1 {
2     Copyright (c) 2011 by Jonas Maebe
4     Generate JVM byetcode for in memory related nodes
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit njvmmem;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28     uses
29       globtype,
30       cgbase,cpubase,
31       node,nmem,ncgmem,ncgnstmm;
33     type
34        tjvmaddrnode = class(tcgaddrnode)
35         protected
isrefparaloadnull36          function isrefparaload: boolean;
isarrayele0loadnull37          function isarrayele0load: boolean;
isdererencenull38          function isdererence: boolean;
39         public
pass_typechecknull40          function pass_typecheck: tnode; override;
41          procedure pass_generate_code; override;
42        end;
44        tjvmderefnode = class(tcgderefnode)
pass_typechecknull45           function pass_typecheck: tnode; override;
46           procedure pass_generate_code; override;
47        end;
49        tjvmsubscriptnode = class(tcgsubscriptnode)
50         protected
handle_platform_subscriptnull51          function handle_platform_subscript: boolean; override;
52        end;
54        tjvmloadvmtaddrnode = class(tcgloadvmtaddrnode)
pass_1null55          function pass_1: tnode; override;
56          procedure pass_generate_code; override;
57        end;
59        tjvmvecnode = class(tcgvecnode)
60         protected
gen_array_rangechecknull61           function gen_array_rangecheck: tnode; override;
62         public
pass_1null63          function pass_1: tnode; override;
64          procedure pass_generate_code;override;
65        end;
67 implementation
69     uses
70       systems,globals,procinfo,
71       cutils,verbose,constexp,
72       aasmbase,
73       symconst,symtype,symtable,symsym,symdef,symcpu,defutil,jvmdef,
74       htypechk,paramgr,
75       nadd,ncal,ncnv,ncon,nld,nutils,
76       pass_1,njvmcon,
77       aasmdata,aasmcpu,pass_2,
78       cgutils,hlcgobj,hlcgcpu;
80 {*****************************************************************************
81                               TJVMDEREFNODE
82 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmderefnode.pass_typechecknull84     function tjvmderefnode.pass_typecheck: tnode;
85       begin
86         result:=inherited pass_typecheck;
87         if assigned(result) then
88           exit;
89         { don't allow dereferencing untyped pointers, because how this has to
90           be done depends on whether it's a pointer to an implicit pointer type
91           or not }
92         if is_voidpointer(left.resultdef) then
93           CGMessage(parser_e_illegal_expression);
94       end;
97     procedure tjvmderefnode.pass_generate_code;
98       var
99         implicitptr: boolean;
100       begin
101         secondpass(left);
102         implicitptr:=jvmimplicitpointertype(resultdef);
103         if implicitptr then
104           begin
105             { this is basically a typecast: the left node is a regular
106               'pointer', and we typecast it to an implicit pointer }
107             location_copy(location,left.location);
108             { these implicit pointer types (records, sets, shortstrings, ...)
109               cannot be located in registers on native targets (since
110               they're not pointers there) -> force into memory to avoid
111               confusing the compiler; this can happen when typecasting a
112               Java class type into a pshortstring and then dereferencing etc
113             }
114             if location.loc in [LOC_REGISTER,LOC_CREGISTER] then
115               hlcg.location_force_mem(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location,left.resultdef);
116           end
117         else
118           begin
119             { these are always arrays (used internally for pointers to var
120               parameters stored in nestedfpstructs, and by programmers for any
121               kind of pointers) }
122             hlcg.location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location,left.resultdef,left.resultdef,true);
123             location_reset_ref(location,LOC_REFERENCE,def_cgsize(resultdef),4,[]);
124             reference_reset_base(location.reference,left.location.register,0,ctempposinvalid,4,[]);
125             location.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexconst;
126             if (left.nodetype<>addrn) and
127                not(resultdef.typ in [orddef,floatdef]) and
128                not is_voidpointer(resultdef) and
129                ((resultdef.typ<>objectdef) or
130                 (find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(resultdef),false)<>java_jlobject)) then
131               location.reference.checkcast:=true;
132           end
133       end;
136 {*****************************************************************************
137                             TJVMSUBSCRIPTNODE
138 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmsubscriptnode.handle_platform_subscriptnull140     function tjvmsubscriptnode.handle_platform_subscript: boolean;
141       begin
142         result:=false;
143         if is_java_class_or_interface(left.resultdef) or
144            (left.resultdef.typ=recorddef) then
145           begin
146             if (location.loc<>LOC_REFERENCE) or
147                (location.reference.index<>NR_NO) or
148                assigned(location.reference.symbol) then
149               internalerror(2011011301);
150             location.reference.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(vs.mangledname,AT_METADATA);
151             result:=true;
152           end
153       end;
156 {*****************************************************************************
157                               TJVMADDRNODE
158 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmaddrnode.isrefparaloadnull160     function tjvmaddrnode.isrefparaload: boolean;
161       begin
162         result:=
163          (left.nodetype=loadn) and
164          (tloadnode(left).symtableentry.typ=paravarsym) and
165          paramanager.push_copyout_param(tparavarsym(tloadnode(left).symtableentry).varspez,
166            left.resultdef,
167            tabstractprocdef(tloadnode(left).symtableentry.owner.defowner).proccalloption);
168       end;
tjvmaddrnode.isarrayele0loadnull171     function tjvmaddrnode.isarrayele0load: boolean;
172       begin
173         result:=
174           (left.nodetype=vecn) and
175           (tvecnode(left).left.resultdef.typ=arraydef) and
176           (tvecnode(left).right.nodetype=ordconstn) and
177           (tordconstnode(tvecnode(left).right).value=tarraydef(tvecnode(left).left.resultdef).lowrange);
178       end;
tjvmaddrnode.isdererencenull181     function tjvmaddrnode.isdererence: boolean;
182       var
183         target: tnode;
184       begin
185         target:=actualtargetnode(@left)^;
186         result:=
187           (left.nodetype=derefn);
188       end;
tjvmaddrnode.pass_typechecknull191     function tjvmaddrnode.pass_typecheck: tnode;
192       var
193         fsym: tsym;
194       begin
195         result:=nil;
196         typecheckpass(left);
197         if codegenerror then
198          exit;
200         make_not_regable(left,[ra_addr_regable,ra_addr_taken]);
202         { in TP/Delphi, @procvar = contents of procvar and @@procvar =
203           address of procvar. In case of a procedure of object, this works
204           by letting the first addrnode typecast the procvar into a tmethod
205           record followed by subscripting its "code" field (= first field),
206           and if there's a second addrnode then it takes the address of
207           this code field (which is hence also the address of the procvar).
209           In Java, such ugly hacks don't work -> replace first addrnode
210           with getting procvar.method.code, and second addrnode with
211           the class for procedure of object}
212         if not(nf_internal in flags) and
213            ((m_tp_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches) or
214             (m_mac_procvar in current_settings.modeswitches)) and
215            (((left.nodetype=addrn) and
216              (taddrnode(left).left.resultdef.typ=procvardef)) or
217             (left.resultdef.typ=procvardef)) then
218           begin
219             if (left.nodetype=addrn) and
220                (taddrnode(left).left.resultdef.typ=procvardef) then
221               begin
222                 { double address -> pointer that is the address of the
223                   procvardef (don't allow for non-object procvars, as they
224                   aren't implicitpointerdefs) }
225                 if not jvmimplicitpointertype(taddrnode(left).left.resultdef) then
226                   CGMessage(parser_e_illegal_expression)
227                 else
228                   begin
229                     { an internal address node will observe "normal" address
230                       operator semantics (= take the actual address!) }
231                     result:=caddrnode.create_internal(taddrnode(left).left);
232                     result:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(result,tcpuprocvardef(taddrnode(left).left.resultdef).classdef);
233                     taddrnode(left).left:=nil;
234                  end;
235               end
236             else if left.resultdef.typ=procvardef then
237               begin
238                 if not tprocvardef(left.resultdef).is_addressonly then
239                   begin
240                     { the "code" field from the procvar }
241                     result:=caddrnode.create_internal(left);
242                     result:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(result,tcpuprocvardef(left.resultdef).classdef);
243                     { procvarclass.method }
244                     fsym:=search_struct_member(tcpuprocvardef(left.resultdef).classdef,'METHOD');
245                     if not assigned(fsym) or
246                        (fsym.typ<>fieldvarsym) then
247                       internalerror(2011072501);
248                     result:=csubscriptnode.create(fsym,result);
249                     { procvarclass.method.code }
250                     fsym:=search_struct_member(trecorddef(tfieldvarsym(fsym).vardef),'CODE');
251                     if not assigned(fsym) or
252                        (fsym.typ<>fieldvarsym) then
253                       internalerror(2011072502);
254                     result:=csubscriptnode.create(fsym,result);
255                     left:=nil
256                   end
257                 else
258                   { convert contents to plain pointer }
259                   begin
260                     result:=ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(left,java_jlobject);
261                     include(result.flags,nf_load_procvar);
262                     left:=nil;
263                   end;
264               end
265             else
266               internalerror(2011072506);
267           end
268         else if (left.resultdef.typ=procdef) then
269           begin
270             result:=inherited;
271             exit;
272           end
273         else
274           begin
275             if not jvmimplicitpointertype(left.resultdef) then
276               begin
277                 { allow taking the address of a copy-out parameter (it's an
278                   array reference), of the first element of an array and of a
279                   pointer derefence }
280                 if not isrefparaload and
281                    not isarrayele0load and
282                    not isdererence then
283                   begin
284                     CGMessage(parser_e_illegal_expression);
285                     exit
286                   end;
287               end;
288             result:=inherited;
289           end;
290       end;
293     procedure tjvmaddrnode.pass_generate_code;
294       var
295         implicitptr: boolean;
296       begin
297         secondpass(left);
298         implicitptr:=jvmimplicitpointertype(left.resultdef);
299         if implicitptr then
300           { this is basically a typecast: the left node is an implicit
301             pointer, and we typecast it to a regular 'pointer'
302             (java.lang.Object) }
303           location_copy(location,left.location)
304         else
305           begin
306             { these are always arrays (used internally for pointers to var
307               parameters stored in nestedfpstructs) -> get base pointer to
308               array }
309             if (left.location.loc<>LOC_REFERENCE) or
310                (left.location.reference.arrayreftype<>art_indexconst) or
311                (left.location.reference.base=NR_NO) or
312                (left.location.reference.indexoffset<>0) or
313                assigned(left.location.reference.symbol) then
314               internalerror(2011060701);
315             location_reset(location,LOC_REGISTER,OS_ADDR);
316             location.register:=left.location.reference.base;
317           end;
318       end;
320 {*****************************************************************************
321                          TJVMLOADVMTADDRNODE
322 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmloadvmtaddrnode.pass_1null324     function tjvmloadvmtaddrnode.pass_1: tnode;
325       var
326         vs: tsym;
327       begin
328         result:=nil;
329         if is_javaclass(left.resultdef) and
330            (left.nodetype<>typen) and
331            (left.resultdef.typ<>classrefdef) then
332           begin
333             { call java.lang.Object.getClass() }
334             vs:=search_struct_member(tobjectdef(left.resultdef),'GETCLASS');
335             if not assigned(vs) or
336                (tsym(vs).typ<>procsym) then
337               internalerror(2011041901);
338             result:=ccallnode.create(nil,tprocsym(vs),vs.owner,left,[],nil);
339             inserttypeconv_explicit(result,resultdef);
340             { reused }
341             left:=nil;
342           end;
343       end;
346     procedure tjvmloadvmtaddrnode.pass_generate_code;
347       begin
348         current_asmdata.CurrAsmList.concat(taicpu.op_sym(a_ldc,current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(
349           tabstractrecorddef(tclassrefdef(resultdef).pointeddef).jvm_full_typename(true),AT_METADATA)));
350         thlcgjvm(hlcg).incstack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,1);
351         location_reset(location,LOC_REGISTER,OS_ADDR);
352         location.register:=hlcg.getaddressregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef);
353         thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_stack_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,location.register);
354       end;
357 {*****************************************************************************
358                              TJVMVECNODE
359 *****************************************************************************}
tjvmvecnode.gen_array_rangechecknull361     function tjvmvecnode.gen_array_rangecheck: tnode;
362       begin
363         { JVM does the range checking for us }
364         result:=nil;
365       end;
tjvmvecnode.pass_1null368     function tjvmvecnode.pass_1: tnode;
369       var
370         psym: tsym;
371         stringclass: tdef;
372       begin
373         if (left.resultdef.typ=stringdef) then
374           begin
375             case tstringdef(left.resultdef).stringtype of
376               st_ansistring:
377                 stringclass:=java_ansistring;
378               st_unicodestring,
379               st_widestring:
380                 stringclass:=java_jlstring;
381               st_shortstring:
382                 begin
383                   stringclass:=java_shortstring;
384                   left:=caddrnode.create_internal(left);
385                   { avoid useless typecheck when casting to shortstringclass }
386                   include(taddrnode(left).addrnodeflags,anf_typedaddr);
387                 end
388               else
389                 internalerror(2011052407);
390             end;
391             psym:=search_struct_member(tabstractrecorddef(stringclass),'CHARAT');
392             if not assigned(psym) or
393                (psym.typ<>procsym) then
394               internalerror(2011031501);
395             { Pascal strings are 1-based, Java strings 0-based }
396             result:=ccallnode.create(ccallparanode.create(
397               caddnode.create(subn,right,genintconstnode(1)),nil),tprocsym(psym),
398               psym.owner,ctypeconvnode.create_explicit(left,stringclass),[],nil);
399             left:=nil;
400             right:=nil;
401             exit;
402           end
403         else
404           begin
405             { keep indices that are enum constants that way, rather than
406               transforming them into a load of the class instance that
407               represents this constant (since we then would have to extract
408               the int constant value again at run time anyway) }
409             if right.nodetype=ordconstn then
410               tjvmordconstnode(right).enumconstok:=true;
411             result:=inherited;
412           end;
413       end;
416     procedure tjvmvecnode.pass_generate_code;
417       var
418         psym: tsym;
419         newsize: tcgsize;
420       begin
421         if left.resultdef.typ=stringdef then
422           internalerror(2011052702);
424         { This routine is not used for Strings, as they are a class type and
425           you have to use charAt() there to load a character (and you cannot
426           change characters; you have to create a new string in that case)
428           As far as arrays are concerned: we have to create a trefererence
429           with arrayreftype in [art_indexreg,art_indexref], and ref.base =
430           pointer to the array (i.e., left.location.register) }
431         secondpass(left);
432         newsize:=def_cgsize(resultdef);
433         if left.location.loc=LOC_CREFERENCE then
434           location_reset_ref(location,LOC_CREFERENCE,newsize,left.location.reference.alignment,left.location.reference.volatility)
435         else
436           location_reset_ref(location,LOC_REFERENCE,newsize,left.location.reference.alignment,left.location.reference.volatility);
437         { don't use left.resultdef, because it may be an open or regular array,
438           and then asking for the size doesn't make any sense }
439         hlcg.location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location,java_jlobject,java_jlobject,true);
440         location.reference.base:=left.location.register;
441         secondpass(right);
442         if (right.expectloc=LOC_JUMP)<>
443            (right.location.loc=LOC_JUMP) then
444           internalerror(2011090501);
446         { simplify index location if necessary, since array references support
447           an index in memory, but not an another array index }
448         if (right.location.loc=LOC_JUMP) or
449            ((right.location.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE]) and
450             (right.location.reference.arrayreftype<>art_none)) then
451           hlcg.location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.location,right.resultdef,right.resultdef,true);
453         { replace enum class instance with the corresponding integer value }
454         if (right.resultdef.typ=enumdef) then
455           begin
456            if (right.location.loc<>LOC_CONSTANT) then
457              begin
458                psym:=search_struct_member(tcpuenumdef(tenumdef(right.resultdef).getbasedef).classdef,'FPCORDINAL');
459                if not assigned(psym) or
460                   (psym.typ<>procsym) or
461                   (tprocsym(psym).ProcdefList.count<>1) then
462                  internalerror(2011062607);
463                thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_loc_stack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.resultdef,right.location);
464                hlcg.a_call_name(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tprocdef(tprocsym(psym).procdeflist[0]),tprocdef(tprocsym(psym).procdeflist[0]).mangledname,[],nil,false);
465                { call replaces self parameter with longint result -> no stack
466                  height change }
467                location_reset(right.location,LOC_REGISTER,OS_S32);
468                right.location.register:=hlcg.getintregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,s32inttype);
469                thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_stack_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,s32inttype,right.location.register);
470              end;
471            { always force to integer location, because enums are handled as
472              object instances (since that's what they are in Java) }
473            right.resultdef:=s32inttype;
474            right.location.size:=OS_S32;
475           end
476         else if (right.location.loc<>LOC_CONSTANT) and
477                 ((right.resultdef.typ<>orddef) or
478                  (torddef(right.resultdef).ordtype<>s32bit)) then
479           begin
480             { Java array indices are always 32 bit signed integers }
481             hlcg.location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.location,right.resultdef,s32inttype,true);
482             right.resultdef:=s32inttype;
483           end;
485         { adjust index if necessary }
486         if not is_special_array(left.resultdef) and
487            (tarraydef(left.resultdef).lowrange<>0) and
488            (right.location.loc<>LOC_CONSTANT) then
489           begin
490             thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_loc_stack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.resultdef,right.location);
491             thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_op_const_stack(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OP_SUB,right.resultdef,tarraydef(left.resultdef).lowrange);
492             location_reset(right.location,LOC_REGISTER,def_cgsize(right.resultdef));
493             right.location.register:=hlcg.getintregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.resultdef);
494             thlcgjvm(hlcg).a_load_stack_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.resultdef,right.location.register);
495           end;
497         { create array reference }
498         case right.location.loc of
500             begin
501               location.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexreg;
502               location.reference.index:=right.location.register;
503             end;
505             begin
506               location.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexref;
507               location.reference.indexbase:=right.location.reference.base;
508               location.reference.indexsymbol:=right.location.reference.symbol;
509               location.reference.indexoffset:=right.location.reference.offset;
510             end;
511           LOC_CONSTANT:
512             begin
513               location.reference.arrayreftype:=art_indexconst;
514               location.reference.indexoffset:=right.location.value-tarraydef(left.resultdef).lowrange;
515             end
516           else
517             internalerror(2011012002);
518         end;
519       end;
522 begin
523    cderefnode:=tjvmderefnode;
524    csubscriptnode:=tjvmsubscriptnode;
525    caddrnode:=tjvmaddrnode;
526    cvecnode:=tjvmvecnode;
527    cloadvmtaddrnode:=tjvmloadvmtaddrnode;
528 end.