5%% @doc Find gc roots and explicitly mark when they go out of scope, based
6%% on the liveness analyzis performed by the hipe_rtl_liveness:analyze/1.
7analyze(RtlCfg) ->
8  Liveness = hipe_rtl_liveness:analyze(RtlCfg),
9  Roots = find_roots(RtlCfg, Liveness),
10  %% erlang:display(Roots),
11  NewRtlCfg = mark_dead_roots(RtlCfg, Liveness, Roots),
12  {NewRtlCfg, Roots}.
14%% @doc Determine which are the GC Roots.Possible roots are all
15%% RTL variables (rtl_var). However, since safe points are function calls, we
16%% consider as possible GC roots only RTL variables that are live around
17%% function calls.
18find_roots(Cfg, Liveness) ->
19  Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:postorder(Cfg),
20  Roots = find_roots_bb(Labels, Cfg, Liveness, []),
21  lists:usort(lists:flatten(Roots)).
23find_roots_bb([], _Cfg, _Liveness, RootAcc) ->
24  RootAcc;
25find_roots_bb([L|Ls], Cfg, Liveness, RootAcc) ->
26  Block = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(Cfg, L),
27  BlockCode = hipe_bb:code(Block),
28  LiveIn = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:livein(Liveness, L))),
29  LiveOut = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:liveout(Liveness, L))),
30  Roots = do_find_roots_bb(BlockCode, L, LiveOut, LiveIn, []),
31  find_roots_bb(Ls, Cfg, Liveness, Roots++RootAcc).
33%% For each call inside a BB the GC roots are those RTL variables that
34%% are live before and after the call.
35%% --> Live Before Call: These are the RTL variables that belong to the
36%% LiveIn list or are initialized inside the BB before the call
37%% --> Live After Call: These are the RTL variables that belong to the
38%% LiveOut list or are used after the call inside the BB (they die
39%% inside the BB and so do not belong to the LiveOut list)
40do_find_roots_bb([], _Label, _LiveOut, _LiveBefore, RootAcc) ->
41  RootAcc;
42do_find_roots_bb([I|Is], L, LiveOut, LiveBefore, RootAcc) ->
43  case hipe_rtl:is_call(I) of
44    true ->
45      %% Used inside the BB after the call
46      UsedAfterCall_ = strip(lists:flatten([hipe_rtl:uses(V) || V <- Is])),
47      UsedAfterCall = ordsets:from_list(UsedAfterCall_),
48      LiveAfter = ordsets:union(UsedAfterCall, LiveOut),
49      %% The Actual Roots
50      Roots = ordsets:intersection(LiveBefore, LiveAfter),
51      %% The result of the instruction
52      Defines = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:defines(I))),
53      LiveBefore1 = ordsets:union(LiveBefore, Defines),
54      do_find_roots_bb(Is, L, LiveOut, LiveBefore1, [Roots|RootAcc]);
55    false ->
56      %% The result of the instruction
57      Defines = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:defines(I))),
58      LiveBefore1 = ordsets:union(LiveBefore, Defines),
59      do_find_roots_bb(Is, L, LiveOut, LiveBefore1, RootAcc)
60  end.
62%% @doc This function is responsible for marking when GC Roots, which can be
63%% only RTL variables go out of scope (dead). This pass is needed for the LLVM
64%% back end because the LLVM framework forces us to explicit mark when gc roots
65%% are no longer live.
66mark_dead_roots(CFG, Liveness, Roots) ->
67  Labels = hipe_rtl_cfg:postorder(CFG),
68  mark_dead_bb(Labels, CFG, Liveness, Roots).
70mark_dead_bb([], Cfg, _Liveness, _Roots) ->
71  Cfg;
72mark_dead_bb([L|Ls], Cfg, Liveness, Roots)  ->
73  Block = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb(Cfg, L),
74  BlockCode = hipe_bb:code(Block),
75  LiveOut = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl_liveness:liveout(Liveness, L))),
76  NewBlockCode = do_mark_dead_bb(BlockCode, LiveOut, Roots, []),
77  %% Update the CFG
78  NewBB = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewBlockCode),
79  NewCFG = hipe_rtl_cfg:bb_add(Cfg, L, NewBB),
80  mark_dead_bb(Ls, NewCFG, Liveness, Roots).
82do_mark_dead_bb([], _LiveOut, _Roots, NewBlockCode) ->
83  lists:reverse(NewBlockCode);
84do_mark_dead_bb([I|Is], LiveOut ,Roots, NewBlockCode) ->
85  Uses = ordsets:from_list(strip(hipe_rtl:uses(I))),
86  %% GC roots that are used in this instruction
87  RootsUsed = ordsets:intersection(Roots, Uses),
88  UsedAfter_ = strip(lists:flatten([hipe_rtl:uses(V) || V <- Is])),
89  UsedAfter = ordsets:from_list(UsedAfter_),
90  %% GC roots that are live after this instruction
91  LiveAfter = ordsets:union(LiveOut, UsedAfter),
92  %% GC roots that their last use is in this instruction
93  DeadRoots = ordsets:subtract(RootsUsed, LiveAfter),
94  %% Recreate the RTL variable from the corresponding Index
95  OldVars = [hipe_rtl:mk_var(V1) || V1 <- DeadRoots],
96  %% Mark the RTL variable as DEAD (last use)
97  NewVars = [kill_var(V2) || V2 <- OldVars],
98  %% Create a list with the substitution of the old vars with the new
99  %% ones which are marked with the dead keyword
100  Subtitution = lists:zip(OldVars, NewVars),
101  NewI = case Subtitution of
102    [] -> I;
103    _ -> hipe_rtl:subst_uses_llvm(Subtitution, I)
104  end,
105  do_mark_dead_bb(Is, LiveOut, Roots, [NewI|NewBlockCode]).
107%% Update the liveness of a var,in order to mark that this is the last use.
108kill_var(Var) -> hipe_rtl:var_liveness_update(Var, dead).
110%% We are only interested for rtl_vars, since only rtl_vars are possible gc
111%% roots.
112strip(L) -> [Y || {rtl_var, Y, _} <- L].