1%% ``Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
5%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11%% limitations under the License.
13%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Richard Carlsson.
14%% Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Richard Carlsson.
15%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 2001, Ericsson Utvecklings
16%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
18%%     $Id: cerl_clauses.erl,v 1.2 2009/09/17 09:46:19 kostis Exp $
20%% @doc Utility functions for Core Erlang case/receive clauses.
22%% <p>Syntax trees are defined in the module <a
23%% href=""><code>cerl</code></a>.</p>
25%% @type cerl() = cerl:cerl()
29-export([any_catchall/1, eval_guard/1, is_catchall/1, match/2,
30	 match_list/2, reduce/1, reduce/2]).
32-import(cerl, [alias_pat/1, alias_var/1, data_arity/1, data_es/1,
33	       data_type/1, clause_guard/1, clause_pats/1, concrete/1,
34	       is_data/1, is_c_var/1, let_body/1, letrec_body/1,
35	       seq_body/1, try_arg/1, type/1, values_es/1]).
37-import(lists, [reverse/1]).
40%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
42%% @spec is_catchall(Clause::cerl()) -> boolean()
44%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if an abstract clause is a
45%% catch-all, otherwise <code>false</code>. A clause is a catch-all if
46%% all its patterns are variables, and its guard expression always
47%% evaluates to <code>true</code>; cf. <code>eval_guard/1</code>.
49%% <p>Note: <code>Clause</code> must have type
50%% <code>clause</code>.</p>
52%% @see eval_guard/1
53%% @see any_catchall/1
55is_catchall(C) ->
56    case all_vars(clause_pats(C)) of
57	true ->
58	    case eval_guard(clause_guard(C)) of
59		{value, true} ->
60		    true;
61		_ ->
62		    false
63	    end;
64	false ->
65	    false
66    end.
68all_vars([C | Cs]) ->
69    case is_c_var(C) of
70	true ->
71	    all_vars(Cs);
72	false ->
73	    false
74    end;
75all_vars([]) ->
76    true.
79%% @spec any_catchall(Clauses::[cerl()]) -> boolean()
81%% @doc Returns <code>true</code> if any of the abstract clauses in
82%% the list is a catch-all, otherwise <code>false</code>.  See
83%% <code>is_catchall/1</code> for details.
85%% <p>Note: each node in <code>Clauses</code> must have type
86%% <code>clause</code>.</p>
88%% @see is_catchall/1
90any_catchall([C | Cs]) ->
91    case is_catchall(C) of
92	true ->
93	    true;
94	false ->
95	    any_catchall(Cs)
96    end;
97any_catchall([]) ->
98    false.
101%% @spec eval_guard(Expr::cerl()) -> none | {value, term()}
103%% @doc Tries to reduce a guard expression to a single constant value,
104%% if possible. The returned value is <code>{value, Term}</code> if the
105%% guard expression <code>Expr</code> always yields the constant value
106%% <code>Term</code>, and is otherwise <code>none</code>.
108%% <p>Note that although guard expressions should only yield boolean
109%% values, this function does not guarantee that <code>Term</code> is
110%% either <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>. Also note that only
111%% simple constructs like let-expressions are examined recursively;
112%% general constant folding is not performed.</p>
114%% @see is_catchall/1
116%% This function could possibly be improved further, but constant
117%% folding should in general be performed elsewhere.
119eval_guard(E) ->
120    case type(E) of
121	literal ->
122	    {value, concrete(E)};
123	values ->
124	    case values_es(E) of
125		[E1] ->
126		    eval_guard(E1);
127		_ ->
128		    none
129	    end;
130	'try' ->
131	    eval_guard(try_arg(E));
132	seq ->
133	    eval_guard(seq_body(E));
134	'let' ->
135	    eval_guard(let_body(E));
136	'letrec' ->
137	    eval_guard(letrec_body(E));
138	_ ->
139	    none
140    end.
143%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
145%% @spec reduce(Clauses) -> {true, {Clauses, Bindings}}
146%%                        | {false, Clauses}
148%% @equiv reduce(Cs, [])
150reduce(Cs) ->
151    reduce(Cs, []).
153%% @spec reduce(Clauses::[Clause], Exprs::[Expr]) ->
154%%           {true, {Clause, Bindings}}
155%%         | {false, [Clause]}
157%%    Clause = cerl()
158%%    Expr = any | cerl()
159%%    Bindings = [{cerl(), cerl()}]
161%% @doc Selects a single clause, if possible, or otherwise reduces the
162%% list of selectable clauses. The input is a list <code>Clauses</code>
163%% of abstract clauses (i.e., syntax trees of type <code>clause</code>),
164%% and a list of switch expressions <code>Exprs</code>. The function
165%% tries to uniquely select a single clause or discard unselectable
166%% clauses, with respect to the switch expressions. All abstract clauses
167%% in the list must have the same number of patterns. If
168%% <code>Exprs</code> is not the empty list, it must have the same
169%% length as the number of patterns in each clause; see
170%% <code>match_list/2</code> for details.
172%% <p>A clause can only be selected if its guard expression always
173%% yields the atom <code>true</code>, and a clause whose guard
174%% expression always yields the atom <code>false</code> can never be
175%% selected. Other guard expressions are considered to have unknown
176%% value; cf. <code>eval_guard/1</code>.</p>
178%% <p>If a particular clause can be selected, the function returns
179%% <code>{true, {Clause, Bindings}}</code>, where <code>Clause</code> is
180%% the selected clause and <code>Bindings</code> is a list of pairs
181%% <code>{Var, SubExpr}</code> associating the variables occurring in
182%% the patterns of <code>Clause</code> with the corresponding
183%% subexpressions in <code>Exprs</code>. The list of bindings is given
184%% in innermost-first order; see the <code>match/2</code> function for
185%% details.</p>
187%% <p>If no clause could be definitely selected, the function returns
188%% <code>{false, NewClauses}</code>, where <code>NewClauses</code> is
189%% the list of entries in <code>Clauses</code> that remain after
190%% eliminating unselectable clauses, preserving the relative order.</p>
192%% @see eval_guard/1
193%% @see match/2
194%% @see match_list/2
196reduce(Cs, Es) ->
197    reduce(Cs, Es, []).
199reduce([C | Cs], Es, Cs1) ->
200    Ps = clause_pats(C),
201    case match_list(Ps, Es) of
202	none ->
203	    %% Here, we know that the current clause cannot possibly be
204	    %% selected, so we drop it and visit the rest.
205	    reduce(Cs, Es, Cs1);
206	{false, _} ->
207	    %% We are not sure if this clause might be selected, so we
208	    %% save it and visit the rest.
209	    reduce(Cs, Es, [C | Cs1]);
210	{true, Bs} ->
211	    case eval_guard(clause_guard(C)) of
212		{value, true} when Cs1 == [] ->
213		    %% We have a definite match - we return the residual
214		    %% expression and signal that a selection has been
215		    %% made. All other clauses are dropped.
216		    {true, {C, Bs}};
217		{value, true} ->
218		    %% Unless one of the previous clauses is selected,
219		    %% this clause will definitely be, so we can drop
220		    %% the rest.
221		    {false, reverse([C | Cs1])};
222		{value, false} ->
223		    %% This clause can never be selected, since its
224		    %% guard is never 'true', so we drop it.
225		    reduce(Cs, Es, Cs1);
226		_ ->
227		    %% We are not sure if this clause might be selected
228		    %% (or might even cause a crash), so we save it and
229		    %% visit the rest.
230		    reduce(Cs, Es, [C | Cs1])
231	    end
232    end;
233reduce([], _, Cs) ->
234    %% All clauses visited, without a complete match. Signal "not
235    %% reduced" and return the saved clauses, in the correct order.
236    {false, reverse(Cs)}.
239%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
241%% @spec match(Pattern::cerl(), Expr) ->
242%%           none | {true, Bindings} | {false, Bindings}
244%%     Expr = any | cerl()
245%%     Bindings = [{cerl(), Expr}]
247%% @doc Matches a pattern against an expression. The returned value is
248%% <code>none</code> if a match is impossible, <code>{true,
249%% Bindings}</code> if <code>Pattern</code> definitely matches
250%% <code>Expr</code>, and <code>{false, Bindings}</code> if a match is
251%% not definite, but cannot be excluded. <code>Bindings</code> is then
252%% a list of pairs <code>{Var, SubExpr}</code>, associating each
253%% variable in the pattern with either the corresponding subexpression
254%% of <code>Expr</code>, or with the atom <code>any</code> if no
255%% matching subexpression exists. (Recall that variables may not be
256%% repeated in a Core Erlang pattern.) The list of bindings is given
257%% in innermost-first order; this should only be of interest if
258%% <code>Pattern</code> contains one or more alias patterns. If the
259%% returned value is <code>{true, []}</code>, it implies that the
260%% pattern and the expression are syntactically identical.
262%% <p>Instead of a syntax tree, the atom <code>any</code> can be
263%% passed for <code>Expr</code> (or, more generally, be used for any
264%% subtree of <code>Expr</code>, in as much the abstract syntax tree
265%% implementation allows it); this means that it cannot be decided
266%% whether the pattern will match or not, and the corresponding
267%% variable bindings will all map to <code>any</code>. The typical use
268%% is for producing bindings for <code>receive</code> clauses.</p>
270%% <p>Note: Binary-syntax patterns are never structurally matched
271%% against binary-syntax expressions by this function.</p>
273%% <p>Examples:
274%% <ul>
275%%   <li>Matching a pattern "<code>{X, Y}</code>" against the
276%%   expression "<code>{foo, f(Z)}</code>" yields <code>{true,
277%%   Bindings}</code> where <code>Bindings</code> associates
278%%   "<code>X</code>" with the subtree "<code>foo</code>" and
279%%   "<code>Y</code>" with the subtree "<code>f(Z)</code>".</li>
281%%   <li>Matching pattern "<code>{X, {bar, Y}}</code>" against
282%%   expression "<code>{foo, f(Z)}</code>" yields <code>{false,
283%%   Bindings}</code> where <code>Bindings</code> associates
284%%   "<code>X</code>" with the subtree "<code>foo</code>" and
285%%   "<code>Y</code>" with <code>any</code> (because it is not known
286%%   if "<code>{foo, Y}</code>" might match the run-time value of
287%%   "<code>f(Z)</code>" or not).</li>
289%%   <li>Matching pattern "<code>{foo, bar}</code>" against expression
290%%   "<code>{foo, f()}</code>" yields <code>{false, []}</code>,
291%%   telling us that there might be a match, but we cannot deduce any
292%%   bindings.</li>
294%%   <li>Matching <code>{foo, X = {bar, Y}}</code> against expression
295%%   "<code>{foo, {bar, baz}}</code>" yields <code>{true,
296%%   Bindings}</code> where <code>Bindings</code> associates
297%%   "<code>Y</code>" with "<code>baz</code>", and "<code>X</code>"
298%%   with "<code>{bar, baz}</code>".</li>
300%%   <li>Matching a pattern "<code>{X, Y}</code>" against
301%%   <code>any</code> yields <code>{false, Bindings}</code> where
302%%   <code>Bindings</code> associates both "<code>X</code>" and
303%%   "<code>Y</code>" with <code>any</code>.</li>
304%% </ul></p>
306match(P, E) ->
307    match(P, E, []).
309match(P, E, Bs) ->
310    case type(P) of
311	var ->
312	    %% Variables always match, since they cannot have repeated
313	    %% occurrences in a pattern.
314	    {true, [{P, E} | Bs]};
315	alias ->
316	    %% All variables in P1 will be listed before the alias
317	    %% variable in the result.
318	    match(alias_pat(P), E, [{alias_var(P), E} | Bs]);
319	binary ->
320	    %% The most we can do is to say "definitely no match" if a
321	    %% binary pattern is matched against non-binary data.
322	    if E == any ->
323		    {false, Bs};
324	       true ->
325		    case is_data(E) of
326			true ->
327			    none;
328			false ->
329			    {false, Bs}
330		    end
331	    end;
332	_ ->
333	    match_1(P, E, Bs)
334    end.
336match_1(P, E, Bs) ->
337    case is_data(P) of
338	true when E == any ->
339	    %% If we don't know the structure of the value of E at this
340	    %% point, we just match the subpatterns against 'any', and
341	    %% make sure the result is a "maybe".
342	    Ps = data_es(P),
343	    Es = lists:duplicate(length(Ps), any),
344	    case match_list(Ps, Es, Bs) of
345		{_, Bs1} ->
346		    {false, Bs1};
347		none ->
348		    none
349	    end;
350	true ->
351	    %% Test if the expression represents a constructor
352	    case is_data(E) of
353		true ->
354		    T1 = {data_type(E), data_arity(E)},
355		    T2 = {data_type(P), data_arity(P)},
356		    %% Note that we must test for exact equality.
357		    if T1 =:= T2 ->
358			    match_list(data_es(P), data_es(E), Bs);
359		       true ->
360			    none
361		    end;
362		false ->
363		    %% We don't know the run-time structure of E, and P
364		    %% is not a variable or an alias pattern, so we
365		    %% match against 'any' instead.
366		    match_1(P, any, Bs)
367	    end;
368	false ->
369	    %% Strange pattern - give up, but don't say "no match".
370	    {false, Bs}
371    end.
374%% @spec match_list(Patterns::[cerl()], Exprs::[Expr]) ->
375%%           none | {true, Bindings} | {false, Bindings}
377%%     Expr = any | cerl()
378%%     Bindings = [{cerl(), cerl()}]
380%% @doc Like <code>match/2</code>, but matching a sequence of patterns
381%% against a sequence of expressions. Passing an empty list for
382%% <code>Exprs</code> is equivalent to passing a list of
383%% <code>any</code> atoms of the same length as <code>Patterns</code>.
385%% @see match/2
387match_list([], []) ->
388    {true, []};    % no patterns always match
389match_list(Ps, []) ->
390    match_list(Ps, lists:duplicate(length(Ps), any), []);
391match_list(Ps, Es) ->
392    match_list(Ps, Es, []).
394match_list([P | Ps], [E | Es], Bs) ->
395    case match(P, E, Bs) of
396	{true, Bs1} ->
397	    match_list(Ps, Es, Bs1);
398	{false, Bs1} ->
399	    %% Make sure "maybe" is preserved
400	    case match_list(Ps, Es, Bs1) of
401		{_, Bs2} ->
402		    {false, Bs2};
403		none ->
404		    none
405	    end;
406	none ->
407	    none
408    end;
409match_list([], [], Bs) ->
410    {true, Bs}.