}</v>
48      </type>
49      <desc>
50        <p>Starts the Eprof server which holds the internal state of the collected data.</p>
51      </desc>
52    </func>
53    <func>
54      <name since="">start_profiling(Rootset) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
55      <name since="OTP R14B">start_profiling(Rootset,Pattern) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
56      <name since="OTP R16B01">start_profiling(Rootset,Pattern,Options) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
57      <fsummary>Start profiling.</fsummary>
58      <type>
59        <v>Rootset = [atom() | pid()]</v>
60		<v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
61		<v>Module = Function = atom()</v>
62		<v>Arity = integer()</v>
63		<v>Options = [set_on_spawn]</v>
64        <v>Reason = term()</v>
65      </type>
66      <desc>
67        <p>Starts profiling for the processes in <c>Rootset</c> (and any new
68          processes spawned from them). Information about activity in any
69          profiled process is stored in the Eprof database.</p>
70        <p><c>Rootset</c> is a list of pids and registered names.</p>
71        <p>The function returns <c>profiling</c> if tracing could be enabled
72          for all processes in <c>Rootset</c>, or <c>error</c> otherwise.</p>
73        <p>A pattern can be selected to narrow the profiling. For instance a
74          specific module can be selected, and only the code executed in that
75          module will be profiled.</p>
76	    <p>The <c>set_on_spawn</c> option will active call time tracing for
77			all processes spawned by processes in the rootset. This is
78			the default behaviour.</p>
79      </desc>
80    </func>
81    <func>
82      <name since="">stop_profiling() -> profiling_stopped | profiling_already_stopped</name>
83      <fsummary>Stop profiling.</fsummary>
84      <desc>
85        <p>Stops profiling started with <c>start_profiling/1</c> or
86          <c>profile/1</c>.</p>
87      </desc>
88    </func>
89    <func>
90      <name since="">profile(Fun) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
91      <name since="">profile(Fun, Options) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
92      <name since="">profile(Rootset) -> profiling | {error, Reason}</name>
93      <name since="">profile(Rootset,Fun) -> {ok, Value} | {error,Reason}</name>
94      <name since="OTP R14B">profile(Rootset,Fun,Pattern) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
95      <name since="">profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
96      <name since="OTP R14B">profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args,Pattern) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
97      <name since="OTP R16B01">profile(Rootset,Module,Function,Args,Pattern,Options) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason}</name>
98      <fsummary>Start profiling.</fsummary>
99      <type>
100        <v>Rootset = [atom() | pid()]</v>
101        <v>Fun = fun() -> term() end</v>
102		<v>Pattern = {Module, Function, Arity}</v>
103        <v>Module = Function = atom()</v>
104        <v>Args = [term()]</v>
105		<v>Arity = integer()</v>
106		<v>Options = [set_on_spawn]</v>
107        <v>Value = Reason = term()</v>
108      </type>
109      <desc>
110        <p>This function first spawns a process <c>P</c> which evaluates
111          <c>Fun()</c> or <c>apply(Module,Function,Args)</c>. Then, it
112          starts profiling for <c>P</c> and the processes in <c>Rootset</c>
113          (and any new processes spawned from them). Information about
114          activity in any profiled process is stored in the Eprof database.</p>
115        <p><c>Rootset</c> is a list of pids and registered names.</p>
116        <p>If tracing could be enabled for <c>P</c> and all processes in
117          <c>Rootset</c>, the function returns <c>{ok,Value}</c> when
118          <c>Fun()</c>/<c>apply</c> returns with the value <c>Value</c>, or
119          <c>{error,Reason}</c> if <c>Fun()</c>/<c>apply</c> fails with
120		  exit reason <c>Reason</c>. Otherwise it returns <c>{error, Reason}</c>
121          immediately.</p>
122	    <p>The <c>set_on_spawn</c> option will active call time tracing for
123			all processes spawned by processes in the rootset. This is
124			the default behaviour.</p>
125        <p>The programmer must ensure that the function given as argument
126          is truly synchronous and that no work continues after
127          the function has returned a value.</p>
128      </desc>
129    </func>
130    <func>
131      <name since="OTP R14B">analyze() -> ok</name>
132      <name since="OTP R14B">analyze(Type) -> ok</name>
133      <name since="OTP R14B">analyze(Type,Options) -> ok</name>
134      <fsummary>Display profiling results per process.</fsummary>
135      <type>
136        <v>Type = procs | total</v>
137	<v>Options = [{filter, Filter} | {sort, Sort}</v>
138	<v>Filter = [{calls, integer()} | {time, float()}]</v>
139	<v>Sort = time | calls | mfa</v>
140      </type>
141      <desc>
142        <p>Call this function when profiling has been stopped to display
143          the results per process, that is:</p>
144        <list type="bulleted">
145          <item>how much time has been used by each process, and</item>
146          <item>in which function calls this time has been spent.</item>
147        </list>
148	<p>Call <c>analyze</c> with <c>total</c> option when profiling has been stopped to display
149          the results per function call, that is in which function calls
150          the time has been spent.</p>
151        <p>Time is shown as percentage of total time and as absolute time.</p>
152      </desc>
153    </func>
154    <func>
155      <name since="">log(File) -> ok</name>
156      <fsummary>Activate logging of <c>eprof</c>printouts.</fsummary>
157      <type>
158        <v>File = atom() | string()</v>
159      </type>
160      <desc>
161        <p>This function ensures that the results displayed by
162          <c>analyze/0,1,2</c> are printed both to the file
163          <c>File</c> and the screen.</p>
164      </desc>
165    </func>
166    <func>
167      <name since="">stop() -> stopped</name>
168      <fsummary>Stop Eprof.</fsummary>
169      <desc>
170        <p>Stops the Eprof server.</p>
171      </desc>
172    </func>
173  </funcs>