1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2<!DOCTYPE erlref SYSTEM "erlref.dtd">
5  <header>
6    <copyright>
7      <year>1996</year><year>2018</year>
8      <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
9    </copyright>
10    <legalnotice>
11      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
12      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
13      You may obtain a copy of the License at
15          http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
18      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
19      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
20      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
21      limitations under the License.
23    </legalnotice>
25    <title>net_kernel</title>
26    <prepared>Claes Wikstrom</prepared>
27    <docno>1</docno>
28    <date>1996-09-10</date>
29    <rev>A</rev>
30  </header>
31  <module since="">net_kernel</module>
32  <modulesummary>Erlang networking kernel.</modulesummary>
33  <description>
34    <p>The net kernel is a system process, registered as
35      <c>net_kernel</c>, which must be operational for distributed Erlang
36      to work. The purpose of this process is to implement parts of
37      the BIFs <c>spawn/4</c> and <c>spawn_link/4</c>, and to provide
38      monitoring of the network.</p>
39    <p>An Erlang node is started using command-line flag
40      <c>-name</c> or <c>-sname</c>:</p>
41     <pre>
42$ <input>erl -sname foobar</input></pre>
43    <p>It is also possible to call <c>net_kernel:start([foobar])</c>
44      directly from the normal Erlang shell prompt:</p>
45    <pre>
461> <input>net_kernel:start([foobar, shortnames]).</input>
49    <p>If the node is started with command-line flag <c>-sname</c>,
50      the node name is <c>foobar@Host</c>, where <c>Host</c> is
51      the short name of the host (not the fully qualified domain name).
52      If started with flag <c>-name</c>, the node name is <c>foobar@Host</c>,
53      where <c>Host</c> is the fully qualified domain name.
54      For more information, see
55      <seecom marker="erts:erl"><c>erl</c></seecom>.</p>
56    <p>Normally, connections are established automatically when
57      another node is referenced. This functionality can be disabled
58      by setting Kernel configuration parameter
59      <c>dist_auto_connect</c> to <c>never</c>, see
60      <seeapp marker="kernel_app"><c>kernel(6)</c></seeapp>. In this case,
61      connections must be established explicitly by calling
62      <seemfa marker="#connect_node/1"><c>connect_node/1</c></seemfa>.</p>
63    <p>Which nodes that are allowed to communicate with each other is handled
64      by the magic cookie system, see section
65      <seeguide marker="system/reference_manual:distributed">Distributed Erlang</seeguide>
66      in the Erlang Reference Manual.</p>
67    <warning>
68      <p>
69        Starting a distributed node without also specifying
70        <seecom marker="erts:erl#proto_dist"><c>-proto_dist inet_tls</c></seecom>
71        will expose the node to attacks that may give the attacker
72        complete access to the node and in extension the cluster.
73        When using un-secure distributed nodes, make sure that the
74        network is configured to keep potential attackers out.
75        See the <seeguide marker="ssl:ssl_distribution">
76        Using SSL for Erlang Distribution</seeguide> User's Guide
77        for details on how to setup a secure distributed node.
78      </p>
79    </warning>
80  </description>
82  <funcs>
83    <func>
84      <name name="allow" arity="1" since=""/>
85      <fsummary>Permit access to a specified set of nodes</fsummary>
86      <desc>
87        <p>Permits access to the specified set of nodes.</p>
88        <p>Before the first call to <c>allow/1</c>, any node with the correct
89          cookie can be connected. When <c>allow/1</c> is called, a list
90          of allowed nodes is established. Any access attempts made from (or to)
91          nodes not in that list will be rejected.</p>
92        <p>Subsequent calls to <c>allow/1</c> will add the specified nodes
93          to the list of allowed nodes. It is not possible to remove nodes
94          from the list.</p>
95        <p>Returns <c>error</c> if any element in <c><anno>Nodes</anno></c> is not
96          an atom.</p>
97      </desc>
98    </func>
100    <func>
101      <name name="connect_node" arity="1" since=""/>
102      <fsummary>Establish a connection to a node.</fsummary>
103      <desc>
104        <p>Establishes a connection to <c><anno>Node</anno></c>. Returns
105          <c>true</c> if a connection was established or was already
106	  established or if <c><anno>Node</anno></c> is the local node
107	  itself. Returns <c>false</c> if the connection attempt failed, and
108	  <c>ignored</c> if the local node is not alive.</p>
109      </desc>
110    </func>
112    <func>
113      <name name="get_net_ticktime" arity="0" since=""/>
114      <fsummary>Get <c>net_ticktime</c>.</fsummary>
115      <desc>
116        <p>Gets <c>net_ticktime</c> (see
117          <seeapp marker="kernel_app"><c>kernel(6)</c></seeapp>).</p>
118        <p>Defined return values (<c><anno>Res</anno></c>):</p>
119        <taglist>
120          <tag><c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c></tag>
121          <item><p><c>net_ticktime</c> is <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c>
122            seconds.</p></item>
123          <tag><c>{ongoing_change_to, <anno>NetTicktime</anno>}</c></tag>
124          <item><p><c>net_kernel</c> is currently changing
125            <c>net_ticktime</c> to <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c>
126            seconds.</p></item>
127          <tag><c>ignored</c></tag>
128          <item><p>The local node is not alive.</p></item>
129        </taglist>
130      </desc>
131    </func>
133    <func>
134      <name name="getopts" arity="2" since="OTP 19.1"/>
135      <fsummary>Get distribution socket options.</fsummary>
136      <desc>
137        <p>Get one or more options for the distribution socket
138	connected to <c><anno>Node</anno></c>.</p>
139        <p>If <c><anno>Node</anno></c> is a connected node
140	the return value is the same as from
141	<seemfa marker="inet#getopts/2"><c>inet:getopts(Sock, Options)</c></seemfa>
142	where <c>Sock</c> is the distribution socket for <c><anno>Node</anno></c>.</p>
143	<p>Returns <c>ignored</c> if the local node is not alive or
144	<c>{error, noconnection}</c> if <c><anno>Node</anno></c> is not connected.</p>
145      </desc>
146    </func>
148    <func>
149      <name name="monitor_nodes" arity="1" since=""/>
150      <name name="monitor_nodes" arity="2" since=""/>
151      <fsummary>Subscribe to node status change messages.</fsummary>
152      <desc>
153        <p>The calling process subscribes or unsubscribes to node
154          status change messages. A <c>nodeup</c> message is delivered
155          to all subscribing processes when a new node is connected, and
156          a <c>nodedown</c> message is delivered when a node is
157          disconnected.</p>
158        <p>If <c><anno>Flag</anno></c> is <c>true</c>, a new subscription is
159          started. If <c><anno>Flag</anno></c> is <c>false</c>, all previous
160          subscriptions started with the same <c><anno>Options</anno></c>
161          are stopped. Two
162          option lists are considered the same if they contain the same
163          set of options.</p>
164        <p>As from Kernel version 2.11.4, and ERTS version
165          5.5.4, the following is guaranteed:</p>
166        <list type="bulleted">
167          <item><p><c>nodeup</c> messages are delivered before delivery
168            of any message from the remote node passed through the
169            newly established connection.</p></item>
170          <item><p><c>nodedown</c> messages are not delivered until all
171            messages from the remote node that have been passed
172            through the connection have been delivered.</p></item>
173        </list>
174        <p>Notice that this is <em>not</em> guaranteed for Kernel
175          versions before 2.11.4.</p>
176        <p>As from Kernel version 2.11.4, subscriptions can also be
177          made before the <c>net_kernel</c> server is started, that is,
178          <c>net_kernel:monitor_nodes/[1,2]</c> does not return
179          <c>ignored</c>.</p>
180        <p>As from Kernel version 2.13, and ERTS version
181          5.7, the following is guaranteed:</p>
182        <list type="bulleted">
183          <item><p><c>nodeup</c> messages are delivered after the
184	    corresponding node appears in results from
185	    <c>erlang:nodes/X</c>.</p></item>
186          <item><p><c>nodedown</c> messages are delivered after the
187	    corresponding node has disappeared in results from
188	    <c>erlang:nodes/X</c>.</p></item>
189        </list>
190        <p>Notice that this is <em>not</em> guaranteed for Kernel
191          versions before 2.13.</p>
192        <p>The format of the node status change messages depends on
193          <c><anno>Options</anno></c>. If <c><anno>Options</anno></c> is
194          <c>[]</c>, which is the default, the format is as follows:</p>
195        <code type="none">
196{nodeup, Node} | {nodedown, Node}
197  Node = node()</code>
198        <p>If <c><anno>Options</anno></c> is not <c>[]</c>, the format is
199          as follows:</p>
200        <code type="none">
201{nodeup, Node, InfoList} | {nodedown, Node, InfoList}
202  Node = node()
203  InfoList = [{Tag, Val}]</code>
204        <p><c>InfoList</c> is a list of tuples. Its contents depends on
205          <c><anno>Options</anno></c>, see below.</p>
206        <p>Also, when <c>OptionList == []</c>, only visible nodes, that
207          is, nodes that appear in the result of
208          <seemfa marker="erts:erlang#nodes/0"><c>erlang:nodes/0</c></seemfa>,
209          are monitored.</p>
210        <p><c><anno>Option</anno></c> can be any of the following:</p>
211        <taglist>
212          <tag><c>{node_type, NodeType}</c></tag>
213          <item>
214            <p>Valid values for <c>NodeType</c>:</p>
215            <taglist>
216              <tag><c>visible</c></tag>
217              <item><p>Subscribe to node status change messages for visible
218               nodes only. The tuple <c>{node_type, visible}</c> is
219               included in <c>InfoList</c>.</p></item>
220              <tag><c>hidden</c></tag>
221              <item><p>Subscribe to node status change messages for hidden
222               nodes only. The tuple <c>{node_type, hidden}</c> is
223               included in <c>InfoList</c>.</p></item>
224              <tag><c>all</c></tag>
225              <item><p>Subscribe to node status change messages for both
226               visible and hidden nodes. The tuple
227               <c>{node_type, visible | hidden}</c> is included in
228               <c>InfoList</c>.</p></item>
229            </taglist>
230          </item>
231          <tag><c>nodedown_reason</c></tag>
232          <item>
233            <p>The tuple <c>{nodedown_reason, Reason}</c> is included in
234              <c>InfoList</c> in <c>nodedown</c> messages.</p>
235            <p>
236	      <c>Reason</c> can, depending on which
237	      distribution module or process that is used be any term,
238	      but for the standard TCP distribution module it is
239	      any of the following:
240	    </p>
241            <taglist>
242              <tag><c>connection_setup_failed</c></tag>
243              <item><p>The connection setup failed (after <c>nodeup</c>
244                messages were sent).</p></item>
245              <tag><c>no_network</c></tag>
246              <item><p>No network is available.</p></item>
247              <tag><c>net_kernel_terminated</c></tag>
248              <item><p>The <c>net_kernel</c> process terminated.</p></item>
249              <tag><c>shutdown</c></tag>
250              <item><p>Unspecified connection shutdown.</p></item>
251              <tag><c>connection_closed</c></tag>
252              <item><p>The connection was closed.</p></item>
253              <tag><c>disconnect</c></tag>
254              <item><p>The connection was disconnected (forced from the
255                current node).</p></item>
256              <tag><c>net_tick_timeout</c></tag>
257              <item><p>Net tick time-out.</p></item>
258              <tag><c>send_net_tick_failed</c></tag>
259              <item><p>Failed to send net tick over the connection.</p></item>
260              <tag><c>get_status_failed</c></tag>
261              <item><p>Status information retrieval from the <c>Port</c>
262                holding the connection failed.</p></item>
263            </taglist>
264          </item>
265        </taglist>
266      </desc>
267    </func>
269    <func>
270      <name name="set_net_ticktime" arity="1" since=""/>
271      <name name="set_net_ticktime" arity="2" since=""/>
272      <fsummary>Set <c>net_ticktime</c>.</fsummary>
273      <desc>
274        <p>Sets <c>net_ticktime</c> (see
275          <seeapp marker="kernel_app"><c>kernel(6)</c></seeapp>) to
276          <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c> seconds.
277          <c><anno>TransitionPeriod</anno></c> defaults to <c>60</c>.</p>
278        <p>Some definitions:</p>
279        <taglist>
280          <tag>Minimum transition traffic interval (<c>MTTI</c>)</tag>
281          <item><p><c>minimum(<anno>NetTicktime</anno>,
282            PreviousNetTicktime)*1000 div 4</c> milliseconds.</p></item>
283          <tag>Transition period</tag>
284          <item><p>The time of the least number of consecutive <c>MTTI</c>s
285            to cover <c><anno>TransitionPeriod</anno></c> seconds following
286            the call to <c>set_net_ticktime/2</c> (that is,
287            ((<c><anno>TransitionPeriod</anno>*1000 - 1) div MTTI + 1)*MTTI</c>
288            milliseconds).</p></item>
289        </taglist>
290        <p>If
291          <c><![CDATA[NetTicktime < PreviousNetTicktime]]></c>,
292          the <c>net_ticktime</c> change is done at the end of
293          the transition period; otherwise at the beginning. During
294          the transition period, <c>net_kernel</c> ensures that
295          there is outgoing traffic on all connections at least
296          every <c>MTTI</c> millisecond.</p>
297        <note>
298          <p>The <c>net_ticktime</c> changes must be initiated on all
299            nodes in the network (with the same <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c>)
300            before the end of any transition period on any node;
301            otherwise connections can erroneously be disconnected.</p>
302        </note>
303        <p>Returns one of the following:</p>
304        <taglist>
305          <tag><c>unchanged</c></tag>
306          <item>
307            <p><c>net_ticktime</c> already has the value of
308              <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c> and is left unchanged.</p>
309          </item>
310          <tag><c>change_initiated</c></tag>
311          <item>
312            <p><c>net_kernel</c> initiated the change of
313              <c>net_ticktime</c> to <c><anno>NetTicktime</anno></c>
314              seconds.</p>
315          </item>
316          <tag><c>{ongoing_change_to, <anno>NewNetTicktime</anno>}</c></tag>
317          <item>
318            <p>The request is <em>ignored</em> because
319              <c>net_kernel</c> is busy changing <c>net_ticktime</c> to
320              <c><anno>NewNetTicktime</anno></c> seconds.</p>
321          </item>
322        </taglist>
323      </desc>
324    </func>
326    <func>
327      <name name="setopts" arity="2" since="OTP 19.1"/>
328      <fsummary>Set distribution socket options.</fsummary>
329      <desc>
330        <p>Set one or more options for distribution sockets.
331	Argument <c><anno>Node</anno></c> can be either one node name
332	or the atom <c>new</c> to affect the distribution sockets of all
333	future connected nodes.</p>
334        <p>The return value is the same as from
335	<seemfa marker="inet#setopts/2"><c>inet:setopts/2</c></seemfa>
336	or <c>{error, noconnection}</c> if <c><anno>Node</anno></c> is not
337	a connected node or <c>new</c>.</p>
338	<p>If <c><anno>Node</anno></c> is <c>new</c> the <c><anno>Options</anno></c>
339	will then also be added to kernel configration parameters
340	<seeapp marker="kernel:kernel_app#inet_dist_listen_options">inet_dist_listen_options</seeapp>
341	and
342	<seeapp marker="kernel:kernel_app#inet_dist_connect_options">inet_dist_connect_options</seeapp>.</p>
343	<p>Returns <c>ignored</c> if the local node is not alive.</p>
344      </desc>
345    </func>
347    <func>
348      <name since="">start([Name]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
349      <name since="">start([Name, NameType]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
350      <name since="">start([Name, NameType, Ticktime]) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, Reason}</name>
351      <fsummary>Turn an Erlang runtime system into a distributed node.</fsummary>
352      <type>
353        <v>Name = atom()</v>
354        <v>NameType = shortnames | longnames</v>
355        <v>Reason = {already_started, pid()} | term()</v>
356      </type>
357      <desc>
358        <p>Turns a non-distributed node into a distributed node by
359          starting <c>net_kernel</c> and other necessary processes.</p>
360        <p>Notice that the argument is a list with exactly one, two, or
361          three arguments. <c>NameType</c> defaults to <c>longnames</c>
362          and <c>Ticktime</c> to <c>15000</c>.</p>
363      </desc>
364    </func>
366    <func>
367      <name name="stop" arity="0" since=""/>
368      <fsummary>Turn a node into a non-distributed Erlang runtime system.</fsummary>
369      <desc>
370        <p>Turns a distributed node into a non-distributed node. For
371          other nodes in the network, this is the same as the node
372          going down. Only possible when the net kernel was started using
373          <seemfa marker="#start/1"><c>start/1</c></seemfa>,
374          otherwise <c>{error, not_allowed}</c> is returned. Returns
375          <c>{error, not_found}</c> if the local node is not alive.</p>
376      </desc>
377    </func>
378  </funcs>