1 { Copyright (C) <2005> <Andrew Haines> chmbase.pas
3   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4   under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
5   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
6   option) any later version.
8   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License
11   for more details.
13   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
14   along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
16 }
17 {
18   See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
19   for details about the copyright.
20 }
21 unit chmbase;
23 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
25 interface
27 uses
28   Classes, SysUtils;
30 const
31   CHMPackageVersion = '3.2.2'; // to be put in readme
33 type
35   TITSFHeader= record
36     ITSFsig: array [0..3] of char;
37     Version: LongWord;
38     HeaderLength: LongWord;
39     Unknown_1: LongWord;
40     TimeStamp: LongWord; //bigendian
41     LanguageID: LongWord;
42   end;
43   TITSFHeaderEntry = record
44     PosFromZero: QWord;
45     Length: QWord;
46   end;
48   //Version 3 has this qword. 2 does not
49   TITSFHeaderSuffix = record
50     Offset: QWord; // offset within file of content section 0
51   end;
53   TITSPHeaderPrefix = record
54     Unknown1: LongWord;// = $01FE
55     Unknown2: LongWord;// = 0
56     FileSize: QWord;
57     Unknown3: LongWord;// =0
58     Unknown4: LongWord;// =0
59   end;
61   TITSPHeader = record
62     ITSPsig: array [0..3] of char; // = 'ITSP'
63     Version: LongWord;             // =1
64     DirHeaderLength: Longword;     // Length of the directory header
65     Unknown1: LongWord;            // =$0a
66     ChunkSize: LongWord;           // $1000
67     Density: LongWord; // usually = 2
68     IndexTreeDepth: LongWord;// 1 if there is no index 2 if there is one level of PMGI chunks
69     IndexOfRootChunk: LongInt;// -1 if no root chunk
70     FirstPMGLChunkIndex,
71     LastPMGLChunkIndex: LongWord;
72     Unknown2: LongInt; // = -1
73     DirectoryChunkCount: LongWord;
74     LanguageID: LongWord;
75     GUID: TGuid;
76     LengthAgain: LongWord; //??? $54
77     Unknown3: LongInt; // = -1
78     Unknown4: LongInt; // = -1
79     Unknown5: LongInt; // = -1
80   end;
82   TDirChunkType = (ctPMGL, ctPMGI, ctAOLL, ctAOLI, ctUnknown);
84   TPMGListChunk = record
85     PMGLsig: array [0..3] of char;
86     UnusedSpace: Longword; ///!!! this value can also represent the size of quickref area in the end of the chunk
87     Unknown1: Longword; //always 0
88     PreviousChunkIndex: LongInt; // chunk number of the prev listing chunk when reading dir in sequence
89                                  // (-1 if this is the first listing chunk)
90     NextChunkIndex: LongInt; // chunk number of the next listing chunk (-1 if this is the last chunk)
91   end;
93   PPMGListChunkEntry = ^TPMGListChunkEntry;
94   TPMGListChunkEntry = record
95     //NameLength: LongInt; we don't need this permanantly so I've moved it to a temp var
96     Name: String;
97     ContentSection: LongWord;//QWord;
98     ContentOffset: QWord;
99     DecompressedLength: QWord;
100   end;
102   TPMGIIndexChunk = record
103     PMGIsig: array [0..3] of char;
104     UnusedSpace: LongWord; // has a quickref area
105   end;
107   TPMGIIndexChunkEntry = record
108     Name: String;
109     ListingChunk: DWord;
110   end;
113 const
114   ITSFHeaderGUID : TGuid = '{7C01FD10-7BAA-11D0-9E0C-00A0C922E6EC}';
115   ITSFFileSig: array [0..3] of char = 'ITSF';
117   ITSPHeaderGUID : TGuid = '{5D02926A-212E-11D0-9DF9-00A0C922E6EC}';
118   ITSPHeaderSig: array [0..3] of char = 'ITSP';
willnull120   // this function will advance the stream to the end of the compressed integer
121   // and return the value
122   function GetCompressedInteger(const Stream: TStream): DWord;
123   // returns the number of bytes written to the stream
WriteCompressedIntegernull124   function WriteCompressedInteger(const Stream: TStream; ANumber: DWord): DWord;
WriteCompressedIntegernull125   function WriteCompressedInteger(Buffer: Pointer; ANumber: DWord): DWord;
127   // stupid needed function
functionnull128   function ChmCompareText(const S1, S2: String): Integer; inline;
131 implementation
GetCompressedIntegernull133 function GetCompressedInteger(const Stream: TStream): DWord;
134 var
135   total: QWord = 0;
136   temp: Byte;
137   Sanity: Integer = 0;
138 begin
139   try
140     temp := Stream.ReadByte;
141     while temp >= $80 do
142     begin
143       total := total shl 7;
144       total := total + temp and $7f;
145       temp := Stream.ReadByte;
146       Inc(Sanity);
147       if Sanity > 8 then
148       begin
149         Result := 0;
150         Exit;
151       end;
152     end;
153     Result := (total shl 7) + temp;
154   except
155     Result := 0;
156   end;
157 end;
159 // returns how many bytes were written
WriteCompressedIntegernull160 function WriteCompressedInteger(const Stream: TStream; ANumber: DWord): DWord;
161 var
162   Buffer: QWord; // Easily large enough
163 begin
164   Result := WriteCompressedInteger(@Buffer, ANumber);
165   Result := Stream.Write(Buffer, Result);
166 end;
168 // returns how many bytes were written
WriteCompressedIntegernull169 function WriteCompressedInteger(Buffer: Pointer; ANumber: DWord): DWord;
170 var
171   bit: dword;
172   mask: QWord;
173   buf: PByte;
174   Value: QWord = 0;
175   TheEnd: DWord = 0;
176 begin
177   bit := 28; //((sizeof(dWord)*8)div 7)*7; // = 28
178   buf := @Value;
179   {$push}
180   {$R-}
181   while True do begin
182     mask := $7f shl bit;
183     if (bit = 0) or ((ANumber and mask)<>0) then break;
184     Dec(bit, 7);
185   end;
186   while True do begin
187     buf^ := Byte(((ANumber shr bit)and $7f));
188     if(bit = 0) then break;
189     buf^ := buf^ or $80;
190     Inc(buf);
191     Dec(bit, 7);
192     Inc(TheEnd);
193   end;
195   {$pop}
197   buf := @Value;
198   Result := TheEnd+1;
199   Move(Value, Buffer^, Result);
200   {$ifdef chm_debug}
201   if Result > 8 then WriteLn(' ', ANumber,' WRITE_COMPRESSED_INTEGER too big!: ', Result, ' ');
202   {$endif}
203 end;
ChmCompareTextnull205 function ChmCompareText(const S1, S2: String): Integer;
206 begin
willnull207   // for our purposes the CompareText function will not work.
208   Result := CompareStr(LowerCase(S1), Lowercase(S2));
209 end;
211 end.