1%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
2%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
5%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11%% limitations under the License.
13%% @copyright 2001-2002 Richard Carlsson
14%% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com>
15%% @doc Closure analysis of Core Erlang programs.
17%% TODO: might need a "top" (`any') element for any-length value lists.
21-export([analyze/1, annotate/1]).
22%% The following functions are exported from this module since they
23%% are also used by Dialyzer (file dialyzer/src/dialyzer_dep.erl)
24-export([is_escape_op/2, is_escape_op/3, is_literal_op/2, is_literal_op/3]).
26-import(cerl, [ann_c_apply/3, ann_c_fun/3, ann_c_var/2, apply_args/1,
27	       apply_op/1, atom_val/1, bitstr_size/1, bitstr_val/1,
28	       binary_segments/1, c_letrec/2, c_seq/2, c_tuple/1,
29	       c_nil/0, call_args/1, call_module/1, call_name/1,
30	       case_arg/1, case_clauses/1, catch_body/1, clause_body/1,
31	       clause_guard/1, clause_pats/1, cons_hd/1, cons_tl/1,
32	       fun_body/1, fun_vars/1, get_ann/1, is_c_atom/1,
33	       let_arg/1, let_body/1, let_vars/1, letrec_body/1,
34	       letrec_defs/1, module_defs/1, module_defs/1,
35	       module_exports/1, pat_vars/1, primop_args/1,
36	       primop_name/1, receive_action/1, receive_clauses/1,
37	       receive_timeout/1, seq_arg/1, seq_body/1, set_ann/2,
38	       try_arg/1, try_body/1, try_vars/1, try_evars/1,
39	       try_handler/1, tuple_es/1, type/1, values_es/1]).
41-import(cerl_trees, [get_label/1]).
43%% ===========================================================================
45-type label()    :: integer() | 'top' | 'external' | 'external_call'.
46-type ordset(X)  :: [X].  % XXX: TAKE ME OUT
47-type labelset() :: ordset(label()).
48-type outlist()  :: [labelset()] | 'none'.
49-type escapes()  :: labelset().
51%% ===========================================================================
52%% annotate(Tree) -> {Tree1, OutList, Outputs, Escapes, Dependencies, Parents}
54%%	    Tree = cerl:cerl()
56%%	Analyzes `Tree' (see `analyze') and appends terms `{callers,
57%%	Labels}' and `{calls, Labels}' to the annotation list of each
58%%	fun-expression node and apply-expression node of `Tree',
59%%	respectively, where `Labels' is an ordered-set list of labels of
60%%	fun-expressions in `Tree', possibly also containing the atom
61%%	`external', corresponding to the dependency information derived
62%%	by the analysis. Any previous such annotations are removed from
63%%	`Tree'. `Tree1' is the modified tree; for details on `OutList',
64%%	`Outputs' , `Dependencies', `Escapes' and `Parents', see
65%%	`analyze'.
67%%	Note: `Tree' must be annotated with labels in order to use this
68%%	function; see `analyze' for details.
70-spec annotate(cerl:cerl()) ->
71        {cerl:cerl(), outlist(), dict:dict(),
72         escapes(), dict:dict(), dict:dict()}.
74annotate(Tree) ->
75    {Xs, Out, Esc, Deps, Par} = analyze(Tree),
76    F = fun (T) ->
77		case type(T) of
78		    'fun' ->
79			L = get_label(T),
80			X = case dict:find(L, Deps) of
81				{ok, X1} -> X1;
82				error -> set__new()
83			    end,
84			set_ann(T, append_ann(callers,
85					      set__to_list(X),
86					      get_ann(T)));
87		    apply ->
88			L = get_label(T),
89			X = case dict:find(L, Deps) of
90				{ok, X1} -> X1;
91				error -> set__new()
92			    end,
93			set_ann(T, append_ann(calls,
94					      set__to_list(X),
95					      get_ann(T)));
96		    _ ->
97%%%			set_ann(T, [])   % debug
98			T
99		end
100	end,
101    {cerl_trees:map(F, Tree), Xs, Out, Esc, Deps, Par}.
103append_ann(Tag, Val, [X | Xs]) ->
104    if tuple_size(X) >= 1, element(1, X) =:= Tag ->
105	    append_ann(Tag, Val, Xs);
106       true ->
107	    [X | append_ann(Tag, Val, Xs)]
108    end;
109append_ann(Tag, Val, []) ->
110    [{Tag, Val}].
112%% =====================================================================
113%% analyze(Tree) -> {OutList, Outputs, Escapes, Dependencies, Parents}
115%%	    Tree = cerl()
116%%	    OutList = [LabelSet] | none
117%%	    Outputs = dict(Label, OutList)
118%%	    Escapes = LabelSet
119%%	    Dependencies = dict(Label, LabelSet)
120%%	    LabelSet = ordset(Label)
121%%	    Label = integer() | top | external | external_call
122%%	    Parents = dict(Label, Label)
124%%	Analyzes a module or an expression represented by `Tree'.
126%%	The returned `OutList' is a list of sets of labels of
127%%	fun-expressions which correspond to the possible closures in the
128%%	value list produced by `Tree' (viewed as an expression; the
129%%	"value" of a module contains its exported functions). The atom
130%%	`none' denotes missing or conflicting information.
132%%	The atom `external' in any label set denotes any possible
133%%	function outside `Tree', including those in `Escapes'. The atom
134%%	`top' denotes the top-level expression `Tree'.
136%%	`Outputs' is a mapping from the labels of fun-expressions in
137%%	`Tree' to corresponding lists of sets of labels of
138%%	fun-expressions (or the atom `none'), representing the possible
139%%	closures in the value lists returned by the respective
140%%	functions.
142%%	`Dependencies' is a similar mapping from the labels of
143%%	fun-expressions and apply-expressions in `Tree' to sets of
144%%	labels of corresponding fun-expressions which may contain call
145%%	sites of the functions or be called from the call sites,
146%%	respectively. Any such label not defined in `Dependencies'
147%%	represents an unreachable function or a dead or faulty
148%%	application.
150%%	`Escapes' is the set of labels of fun-expressions in `Tree' such
151%%	that corresponding closures may be accessed from outside `Tree'.
153%%	`Parents' is a mapping from labels of fun-expressions in `Tree'
154%%	to the corresponding label of the nearest containing
155%%	fun-expression or top-level expression. This can be used to
156%%	extend the dependency graph, for certain analyses.
158%%	Note: `Tree' must be annotated with labels (as done by the
159%%	function `cerl_trees:label/1') in order to use this function.
160%%	The label annotation `{label, L}' (where L should be an integer)
161%%	must be the first element of the annotation list of each node in
162%%	the tree. Instances of variables bound in `Tree' which denote
163%%	the same variable must have the same label; apart from this,
164%%	labels should be unique. Constant literals do not need to be
165%%	labeled.
167-record(state, {vars, out, dep, work, funs, par}).
169%% Note: In order to keep our domain simple, we assume that all remote
170%% calls and primops return a single value, if any.
172%% We use the terms `closure', `label', `lambda' and `fun-expression'
173%% interchangeably. The exact meaning in each case can be grasped from
174%% the context.
176%% Rules:
177%%   1) The implicit top level lambda escapes.
178%%   2) A lambda returned by an escaped lambda also escapes.
179%%   3) An escaped lambda can be passed an external lambda as argument.
180%%   4) A lambda passed as argument to an external lambda also escapes.
181%%   5) An argument passed to an unknown operation escapes.
182%%   6) A call to an unknown operation can return an external lambda.
184%% Escaped lambdas become part of the set of external lambdas, but this
185%% does not need to be represented explicitly.
187%% We wrap the given syntax tree T in a fun-expression labeled `top',
188%% which is initially in the set of escaped labels. `top' will be
189%% visited at least once.
191%% We create a separate function labeled `external', defined as:
192%% "'external'/1 = fun (Escape) -> do apply 'external'/1(apply Escape())
193%% 'external'/1", which will represent any and all functions outside T,
194%% and which returns itself, and contains a recursive call; this models
195%% rules 2 and 4 above. It will be revisited if the set of escaped
196%% labels changes, or at least once. Its parameter `Escape' is a
197%% variable labeled `escape', which will hold the set of escaped labels.
198%% initially it contains `top' and `external'.
200-spec analyze(cerl:cerl()) ->
201        {outlist(), dict:dict(), escapes(), dict:dict(), dict:dict()}.
203analyze(Tree) ->
204    %% Note that we use different name spaces for variable labels and
205    %% function/call site labels, so we can reuse some names here. We
206    %% assume that the labeling of Tree only uses integers, not atoms.
207    External = ann_c_var([{label, external}], {external, 1}),
208    Escape = ann_c_var([{label, escape}], 'Escape'),
209    ExtBody = c_seq(ann_c_apply([{label, loop}], External,
210				[ann_c_apply([{label, external_call}],
211					     Escape, [])]),
212		    External),
213    ExtFun = ann_c_fun([{label, external}], [Escape], ExtBody),
214%%%     io:fwrite("external fun:\n~s.\n",
215%%% 	      [cerl_prettypr:format(ExtFun, [noann])]),
216    Top = ann_c_var([{label, top}], {top, 0}),
217    TopFun = ann_c_fun([{label, top}], [], Tree),
219    %% The "start fun" just makes the initialisation easier. It will not
220    %% be marked as escaped, and thus cannot be called.
221    StartFun =  ann_c_fun([{label, start}], [],
222			  c_letrec([{External, ExtFun}, {Top, TopFun}],
223				   c_nil())),
224%%%     io:fwrite("start fun:\n~s.\n",
225%%% 	      [cerl_prettypr:format(StartFun, [noann])]),
227    %% Gather a database of all fun-expressions in Tree and initialise
228    %% all their outputs and parameter variables. Bind all module- and
229    %% letrec-defined variables to their corresponding labels.
230    Funs0 = dict:new(),
231    Vars0 = dict:new(),
232    Out0 = dict:new(),
233    Empty = empty(),
234    F = fun (T, S = {Fs, Vs, Os}) ->
235		case type(T) of
236		    'fun' ->
237			L = get_label(T),
238			As = fun_vars(T),
239			{dict:store(L, T, Fs),
240			 bind_vars_single(As, Empty, Vs),
241			 dict:store(L, none, Os)};
242		    letrec ->
243			{Fs, bind_defs(letrec_defs(T), Vs), Os};
244		    module ->
245			{Fs, bind_defs(module_defs(T), Vs), Os};
246		    _ ->
247			S
248		end
249	end,
250    {Funs, Vars, Out} = cerl_trees:fold(F, {Funs0, Vars0, Out0},
251					StartFun),
253    %% Initialise Escape to the minimal set of escaped labels.
254    Vars1 = dict:store(escape, from_label_list([top, external]), Vars),
256    %% Enter the fixpoint iteration at the StartFun.
257    St = loop(StartFun, start, #state{vars = Vars1,
258				      out = Out,
259				      dep = dict:new(),
260				      work = init_work(),
261				      funs = Funs,
262				      par = dict:new()}),
263%%%     io:fwrite("dependencies: ~p.\n",
264%%%  	      [[{X, set__to_list(Y)}
265%%%   		|| {X, Y} <- dict:to_list(St#state.dep)]]),
266    {dict:fetch(top, St#state.out),
267     tidy_dict([start, top, external], St#state.out),
268     dict:fetch(escape, St#state.vars),
269     tidy_dict([loop], St#state.dep),
270     St#state.par}.
272tidy_dict([X | Xs], D) ->
273    tidy_dict(Xs, dict:erase(X, D));
274tidy_dict([], D) ->
275    D.
277loop(T, L, St0) ->
278%%%     io:fwrite("analyzing: ~w.\n", [L]),
279%%%     io:fwrite("work: ~w.\n", [St0#state.work]),
280    Xs0 = dict:fetch(L, St0#state.out),
281    {Xs, St1} = visit(fun_body(T), L, St0),
282    {W, M} = case equal(Xs0, Xs) of
283		 true ->
284		     {St1#state.work, St1#state.out};
285		 false ->
286%%%  		     io:fwrite("out (~w) changed: ~w <- ~w.\n",
287%%%  			       [L, Xs, Xs0]),
288		     M1 = dict:store(L, Xs, St1#state.out),
289		     case dict:find(L, St1#state.dep) of
290			 {ok, S} ->
291			     {add_work(set__to_list(S), St1#state.work),
292			      M1};
293			 error ->
294			     {St1#state.work, M1}
295		     end
296	     end,
297    St2 = St1#state{out = M},
298    case take_work(W) of
299	{ok, L1, W1} ->
300	    T1 = dict:fetch(L1, St2#state.funs),
301	    loop(T1, L1, St2#state{work = W1});
302	none ->
303	    St2
304    end.
306visit(T, L, St) ->
307    case type(T) of
308	literal ->
309	    {[empty()], St};
310	var ->
311	    %% If a variable is not already in the store here, we
312	    %% initialize it to empty().
313	    L1 = get_label(T),
314	    Vars = St#state.vars,
315	    case dict:find(L1, Vars) of
316		{ok, X} ->
317		    {[X], St};
318		error ->
319		    X = empty(),
320		    St1 = St#state{vars = dict:store(L1, X, Vars)},
321		    {[X], St1}
322	    end;
323	'fun' ->
324	    %% Must revisit the fun also, because its environment might
325	    %% have changed. (We don't keep track of such dependencies.)
326	    L1 = get_label(T),
327	    St1 = St#state{work = add_work([L1], St#state.work),
328			   par = set_parent([L1], L, St#state.par)},
329	    {[singleton(L1)], St1};
330	values ->
331	    visit_list(values_es(T), L, St);
332	cons ->
333	    {Xs, St1} = visit_list([cons_hd(T), cons_tl(T)], L, St),
334	    {[join_single_list(Xs)], St1};
335	tuple ->
336	    {Xs, St1} = visit_list(tuple_es(T), L, St),
337	    {[join_single_list(Xs)], St1};
338	'let' ->
339	    {Xs, St1} = visit(let_arg(T), L, St),
340	    Vars = bind_vars(let_vars(T), Xs, St1#state.vars),
341	    visit(let_body(T), L, St1#state{vars = Vars});
342	seq ->
343	    {_, St1} = visit(seq_arg(T), L, St),
344	    visit(seq_body(T), L, St1);
345	apply ->
346	    {Xs, St1} = visit(apply_op(T), L, St),
347	    {As, St2} = visit_list(apply_args(T), L, St1),
348	    case Xs of
349		[X] ->
350		    %% We store the dependency from the call site to the
351		    %% called functions
352		    Ls = set__to_list(X),
353		    Out = St2#state.out,
354		    Xs1 = join_list([dict:fetch(Lx, Out) || Lx <- Ls]),
355		    St3 = call_site(Ls, L, As, St2),
356		    L1 = get_label(T),
357		    D = dict:store(L1, X, St3#state.dep),
358		    {Xs1, St3#state{dep = D}};
359		none ->
360		    {none, St2}
361	    end;
362	call ->
363	    M = call_module(T),
364	    F = call_name(T),
365	    {_, St1} = visit(M, L, St),
366	    {_, St2} = visit(F, L, St1),
367	    {Xs, St3} = visit_list(call_args(T), L, St2),
368	    remote_call(M, F, Xs, St3);
369	primop ->
370	    As = primop_args(T),
371	    {Xs, St1} = visit_list(As, L, St),
372	    primop_call(atom_val(primop_name(T)), length(Xs), Xs, St1);
373	'case' ->
374	    {Xs, St1} = visit(case_arg(T), L, St),
375	    visit_clauses(Xs, case_clauses(T), L, St1);
376	'receive' ->
377	    X = singleton(external),
378	    {Xs1, St1} = visit_clauses([X], receive_clauses(T), L, St),
379	    {_, St2} = visit(receive_timeout(T), L, St1),
380	    {Xs2, St3} = visit(receive_action(T), L, St2),
381	    {join(Xs1, Xs2), St3};
382	'try' ->
383	    {Xs1, St1} = visit(try_arg(T), L, St),
384	    X = singleton(external),
385	    Vars = bind_vars(try_vars(T), [X], St1#state.vars),
386	    {Xs2, St2} = visit(try_body(T), L, St1#state{vars = Vars}),
387	    Evars = bind_vars(try_evars(T), [X, X, X], St2#state.vars),
388	    {Xs3, St3} = visit(try_handler(T), L, St2#state{vars = Evars}),
389	    {join(join(Xs1, Xs2), Xs3), St3};
390	'catch' ->
391	    {_, St1} = visit(catch_body(T), L, St),
392	    {[singleton(external)], St1};
393	binary ->
394	    {_, St1} = visit_list(binary_segments(T), L, St),
395	    {[empty()], St1};
396	bitstr ->
397	    %% The other fields are constant literals.
398	    {_, St1} = visit(bitstr_val(T), L, St),
399	    {_, St2} = visit(bitstr_size(T), L, St1),
400	    {none, St2};
401	letrec ->
402	    %% All the bound funs should be revisited, because the
403	    %% environment might have changed.
404	    Ls = [get_label(F) || {_, F} <- letrec_defs(T)],
405	    St1 = St#state{work = add_work(Ls, St#state.work),
406			   par = set_parent(Ls, L, St#state.par)},
407	    visit(letrec_body(T), L, St1);
408	module ->
409	    %% All the exported functions escape, and can thus be passed
410	    %% any external closures as arguments. We regard a module as
411	    %% a tuple of function variables in the body of a `letrec'.
412	    visit(c_letrec(module_defs(T), c_tuple(module_exports(T))),
413		  L, St)
414    end.
416visit_clause(T, Xs, L, St) ->
417    Vars = bind_pats(clause_pats(T), Xs, St#state.vars),
418    {_, St1} = visit(clause_guard(T), L, St#state{vars = Vars}),
419    visit(clause_body(T), L, St1).
421%% We assume correct value-list typing.
423visit_list([T | Ts], L, St) ->
424    {Xs, St1} = visit(T, L, St),
425    {Xs1, St2} = visit_list(Ts, L, St1),
426    X = case Xs of
427	    [X1] -> X1;
428	    none -> none
429	end,
430    {[X | Xs1], St2};
431visit_list([], _L, St) ->
432    {[], St}.
434visit_clauses(Xs, [T | Ts], L, St) ->
435    {Xs1, St1} = visit_clause(T, Xs, L, St),
436    {Xs2, St2} = visit_clauses(Xs, Ts, L, St1),
437    {join(Xs1, Xs2), St2};
438visit_clauses(_, [], _L, St) ->
439    {none, St}.
441bind_defs([{V, F} | Ds], Vars) ->
442    bind_defs(Ds, dict:store(get_label(V), singleton(get_label(F)),
443			     Vars));
444bind_defs([], Vars) ->
445    Vars.
447bind_pats(Ps, none, Vars) ->
448    bind_pats_single(Ps, empty(), Vars);
449bind_pats(Ps, Xs, Vars) ->
450    if length(Xs) =:= length(Ps) ->
451	    bind_pats_list(Ps, Xs, Vars);
452       true ->
453	    bind_pats_single(Ps, empty(), Vars)
454    end.
456bind_pats_list([P | Ps], [X | Xs], Vars) ->
457    bind_pats_list(Ps, Xs, bind_vars_single(pat_vars(P), X, Vars));
458bind_pats_list([], [], Vars) ->
459    Vars.
461bind_pats_single([P | Ps], X, Vars) ->
462    bind_pats_single(Ps, X, bind_vars_single(pat_vars(P), X, Vars));
463bind_pats_single([], _X, Vars) ->
464    Vars.
466bind_vars(Vs, none, Vars) ->
467    bind_vars_single(Vs, empty(), Vars);
468bind_vars(Vs, Xs, Vars) ->
469    if length(Vs) =:= length(Xs) ->
470	    bind_vars_list(Vs, Xs, Vars);
471       true ->
472	    bind_vars_single(Vs, empty(), Vars)
473    end.
475bind_vars_list([V | Vs], [X | Xs], Vars) ->
476    bind_vars_list(Vs, Xs, dict:store(get_label(V), X, Vars));
477bind_vars_list([], [], Vars) ->
478    Vars.
480bind_vars_single([V | Vs], X, Vars) ->
481    bind_vars_single(Vs, X, dict:store(get_label(V), X, Vars));
482bind_vars_single([], _X, Vars) ->
483    Vars.
485%% This handles a call site - adding dependencies and updating parameter
486%% variables with respect to the actual parameters. The 'external'
487%% function is handled specially, since it can get an arbitrary number
488%% of arguments, which must be unified into a single argument.
490call_site(Ls, L, Xs, St) ->
491%%%     io:fwrite("call site: ~w -> ~w (~w).\n", [L, Ls, Xs]),
492    {D, W, V} = call_site(Ls, L, Xs, St#state.dep, St#state.work,
493			  St#state.vars, St#state.funs),
494    St#state{dep = D, work = W, vars = V}.
496call_site([external | Ls], T, Xs, D, W, V, Fs) ->
497    D1 = add_dep(external, T, D),
498    X = join_single_list(Xs),
499    case bind_arg(escape, X, V) of
500	{V1, true} ->
501%%%   	    io:fwrite("escape changed: ~w <- ~w + ~w.\n",
502%%%   		      [dict:fetch(escape, V1), dict:fetch(escape, V),
503%%%   		       X]),
504	    {W1, V2} = update_esc(set__to_list(X), W, V1, Fs),
505	    call_site(Ls, T, Xs, D1, add_work([external], W1), V2, Fs);
506	{V1, false} ->
507	    call_site(Ls, T, Xs, D1, W, V1, Fs)
508    end;
509call_site([L | Ls], T, Xs, D, W, V, Fs) ->
510    D1 = add_dep(L, T, D),
511    Vs = fun_vars(dict:fetch(L, Fs)),
512    case bind_args(Vs, Xs, V) of
513	{V1, true} ->
514	    call_site(Ls, T, Xs, D1, add_work([L], W), V1, Fs);
515	{V1, false} ->
516	    call_site(Ls, T, Xs, D1, W, V1, Fs)
517    end;
518call_site([], _, _, D, W, V, _) ->
519    {D, W, V}.
521%% Note that `visit' makes sure all lambdas are visited at least once.
522%% For every called function, we add a dependency from the *called*
523%% function to the function containing the call site.
525add_dep(Source, Target, Deps) ->
526    case dict:find(Source, Deps) of
527	{ok, X} ->
528	    case set__is_member(Target, X) of
529		true ->
530		    Deps;
531		false ->
532%%%		    io:fwrite("new dep: ~w <- ~w.\n", [Target, Source]),
533		    dict:store(Source, set__add(Target, X), Deps)
534	    end;
535	error ->
536%%%	    io:fwrite("new dep: ~w <- ~w.\n", [Target, Source]),
537	    dict:store(Source, set__singleton(Target), Deps)
538    end.
540%% If the arity does not match the call, nothing is done here.
542bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars) ->
543    if length(Vs) =:= length(Xs) ->
544	    bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars, false);
545       true ->
546	    {Vars, false}
547    end.
549bind_args([V | Vs], [X | Xs], Vars, Ch) ->
550    L = get_label(V),
551    {Vars1, Ch1} = bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Ch),
552    bind_args(Vs, Xs, Vars1, Ch1);
553bind_args([], [], Vars, Ch) ->
554    {Vars, Ch}.
556bind_args_single(Vs, X, Vars) ->
557    bind_args_single(Vs, X, Vars, false).
559bind_args_single([V | Vs], X, Vars, Ch) ->
560    L = get_label(V),
561    {Vars1, Ch1} = bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Ch),
562    bind_args_single(Vs, X, Vars1, Ch1);
563bind_args_single([], _, Vars, Ch) ->
564    {Vars, Ch}.
566bind_arg(L, X, Vars) ->
567    bind_arg(L, X, Vars, false).
569bind_arg(L, X, Vars, Ch) ->
570    X0 = dict:fetch(L, Vars),
571    X1 = join_single(X, X0),
572    case equal_single(X0, X1) of
573	true ->
574	    {Vars, Ch};
575	false ->
576%%% 	    io:fwrite("arg (~w) changed: ~w <- ~w + ~w.\n",
577%%% 		      [L, X1, X0, X]),
578	    {dict:store(L, X1, Vars), true}
579    end.
581%% This handles escapes from things like primops and remote calls.
583%% escape(none, St) ->
584%%    St;
585escape([X], St) ->
586    Vars = St#state.vars,
587    X0 = dict:fetch(escape, Vars),
588    X1 = join_single(X, X0),
589    case equal_single(X0, X1) of
590	true ->
591	    St;
592	false ->
593%%% 	    io:fwrite("escape changed: ~w <- ~w + ~w.\n", [X1, X0, X]),
594%%% 	    io:fwrite("updating escaping funs: ~w.\n", [set__to_list(X)]),
595	    Vars1 = dict:store(escape, X1, Vars),
596	    {W, Vars2} = update_esc(set__to_list(set__subtract(X, X0)),
597				    St#state.work, Vars1,
598				    St#state.funs),
599	    St#state{work = add_work([external], W), vars = Vars2}
600    end.
602%% For all escaping lambdas, since they might be called from outside the
603%% program, all their arguments may be an external lambda. (Note that we
604%% only have to include the `external' label once per escaping lambda.)
605%% If the escape set has changed, we need to revisit the `external' fun.
607update_esc(Ls, W, V, Fs) ->
608    update_esc(Ls, singleton(external), W, V, Fs).
610%% The external lambda is skipped here - the Escape variable is known to
611%% contain `external' from the start.
613update_esc([external | Ls], X, W, V, Fs) ->
614    update_esc(Ls, X, W, V, Fs);
615update_esc([L | Ls], X, W, V, Fs) ->
616    Vs = fun_vars(dict:fetch(L, Fs)),
617    case bind_args_single(Vs, X, V) of
618	{V1, true} ->
619	    update_esc(Ls, X, add_work([L], W), V1, Fs);
620	{V1, false} ->
621	    update_esc(Ls, X, W, V1, Fs)
622    end;
623update_esc([], _, W, V, _) ->
624    {W, V}.
626set_parent([L | Ls], L1, D) ->
627    set_parent(Ls, L1, dict:store(L, L1, D));
628set_parent([], _L1, D) ->
629    D.
631%% Handle primop calls: (At present, we assume that all unknown primops
632%% yield exactly one value. This might have to be changed.)
634primop_call(F, A, Xs, St0) ->
635    case is_pure_op(F, A) of
636	%% XXX: this case is currently not possible -- commented out.
637	%% true ->
638	%%    case is_literal_op(F, A) of
639	%%	true -> {[empty()], St0};
640	%%	false -> {[join_single_list(Xs)], St0}
641	%%    end;
642	false ->
643	    St1 = case is_escape_op(F, A) of
644		      true -> escape([join_single_list(Xs)], St0);
645		      false -> St0
646		  end,
647	    case is_literal_op(F, A) of
648		true -> {none, St1};
649		false -> {[singleton(external)], St1}
650	    end
651    end.
653%% Handle remote-calls: (At present, we assume that all unknown calls
654%% yield exactly one value. This might have to be changed.)
656remote_call(M, F, Xs, St) ->
657    case is_c_atom(M) andalso is_c_atom(F) of
658	true ->
659	    remote_call_1(atom_val(M), atom_val(F), length(Xs), Xs, St);
660	false ->
661	    %% Unknown function
662	    {[singleton(external)], escape([join_single_list(Xs)], St)}
663    end.
665remote_call_1(M, F, A, Xs, St0) ->
666    case is_pure_op(M, F, A) of
667	true ->
668	    case is_literal_op(M, F, A) of
669		true -> {[empty()], St0};
670		false -> {[join_single_list(Xs)], St0}
671	    end;
672	false ->
673	    St1 = case is_escape_op(M, F, A) of
674		      true -> escape([join_single_list(Xs)], St0);
675		      false -> St0
676		  end,
677	    case is_literal_op(M, F, A) of
678		true -> {[empty()], St1};
679		false -> {[singleton(external)], St1}
680	    end
681    end.
683%% Domain: none | [Vs], where Vs = set(integer()).
685join(none, Xs2) -> Xs2;
686join(Xs1, none) -> Xs1;
687join(Xs1, Xs2) ->
688    if length(Xs1) =:= length(Xs2) ->
689	    join_1(Xs1, Xs2);
690       true ->
691	    none
692    end.
694join_1([X1 | Xs1], [X2 | Xs2]) ->
695    [join_single(X1, X2) | join_1(Xs1, Xs2)];
696join_1([], []) ->
697    [].
699empty() -> set__new().
701singleton(X) -> set__singleton(X).
703from_label_list(X) -> set__from_list(X).
705join_single(none, Y) -> Y;
706join_single(X, none) -> X;
707join_single(X, Y) -> set__union(X, Y).
709join_list([Xs | Xss]) ->
710    join(Xs, join_list(Xss));
711join_list([]) ->
712    none.
714join_single_list([X | Xs]) ->
715    join_single(X, join_single_list(Xs));
716join_single_list([]) ->
717    empty().
719equal(none, none) -> true;
720equal(none, _) -> false;
721equal(_, none) -> false;
722equal(X1, X2) -> equal_1(X1, X2).
724equal_1([X1 | Xs1], [X2 | Xs2]) ->
725    equal_single(X1, X2) andalso equal_1(Xs1, Xs2);
726equal_1([], []) -> true;
727equal_1(_, _) -> false.
729equal_single(X, Y) -> set__equal(X, Y).
731%% Set abstraction for label sets in the domain.
733set__new() -> [].
735set__singleton(X) -> [X].
737set__to_list(S) -> S.
739set__from_list(S) -> ordsets:from_list(S).
741set__union(X, Y) -> ordsets:union(X, Y).
743set__add(X, S) -> ordsets:add_element(X, S).
745set__is_member(X, S) -> ordsets:is_element(X, S).
747set__subtract(X, Y) -> ordsets:subtract(X, Y).
749set__equal(X, Y) -> X =:= Y.
751%% A simple but efficient functional queue.
753queue__new() -> {[], []}.
755queue__put(X, {In, Out}) -> {[X | In], Out}.
757queue__get({In, [X | Out]}) -> {ok, X, {In, Out}};
758queue__get({[], _}) -> empty;
759queue__get({In, _}) ->
760    [X | In1] = lists:reverse(In),
761    {ok, X, {[], In1}}.
763%% The work list - a queue without repeated elements.
765init_work() ->
766    {queue__new(), sets:new()}.
768add_work(Ls, {Q, Set}) ->
769    add_work(Ls, Q, Set).
771%% Note that the elements are enqueued in order.
773add_work([L | Ls], Q, Set) ->
774    case sets:is_element(L, Set) of
775	true ->
776	    add_work(Ls, Q, Set);
777	false ->
778	    add_work(Ls, queue__put(L, Q), sets:add_element(L, Set))
779    end;
780add_work([], Q, Set) ->
781    {Q, Set}.
783take_work({Queue0, Set0}) ->
784    case queue__get(Queue0) of
785	{ok, L, Queue1} ->
786	    Set1 = sets:del_element(L, Set0),
787	    {ok, L, {Queue1, Set1}};
788	empty ->
789	    none
790    end.
792%% Escape operators may let their arguments escape. Unless we know
793%% otherwise, and the function is not pure, we assume this is the case.
794%% Error-raising functions (fault/match_fail) are not considered as
795%% escapes (but throw/exit are). Zero-argument functions need not be
796%% listed.
798-spec is_escape_op(atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
800is_escape_op(match_fail, 1) -> false;
801is_escape_op(recv_wait_timeout, 1) -> false;
802is_escape_op(F, A) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> true.
804-spec is_escape_op(atom(), atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
806is_escape_op(erlang, error, 1) -> false;
807is_escape_op(erlang, error, 2) -> false;
808is_escape_op(M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> true.
810%% "Literal" operators will never return functional values even when
811%% found in their arguments. Unless we know otherwise, we assume this is
812%% not the case. (More functions can be added to this list, if needed
813%% for better precision. Note that the result of `term_to_binary' still
814%% contains an encoding of the closure.)
816-spec is_literal_op(atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
818is_literal_op(recv_wait_timeout, 1) -> true;
819is_literal_op(match_fail, 1) -> true;
820is_literal_op(F, A) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> false.
822-spec is_literal_op(atom(), atom(), arity()) -> boolean().
824is_literal_op(erlang, '+', 2) -> true;
825is_literal_op(erlang, '-', 2) -> true;
826is_literal_op(erlang, '*', 2) -> true;
827is_literal_op(erlang, '/', 2) -> true;
828is_literal_op(erlang, '=:=', 2) -> true;
829is_literal_op(erlang, '==', 2) -> true;
830is_literal_op(erlang, '=/=', 2) -> true;
831is_literal_op(erlang, '/=', 2) -> true;
832is_literal_op(erlang, '<', 2) -> true;
833is_literal_op(erlang, '=<', 2) -> true;
834is_literal_op(erlang, '>', 2) -> true;
835is_literal_op(erlang, '>=', 2) -> true;
836is_literal_op(erlang, 'and', 2) -> true;
837is_literal_op(erlang, 'or', 2) -> true;
838is_literal_op(erlang, 'not', 1) -> true;
839is_literal_op(erlang, length, 1) -> true;
840is_literal_op(erlang, size, 1) -> true;
841is_literal_op(erlang, fun_info, 1) -> true;
842is_literal_op(erlang, fun_info, 2) -> true;
843is_literal_op(erlang, fun_to_list, 1) -> true;
844is_literal_op(erlang, throw, 1) -> true;
845is_literal_op(erlang, exit, 1) -> true;
846is_literal_op(erlang, error, 1) -> true;
847is_literal_op(erlang, error, 2) -> true;
848is_literal_op(M, F, A) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> false.
850%% Pure functions neither affect the state, nor depend on it.
852is_pure_op(F, A) when is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> false.
854is_pure_op(M, F, A) -> erl_bifs:is_pure(M, F, A).
856%% =====================================================================