1 /****************************************************************
2 Copyright 1990, 1992, 1993, 1994, 2000 by AT&T, Lucent Technologies and Bellcore.
4 Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software
5 and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
6 granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all
7 copies and that both that the copyright notice and this
8 permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting
9 documentation, and that the names of AT&T, Bell Laboratories,
10 Lucent or Bellcore or any of their entities not be used in
11 advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
12 software without specific, written prior permission.
14 AT&T, Lucent and Bellcore disclaim all warranties with regard to
15 this software, including all implied warranties of
16 merchantability and fitness.  In no event shall AT&T, Lucent or
17 Bellcore be liable for any special, indirect or consequential
18 damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use,
19 data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or
20 other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the
21 use or performance of this software.
22 ****************************************************************/
24 #include "defs.h"
26  static char Ptok[128], Pct[Table_size];
27  static char *Pfname;
28  static long Plineno;
29  static int Pbad;
30  static int *tfirst, *tlast, *tnext, tmax;
32 #define P_space	1
33 #define P_anum	2
34 #define P_delim	3
35 #define P_slash	4
37 #define TGULP	100
39  static void
trealloc(Void)40 trealloc(Void)
41 {
42 	int k = tmax;
43 	tfirst = (int *)realloc((char *)tfirst,
44 		(tmax += TGULP)*sizeof(int));
45 	if (!tfirst) {
46 		fprintf(stderr,
47 		"Pfile: realloc failure!\n");
48 		exit(2);
49 		}
50 	tlast = tfirst + tmax;
51 	tnext = tfirst + k;
52 	}
54  static void
55 #ifdef KR_headers
badchar(c)56 badchar(c)
57 	int c;
58 #else
59 badchar(int c)
60 #endif
61 {
62 	fprintf(stderr,
63 		"unexpected character 0x%.2x = '%c' on line %ld of %s\n",
64 		c, c, Plineno, Pfname);
65 	exit(2);
66 	}
68  static void
bad_type(Void)69 bad_type(Void)
70 {
71 	fprintf(stderr,
72 		"unexpected type \"%s\" on line %ld of %s\n",
73 		Ptok, Plineno, Pfname);
74 	exit(2);
75 	}
77  static void
78 #ifdef KR_headers
badflag(tname,option)79 badflag(tname, option)
80 	char *tname;
81 	char *option;
82 #else
83 badflag(char *tname, char *option)
84 #endif
85 {
86 	fprintf(stderr, "%s type from `f2c -%s` on line %ld of %s\n",
87 		tname, option, Plineno, Pfname);
88 	Pbad++;
89 	}
91  static void
92 #ifdef KR_headers
detected(msg)93 detected(msg)
94 	char *msg;
95 #else
96 detected(char *msg)
97 #endif
98 {
99 	fprintf(stderr,
100 	"%sdetected on line %ld of %s\n", msg, Plineno, Pfname);
101 	Pbad++;
102 	}
104 #if 0
105  static void
106 #ifdef KR_headers
107 checklogical(k)
108 	int k;
109 #else
110 checklogical(int k)
111 #endif
112 {
113 	static int lastmsg = 0;
114 	static int seen[2] = {0,0};
116 	seen[k] = 1;
117 	if (seen[1-k]) {
118 		if (lastmsg < 3) {
119 			lastmsg = 3;
120 			detected(
121 	"Illegal combination of LOGICAL types -- mixing -I4 with -I2 or -i2\n\t");
122 			}
123 		return;
124 		}
125 	if (k) {
126 		if (tylogical == TYLONG || lastmsg >= 2)
127 			return;
128 		if (!lastmsg) {
129 			lastmsg = 2;
130 			badflag("LOGICAL", "I4");
131 			}
132 		}
133 	else {
134 		if (tylogical == TYSHORT || lastmsg & 1)
135 			return;
136 		if (!lastmsg) {
137 			lastmsg = 1;
138 			badflag("LOGICAL", "i2` or `f2c -I2");
139 			}
140 		}
141 	}
142 #else
143 #define checklogical(n) /* */
144 #endif
146  static void
147 #ifdef KR_headers
checkreal(k)148 checkreal(k)
149 	int k;
150 #else
151 checkreal(int k)
152 #endif
153 {
154 	static int warned = 0;
155 	static int seen[2] = {0,0};
157 	seen[k] = 1;
158 	if (seen[1-k]) {
159 		if (warned < 2)
160 			detected("Illegal mixture of -R and -!R ");
161 		warned = 2;
162 		return;
163 		}
164 	if (k == forcedouble || warned)
165 		return;
166 	warned = 1;
167 	badflag("REAL return", (char*)(k ? "!R" : "R"));
168 	}
170  static void
171 #ifdef KR_headers
Pnotboth(e)172 Pnotboth(e)
173 	Extsym *e;
174 #else
175 Pnotboth(Extsym *e)
176 #endif
177 {
178 	if (e->curno)
179 		return;
180 	Pbad++;
181 	e->curno = 1;
182 	fprintf(stderr,
183 	"%s cannot be both a procedure and a common block (line %ld of %s)\n",
184 		e->fextname, Plineno, Pfname);
185 	}
187  static int
188 #ifdef KR_headers
numread(pf,n)189 numread(pf, n)
190 	register FILE *pf;
191 	int *n;
192 #else
193 numread(register FILE *pf, int *n)
194 #endif
195 {
196 	register int c, k;
198 	if ((c = getc(pf)) < '0' || c > '9')
199 		return c;
200 	k = c - '0';
201 	for(;;) {
202 		if ((c = getc(pf)) == ' ') {
203 			*n = k;
204 			return c;
205 			}
206 		if (c < '0' || c > '9')
207 			break;
208 		k = 10*k + c - '0';
209 		}
210 	return c;
211 	}
213  static void argverify Argdcl((int, Extsym*));
214  static void Pbadret Argdcl((int ftype, Extsym *p));
216  static int
217 #ifdef KR_headers
readref(pf,e,ftype)218 readref(pf, e, ftype)
219 	register FILE *pf;
220 	Extsym *e;
221 	int ftype;
222 #else
223 readref(register FILE *pf, Extsym *e, int ftype)
224 #endif
225 {
226 	register int c, *t;
227 	int i, nargs, type;
228 	Argtypes *at;
229 	Atype *a, *ae;
231 	if (ftype > TYSUBR)
232 		return 0;
233 	if ((c = numread(pf, &nargs)) != ' ') {
234 		if (c != ':')
235 			return c == EOF;
236 		/* just a typed external */
237 		if (e->extstg == STGUNKNOWN) {
238 			at = 0;
239 			goto justsym;
240 			}
241 		if (e->extstg == STGEXT) {
242 			if (e->extype != ftype)
243 				Pbadret(ftype, e);
244 			}
245 		else
246 			Pnotboth(e);
247 		return 0;
248 		}
250 	tnext = tfirst;
251 	for(i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
252 		if ((c = numread(pf, &type)) != ' '
253 		|| type >= 500
254 		|| type != TYFTNLEN + 100 && type % 100 > TYSUBR)
255 			return c == EOF;
256 		if (tnext >= tlast)
257 			trealloc();
258 		*tnext++ = type;
259 		}
261 	if (e->extstg == STGUNKNOWN) {
262  save_at:
263 		at = (Argtypes *)
264 			gmem(sizeof(Argtypes) + (nargs-1)*sizeof(Atype), 1);
265 		at->dnargs = at->nargs = nargs;
266 		at->changes = 0;
267 		t = tfirst;
268 		a = at->atypes;
269 		for(ae = a + nargs; a < ae; a++) {
270 			a->type = *t++;
271 			a->cp = 0;
272 			}
273  justsym:
274 		e->extstg = STGEXT;
275 		e->extype = ftype;
276 		e->arginfo = at;
277 		}
278 	else if (e->extstg != STGEXT) {
279 		Pnotboth(e);
280 		}
281 	else if (!e->arginfo) {
282 		if (e->extype != ftype)
283 			Pbadret(ftype, e);
284 		else
285 			goto save_at;
286 		}
287 	else
288 		argverify(ftype, e);
289 	return 0;
290 	}
292  static int
293 #ifdef KR_headers
comlen(pf)294 comlen(pf)
295 	register FILE *pf;
296 #else
297 comlen(register FILE *pf)
298 #endif
299 {
300 	register int c;
301 	register char *s, *se;
302 	char buf[128], cbuf[128];
303 	int refread;
304 	long L;
305 	Extsym *e;
307 	if ((c = getc(pf)) == EOF)
308 		return 1;
309 	if (c == ' ') {
310 		refread = 0;
311 		s = "comlen ";
312 		}
313 	else if (c == ':') {
314 		refread = 1;
315 		s = "ref: ";
316 		}
317 	else {
318  ret0:
319 		if (c == '*')
320 			ungetc(c,pf);
321 		return 0;
322 		}
323 	while(*s) {
324 		if ((c = getc(pf)) == EOF)
325 			return 1;
326 		if (c != *s++)
327 			goto ret0;
328 		}
329 	s = buf;
330 	se = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
331 	for(;;) {
332 		if ((c = getc(pf)) == EOF)
333 			return 1;
334 		if (c == ' ')
335 			break;
336 		if (s >= se || Pct[c] != P_anum)
337 			goto ret0;
338 		*s++ = c;
339 		}
340 	*s-- = 0;
341 	if (s <= buf || *s != '_')
342 		return 0;
343 	strcpy(cbuf,buf);
344 	*s-- = 0;
345 	if (*s == '_') {
346 		*s-- = 0;
347 		if (s <= buf)
348 			return 0;
349 		}
350 	for(L = 0;;) {
351 		if ((c = getc(pf)) == EOF)
352 			return 1;
353 		if (c == ' ')
354 			break;
355 		if (c < '0' || c > '9')
356 			goto ret0;
357 		L = 10*L + c - '0';
358 		}
359 	if (!L && !refread)
360 		return 0;
361 	e = mkext1(buf, cbuf);
362 	if (refread)
363 		return readref(pf, e, (int)L);
364 	if (e->extstg == STGUNKNOWN) {
365 		e->extstg = STGCOMMON;
366 		e->maxleng = L;
367 		}
368 	else if (e->extstg != STGCOMMON)
369 		Pnotboth(e);
370 	else if (e->maxleng != L) {
371 		fprintf(stderr,
372 	"incompatible lengths for common block %s (line %ld of %s)\n",
373 				    buf, Plineno, Pfname);
374 		if (e->maxleng < L)
375 			e->maxleng = L;
376 		}
377 	return 0;
378 	}
380  static int
381 #ifdef KR_headers
Ptoken(pf,canend)382 Ptoken(pf, canend)
383 	FILE *pf;
384 	int canend;
385 #else
386 Ptoken(FILE *pf, int canend)
387 #endif
388 {
389 	register int c;
390 	register char *s, *se;
392  top:
393 	for(;;) {
394 		c = getc(pf);
395 		if (c == EOF) {
396 			if (canend)
397 				return 0;
398 			goto badeof;
399 			}
400 		if (Pct[c] != P_space)
401 			break;
402 		if (c == '\n')
403 			Plineno++;
404 		}
405 	switch(Pct[c]) {
406 		case P_anum:
407 			if (c == '_')
408 				badchar(c);
409 			s = Ptok;
410 			se = s + sizeof(Ptok) - 1;
411 			do {
412 				if (s < se)
413 					*s++ = c;
414 				if ((c = getc(pf)) == EOF) {
415  badeof:
416 					fprintf(stderr,
417 					"unexpected end of file in %s\n",
418 						Pfname);
419 					exit(2);
420 					}
421 				}
422 				while(Pct[c] == P_anum);
423 			ungetc(c,pf);
424 			*s = 0;
425 			return P_anum;
427 		case P_delim:
428 			return c;
430 		case P_slash:
431 			if ((c = getc(pf)) != '*') {
432 				if (c == EOF)
433 					goto badeof;
434 				badchar('/');
435 				}
436 			if (canend && comlen(pf))
437 				goto badeof;
438 			for(;;) {
439 				while((c = getc(pf)) != '*') {
440 					if (c == EOF)
441 						goto badeof;
442 					if (c == '\n')
443 						Plineno++;
444 					}
445  slashseek:
446 				switch(getc(pf)) {
447 					case '/':
448 						goto top;
449 					case EOF:
450 						goto badeof;
451 					case '*':
452 						goto slashseek;
453 					}
454 				}
455 		default:
456 			badchar(c);
457 		}
458 	/* NOT REACHED */
459 	return 0;
460 	}
462  static int
Pftype(Void)463 Pftype(Void)
464 {
465 	switch(Ptok[0]) {
466 		case 'C':
467 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_f"))
468 				return TYCOMPLEX;
469 			break;
470 		case 'E':
471 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_f")) {
472 				/* TYREAL under forcedouble */
473 				checkreal(1);
474 				return TYREAL;
475 				}
476 			break;
477 		case 'H':
478 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_f"))
479 				return TYCHAR;
480 			break;
481 		case 'Z':
482 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_f"))
483 				return TYDCOMPLEX;
484 			break;
485 		case 'd':
486 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "oublereal"))
487 				return TYDREAL;
488 			break;
489 		case 'i':
490 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "nt"))
491 				return TYSUBR;
492 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "nteger"))
493 				return TYLONG;
494 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "nteger1"))
495 				return TYINT1;
496 			break;
497 		case 'l':
498 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "ogical")) {
499 				checklogical(1);
500 				return TYLOGICAL;
501 				}
502 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "ogical1"))
503 				return TYLOGICAL1;
504 #ifdef TYQUAD
505 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "ongint"))
506 				return TYQUAD;
507 #endif
508 			break;
509 		case 'r':
510 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "eal")) {
511 				checkreal(0);
512 				return TYREAL;
513 				}
514 			break;
515 		case 's':
516 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "hortint"))
517 				return TYSHORT;
518 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "hortlogical")) {
519 				checklogical(0);
520 				return TYLOGICAL2;
521 				}
522 			break;
523 		}
524 	bad_type();
525 	/* NOT REACHED */
526 	return 0;
527 	}
529  static void
530 #ifdef KR_headers
wanted(i,what)531 wanted(i, what)
532 	int i;
533 	char *what;
534 #else
535 wanted(int i, char *what)
536 #endif
537 {
538 	if (i != P_anum) {
539 		Ptok[0] = i;
540 		Ptok[1] = 0;
541 		}
542 	fprintf(stderr,"Error: expected %s, not \"%s\" (line %ld of %s)\n",
543 		what, Ptok, Plineno, Pfname);
544 	exit(2);
545 	}
547  static int
548 #ifdef KR_headers
Ptype(pf)549 Ptype(pf)
550 	FILE *pf;
551 #else
552 Ptype(FILE *pf)
553 #endif
554 {
555 	int i, rv;
557 	i = Ptoken(pf,0);
558 	if (i == ')')
559 		return 0;
560 	if (i != P_anum)
561 		badchar(i);
563 	rv = 0;
564 	switch(Ptok[0]) {
565 		case 'C':
566 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
567 				rv = TYCOMPLEX+200;
568 			break;
569 		case 'D':
570 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
571 				rv = TYDREAL+200;
572 			break;
573 		case 'E':
574 		case 'R':
575 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
576 				rv = TYREAL+200;
577 			break;
578 		case 'H':
579 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
580 				rv = TYCHAR+200;
581 			break;
582 		case 'I':
583 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
584 				rv = TYLONG+200;
585 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "1_fp"))
586 				rv = TYINT1+200;
587 #ifdef TYQUAD
588 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "8_fp"))
589 				rv = TYQUAD+200;
590 #endif
591 			break;
592 		case 'J':
593 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
594 				rv = TYSHORT+200;
595 			break;
596 		case 'K':
597 			checklogical(0);
598 			goto Logical;
599 		case 'L':
600 			checklogical(1);
601  Logical:
602 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
603 				rv = TYLOGICAL+200;
604 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "1_fp"))
605 				rv = TYLOGICAL1+200;
606 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "2_fp"))
607 				rv = TYLOGICAL2+200;
608 			break;
609 		case 'S':
610 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
611 				rv = TYSUBR+200;
612 			break;
613 		case 'U':
614 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
615 				rv = TYUNKNOWN+300;
616 			break;
617 		case 'Z':
618 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "_fp"))
619 				rv = TYDCOMPLEX+200;
620 			break;
621 		case 'c':
622 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "har"))
623 				rv = TYCHAR;
624 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "omplex"))
625 				rv = TYCOMPLEX;
626 			break;
627 		case 'd':
628 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "oublereal"))
629 				rv = TYDREAL;
630 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "oublecomplex"))
631 				rv = TYDCOMPLEX;
632 			break;
633 		case 'f':
634 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "tnlen"))
635 				rv = TYFTNLEN+100;
636 			break;
637 		case 'i':
638 			if (!strncmp(Ptok+1, "nteger", 6)) {
639 				if (!Ptok[7])
640 					rv = TYLONG;
641 				else if (Ptok[7] == '1' && !Ptok[8])
642 					rv = TYINT1;
643 				}
644 			break;
645 		case 'l':
646 			if (!strncmp(Ptok+1, "ogical", 6)) {
647 				if (!Ptok[7]) {
648 					checklogical(1);
649 					rv = TYLOGICAL;
650 					}
651 				else if (Ptok[7] == '1' && !Ptok[8])
652 					rv = TYLOGICAL1;
653 				}
654 #ifdef TYQUAD
655 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1,"ongint"))
656 				rv = TYQUAD;
657 #endif
658 			break;
659 		case 'r':
660 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "eal"))
661 				rv = TYREAL;
662 			break;
663 		case 's':
664 			if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "hortint"))
665 				rv = TYSHORT;
666 			else if (!strcmp(Ptok+1, "hortlogical")) {
667 				checklogical(0);
668 				rv = TYLOGICAL2;
669 				}
670 			break;
671 		case 'v':
672 			if (tnext == tfirst && !strcmp(Ptok+1, "oid")) {
673 				if ((i = Ptoken(pf,0)) != /*(*/ ')')
674 					wanted(i, /*(*/ "\")\"");
675 				return 0;
676 				}
677 		}
678 	if (!rv)
679 		bad_type();
680 	if (rv < 100 && (i = Ptoken(pf,0)) != '*')
681 			wanted(i, "\"*\"");
682 	if ((i = Ptoken(pf,0)) == P_anum)
683 		i = Ptoken(pf,0);	/* skip variable name */
684 	switch(i) {
685 		case ')':
686 			ungetc(i,pf);
687 			break;
688 		case ',':
689 			break;
690 		default:
691 			wanted(i, "\",\" or \")\"");
692 		}
693 	return rv;
694 	}
696  static char *
trimunder(Void)697 trimunder(Void)
698 {
699 	register char *s;
700 	register int n;
701 	static char buf[128];
703 	s = Ptok + strlen(Ptok) - 1;
704 	if (*s != '_') {
705 		fprintf(stderr,
706 			"warning: %s does not end in _ (line %ld of %s)\n",
707 			Ptok, Plineno, Pfname);
708 		return Ptok;
709 		}
710 	if (s[-1] == '_')
711 		s--;
712 	strncpy(buf, Ptok, n = s - Ptok);
713 	buf[n] = 0;
714 	return buf;
715 	}
717  static void
718 #ifdef KR_headers
Pbadmsg(msg,p)719 Pbadmsg(msg, p)
720 	char *msg;
721 	Extsym *p;
722 #else
723 Pbadmsg(char *msg, Extsym *p)
724 #endif
725 {
726 	Pbad++;
727 	fprintf(stderr, "%s for %s (line %ld of %s):\n\t", msg,
728 		p->fextname, Plineno, Pfname);
729 	p->arginfo->nargs = -1;
730 	}
732  static void
733 #ifdef KR_headers
Pbadret(ftype,p)734 Pbadret(ftype, p)
735 	int ftype;
736 	Extsym *p;
737 #else
738 Pbadret(int ftype, Extsym *p)
739 #endif
740 {
741 	char buf1[32], buf2[32];
743 	Pbadmsg("inconsistent types",p);
744 	fprintf(stderr, "here %s, previously %s\n",
745 		Argtype(ftype+200,buf1),
746 		Argtype(p->extype+200,buf2));
747 	}
749  static void
750 #ifdef KR_headers
argverify(ftype,p)751 argverify(ftype, p)
752 	int ftype;
753 	Extsym *p;
754 #else
755 argverify(int ftype, Extsym *p)
756 #endif
757 {
758 	Argtypes *at;
759 	register Atype *aty;
760 	int i, j, k;
761 	register int *t, *te;
762 	char buf1[32], buf2[32];
764 	at = p->arginfo;
765 	if (at->nargs < 0)
766 		return;
767 	if (p->extype != ftype) {
768 		Pbadret(ftype, p);
769 		return;
770 		}
771 	t = tfirst;
772 	te = tnext;
773 	i = te - t;
774 	if (at->nargs != i) {
775 		j = at->nargs;
776 		Pbadmsg("differing numbers of arguments",p);
777 		fprintf(stderr, "here %d, previously %d\n",
778 			i, j);
779 		return;
780 		}
781 	for(aty = at->atypes; t < te; t++, aty++) {
782 		if (*t == aty->type)
783 			continue;
784 		j = aty->type;
785 		k = *t;
786 		if (k >= 300 || k == j)
787 			continue;
788 		if (j >= 300) {
789 			if (k >= 200) {
790 				if (k == TYUNKNOWN + 200)
791 					continue;
792 				if (j % 100 != k - 200
793 				 && k != TYSUBR + 200
794 				 && j != TYUNKNOWN + 300
795 				 && !type_fixup(at,aty,k))
796 					goto badtypes;
797 				}
798 			else if (j % 100 % TYSUBR != k % TYSUBR
799 					&& !type_fixup(at,aty,k))
800 				goto badtypes;
801 			}
802 		else if (k < 200 || j < 200)
803 			goto badtypes;
804 		else if (k == TYUNKNOWN+200)
805 			continue;
806 		else if (j != TYUNKNOWN+200)
807 			{
808  badtypes:
809 			Pbadmsg("differing calling sequences",p);
810 			i = t - tfirst + 1;
811 			fprintf(stderr,
812 				"arg %d: here %s, prevously %s\n",
813 				i, Argtype(k,buf1), Argtype(j,buf2));
814 			return;
815 			}
816 		/* We've subsequently learned the right type,
817 		   as in the call on zoo below...
819 			subroutine foo(x, zap)
820 			external zap
821 			call goo(zap)
822 			x = zap(3)
823 			call zoo(zap)
824 			end
825 		 */
826 		aty->type = k;
827 		at->changes = 1;
828 		}
829 	}
831  static void
832 #ifdef KR_headers
newarg(ftype,p)833 newarg(ftype, p)
834 	int ftype;
835 	Extsym *p;
836 #else
837 newarg(int ftype, Extsym *p)
838 #endif
839 {
840 	Argtypes *at;
841 	register Atype *aty;
842 	register int *t, *te;
843 	int i, k;
845 	if (p->extstg == STGCOMMON) {
846 		Pnotboth(p);
847 		return;
848 		}
849 	p->extstg = STGEXT;
850 	p->extype = ftype;
851 	p->exproto = 1;
852 	t = tfirst;
853 	te = tnext;
854 	i = te - t;
855 	k = sizeof(Argtypes) + (i-1)*sizeof(Atype);
856 	at = p->arginfo = (Argtypes *)gmem(k,1);
857 	at->dnargs = at->nargs = i;
858 	at->defined = at->changes = 0;
859 	for(aty = at->atypes; t < te; aty++) {
860 		aty->type = *t++;
861 		aty->cp = 0;
862 		}
863 	}
865  static int
866 #ifdef KR_headers
Pfile(fname)867 Pfile(fname)
868 	char *fname;
869 #else
870 Pfile(char *fname)
871 #endif
872 {
873 	char *s;
874 	int ftype, i;
875 	FILE *pf;
876 	Extsym *p;
878 	for(s = fname; *s; s++);
879 	if (s - fname < 2
880 	|| s[-2] != '.'
881 	|| (s[-1] != 'P' && s[-1] != 'p'))
882 		return 0;
884 	if (!(pf = fopen(fname, textread))) {
885 		fprintf(stderr, "can't open %s\n", fname);
886 		exit(2);
887 		}
888 	Pfname = fname;
889 	Plineno = 1;
890 	if (!Pct[' ']) {
891 		for(s = " \t\n\r\v\f"; *s; s++)
892 			Pct[*s] = P_space;
893 		for(s = "*,();"; *s; s++)
894 			Pct[*s] = P_delim;
895 		for(i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++)
896 			Pct[i] = P_anum;
897 		for(s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; i = *s; s++)
898 			Pct[i] = Pct[i+'A'-'a'] = P_anum;
899 		Pct['_'] = P_anum;
900 		Pct['/'] = P_slash;
901 		}
903 	for(;;) {
904 		if (!(i = Ptoken(pf,1)))
905 			break;
906 		if (i != P_anum
907 		|| !strcmp(Ptok, "extern") && (i = Ptoken(pf,0)) != P_anum)
908 			badchar(i);
909 		ftype = Pftype();
910  getname:
911 		if ((i = Ptoken(pf,0)) != P_anum)
912 			badchar(i);
913 		p = mkext1(trimunder(), Ptok);
915 		if ((i = Ptoken(pf,0)) != '(')
916 			badchar(i);
917 		tnext = tfirst;
918 		while(i = Ptype(pf)) {
919 			if (tnext >= tlast)
920 				trealloc();
921 			*tnext++ = i;
922 			}
923 		if (p->arginfo) {
924 			argverify(ftype, p);
925 			if (p->arginfo->nargs < 0)
926 				newarg(ftype, p);
927 			}
928 		else
929 			newarg(ftype, p);
930 		p->arginfo->defined = 1;
931 		i = Ptoken(pf,0);
932 		switch(i) {
933 			case ';':
934 				break;
935 			case ',':
936 				goto getname;
937 			default:
938 				wanted(i, "\";\" or \",\"");
939 			}
940 		}
941 	fclose(pf);
942 	return 1;
943 	}
945  void
946 #ifdef KR_headers
read_Pfiles(ffiles)947 read_Pfiles(ffiles)
948 	char **ffiles;
949 #else
950 read_Pfiles(char **ffiles)
951 #endif
952 {
953 	char **f1files, **f1files0, *s;
954 	int k;
955 	register Extsym *e, *ee;
956 	register Argtypes *at;
957 	extern int retcode;
959 	f1files0 = f1files = ffiles;
960 	while(s = *ffiles++)
961 		if (!Pfile(s))
962 			*f1files++ = s;
963 	if (Pbad)
964 		retcode = 8;
965 	if (tfirst) {
966 		free((char *)tfirst);
967 		/* following should be unnecessary, as we won't be back here */
968 		tfirst = tnext = tlast = 0;
969 		tmax = 0;
970 		}
971 	*f1files = 0;
972 	if (f1files == f1files0)
973 		f1files[1] = 0;
975 	k = 0;
976 	ee = nextext;
977 	for (e = extsymtab; e < ee; e++)
978 		if (e->extstg == STGEXT
979 		&& (at = e->arginfo)) {
980 			if (at->nargs < 0 || at->changes)
981 				k++;
982 			at->changes = 2;
983 			}
984 	if (k) {
985 		fprintf(diagfile,
986 		"%d prototype%s updated while reading prototypes.\n", k,
987 			k > 1 ? "s" : "");
988 		}
989 	fflush(diagfile);
990 	}