1{ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
2 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
3 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
4 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
5 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 }
18  Declarations from other files centered here
21  (* Hook orderings *)
22  (** run this hook first, before ANYTHING *)
24  (** run this hook first *)
26  (** run this hook somewhere *)
28  (** run this hook after every other hook which is defined*)
29  APR_HOOK_LAST		= 20;
30  (** run this hook last, after EVERYTHING *)
35 * @file http_config.h
36 * @brief Apache Configuration
37 *
38 * @defgroup APACHE_CORE_CONFIG Configuration
39 * @ingroup  APACHE_CORE
40 }
42//#include "apr_hooks.h"
43{.$include util_cfgtree.inc}
46 * @defgroup ConfigDirectives Allowed locations for configuration directives.
47 *
48 * The allowed locations for a configuration directive are the union of
49 * those indicated by each set bit in the req_override mask.
50 }
52  OR_NONE = 0;            {< *.conf is not available anywhere in this override }
53  OR_LIMIT = 1;	          {< *.conf inside <Directory> or <Location>
54				and .htaccess when AllowOverride Limit }
55  OR_OPTIONS = 2;         {< *.conf anywhere
56                                and .htaccess when AllowOverride Options }
57  OR_FILEINFO = 4;        {< *.conf anywhere
58				and .htaccess when AllowOverride FileInfo }
59  OR_AUTHCFG = 8;         {< *.conf inside <Directory> or <Location>
60				and .htaccess when AllowOverride AuthConfig }
61  OR_INDEXES = 16;        {< *.conf anywhere
62				and .htaccess when AllowOverride Indexes }
63  OR_UNSET = 32;          {< unset a directive (in Allow) }
64  ACCESS_CONF = 64;       {< *.conf inside <Directory> or <Location> }
65  RSRC_CONF = 128;	     {< *.conf outside <Directory> or <Location> }
66  EXEC_ON_READ = 256;     {< force directive to execute a command
67                which would modify the configuration (like including another
68                file, or IFModule }
69{ this directive can be placed anywhere }
73 * This can be returned by a function if they don't wish to handle
74 * a command. Make it something not likely someone will actually use
75 * as an error code.
76 }
78  DECLINE_CMD = '\a\b';
81 * The central data structures around here...
84{ Command dispatch structures... }
87 * How the directives arguments should be parsed.
88 * @remark Note that for all of these except RAW_ARGS, the config routine is
89 *      passed a freshly allocated string which can be modified or stored
90 *      or whatever...
91 }
93  cmd_how = (
94    RAW_ARGS,			{< cmd_func parses command line itself }
95    TAKE1,			{< one argument only }
96    TAKE2,			{< two arguments only }
97    ITERATE,			{< one argument, occuring multiple times
98				 * (e.g., IndexIgnore)
99                                 }
100    ITERATE2,			{< two arguments, 2nd occurs multiple times
101				 * (e.g., AddIcon)
102                                 }
103    FLAG,			{< One of 'On' or 'Off' }
104    NO_ARGS,			{< No args at all, e.g. </Directory> }
105    TAKE12,			{< one or two arguments }
106    TAKE3,			{< three arguments only }
107    TAKE23,			{< two or three arguments }
108    TAKE123,			{< one, two or three arguments }
109    TAKE13,			{< one or three arguments }
110    TAKE_ARGV			{< an argc and argv are passed }
111  );
114 * This structure is passed to a command which is being invoked,
115 * to carry a large variety of miscellaneous data which is all of
116 * use to *somebody*...
117 }
118  Pcmd_parms = ^cmd_parms_struct;
120//#if defined(AP_HAVE_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER) || defined(DOXYGEN)
123 * All the types of functions that can be used in directives
124 * @internal
125 }
127  { function to call for a no-args }
128  no_args_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer): PChar; cdecl;
129  { function to call for a raw-args }
130  raw_args_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; const args: PChar): PChar; cdecl;
131  { function to call for a argv/argc }
132  take_argv_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; argc: cint; argv: array of PChar): PChar; cdecl;
133  { function to call for a take1 }
134  take1_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; const w: PChar): PChar; cdecl;
135  { function to call for a take2 }
136  take2_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; const w, w2: PChar): PChar; cdecl;
137  { function to call for a take3 }
138  take3_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; const w, w2, w3: PChar): PChar;  cdecl;
139  { function to call for a flag }
140  flag_t = function (parms: Pcmd_parms; mconfig: Pointer; on_: Integer): PChar; cdecl;
142  cmd_func_kind = ( cfk_no_args, cfk_raw_args, cfk_take_argv, cfk_take1, cfk_take2, cfk_take3, cfk_flag);
143  cmd_func = record
144    case cmd_func_kind of
145      cfk_no_args   : ( func_no_args : no_args_t );
146      cfk_raw_args  : ( func_raw_args : raw_args_t );
147      cfk_take_argv : ( func_take_argv : take_argv_t);
148      cfk_take1     : ( func_take1 : take1_t);
149      cfk_take2     : ( func_take2 : take2_t);
150      cfk_take3     : ( func_take3 : take3_t);
151      cfk_flag      : ( func_flag : flag_t);
152  end;
153  Pcmd_func = ^cmd_func;
156  { This configuration directive does not take any arguments }
157//  AP_NO_ARGS =	func.no_args;
158  { This configuration directive will handle it's own parsing of arguments}
159//  AP_RAW_ARGS =	func.raw_args;
160  { This configuration directive will handle it's own parsing of arguments}
161//# define AP_TAKE_ARGV	func.take_argv
162  { This configuration directive takes 1 argument}
163//  AP_TAKE1 =	func.take1;
164  { This configuration directive takes 2 arguments }
165//  AP_TAKE2 =	func.take2;
166  { This configuration directive takes 3 arguments }
167//  AP_TAKE3 =	func.take3;
168  { This configuration directive takes a flag (on/off) as a argument}
169//  AP_FLAG =	func.flag;
171{ method of declaring a directive with no arguments }
172//# define AP_INIT_NO_ARGS(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
173    // directive, { .no_args=func }, mconfig, where, RAW_ARGS, help }
174{ method of declaring a directive with raw argument parsing }
175//# define AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
176    // directive, { .raw_args=func }, mconfig, where, RAW_ARGS, help }
177{ method of declaring a directive with raw argument parsing }
178//# define AP_INIT_TAKE_ARGV(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
179//    { directive, { .take_argv=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE_ARGV, help }
180{ method of declaring a directive which takes 1 argument }
181//# define AP_INIT_TAKE1(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
182    // directive, { .take1=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE1, help }
183{ method of declaring a directive which takes multiple arguments }
184//# define AP_INIT_ITERATE(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
185    // directive, { .take1=func }, mconfig, where, ITERATE, help }
186{ method of declaring a directive which takes 2 arguments }
187//# define AP_INIT_TAKE2(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
188    // directive, { .take2=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE2, help }
189{ method of declaring a directive which takes 1 or 2 arguments }
190//# define AP_INIT_TAKE12(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
191    // directive, { .take2=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE12, help }
192{ method of declaring a directive which takes multiple 2 arguments }
193//# define AP_INIT_ITERATE2(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
194    // directive, { .take2=func }, mconfig, where, ITERATE2, help }
195{ method of declaring a directive which takes 1 or 3 arguments }
196//# define AP_INIT_TAKE13(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
197    // directive, { .take3=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE13, help }
198{ method of declaring a directive which takes 2 or 3 arguments }
199//# define AP_INIT_TAKE23(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
200    // directive, { .take3=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE23, help }
201{ method of declaring a directive which takes 1 to 3 arguments }
202//# define AP_INIT_TAKE123(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
203    // directive, { .take3=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE123, help }
204{ method of declaring a directive which takes 3 arguments }
205//# define AP_INIT_TAKE3(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
206    // directive, { .take3=func }, mconfig, where, TAKE3, help }
207{ method of declaring a directive which takes a flag (on/off) as a argument}
208//# define AP_INIT_FLAG(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
209    // directive, { .flag=func }, mconfig, where, FLAG, help }
213//typedef const char *( *cmd_func) ();
215//# define AP_NO_ARGS  func
216//# define AP_RAW_ARGS func
217//# define AP_TAKE_ARGV func
218//# define AP_TAKE1    func
219//# define AP_TAKE2    func
220//# define AP_TAKE3    func
221//# define AP_FLAG     func
223//# define AP_INIT_NO_ARGS(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
224    { directive, func, mconfig, where, RAW_ARGS, help }
225//# define AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
226    { directive, func, mconfig, where, RAW_ARGS, help }
227//# define AP_INIT_TAKE_ARGV(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
228    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE_ARGV, help }
229//# define AP_INIT_TAKE1(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
230    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE1, help }
231//# define AP_INIT_ITERATE(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
232    { directive, func, mconfig, where, ITERATE, help }
233//# define AP_INIT_TAKE2(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
234    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE2, help }
235//# define AP_INIT_TAKE12(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
236    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE12, help }
237//# define AP_INIT_ITERATE2(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
238    { directive, func, mconfig, where, ITERATE2, help }
239//# define AP_INIT_TAKE13(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
240    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE13, help }
241//# define AP_INIT_TAKE23(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
242    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE23, help }
243//# define AP_INIT_TAKE123(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
244    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE123, help }
245//# define AP_INIT_TAKE3(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
246    { directive, func, mconfig, where, TAKE3, help }
247//# define AP_INIT_FLAG(directive, func, mconfig, where, help) \
248    { directive, func, mconfig, where, FLAG, help }
253 * The command record structure.  Each modules can define a table of these
254 * to define the directives it will implement.
255 }
256  command_struct = record
257    { Name of this command }
258    name: PChar;
259    { The function to be called when this directive is parsed }
260    func: cmd_func;
261    { Extra data, for functions which implement multiple commands... }
262    cmd_data: Pointer;
263    { What overrides need to be allowed to enable this command. }
264    req_override: Integer;
265    { What the command expects as arguments
266     *  @defvar cmd_how args_how}
267    args_how: cmd_how;
269    { 'usage' message, in case of syntax errors }
270    errmsg: PChar;
271  end;
272  command_rec = command_struct;
273  Pcommand_rec = ^command_rec;
275  { Constants here were moved up }
277  { Common structure for reading of config files / passwd files etc. }
279  getch_t = function (param: Pointer): Integer;
281  getstr_t = function (buf: Pointer; bufsiz: size_t; param: Pointer): Pointer;
283  close_t = function (param: Pointer): Integer;
285  ap_configfile_t = record
286    getch: getch_t;    {< a getc()-like function }
287    getstr: getstr_t;  {< a fgets()-like function }
288    close: close_t;    {< a close handler function }
289    param: Pointer;    {< the argument passed to getch/getstr/close }
290    name: PChar;       {< the filename / description }
291    line_number: cuint;{< current line number, starting at 1 }
292  end;
294  Pap_configfile_t = ^ap_configfile_t;
295  PPap_configfile_t = ^Pap_configfile_t;
298 * This structure is passed to a command which is being invoked,
299 * to carry a large variety of miscellaneous data which is all of
300 * use to *somebody*...
301 }
302  cmd_parms_struct = record
303    { Argument to command from cmd_table }
304    info: Pointer;
305    { Which allow-override bits are set }
306    override_: Integer;
307    { Which methods are <Limit>ed }
308    limited: apr_int64_t;
309    { methods which are limited }
310    limited_xmethods: Papr_array_header_t;
311    { methods which are xlimited }
312    xlimited: Pap_method_list_t;
314    { Config file structure. }
315    config_file: Pap_configfile_t;
316    { the directive specifying this command }
317    directive: Pap_directive_t;
319    { Pool to allocate new storage in }
320    pool: Papr_pool_t;
321    { Pool for scratch memory; persists during configuration, but
322     *  wiped before the first request is served...  }
323    temp_pool: Papr_pool_t;
324    { Server_rec being configured for }
325    server: Pserver_rec;
326    { If configuring for a directory, pathname of that directory.
327     *  NOPE!  That's what it meant previous to the existance of <Files>,
328     * <Location> and regex matching.  Now the only usefulness that can be
329     * derived from this field is whether a command is being called in a
330     * server context (path == NULL) or being called in a dir context
331     * (path != NULL).  }
332    path: PChar;
333    { configuration command }
334    cmd: Pcommand_rec;
336    { per_dir_config vector passed to handle_command }
337    context: Pap_conf_vector_t;
338    { directive with syntax error }
339    err_directive: Pap_directive_t;
341    { Which allow-override-opts bits are set }
342    override_opts: cint;
343  end;
345  cmd_parms = cmd_parms_struct;
348 * Module structures.  Just about everything is dispatched through
349 * these, directly or indirectly (through the command and handler
350 * tables).
351 }
353  Pmodule_struct = ^module_struct;
355  module_struct = record
356    { API version, *not* module version; check that module is
357     * compatible with this version of the server.
358     }
359    version: Integer;
360    { API minor version. Provides API feature milestones. Not checked
361     *  during module init }
362    minor_version: Integer;
363    { Index to this modules structures in config vectors.  }
364    module_index: Integer;
366    { The name of the module's C file }
367    name: PChar;
368    { The handle for the DSO.  Internal use only }
369    dynamic_load_handle: Pointer;
371    { A pointer to the next module in the list
372     *  @defvar module_struct *next }
373    next: Pmodule_struct;
375    { Magic Cookie to identify a module structure;  It's mainly
376     *  important for the DSO facility (see also mod_so).  }
377    magic: Cardinal;
379    { Function to allow MPMs to re-write command line arguments.  This
380     *  hook is only available to MPMs.
381     *  @param The process that the server is running in.
382     }
383    rewrite_args: procedure(process: Pprocess_rec); cdecl;
385    { Function to allow all modules to create per directory configuration
386     *  structures.
387     *  @param p The pool to use for all allocations.
388     *  @param dir The directory currently being processed.
389     *  @return The per-directory structure created
390     }
391    create_dir_config: function(p: Papr_pool_t; dir: PChar): Pointer; cdecl;
393    { Function to allow all modules to merge the per directory configuration
394     *  structures for two directories.
395     *  @param p The pool to use for all allocations.
396     *  @param base_conf The directory structure created for the parent directory.
397     *  @param new_conf The directory structure currently being processed.
398     *  @return The new per-directory structure created
399     }
400    merge_dir_config: function(p: Papr_pool_t; base_conf: Pointer;
401      new_conf: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
403    { Function to allow all modules to create per server configuration
404     *  structures.
405     *  @param p The pool to use for all allocations.
406     *  @param s The server currently being processed.
407     *  @return The per-server structure created
408     }
409    create_server_config: function(p: Papr_pool_t; s: Pserver_rec): Pointer; cdecl;
411    { Function to allow all modules to merge the per server configuration
412     *  structures for two servers.
413     *  @param p The pool to use for all allocations.
414     *  @param base_conf The directory structure created for the parent directory.
415     *  @param new_conf The directory structure currently being processed.
416     *  @return The new per-directory structure created
417     }
418    merge_server_config: function(p: Papr_pool_t; base_conf: Pointer;
419      new_conf: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
421    { A command_rec table that describes all of the directives this module
422     * defines. }
423    cmds: Pcommand_rec;
425    { A hook to allow modules to hook other points in the request processing.
426     *  In this function, modules should call the ap_hook_*() functions to
427     *  register an interest in a specific step in processing the current
428     *  request.
429     *  @param p the pool to use for all allocations
430     }
431    register_hooks: procedure(p: Papr_pool_t); cdecl;
432  end;
434  module = module_struct;
435  Pmodule = ^module;
436  PPmodule = ^Pmodule;
439 * @defgroup ModuleInit Module structure initializers
440 *
441 * Initializer for the first few module slots, which are only
442 * really set up once we start running.  Note that the first two slots
443 * provide a version check; this should allow us to deal with changes to
444 * the API. The major number should reflect changes to the API handler table
445 * itself or removal of functionality. The minor number should reflect
446 * additions of functionality to the existing API. (the server can detect
447 * an old-format module, and either handle it back-compatibly, or at least
448 * signal an error). See src/include/ap_mmn.h for MMN version history.
449 }
451{ The one used in Apache 1.3, which will deliberately cause an error }
452//#define STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF	this_module_needs_to_be_ported_to_apache_2_0
454{ Use this in all standard modules }
455procedure STANDARD20_MODULE_STUFF(var mod_: module);
457{ Use this only in MPMs }
458procedure MPM20_MODULE_STUFF(var mod_: module);
462{ configuration vector structure - Moved to httpd.pas}
465  ap_get_module_config, ap_set_module_config are both commented out because even thought
466 they are on the headers, they are not present on the libhttpd.dll library.
470 * Generic accessors for other modules to get at their own module-specific
471 * data
472 * @param conf_vector The vector in which the modules configuration is stored.
473 *        usually r->per_dir_config or s->module_config
474 * @param m The module to get the data for.
475 * @return The module-specific data
476 }
478  Function not found on the dll
480//function ap_get_module_config(const cv: Pap_conf_vector_t; const m: Pmodule): Pointer;
481// {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
482// external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_get_module_config' + LibSuff8;
485 * Generic accessors for other modules to set at their own module-specific
486 * data
487 * @param conf_vector The vector in which the modules configuration is stored.
488 *        usually r->per_dir_config or s->module_config
489 * @param m The module to set the data for.
490 * @param val The module-specific data to set
491 }
492//procedure ap_set_module_config(const cv: Pap_conf_vector_t; const m: Pmodule;
493// val: Pointer);
494// {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
495// external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_set_module_config' + LibSuff12;
497{$ifndef AP_DEBUG}
499function ap_get_module_config(v: Pap_conf_vector_t; m: Pmodule): Pap_conf_vector_t;
501procedure ap_set_module_config(v: Pap_conf_vector_t; m: Pmodule; val: Pap_conf_vector_t);
503{$endif} { AP_DEBUG }
507 * Generic command handling function for strings
508 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
509 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
510 * @param arg The argument to the directive
511 * @return An error string or NULL on success
512 }
513function ap_set_string_slot(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
514 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_string_slot';
517 * Generic command handling function for integers
518 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
519 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
520 * @param arg The argument to the directive
521 * @return An error string or NULL on success
522 }
523function ap_set_int_slot(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
524 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_int_slot';
527 * Return true if the specified method is limited by being listed in
528 * a <Limit> container, or by *not* being listed in a <LimiteExcept>
529 * container.
530 *
531 * @param   method  Pointer to a string specifying the method to check.
532 * @param   cmd     Pointer to the cmd_parms structure passed to the
533 *                  directive handler.
534 * @return  0 if the method is not limited in the current scope
535 }
536function ap_method_is_limited(cmd: Pcmd_parms; const method: PChar): Integer;
537 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
538 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_method_is_limited' + LibSuff8;
541 * Generic command handling function for strings, always sets the value
542 * to a lowercase string
543 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
544 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
545 * @param arg The argument to the directive
546 * @return An error string or NULL on success
547 }
548function ap_set_string_slot_lower(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
549 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_string_slot_lower';
552 * Generic command handling function for flags
553 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
554 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
555 * @param arg The argument to the directive (either 1 or 0)
556 * @return An error string or NULL on success
557 }
558function ap_set_flag_slot(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
559 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_flag_slot';
562 * Generic command handling function for files
563 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
564 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
565 * @param arg The argument to the directive
566 * @return An error string or NULL on success
567 }
568function ap_set_file_slot(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
569 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_file_slot';
572 * Generic command handling function to respond with cmd->help as an error
573 * @param cmd The command parameters for this directive
574 * @param struct_ptr pointer into a given type
575 * @param arg The argument to the directive
576 * @return The cmd->help value as the error string
577 * @tip This allows simple declarations such as;
578 * <pre>
579 *     AP_INIT_RAW_ARGS("Foo", ap_set_deprecated, NULL, OR_ALL,
580 *         "The Foo directive is no longer supported, use Bar"),
581 * </pre>
582 }
583function ap_set_deprecated(cmd: Pcmd_parms; struct_ptr: Pointer; const arg: PChar): PChar;
584 cdecl; external LibHTTPD name 'ap_set_deprecated';
587 * For modules which need to read config files, open logs, etc. this returns
588 * the canonical form of fname made absolute to ap_server_root.
589 * @param p pool to allocate data from
590 * @param fname The file name
591 }
592function ap_server_root_relative(p: Papr_pool_t; const fname: PChar): PChar;
593 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
594 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_server_root_relative' + LibSuff8;
596{ Finally, the hook for dynamically loading modules in... }
599 * Add a module to the server
600 * @param m The module structure of the module to add
601 * @param p The pool of the same lifetime as the module
602 }
603function ap_add_module(m: Pmodule; p: Papr_pool_t): PChar;
604 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
605 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_add_module' + LibSuff8;
608 * Remove a module from the server.  There are some caveats:
609 * when the module is removed, its slot is lost so all the current
610 * per-dir and per-server configurations are invalid. So we should
611 * only ever call this function when you are invalidating almost
612 * all our current data. I.e. when doing a restart.
613 * @param m the module structure of the module to remove
614 }
615procedure ap_remove_module(m: Pmodule);
616 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
617 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_remove_module' + LibSuff4;
620 * Add a module to the chained modules list and the list of loaded modules
621 * @param m The module structure of the module to add
622 * @param p The pool with the same lifetime as the module
623 }
624procedure ap_add_loaded_module(mod_: Pmodule; p: Papr_pool_t);
625 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
626 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_add_loaded_module' + LibSuff8;
629 * Remove a module fromthe chained modules list and the list of loaded modules
630 * @param m the module structure of the module to remove
631 }
632procedure ap_remove_loaded_module(m: Pmodule);
633 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
634 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_remove_loaded_module' + LibSuff4;
637 * Find the name of the specified module
638 * @param m The module to get the name for
639 * @return the name of the module
640 }
641function ap_find_module_name(m: Pmodule): PChar;
642 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
643 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_find_module_name' + LibSuff4;
646 * Find a module based on the name of the module
647 * @param name the name of the module
648 * @return the module structure if found, NULL otherwise
649 }
650function ap_find_linked_module(const name: PChar): Pmodule;
651 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
652 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_find_linked_module' + LibSuff4;
655 * Open a ap_configfile_t as apr_file_t
656 * @param ret_cfg open ap_configfile_t struct pointer
657 * @param p The pool to allocate the structure from
658 * @param name the name of the file to open
659 }
660function ap_pcfg_openfile(ret_cfg: PPap_configfile_t;
661 p: Papr_pool_t; const name: PChar): apr_status_t;
662 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
663 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_pcfg_openfile' + LibSuff12;
666 * Allocate a ap_configfile_t handle with user defined functions and params
667 * @param p The pool to allocate from
668 * @param descr The name of the file
669 * @param param The argument passed to getch/getstr/close
670 * @param getc_func The getch function
671 * @param gets_func The getstr function
672 * @param close_func The close function
673 }
675  getc_func_t = function (param: Pointer): Integer;
676  gets_func_t = function (buf: Pointer; bufsiz: size_t; param: Pointer): Pointer;
677  close_func_t = function (param: Pointer): Integer;
679function ap_pcfg_open_custom(p: Papr_pool_t;
680 const descr: PChar; param: Pointer;
681 getc_func: getc_func_t; gets_func: gets_func_t;
682 close_func: close_func_t): Pap_configfile_t;
683 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
684 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_pcfg_open_custom' + LibSuff24;
687 * Read one line from open ap_configfile_t, strip LF, increase line number
688 * @param buf place to store the line read
689 * @param bufsize size of the buffer
690 * @param cfp File to read from
691 * @return 1 on success, 0 on failure
692 }
693function ap_cfg_getline(bug: PChar;
694 bufsize: size_t; cfp: Pap_configfile_t): Integer;
695 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
696 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_cfg_getline' + LibSuff12;
699 * Read one char from open configfile_t, increase line number upon LF
700 * @param cfp The file to read from
701 * @return the character read
702 }
703function ap_cfg_getc(cfp: Pap_configfile_t): Integer;
704 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
705 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_cfg_getc' + LibSuff4;
708 * Detach from open ap_configfile_t, calling the close handler
709 * @param cfp The file to close
710 * @return 1 on sucess, 0 on failure
711 }
712function ap_cfg_closefile(cfp: Pap_configfile_t): Integer;
713 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
714 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_cfg_closefile' + LibSuff4;
717 * Read all data between the current <foo> and the matching </foo>.  All
718 * of this data is forgotten immediately.
719 * @param cmd The cmd_parms to pass to the directives inside the container
720 * @param directive The directive name to read until
721 * @return Error string on failure, NULL on success
722 }
723function ap_soak_end_container(cmd: Pcmd_parms; directive: PChar): PChar;
724 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
725 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_soak_end_container' + LibSuff8;
728 * Read all data between the current <foo> and the matching </foo> and build
729 * a config tree from it
730 * @param p pool to allocate from
731 * @param temp_pool Temporary pool to allocate from
732 * @param parms The cmd_parms to pass to all directives read
733 * @param current The current node in the tree
734 * @param curr_parent The current parent node
735 * @param orig_directive The directive to read until hit.
736 * @return Error string on failure, NULL on success
738function ap_build_cont_config(p, temp_pool: Papr_pool_t;
739 parms: Pcmd_parms; current, curr_parent: PPap_directive_t;
740 orig_directive: PChar): PChar;
741 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
742 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_build_cont_config' + LibSuff24;
745 * Build a config tree from a config file
746 * @param parms The cmd_parms to pass to all of the directives in the file
747 * @param conf_pool The pconf pool
748 * @param temp_pool The temporary pool
749 * @param conftree Place to store the root node of the config tree
750 * @return Error string on erro, NULL otherwise
751 }
752function ap_build_config(parms: Pcmd_parms;
753 conf_pool, temp_pool: Papr_pool_t; conftree: PPap_directive_t): PChar;
754 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
755 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_build_config' + LibSuff16;
758 * Walk a config tree and setup the server's internal structures
759 * @param conftree The config tree to walk
760 * @param parms The cmd_parms to pass to all functions
761 * @param section_vector The per-section config vector.
762 * @return Error string on error, NULL otherwise
763 }
764function ap_walk_config(conftree: Pap_directive_t;
765 parms: Pcmd_parms; section_vector: Pap_conf_vector_t): PChar;
766 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
767 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_walk_config' + LibSuff12;
770 * @defgroup ap_check_cmd_context Check command context
771 }
773 * Check the context a command is used in.
774 * @param cmd The command to check
775 * @param forbidden Where the command is forbidden.
776 * @return Error string on error, NULL on success
777 }
778function ap_check_cmd_context(cmd: Pcmd_parms;
779 forbidden: cuint): PChar;
780 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
781 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_check_cmd_context' + LibSuff8;
784  NOT_IN_VIRTUALHOST    = $01; {< Forbidden in <Virtualhost> }
785  NOT_IN_LIMIT          = $02; {< Forbidden in <Limit> }
786  NOT_IN_DIRECTORY      = $04; {< Forbidden in <Directory> }
787  NOT_IN_LOCATION       = $08; {< Forbidden in <Location> }
788  NOT_IN_FILES          = $10; {< Forbidden in <Files> }
789{ Forbidden in <Directory>/<Location>/<Files>}
791{ Forbidden in <VirtualHost>/<Limit>/<Directory>/<Location>/<Files> }
794//#ifdef CORE_PRIVATE
797 * @brief This structure is used to assign symbol names to module pointers
798 }
800  ap_module_symbol_t = record
801    name: PChar;
802    modp: Pmodule;
803  end;
806 * The topmost module in the list
807 * @defvar module *ap_top_module
808 }
809//AP_DECLARE_DATA extern module *ap_top_module;
812 * Array of all statically linked modules
813 * @defvar module *ap_prelinked_modules[]
814 }
815//AP_DECLARE_DATA extern module *ap_prelinked_modules[];
817 * Array of all statically linked modulenames (symbols)
818 * @defvar ap_module_symbol_t ap_prelinked_modulenames[]
819 }
820//AP_DECLARE_DATA extern ap_module_symbol_t ap_prelinked_module_symbols[];
822 * Array of all preloaded modules
823 * @defvar module *ap_preloaded_modules[]
824 }
825//AP_DECLARE_DATA extern module *ap_preloaded_modules[];
827 * Array of all loaded modules
828 * @defvar module **ap_loaded_modules
829 }
830//AP_DECLARE_DATA extern module **ap_loaded_modules;
832{ For mod_so.c... }
833{ Run a single module's two create_config hooks
834 *  @param p the pool to allocate from
835 *  @param s The server to configure for.
836 *  @param m The module to configure
837 }
838procedure ap_single_module_configure(p: Papr_pool_t;
839 s: Pserver_rec; m: Pmodule);
840 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
841 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_single_module_configure' + LibSuff12;
843{ For http_main.c... }
845 * Add all of the prelinked modules into the loaded module list
846 * @param process The process that is currently running the server
847 }
848function ap_setup_prelinked_modules(process: Pprocess_rec): PChar;
849 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
850 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_setup_prelinked_modules' + LibSuff4;
853 * Show the preloaded configuration directives, the help string explaining
854 * the directive arguments, in what module they are handled, and in
855 * what parts of the configuration they are allowed.  Used for httpd -h.
856 }
857procedure ap_show_directives;
858 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
859 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_show_directives' + LibSuff0;
862 * Show the preloaded module names.  Used for httpd -l.
863 }
864procedure ap_show_modules;
865 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
866 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_show_modules' + LibSuff0;
869 * Show the MPM name.  Used in reporting modules such as mod_info to
870 * provide extra information to the user
871 }
872function ap_show_mpm: PChar;
873 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
874 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_show_mpm' + LibSuff0;
877 * Read all config files and setup the server
878 * @param process The process running the server
879 * @param temp_pool A pool to allocate temporary data from.
880 * @param config_name The name of the config file
881 * @param conftree Place to store the root of the config tree
882 * @return The setup server_rec list.
883 }
884function ap_read_config(process: Pprocess_rec;
885 temp_pool: Papr_pool_t; const config_name: PChar;
886 conftree: PPap_directive_t): Pserver_rec;
887 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
888 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_read_config' + LibSuff16;
891 * Run all rewrite args hooks for loaded modules
892 * @param process The process currently running the server
893 }
894procedure ap_run_rewrite_args(process: Pprocess_rec);
895 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
896 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_run_rewrite_args' + LibSuff4;
899 * Run the register hooks function for a specified module
900 * @param m The module to run the register hooks function fo
901 * @param p The pool valid for the lifetime of the module
902 }
903procedure ap_register_hooks(m: Pmodule; p: Papr_pool_t);
904 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
905 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_register_hooks' + LibSuff8;
908 * Setup all virtual hosts
909 * @param p The pool to allocate from
910 * @param main_server The head of the server_rec list
911 }
912procedure ap_fixup_virtual_hosts(p: Papr_pool_t; main_server: Pserver_rec);
913 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
914 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_fixup_virtual_hosts' + LibSuff8;
916{ For http_request.c... }
919 * Setup the config vector for a request_rec
920 * @param p The pool to allocate the config vector from
921 * @return The config vector
922 }
923function ap_create_request_config(p: Papr_pool_t): Pap_conf_vector_t;
924 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
925 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_create_request_config' + LibSuff4;
928 * Setup the config vector for per dir module configs
929 * @param p The pool to allocate the config vector from
930 * @return The config vector
931 }
932function ap_create_per_dir_config(p: Papr_pool_t): Pap_conf_vector_t;
933 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
934 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_create_per_dir_config' + LibSuff4;
937 * Run all of the modules merge per dir config functions
938 * @param p The pool to pass to the merge functions
939 * @param base The base directory config structure
940 * @param new_conf The new directory config structure
941 }
942function ap_merge_per_dir_configs(p: Papr_pool_t;
943 base, new_conf: Pap_conf_vector_t): Pap_conf_vector_t;
944 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
945 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_merge_per_dir_configs' + LibSuff12;
947{ For http_connection.c... }
949 * Setup the config vector for a connection_rec
950 * @param p The pool to allocate the config vector from
951 * @return The config vector
952 }
953function ap_create_conn_config(p: Papr_pool_t): Pap_conf_vector_t;
954 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
955 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_create_conn_config' + LibSuff4;
957{ For http_core.c... (<Directory> command and virtual hosts) }
960 * parse an htaccess file
961 * @param resulting htaccess_result
962 * @param r The request currently being served
963 * @param override Which overrides are active
964 * @param path The path to the htaccess file
965 * @param access_name The list of possible names for .htaccess files
966 * int The status of the current request
967 }
968function ap_parse_htaccess(result: PPap_conf_vector_t;
969 r: Prequest_rec; override_: Integer; override_opts: cint;
970 const path, access_name: PChar): Integer;
971 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
972 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_parse_htaccess' + LibSuff24;
975 * Setup a virtual host
976 * @param p The pool to allocate all memory from
977 * @param hostname The hostname of the virtual hsot
978 * @param main_server The main server for this Apache configuration
979 * @param ps Place to store the new server_rec
980 * return Error string on error, NULL on success
981 }
982function ap_init_virtual_host(p: Papr_pool_t;
983 const hostname: PChar; main_server: Pserver_rec;
984 ps: PPserver_rec): PChar;
985 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
986 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_init_virtual_host' + LibSuff16;
989 * Process the config file for Apache
990 * @param s The server rec to use for the command parms
991 * @param fname The name of the config file
992 * @param conftree The root node of the created config tree
993 * @param p Pool for general allocation
994 * @param ptem Pool for temporary allocation
995 }
996function ap_process_resource_config(s: Pserver_rec;
997 const fname: PChar; conftree: PPap_directive_t;
998 p, ptemp: Papr_pool_t): PChar;
999 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1000 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_process_resource_config' + LibSuff20;
1003 * Process all directives in the config tree
1004 * @param s The server rec to use in the command parms
1005 * @param conftree The config tree to process
1006 * @param p The pool for general allocation
1007 * @param ptemp The pool for temporary allocations
1008 }
1009function ap_process_config_tree(s: Pserver_rec;
1010 conftree: Pap_directive_t; p, ptemp: Papr_pool_t): cint;
1011 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1012 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_process_config_tree' + LibSuff16;
1014{ Module-method dispatchers, also for http_request.c }
1016 * Run the handler phase of each module until a module accepts the
1017 * responsibility of serving the request
1018 * @param r The current request
1019 * @return The status of the current request
1020 }
1021function ap_invoke_handler(r: Prequest_rec): Integer;
1022 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1023 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_invoke_handler' + LibSuff4;
1025{ for mod_perl }
1028 * Find a given directive in a command_rec table
1029 * @param name The directive to search for
1030 * @param cmds The table to search
1031 * @return The directive definition of the specified directive
1032 }
1033function ap_find_command(const name: PChar;
1034 const cmds: Pcommand_rec): Pcommand_rec;
1035 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1036 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_find_command' + LibSuff8;
1039 * Find a given directive in a list module
1040 * @param cmd_name The directive to search for
1041 * @param mod The module list to search
1042 * @return The directive definition of the specified directive
1043 }
1044function ap_find_command_in_modules(const cmd_name: PChar;
1045 mod_: PPmodule): Pcommand_rec;
1046 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1047 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_find_command_in_modules' + LibSuff8;
1050 * Ask a module to create per-server and per-section (dir/loc/file) configs
1051 * (if it hasn't happened already). The results are stored in the server's
1052 * config, and the specified per-section config vector.
1053 * @param server The server to operate upon.
1054 * @param section_vector The per-section config vector.
1055 * @param section Which section to create a config for.
1056 * @param mod The module which is defining the config data.
1057 * @param pconf A pool for all configuration allocations.
1058 * @return The (new) per-section config data.
1059 }
1060function ap_set_config_vectors(server: Pserver_rec;
1061 ection_vector: Pap_conf_vector_t; const section: PChar;
1062 mod_: Pmodule; pconf: Papr_pool_t): Pointer;
1063 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1064 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_set_config_vectors' + LibSuff20;
1068{ Hooks }
1071 * Run the header parser functions for each module
1072 * @param r The current request
1073 * @return OK or DECLINED
1074 }
1076  ap_HOOK_header_parser_t = function(r: Prequest_rec): Integer; cdecl;
1078procedure ap_hook_header_parser(pf: ap_HOOK_header_parser_t;
1079 const aszPre: PPChar; const aszSucc:
1080 PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1081 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1082 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_header_parser' + LibSuff16;
1085 * Run the pre_config function for each module
1086 * @param pconf The config pool
1087 * @param plog The logging streams pool
1088 * @param ptemp The temporary pool
1089 * @return OK or DECLINED on success anything else is a error
1090 }
1092  ap_HOOK_pre_config_t = function(pconf: Papr_pool_t; plog: Papr_pool_t;
1093    ptemp: Papr_pool_t): Integer; cdecl;
1095procedure ap_hook_pre_config(pf: ap_HOOK_pre_config_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1096 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1097 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1098 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_pre_config' + LibSuff16;
1101 * Run the test_config function for each module; this hook is run
1102 * only if the server was invoked to test the configuration syntax.
1103 * @param pconf The config pool
1104 * @param s The list of server_recs
1105 }
1107  ap_HOOK_test_config_t = procedure (pconf: Papr_pool_t; s: Pserver_rec); cdecl;
1109procedure ap_hook_test_config(pf: ap_HOOK_test_config_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1110 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1111 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1112 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_test_config' + LibSuff16;
1115 * Run the post_config function for each module
1116 * @param pconf The config pool
1117 * @param plog The logging streams pool
1118 * @param ptemp The temporary pool
1119 * @param s The list of server_recs
1120 * @return OK or DECLINED on success anything else is a error
1121 }
1123  ap_HOOK_post_config_t = function(pconf, plog, ptemp: Papr_pool_t; s: Pserver_rec): Integer; cdecl;
1125procedure ap_hook_post_config(pf: ap_HOOK_post_config_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1126 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1127 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1128 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_post_config' + LibSuff16;
1131 * Run the open_logs functions for each module
1132 * @param pconf The config pool
1133 * @param plog The logging streams pool
1134 * @param ptemp The temporary pool
1135 * @param s The list of server_recs
1136 * @return OK or DECLINED on success anything else is a error
1137 }
1139  ap_HOOK_open_logs_t = function(pconf: Papr_pool_t; plog: Papr_pool_t;
1140    ptemp: Papr_pool_t; s: Pserver_rec): Integer; cdecl;
1142procedure ap_hook_open_logs(pf: ap_HOOK_open_logs_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1143 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1144 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1145 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_open_logs' + LibSuff16;
1148 * Run the child_init functions for each module
1149 * @param pchild The child pool
1150 * @param s The list of server_recs in this server
1151 }
1153  ap_HOOK_child_init_t = procedure(pchild: Papr_pool_t; s: Pserver_rec); cdecl;
1155procedure ap_hook_child_init(pf: ap_HOOK_child_init_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1156 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1157 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1158 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_child_init' + LibSuff16;
1161 * Run the handler functions for each module
1162 * @param r The request_rec
1163 * @remark non-wildcard handlers should HOOK_MIDDLE, wildcard HOOK_LAST
1164 }
1166  ap_HOOK_handler_t = function(r: Prequest_rec): Integer; cdecl;
1168procedure ap_hook_handler(pf: ap_HOOK_handler_t; const aszPre: PPChar;
1169 const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1170 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1171 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_handler' + LibSuff16;
1174 * Run the quick handler functions for each module. The quick_handler
1175 * is run before any other requests hooks are called (location_walk,
1176 * directory_walk, access checking, et. al.). This hook was added
1177 * to provide a quick way to serve content from a URI keyed cache.
1178 *
1179 * @param r The request_rec
1180 * @param lookup_uri Controls whether the caller actually wants content or not.
1181 * lookup is set when the quick_handler is called out of
1182 * ap_sub_req_lookup_uri()
1183 }
1185  ap_HOOK_quick_handler_t = function(r: Prequest_rec;
1186    lookup_uri: Integer): Integer; cdecl;
1188procedure ap_hook_quick_handler(pf: ap_HOOK_quick_handler_t;
1189 const aszPre: PPChar; const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1190 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1191 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_quick_handler' + LibSuff16;
1194 * Retrieve the optional functions for each module.
1195 * This is run immediately before the server starts. Optional functions should
1196 * be registered during the hook registration phase.
1197 }
1199  ap_HOOK_optional_fn_retrieve_t = procedure; cdecl;
1201procedure ap_hook_optional_fn_retrieve(pf: ap_HOOK_optional_fn_retrieve_t;
1202 const aszPre: PPChar; const aszSucc: PPChar; nOrder: Integer);
1203 {$IFDEF WINDOWS} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF}
1204 external LibHTTPD name LibNamePrefix + 'ap_hook_optional_fn_retrieve' + LibSuff16;