1 {
2     This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
4     A file in Amiga system run time library.
5     Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Nils Sjoholm
6     member of the Amiga RTL development team.
8     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
9     for details about the copyright.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  **********************************************************************}
17 {
18     History:
20     Added functions and procedures with array of const.
21     For use with fpc 1.0.7. They are in systemvartags.
22     11 Nov 2001.
24     Update for AmigaOs 3.9.
25     Added some new const.
26     tadtNewFormatFrame is a new record.
27     New procedures and functions.
28              FUNCTION ObtainDTDrawInfoA
29              FUNCTION DrawDTObjectA
30              PROCEDURE ReleaseDTDrawInfo
32     New varargs procedures and function, they are
33     in systemvartags.
34          PROCEDURE RefreshDTObjects
35          FUNCTION DoDTMethod
36          FUNCTION PrintDTObject
37          FUNCTION ObtainDTDrawInfo
38          FUNCTION DrawDTObject
39     Changed startcode for library.
40     28 Jan 2003.
42     Changed integer > smallint,
43             cardinal > longword.
44     09 Feb 2003.
46     nils.sjoholm@mailbox.swipnet.se
47 }
50 unit datatypes;
52 interface
54 uses
55   exec, amigados, intuition, utility,
56   agraphics, iffparse, amigaprinter, prtbase;
58 // datatypes
59 const
60   ID_DTYP = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('T') shl 16 + Ord('Y') shl 8 + Ord('P'); // DTYP
61   ID_DTHD = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('T') shl 16 + Ord('H') shl 8 + Ord('D'); // DTHD
63 Type
64   PDataTypeHeader = ^TDataTypeHeader;
65   TDataTypeHeader = record
66     dth_Name: STRPTR;       // Descriptive name of the data type
67     dth_BaseName: STRPTR;   // Base name of the data type
68     dth_Pattern: STRPTR;    // Match pattern for file name.
69     dth_Mask: PSmallInt;    // Comparision mask
70     dth_GroupID: LongWord;  // Group that the DataType is in
71     dth_ID: LongWord;       // ID for DataType (same as IFF FORM type)
72     dth_MaskLen: SmallInt;  // Length of comparision mask
73     dth_Pad: SmallInt;      // Unused at present (must be 0)
74     dth_Flags: Word;        // Flags
75     dth_Priority: Word;     // Priority
76  end;
77 const
78   DTHSIZE = SizeOf(TDataTypeHeader);
80 // Basic type - TDataTypeHeader.dth_Flags
81   DTF_TYPE_MASK = $000F;
82   DTF_BINARY    = $0000;
83   DTF_ASCII     = $0001;
84   DTF_IFF       = $0002;
85   DTF_MISC      = $0003;
86   DTF_CASE      = $0010; // Set if case is important
87   DTF_SYSTEM1   = $1000; // Reserved for system use
89 {****************************************************************************
90  *
91  * GROUP ID and ID
92  *
93  * This is used for filtering out objects that you don't want.  For
94  * example, you could make a filter for the ASL file requester so
95  * that it only showed the files that were pictures, or even to
96  * narrow it down to only show files that were ILBM pictures.
97  *
98  * Note that the Group ID's are in lower case, and always the first
99  * four characters of the word.
100  *
101  * For ID's; If it is an IFF file, then the ID is the same as the
102  * FORM type.  If it isn't an IFF file, then the ID would be the
103  * first four characters of name for the file type.
104  *
105  ****************************************************************************}
107   // System file, such as; directory, executable, library, device, font, etc.
108   GID_SYSTEM    = Ord('s') shl 24 + Ord('y') shl 16 + Ord('s') shl 8 + Ord('t'); // syst
109   // Formatted or unformatted text
110   GID_TEXT = Ord('t') shl 24 + Ord('e') shl 16 + Ord('x') shl 8 + Ord('t'); // text
111   // Formatted text combined with graphics or other DataTypes
112   GID_DOCUMENT = Ord('d') shl 24 + Ord('o') shl 16 + Ord('c') shl 8 + Ord('u'); // docu
113   // Sound
114   GID_SOUND = Ord('s') shl 24 + Ord('o') shl 16 + Ord('u') shl 8 + Ord('n'); // soun
115   // Musical instrument
116   GID_INSTRUMENT = Ord('i') shl 24 + Ord('n') shl 16 + Ord('s') shl 8 + Ord('t'); // inst
117   // Musical score
118   GID_MUSIC = Ord('m') shl 24 + Ord('u') shl 16 + Ord('s') shl 8 + Ord('i'); // musi
119   // Picture
120   GID_PICTURE = Ord('p') shl 24 + Ord('i') shl 16 + Ord('c') shl 8 + Ord('t'); // pict
121   //* Animated pictures */
122   GID_ANIMATION = Ord('a') shl 24 + Ord('n') shl 16 + Ord('i') shl 8 + Ord('m'); // anim
123   //* Animation with audio */
124   GID_MOVIE = Ord('m') shl 24 + Ord('o') shl 16 + Ord('v') shl 8 + Ord('i'); // movi
126   // A code chunk contains an embedded executable that can be loaded with InternalLoadSeg.
127   ID_CODE = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('T')  shl 16 + Ord('C') shl 8 + Ord('D'); // DTCD
129 // DataTypes comparision hook context (Read-Only).  This is the argument that is passed to a custom comparision routine.
130 type
131   PTHookContext = ^TDTHookContext;
132   TDTHookContext = record
133     dthc_SysBase: PLibrary;
134     dthc_DOSBase: PLibrary;
135     dthc_IFFParseBase: PLibrary;
136     dthc_UtilityBase: PLibrary;
137     // File context
138     dthc_Lock: BPTR;             // Lock on the file
139     dthc_FIB: PFileInfoBlock;    // Pointer to a FileInfoBlock
140     dthc_FileHandle: BPTR;       // Pointer to file handle (may be nil)
141     dthc_IFF: PIFFHandle;        // Pointer to IFFHandle (may be nil)
142     dthc_Buffer: STRPTR;         // Buffer...
143     dthc_BufferLength: LongWord; // ... and corresponding length
144  end;
146 const
147   ID_TOOL = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('T') shl 16 + Ord('T') shl 8 + Ord('L'); // DTTL
149 type
150   PTool = ^TTool;
151   TTool = record
152     tn_Which: Word;      // Which tool is this TW_*
153     tn_Flags: Word;      // Flags TF_*
154     tn_Program: STRPTR;  // Application to use
155   end;
157 const
158   TOOLSIZE = SizeOf(TTool); // orig TSIZE but clash with type TSize
160   // defines for tn_Which
161   TW_INFO   = 1;
162   TW_BROWSE = 2;
163   TW_EDIT   = 3;
164   TW_PRINT  = 4;
165   TW_MAIL   = 5;
167   // defines for tn_Flags
168   TF_LAUNCH_MASK = $000F;
169   TF_SHELL       = $0001;
170   TF_WORKBENCH   = $0002;
171   TF_RX          = $0003;
173   ID_TAGS = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('T') shl 16 + Ord('T') shl 8 + Ord('G'); // DTTG
175 type
176   PDataType = ^TDataType;
177   TDataType = record
178     dtn_Node1: TNode;            // Reserved for system use
179     dtn_Node2: TNode;            // Reserved for system use
180     dtn_Header: PDataTypeHeader; // Pointer to the DataTypeHeader
181     dtn_ToolList: TList;         // List of tool nodes
182     dtn_FunctionName: STRPTR;    // Name of comparison routine
183     dtn_AttrList: PTagItem;      // Object creation tags
184     dtn_Length: LongWord;        // Length of the memory block
185   end;
187 const
188   DTNSIZE = SizeOf(TDataType);
190 type
191   PToolNode = ^TToolNode;
192   TToolNode = record
193     tn_Node: TNode;      // Embedded node
194     tn_Tool: TTool;      // Embedded tool
195     tn_Length: LongWord; // Length of the memory block
196   end;
197 const
198   TNSIZE = SizeOf(TToolNode);
200   ID_NAME = Ord('N') shl 24 + Ord('A') shl 16 + Ord('M') shl 8 + Ord('E');
202   // Text ID's
204   DTERROR_COULDNT_SAVE         = 2001;
205   DTERROR_COULDNT_OPEN         = 2002;
207   // new for V40
209   DTERROR_Reserved               = 2005;
211   DTERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA        = 2007;
212   DTERROR_INVALID_DATA           = 2008;
213   // New for V44
215   // Offset for types }
216   DTMSG_TYPE_OFFSET = 2100;
218 // datatypesclass
219 const
220   DATATYPESCLASS = 'datatypesclass';
222   DTA_Dummy = TAG_USER + $1000;
224   DTA_TextAttr       = DTA_Dummy + 10; // (PTextAttr) Default TextAttr to use for text within the object
225   DTA_TopVert        = DTA_Dummy + 11; // (LongInt) Top vertical unit
226   DTA_VisibleVert    = DTA_Dummy + 12; // (LongInt) Number of visible vertical units
227   DTA_TotalVert      = DTA_Dummy + 13; // (LongInt) Total number of vertical units
228   DTA_VertUnit       = DTA_Dummy + 14; // (LongInt) Number of pixels per vertical unit
229   DTA_TopHoriz       = DTA_Dummy + 15; // (LongInt) Top horizontal unit
230   DTA_VisibleHoriz   = DTA_Dummy + 16; // (LongInt) Number of visible horizontal units
231   DTA_TotalHoriz     = DTA_Dummy + 17; // (LongInt) Total number of horiziontal units
232   DTA_HorizUnit      = DTA_Dummy + 18; // (LongInt) Number of pixels per horizontal unit
233   DTA_NodeName       = DTA_Dummy + 19; // (PByte) Name of the current element within the object
234   DTA_Title          = DTA_Dummy + 20; // (STRPTR) Object's title
235   DTA_TriggerMethods = DTA_Dummy + 21; // (PDTMethod) Pointer to a nil terminated array of trigger methods
236   DTA_Data           = DTA_Dummy + 22; // (APTR) Object data
237   DTA_TextFont       = DTA_Dummy + 23; // (PTextFont) Default font to use
238   DTA_Methods        = DTA_Dummy + 24; // (PLongWord) Pointer to an array (terminated with #0) of methods that the object supports
239   DTA_PrinterStatus  = DTA_Dummy + 25; // (LongInt) Printer error message
240   DTA_PrinterProc    = DTA_Dummy + 26; // (PProcess) PRIVATE! Pointer to the print process
241   DTA_LayoutProc     = DTA_Dummy + 27; // (PProcess) PRIVATE! Pointer to the print process
242   DTA_Busy           = DTA_Dummy + 28; // Turns the application's busy pointer on and off
243   DTA_Sync           = DTA_Dummy + 29; // Indicate that new information has been loaded into an object.
244                                        // (This is used for models that cache the DTA_TopVert-like tags.)
245   DTA_BaseName       = DTA_Dummy + 30; // Base name of the class
246   DTA_GroupID        = DTA_Dummy + 31; // Group that the object must belong to
247   DTA_ErrorLevel     = DTA_Dummy + 32; // Error level
248   DTA_ErrorNumber    = DTA_Dummy + 33; // datatypes.library error number
249   DTA_ErrorString    = DTA_Dummy + 34; // Argument for datatypes.library error
250   DTA_Conductor      = DTA_Dummy + 35; // (PByte) Name of a realtime.library conductor -- defaults to "Main"
251   DTA_ControlPanel   = DTA_Dummy + 36; // (LongBool) Specify whether a control panel should be embedded into the object or not
252                                        // (for example in the animation datatype) -- defaults to True
253   DTA_Immediate      = DTA_Dummy + 37; // (LongBool) Should the object begin playing immediately? -- defaults to False
254   DTA_Repeat         = DTA_Dummy + 38; // (LongBool) Indicate that the object should repeat playing -- defaults to False
255   // V44
256   DTA_SourceAddress  = DTA_Dummy + 39; // (APTR) V44: Address of object if of type DTST_MEMORY
257   DTA_SourceSize     = DTA_Dummy + 40; // (LongWord) V44: Size of object if of type DTST_MEMORY
259   DTA_Reserved       = DTA_Dummy + 41; // Reserved tag; DO NOT USE (V44)
261 // DTObject attributes
262   DTA_Name          = DTA_Dummy + 100;
263   DTA_SourceType    = DTA_Dummy + 101;
264   DTA_Handle        = DTA_Dummy + 102;
265   DTA_DataType      = DTA_Dummy + 103;
266   DTA_Domain        = DTA_Dummy + 104;
267   // Left, Top, Width, Height -> use the Gadgetclass Tags
268   DTA_ObjName       = DTA_Dummy + 109;
269   DTA_ObjAuthor     = DTA_Dummy + 110;
270   DTA_ObjAnnotation = DTA_Dummy + 111;
271   DTA_ObjCopyright  = DTA_Dummy + 112;
272   DTA_ObjVersion    = DTA_Dummy + 113;
273   DTA_ObjectID      = DTA_Dummy + 114;
274   DTA_UserData      = DTA_Dummy + 115;
275   // RelLeft, RelTop, RelWidth, RelHeight -> use the Gadgetclass Tags
276   DTA_FrameInfo     = DTA_Dummy + 116;
277   DTA_SelectDomain  = DTA_Dummy + 121;
278   DTA_TotalPVert    = DTA_Dummy + 122;
279   DTA_TotalPHoriz   = DTA_Dummy + 123;
280   DTA_NominalVert   = DTA_Dummy + 124;
281   DTA_NominalHoriz  = DTA_Dummy + 125;
283 // Printing attributes
284   DTA_DestCols      = DTA_Dummy + 400; // (LongInt) Destination x width
285   DTA_DestRows      = DTA_Dummy + 401; // (LongInt) Destination y height
286   DTA_Special       = DTA_Dummy + 402; // (Word) Option flags
287   DTA_RastPort      = DTA_Dummy + 403; // (PRastPort) RastPort used when printing
288   DTA_ARexxPortName = DTA_Dummy + 404; // (STRPTR) Pointer to base name for ARexx port
290   DTST_RAM       = 1;
291   DTST_FILE      = 2;
293   DTST_HOTLINK   = 4;
294   DTST_MEMORY    = 5; // V44
296 // This structure is attached to the Gadget.SpecialInfo field of the gadget. Use Get/Set calls to access it.
297 type
298   PDTSpecialInfo = ^TDTSpecialInfo;
299   TDTSpecialInfo = record
300     si_Lock: TSignalSemaphore;
301     si_Flags: LongWord;
303     si_TopVert: LongInt;   // Top row (in units)
304     si_VisVert: LongInt;   // Number of visible rows (in units)
305     si_TotVert: LongInt;   // Total number of rows (in units)
306     si_OTopVert: LongInt;  // Previous top (in units)
307     si_VertUnit: LongInt;  // Number of pixels in vertical unit
309     si_TopHoriz: LongInt;  // Top column (in units)
310     si_VisHoriz: LongInt;  // Number of visible columns (in units)
311     si_TotHoriz: LongInt;  // Total number of columns (in units)
312     si_OTopHoriz: LongInt; // Previous top (in units)
313     si_HorizUnit: LongInt; // Number of pixels in horizontal unit
314   end;
316 const
317   DTSIF_LAYOUT     = 1 shl 0; // Object is in layout processing
318   DTSIF_NEWSIZE    = 1 shl 1; // Object needs to be layed out
319   DTSIF_DRAGGING   = 1 shl 2;
320   DTSIF_DRAGSELECT = 1 shl 3;
321   DTSIF_HIGHLIGHT  = 1 shl 4;
322   DTSIF_PRINTING   = 1 shl 5; // Object is being printed
323   DTSIF_LAYOUTPROC = 1 shl 6; // Object is in layout process
325 type
326   PDTMethod = ^TDTMethod;
327   TDTMethod = record
328     dtm_Label: STRPTR;
329     dtm_Command: STRPTR;
330     dtm_Method: LongWord;
331   end;
333 const
334   DTM_Dummy          = $600;
336   DTM_FRAMEBOX       = $601; // Inquire what environment an object requires
337   DTM_PROCLAYOUT     = $602; // Same as GM_LAYOUT except guaranteed to be on a process already
338   DTM_ASYNCLAYOUT    = $603; // Layout that is occurring on a process
339   DTM_REMOVEDTOBJECT = $604; // When RemoveDTObject() is called
341   DTM_SELECT         = $605;
342   DTM_CLEARSELECTED  = $606;
344   DTM_COPY           = $607;
345   DTM_PRINT          = $608;
346   DTM_ABORTPRINT     = $609;
348   DTM_NEWMEMBER      = $610;
349   DTM_DISPOSEMEMBER  = $611;
351   DTM_GOTO           = $630;
352   DTM_TRIGGER        = $631;
355   DTM_DRAW            = $641;
358   DTM_WRITE           = $650;
360 type
361   // Used to ask the object about itself
362   PFrameInfo = ^TFrameInfo;
363   TFrameInfo = record
364     fri_PropertyFlags: LongWord; // DisplayInfo
365     fri_Resolution: TPoint;      // DisplayInfo
367     fri_RedBits: Byte;
368     fri_GreenBits: Byte;
369     fri_BlueBits: Byte;
371     fri_Dimensions: record
372       Width: LongWord;
373       Height: LongWord;
374       Depth: LongWord;
375     end;
377     fri_Screen: PScreen;
378     fri_ColorMap: PColorMap;
380     fri_Flags: LongWord; // FIF_*
381   end;
383 const
384   FIF_SCALABLE   = $1;
385   FIF_SCROLLABLE = $2;
386   FIF_REMAPPABLE = $4;
388 type
390   PdtGeneral = ^TdtGeneral;
391   TdtGeneral = record
392     MethodID: LongWord;
393     dtg_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
394   end;
396   // DTM_SELECT
397   PdtSelect = ^TdtSelect;
398   TdtSelect = record
399     MethodID: LongWord;
400     dts_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
401     dts_Select: TRectangle;
402   end;
405   PdtFrameBox = ^TdtFrameBox;
406   TdtFrameBox = record
407     MethodID: LongWord;
408     dtf_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
409     dtf_ContentsInfo: PFrameInfo;
410     dtf_FrameInfo: PFrameInfo;    // Input
411     dtf_SizeFrameInfo: LongWord;  // Output
412     dtf_FrameFlags: LongWord;
413   end;
415   // DTM_GOTO
416   PdtGoto = ^TdtGoto;
417   TdtGoto = record
418     MethodID: LongWord;
419     dtg_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
420     dtg_NodeName: STRPTR;   // Node to goto
421     dtg_AttrList: PTagItem; // Additional attributes
422   end;
424   //* DTM_TRIGGER */
425   PdtTrigger = ^TdtTrigger;
426   TdtTrigger = record
427     MethodID: LongWord;
428     dtt_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
429     dtt_Function: LongWord;
430     dtt_Data: APTR;
431   end;
433 const
434   STM_PAUSE       = 1;
435   STM_PLAY        = 2;
436   STM_CONTENTS    = 3;
437   STM_INDEX       = 4;
438   STM_RETRACE     = 5;
439   STM_BROWSE_PREV = 6;
440   STM_BROWSE_NEXT = 7;
442   STM_NEXT_FIELD     =  8;
443   STM_PREV_FIELD     =  9;
446   STM_COMMAND = 11;
448   // New for V40
449   STM_REWIND      = 12;
451   STM_STOP        = 14;
452   STM_RESUME      = 15;
453   STM_LOCATE      = 16;
455 type
456   // Printer IO request
457   PPrinterIO = ^TPrinterIO;
458   TPrinterIO = record
459      Ios: TIOStdReq;
460      Iodrp: TIODRPReq;
461      Iopc: TIOPrtCmdReq;
462    end;
464   // DTM_PRINT
465   PdtPrint = ^TdtPrint;
466   TdtPrint = record
467     MethodID: LongWord;
468     dtp_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
469     dtp_PIO: PPrinterIO;
470     dtp_AttrList: PTagItem;
471   end;
473   // DTM_DRAW
474   PdtDraw = ^TdtDraw;
475   TdtDraw = record
476     MethodID: LongWord;
477     dtd_RPort: PRastPort;
478     dtd_Left: LongInt;
479     dtd_Top: LongInt;
480     dtd_Width: LongInt;
481     dtd_Height: LongInt;
482     dtd_TopHoriz: LongInt;
483     dtd_TopVert: LongInt;
484     dtd_AttrList: PTagItem; // Additional attributes
485   end;
487   // DTM_WRITE
488   PdtWrite = ^TdtWrite;
489   TdtWrite = record
490     MethodID: LongWord;
491     dtw_GInfo: PGadgetInfo; // Gadget information
492     dtw_FileHandle: BPTR;   // File handle to write to
493     dtw_Mode: LongWord;
494     dtw_AttrList: PTagItem; // Additional attributes
495   end;
497 const
498   DTWM_IFF = 0; // Save data as IFF data
499   DTWM_RAW = 1; // Save data as local data format
501 //  pictureclass
502 const
503   PICTUREDTCLASS = 'picture.datatype';
505   // Picture attributes
506   PDTA_ModeID           = DTA_Dummy + 200; // Mode ID of the picture
507   PDTA_BitMapHeader     = DTA_Dummy + 201;
508   PDTA_BitMap           = DTA_Dummy + 202; // (PBitmap) Pointer to a class-allocated bitmap, that will end up being freed by picture.class when DisposeDTObject() is called
509   PDTA_ColorRegisters   = DTA_Dummy + 203; // (PColorRegister) Picture colour table
510   PDTA_CRegs            = DTA_Dummy + 204; // (PLongWord) Color table to use with SetRGB32CM()
511   PDTA_GRegs            = DTA_Dummy + 205; // (PLongWord) Color table; this table is initialized during the layout process and will contain the colours the picture will use
512                                            // after remapping. If no remapping takes place, these colours will match those in the PDTA_CRegs table.
513   PDTA_ColorTable       = DTA_Dummy + 206; // (PByte) Shared pen table; this table is initialized during the layout process while the picture is being remapped
514   PDTA_ColorTable2      = DTA_Dummy + 207; // (PByte) Shared pen table; in most places this table will be identical to the PDTA_ColorTable table. Some of the colours in this table might
515                                            // match the original colour palette a little better than the colours picked for the other table. The picture.datatype uses the two tables
516                                            // during remapping, alternating for each pixel
517   PDTA_Allocated        = DTA_Dummy + 208; // OBSOLETE; DO NOT USE
518   PDTA_NumColors        = DTA_Dummy + 209; // (Word) Number of colors used by the picture.
519   PDTA_NumAlloc         = DTA_Dummy + 210; // (Word) Number of colors allocated by the picture
520   PDTA_Remap            = DTA_Dummy + 211; // (Boolean) Remap picture (defaults to True)
521   PDTA_Screen           = DTA_Dummy + 212; // (PScreen) Screen to remap to
522   PDTA_FreeSourceBitMap = DTA_Dummy + 213; // (Boolean) Free the source bitmap after remapping
523   PDTA_Grab             = DTA_Dummy + 214; // Pointer to a Point structure
524   PDTA_DestBitMap       = DTA_Dummy + 215; // Pointer to the destination (remapped) bitmap
525   PDTA_ClassBitMap      = DTA_Dummy + 216; // Pointer to class-allocated bitmap, that will end up being freed by the class after DisposeDTObject() is called
526   PDTA_NumSparse        = DTA_Dummy + 217; // (Word) Number of colors used for sparse remapping
527   PDTA_SparseTable      = DTA_Dummy + 218; // (PByte) Pointer to a table of pen numbers indicating which colors should be used when remapping the image.
528                                            //  This array must contain as many entries as there are colors specified with PDTA_NumSparse
529   // V44
530   PDTA_WhichPicture     = DTA_Dummy + 219; // (LongWord) Index number of the picture to load
531   PDTA_GetNumPictures   = DTA_Dummy + 220; // (PLongWord) Get the number of pictures stored in the file
532   PDTA_MaxDitherPens    = DTA_Dummy + 221; // (LongWord) Maximum number of colours to use for dithering
533   PDTA_DitherQuality    = DTA_Dummy + 222; // (LongWord) Quality of the dithering algorithm to be used during colour quantization
534   PDTA_AllocatedPens    = DTA_Dummy + 223; // (PByte) Pointer to the allocated pen table
535   // V45
536   PDTA_ScaleQuality     = DTA_Dummy + 224; // Quality for scaling.
539   PDTANUMPICTURES_Unknown = 0; // When querying the number of pictures stored in a file, the following value denotes "the number of pictures is unknown".
541   // V43 extensions (attributes)
542   PDTA_SourceMode       = DTA_Dummy + 250; // Set the interface mode for the sub datatype. See below.
543   PDTA_DestMode         = DTA_Dummy + 251; // Set the interface mode for the app datatype. See below.
544   PDTA_UseFriendBitMap  = DTA_Dummy + 255; // Make the allocated bitmap be a "friend" bitmap (LongBool)
545   PDTA_MaskPlane        = DTA_Dummy + 258; // (PlantPtr) nil or mask plane for use with BltMaskBitMapRastPort()
547   // Interface modes
548   PMODE_V42 = 0; // Compatibility mode
549   PMODE_V43 = 1; // Extended mode
551   // V43 extensions (methods)
552   PDTM_Dummy = DTM_Dummy + $60;
554   PDTM_WRITEPIXELARRAY = PDTM_Dummy + 0; // Transfer pixel data to the picture object in the specified format
555   PDTM_READPIXELARRAY  = PDTM_Dummy + 1; // Transfer pixel data from the picture object in the specified format
557   //  Masking techniques
558   mskNone                = 0;
559   mskHasMask             = 1;
560   mskHasTransparentColor = 2;
561   mskLasso               = 3;
562   mskHasAlpha            = 4;
564   //  Compression techniques
565   cmpNone     = 0;
566   cmpByteRun1 = 1;
567   cmpByteRun2 = 2;
569 type
570   // Bitmap header (BMHD) structure
571   PBitMapHeader = ^TBitMapHeader;
572   TBitMapHeader = record
573     bmh_Width: Word;        // Width in pixels
574     bmh_Height: Word;       // Height in pixels
575     bmh_Left: SmallInt;     // Left position
576     bmh_Top: SmallInt;      // Top position
577     bmh_Depth: Byte;        // Number of planes
578     bmh_Masking: Byte;      // Masking type
579     bmh_Compression: Byte;  // Compression type
580     bmh_Pad: Byte;
581     bmh_Transparent: Word; // Transparent color
582     bmh_XAspect: Byte;
583     bmh_YAspect: Byte;
584     bmh_PageWidth: SmallInt;
585     bmh_PageHeight: SmallInt;
586   end;
588   PColorRegister = ^TColorRegister;
589   TColorRegister = record
590     red: Byte;
591     green: Byte;
592     blue: Byte;
593   end;
595 const
596   // IFF types that may be in pictures
597   ID_ILBM = Ord('I') shl 24 + Ord('L') shl 16 + Ord('B') shl 8 + Ord('M'); // ILBM
598   ID_BMHD = Ord('B') shl 24 + Ord('M') shl 16 + Ord('H') shl 8 + Ord('D'); // BMHD
599   ID_CMAP = Ord('C') shl 24 + Ord('M') shl 16 + Ord('A') shl 8 + Ord('P'); // CMAP
600   ID_CRNG = Ord('C') shl 24 + Ord('R') shl 16 + Ord('N') shl 8 + Ord('G'); // CRNG
601   ID_GRAB = Ord('G') shl 24 + Ord('R') shl 16 + Ord('A') shl 8 + Ord('B'); // GRAB
602   ID_SPRT = Ord('S') shl 24 + Ord('P') shl 16 + Ord('R') shl 8 + Ord('T'); // SPRT
603   ID_DEST = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('E') shl 16 + Ord('S') shl 8 + Ord('T'); // DEST
604   ID_CAMG = Ord('C') shl 24 + Ord('A') shl 16 + Ord('M') shl 8 + Ord('G'); // CAMG
606   ID_BODY = Ord('B') shl 24 + Ord('O') shl 16 + Ord('D') shl 8 + Ord('Y'); // BODY
608 // soundclass
609 const
610   SOUNDDTCLASS = 'sound.datatype';
611   // Sound attributes
612   SDTA_Dummy         = DTA_Dummy + 500;
613   SDTA_VoiceHeader   = SDTA_Dummy + 1;
614   SDTA_Sample        = SDTA_Dummy + 2; // (PByte) Sample data
615   SDTA_SampleLength  = SDTA_Dummy + 3; // (LongWord) Length of the sample data in Bytes
616   SDTA_Period        = SDTA_Dummy + 4; // (Word) Period
617   SDTA_Volume        = SDTA_Dummy + 5; // (Word) Volume.  Range from 0 to 64
618   SDTA_Cycles        = SDTA_Dummy + 6;
619   // The following tags are new for V40
620   SDTA_SignalTask    = SDTA_Dummy + 7; // (PTask) Task to signal when sound is complete or next buffer needed.
621   SDTA_SignalBit     = SDTA_Dummy + 8; // (LongWord) Signal mask to use on completion or 0 to disable
622   SDTA_SignalBitMask = SDTA_SignalBit; // (Byte) Signal bit to use on completion or -1 to disable
623   SDTA_Continuous    = SDTA_Dummy + 9; // (Byte) Playing a continuous stream of data.  Defaults to False.
625   // The following tags are new for V44
626   SDTA_SignalBitNumber  = SDTA_Dummy + 10; // (Byte) Signal bit to use on completion or -1 to disable
627   SDTA_SamplesPerSec    = SDTA_Dummy + 11; // (Word) Samples per second
628   SDTA_ReplayPeriod     = SDTA_Dummy + 12; // (PTimeVal) Sample replay period
629   SDTA_LeftSample       = SDTA_Dummy + 13; // (PByte) Sample data
630   SDTA_RightSample      = SDTA_Dummy + 14; // (PByte) Sample data
631   SDTA_Pan              = SDTA_Dummy + 15; // (PByte) Stereo panning
632   SDTA_FreeSampleData   = SDTA_Dummy + 16; // (Bool) FreeVec() all sample data upon OM_DISPOSE.
633   SDTA_SyncSampleChange = SDTA_Dummy + 17; // (Boot) Wait for the current sample to be played back before switching to the new sample data.
635   // Data compression methods
636   CMP_NONE     = 0;
637   CMP_FIBDELTA = 1;
639   // Unity = Fixed 1.0 = maximum volume
640   Unity = $10000;
642 type
643   PVoiceHeader = ^TVoiceHeader;
644   TVoiceHeader = record
645     vh_OneShotHiSamples: LongWord;  // # samples in the high octave 1-shot part
646     vh_RepeatHiSamples: LongWord;   // # samples in the high octave repeat part
647     vh_SamplesPerHiCycle: LongWord; // # samples/cycle in high octave, else 0
648     vh_SamplesPerSec: Word;         // data sampling rate
649     vh_Octaves: Byte;               // # of octaves of waveforms
650     vh_Compression: Byte;           // data compression technique used
651     vh_Volume: LongWord;            // playback nominal volume from 0 to Unity (full volume). Map this value into the output hardware's dynamic range.
652   end;
654 const
655   // Channel allocation */
656   SAMPLETYPE_Left   = 2;
657   SAMPLETYPE_Right  = 4;
658   SAMPLETYPE_Stereo = 6;
660 type
661   TSampleType = LongInt;
663 const
664   // IFF types
665   ID_8SVX = Ord('8') shl 24 + Ord('S') shl 16 + Ord('V') shl 8 + Ord('X'); // 8SVX
666   ID_VHDR = Ord('V') shl 24 + Ord('H') shl 16 + Ord('D') shl 8 + Ord('R'); // VHDR
667   ID_CHAN = Ord('C') shl 24 + Ord('H') shl 16 + Ord('A') shl 8 + Ord('N'); // CHAN
669 // textclass
670 const
671   TEXTDTCLASS = 'text.datatype';
673   // attributes
674   TDTA_Buffer     = DTA_Dummy + 300;
675   TDTA_BufferLen  = DTA_Dummy + 301;
676   TDTA_LineList   = DTA_Dummy + 302;
677   TDTA_WordSelect = DTA_Dummy + 303;
678   TDTA_WordDelim  = DTA_Dummy + 304;
679   TDTA_WordWrap   = DTA_Dummy + 305; // Boolean. Should the text be word wrapped. Defaults to false.
681 Type
682   // There is one line structure for every line of text in the document.
683   PLine = ^TLine;
684   TLine = record
685     ln_Link: TMinNode;    // to link the lines together
686     ln_Text: STRPTR;      // pointer to the text for this line
687     ln_TextLen: LongWord; // the character length of the text for this line
688     ln_XOffset: Word;     // where in the line the text starts
689     ln_YOffset: Word;     // line the text is on
690     ln_Width: Word;       // Width of line in pixels
691     ln_Height: Word;      // Height of line in pixels
692     ln_Flags: Word;       // info on the line LNF_*
693     ln_FgPen: ShortInt;   // foreground pen
694     ln_BgPen: ShortInt;   // background pen
695     ln_Style: LongWord;   // Font style
696     ln_Data: APTR;        // Link data...
697   end;
698 const
699   // ln_Flags
700   LNF_LF        = 1 shl 0; // Line Feed
701   LNF_LINK      = 1 shl 1; // Segment is a link
702   LNF_OBJECT    = 1 shl 2; // ln_Data is a pointer to an DataTypes object
703   LNF_SELECTED  = 1 shl 3; // Object is selected
705   ID_FTXT = Ord('F') shl 24 + Ord('T') shl 16 + Ord('X') shl 8 + Ord('T'); // FTXT
706   ID_CHRS = Ord('C') shl 24 + Ord('H') shl 16 + Ord('R') shl 8 + Ord('S'); // CHRS
708 // animationclass
709 const
710   ANIMATIONDTCLASS = 'animation.datatype';
712   // Animation attributes
713   ADTA_Dummy           = DTA_Dummy + 600;
714   ADTA_ModeID          = PDTA_ModeID;
715   ADTA_KeyFrame        = PDTA_BitMap;         // (PBitmap) Key frame (first frame) bitmap
716   ADTA_ColorRegisters  = PDTA_ColorRegisters;
717   ADTA_CRegs           = PDTA_CRegs;
718   ADTA_GRegs           = PDTA_GRegs;
719   ADTA_ColorTable      = PDTA_ColorTable;
720   ADTA_ColorTable2     = PDTA_ColorTable2;
721   ADTA_Allocated       = PDTA_Allocated;
722   ADTA_NumColors       = PDTA_NumColors;
723   ADTA_NumAlloc        = PDTA_NumAlloc;
724   ADTA_Remap           = PDTA_Remap;        // (Bool) Remap animation (defaults to True)
725   ADTA_Screen          = PDTA_Screen;       // (PScreen) Screen to remap to
726   ADTA_NumSparse       = PDTA_NumSparse;    // (Word) Number of colors used for sparse remapping
727   ADTA_SparseTable     = PDTA_SparseTable;  // (PByte) Pointer to a table of pen numbers indicating which colors should be used when remapping the image.
728                                             // This array must contain as many entries as there are colors specified with ADTA_NumSparse
729   ADTA_Width           = ADTA_Dummy + 1;
730   ADTA_Height          = ADTA_Dummy + 2;
731   ADTA_Depth           = ADTA_Dummy + 3;
732   ADTA_Frames          = ADTA_Dummy + 4;   // (LongWord) Number of frames in the animation
733   ADTA_Frame           = ADTA_Dummy + 5;   // (LongWord)  Current frame
734   ADTA_FramesPerSecond = ADTA_Dummy + 6;   // (LongWord) Frames per second
735   ADTA_FrameIncrement  = ADTA_Dummy + 7;   // (LongInt) Amount to change frame by when fast forwarding or rewinding.  Defaults to 10.
737   ADTA_PreloadFrameCount = ADTA_Dummy + 8;   // (V44)
739   // Sound attributes
740   ADTA_Sample          = SDTA_Sample;
741   ADTA_SampleLength    = SDTA_SampleLength;
742   ADTA_Period          = SDTA_Period;
743   ADTA_Volume          = SDTA_Volume;
744   ADTA_Cycles          = SDTA_Cycles;
745   // V44
746   ADTA_LeftSample    = SDTA_LeftSample;
747   ADTA_RightSample   = SDTA_RightSample;
748   ADTA_SamplesPerSec = SDTA_SamplesPerSec;
750   // IFF ANIM chunks
751   ID_ANIM = Ord('A') shl 24 + Ord('N') shl 16 + Ord('I') shl 8 + Ord('M'); // ANIM
752   ID_ANHD = Ord('A') shl 24 + Ord('N') shl 16 + Ord('H') shl 8 + Ord('D'); // ANHD
753   ID_DLTA = Ord('D') shl 24 + Ord('L') shl 16 + Ord('T') shl 8 + Ord('A'); // DLTA
755 type
756   // Required ANHD structure describes an ANIM frame
757   PAnimHeader = ^TAnimHeader;
758   TAnimHeader = record
759     ah_Operation: Byte; { The compression method:
760                                    0  set directly (normal ILBM BODY),
761                                    1  XOR ILBM mode,
762                                    2  Long Delta mode,
763                                    3  Short Delta mode,
764                                    4  Generalized short/long Delta mode,
765                                    5  Byte Vertical Delta mode
766                                    6  Stereo op 5 (third party)
767                                   74  (ascii 'J') reserved for Eric Graham's
768                                       compression technique (details to be
769                                       released later). }
770     ah_Mask: Byte;      // (XOR mode only - plane mask where each bit is set =1 if there is data and =0 if not.)
771     ah_Width: Word;    // (XOR mode only - width and height of the area represented
772     ah_Height: Word;     //   by the BODY to eliminate unnecessary un-changed data)
773     ah_Left: SmallInt;  // (XOR mode only - position of rectangular
774     ah_Top: SmallInt;   // area representd by the BODY)
775     ah_AbsTime: LongWord;  // Timing for a frame relative to the time the first frame was displayed, in jiffies (1/60 sec)
776     ah_RelTime: LongWord;  // Timing for frame relative to time previous frame was displayed - in jiffies (1/60 sec)
777     ah_Interleave: Byte;   { Indicates how may frames back this data is to modify.  0 defaults to indicate two frames back
778                              (for double buffering). n indicates n frames back. The main intent here is to allow values
779                              of 1 for special applications where frame data would modify the immediately previous frame. }
780     ah_Pad0: Byte;         // Pad byte, not used at present.
781     ah_Flags: LongWord;    { 32 option bits used by options=4 and 5. At present only 6 are identified, but the
782                              rest are set =0 so they can be used to implement future ideas.  These are defined
783                              for option 4 only at this point.  It is recommended that all bits be set =0 for
784                              option 5 and that any bit settings used in the future (such as for XOR mode)
785                              be compatible with the option 4 bit settings. Player code should check undefined bits
786                              in options 4 and 5 to assure they are zero.
787                              The six bits for current use are:
788                               bit #       set =0                  set =1
789                               ===============================================
790                               0           short data              long data
791                               1           set                     XOR
792                               2           separate info           one info list
793                                           for each plane          for all planes
794                               3           not RLC                 RLC (run length coded)
795                               4           horizontal              vertical
796                               5           short info offsets      long info offsets}
797     ah_Pad: array[0..15] of Byte; // This is a pad for future use for future compression modes
798   end;
799 const
800   // Methods
801   ADTM_Dummy       = $700;
802   ADTM_LOADFRAME   = $701; // Used to load a frame of the animation
803   ADTM_UNLOADFRAME = $702; // Used to unload a frame of the animation
804   ADTM_START       = $703; // Used to start the animation
805   ADTM_PAUSE       = $704; // Used to pause the animation (don't reset the timer)
806   ADTM_STOP        = $705; // Used to stop the animation
807   ADTM_LOCATE      = $706; // Used to locate a frame in the animation (as set by a slider...)
808   // New on V44
809   ADTM_LOADNEWFORMATFRAME   = $707; // Used to load a new format frame of the animation
810   ADTM_UNLOADNEWFORMATFRAME = $708; // Used to unload a new format frame of the animation
812 type
814   PadtFrame = ^TadtFrame;
815   TadtFrame = record
816     MethodID: LongWord;
817     alf_TimeStamp: LongWord;  // Timestamp of frame to load
818     // The following fields are filled in by the ADTM_LOADFRAME method, and are read-only for any other methods.
819     alf_Frame: LongWord;      // Frame number
820     alf_Duration: LongWord;   // Duration of frame
821     alf_BitMap: PBitMap;      // Loaded BitMap
822     alf_CMap: PColorMap;      // Colormap, if changed
823     alf_Sample: PShortInt;    // Sound data
824     alf_SampleLength: LongWord;
825     alf_Period: LongWord;
826     alf_UserData: APTR;       // Used by load frame for extra data
827   end;
830   PadtNewFormatFrame = ^TadtNewFormatFrame;
831   TadtNewFormatFrame = record
832     MethodID: LongWord;
833     alf_TimeStamp: LongWord;     // Timestamp of frame to load
834     // // The following fields are filled in by the ADTM_NEWLOADFRAME method, and are read-only for any other methods.
835     alf_Frame: LongWord;         // Frame number
836     alf_Duration: LongWord;      // Duration of frame
837     alf_BitMap: PBitMap;         // Loaded BitMap
838     alf_CMap: PColorMap;         // Colormap, if changed
839     alf_Sample: PShortInt;
840     alf_SampleLength: LongWord;  // Sound data
841     alf_Period: LongWord;
842     alf_UserData: APTR;          // Used by load frame for extra data
843     alf_Size: LongWord;          // Size of this data structure (in bytes)
844     alf_LeftSample: PShortInt;   // Sound for left channel, or nil if none
845     alf_RightSample: PShortInt;  // Sound for right channel, or nil if none
846     alf_SamplesPerSec: LongWord; // Replay speed; if > 0, this overrides alf_Period
847   end;
850   PadtStart = ^tadtStart;
851   TadtStart = record
852     MethodID: LongWord;
853     asa_Frame: LongWord; // Frame # to start at
854   end;
858 var
859   DataTypesBase: PLibrary = nil;
861 const
862   DATATYPESNAME: PChar = 'datatypes.library';
864 function AddDTObject(Win: PWindow location 'a0'; Req: PRequester location 'a1'; o: PObject_ location 'a2'; Pos: LongInt location 'd0'): LongInt; syscall DataTypesBase 072;
865 procedure DisposeDTObject(o: PObject_ location 'a0'); syscall DataTypesBase 054;
866 function DoAsyncLayout(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; gpl: pgpLayout location 'a1'): LongWord; syscall DataTypesBase 084;
867 function DoDTMethodA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Win: PWindow location 'a1'; Req: PRequester location 'a2'; Msg: PLongInt location 'a3'): LongWord; syscall DataTypesBase 090;
868 function GetDTAttrsA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a2'): LongWord; syscall DataTypesBase 066;
869 function GetDTMethods(Obj: PObject_ location 'a0'): Pointer; syscall DataTypesBase 102;
870 function GetDTString(Id: LongWord location 'a0'): STRPTR; syscall DataTypesBase 138;
871 function GetDTTriggerMethods(Obj: PObject_ location 'a0'): PDTMethod; syscall DataTypesBase 108;
872 function NewDTObjectA(Name: STRPTR location 'd0'; Attrs: pTagItem location 'a0'): Pointer; syscall DataTypesBase 048;
873 function ObtainDataTypeA(Typ: LongWord location 'd0'; Handle: Pointer location 'a0'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a1'): pDataType; syscall DataTypesBase 036;
874 function PrintDTObjectA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; w: PWindow location 'a1'; r: PRequester location 'a2'; Msg: PdtPrint location 'a3'): LongWord; syscall DataTypesBase 114;
875 procedure RefreshDTObjectA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Win: PWindow location 'a1'; Req: PRequester location 'a2'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a3'); syscall DataTypesBase 078;
876 procedure ReleaseDataType(Dt: PDataType location 'a0'); syscall DataTypesBase 042;
877 function RemoveDTObject(Win: PWindow location 'a0'; o: PObject_ location 'a1'): LongInt; syscall DataTypesBase 096;
878 function SetDTAttrsA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Win: PWindow location 'a1'; Req: PRequester location 'a2'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a3'): LongWord; syscall DataTypesBase 060;
880 function ObtainDTDrawInfoA(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a1'): Pointer; syscall DataTypesBase 120;
881 function DrawDTObjectA(Rp: PRastPort location 'a0';  o: PObject_ location 'a1'; x: LongInt location 'd0'; y: LongInt location 'd1'; w: LongInt location 'd2'; h: LongInt location 'd3'; th: LongInt location 'd4'; tv: LongInt location 'd5'; Attrs: PTagItem location 'a2'): LongInt; syscall DataTypesBase 126;
882 procedure ReleaseDTDrawInfo(o: PObject_ location 'a0'; Handle: Pointer location 'a1'); syscall DataTypesBase 132;
884 function ObtainDataType(Typ: LongWord; Handle: APTR; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): PDataType; inline;
885 function NewDTObject(Name: APTR; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): PObject_; inline;
886 function SetDTAttrs(O: PObject_; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord; inline;
887 function GetDTAttrs(O: PObject_; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord; inline;
888 procedure RefreshDTObject(Obj: PObject_; Window: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const TagList: array of PtrUInt); inline;
889 function DoDTMethod(O: PObject_; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const ArgList: array of PtrUInt): PtrUInt; inline;
890 function PrintDTObject(Obj: PObject_; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester; const ArgList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord; inline;
891 function ObtainDTDrawInfo(O: PObject_; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): APTR; inline;
892 function DrawDTObject(Rp: PRastPort; O: PObject_; x, y, w, h, th, tv: LongInt; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongInt; inline;
894 implementation
896 function ObtainDataType(Typ: LongWord; Handle: APTR; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): PDataType;
897 begin
898   ObtainDataType := ObtainDataTypeA(Typ, Handle, @TagList);
899 end;
901 function NewDTObject(Name: APTR; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): PObject_;
902 begin
903   NewDTObject := NewDTObjectA(Name, @TagList);
904 end;
906 function SetDTAttrs(O: PObject_; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord;
907 begin
908   SetDTAttrs := SetDTAttrsA(O, Win, Req, @TagList);
909 end;
911 function GetDTAttrs(O: PObject_; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord;
912 begin
913   GetDTAttrs := GetDTAttrsA(O, @TagList);
914 end;
916 procedure RefreshDTObject(Obj: PObject_; Window: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const TagList: array of PtrUInt);
917 begin
918   RefreshDTObjectA(Obj, Window, Req, @TagList);
919 end;
921 function DoDTMethod(O: PObject_; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; const ArgList: array of PtrUInt): PtrUInt;
922 begin
923   DoDTMethod := DoDTMethodA(O, Win, Req, @ArgList);
924 end;
926 function PrintDTObject(Obj: PObject_; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester; const ArgList: array of PtrUInt): LongWord;
927 begin
928   PrintDTObject := PrintDTObjectA(Obj, Window, Requester, @ArgList);
929 end;
931 function ObtainDTDrawInfo(O: PObject_; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): APTR;
932 begin
933   ObtainDTDrawInfo := ObtainDTDrawInfoA(O, @TagList);
934 end;
936 function DrawDTObject(Rp: PRastPort; O: PObject_; x, y, w, h, th, tv: LongInt; const TagList: array of PtrUInt): LongInt;
937 begin
938   DrawDTObject := DrawDTObjectA(RP, O, x, y, w, h, th, tv, @TagList);
939 end;
942 const
943   LIBVERSION : longword = 0;
945 initialization
946   DataTypesBase := OpenLibrary(DATATYPESNAME,LIBVERSION);
947 finalization
948   if Assigned(DataTypesBase) then
949     CloseLibrary(DataTypesBase);