1 {
2     Copyright (c) 2011 by Jonas Maebe
4     This unit provides helpers for creating new syms/defs based on string
5     representations.
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21  ****************************************************************************
22 }
23 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
25 unit symcreat;
27 interface
29   uses
30     finput,tokens,scanner,globtype,
31     aasmdata,
32     symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym,
33     node;
36   type
37     tscannerstate = record
38       old_scanner: tscannerfile;
39       old_filepos: tfileposinfo;
40       old_token: ttoken;
41       old_c: char;
42       old_orgpattern: string;
43       old_modeswitches: tmodeswitches;
44       old_idtoken: ttoken;
45       valid: boolean;
46     end;
48   { save/restore the scanner state before/after injecting }
49   procedure replace_scanner(const tempname: string; out sstate: tscannerstate);
50   procedure restore_scanner(const sstate: tscannerstate);
52   { parses a (class or regular) method/constructor/destructor declaration from
53     str, as if it were declared in astruct's declaration body
55     WARNING: save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore
56       when done. }
str_parse_method_decnull57   function str_parse_method_dec(str: ansistring; potype: tproctypeoption; is_classdef: boolean; astruct: tabstractrecorddef; out pd: tprocdef): boolean;
59   { parses a (class or regular)  method/constructor/destructor implementation
60     from str, as if it appeared in the current unit's implementation section
62       WARNINGS:
63         * save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore when done.
64         * the code *must* be written in objfpc style
65   }
str_parse_method_implnull66   function str_parse_method_impl(const str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; is_classdef: boolean):boolean;
68   { parses a typed constant assignment to ssym
70       WARNINGS:
71         * save the scanner state before calling this routine, and restore when done.
72         * the code *must* be written in objfpc style
73   }
74   procedure str_parse_typedconst(list: TAsmList; str: ansistring; ssym: tstaticvarsym);
78   { in the JVM, constructors are not automatically inherited (so you can hide
79     them). To emulate the Pascal behaviour, we have to automatically add
80     all parent constructors to the current class as well. We also have to do
81     the same for the (emulated) virtual class methods }
82   procedure add_missing_parent_constructors_intf(obj: tobjectdef; addvirtclassmeth: boolean; forcevis: tvisibility);
84   { goes through all defs in st to add implementations for synthetic methods
85     added earlier }
86   procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations(st: tsymtable);
88   { create an alias for a procdef with Pascal name "newrealname",
89     mangledname "newmangledname", in symtable newparentst, part of the
90     record/class/.. "newstruct" (nil if none), and with synthetickind "sk" and
91     synthetic kind para "skpara" to create the implementation (tsk_none and nil
92     in case not necessary). Returns the new procdef; finish_copied_procdef() is
93     not required/must not be called for the result. }
create_procdef_aliasnull94   function create_procdef_alias(pd: tprocdef; const newrealname: string; const newmangledname: TSymStr; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef; sk: tsynthetickind; skpara: pointer): tprocdef;
96   { finalize a procdef that has been copied with
97     tprocdef.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc) }
98   procedure finish_copied_procdef(var pd: tprocdef; const realname: string; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef);
100   { checks whether sym (a local or para of pd) already has a counterpart in
101     pd's parentfpstruct, and if not adds a new field to the struct with type
102     "vardef" (can be different from sym's type in case it's a call-by-reference
103     parameter, which is indicated by addrparam). If it already has a field in
104     the parentfpstruct, this field is returned. }
maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstructnull105   function maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym; vardef: tdef; addrparam: boolean): tsym;
106   { given a localvarsym or paravarsym of pd, returns the field of the
107     parentfpstruct corresponding to this sym }
find_sym_in_parentfpstructnull108   function find_sym_in_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym): tsym;
109   { replaces all local and paravarsyms that have been mirrored in the
110     parentfpstruct with aliasvarsyms that redirect to these fields (used to
111     make sure that references to these syms in the owning procdef itself also
112     use the ones in the parentfpstructs) }
113   procedure redirect_parentfpstruct_local_syms(pd: tprocdef);
114   { finalises the parentfpstruct (alignment padding, ...) }
115   procedure finish_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef);
117   { turns a fieldvarsym into a class/static field definition, and returns the
118     created staticvarsym that is responsible for allocating the global storage }
make_field_staticnull119   function make_field_static(recst: tsymtable; fieldvs: tfieldvarsym): tstaticvarsym;
121   { create a new procdef with the signature of orgpd and (mangled) name
122     newname, and change the implementation of orgpd so that it calls through
123     to this new procedure }
124   procedure call_through_new_name(orgpd: tprocdef; const newname: TSymStr);
generate_pkg_stubnull126   function generate_pkg_stub(pd:tprocdef):tnode;
130 implementation
132   uses
133     cutils,cclasses,globals,verbose,systems,comphook,fmodule,constexp,
134     symtable,defutil,symutil,
135     pbase,pdecobj,pdecsub,psub,ptconst,pparautl,
136 {$ifdef jvm}
137     pjvm,jvmdef,
138 {$endif jvm}
139     nbas,nld,nmem,ncon,
140     defcmp,
141     paramgr;
143   procedure replace_scanner(const tempname: string; out sstate: tscannerstate);
144     var
145       old_block_type: tblock_type;
146     begin
147       { would require saving of cstringpattern, patternw }
148       if (token=_CSTRING) or
149          (token=_CWCHAR) or
150          (token=_CWSTRING) then
151         internalerror(2011032201);
152       sstate.old_scanner:=current_scanner;
153       sstate.old_filepos:=current_filepos;
154       sstate.old_token:=token;
155       sstate.old_c:=c;
156       sstate.old_orgpattern:=orgpattern;
157       sstate.old_modeswitches:=current_settings.modeswitches;
158       sstate.old_idtoken:=idtoken;
159       sstate.valid:=true;
160       { creating a new scanner resets the block type, while we want to continue
161         in the current one }
162       old_block_type:=block_type;
163       current_scanner:=tscannerfile.Create('_Macro_.'+tempname,true);
164       block_type:=old_block_type;
165       { required for e.g. FpcDeepCopy record method (uses "out" parameter; field
166         names are escaped via &, so should not cause conflicts }
167       current_settings.modeswitches:=objfpcmodeswitches;
168     end;
171   procedure restore_scanner(const sstate: tscannerstate);
172     begin
173       if sstate.valid then
174         begin
175           current_scanner.free;
176           current_scanner:=sstate.old_scanner;
177           current_filepos:=sstate.old_filepos;
178           token:=sstate.old_token;
179           current_settings.modeswitches:=sstate.old_modeswitches;
180           c:=sstate.old_c;
181           orgpattern:=sstate.old_orgpattern;
182           pattern:=upper(sstate.old_orgpattern);
183           idtoken:=sstate.old_idtoken;
184         end;
185     end;
str_parse_method_decnull188   function str_parse_method_dec(str: ansistring; potype: tproctypeoption; is_classdef: boolean; astruct: tabstractrecorddef; out pd: tprocdef): boolean;
189     var
190       oldparse_only: boolean;
191     begin
192       Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,str);
193       oldparse_only:=parse_only;
194       parse_only:=true;
195       result:=false;
196       { in case multiple strings are injected, make sure to always close the
197         previous macro inputfile to prevent memory leaks }
198       if assigned(current_scanner.inputfile) and
199          not(current_scanner.inputfile.closed) then
200         current_scanner.closeinputfile;
201       { inject the string in the scanner }
202       str:=str+'end;';
203       current_scanner.substitutemacro('meth_head_macro',@str[1],length(str),current_scanner.line_no,current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index);
204       current_scanner.readtoken(false);
205       { and parse it... }
206       case potype of
207         potype_class_constructor:
208           pd:=class_constructor_head(astruct);
209         potype_class_destructor:
210           pd:=class_destructor_head(astruct);
211         potype_constructor:
212           pd:=constructor_head;
213         potype_destructor:
214           pd:=destructor_head;
215         else if assigned(astruct) and
216            (astruct.typ=recorddef) then
217           pd:=parse_record_method_dec(astruct,is_classdef,false)
218         else
219           pd:=method_dec(astruct,is_classdef,false);
220       end;
221       if assigned(pd) then
222         result:=true;
223       parse_only:=oldparse_only;
224       { remove the temporary macro input file again }
225       current_scanner.closeinputfile;
226       current_scanner.nextfile;
227       current_scanner.tempopeninputfile;
228     end;
str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfonull231   function str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; fileno, lineno: longint; is_classdef: boolean):boolean;
232      var
233        oldparse_only: boolean;
234        tmpstr: ansistring;
235      begin
236       if ((status.verbosity and v_debug)<>0) then
237         begin
238            if assigned(usefwpd) then
239              Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,usefwpd.customprocname([pno_proctypeoption,pno_paranames,pno_ownername,pno_noclassmarker,pno_noleadingdollar])+str)
240            else
241              begin
242                if is_classdef then
243                  tmpstr:='class '
244                else
245                  tmpstr:='';
246                Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,tmpstr+str);
247              end;
248         end;
249       oldparse_only:=parse_only;
250       parse_only:=false;
251       result:=false;
252       { "const" starts a new kind of block and hence makes the scanner return }
253       str:=str+'const;';
254       { inject the string in the scanner }
255       current_scanner.substitutemacro('meth_impl_macro',@str[1],length(str),lineno,fileno);
256       current_scanner.readtoken(false);
257       { and parse it... }
258       read_proc(is_classdef,usefwpd,false);
259       parse_only:=oldparse_only;
260       { remove the temporary macro input file again }
261       current_scanner.closeinputfile;
262       current_scanner.nextfile;
263       current_scanner.tempopeninputfile;
264       result:=true;
265      end;
str_parse_method_implnull268   function str_parse_method_impl(const str: ansistring; usefwpd: tprocdef; is_classdef: boolean):boolean;
269     begin
270       result:=str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str, usefwpd, current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index, current_scanner.line_no, is_classdef);
271     end;
274   procedure str_parse_typedconst(list: TAsmList; str: ansistring; ssym: tstaticvarsym);
275     var
276       old_block_type: tblock_type;
277       old_parse_only: boolean;
278     begin
279       Message1(parser_d_internal_parser_string,str);
280       { a string that will be interpreted as the start of a new section ->
281         typed constant parsing will stop }
282       str:=str+'type ';
283       old_parse_only:=parse_only;
284       old_block_type:=block_type;
285       parse_only:=true;
286       block_type:=bt_const;
287       current_scanner.substitutemacro('typed_const_macro',@str[1],length(str),current_scanner.line_no,current_scanner.inputfile.ref_index);
288       current_scanner.readtoken(false);
289       read_typed_const(list,ssym,ssym.owner.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,objectsymtable]);
290       parse_only:=old_parse_only;
291       block_type:=old_block_type;
292       { remove the temporary macro input file again }
293       current_scanner.closeinputfile;
294       current_scanner.nextfile;
295       current_scanner.tempopeninputfile;
296     end;
def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevelnull299   function def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(def: tdef): TSymStr;
300     begin
301       result:='';
302       { if the routine is a global routine in a unit, explicitly use this unit
303         name to avoid accidentally calling other same-named routines that may be
304         in scope }
305       if not assigned(def.owner.defowner) and
306          assigned(def.owner.realname) and
307          (def.owner.moduleid<>0) then
308         result:=def.owner.realname^+'.';
309     end;
312   procedure add_missing_parent_constructors_intf(obj: tobjectdef; addvirtclassmeth: boolean; forcevis: tvisibility);
313     var
314       parent: tobjectdef;
315       def: tdef;
316       parentpd,
317       childpd: tprocdef;
318       i: longint;
319       srsym: tsym;
320       srsymtable: tsymtable;
321     begin
322       if (oo_is_external in obj.objectoptions) or
323          not assigned(obj.childof) then
324         exit;
325       parent:=obj.childof;
326       { find all constructor in the parent }
327       for i:=0 to tobjectsymtable(parent.symtable).deflist.count-1 do
328         begin
329           def:=tdef(tobjectsymtable(parent.symtable).deflist[i]);
330           if (def.typ<>procdef) or
331              ((tprocdef(def).proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and
332               (not addvirtclassmeth or
333                not([po_classmethod,po_virtualmethod]<=tprocdef(def).procoptions))) or
334              not is_visible_for_object(tprocdef(def),obj) then
335             continue;
336           parentpd:=tprocdef(def);
337           { do we have this constructor too? (don't use
338             search_struct_member/searchsym_in_class, since those will
339             search parents too) }
340           if searchsym_in_record(obj,parentpd.procsym.name,srsym,srsymtable) then
341             begin
342               { there's a symbol with the same name, is it a routine of the
343                 same type with the same parameters? }
344               if srsym.typ=procsym then
345                 begin
346                   childpd:=tprocsym(srsym).find_procdef_bytype_and_para(
347                     tprocdef(def).proctypeoption,parentpd.paras,nil,
348                     [cpo_ignorehidden,cpo_ignoreuniv,cpo_openequalisexact]);
349                   if assigned(childpd) then
350                     continue;
351                 end;
352             end;
353           { if we get here, we did not find it in the current objectdef ->
354             add }
355           childpd:=tprocdef(parentpd.getcopy);
356           { get rid of the import name for inherited virtual class methods,
357             it has to be regenerated rather than amended }
358           if [po_classmethod,po_virtualmethod]<=childpd.procoptions then
359             begin
360               stringdispose(childpd.import_name);
361               exclude(childpd.procoptions,po_has_importname);
362             end;
363           if forcevis<>vis_none then
364             childpd.visibility:=forcevis;
365           if po_virtualmethod in childpd.procoptions then
366             include(childpd.procoptions,po_overridingmethod);
367           { ignore this artificially added procdef when looking for overloads }
368           include(childpd.procoptions,po_ignore_for_overload_resolution);
369           finish_copied_procdef(childpd,parentpd.procsym.realname,obj.symtable,obj);
370           exclude(childpd.procoptions,po_external);
371           childpd.synthetickind:=tsk_anon_inherited;
372           include(obj.objectoptions,oo_has_constructor);
373         end;
374     end;
377   procedure implement_anon_inherited(pd: tprocdef);
378     var
379       str: ansistring;
380       isclassmethod: boolean;
381     begin
382       isclassmethod:=
383         (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
384         not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]);
385       str:='begin ';
386       if (pd.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and
387          not is_void(pd.returndef) then
388         str:=str+'result:=';
389       str:=str+'inherited end;';
390       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod);
391     end;
394   procedure implement_jvm_clone(pd: tprocdef);
395     var
396       struct: tabstractrecorddef;
397       str: ansistring;
398       i: longint;
399       sym: tsym;
400       fsym: tfieldvarsym;
401     begin
402       if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
403         internalerror(2011032802);
404       struct:=pd.struct;
405       { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate
406         a typecast at the scanner level }
407       if (struct.typ=recorddef) and
408          not assigned(struct.typesym) then
409         internalerror(2011032812);
410       { We cannot easily use the inherited clone in case we have to create a
411         deep copy of certain fields. The reason is that e.g. sets are pointers
412         at the JVM level, but not in Pascal. So the JVM clone routine will copy
413         the pointer to the set from the old record (= class instance) to the new
414         one, but we have no way to change this pointer itself from inside Pascal
415         code.
417         We solve this by relying on the fact that the JVM is garbage collected:
418         we simply declare a temporary instance on the stack, which will be
419         allocated/initialized by the temp generator. We return its address as
420         the result of the clone routine, so it remains live. }
421       str:='var __fpc_newcopy:'+ struct.typesym.realname+'; begin clone:=JLObject(@__fpc_newcopy);';
422       { copy all field contents }
423       for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
424         begin
425           sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]);
426           if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then
427             begin
428               fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym);
429               str:=str+'__fpc_newcopy.&'+fsym.realname+':=&'+fsym.realname+';';
430             end;
431         end;
432       str:=str+'end;';
433       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false);
434     end;
437   procedure implement_record_deepcopy(pd: tprocdef);
438     var
439       struct: tabstractrecorddef;
440       str: ansistring;
441       i: longint;
442       sym: tsym;
443       fsym: tfieldvarsym;
444     begin
445       if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
446         internalerror(2011032810);
447       struct:=pd.struct;
448       { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate
449         a typecast at the scanner level }
450       if (struct.typ=recorddef) and
451          not assigned(struct.typesym) then
452         internalerror(2011032811);
453       { copy all fields }
454       str:='type _fpc_ptrt = ^'+struct.typesym.realname+'; var res: _fpc_ptrt; begin res:=_fpc_ptrt(result);';
455       for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
456         begin
457           sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]);
458           if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then
459             begin
460               fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym);
461               str:=str+'res^.&'+fsym.realname+':=&'+fsym.realname+';';
462             end;
463         end;
464       str:=str+'end;';
465       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false);
466     end;
469   procedure implement_record_initialize(pd: tprocdef);
470     var
471       struct: tabstractrecorddef;
472       str: ansistring;
473       i: longint;
474       sym: tsym;
475       fsym: tfieldvarsym;
476     begin
477       if not(pd.struct.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
478         internalerror(2011071710);
479       struct:=pd.struct;
480       { anonymous record types must get an artificial name, so we can generate
481         a typecast at the scanner level }
482       if (struct.typ=recorddef) and
483          not assigned(struct.typesym) then
484         internalerror(2011032811);
485       { walk over all fields that need initialization }
486       str:='begin ';
487       for i:=0 to struct.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
488         begin
489           sym:=tsym(struct.symtable.symlist[i]);
490           if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) then
491             begin
492               fsym:=tfieldvarsym(sym);
493               if fsym.vardef.needs_inittable then
494                 str:=str+'system.initialize(&'+fsym.realname+');';
495             end;
496         end;
497       str:=str+'end;';
498       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false);
499     end;
501   procedure implement_empty(pd: tprocdef);
502     var
503       str: ansistring;
504       isclassmethod: boolean;
505     begin
506       isclassmethod:=
507         (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
508         not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]);
509       str:='begin end;';
510       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod);
511     end;
514   procedure addvisibleparameters(var str: ansistring; pd: tprocdef);
515     var
516       currpara: tparavarsym;
517       i: longint;
518       firstpara: boolean;
519     begin
520       firstpara:=true;
521       for i:=0 to pd.paras.count-1 do
522         begin
523           currpara:=tparavarsym(pd.paras[i]);
524           if not(vo_is_hidden_para in currpara.varoptions) then
525             begin
526               if not firstpara then
527                 str:=str+',';
528               firstpara:=false;
529               str:=str+'&'+currpara.realname;
530             end;
531         end;
532     end;
536   procedure implement_callthrough(pd: tprocdef);
537     var
538       str: ansistring;
539       callpd: tprocdef;
540       isclassmethod: boolean;
541     begin
542       isclassmethod:=
543         (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
544         not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]);
545       callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara);
546       str:='begin ';
547       if pd.returndef<>voidtype then
548         str:=str+'result:=';
549       { if the routine is a global routine in a unit/program, explicitly
550         mnetion this program/unit name to avoid accidentally calling other
551         same-named routines that may be in scope }
552       str:=str+def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(callpd)+callpd.procsym.realname+'(';
553       addvisibleparameters(str,pd);
554       str:=str+') end;';
555       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod);
556     end;
559 {$ifdef jvm}
560   procedure implement_jvm_enum_values(pd: tprocdef);
561     begin
562       str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_FVALUES end;',pd,true);
563     end;
566   procedure implement_jvm_enum_valuof(pd: tprocdef);
567     begin
568       str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias(inherited valueOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias),__fpc_str)) end;',pd,true);
569     end;
572   procedure implement_jvm_enum_jumps_constr(pd: tprocdef);
573     begin
574       str_parse_method_impl('begin inherited create(__fpc_name,__fpc_ord); __fpc_fenumval:=__fpc_initenumval end;',pd,false);
575     end;
578   procedure implement_jvm_enum_fpcordinal(pd: tprocdef);
579     var
580       enumclass: tobjectdef;
581       enumdef: tenumdef;
582     begin
583       enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner);
584       enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef);
585       if not enumdef.has_jumps then
586         str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=ordinal end;',pd,false)
587       else
588         str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_fenumval end;',pd,false);
589     end;
592   procedure implement_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof(pd: tprocdef);
593     var
594       enumclass: tobjectdef;
595       enumdef: tenumdef;
596       isclassmethod: boolean;
597     begin
598       isclassmethod:=
599         (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
600         not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]);
601       enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner);
602       enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef);
603       { convert integer to corresponding enum instance: in case of no jumps
604         get it from the $VALUES array, otherwise from the __fpc_ord2enum
605         hashmap }
606       if not enumdef.has_jumps then
607         str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__fpc_FVALUES[__fpc_int] end;',pd,isclassmethod)
608       else
609         str_parse_method_impl('begin result:=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias(__fpc_ord2enum.get(JLInteger.valueOf(__fpc_int))) end;',pd,isclassmethod);
610     end;
CompareEnumSymsnull613   function CompareEnumSyms(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
614     var
615       I1 : tenumsym absolute Item1;
616       I2 : tenumsym absolute Item2;
617     begin
618       Result:=I1.value-I2.value;
619     end;
622   procedure implement_jvm_enum_classconstr(pd: tprocdef);
623     var
624       enumclass: tobjectdef;
625       enumdef: tenumdef;
626       enumname,
627       str: ansistring;
628       i: longint;
629       enumsym: tenumsym;
630       orderedenums: tfpobjectlist;
631     begin
632       enumclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner);
633       enumdef:=tenumdef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(enumclass,'__FPC_TENUMALIAS')).typedef);
634       if not assigned(enumdef) then
635         internalerror(2011062305);
636       str:='begin ';
637       if enumdef.has_jumps then
638         { init hashmap for ordinal -> enum instance mapping; don't let it grow,
639           and set the capacity to the next prime following the total number of
640           enum elements to minimise the number of collisions }
641         str:=str+'__fpc_ord2enum:=JUHashMap.Create('+tostr(next_prime(enumdef.symtable.symlist.count))+',1.0);';
642       { iterate over all enum elements and initialise the class fields, and
643         store them in the values array. Since the java.lang.Enum doCompare
644         method is final and hardcoded to compare based on declaration order
645         (= java.lang.Enum.ordinal() value), we have to create them in order of
646         ascending FPC ordinal values (which may not be the same as the FPC
647         declaration order in case of jumps }
648       orderedenums:=tfpobjectlist.create(false);
649       for i:=0 to enumdef.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
650         orderedenums.add(enumdef.symtable.symlist[i]);
651       if enumdef.has_jumps then
652         orderedenums.sort(@CompareEnumSyms);
653       for i:=0 to orderedenums.count-1 do
654         begin
655           enumsym:=tenumsym(orderedenums[i]);
656           enumname:=enumsym.realname;
657           str:=str+enumsym.name+':=__FPC_TEnumClassAlias.Create('''+enumname+''','+tostr(i);
658           if enumdef.has_jumps then
659             str:=str+','+tostr(enumsym.value);
660           str:=str+');';
661           { alias for $VALUES array used internally by the JDK, and also by FPC
662             in case of no jumps }
663           str:=str+'__fpc_FVALUES['+tostr(i)+']:='+enumname+';';
664           if enumdef.has_jumps then
665             str:=str+'__fpc_ord2enum.put(JLInteger.valueOf('+tostr(enumsym.value)+'),'+enumname+');';
666         end;
667       orderedenums.free;
668       str:=str+' end;';
669       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,true);
670     end;
673   procedure implement_jvm_enum_long2set(pd: tprocdef);
674     begin
675       str_parse_method_impl(
676         'var '+
677           'i, setval: jint;'+
678         'begin '+
679           'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+
680           'if __val<>0 then '+
681             'begin '+
682               '__setsize:=__setsize*8;'+
683               'for i:=0 to __setsize-1 do '+
684               // setsize-i because JVM = big endian
685               'if (__val and (jlong(1) shl (__setsize-i)))<>0 then '+
686                 'result.add(fpcValueOf(i+__setbase));'+
687             'end '+
688           'end;',
689         pd,true);
690     end;
693   procedure implement_jvm_enum_bitset2set(pd: tprocdef);
694     begin
695       str_parse_method_impl(
696         'var '+
697           'i, setval: jint;'+
698         'begin '+
699           'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+
700           'i:=__val.nextSetBit(0);'+
701           'while i>=0 do '+
702             'begin '+
703               'setval:=-__fromsetbase;'+
704               'result.add(fpcValueOf(setval+__tosetbase));'+
705               'i:=__val.nextSetBit(i+1);'+
706             'end '+
707           'end;',
708         pd,true);
709     end;
712   procedure implement_jvm_enum_set2set(pd: tprocdef);
713     begin
714       str_parse_method_impl(
715         'var '+
716           'it: JUIterator;'+
717           'ele: FpcEnumValueObtainable;'+
718           'i: longint;'+
719         'begin '+
720           'result:=JUEnumSet.noneOf(JLClass(__FPC_TEnumClassAlias));'+
721           'it:=__val.iterator;'+
722           'while it.hasNext do '+
723             'begin '+
724               'ele:=FpcEnumValueObtainable(it.next);'+
725               'i:=ele.fpcOrdinal-__fromsetbase;'+
726               'result.add(fpcValueOf(i+__tosetbase));'+
727             'end '+
728           'end;',
729         pd,true);
730     end;
733   procedure implement_jvm_procvar_invoke(pd: tprocdef);
734     var
735       pvclass: tobjectdef;
736       procvar: tprocvardef;
737       paraname,str,endstr: ansistring;
738       pvs: tparavarsym;
739       paradef,boxdef,boxargdef: tdef;
740       i: longint;
741       firstpara: boolean;
742     begin
743       pvclass:=tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner);
744       procvar:=tprocvardef(ttypesym(search_struct_member(pvclass,'__FPC_PROCVARALIAS')).typedef);
745       { the procvar wrapper class has a tmethod member called "method", whose
746         "code" field is a JLRMethod, and whose "data" field is the self pointer
747         if any (if none is required, it's ignored by the JVM, so there's no
748         problem with always passing it) }
750       { force extended syntax to allow calling invokeObjectFunc() without using
751         its result }
752       str:='';
753       endstr:='';
754       { create local pointer to result type for typecasting in case of an
755         implicit pointer type }
756       if jvmimplicitpointertype(procvar.returndef) then
757          str:=str+'type __FPC_returnptrtype = ^'+procvar.returndef.typename+';';
758       str:=str+'begin ';
759       { result handling (skip for generic definitions, we'll generate a new
760         version for the specialized definition) ) }
761       if not is_void(procvar.returndef) and
762          (procvar.returndef.typ<>undefineddef) then
763         begin
764           str:=str+'invoke:=';
765           if procvar.returndef.typ in [orddef,floatdef] then
766             begin
767               { primitivetype(boxtype(..).unboxmethod) }
768               jvmgetboxtype(procvar.returndef,boxdef,boxargdef,false);
769               str:=str+procvar.returndef.typename+'('+boxdef.typename+'(';
770               endstr:=').'+jvmgetunboxmethod(procvar.returndef)+')';
771             end
772           else if jvmimplicitpointertype(procvar.returndef) then
773             begin
774               str:=str+'__FPC_returnptrtype(';
775               { dereference }
776               endstr:=')^';
777             end
778           else
779             begin
780               str:=str+procvar.returndef.typename+'(';
781               endstr:=')';
782             end;
783         end;
784       str:=str+'invokeObjectFunc([';
785       { parameters are a constant array of jlobject }
786       firstpara:=true;
787       for i:=0 to procvar.paras.count-1 do
788         begin
789           { skip self/vmt/parentfp, passed separately }
790           pvs:=tparavarsym(procvar.paras[i]);
791           if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then
792             continue;
793           if not firstpara then
794             str:=str+',';
795           firstpara:=false;
796           paraname:=pvs.realname;
797           paradef:=pvs.vardef;
798           { Pascalize hidden high parameter }
799           if vo_is_high_para in pvs.varoptions then
800             paraname:='high('+tparavarsym(procvar.paras[i-1]).realname+')'
801           else if vo_is_hidden_para in pvs.varoptions then
802             begin
803               if ([vo_is_range_check,vo_is_overflow_check]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then
804                 { ok, simple boolean parameters }
805               else
806                 internalerror(2011072403);
807             end;
808           { var/out/constref parameters -> pass address through (same for
809             implicit pointer types) }
810           if paramanager.push_copyout_param(pvs.varspez,paradef,procvar.proccalloption) or
811              jvmimplicitpointertype(paradef) then
812             begin
813               paraname:='@'+paraname;
814               paradef:=java_jlobject;
815             end;
816           if paradef.typ in [orddef,floatdef] then
817             begin
818               { box primitive types; use valueOf() rather than create because it
819                 can give better performance }
820               jvmgetboxtype(paradef,boxdef,boxargdef,false);
821               str:=str+boxdef.typename+'.valueOf('+boxargdef.typename+'('+paraname+'))'
822             end
823           else
824             str:=str+'JLObject('+paraname+')';
825         end;
826       str:=str+'])'+endstr+' end;';
827       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false)
828     end;
831   procedure implement_jvm_procvar_intconstr(pd: tprocdef);
832     var
833       pvdef: tprocvardef;
834     begin
835       { ideal, and most performant, would be to keep the interface instance
836         passed to the constructor around and always call its method directly
837         rather than working via reflection. Unfortunately, the procvar semantics
838         that allow directly modifying the procvar via typecasting it to a
839         tmethod make this very hard.
841         So for now we simply take the address of the interface instance's
842         method and assign it to the tmethod of this procvar }
844       pvdef:=tprocvardef(pd.skpara);
845       str_parse_method_impl('begin method:=System.TMethod(@__intf.'+pvdef.typesym.RealName+'Callback) end;',pd,false);
846     end;
849   procedure implement_jvm_virtual_clmethod(pd: tprocdef);
850     var
851       str: ansistring;
852       callpd: tprocdef;
853     begin
854       callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara);
855       str:='var pv: __fpc_virtualclassmethod_pv_t'+pd.unique_id_str+'; begin '
856         + 'pv:=@'+callpd.procsym.RealName+';';
857       if (pd.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and
858          not is_void(pd.returndef) then
859         str:=str+'result:=';
860       str:=str+'pv(';
861       addvisibleparameters(str,pd);
862       str:=str+') end;';
863       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,true)
864     end;
865 {$endif jvm}
867   procedure implement_field_getter(pd: tprocdef);
868     var
869       i: longint;
870       pvs: tparavarsym;
871       str: ansistring;
872       callthroughprop: tpropertysym;
873       propaccesslist: tpropaccesslist;
874       lastparanr: longint;
875       firstpara: boolean;
876     begin
877       callthroughprop:=tpropertysym(pd.skpara);
878       str:='begin result:='+callthroughprop.realname;
879       if ppo_hasparameters in callthroughprop.propoptions then
880         begin
881           if not callthroughprop.getpropaccesslist(palt_read,propaccesslist) then
882             internalerror(2012100701);
883           str:=str+'[';
884           firstpara:=true;
885           lastparanr:=tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-1;
886           if ppo_indexed in callthroughprop.propoptions then
887             dec(lastparanr);
888           for i:=0 to lastparanr do
889             begin
890               { skip self/vmt/parentfp, passed implicitly }
891               pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[i]);
892               if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then
893                 continue;
894               if not firstpara then
895                 str:=str+',';
896               firstpara:=false;
897               str:=str+pvs.realname;
898             end;
899           str:=str+']';
900         end;
901       str:=str+'; end;';
902       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,po_classmethod in pd.procoptions)
903     end;
906   procedure implement_field_setter(pd: tprocdef);
907     var
908       i, lastparaindex: longint;
909       pvs: tparavarsym;
910       paraname,  str: ansistring;
911       callthroughprop: tpropertysym;
912       propaccesslist: tpropaccesslist;
913       firstpara: boolean;
914     begin
915       callthroughprop:=tpropertysym(pd.skpara);
916       str:='begin '+callthroughprop.realname;
917       if not callthroughprop.getpropaccesslist(palt_write,propaccesslist) then
918         internalerror(2012100702);
919       if ppo_hasparameters in callthroughprop.propoptions then
920         begin
921           str:=str+'[';
922           firstpara:=true;
923           { last parameter is the value to be set, skip (only add index
924             parameters here) }
925           lastparaindex:=tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-2;
926           if ppo_indexed in callthroughprop.propoptions then
927             dec(lastparaindex);
928           for i:=0 to lastparaindex do
929             begin
930               { skip self/vmt/parentfp/index, passed implicitly }
931               pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[i]);
932               if ([vo_is_self,vo_is_vmt,vo_is_parentfp]*pvs.varoptions)<>[] then
933                 continue;
934               if not firstpara then
935                 str:=str+',';
936               firstpara:=false;
937               str:=str+pvs.realname;
938             end;
939           str:=str+']';
940         end;
941       { the value-to-be-set }
942       if assigned(propaccesslist.procdef) then
943         begin
944           pvs:=tparavarsym(tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras[tprocdef(propaccesslist.procdef).paras.count-1]);
945           paraname:=pvs.realname;
946         end
947       else
948         paraname:='__fpc_newval__';
949       str:=str+':='+paraname+'; end;';
950       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,po_classmethod in pd.procoptions)
951     end;
954   procedure implement_block_invoke_procvar(pd: tprocdef);
955     var
956       str: ansistring;
957     begin
958       str:='';
959       str:='begin ';
960       if pd.returndef<>voidtype then
961         str:=str+'result:=';
962       str:=str+'__FPC_BLOCK_INVOKE_PV_TYPE(PFPC_Block_literal_complex_procvar(FPC_Block_Self)^.pv)(';
963       addvisibleparameters(str,pd);
964       str:=str+') end;';
965       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,false);
966     end;
969   procedure implement_interface_wrapper(pd: tprocdef);
970     var
971       wrapperinfo: pskpara_interface_wrapper;
972       callthroughpd: tprocdef;
973       str: ansistring;
974       fileinfo: tfileposinfo;
975     begin
976       wrapperinfo:=pskpara_interface_wrapper(pd.skpara);
977       if not assigned(wrapperinfo) then
978         internalerror(2015090801);
979       callthroughpd:=tprocdef(wrapperinfo^.pd);
980       str:='begin ';
981       { self right now points to the VMT of interface inside the instance ->
982         adjust so it points to the start of the instance }
983       str:=str+'pointer(self):=pointer(self) - '+tostr(wrapperinfo^.offset)+';';
984       { now call through to the actual method }
985       if pd.returndef<>voidtype then
986         str:=str+'result:=';
987       str:=str+'&'+callthroughpd.procsym.realname+'(';
988       addvisibleparameters(str,pd);
989       str:=str+') end;';
990       { add dummy file info so we can step in/through it }
991       if pd.owner.iscurrentunit then
992         fileinfo:=pd.fileinfo
993       else
994         begin
995           fileinfo.moduleindex:=current_module.moduleid;
996           fileinfo.fileindex:=1;
997           fileinfo.line:=1;
998           fileinfo.column:=1;
999         end;
1000       str_parse_method_impl_with_fileinfo(str,pd,fileinfo.fileindex,fileinfo.line,false);
1001       dispose(wrapperinfo);
1002       pd.skpara:=nil;
1003     end;
1006   procedure implement_call_no_parameters(pd: tprocdef);
1007     var
1008       callpd: tprocdef;
1009       str: ansistring;
1010       warningson,
1011       isclassmethod: boolean;
1012     begin
1013       { avoid warnings about unset function results in these abstract wrappers }
1014       warningson:=(status.verbosity and V_Warning)<>0;
1015       setverbosity('W-');
1016       str:='begin ';
1017       callpd:=tprocdef(pd.skpara);
1018       str:=str+def_unit_name_prefix_if_toplevel(callpd)+callpd.procsym.realname+'; end;';
1019       isclassmethod:=
1020         (po_classmethod in pd.procoptions) and
1021         not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_constructor,potype_destructor]);
1022       str_parse_method_impl(str,pd,isclassmethod);
1023       if warningson then
1024         setverbosity('W+');
1025     end;
1028   procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations_for_st(st: tsymtable);
1029     var
1030       i   : longint;
1031       def : tdef;
1032       pd  : tprocdef;
1033     begin
1034       for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do
1035         begin
1036           def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]);
1037           if (def.typ<>procdef) then
1038             continue;
1039           { skip methods when processing unit symtable }
1040           if def.owner<>st then
1041             continue;
1042           pd:=tprocdef(def);
1043           case pd.synthetickind of
1044             tsk_none:
1045               ;
1046             tsk_anon_inherited:
1047               implement_anon_inherited(pd);
1048             tsk_jvm_clone:
1049               implement_jvm_clone(pd);
1050             tsk_record_deepcopy:
1051               implement_record_deepcopy(pd);
1052             tsk_record_initialize:
1053               implement_record_initialize(pd);
1054             tsk_empty,
1055             { special handling for this one is done in tnodeutils.wrap_proc_body }
1056             tsk_tcinit:
1057               implement_empty(pd);
1058             tsk_callthrough:
1059               implement_callthrough(pd);
1060             tsk_callthrough_nonabstract:
1061               begin
1062                 if (pd.owner.defowner.typ<>objectdef) or
1063                    (tobjectdef(pd.owner.defowner).abstractcnt=0) then
1064                   implement_callthrough(pd)
1065                 else
1066                   implement_empty(pd);
1067               end;
1068 {$ifdef jvm}
1069             tsk_jvm_enum_values:
1070               implement_jvm_enum_values(pd);
1071             tsk_jvm_enum_valueof:
1072               implement_jvm_enum_valuof(pd);
1073             tsk_jvm_enum_classconstr:
1074               implement_jvm_enum_classconstr(pd);
1075             tsk_jvm_enum_jumps_constr:
1076               implement_jvm_enum_jumps_constr(pd);
1077             tsk_jvm_enum_fpcordinal:
1078               implement_jvm_enum_fpcordinal(pd);
1079             tsk_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof:
1080               implement_jvm_enum_fpcvalueof(pd);
1081             tsk_jvm_enum_long2set:
1082               implement_jvm_enum_long2set(pd);
1083             tsk_jvm_enum_bitset2set:
1084               implement_jvm_enum_bitset2set(pd);
1085             tsk_jvm_enum_set2set:
1086               implement_jvm_enum_set2set(pd);
1087             tsk_jvm_procvar_invoke:
1088               implement_jvm_procvar_invoke(pd);
1089             tsk_jvm_procvar_intconstr:
1090               implement_jvm_procvar_intconstr(pd);
1091             tsk_jvm_virtual_clmethod:
1092               implement_jvm_virtual_clmethod(pd);
1093 {$endif jvm}
1094             tsk_field_getter:
1095               implement_field_getter(pd);
1096             tsk_field_setter:
1097               implement_field_setter(pd);
1098             tsk_block_invoke_procvar:
1099               implement_block_invoke_procvar(pd);
1100             tsk_interface_wrapper:
1101               implement_interface_wrapper(pd);
1102             tsk_call_no_parameters:
1103               implement_call_no_parameters(pd);
1104             else
1105               internalerror(2011032801);
1106           end;
1107         end;
1108     end;
1111   procedure add_synthetic_method_implementations(st: tsymtable);
1112     var
1113       i: longint;
1114       def: tdef;
1115       sstate: tscannerstate;
1116     begin
1117       { skip if any errors have occurred, since then this can only cause more
1118         errors }
1119       if ErrorCount<>0 then
1120         exit;
1121       replace_scanner('synthetic_impl',sstate);
1122       add_synthetic_method_implementations_for_st(st);
1123       for i:=0 to st.deflist.count-1 do
1124         begin
1125           def:=tdef(st.deflist[i]);
1126           if (def.typ=procdef) and
1127              assigned(tprocdef(def).localst) and
1128              { not true for the "main" procedure, whose localsymtable is the staticsymtable }
1129              (tprocdef(def).localst.symtabletype=localsymtable) then
1130             add_synthetic_method_implementations(tprocdef(def).localst)
1131           else if ((def.typ=objectdef) and
1132                    not(oo_is_external in tobjectdef(def).objectoptions)) or
1133                   (def.typ=recorddef) then
1134            begin
1135             { also complete nested types }
1136             add_synthetic_method_implementations(tabstractrecorddef(def).symtable);
1137            end;
1138         end;
1139       restore_scanner(sstate);
1140     end;
create_procdef_aliasnull1143   function create_procdef_alias(pd: tprocdef; const newrealname: string; const newmangledname: TSymStr; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef;
1144       sk: tsynthetickind; skpara: pointer): tprocdef;
1145     begin
1146       { bare copy so we don't copy the aliasnames (specify prefix for
1147         parameter names so we don't get issues in the body in case
1148         we e.g. reference system.initialize and one of the parameters
1149         is called "system") }
1150       result:=tprocdef(pd.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc,'__FPCW_'));
1151       { set the mangled name to the wrapper name }
1152       result.setmangledname(newmangledname);
1153       { finish creating the copy }
1154       finish_copied_procdef(result,newrealname,newparentst,newstruct);
1155       { now insert self/vmt }
1156       insert_self_and_vmt_para(result);
1157       { and the function result }
1158       insert_funcret_para(result);
1159       { recalculate the parameters now that we've added the missing ones }
1160       result.calcparas;
1161       { set the info required to generate the implementation }
1162       result.synthetickind:=sk;
1163       result.skpara:=skpara;
1164     end;
1167   procedure finish_copied_procdef(var pd: tprocdef; const realname: string; newparentst: tsymtable; newstruct: tabstractrecorddef);
1168     var
1169       sym: tsym;
1170       parasym: tparavarsym;
1171       ps: tprocsym;
1172       stname: string;
1173       i: longint;
1174     begin
1175       { add generic flag if required }
1176       if assigned(newstruct) and
1177          (df_generic in newstruct.defoptions) then
1178         include(pd.defoptions,df_generic);
1179       { associate the procdef with a procsym in the owner }
1180       if not(pd.proctypeoption in [potype_class_constructor,potype_class_destructor]) then
1181         stname:=upper(realname)
1182       else
1183         stname:=lower(realname);
1184       sym:=tsym(newparentst.find(stname));
1185       if assigned(sym) then
1186         begin
1187           if sym.typ<>procsym then
1188             internalerror(2011040601);
1189           ps:=tprocsym(sym);
1190         end
1191       else
1192         begin
1193           ps:=cprocsym.create(realname);
1194           newparentst.insert(ps);
1195         end;
1196       pd.procsym:=ps;
1197       pd.struct:=newstruct;
1198       { in case of methods, replace the special parameter types with new ones }
1199       if assigned(newstruct) then
1200         begin
1201           symtablestack.push(pd.parast);
1202           { may not be assigned in case we converted a procvar into a procdef }
1203           if assigned(pd.paras) then
1204             begin
1205               for i:=0 to pd.paras.count-1 do
1206                 begin
1207                   parasym:=tparavarsym(pd.paras[i]);
1208                   if vo_is_self in parasym.varoptions then
1209                     begin
1210                       if parasym.vardef.typ=classrefdef then
1211                         parasym.vardef:=cclassrefdef.create(newstruct)
1212                       else
1213                         parasym.vardef:=newstruct;
1214                     end
1215                 end;
1216             end;
1217           { also fix returndef in case of a constructor }
1218           if pd.proctypeoption=potype_constructor then
1219             pd.returndef:=newstruct;
1220           symtablestack.pop(pd.parast);
1221         end;
1222       pd.calcparas;
1223       proc_add_definition(pd);
1224     end;
maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstructnull1227   function maybe_add_sym_to_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym; vardef: tdef; addrparam: boolean): tsym;
1228     var
1229       fieldvardef,
1230       nestedvarsdef: tdef;
1231       nestedvarsst: tsymtable;
1232       initcode: tnode;
1233       old_filepos: tfileposinfo;
1234       symname,
1235       symrealname: TSymStr;
1236     begin
1237       nestedvarsdef:=tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef;
1238       { redirect all aliases for the function result also to the function
1239         result }
1240       if vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions then
1241         begin
1242           symname:='result';
1243           symrealname:='$result'
1244         end
1245       else
1246         begin
1247           symname:=sym.name;
1248           symrealname:=sym.realname;
1249         end;
1250       result:=search_struct_member(trecorddef(nestedvarsdef),symname);
1251       if not assigned(result) then
1252         begin
1253           { mark that this symbol is mirrored in the parentfpstruct }
1254           tabstractnormalvarsym(sym).inparentfpstruct:=true;
1255           { add field to the struct holding all locals accessed
1256             by nested routines }
1257           nestedvarsst:=trecorddef(nestedvarsdef).symtable;
1258           { indicate whether or not this is a var/out/constref/... parameter }
1259           if addrparam then
1260             fieldvardef:=cpointerdef.getreusable(vardef)
1261           else
1262             fieldvardef:=vardef;
1263           result:=cfieldvarsym.create(symrealname,vs_value,fieldvardef,[]);
1264           if nestedvarsst.symlist.count=0 then
1265             include(tfieldvarsym(result).varoptions,vo_is_first_field);
1266           nestedvarsst.insert(result);
1267           trecordsymtable(nestedvarsst).addfield(tfieldvarsym(result),vis_public);
1269           { add initialization with original value if it's a parameter }
1270           if (sym.typ=paravarsym) then
1271             begin
1272               old_filepos:=current_filepos;
1273               fillchar(current_filepos,sizeof(current_filepos),0);
1274               initcode:=cloadnode.create(sym,sym.owner);
1275               { indicate that this load should not be transformed into a load
1276                 from the parentfpstruct, but instead should load the original
1277                 value }
1278               include(initcode.flags,nf_internal);
1279               { in case it's a var/out/constref parameter, store the address of the
1280                 parameter in the struct }
1281               if addrparam then
1282                 begin
1283                   initcode:=caddrnode.create_internal(initcode);
1284                   include(taddrnode(initcode).addrnodeflags,anf_typedaddr);
1285                 end;
1286               initcode:=cassignmentnode.create(
1287                 csubscriptnode.create(result,cloadnode.create(pd.parentfpstruct,pd.parentfpstruct.owner)),
1288                 initcode);
1289               tblocknode(pd.parentfpinitblock).left:=cstatementnode.create
1290                 (initcode,tblocknode(pd.parentfpinitblock).left);
1291               current_filepos:=old_filepos;
1292             end;
1293         end;
1294     end;
1297   procedure redirect_parentfpstruct_local_syms(pd: tprocdef);
1298     var
1299       nestedvarsdef: trecorddef;
1300       sl: tpropaccesslist;
1301       fsym,
1302       lsym,
1303       aliassym: tsym;
1304       i: longint;
1305     begin
1306       nestedvarsdef:=trecorddef(tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef);
1307       for i:=0 to nestedvarsdef.symtable.symlist.count-1 do
1308         begin
1309           fsym:=tsym(nestedvarsdef.symtable.symlist[i]);
1310           if fsym.typ<>fieldvarsym then
1311             continue;
1312           lsym:=tsym(pd.localst.find(fsym.name));
1313           if not assigned(lsym) then
1314             lsym:=tsym(pd.parast.find(fsym.name));
1315           if not assigned(lsym) then
1316             internalerror(2011060408);
1317           { add an absolute variable that redirects to the field }
1318           sl:=tpropaccesslist.create;
1319           sl.addsym(sl_load,pd.parentfpstruct);
1320           sl.addsym(sl_subscript,tfieldvarsym(fsym));
1321           aliassym:=cabsolutevarsym.create_ref(lsym.name,tfieldvarsym(fsym).vardef,sl);
1322           { hide the original variable (can't delete, because there
1323             may be other loadnodes that reference it)
1324             -- only for locals; hiding parameters changes the
1325             function signature }
1326           if lsym.typ<>paravarsym then
1327             hidesym(lsym);
1328           { insert the absolute variable in the localst of the
1329             routine; ignore duplicates, because this will also check the
1330             parasymtable and we want to override parameters with our local
1331             versions }
1332           pd.localst.insert(aliassym,false);
1333         end;
1334     end;
find_sym_in_parentfpstructnull1337   function find_sym_in_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef; sym: tsym): tsym;
1338     var
1339       nestedvarsdef: tdef;
1340     begin
1341       nestedvarsdef:=tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef;
1342       result:=search_struct_member(trecorddef(nestedvarsdef),sym.name);
1343     end;
1346   procedure finish_parentfpstruct(pd: tprocdef);
1347     begin
1348       trecordsymtable(trecorddef(tlocalvarsym(pd.parentfpstruct).vardef).symtable).addalignmentpadding;
1349     end;
make_field_staticnull1352   function make_field_static(recst: tsymtable; fieldvs: tfieldvarsym): tstaticvarsym;
1353     var
1354       static_name: string;
1355       hstaticvs: tstaticvarsym;
1356       tmp: tabsolutevarsym;
1357       sl: tpropaccesslist;
1358     begin
1359       include(fieldvs.symoptions,sp_static);
1360       { generate the symbol which reserves the space }
1361       static_name:=lower(generate_nested_name(recst,'_'))+'_'+fieldvs.name;
1362       hstaticvs:=cstaticvarsym.create_from_fieldvar(static_name,fieldvs);
1363 {$ifdef jvm}
1364       { for the JVM, static field accesses are name-based and
1365         hence we have to keep the original name of the field.
1366         Create a staticvarsym instead of a fieldvarsym so we can
1367         nevertheless use a loadn instead of a subscriptn though,
1368         since a subscriptn requires something to subscript and
1369         there is nothing in this case (class+field name will be
1370         encoded in the mangled symbol name) }
1371       recst.insert(hstaticvs);
1372       { only set the staticvarsym's basename (= field name, without any
1373         mangling), because generating the fully mangled name right now can
1374         result in a wrong string in case the field's type is a forward
1375         declared class whose external name will change when the actual
1376         definition is parsed }
1377       if (vo_has_mangledname in fieldvs.varoptions) then
1378         hstaticvs.set_mangledbasename(fieldvs.externalname^)
1379       else
1380         hstaticvs.set_mangledbasename(fieldvs.realname);
1381       { for definition in class file }
1382       hstaticvs.visibility:=fieldvs.visibility;
1383 {$else jvm}
1384       include(hstaticvs.symoptions,sp_internal);
1385       tabstractrecordsymtable(recst).get_unit_symtable.insert(hstaticvs);
1386 {$endif jvm}
1387       { generate the symbol for the access }
1388       sl:=tpropaccesslist.create;
1389       sl.addsym(sl_load,hstaticvs);
1390       { do *not* change the visibility of this absolutevarsym from vis_public
1391         to anything else, because its visibility is used by visibility checks
1392         after turning a class property referring to a class variable into a
1393         load node (handle_staticfield_access -> searchsym_in_class ->
1394         is_visible_for_object), which means that the load will fail if this
1395         symbol is e.g. "strict private" while the property is public }
1396       tmp:=cabsolutevarsym.create_ref('$'+static_name,fieldvs.vardef,sl);
1397       recst.insert(tmp);
1398       result:=hstaticvs;
1399     end;
1402   procedure call_through_new_name(orgpd: tprocdef; const newname: TSymStr);
1403     var
1404       newpd: tprocdef;
1405     begin
1406       { we have a forward declaration like
1407          procedure test; (in the unit interface or "forward")
1408         and then an implementation like
1409          procedure test; external name 'something';
1411         To solve this, we create a new external procdef for the
1412         implementation, and then generate a procedure body for the original
1413         one that calls through to the external procdef. This is necessary
1414         because there may already be references to the mangled name for the
1415         non-external "test".
1416       }
1418       { prefixing the parameters here is useless, because the new procdef will
1419         just be an external declaration without a body }
1420       newpd:=tprocdef(orgpd.getcopyas(procdef,pc_bareproc,''));
1421       insert_funcret_para(newpd);
1422       newpd.procoptions:=newpd.procoptions+orgpd.procoptions*[po_external,po_has_importname,po_has_importdll];
1423       newpd.import_name:=orgpd.import_name;
1424       orgpd.import_name:=nil;
1425       newpd.import_dll:=orgpd.import_dll;
1426       orgpd.import_dll:=nil;
1427       newpd.import_nr:=orgpd.import_nr;
1428       orgpd.import_nr:=0;
1429       newpd.setmangledname(newname);
1430       finish_copied_procdef(newpd,'__FPC_IMPL_EXTERNAL_REDIRECT_'+newname,current_module.localsymtable,nil);
1431       newpd.forwarddef:=false;
1432       { ideally we would prefix the parameters of the original routine here, but since it
1433         can be an interface definition, we cannot do that without risking to change the
1434         interface crc }
1435       orgpd.skpara:=newpd;
1436       orgpd.synthetickind:=tsk_callthrough;
1437       orgpd.procoptions:=orgpd.procoptions-[po_external,po_has_importname,po_has_importdll];
1438       orgpd.forwarddef:=true;
1439     end;
generate_pkg_stubnull1442   function generate_pkg_stub(pd:tprocdef):tnode;
1443     begin
1444       if target_info.system in systems_all_windows+systems_nativent then
1445         begin
1446           insert_funcret_local(pd);
1447           result:=cassignmentnode.create(
1448                       cloadnode.create(pd.funcretsym,pd.localst),
1449                       cordconstnode.create(1,bool32type,false)
1450                     );
1451         end
1452       else
1453         result:=cnothingnode.create;
1454     end;
1456 end.