1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd">
5  <header>
6    <copyright>
7      <year>2009</year>
8      <year>2016</year>
9      <holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder>
10    </copyright>
11    <legalnotice>
12  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
13  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
14  You may obtain a copy of the License at
16      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
18  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
20  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
21  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
22  limitations under the License.
24  The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
25    </legalnotice>
27    <title>Usage</title>
28    <prepared>H&aring;kan Mattsson</prepared>
29    <responsible>H&aring;kan Mattsson</responsible>
30    <docno></docno>
31    <approved>H&aring;kan Mattsson</approved>
32    <checked></checked>
33    <date></date>
34    <rev>%VSN%</rev>
35    <file>reltool_usage.xml</file>
36  </header>
38  <section>
39    <title>Overview</title>
40    <p>This document focuses on the graphical parts of the tool. The
41    concepts are explained in the reference manual for the module
42    <c>reltool</c>.</p>
43  </section>
45  <section>
46    <title>System window</title>
47    <p>The system window is started with the function
48    <c>reltool:start/1</c>. At startup the tool will process all
49    <c>beam</c> files and <c>app</c> files in order to find out dependencies
50    between applications and their modules. Once all this information has been
51    derived, it will be possible to explore the tool.</p>
53    <p>The system window consists of four main pages (tabs):</p>
55    <list>
56      <item>Libraries
57      </item>
58      <item>System settings
59      </item>
60      <item>Applications
61      </item>
62      <item>Releases
63      </item>
64    </list>
66    <p>Click on a name tag to display its page.</p>
68    <section>
69    <title>Libraries</title>
70        <p>On the library page it is possible to control which sources
71        the tool will use. The page is organized as a tree which
72        can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the little symbol
73        in the beginning of the expandable/collapsible lines.</p>
75	<p>The <c>Root directory</c> can be edited by selecting the
76	line where the path of the root directory is displayed and
77	clicking the right mouse button. Choose edit in the menu
78	that pops up.</p>
80	<p>Library directories can be added, edited or deleted. This
81	is done by selecting the line where the path to a library
82	directory is displayed and clicking the right mouse
83	button. Choose add, edit or delete in the menu that pops
84	up. New library directories can also be added by selecting the
85	line <c>Library directories</c> and clicking the right
86	mouse button. Choose add in the menu that pops up.</p>
88	<p>Escript files can be added, edited or deleted. This is done
89	by selecting the line where the path to an escript file is
90	displayed and clicking the right mouse button. Choose
91	add, edit or delete in the menu that pops up. New escripts can
92	also be added by selecting the line <c>Escript files</c> and
93	clicking the right mouse button. Choose add in the menu
94	that pops up.</p>
96	<p>When libraries and escripts are expanded, the names of
97	their contained applications will be displayed. Double click
98	on an application name to launch an application window.</p>
99    </section>
101    <section>
102    <title>System settings</title>
103        <p>On the system settings page it is possible to control some
104        global settings that are used as defaults for all
105        applications. Set the <c>Application inclusion policy</c> to
106        <c>include</c> to include all applications that are not
107        explicitly excluded. See <c>incl_cond</c> (application
108        inclusion) and <c>mod_cond</c> (module inclusion) in the
109        reference manual for the module <c>reltool</c> for more
110        info.</p>
111	<p>The system settings page is rather incomplete.</p>
112    </section>
114    <section>
115    <title>Applications</title>
116	<p>There are four categories of applications on the
117	applications page. <c>Included</c> contains applications that
118	are explicitly included. <c>Excluded</c> contains applications
119	that are explicitly excluded. <c>Derived</c> contains
120	applications that either are used directly by explicitly
121	included applications or by other derived
122	applications. <c>Available</c> contains the remaining
123	applications.</p>
125	<p>Select one or more applications and click on a button
126	directly below the application column to change application
127	category. For example, select an available application and
128	click on its tick button to move the application to the
129	included category.  Clicking on the tick symbol for included
130	applications will move the application back to the available
131	category. The tick is undone.</p>
133	<p>The symbols in front of the application names are intended
134	to describe the status of the application. There are error
135	and warning symbols to signalize that there is
136	something which needs attention. The tick symbol means that the
137	application is included or derived and no problem has been
138	detected. The cross symbol means that the application is
139	excluded or available and no problem has been
140	detected. Applications with error symbols are listed first in
141  each category and are followed by the warnings and the
142  normal ones (ticks and crosses) at the end.</p>
144	<p>Double click on an application to launch its application
145	window.</p>
146    </section>
148    <section>
149      <title>Releases</title>
150      <p>The releases page is incomplete and very experimental.</p>
151    </section>
153    <section>
154    <title>File menu</title>
156      <list>
157	<item>
158	  <p><c>Display application dependency graph</c> - Launches an
159	  application force graph window. All included and derived
160	  applications and their dependencies will be shown in a
161	  graph.</p>
162	</item>
163	<item>
164	  <p><c>Display module dependency graph</c> - Launch a module
165	  force graph window. All included and derived modules and
166	  their dependencies will be shown in a graph.</p>
167	</item>
168	<item>
169	  <p><c>Reset configuration to default</c></p>
170	</item>
171	<item>
172	  <p><c>Undo configuration (toggle)</c></p>
173	</item>
174	<item>
175	  <p><c>Load configuration</c> - Loads a new configuration from file.</p>
176	</item>
177	<item>
178	  <p><c>Save configuration</c> - Saves the current
179	  configuration to file. Normally, only the explicit
180	  configuration parameters with values that differ from their
181	  defaults are saved. But the configuration with or without
182	  default values and with or without derived values may also
183	  be saved.</p>
184	</item>
185	<item>
186	  <p><c>Generate rel, script and boot files</c></p>
187	</item>
188	<item>
189	  <p><c>Generate target system</c></p>
190	</item>
191	<item>
192	  <p><c>Close</c> - Close the system window and all its subwindows.</p>
193	</item>
194      </list>
196    </section>
198    <section>
199      <title>Dependencies between applications or modules displayed as a graph</title>
201      <p>The dependency graph windows are launched from the file menu
202      in the system window. The graph depicts all included and derived
203      applications/modules and their dependencies.</p>
205      <p>It is possible to perform some limited manipulations of the
206      graph. Nodes can be moved, selected, locked or deleted. Move a
207      single node or the entire graph by moving the mouse while the
208      left mouse button is pressed. A node can be locked into a fix
209      position by holding down the shift button when the left mouse
210      button is released. Select several nodes by moving the mouse
211      while the control key and the left mouse button are
212      pressed. Selected nodes can be locked, unlocked or deleted by
213      clicking on a suitable button.</p>
215      <p>The algorithm that is used to draw a graph with as few
216      crossed links as possible is called force graph. A force graph
217      consists of nodes and directed links between nodes. Each node is
218      associated with a repulsive force that pushes nodes away from
219      each other. This force can be adjusted with the left slider or
220      with the mouse wheel. Each link is associated with an attractive
221      force that pulls the nodes nearer to each other. This force can be
222      adjusted with the right slider. If this force becomes too strong,
223      the graph will be unstable. The third parameter that can be
224      adjusted is the length of the links. It is adjusted with the
225      middle slider.</p>
227      <p>The <c>Freeze</c> button starts/stops the redrawing of the
228      graph. <c>Reset</c> moves the graph to the middle of the window
229      and resets all graph settings to default, with the exception of
230      deleted nodes.</p>
232    </section>
234  </section>
236  <section>
237    <title>Application window</title>
238    <p>The application window is started by double clicking on an
239    application name. The application window consists of four
240    pages (tabs):</p>
242    <list>
243      <item>Application settings
244      </item>
245      <item>Modules
246      </item>
247      <item>Application dependencies
248      </item>
249      <item>Module dependencies
250      </item>
251    </list>
253    <p>Click on a name tag to display its page.</p>
255    <section>
256    <title>Application settings</title>
257    <p>Select version of the application in the <c>Source selection
258    policy</c> part of the page. By default the latest version of the
259    application is selected, but it is possible to override this by
260    explicitly selecting another version.</p>
262    <p>Note that in order for reltool to sort application versions and
263    thereby be able to select the latest, it is required that the
264    version id for the application consits of integers and dots only,
265    for example <c>1</c>, <c>2.0</c> or <c>3.17.1</c>.</p>
267    <p>By default the <c>Application inclusion policy</c> on system
268    level is used for all applications. Set the value to
269    <c>include</c> if you want to explicitly include one particular
270    application. Set it to <c>exclude</c> if you want to exclude the
271    application despite that it is used by another (explicitly or
272    implicitly) included application. <c>derived</c> means that the
273    application automatically will be included if some other
274    (explicitly or implicitly) included application uses it.</p>
276    <p>By default the <c>Module inclusion policy</c> on system level
277    is used for all applications. Set it to <c>derived</c> if you only
278    want actually used modules to be included. Set it to <c>app</c> if
279    you, besides derived modules, also want the modules listed in the
280    app file to be included. Set it to <c>ebin</c> if you, besides
281    derived modules, also want the modules that exist as beam files
282    in the ebin directory to be included. Set it to <c>all</c> if you
283    want all modules to be included, that is the union of modules
284    found in the ebin directory and listed in the app file.</p>
286    <p>The application settings page is rather incomplete.</p>
287    </section>
289    <section>
290    <title>Modules</title>
292    <p>There are four categories of modules on the modules
293    page. <c>Included</c> contains modules that are explicitly
294    included. <c>Excluded</c> contains modules that are explicitly
295    excluded. <c>Derived</c> contains modules that either are used
296    directly by explicitly included modules or by other derived
297    modules. <c>Available</c> contains the remaining modules.</p>
299    <p>Select one or more modules and click on a button directly
300    below the module column to change module category. For
301    example, select an available module and click on its tick
302    button to move the module to the included category.  Clicking
303    on the tick symbol for included modules will move the
304    module back to the available category. The tick is
305    undone.</p>
307    <p>The symbols in front of the module names are intended to
308    describe the status of the module. There are error and
309    and warning symbols to signalize that there is something that needs
310    attention. The tick symbol means that the module is included
311    or derived and no problem has been detected. The cross symbol
312    means that the module is excluded or available and no problem
313    has been detected. Modules with error symbols are listed
314    first in each category and are followed by warnings and the
315    normal ones (ticks and crosses) at the end.</p>
317    <p>Double click on a module to launch its module window.</p>
319    </section>
321    <section>
322    <title>Application dependencies</title>
323    <p>There are four categories of applications on the <c>Application
324    dependencies</c> page. If the application is used by other
325    applications, these are listed under <c>Used by</c>. If the
326    application requires other applications be started before it can
327    be started, these are listed under <c>Required</c>. These
328    applications are listed in the <c>applications</c> part of the
329    <c>app</c> file. If the application includes other applications,
330    these are listed under <c>Included</c>. These applications are
331    listed in the <c>included_applications</c> part of the <c>app</c>
332    file.  If the application uses other applications, these
333    are listed under <c>Uses</c>.</p>
335    <p>Double click on an application name to launch an application window.</p>
337    </section>
339    <section>
340    <title>Module dependencies</title>
342    <p>There are two categories of modules on the <c>Module
343    dependencies</c> page. If the module is used by other modules,
344    these are listed under <c>Modules using this</c>. If the
345    module uses other modules, these are listed under <c>Used
346    modules</c>.</p>
348    <p>Double click on an module name to launch a module window.</p>
350    </section>
352  </section>
354  <section>
355    <title>Module window</title>
357 <p>The module window is started by double clicking on an module
358 name. The module window consists initially of two pages (tabs):</p>
360    <list>
361      <item>Dependencies
362      </item>
363      <item>Code
364      </item>
365    </list>
367    <p>Click on a name tag to display its page.</p>
369    <section>
370    <title>Dependencies</title>
372    <p>There are two categories of modules on the <c>Dependencies</c>
373    page. If the module is used by other modules, these are listed
374    under <c>Modules using this</c>. If the module uses other
375    modules, these are listed under <c>Used modules</c>.</p>
377    <p>Double click on an module name to launch a module window.</p>
379    </section>
381    <section>
382    <title>Code</title>
384    <p>On the <c>Code</c> page the Erlang source code is displayed. It
385    is possible to search forwards and backwards for text in the
386    module. Enter a regular expression in the <c>Find</c> field and
387    press enter. It is also possible to go to a certain line in the
388    module. The <c>Back</c> button can be used to go back to the
389    previous position.</p>
391    <p>Put the marker on a function name and double click to go to the
392    definition of the function. If the function is defined in another
393    module, that module will be loaded and added to the page list.
394    </p>
395    </section>
397  </section>