1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2010 by Florian Klaempfl and Jonas Maebe
3     Member of the Free Pascal development team
5     This unit implements the jvm high level code generator
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21  ****************************************************************************
22 }
23 unit hlcgcpu;
25 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
27 interface
29 uses
30   globtype,
31   aasmbase,aasmdata,
32   symbase,symconst,symtype,symdef,symsym,
33   node,
34   cpubase, hlcgobj, cgbase, cgutils, parabase;
36   type
38     { thlcgjvm }
40     thlcgjvm = class(thlcgobj)
41      private
42       fevalstackheight,
43       fmaxevalstackheight: longint;
44      public
45       constructor create;
47       procedure incstack(list : TAsmList;slots: longint);
48       procedure decstack(list : TAsmList;slots: longint);
def2regtypnull50       class function def2regtyp(def: tdef): tregistertype; override;
52       procedure a_load_const_cgpara(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;const cgpara : TCGPara);override;
a_call_namenull54       function a_call_name(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef; weak: boolean): tcgpara;override;
a_call_name_inheritednull55       function a_call_name_inherited(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara;override;
a_call_regnull56       function a_call_reg(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; reg: tregister; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara; override;
58       procedure a_load_const_reg(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;register : tregister);override;
59       procedure a_load_const_ref(list : TAsmList;tosize : tdef;a : tcgint;const ref : treference);override;
60       procedure a_load_reg_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;register : tregister;const ref : treference);override;
61       procedure a_load_reg_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;reg1,reg2 : tregister);override;
62       procedure a_load_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const ref : treference;register : tregister);override;
63       procedure a_load_ref_ref(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const sref : treference;const dref : treference);override;
64       procedure a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list : TAsmList;fromsize, tosize : tdef;const ref : treference;r : tregister);override;
66       procedure a_op_const_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; reg: TRegister); override;
67       procedure a_op_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister); override;
68       procedure a_op_const_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: TReference); override;
70       procedure a_op_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister); override;
71       procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister); override;
72       procedure a_op_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; reg1, reg2: TRegister); override;
73       procedure a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); override;
74       procedure a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister;setflags : boolean;var ovloc : tlocation); override;
76       procedure a_cmp_const_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); override;
77       procedure a_cmp_const_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override;
78       procedure a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override;
79       procedure a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel); override;
80       procedure a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg1, reg2: tregister; l: tasmlabel); override;
82       procedure a_jmp_always(list : TAsmList;l: tasmlabel); override;
84       procedure g_concatcopy(list : TAsmList;size: tdef; const source,dest : treference);override;
85       procedure g_copyshortstring(list : TAsmList;const source,dest : treference;strdef:tstringdef);override;
87       procedure a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref1, ref2: treference); override;
88       procedure a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister); override;
89       procedure a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference); override;
90       procedure a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister); override;
92       procedure g_proc_entry(list : TAsmList;localsize : longint;nostackframe:boolean); override;
93       procedure g_proc_exit(list : TAsmList;parasize:longint;nostackframe:boolean); override;
95       procedure gen_load_return_value(list:TAsmList);override;
96       procedure record_generated_code_for_procdef(pd: tprocdef; code, data: TAsmList); override;
98       procedure g_incrrefcount(list : TAsmList;t: tdef; const ref: treference);override;
99       procedure g_array_rtti_helper(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference; const highloc: tlocation; const name: string); override;
100       procedure g_initialize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference);override;
101       procedure g_finalize(list : TAsmList;t : tdef;const ref : treference);override;
103       procedure g_overflowcheck(list: TAsmList; const Loc: tlocation; def: tdef); override;
104       procedure g_overflowCheck_loc(List:TAsmList;const Loc:TLocation;def:TDef;var ovloc : tlocation); override;
106       procedure location_get_data_ref(list:TAsmList;def: tdef; const l:tlocation;var ref:treference;loadref:boolean; alignment: longint);override;
107       procedure maybe_change_load_node_reg(list: TAsmList; var n: tnode; reload: boolean); override;
108       procedure g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; const lenloc: tlocation; arrdef: tarraydef; destreg: tregister); override;
109       procedure g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tarraydef; const l: tlocation); override;
111       procedure gen_initialize_code(list: TAsmList); override;
113       procedure gen_entry_code(list: TAsmList); override;
114       procedure gen_exit_code(list: TAsmList); override;
116       { unimplemented/unnecessary routines }
117       procedure a_bit_scan_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; reverse: boolean; srcsize, dstsize: tdef; src, dst: tregister); override;
118       procedure a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
119       procedure a_loadmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
120       procedure a_loadmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
121       procedure a_loadmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
122       procedure a_opmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; src, dst: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
123       procedure a_loadmm_intreg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; intreg, mmreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
124       procedure a_loadmm_reg_intreg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; mmreg, intreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle); override;
125       procedure g_stackpointer_alloc(list: TAsmList; size: longint); override;
126       procedure g_intf_wrapper(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint); override;
127       procedure g_adjust_self_value(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; ioffset: aint); override;
128       procedure g_local_unwind(list: TAsmList; l: TAsmLabel); override;
130       { JVM-specific routines }
132       procedure a_load_stack_reg(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;reg: tregister);
133       { extra_slots are the slots that are used by the reference, and that
134         will be removed by the store operation }
135       procedure a_load_stack_ref(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const ref: treference;extra_slots: longint);
136       procedure a_load_reg_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;reg: tregister);
137       { extra_slots are the slots that are used by the reference, and that
138         will be removed by the load operation }
139       procedure a_load_ref_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const ref: treference;extra_slots: longint);
140       procedure a_load_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;a :tcgint; typ: TRegisterType);
142       procedure a_load_stack_loc(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation);
143       procedure a_load_loc_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation);
145       procedure a_loadfpu_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size: tdef;a :double);
147       procedure a_op_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef; trunc32: boolean);
148       procedure a_op_const_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;a : tcgint);
149       procedure a_op_reg_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;reg: tregister);
150       procedure a_op_ref_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;const ref: treference);
151       procedure a_op_loc_stack(list : TAsmList;op: topcg; size: tdef;const loc: tlocation);
153       procedure g_reference_loc(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const fromloc: tlocation; out toloc: tlocation); override;
155       { assumes that initdim dimensions have already been pushed on the
156         evaluation stack, and creates a new array of type arrdef with these
157         dimensions }
158       procedure g_newarray(list : TAsmList; arrdef: tdef; initdim: longint);
159       { gets the length of the array whose reference is stored in arrloc,
160         and puts it on the evaluation stack }
161       procedure g_getarraylen(list : TAsmList; const arrloc: tlocation);
163       { this routine expects that all values are already massaged into the
164         required form (sign bits xor'ed for gt/lt comparisons for OS_32/OS_64,
165         see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4068973/c-performing-signed-comparison-in-unsigned-variables-without-casting ) }
166       procedure a_cmp_stack_label(list : TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; lab: tasmlabel);
167       { these 2 routines perform the massaging expected by the previous one }
168       procedure maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list : TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp);
maybe_adjust_cmp_constvalnull169       function maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint): tcgint;
170       { truncate/sign extend after performing operations on values < 32 bit
171         that may have overflowed outside the range }
172       procedure maybe_adjust_op_result(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef);
174       { performs sign/zero extension as required }
175       procedure resize_stack_int_val(list: TAsmList;fromsize,tosize: tdef; formemstore: boolean);
177       { 8/16 bit unsigned parameters and return values must be sign-extended on
178         the producer side, because the JVM does not support unsigned variants;
179         then they have to be zero-extended again on the consumer side }
180       procedure maybe_resize_stack_para_val(list: TAsmList; retdef: tdef; callside: boolean);
182       { adjust the stack height after a call based on the specified number of
183         slots used for parameters and the provided resultdef }
184       procedure g_adjust_stack_after_call(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; paraheight: longint; forceresdef: tdef);
186       property maxevalstackheight: longint read fmaxevalstackheight;
188       procedure gen_initialize_fields_code(list:TAsmList);
190       procedure gen_typecheck(list: TAsmList; checkop: tasmop; checkdef: tdef);
191      protected
192       procedure a_load_const_stack_intern(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType; legalize_const: boolean);
get_enum_init_val_refnull194       function get_enum_init_val_ref(def: tdef; out ref: treference): boolean;
196       procedure allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; st: tsymtable; const ref: treference; allocvartyp: tsymtyp);
197       procedure allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; const initref: treference; destbaseref: treference);
198       procedure allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; ref: treference);
199       procedure gen_load_uninitialized_function_result(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; resdef: tdef; const resloc: tcgpara); override;
201       procedure g_copyvalueparas(p: TObject; arg: pointer); override;
203       procedure inittempvariables(list:TAsmList);override;
g_call_system_proc_internnull205       function g_call_system_proc_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef): tcgpara; override;
207       { in case of an array, the array base address and index have to be
208         put on the evaluation stack before the stored value; similarly, for
209         fields the self pointer has to be loaded first. Also checks whether
210         the reference is valid. If dup is true, the necessary values are stored
211         twice. Returns how many stack slots have been consumed, disregarding
212         the "dup". }
prepare_stack_for_refnull213       function prepare_stack_for_ref(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; dup: boolean): longint;
214       { return the load/store opcode to load/store from/to ref; if the result
215         has to be and'ed after a load to get the final value, that constant
216         is returned in finishandval (otherwise that value is set to -1) }
loadstoreopcrefnull217       function loadstoreopcref(def: tdef; isload: boolean; const ref: treference; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop;
218       { return the load/store opcode to load/store from/to reg; if the result
219         has to be and'ed after a load to get the final value, that constant
220         is returned in finishandval (otherwise that value is set to -1) }
loadstoreopcnull221       function loadstoreopc(def: tdef; isload, isarray: boolean; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop;
222       procedure resizestackfpuval(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize);
223       { in case of an OS_32 OP_DIV, we have to use an OS_S64 OP_IDIV because the
224         JVM does not support unsigned divisions }
225       procedure maybepreparedivu32(list: TAsmList; var op: topcg; size: tdef; out isdivu32: boolean);
226       { common implementation of a_call_* }
a_call_name_internnull227       function a_call_name_intern(list : TAsmList;pd : tprocdef;const s : TSymStr; forceresdef: tdef; inheritedcall: boolean): tcgpara;
229       { concatcopy helpers }
230       procedure concatcopy_normal_array(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
231       procedure concatcopy_record(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
232       procedure concatcopy_set(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
233       procedure concatcopy_shortstring(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
235     end;
237   procedure create_hlcodegen;
240   const
241     opcmp2if: array[topcmp] of tasmop = (A_None,
242       a_ifeq,a_ifgt,a_iflt,a_ifge,a_ifle,
243       a_ifne,a_ifle,a_iflt,a_ifge,a_ifgt);
245 implementation
247   uses
248     verbose,cutils,globals,fmodule,constexp,
249     defutil,
250     aasmtai,aasmcpu,
251     symtable,symcpu,jvmdef,
252     procinfo,cpuinfo,cgcpu,tgobj;
254   const
255     TOpCG2IAsmOp : array[topcg] of TAsmOp=(                       { not = xor -1 }
256       A_None,A_None,a_iadd,a_iand,A_none,a_idiv,a_imul,a_imul,a_ineg,A_None,a_ior,a_ishr,a_ishl,a_iushr,a_isub,a_ixor,A_None,A_None
257     );
258     TOpCG2LAsmOp : array[topcg] of TAsmOp=(                       { not = xor -1 }
259       A_None,A_None,a_ladd,a_land,A_none,a_ldiv,a_lmul,a_lmul,a_lneg,A_None,a_lor,a_lshr,a_lshl,a_lushr,a_lsub,a_lxor,A_None,A_None
260     );
262   constructor thlcgjvm.create;
263     begin
264       fevalstackheight:=0;
265       fmaxevalstackheight:=0;
266     end;
268   procedure thlcgjvm.incstack(list: TasmList;slots: longint);
269     begin
270       if slots=0 then
271         exit;
272       inc(fevalstackheight,slots);
273       if (fevalstackheight>fmaxevalstackheight) then
274         fmaxevalstackheight:=fevalstackheight;
275       if cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches then
276         list.concat(tai_comment.Create(strpnew('    allocated '+tostr(slots)+', stack height = '+tostr(fevalstackheight))));
277     end;
279   procedure thlcgjvm.decstack(list: TAsmList;slots: longint);
280     begin
281       if slots=0 then
282         exit;
283       dec(fevalstackheight,slots);
284       if (fevalstackheight<0) and
285          not(cs_no_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
286         internalerror(2010120501);
287       if cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches then
288         list.concat(tai_comment.Create(strpnew('    freed '+tostr(slots)+', stack height = '+tostr(fevalstackheight))));
289     end;
thlcgjvm.def2regtypnull291   class function thlcgjvm.def2regtyp(def: tdef): tregistertype;
292     begin
293       case def.typ of
294         { records (including files) and enums are implemented via classes }
295         recorddef,
296         filedef,
297         enumdef,
298         setdef:
299           result:=R_ADDRESSREGISTER;
300         { shortstrings are implemented via classes }
301         else if is_shortstring(def) or
302         { voiddef can only be typecasted into (implicit) pointers }
303                 is_void(def) then
304           result:=R_ADDRESSREGISTER
305         else
306           result:=inherited;
307       end;
308     end;
310   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_cgpara(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; const cgpara: TCGPara);
311     begin
312       tosize:=get_para_push_size(tosize);
313       if tosize=s8inttype then
314         a:=shortint(a)
315       else if tosize=s16inttype then
316         a:=smallint(a);
317       inherited a_load_const_cgpara(list, tosize, a, cgpara);
318     end;
thlcgjvm.a_call_namenull320   function thlcgjvm.a_call_name(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef; weak: boolean): tcgpara;
321     begin
322       result:=a_call_name_intern(list,pd,s,forceresdef,false);
323     end;
thlcgjvm.a_call_name_inheritednull325   function thlcgjvm.a_call_name_inherited(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara;
326     begin
327       result:=a_call_name_intern(list,pd,s,nil,true);
328     end;
thlcgjvm.a_call_regnull331   function thlcgjvm.a_call_reg(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; reg: tregister; const paras: array of pcgpara): tcgpara;
332     begin
333       internalerror(2012042824);
334       result.init;
335     end;
338   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_stack_intern(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType; legalize_const: boolean);
339     begin
340       if legalize_const and
341          (typ=R_INTREGISTER) and
342          (size.typ=orddef) then
343         begin
344           { uses specific byte/short array store instructions, and the Dalvik
345             VM does not like it if we store values outside the range }
346           case torddef(size).ordtype of
347             u8bit:
348               a:=shortint(a);
349             u16bit:
350               a:=smallint(a);
351           end;
352         end;
353       a_load_const_stack(list,size,a,typ);
354     end;
357   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_stack(list : TAsmList;size : tdef;a : tcgint; typ: TRegisterType);
358     const
359       int2opc: array[-1..5] of tasmop = (a_iconst_m1,a_iconst_0,a_iconst_1,
360         a_iconst_2,a_iconst_3,a_iconst_4,a_iconst_5);
361     begin
362       case typ of
363         R_INTREGISTER:
364           begin
365             case def_cgsize(size) of
366               OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,
367               OS_S8,OS_S16,OS_S32:
368                 begin
369                   { convert cardinals to longints }
370                   a:=longint(a);
371                   if (a>=-1) and
372                      (a<=5) then
373                     list.concat(taicpu.op_none(int2opc[a]))
374                   else if (a>=low(shortint)) and
375                           (a<=high(shortint)) then
376                     list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_bipush,a))
377                   else if (a>=low(smallint)) and
378                           (a<=high(smallint)) then
379                     list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_sipush,a))
380                   else
381                     list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_ldc,a));
382                   { for android verifier }
383                   if (size.typ=orddef) and
384                      (torddef(size).ordtype=uwidechar) then
385                     list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2c));
386                 end;
387               OS_64,OS_S64:
388                 begin
389                   case a of
390                     0:
391                       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lconst_0));
392                     1:
393                       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lconst_1));
394                     else
395                       list.concat(taicpu.op_const(a_ldc2_w,a));
396                   end;
397                   incstack(list,1);
398                 end;
399               else
400                 internalerror(2010110702);
401             end;
402           end;
404           begin
405             if a<>0 then
406               internalerror(2010110701);
407             list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_aconst_null));
408           end;
409         else
410           internalerror(2010110703);
411       end;
412       incstack(list,1);
413     end;
415   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_loc(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const loc: tlocation);
416     begin
417       case loc.loc of
420           a_load_stack_reg(list,size,loc.register);
421         LOC_REFERENCE:
422           a_load_stack_ref(list,size,loc.reference,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,loc.reference,false));
423         else
424           internalerror(2011020501);
425       end;
426     end;
428   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_loc_stack(list: TAsmList;size: tdef;const loc: tlocation);
429     begin
430       case loc.loc of
433           a_load_reg_stack(list,size,loc.register);
435           a_load_ref_stack(list,size,loc.reference,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,loc.reference,false));
436         LOC_CONSTANT:
437           a_load_const_stack(list,size,loc.value,def2regtyp(size));
438         else
439           internalerror(2011010401);
440       end;
441     end;
443   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_const_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; a: double);
444     begin
445       case tfloatdef(size).floattype of
446         s32real:
447           begin
448             if a=0.0 then
449               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_0))
450             else if a=1.0 then
451               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_1))
452             else if a=2.0 then
453               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_2))
454             else
455               list.concat(taicpu.op_single(a_ldc,a));
456             incstack(list,1);
457           end;
458         s64real:
459           begin
460             if a=0.0 then
461               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_0))
462             else if a=1.0 then
463               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_1))
464             else
465               list.concat(taicpu.op_double(a_ldc2_w,a));
466             incstack(list,2);
467           end
468         else
469           internalerror(2011010501);
470       end;
471     end;
473   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; trunc32: boolean);
474     var
475       cgsize: tcgsize;
476     begin
477       if not trunc32 then
478         cgsize:=def_cgsize(size)
479       else
480         begin
481           resize_stack_int_val(list,u32inttype,s64inttype,false);
482           cgsize:=OS_S64;
483         end;
484       case cgsize of
485         OS_8,OS_S8,
486         OS_16,OS_S16,
487         OS_32,OS_S32:
488           begin
489             { not = xor 1 for boolean, xor -1 for the rest}
490             if op=OP_NOT then
491               begin
492                 if not is_pasbool(size) then
493                   a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,high(cardinal),R_INTREGISTER)
494                 else
495                   a_load_const_stack(list,size,1,R_INTREGISTER);
496                 op:=OP_XOR;
497               end;
498             if TOpCG2IAsmOp[op]=A_None then
499               internalerror(2010120532);
500             list.concat(taicpu.op_none(TOpCG2IAsmOp[op]));
501             maybe_adjust_op_result(list,op,size);
502             if op<>OP_NEG then
503               decstack(list,1);
504           end;
505         OS_64,OS_S64:
506           begin
507             { unsigned 64 bit division must be done via a helper }
508             if op=OP_DIV then
509               internalerror(2010120530);
510             { not = xor 1 for boolean, xor -1 for the rest}
511             if op=OP_NOT then
512               begin
513                 if not is_pasbool(size) then
514                   a_load_const_stack(list,s64inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER)
515                 else
516                   a_load_const_stack(list,s64inttype,1,R_INTREGISTER);
517                 op:=OP_XOR;
518               end;
519             if TOpCG2LAsmOp[op]=A_None then
520               internalerror(2010120533);
521             list.concat(taicpu.op_none(TOpCG2LAsmOp[op]));
522             case op of
523               OP_NOT,
524               OP_NEG:
525                 ;
526               { the second argument here is an int rather than a long }
527               OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR:
528                 decstack(list,1);
529               else
530                 decstack(list,2);
531             end;
532           end;
533         else
534           internalerror(2010120531);
535       end;
536       if trunc32 then
537         begin
538           list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i));
539           decstack(list,1);
540         end;
541     end;
543   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_stack(list: TAsmList;op: topcg;size: tdef;a: tcgint);
544     var
545       trunc32: boolean;
546     begin
547       maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32);
548       case op of
549         OP_NEG,OP_NOT:
550           internalerror(2011010801);
551         OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR:
552           { the second argument here is an int rather than a long }
553           a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,a,R_INTREGISTER);
554         else
555           a_load_const_stack(list,size,a,R_INTREGISTER);
556       end;
557       a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32);
558     end;
560   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; reg: tregister);
561     var
562       trunc32: boolean;
563     begin
564       maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32);
565       case op of
566         OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR:
567           if not is_64bitint(size) then
568             a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg)
569           else
570             begin
571               { the second argument here is an int rather than a long }
572               if getsubreg(reg)=R_SUBQ then
573                 internalerror(2011010802);
574               a_load_reg_stack(list,s32inttype,reg)
575             end
576         else
577           a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg);
578       end;
579       a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32);
580     end;
582   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_ref_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; const ref: treference);
583     var
584       trunc32: boolean;
585     begin
586       { ref must not be the stack top, because that may indicate an error
587         (it means that we will perform an operation of the stack top onto
588          itself, so that means the two values have been loaded manually prior
589          to calling this routine, instead of letting this routine load one of
590          them; if something like that is needed, call a_op_stack() directly) }
591       if ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then
592         internalerror(2010121102);
593       maybepreparedivu32(list,op,size,trunc32);
594       case op of
595         OP_SHL,OP_SHR,OP_SAR:
596           begin
597             if not is_64bitint(size) then
598               a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false))
599             else
600               a_load_ref_stack(list,s32inttype,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
601           end;
602         else
603           a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
604       end;
605       a_op_stack(list,op,size,trunc32);
606     end;
608   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_loc_stack(list: TAsmList; op: topcg; size: tdef; const loc: tlocation);
609     begin
610       case loc.loc of
612           a_op_reg_stack(list,op,size,loc.register);
614           a_op_ref_stack(list,op,size,loc.reference);
615         LOC_CONSTANT:
616           a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,loc.value);
617         else
618           internalerror(2011011415)
619       end;
620     end;
622   procedure thlcgjvm.g_reference_loc(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const fromloc: tlocation; out toloc: tlocation);
623     begin
624       case fromloc.loc of
625         LOC_CREFERENCE,
626         LOC_REFERENCE:
627           begin
628             toloc:=fromloc;
629             if (fromloc.reference.base<>NR_NO) and
630                (fromloc.reference.base<>current_procinfo.framepointer) and
631                (fromloc.reference.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then
632               g_allocload_reg_reg(list,voidpointertype,fromloc.reference.base,toloc.reference.base,R_ADDRESSREGISTER);
633             case fromloc.reference.arrayreftype of
634               art_indexreg:
635                 begin
636                   { all array indices in Java are 32 bit ints }
637                   g_allocload_reg_reg(list,s32inttype,fromloc.reference.index,toloc.reference.index,R_INTREGISTER);
638                 end;
639               art_indexref:
640                 begin
641                   { base register of the address of the index -> pointer }
642                   if (fromloc.reference.indexbase<>NR_NO) and
643                      (fromloc.reference.indexbase<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then
644                     g_allocload_reg_reg(list,voidpointertype,fromloc.reference.indexbase,toloc.reference.indexbase,R_ADDRESSREGISTER);
645                 end;
646             end;
647           end;
648         else
649           inherited;
650       end;
651     end;
653   procedure thlcgjvm.g_newarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tdef; initdim: longint);
654     var
655       recref,
656       enuminitref: treference;
657       elemdef: tdef;
658       i: longint;
659       mangledname: string;
660       opc: tasmop;
661       primitivetype: boolean;
662     begin
663       elemdef:=arrdef;
664       if initdim>1 then
665         begin
666           { multianewarray typedesc ndim }
667           list.concat(taicpu.op_sym_const(a_multianewarray,
668             current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(jvmarrtype(elemdef,primitivetype),AT_METADATA),initdim));
669           { has to be a multi-dimensional array type }
670           if primitivetype then
671             internalerror(2011012207);
672         end
673       else
674         begin
675           { for primitive types:
676               newarray typedesc
677             for reference types:
678               anewarray typedesc
679           }
680           { get the type of the elements of the array we are creating }
681           elemdef:=tarraydef(arrdef).elementdef;
682           mangledname:=jvmarrtype(elemdef,primitivetype);
683           if primitivetype then
684             opc:=a_newarray
685           else
686             opc:=a_anewarray;
687           list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(mangledname,AT_METADATA)));
688         end;
689       { all dimensions are removed from the stack, an array reference is
690         added }
691       decstack(list,initdim-1);
692       { in case of an array of records, sets or shortstrings, initialise }
693       elemdef:=tarraydef(arrdef).elementdef;
694       for i:=1 to pred(initdim) do
695         elemdef:=tarraydef(elemdef).elementdef;
696       if (elemdef.typ in [recorddef,setdef]) or
697          ((elemdef.typ=enumdef) and
698           get_enum_init_val_ref(elemdef,enuminitref)) or
699          is_shortstring(elemdef) or
700          ((elemdef.typ=procvardef) and
701           not tprocvardef(elemdef).is_addressonly) or
702          is_ansistring(elemdef) or
703          is_wide_or_unicode_string(elemdef) or
704          is_dynamic_array(elemdef) then
705         begin
706           { duplicate array instance }
707           list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup));
708           incstack(list,1);
709           a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,initdim-1,R_INTREGISTER);
710           case elemdef.typ of
711             arraydef:
712               g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_dynarr',[],nil);
713             recorddef,setdef,procvardef:
714               begin
715                 tg.gethltemp(list,elemdef,elemdef.size,tt_persistent,recref);
716                 a_load_ref_stack(list,elemdef,recref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,recref,false));
717                 case elemdef.typ of
718                   recorddef:
719                     g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_record',[],nil);
720                   setdef:
721                     begin
722                       if tsetdef(elemdef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then
723                         g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_enumset',[],nil)
724                       else
725                         g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_bitset',[],nil)
726                     end;
727                   procvardef:
728                     g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_procvar',[],nil);
729                 end;
730                 tg.ungettemp(list,recref);
731               end;
732             enumdef:
733               begin
734                 a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,enuminitref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,enuminitref,false));
735                 g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_object',[],nil);
736               end;
737             stringdef:
738               begin
739                 case tstringdef(elemdef).stringtype of
740                   st_shortstring:
741                     begin
742                       a_load_const_stack_intern(list,u8inttype,tstringdef(elemdef).len,R_INTREGISTER,true);
743                       g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_shortstring',[],nil);
744                     end;
745                   st_ansistring:
746                     g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_ansistring',[],nil);
747                   st_unicodestring,
748                   st_widestring:
749                     g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_unicodestring',[],nil);
750                   else
751                     internalerror(2011081801);
752                 end;
753               end;
754             else
755               internalerror(2011081801);
756           end;
757         end;
758     end;
760   procedure thlcgjvm.g_getarraylen(list: TAsmList; const arrloc: tlocation);
761     var
762       nillab,endlab: tasmlabel;
763     begin
764       { inline because we have to use the arraylength opcode, which
765         cannot be represented directly in Pascal. Even though the JVM
766         supports allocated arrays with length=0, we still also have to
767         check for nil pointers because even if FPC always generates
768         allocated empty arrays under all circumstances, external Java
769         code could pass in nil pointers.
771         Note that this means that assigned(arr) can be different from
772         length(arr)<>0 for dynamic arrays when targeting the JVM.
773       }
774       current_asmdata.getjumplabel(nillab);
775       current_asmdata.getjumplabel(endlab);
777       { if assigned(arr) ... }
778       a_load_loc_stack(list,java_jlobject,arrloc);
779       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup));
780       incstack(list,1);
781       list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_ifnull,nillab));
782       decstack(list,1);
784       { ... then result:=arraylength(arr) ... }
785       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_arraylength));
786       a_jmp_always(list,endlab);
788       { ... else result:=0 }
789       a_label(list,nillab);
790       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_pop));
791       decstack(list,1);
792       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_iconst_0));
793       incstack(list,1);
795       a_label(list,endlab);
796     end;
798     procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_stack_label(list: TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; lab: tasmlabel);
799       const
800         opcmp2icmp: array[topcmp] of tasmop = (A_None,
801           a_if_icmpeq,a_if_icmpgt,a_if_icmplt,a_if_icmpge,a_if_icmple,
802           a_if_icmpne,a_if_icmple,a_if_icmplt,a_if_icmpge,a_if_icmpgt);
803       var
804         cgsize: tcgsize;
805       begin
806         case def2regtyp(size) of
807           R_INTREGISTER:
808             begin
809               cgsize:=def_cgsize(size);
810               case cgsize of
811                 OS_S8,OS_8,
812                 OS_16,OS_S16,
813                 OS_S32,OS_32:
814                   begin
815                     list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opcmp2icmp[cmp_op],lab));
816                     decstack(list,2);
817                   end;
818                 OS_64,OS_S64:
819                   begin
820                     list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_lcmp));
821                     decstack(list,3);
822                     list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opcmp2if[cmp_op],lab));
823                     decstack(list,1);
824                   end;
825                 else
826                   internalerror(2010120538);
827               end;
828             end;
829           R_ADDRESSREGISTER:
830             begin
831               case cmp_op of
832                 OC_EQ:
833                   list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_if_acmpeq,lab));
834                 OC_NE:
835                   list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_if_acmpne,lab));
836                 else
837                   internalerror(2010120537);
838               end;
839               decstack(list,2);
840             end;
841           else
842             internalerror(2010120538);
843         end;
844       end;
846     procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list: TAsmlist; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp);
847       begin
848         { use cmp_op because eventually that's what indicates the
849           signed/unsigned character of the operation, not the size... }
850         if (cmp_op in [OC_EQ,OC_NE,OC_LT,OC_LTE,OC_GT,OC_GTE]) or
851            (def2regtyp(size)<>R_INTREGISTER) then
852           exit;
853         { http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4068973/c-performing-signed-comparison-in-unsigned-variables-without-casting }
854         case def_cgsize(size) of
855           OS_32,OS_S32:
856             a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,cardinal($80000000));
857           OS_64,OS_S64:
858             a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,tcgint($8000000000000000));
859         end;
860       end;
thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_cmp_constvalnull862     function thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint): tcgint;
863       begin
864         result:=a;
865         { use cmp_op because eventually that's what indicates the
866           signed/unsigned character of the operation, not the size... }
867         if (cmp_op in [OC_EQ,OC_NE,OC_LT,OC_LTE,OC_GT,OC_GTE]) or
868            (def2regtyp(size)<>R_INTREGISTER) then
869           exit;
870         case def_cgsize(size) of
871           OS_32,OS_S32:
872             result:=a xor cardinal($80000000);
873           OS_64,OS_S64:
874             result:=a xor tcgint($8000000000000000);
875         end;
876       end;
878     procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_adjust_op_result(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef);
879       const
880         overflowops = [OP_MUL,OP_SHL,OP_ADD,OP_SUB,OP_NOT,OP_NEG];
881       begin
882         if ((op in overflowops) or
883             (current_settings.cputype=cpu_dalvik)) and
884            (def_cgsize(size) in [OS_8,OS_S8,OS_16,OS_S16]) then
885           resize_stack_int_val(list,s32inttype,size,false);
886       end;
888   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_load_uninitialized_function_result(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; resdef: tdef; const resloc: tcgpara);
889     begin
890       { constructors don't return anything in Java }
891       if pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor then
892         exit;
893       { must return a value of the correct type on the evaluation stack }
894       case def2regtyp(resdef) of
895         R_INTREGISTER,
897           a_load_const_cgpara(list,resdef,0,resloc);
898         R_FPUREGISTER:
899           case tfloatdef(resdef).floattype of
900             s32real:
901               begin
902                 list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_fconst_0));
903                 incstack(list,1);
904               end;
905             s64real:
906               begin
907                 list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dconst_0));
908                 incstack(list,2);
909               end;
910             else
911               internalerror(2011010302);
912           end
913         else
914           internalerror(2011010301);
915       end;
916     end;
919   procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyvalueparas(p: TObject; arg: pointer);
920     var
921       list: tasmlist;
922       tmpref: treference;
923     begin
924       { zero-extend < 32 bit primitive types (FPC can zero-extend when calling,
925         but that doesn't help when we're called from Java code or indirectly
926         as a procvar -- exceptions: widechar (Java-specific type) and ordinal
927         types whose upper bound does not set the sign bit }
928       if (tsym(p).typ=paravarsym) and
929          (tparavarsym(p).varspez in [vs_value,vs_const]) and
930          (tparavarsym(p).vardef.typ=orddef) and
931          not is_pasbool(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and
932          not is_widechar(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and
933          (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size<4) and
934          not is_signed(tparavarsym(p).vardef) and
935          (torddef(tparavarsym(p).vardef).high>=(1 shl (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size*8-1))) then
936         begin
937           list:=TAsmList(arg);
938           { store value in new location to keep Android verifier happy }
939           tg.gethltemp(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tparavarsym(p).vardef.size,tt_persistent,tmpref);
940           a_load_loc_stack(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tparavarsym(p).initialloc);
941           a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,tparavarsym(p).vardef,(1 shl (tparavarsym(p).vardef.size*8))-1);
942           a_load_stack_ref(list,tparavarsym(p).vardef,tmpref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,tmpref,false));
943           location_reset_ref(tparavarsym(p).localloc,LOC_REFERENCE,def_cgsize(tparavarsym(p).vardef),4,tmpref.volatility);
944           tparavarsym(p).localloc.reference:=tmpref;
945         end;
947       inherited g_copyvalueparas(p, arg);
948     end;
951   procedure thlcgjvm.inittempvariables(list: TAsmList);
952     begin
953       { these are automatically initialised when allocated if necessary }
954     end;
thlcgjvm.g_call_system_proc_internnull957   function thlcgjvm.g_call_system_proc_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const paras: array of pcgpara; forceresdef: tdef): tcgpara;
958     begin
959       result:=inherited;
960       pd.init_paraloc_info(callerside);
961       g_adjust_stack_after_call(list,pd,pd.callerargareasize,forceresdef);
962     end;
thlcgjvm.prepare_stack_for_refnull965   function thlcgjvm.prepare_stack_for_ref(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; dup: boolean): longint;
966     var
967       href: treference;
968     begin
969       result:=0;
970       { fake location that indicates the value is already on the stack? }
971       if (ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE) then
972         exit;
973       if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then
974         begin
975           { non-array accesses cannot have an index reg }
976           if ref.index<>NR_NO then
977             internalerror(2010120509);
978           if (ref.base<>NR_NO) then
979             begin
980               if (ref.base<>NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then
981                 begin
982                   { regular field -> load self on the stack }
983                   a_load_reg_stack(list,voidpointertype,ref.base);
984                   if dup then
985                     begin
986                       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup));
987                       incstack(list,1);
988                     end;
989                   { field name/type encoded in symbol, no index/offset }
990                   if not assigned(ref.symbol) or
991                      (ref.offset<>0) then
992                     internalerror(2010120524);
993                   result:=1;
994                 end
995               else
996                 begin
997                   { local variable -> offset encoded in opcode and nothing to
998                     do here, except for checking that it's a valid reference }
999                   if assigned(ref.symbol) then
1000                     internalerror(2010120523);
1001                 end;
1002             end
1003           else
1004             begin
1005               { static field -> nothing to do here, except for validity check }
1006               if not assigned(ref.symbol) or
1007                  (ref.offset<>0) then
1008                 internalerror(2010120525);
1009             end;
1010         end
1011       else
1012         begin
1013           { arrays have implicit dereference -> pointer to array must have been
1014             loaded into base reg }
1015           if (ref.base=NR_NO) or
1016              (ref.base=NR_STACK_POINTER_REG) then
1017             internalerror(2010120511);
1018           if assigned(ref.symbol) then
1019             internalerror(2010120512);
1021           { stack: ... -> ..., arrayref, index }
1022           { load array base address }
1023           a_load_reg_stack(list,voidpointertype,ref.base);
1024           { index can either be in a register, or located in a simple memory
1025             location (since we have to load it anyway) }
1026           case ref.arrayreftype of
1027             art_indexreg:
1028               begin
1029                 if ref.index=NR_NO then
1030                   internalerror(2010120513);
1031                 { all array indices in Java are 32 bit ints }
1032                 a_load_reg_stack(list,s32inttype,ref.index);
1033               end;
1034             art_indexref:
1035               begin
1036                 cgutils.reference_reset_base(href,ref.indexbase,ref.indexoffset,ref.temppos,4,ref.volatility);
1037                 href.symbol:=ref.indexsymbol;
1038                 a_load_ref_stack(list,s32inttype,href,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,href,false));
1039               end;
1040             art_indexconst:
1041               begin
1042                 a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,ref.indexoffset,R_INTREGISTER);
1043               end;
1044             else
1045               internalerror(2011012001);
1046           end;
1047           { adjustment of the index }
1048           if ref.offset<>0 then
1049             a_op_const_stack(list,OP_ADD,s32inttype,ref.offset);
1050           if dup then
1051             begin
1052               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_dup2));
1053               incstack(list,2);
1054             end;
1055           result:=2;
1056         end;
1057     end;
1059   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_reg(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; register: tregister);
1060     begin
1061       a_load_const_stack(list,tosize,a,def2regtyp(tosize));
1062       a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,register);
1063     end;
1065   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_const_ref(list: TAsmList; tosize: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: treference);
1066     var
1067       extra_slots: longint;
1068     begin
1069       extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false);
1070       a_load_const_stack_intern(list,tosize,a,def2regtyp(tosize),(ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(ref.symbol));
1071       a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,extra_slots);
1072     end;
1074   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; register: tregister; const ref: treference);
1075     var
1076       extra_slots: longint;
1077     begin
1078       extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false);
1079       a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,register);
1080       if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then
1081         resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,(ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(ref.symbol));
1082       a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,extra_slots);
1083     end;
1085   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister);
1086     begin
1087       a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg1);
1088       if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then
1089         resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,false);
1090       a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg2);
1091     end;
1093   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; register: tregister);
1094     var
1095       extra_slots: longint;
1096     begin
1097       extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false);
1098       a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref,extra_slots);
1100       if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then
1101         resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,false);
1102       a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,register);
1103     end;
1105   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const sref: treference; const dref: treference);
1106     var
1107       extra_sslots,
1108       extra_dslots: longint;
1109     begin
1110       { make sure the destination reference is on top, since in the end the
1111         order has to be "destref, value" -> first create "destref, sourceref" }
1112       extra_dslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dref,false);
1113       extra_sslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,sref,false);
1114       a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,sref,extra_sslots);
1115       if def2regtyp(fromsize)=R_INTREGISTER then
1116         resize_stack_int_val(list,fromsize,tosize,(dref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or assigned(dref.symbol));
1117       a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,dref,extra_dslots);
1118     end;
1120   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadaddr_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; r: tregister);
1121     begin
1122       { only allowed for types that are not implicit pointers in Pascal (in
1123         that case, ref contains a pointer to the actual data and we simply
1124         return that pointer) }
1125       if not jvmimplicitpointertype(fromsize) then
1126         internalerror(2010120534);
1127       a_load_ref_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,ref,r);
1128     end;
1130   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; reg: TRegister);
1131     begin
1132       a_op_const_reg_reg(list,op,size,a,reg,reg);
1133     end;
1135   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister);
1136     begin
1137       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src);
1138       a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,a);
1139       a_load_stack_reg(list,size,dst);
1140     end;
1142   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_ref(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; a: tcgint; const ref: TReference);
1143     var
1144       extra_slots: longint;
1145     begin
1146       extra_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,true);
1147       { TODO, here or in peepholeopt: use iinc when possible }
1148       a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,extra_slots);
1149       a_op_const_stack(list,op,size,a);
1150       { for android verifier }
1151       if (def2regtyp(size)=R_INTREGISTER) and
1152          ((ref.arrayreftype<>art_none) or
1153           assigned(ref.symbol)) then
1154         resize_stack_int_val(list,size,size,true);
1155       a_load_stack_ref(list,size,ref,extra_slots);
1156     end;
1158   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; const ref: TReference; reg: TRegister);
1159     begin
1160       if not(op in [OP_NOT,OP_NEG]) then
1161         a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg);
1162       a_op_ref_stack(list,op,size,ref);
1163       a_load_stack_reg(list,size,reg);
1164     end;
1166   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister);
1167     begin
1168       if not(op in [OP_NOT,OP_NEG]) then
1169         a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src2);
1170       a_op_reg_stack(list,op,size,src1);
1171       a_load_stack_reg(list,size,dst);
1172     end;
1174   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; reg1, reg2: TRegister);
1175     begin
1176       a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,reg1,reg2,reg2);
1177     end;
1179   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_const_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; a: tcgint; src, dst: tregister; setflags: boolean; var ovloc: tlocation);
1180     var
1181       tmpreg: tregister;
1182     begin
1183       if not setflags then
1184         begin
1185           inherited;
1186           exit;
1187         end;
1188       tmpreg:=getintregister(list,size);
1189       a_load_const_reg(list,size,a,tmpreg);
1190       a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list,op,size,tmpreg,src,dst,true,ovloc);
1191     end;
1193   procedure thlcgjvm.a_op_reg_reg_reg_checkoverflow(list: TAsmList; op: TOpCg; size: tdef; src1, src2, dst: tregister; setflags: boolean; var ovloc: tlocation);
1194     var
1195       orgsrc1, orgsrc2: tregister;
1196       docheck: boolean;
1197       lab: tasmlabel;
1198     begin
1199       if not setflags then
1200         begin
1201           inherited;
1202           exit;
1203         end;
1204       { anything else cannot overflow }
1205       docheck:=size.size in [4,8];
1206       if docheck then
1207         begin
1208           orgsrc1:=src1;
1209           orgsrc2:=src2;
1210           if src1=dst then
1211             begin
1212               orgsrc1:=getintregister(list,size);
1213               a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src1,orgsrc1);
1214             end;
1215           if src2=dst then
1216             begin
1217               orgsrc2:=getintregister(list,size);
1218               a_load_reg_reg(list,size,size,src2,orgsrc2);
1219             end;
1220         end;
1221       a_op_reg_reg_reg(list,op,size,src1,src2,dst);
1222       if docheck then
1223         begin
1224           { * signed overflow for addition iff
1225              - src1 and src2 are negative and result is positive (excep in case of
1226                subtraction, then sign of src1 has to be inverted)
1227              - src1 and src2 are positive and result is negative
1228               -> Simplified boolean equivalent (in terms of sign bits):
1229                  not(src1 xor src2) and (src1 xor dst)
1231              for subtraction, multiplication: invert src1 sign bit
1232              for division: handle separately (div by zero, low(inttype) div -1),
1233                not supported by this code
1235             * unsigned overflow iff carry out, aka dst < src1 or dst < src2
1236           }
1237           location_reset(ovloc,LOC_REGISTER,OS_S32);
1238           { not pasbool8, because then we'd still have to convert the integer to
1239             a boolean via branches for Dalvik}
1240           ovloc.register:=getintregister(list,s32inttype);
1241           if not ((size.typ=pointerdef) or
1242                  ((size.typ=orddef) and
1243                   (torddef(size).ordtype in [u64bit,u16bit,u32bit,u8bit,uchar,
1244                                              pasbool1,pasbool8,pasbool16,pasbool32,pasbool64]))) then
1245             begin
1246               a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src1);
1247               if op in [OP_SUB,OP_IMUL] then
1248                 a_op_stack(list,OP_NOT,size,false);
1249               a_op_reg_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,src2);
1250               a_op_stack(list,OP_NOT,size,false);
1251               a_load_reg_stack(list,size,src1);
1252               a_op_reg_stack(list,OP_XOR,size,dst);
1253               a_op_stack(list,OP_AND,size,false);
1254               a_op_const_stack(list,OP_SHR,size,(size.size*8)-1);
1255               if size.size=8 then
1256                 begin
1257                   list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i));
1258                   decstack(list,1);
1259                 end;
1260             end
1261           else
1262             begin
1263               a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,0,R_INTREGISTER);
1264               current_asmdata.getjumplabel(lab);
1265               { can be optimized by removing duplicate xor'ing to convert dst from
1266                 signed to unsigned quadrant }
1267               a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,OC_B,dst,src1,lab);
1268               a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list,size,OC_B,dst,src2,lab);
1269               a_op_const_stack(list,OP_XOR,s32inttype,1);
1270               a_label(list,lab);
1271             end;
1272           a_load_stack_reg(list,s32inttype,ovloc.register);
1273         end
1274       else
1275         ovloc.loc:=LOC_VOID;
1276     end;
1278   procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_const_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel);
1279     begin
1280       if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then
1281         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
1282       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1283       a_load_const_stack(list,size,maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size,cmp_op,a),def2regtyp(size));
1284       a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l);
1285     end;
1287   procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_const_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; a: tcgint; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel);
1288     begin
1289       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg);
1290       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1291       a_load_const_stack(list,size,maybe_adjust_cmp_constval(size,cmp_op,a),def2regtyp(size));
1292       a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l);
1293     end;
1295   procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_ref_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; l: tasmlabel);
1296     begin
1297       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg);
1298       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1299       if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then
1300         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false))
1301       else
1302         list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_swap));
1303       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1304       a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l);
1305     end;
1307   procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_reg_ref_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; l: tasmlabel);
1308     begin
1309       if ref.base<>NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then
1310         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
1311       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1312       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg);
1313       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1314       a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l);
1315     end;
1317   procedure thlcgjvm.a_cmp_reg_reg_label(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; cmp_op: topcmp; reg1, reg2: tregister; l: tasmlabel);
1318     begin
1319       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg2);
1320       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1321       a_load_reg_stack(list,size,reg1);
1322       maybe_adjust_cmp_stackval(list,size,cmp_op);
1323       a_cmp_stack_label(list,size,cmp_op,l);
1324     end;
1326   procedure thlcgjvm.a_jmp_always(list: TAsmList; l: tasmlabel);
1327     begin
1328       list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_goto,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(l.name,AT_METADATA)));
1329     end;
1331   procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_normal_array(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
1332     var
1333       procname: string;
1334       eledef: tdef;
1335       ndim: longint;
1336       adddefaultlenparas: boolean;
1337     begin
1338       { load copy helper parameters on the stack }
1339       a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false));
1340       a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false));
1341       { call copy helper }
1342       eledef:=tarraydef(size).elementdef;
1343       ndim:=1;
1344       adddefaultlenparas:=true;
1345       case eledef.typ of
1346         orddef:
1347           begin
1348             case torddef(eledef).ordtype of
1349               pasbool1,pasbool8,s8bit,u8bit,bool8bit,uchar,
1350               s16bit,u16bit,bool16bit,pasbool16,
1351               uwidechar,
1352               s32bit,u32bit,bool32bit,pasbool32,
1353               s64bit,u64bit,bool64bit,pasbool64,scurrency:
1354                 procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'
1355               else
1356                 internalerror(2011020504);
1357             end;
1358           end;
1359         arraydef:
1360           begin
1361             { call fpc_setlength_dynarr_multidim with deepcopy=true, and extra
1362               parameters }
1363             while (eledef.typ=arraydef) and
1364                   not is_dynamic_array(eledef) do
1365               begin
1366                 eledef:=tarraydef(eledef).elementdef;
1367                 inc(ndim)
1368               end;
1369             if (ndim=1) then
1370               procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'
1371             else
1372               begin
1373                 { deepcopy=true }
1374                 a_load_const_stack(list,pasbool1type,1,R_INTREGISTER);
1375                 { ndim }
1376                 a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,ndim,R_INTREGISTER);
1377                 { eletype }
1378                 a_load_const_stack(list,cwidechartype,ord(jvmarrtype_setlength(eledef)),R_INTREGISTER);
1379                 adddefaultlenparas:=false;
1380                 procname:='FPC_SETLENGTH_DYNARR_MULTIDIM';
1381               end;
1382           end;
1383         recorddef:
1384           procname:='FPC_COPY_JRECORD_ARRAY';
1385         procvardef:
1386           if tprocvardef(eledef).is_addressonly then
1387             procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY'
1388           else
1389             procname:='FPC_COPY_JPROCVAR_ARRAY';
1390         setdef:
1391           if tsetdef(eledef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then
1392             procname:='FPC_COPY_JENUMSET_ARRAY'
1393           else
1394             procname:='FPC_COPY_JBITSET_ARRAY';
1395         floatdef:
1396           procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY';
1397         stringdef:
1398           if is_shortstring(eledef) then
1399             procname:='FPC_COPY_JSHORTSTRING_ARRAY'
1400           else
1401             procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY';
1402         variantdef:
1403           begin
1404 {$ifndef nounsupported}
1405             procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY';
1406 {$else}
1407             { todo: make a deep copy via clone... }
1408             internalerror(2011020505);
1409 {$endif}
1410           end;
1411         else
1412           procname:='FPC_COPY_SHALLOW_ARRAY';
1413       end;
1414      if adddefaultlenparas then
1415        begin
1416          { -1, -1 means "copy entire array" }
1417          a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER);
1418          a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,-1,R_INTREGISTER);
1419        end;
1420      g_call_system_proc(list,procname,[],nil);
1421      if ndim<>1 then
1422        begin
1423          { pop return value, must be the same as dest }
1424          list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_pop));
1425          decstack(list,1);
1426        end;
1427     end;
1429     procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_record(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
1430       var
1431         srsym: tsym;
1432         pd: tprocdef;
1433       begin
1434         { self }
1435         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false));
1436         { result }
1437         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false));
1438         { call fpcDeepCopy helper }
1439         srsym:=search_struct_member(tabstractrecorddef(size),'FPCDEEPCOPY');
1440         if not assigned(srsym) or
1441            (srsym.typ<>procsym) then
1442           Message1(cg_f_unknown_compilerproc,size.typename+'.fpcDeepCopy');
1443         pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]);
1444         a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false);
1445         { both parameters are removed, no function result }
1446         decstack(list,2);
1447       end;
1450     procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_set(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
1451       begin
1452         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false));
1453         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false));
1454         { call set copy helper }
1455         if tsetdef(size).elementdef.typ=enumdef then
1456           g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_enumset_copy',[],nil)
1457         else
1458           g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_bitset_copy',[],nil);
1459       end;
1462     procedure thlcgjvm.concatcopy_shortstring(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
1463       var
1464         srsym: tsym;
1465         pd: tprocdef;
1466       begin
1467         { self }
1468         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,source,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,source,false));
1469         { result }
1470         a_load_ref_stack(list,size,dest,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,dest,false));
1471         { call fpcDeepCopy helper }
1472         srsym:=search_struct_member(java_shortstring,'FPCDEEPCOPY');
1473         if not assigned(srsym) or
1474            (srsym.typ<>procsym) then
1475           Message1(cg_f_unknown_compilerproc,'ShortstringClass.FpcDeepCopy');
1476         pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]);
1477         a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false);
1478         { both parameters are removed, no function result }
1479         decstack(list,2);
1480       end;
1483   procedure thlcgjvm.g_concatcopy(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const source, dest: treference);
1484     var
1485       handled: boolean;
1486     begin
1487       handled:=false;
1488       case size.typ of
1489         arraydef:
1490           begin
1491             if not is_dynamic_array(size) then
1492               begin
1493                 concatcopy_normal_array(list,size,source,dest);
1494                 handled:=true;
1495               end;
1496           end;
1497         recorddef:
1498           begin
1499             concatcopy_record(list,size,source,dest);
1500             handled:=true;
1501           end;
1502         setdef:
1503           begin
1504             concatcopy_set(list,size,source,dest);
1505             handled:=true;
1506           end;
1507         stringdef:
1508           begin
1509             if is_shortstring(size) then
1510               begin
1511                 concatcopy_shortstring(list,size,source,dest);
1512                 handled:=true;
1513               end;
1514           end;
1515         procvardef:
1516           begin
1517             if not tprocvardef(size).is_addressonly then
1518               begin
1519                 concatcopy_record(list,tcpuprocvardef(size).classdef,source,dest);
1520                 handled:=true;
1521               end;
1522           end;
1523       end;
1524       if not handled then
1525         inherited;
1526     end;
1528   procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyshortstring(list: TAsmList; const source, dest: treference; strdef: tstringdef);
1529     begin
1530       concatcopy_shortstring(list,strdef,source,dest);
1531     end;
1533   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_ref_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref1, ref2: treference);
1534     var
1535       dstack_slots: longint;
1536     begin
1537       dstack_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref2,false);
1538       a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref1,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref1,false));
1539       resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize));
1540       a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref2,dstack_slots);
1541     end;
1543   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister);
1544     begin
1545       a_load_ref_stack(list,fromsize,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
1546       resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize));
1547       a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg);
1548     end;
1550   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference);
1551     var
1552       dstack_slots: longint;
1553     begin
1554       dstack_slots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false);
1555       a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg);
1556       resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize));
1557       a_load_stack_ref(list,tosize,ref,dstack_slots);
1558     end;
1560   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadfpu_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister);
1561     begin
1562       a_load_reg_stack(list,fromsize,reg1);
1563       resizestackfpuval(list,def_cgsize(fromsize),def_cgsize(tosize));
1564       a_load_stack_reg(list,tosize,reg2);
1565     end;
1567   procedure thlcgjvm.g_proc_entry(list: TAsmList; localsize: longint; nostackframe: boolean);
1568     begin
1569       { the localsize is based on tg.lasttemp -> already in terms of stack
1570         slots rather than bytes }
1571       list.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_jlimit,'locals '+tostr(localsize)));
1572       { we insert the unit initialisation code afterwards in the proginit code,
1573         and it uses one stack slot }
1574       if (current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption=potype_proginit) then
1575         fmaxevalstackheight:=max(1,fmaxevalstackheight);
1576       list.concat(tai_directive.Create(asd_jlimit,'stack '+tostr(fmaxevalstackheight)));
1577     end;
1579   procedure thlcgjvm.g_proc_exit(list: TAsmList; parasize: longint; nostackframe: boolean);
1580     var
1581       retdef: tdef;
1582       opc: tasmop;
1583     begin
1584       if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor] then
1585         retdef:=voidtype
1586       else
1587         retdef:=current_procinfo.procdef.returndef;
1588       case retdef.typ of
1589         orddef:
1590           case torddef(retdef).ordtype of
1591             uvoid:
1592               opc:=a_return;
1593             s64bit,
1594             u64bit,
1595             scurrency:
1596               opc:=a_lreturn;
1597             else
1598               opc:=a_ireturn;
1599           end;
1600         setdef:
1601           opc:=a_areturn;
1602         floatdef:
1603           case tfloatdef(retdef).floattype of
1604             s32real:
1605               opc:=a_freturn;
1606             s64real:
1607               opc:=a_dreturn;
1608             else
1609               internalerror(2011010213);
1610           end;
1611         else
1612           opc:=a_areturn;
1613       end;
1614       list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc));
1615     end;
1617   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_load_return_value(list: TAsmList);
1618     begin
1619       { constructors don't return anything in the jvm }
1620       if current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_class_constructor] then
1621         exit;
1622       inherited gen_load_return_value(list);
1623     end;
1625   procedure thlcgjvm.record_generated_code_for_procdef(pd: tprocdef; code, data: TAsmList);
1626     begin
1627       { add something to the al_procedures list as well, because if all al_*
1628         lists are empty, the assembler writer isn't called }
1629       if not code.empty and
1630          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].empty then
1631         current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures].concat(tai_align.Create(4));
1632       tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist:=TAsmList.create;
1633       tcpuprocdef(pd).exprasmlist.concatlist(code);
1634       if assigned(data) and
1635          not data.empty then
1636         internalerror(2010122801);
1637     end;
1639   procedure thlcgjvm.g_incrrefcount(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference);
1640     begin
1641       // do nothing
1642     end;
1644   procedure thlcgjvm.g_array_rtti_helper(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference; const highloc: tlocation; const name: string);
1645     var
1646       normaldim: longint;
1647       eleref: treference;
1648     begin
1649       { only in case of initialisation, we have to set all elements to "empty" }
1650       if name<>'fpc_initialize_array' then
1651         exit;
1652       { put array on the stack }
1653       a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
1654       { in case it's an open array whose elements are regular arrays, put the
1655         dimension of the regular arrays on the stack (otherwise pass 0) }
1656       normaldim:=0;
1657       while (t.typ=arraydef) and
1658             not is_dynamic_array(t) do
1659         begin
1660           inc(normaldim);
1661           t:=tarraydef(t).elementdef;
1662         end;
1663       a_load_const_stack(list,s32inttype,normaldim,R_INTREGISTER);
1664       { highloc is invalid, the length is part of the array in Java }
1665       if is_wide_or_unicode_string(t) then
1666         g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_unicodestring',[],nil)
1667       else if is_ansistring(t) then
1668         g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_ansistring',[],nil)
1669       else if is_dynamic_array(t) then
1670         g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_dynarr',[],nil)
1671       else if is_record(t) or
1672               (t.typ=setdef) then
1673         begin
1674           tg.gethltemp(list,t,t.size,tt_persistent,eleref);
1675           a_load_ref_stack(list,t,eleref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,eleref,false));
1676           if is_record(t) then
1677             g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_record',[],nil)
1678           else if tsetdef(t).elementdef.typ=enumdef then
1679             g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_enumset',[],nil)
1680           else
1681             g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_bitset',[],nil);
1682           tg.ungettemp(list,eleref);
1683         end
1684       else if (t.typ=enumdef) then
1685         begin
1686           if get_enum_init_val_ref(t,eleref) then
1687             begin
1688               a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,eleref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,eleref,false));
1689               g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_initialize_array_object',[],nil);
1690             end;
1691         end
1692       else
1693         internalerror(2011031901);
1694     end;
1696   procedure thlcgjvm.g_initialize(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference);
1697     var
1698       dummyloc: tlocation;
1699       sym: tsym;
1700       pd: tprocdef;
1701     begin
1702       if (t.typ=arraydef) and
1703          not is_dynamic_array(t) then
1704         begin
1705           dummyloc.loc:=LOC_INVALID;
1706           g_array_rtti_helper(list,tarraydef(t).elementdef,ref,dummyloc,'fpc_initialize_array')
1707         end
1708       else if is_record(t) then
1709         begin
1710           { call the fpcInitializeRec method }
1711           sym:=tsym(trecorddef(t).symtable.find('FPCINITIALIZEREC'));
1712           if assigned(sym) and
1713              (sym.typ=procsym) then
1714             begin
1715               if tprocsym(sym).procdeflist.Count<>1 then
1716                 internalerror(2011071713);
1717               pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).procdeflist[0]);
1718             end
1719           else
1720             internalerror(2013113008);
1721           a_load_ref_stack(list,java_jlobject,ref,prepare_stack_for_ref(list,ref,false));
1722           a_call_name(list,pd,pd.mangledname,[],nil,false);
1723           { parameter removed, no result }
1724           decstack(list,1);
1725         end
1726       else
1727         a_load_const_ref(list,t,0,ref);
1728     end;
1730   procedure thlcgjvm.g_finalize(list: TAsmList; t: tdef; const ref: treference);
1731     begin
1732       // do nothing
1733     end;
1735   procedure thlcgjvm.g_overflowcheck(list: TAsmList; const Loc: tlocation; def: tdef);
1736     begin
1737       { not possible, need the original operands }
1738       internalerror(2012102101);
1739     end;
1741   procedure thlcgjvm.g_overflowCheck_loc(List: TAsmList; const Loc: TLocation; def: TDef; var ovloc: tlocation);
1742     var
1743       hl : tasmlabel;
1744     begin
1745       if not(cs_check_overflow in current_settings.localswitches) then
1746         exit;
1747       current_asmdata.getjumplabel(hl);
1748       a_cmp_const_loc_label(list,s32inttype,OC_EQ,0,ovloc,hl);
1749       g_call_system_proc(list,'fpc_overflow',[],nil);
1750       a_label(list,hl);
1751     end;
1753   procedure thlcgjvm.location_get_data_ref(list: TAsmList; def: tdef; const l: tlocation; var ref: treference; loadref: boolean; alignment: longint);
1754     var
1755       tmploc: tlocation;
1756     begin
1757       { This routine is a combination of a generalised a_loadaddr_ref_reg()
1758         that also works for addresses in registers (in case loadref is false)
1759         and of a_load_ref_reg (in case loadref is true). It is used for
1760         a) getting the address of managed var/out parameters
1761         b) getting to the actual data of value types that are passed by
1762            reference by the compiler (and then get a local copy at the caller
1763            side). Normally, depending on whether this reference is passed in a
1764            register or reference, we either need a reference with that register
1765            as base or load the address in that reference and use that as a new
1766            base.
1768         Since the JVM cannot take the address of anything, all
1769         "pass-by-reference" value parameters (which are always aggregate types)
1770         are already simply the implicit pointer to the data (since arrays,
1771         records, etc are already internally implicit pointers). This means
1772         that if "loadref" is true, we must simply return this implicit pointer.
1773         If it is false, we are supposed the take the address of this implicit
1774         pointer, which is not possible.
1776         However, managed types are also implicit pointers in Pascal, so in that
1777         case "taking the address" again consists of simply returning the
1778         implicit pointer/current value (in case of a var/out parameter, this
1779         value is stored inside an array).
1780       }
1781       if not loadref then
1782         begin
1783           if not is_managed_type(def) then
1784             internalerror(2011020601);
1785           tmploc:=l;
1786         end
1787       else
1788         begin
1789           if not jvmimplicitpointertype(def) then
1790             begin
1791               { passed by reference in array of single element; l contains the
1792                 base address of the array }
1793               location_reset_ref(tmploc,LOC_REFERENCE,OS_ADDR,4,ref.volatility);
1794               cgutils.reference_reset_base(tmploc.reference,getaddressregister(list,java_jlobject),0,tmploc.reference.temppos,4,ref.volatility);
1795               tmploc.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexconst;
1796               tmploc.reference.indexoffset:=0;
1797               a_load_loc_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,l,tmploc.reference.base);
1798             end
1799           else
1800             tmploc:=l;
1801         end;
1802       case tmploc.loc of
1803         LOC_REGISTER,
1804         LOC_CREGISTER :
1805           begin
1806             { the implicit pointer is in a register and has to be in a
1807               reference -> create a reference and put it there }
1808             location_force_mem(list,tmploc,java_jlobject);
1809             ref:=tmploc.reference;
1810           end;
1811         LOC_REFERENCE,
1812         LOC_CREFERENCE :
1813           begin
1814             ref:=tmploc.reference;
1815           end;
1816         else
1817           internalerror(2011020603);
1818       end;
1819     end;
1821   procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_change_load_node_reg(list: TAsmList; var n: tnode; reload: boolean);
1822     begin
1823       { don't do anything, all registers become stack locations anyway }
1824     end;
1826   procedure thlcgjvm.g_copyvaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; const ref: treference; const lenloc: tlocation; arrdef: tarraydef; destreg: tregister);
1827     var
1828       localref: treference;
1829       arrloc: tlocation;
1830       stackslots: longint;
1831     begin
1832       { temporary reference for passing to concatcopy }
1833       tg.gethltemp(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject.size,tt_persistent,localref);
1834       stackslots:=prepare_stack_for_ref(list,localref,false);
1835       { create the local copy of the array (lenloc is invalid, get length
1836         directly from the array) }
1837       location_reset_ref(arrloc,LOC_REFERENCE,OS_ADDR,sizeof(pint),ref.volatility);
1838       arrloc.reference:=ref;
1839       g_getarraylen(list,arrloc);
1840       g_newarray(list,arrdef,1);
1841       a_load_stack_ref(list,java_jlobject,localref,stackslots);
1842       { copy the source array to the destination }
1843       g_concatcopy(list,arrdef,ref,localref);
1844       { and put the array pointer in the register as expected by the caller }
1845       a_load_ref_reg(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,localref,destreg);
1846     end;
1848   procedure thlcgjvm.g_releasevaluepara_openarray(list: TAsmList; arrdef: tarraydef; const l: tlocation);
1849     begin
1850       // do nothing, long live garbage collection!
1851     end;
1853   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_initialize_code(list: TAsmList);
1854     var
1855       ref: treference;
1856     begin
1857       { create globals with wrapped types such as arrays/records  }
1858       case current_procinfo.procdef.proctypeoption of
1859         potype_unitinit:
1860           begin
1861             cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,NR_NO,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]);
1862             if assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then
1863               allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,current_module.globalsymtable,ref,staticvarsym);
1864             allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,current_module.localsymtable,ref,staticvarsym);
1865           end;
1866         potype_class_constructor:
1867           begin
1868             { also initialise local variables, if any }
1869             inherited;
1870             { initialise class fields }
1871             cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,NR_NO,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]);
1872             allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,tabstractrecorddef(current_procinfo.procdef.owner.defowner).symtable,ref,staticvarsym);
1873           end
1874         else
1875           inherited
1876       end;
1877     end;
1879   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_entry_code(list: TAsmList);
1880     begin
1881       list.concat(Tai_force_line.Create);
1882     end;
1884   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_exit_code(list: TAsmList);
1885     begin
1886       { nothing }
1887     end;
1889   procedure thlcgjvm.a_bit_scan_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; reverse: boolean; srcsize, dstsize: tdef; src, dst: tregister);
1890     begin
1891       internalerror(2012090201);
1892     end;
1894   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_loc_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const loc: tlocation; const reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1895     begin
1896       internalerror(2012090202);
1897     end;
1899   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg1, reg2: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1900     begin
1901       internalerror(2012060130);
1902     end;
1904   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_ref_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; const ref: treference; reg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1905     begin
1906       internalerror(2012060131);
1907     end;
1909   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_ref(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; reg: tregister; const ref: treference; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1910     begin
1911       internalerror(2012060132);
1912     end;
1914   procedure thlcgjvm.a_opmm_reg_reg(list: TAsmList; Op: TOpCG; size: tdef; src, dst: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1915     begin
1916       internalerror(2012060133);
1917     end;
1919   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_intreg_reg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; intreg, mmreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1920     begin
1921       internalerror(2012060134);
1922     end;
1924   procedure thlcgjvm.a_loadmm_reg_intreg(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; mmreg, intreg: tregister; shuffle: pmmshuffle);
1925     begin
1926       internalerror(2012060135);
1927     end;
1929   procedure thlcgjvm.g_stackpointer_alloc(list: TAsmList; size: longint);
1930     begin
1931       internalerror(2012090203);
1932     end;
1934   procedure thlcgjvm.g_intf_wrapper(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; const labelname: string; ioffset: longint);
1935     begin
1936       internalerror(2012090204);
1937     end;
1939   procedure thlcgjvm.g_adjust_self_value(list: TAsmList; procdef: tprocdef; ioffset: aint);
1940     begin
1941       internalerror(2012090205);
1942     end;
1944   procedure thlcgjvm.g_local_unwind(list: TAsmList; l: TAsmLabel);
1945     begin
1946       internalerror(2012090206);
1947     end;
1949   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_reg(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; reg: tregister);
1950     var
1951       opc: tasmop;
1952       finishandval: tcgint;
1953     begin
1954       opc:=loadstoreopc(size,false,false,finishandval);
1955       list.concat(taicpu.op_reg(opc,reg));
1956       { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc }
1957       if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then
1958         size:=java_jlobject;
1959       decstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4));
1960     end;
1962   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_stack_ref(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const ref: treference; extra_slots: longint);
1963     var
1964       opc: tasmop;
1965       finishandval: tcgint;
1966     begin
1967       { fake location that indicates the value has to remain on the stack }
1968       if ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE then
1969         exit;
1970       opc:=loadstoreopcref(size,false,ref,finishandval);
1971       if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then
1972         list.concat(taicpu.op_ref(opc,ref))
1973       else
1974         list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc));
1975       { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc }
1976       if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then
1977         size:=java_jlobject;
1978       decstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)+extra_slots);
1979     end;
1981   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_reg_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; reg: tregister);
1982     var
1983       opc: tasmop;
1984       finishandval: tcgint;
1985     begin
1986       opc:=loadstoreopc(size,true,false,finishandval);
1987       list.concat(taicpu.op_reg(opc,reg));
1988       { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc }
1989       if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then
1990         size:=java_jlobject;
1991       incstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4));
1992       if finishandval<>-1 then
1993         a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,size,finishandval);
1994     end;
1996   procedure thlcgjvm.a_load_ref_stack(list: TAsmList; size: tdef; const ref: treference; extra_slots: longint);
1997     var
1998       opc: tasmop;
1999       finishandval: tcgint;
2000     begin
2001       { fake location that indicates the value is already on the stack? }
2002       if (ref.base=NR_EVAL_STACK_BASE) then
2003         exit;
2004       opc:=loadstoreopcref(size,true,ref,finishandval);
2005       if ref.arrayreftype=art_none then
2006         list.concat(taicpu.op_ref(opc,ref))
2007       else
2008         list.concat(taicpu.op_none(opc));
2009       { avoid problems with getting the size of an open array etc }
2010       if jvmimplicitpointertype(size) then
2011         size:=java_jlobject;
2012       incstack(list,1+ord(size.size>4)-extra_slots);
2013       if finishandval<>-1 then
2014         a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,size,finishandval);
2015       if ref.checkcast then
2016         gen_typecheck(list,a_checkcast,size);
2017     end;
thlcgjvm.loadstoreopcrefnull2019   function thlcgjvm.loadstoreopcref(def: tdef; isload: boolean; const ref: treference; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop;
2020     const
2021                      { isload  static }
2022       getputopc: array[boolean,boolean] of tasmop =
2023         ((a_putfield,a_putstatic),
2024          (a_getfield,a_getstatic));
2025     begin
2026       if assigned(ref.symbol) then
2027         begin
2028           { -> either a global (static) field, or a regular field. If a regular
2029             field, then ref.base contains the self pointer, otherwise
2030             ref.base=NR_NO. In both cases, the symbol contains all other
2031             information (combined field name and type descriptor) }
2032           result:=getputopc[isload,ref.base=NR_NO];
2033           finishandval:=-1;
2034           { erase sign extension for byte/smallint loads }
2035           if (def2regtyp(def)=R_INTREGISTER) and
2036              not is_signed(def) and
2037              (def.typ=orddef) and
2038              not is_widechar(def) then
2039             case def.size of
2040               1: if (torddef(def).high>127) then
2041                    finishandval:=255;
2042               2: if (torddef(def).high>32767) then
2043                    finishandval:=65535;
2044             end;
2045         end
2046       else
2047         result:=loadstoreopc(def,isload,ref.arrayreftype<>art_none,finishandval);
2048     end;
thlcgjvm.loadstoreopcnull2050   function thlcgjvm.loadstoreopc(def: tdef; isload, isarray: boolean; out finishandval: tcgint): tasmop;
2051     var
2052       size: longint;
2053     begin
2054       finishandval:=-1;
2055       case def2regtyp(def) of
2056         R_INTREGISTER:
2057           begin
2058             size:=def.size;
2059             if not isarray then
2060               begin
2061                 case size of
2062                   1,2,3,4:
2063                     if isload then
2064                       result:=a_iload
2065                     else
2066                       result:=a_istore;
2067                   8:
2068                     if isload then
2069                       result:=a_lload
2070                     else
2071                       result:=a_lstore;
2072                   else
2073                     internalerror(2011032814);
2074                 end;
2075               end
2076             { array }
2077             else if isload then
2078               begin
2079                 case size of
2080                   1:
2081                     begin
2082                       result:=a_baload;
2083                       if not is_signed(def) and
2084                          (def.typ=orddef) and
2085                          (torddef(def).high>127) then
2086                         finishandval:=255;
2087                     end;
2088                   2:
2089                     begin
2090                       if is_widechar(def) then
2091                         result:=a_caload
2092                       else
2093                         begin
2094                           result:=a_saload;
2095                           { if we'd treat arrays of word as "array of widechar" we
2096                             could use a_caload, but that would make for even more
2097                             awkward interfacing with external Java code }
2098                           if not is_signed(def) and
2099                          (def.typ=orddef) and
2100                          (torddef(def).high>32767) then
2101                             finishandval:=65535;
2102                         end;
2103                     end;
2104                   4: result:=a_iaload;
2105                   8: result:=a_laload;
2106                   else
2107                     internalerror(2010120503);
2108                 end
2109               end
2110             else
2111               begin
2112                 case size of
2113                   1: result:=a_bastore;
2114                   2: if not is_widechar(def) then
2115                        result:=a_sastore
2116                      else
2117                        result:=a_castore;
2118                   4: result:=a_iastore;
2119                   8: result:=a_lastore;
2120                   else
2121                     internalerror(2010120508);
2122                 end
2123               end
2124           end;
2126           if not isarray then
2127             if isload then
2128               result:=a_aload
2129             else
2130               result:=a_astore
2131           else if isload then
2132             result:=a_aaload
2133           else
2134             result:=a_aastore;
2135         R_FPUREGISTER:
2136           begin
2137             case tfloatdef(def).floattype of
2138               s32real:
2139                 if not isarray then
2140                   if isload then
2141                     result:=a_fload
2142                   else
2143                     result:=a_fstore
2144                 else if isload then
2145                   result:=a_faload
2146                 else
2147                   result:=a_fastore;
2148               s64real:
2149                 if not isarray then
2150                   if isload then
2151                     result:=a_dload
2152                   else
2153                     result:=a_dstore
2154                 else if isload then
2155                   result:=a_daload
2156                 else
2157                   result:=a_dastore;
2158               else
2159                 internalerror(2010120504);
2160             end
2161           end
2162         else
2163           internalerror(2010120502);
2164       end;
2165     end;
2167   procedure thlcgjvm.resize_stack_int_val(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tdef; formemstore: boolean);
2168     var
2169       fromcgsize, tocgsize: tcgsize;
2170     begin
2171       { When storing to an array, field or global variable, make sure the
2172         static type verification can determine that the stored value fits
2173         within the boundaries of the declared type (to appease the Dalvik VM).
2174         Local variables either get their type upgraded in the debug info,
2175         or have no type information at all }
2176       if formemstore and
2177          (tosize.typ=orddef) then
2178         if (torddef(tosize).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar]) then
2179           tosize:=s8inttype
2180         else if torddef(tosize).ordtype=u16bit then
2181           tosize:=s16inttype;
2183       fromcgsize:=def_cgsize(fromsize);
2184       tocgsize:=def_cgsize(tosize);
2185       if fromcgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64] then
2186         begin
2187           if not(tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64]) then
2188             begin
2189               { truncate }
2190               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_l2i));
2191               decstack(list,1);
2192             end;
2193         end
2194       else if tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64] then
2195         begin
2196           { extend }
2197           list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2l));
2198           incstack(list,1);
2199           { if it was an unsigned 32 bit value, remove sign extension }
2200           if fromcgsize=OS_32 then
2201             a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s64inttype,cardinal($ffffffff));
2202         end;
2203       { Conversions between 32 and 64 bit types have been completely handled
2204         above. We still may have to truncate or sign extend in case the
2205         destination type is smaller that the source type, or has a different
2206         sign. In case the destination is a widechar and the source is not, we
2207         also have to insert a conversion to widechar.
2209         In case of Dalvik, we also have to insert conversions for e.g. byte
2210         -> smallint, because truncating a byte happens via "and 255", and the
2211         result is a longint in Dalvik's type verification model (so we have
2212         to "truncate" it back to smallint) }
2213       if (not(fromcgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64,OS_32,OS_S32]) or
2214           not(tocgsize in [OS_S64,OS_64,OS_32,OS_S32])) and
2215          (((current_settings.cputype=cpu_dalvik) and
2216            not(tocgsize in [OS_32,OS_S32]) and
2217            not is_signed(fromsize) and
2218            is_signed(tosize)) or
2219           (tcgsize2size[fromcgsize]>tcgsize2size[tocgsize]) or
2220           ((tcgsize2size[fromcgsize]=tcgsize2size[tocgsize]) and
2221            (fromcgsize<>tocgsize)) or
2222           { needs to mask out the sign in the top 16 bits }
2223           ((fromcgsize=OS_S8) and
2224            (tocgsize=OS_16)) or
2225           ((tosize=cwidechartype) and
2226            (fromsize<>cwidechartype))) then
2227         case tocgsize of
2228           OS_8:
2229             a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s32inttype,255);
2230           OS_S8:
2231             list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2b));
2232           OS_16:
2233             if (tosize.typ=orddef) and
2234                (torddef(tosize).ordtype=uwidechar) then
2235               list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2c))
2236             else
2237               a_op_const_stack(list,OP_AND,s32inttype,65535);
2238           OS_S16:
2239             list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_i2s));
2240         end;
2241     end;
2243     procedure thlcgjvm.maybe_resize_stack_para_val(list: TAsmList; retdef: tdef; callside: boolean);
2244       var
2245         convsize: tdef;
2246       begin
2247         if (retdef.typ=orddef) then
2248           begin
2249             if (torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,u16bit,uchar]) and
2250                (torddef(retdef).high>=(1 shl (retdef.size*8-1))) then
2251               begin
2252                 convsize:=nil;
2253                 if callside then
2254                   if torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar] then
2255                     convsize:=s8inttype
2256                   else
2257                     convsize:=s16inttype
2258                 else if torddef(retdef).ordtype in [u8bit,uchar] then
2259                     convsize:=u8inttype
2260                   else
2261                     convsize:=u16inttype;
2262                 if assigned(convsize) then
2263                   resize_stack_int_val(list,s32inttype,convsize,false);
2264               end;
2265           end;
2266       end;
2269   procedure thlcgjvm.g_adjust_stack_after_call(list: TAsmList; pd: tabstractprocdef; paraheight: longint; forceresdef: tdef);
2270     var
2271       totalremovesize: longint;
2272       realresdef: tdef;
2273     begin
2274       if not assigned(forceresdef) then
2275         realresdef:=pd.returndef
2276       else
2277         realresdef:=forceresdef;
2278       { a constructor doesn't actually return a value in the jvm }
2279       if (tabstractprocdef(pd).proctypeoption=potype_constructor) then
2280         totalremovesize:=paraheight
2281       else
2282         { even a byte takes up a full stackslot -> align size to multiple of 4 }
2283         totalremovesize:=paraheight-(align(realresdef.size,4) shr 2);
2284       { remove parameters from internal evaluation stack counter (in case of
2285         e.g. no parameters and a result, it can also increase) }
2286       if totalremovesize>0 then
2287         decstack(list,totalremovesize)
2288       else if totalremovesize<0 then
2289         incstack(list,-totalremovesize);
2290     end;
2293   procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; ref: treference);
2294     var
2295       tmpref: treference;
2296     begin
2297       ref.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(vs.mangledname,AT_DATA);
2298       tg.gethltemp(list,vs.vardef,vs.vardef.size,tt_persistent,tmpref);
2299       { only copy the reference, not the actual data }
2300       a_load_ref_ref(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,tmpref,ref);
2301       { remains live since there's still a reference to the created
2302         entity }
2303       tg.ungettemp(list,tmpref);
2304     end;
2307   procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; vs: tabstractvarsym; const initref: treference; destbaseref: treference);
2308     begin
2309       destbaseref.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(vs.mangledname,AT_DATA);
2310       { only copy the reference, not the actual data }
2311       a_load_ref_ref(list,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,initref,destbaseref);
2312     end;
thlcgjvm.get_enum_init_val_refnull2315   function thlcgjvm.get_enum_init_val_ref(def: tdef; out ref: treference): boolean;
2316     var
2317       sym: tstaticvarsym;
2318     begin
2319       result:=false;
2320       sym:=tstaticvarsym(tcpuenumdef(tenumdef(def).getbasedef).classdef.symtable.Find('__FPC_ZERO_INITIALIZER'));
2321       { no enum with ordinal value 0 -> exit }
2322       if not assigned(sym) then
2323         exit;
2324       reference_reset_symbol(ref,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(sym.mangledname,AT_DATA),0,4,[]);
2325       result:=true;
2326     end;
2329   procedure thlcgjvm.allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list: TAsmList; st: tsymtable; const ref: treference; allocvartyp: tsymtyp);
2330     var
2331       vs: tabstractvarsym;
2332       def: tdef;
2333       i: longint;
2334       initref: treference;
2335     begin
2336       for i:=0 to st.symlist.count-1 do
2337         begin
2338           if (tsym(st.symlist[i]).typ<>allocvartyp) then
2339             continue;
2340           vs:=tabstractvarsym(st.symlist[i]);
2341           if sp_static in vs.symoptions then
2342             continue;
2343           { vo_is_external and vo_has_local_copy means a staticvarsym that is
2344             alias for a constsym, whose sole purpose is for allocating and
2345             intialising the constant }
2346           if [vo_is_external,vo_has_local_copy]*vs.varoptions=[vo_is_external] then
2347              continue;
2348           { threadvar innitializations are handled at the node tree level }
2349           if vo_is_thread_var in vs.varoptions then
2350             begin
2351               { nothing }
2352             end
2353           else if jvmimplicitpointertype(vs.vardef) then
2354             allocate_implicit_struct_with_base_ref(list,vs,ref)
2355           { enums are class instances in Java, while they are ordinals in
2356             Pascal. When they are initialized with enum(0), such as in
2357             constructors or global variables, initialize them with the
2358             enum instance for 0 if it exists (if not, it remains nil since
2359             there is no valid enum value in it) }
2360           else if (vs.vardef.typ=enumdef) and
2361                   ((vs.typ<>fieldvarsym) or
2362                    (tdef(vs.owner.defowner).typ<>objectdef) or
2363                    (ts_jvm_enum_field_init in current_settings.targetswitches)) and
2364                   get_enum_init_val_ref(vs.vardef,initref) then
2365             allocate_enum_with_base_ref(list,vs,initref,ref);
2366         end;
2367       { process symtables of routines part of this symtable (for local typed
2368         constants) }
2369       if allocvartyp=staticvarsym then
2370         begin
2371           for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do
2372             begin
2373               def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]);
2374               { the unit symtable also contains the methods of classes defined
2375                 in that unit -> skip them when processing the unit itself.
2376                 Localst is not assigned for the main program code.
2377                 Localst can be the same as st in case of unit init code. }
2378               if (def.typ<>procdef) or
2379                  (def.owner<>st) or
2380                  not assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) or
2381                  (tprocdef(def).localst=st) then
2382                 continue;
2383               allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,tprocdef(def).localst,ref,allocvartyp);
2384             end;
2385         end;
2386     end;
2388   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_initialize_fields_code(list: TAsmList);
2389     var
2390       sym: tsym;
2391       selfpara: tparavarsym;
2392       selfreg: tregister;
2393       ref: treference;
2394       obj: tabstractrecorddef;
2395       i: longint;
2396       needinit: boolean;
2397     begin
2398       obj:=tabstractrecorddef(current_procinfo.procdef.owner.defowner);
2399       { check whether there are any fields that need initialisation }
2400       needinit:=false;
2401       for i:=0 to obj.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
2402         begin
2403           sym:=tsym(obj.symtable.symlist[i]);
2404           if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) and
2405              not(sp_static in sym.symoptions) and
2406              (jvmimplicitpointertype(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef) or
2407               ((tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef.typ=enumdef) and
2408                get_enum_init_val_ref(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef,ref))) then
2409             begin
2410               needinit:=true;
2411               break;
2412             end;
2413         end;
2414       if not needinit then
2415         exit;
2416       selfpara:=tparavarsym(current_procinfo.procdef.parast.find('self'));
2417       if not assigned(selfpara) then
2418         internalerror(2011033001);
2419       selfreg:=getaddressregister(list,selfpara.vardef);
2420       a_load_loc_reg(list,obj,obj,selfpara.localloc,selfreg);
2421       cgutils.reference_reset_base(ref,selfreg,0,ctempposinvalid,1,[]);
2422       allocate_implicit_structs_for_st_with_base_ref(list,obj.symtable,ref,fieldvarsym);
2423     end;
2425   procedure thlcgjvm.gen_typecheck(list: TAsmList; checkop: tasmop; checkdef: tdef);
2426     begin
2427       { replace special types with their equivalent class type }
2428       if (checkdef.typ=pointerdef) and
2429          jvmimplicitpointertype(tpointerdef(checkdef).pointeddef) then
2430         checkdef:=tpointerdef(checkdef).pointeddef;
2431       if (checkdef=voidpointertype) or
2432          (checkdef.typ=formaldef) then
2433         checkdef:=java_jlobject
2434       else if checkdef.typ=enumdef then
2435         checkdef:=tcpuenumdef(checkdef).classdef
2436       else if checkdef.typ=setdef then
2437         begin
2438           if tsetdef(checkdef).elementdef.typ=enumdef then
2439             checkdef:=java_juenumset
2440           else
2441             checkdef:=java_jubitset;
2442         end
2443       else if checkdef.typ=procvardef then
2444         checkdef:=tcpuprocvardef(checkdef).classdef
2445       else if is_wide_or_unicode_string(checkdef) then
2446         checkdef:=java_jlstring
2447       else if is_ansistring(checkdef) then
2448         checkdef:=java_ansistring
2449       else if is_shortstring(checkdef) then
2450         checkdef:=java_shortstring;
2451       if checkdef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef] then
2452         list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tabstractrecorddef(checkdef).jvm_full_typename(true),AT_METADATA)))
2453       else if checkdef.typ=classrefdef then
2454         list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol('java/lang/Class',AT_METADATA)))
2455       else
2456         list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(checkop,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(jvmencodetype(checkdef,false),AT_METADATA)));
2457     end;
2459   procedure thlcgjvm.resizestackfpuval(list: TAsmList; fromsize, tosize: tcgsize);
2460     begin
2461       if (fromsize=OS_F32) and
2462          (tosize=OS_F64) then
2463         begin
2464           list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_f2d));
2465           incstack(list,1);
2466         end
2467       else if (fromsize=OS_F64) and
2468               (tosize=OS_F32) then
2469         begin
2470           list.concat(taicpu.op_none(a_d2f));
2471           decstack(list,1);
2472         end;
2473     end;
2475   procedure thlcgjvm.maybepreparedivu32(list: TAsmList; var op: topcg; size: tdef; out isdivu32: boolean);
2476     begin
2477       if (op=OP_DIV) and
2478          (def_cgsize(size)=OS_32) then
2479         begin
2480           { needs zero-extension to 64 bit, because the JVM only supports
2481             signed divisions }
2482           resize_stack_int_val(list,u32inttype,s64inttype,false);
2483           op:=OP_IDIV;
2484           isdivu32:=true;
2485         end
2486       else
2487         isdivu32:=false;
2488     end;
thlcgjvm.a_call_name_internnull2490   function thlcgjvm.a_call_name_intern(list: TAsmList; pd: tprocdef; const s: TSymStr; forceresdef: tdef; inheritedcall: boolean): tcgpara;
2491     var
2492       opc: tasmop;
2493     begin
2494       {
2495         invoke types:
2496           * invokeinterface: call method from an interface (must also specify
2497               number of parameters in terms of stack slot count!)
2498           * invokespecial: invoke a constructor, method in a superclass,
2499               or private instance method
2500           * invokestatic: invoke a class method (private or not)
2501           * invokevirtual: invoke a regular method
2502       }
2503       case pd.owner.symtabletype of
2504         globalsymtable,
2505         staticsymtable,
2506         localsymtable:
2507           { regular and nested procedures are turned into static methods }
2508           opc:=a_invokestatic;
2509         objectsymtable:
2510           begin
2511             case tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner).objecttype of
2512               odt_javaclass:
2513                 begin
2514                   if (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) or
2515                      (pd.proctypeoption=potype_operator) then
2516                     opc:=a_invokestatic
2517                   else if (pd.visibility=vis_strictprivate) or
2518                      (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) or
2519                      inheritedcall then
2520                     opc:=a_invokespecial
2521                   else
2522                     opc:=a_invokevirtual;
2523                 end;
2524               odt_interfacejava:
2525                 { static interface methods are not allowed }
2526                 opc:=a_invokeinterface;
2527               else
2528                 internalerror(2010122601);
2529             end;
2530           end;
2531         recordsymtable:
2532           begin
2533             if (po_staticmethod in pd.procoptions) or
2534                (pd.proctypeoption=potype_operator) then
2535               opc:=a_invokestatic
2536             else if (pd.visibility=vis_strictprivate) or
2537                (pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor) or
2538                inheritedcall then
2539               opc:=a_invokespecial
2540             else
2541               opc:=a_invokevirtual;
2542           end
2543         else
2544           internalerror(2010122602);
2545       end;
2546       if (opc<>a_invokeinterface) then
2547         list.concat(taicpu.op_sym(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(s,AT_FUNCTION)))
elsenull2548       else
2549         begin
2550           pd.init_paraloc_info(calleeside);
2551           list.concat(taicpu.op_sym_const(opc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(s,AT_FUNCTION),pd.calleeargareasize));
2552         end;
2553       result:=get_call_result_cgpara(pd,forceresdef);
2554     end;
2556   procedure create_hlcodegen;
2557     begin
2558       hlcg:=thlcgjvm.create;
2559       create_codegen;
2560     end;
2562 begin
2563   chlcgobj:=thlcgjvm;
2564 end.