1 {
2   Construct the position table, as well as first position sets.
4   The position table stores symbol positions in regular expressions of
5   the Lex grammar. It also allows to store the corresponding first
6   and follow sets. By this means, the position table represents an eps-
7   free nondeterministic automaton for the regular expressions of the
8   Lex grammar (cf. Aho/Sethi/Ullman, Compilers : Principles, Techniques
9   and Tools, 1986, Section 3.9, on constructing NFA's from regular
10   expressions using position tables).
13   Copyright (c) 1990-92  Albert Graef <ag@muwiinfa.geschichte.uni-mainz.de>
14   Copyright (C) 1996     Berend de Boer <berend@pobox.com>
16   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
17   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
19   (at your option) any later version.
21   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24   GNU General Public License for more details.
26   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
28   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
31 $Revision: 1.2 $
32 $Modtime: 96-08-01 6:30 $
34 $History: LEXPOS.PAS $
35  *
36  * *****************  Version 2  *****************
37  * User: Berend       Date: 96-10-10   Time: 21:16
38  * Updated in $/Lex and Yacc/tply
39  * Updated for protected mode, windows and Delphi 1.X and 2.X.
41 }
44 unit LexPos;
47 interface
49 uses LexBase, LexTable;
52 procedure addExpr(r : RegExpr; var FIRST : IntSet);
53   (* Add the positions in r to the position table, and return the set of
54      first positions of r. *)
56 implementation
58 procedure eval(r : RegExpr;
59                var FIRST, LAST : IntSet;
60                var nullable : Boolean);
61   (* Evaluates the expression r, adding the positions in r to the position
62      table and assigning FIRST, LAST and FOLLOW sets accordingly (cf. Aho/
63      Sethi/Ullman, Compilers : Principles, Techniques and Tools, Section 3.9).
64      Returns:
65      - FIRST: the set of first positions in r
66      - LAST: the set of last positions in r
67      - nullable: denotes whether the r is nullable (i.e. is matched by the
68        empty string). *)
69   var
70     c : Char;
71     str : StrPtr;
72     cc : CClassPtr;
73     rule, pos : Integer;
74     r1, r2 : RegExpr;
75     FIRST1, LAST1 : IntSet;
76     nullable1 : Boolean;
77     i : integer;
78   begin
79     if is_epsExpr(r) then
80       begin
81         empty(FIRST); empty(LAST);
82         nullable := true
83       end
84     else if is_markExpr(r, rule, pos) then
85       begin
86         addMarkPos(rule, pos);
87         singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos);
88         nullable := true
89       end
90     else if is_charExpr(r, c) then
91       begin
92         addCharPos(c);
93         singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos);
94         nullable := false
95       end
96     else if is_strExpr(r, str) then
97       if length(str^)=0 then
98         (* empty string is treated as empty expression *)
99         begin
100           empty(FIRST); empty(LAST);
101           nullable := true
102         end
103       else
104         begin
105           addCharPos(str^[1]);
106           singleton(FIRST, n_pos);
107           for i := 2 to length(str^) do
108             begin
109               addCharPos(str^[i]);
110               singleton(pos_table^[pred(n_pos)].follow_pos^, n_pos);
111             end;
112           singleton(LAST, n_pos);
113           nullable := false
114         end
115     else if is_CClassExpr(r, cc) then
116       begin
117         addCClassPos(cc);
118         singleton(FIRST, n_pos); singleton(LAST, n_pos);
119         nullable := false
120       end
121     else if is_starExpr(r, r1) then
122       begin
123         eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable);
124         for i := 1 to size(LAST) do
125           setunion(pos_table^[LAST[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST);
126         nullable := true
127       end
128     else if is_plusExpr(r, r1) then
129       begin
130         eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable);
131         for i := 1 to size(LAST) do
132           setunion(pos_table^[LAST[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST);
133       end
134     else if is_optExpr(r, r1) then
135       begin
136         eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable);
137         nullable := true
138       end
139     else if is_catExpr(r, r1, r2) then
140       begin
141         eval(r1, FIRST, LAST1, nullable);
142         eval(r2, FIRST1, LAST, nullable1);
143         for i := 1 to size(LAST1) do
144           setunion(pos_table^[LAST1[i]].follow_pos^, FIRST1);
145         if nullable then setunion(FIRST, FIRST1);
146         if nullable1 then setunion(LAST, LAST1);
147         nullable := nullable and nullable1
148       end
149     else if is_altExpr(r, r1, r2) then
150       begin
151         eval(r1, FIRST, LAST, nullable);
152         eval(r2, FIRST1, LAST1, nullable1);
153         setunion(FIRST, FIRST1);
154         setunion(LAST, LAST1);
155         nullable := nullable or nullable1
156       end
157   end(*eval*);
159 procedure addExpr(r : RegExpr; var FIRST : IntSet);
160   var LAST : IntSet;
161       nullable : Boolean;
162   begin
163     eval(r, FIRST, LAST, nullable);
164   end(*addExpr*);
166 end(*LexPos*).