1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl, Pierre Muller
4     This unit handles the symbol tables
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
19  ****************************************************************************
20 }
21 unit symtable;
23 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
25 interface
27     uses
28        { common }
29        cutils,cclasses,globtype,tokens,
30        { symtable }
31        symconst,symbase,symtype,symdef,symsym;
34 {****************************************************************************
35                              Symtable types
36 ****************************************************************************}
38     type
39        tstoredsymtable = class(TSymtable)
40        private
41           init_final_check_done : boolean;
42           procedure _needs_init_final(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
43           procedure do_init_final_check;
44           procedure check_forward(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
45           procedure check_block_valid(def: TObject;arg:pointer);
46           procedure register_defs(def:tobject;arg:pointer);
47           procedure register_syms(sym:tobject;arg:pointer);
48           procedure labeldefined(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
49           procedure varsymbolused(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
50           procedure TestPrivate(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
51           procedure objectprivatesymbolused(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
52           procedure loaddefs(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
53           procedure loadsyms(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
54           procedure writedefs(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
55           procedure writesyms(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
56        public
57           constructor create(const s:string);
58           procedure insert(sym:TSymEntry;checkdup:boolean=true);override;
59           procedure delete(sym:TSymEntry);override;
60           { load/write }
61           procedure ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);virtual;
62           procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);virtual;
63           procedure buildderef;
64           procedure buildderefimpl;
65           { buildderef but only for (recursively) used symbols/defs }
66           procedure buildderef_registered;
67           procedure deref(only_registered: boolean);virtual;
68           procedure derefimpl(only_registered: boolean);virtual;
checkduplicatenull69           function  checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
70           procedure allsymbolsused;
71           procedure allprivatesused;
72           procedure check_forwards;
73           procedure checklabels;
needs_init_finalnull74           function  needs_init_final : boolean; virtual;
has_non_trivial_initnull75           function  has_non_trivial_init:boolean;virtual;
76           procedure testfordefaultproperty(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
77           procedure register_children;
78        end;
80 {$ifdef llvm}
81       tllvmshadowsymtableentry = class
82         constructor create(def: tdef; fieldoffset: aint);
83        private
84          ffieldoffset: aint;
85          fdef: tdef;
86        public
87          property fieldoffset: aint read ffieldoffset;
88          property def: tdef read fdef;
89        end;
91        tllvmshadowsymtable = class;
92 {$endif llvm}
94        tmanagementoperator_offset_entry = record
95          pd : tprocdef;
96          offset : asizeint;
97        end;
98        pmanagementoperator_offset_entry = ^tmanagementoperator_offset_entry;
100        tabstractrecordsymtable = class(tstoredsymtable)
101 {$ifdef llvm}
102        private
103          fllvmst: tllvmshadowsymtable;
getllvmshadowsymtabllnull104          function getllvmshadowsymtabll: tllvmshadowsymtable;
105 {$endif llvm}
106        public
107           usefieldalignment,     { alignment to use for fields (PACKRECORDS value), C_alignment is C style }
108           recordalignment,       { alignment desired when inserting this record }
109           fieldalignment,        { alignment current alignment used when fields are inserted }
110           padalignment : shortint;   { size to a multiple of which the symtable has to be rounded up }
111           recordalignmin,            { local equivalents of global settings, so that records can }
112           maxCrecordalign: shortint; { be created with custom settings internally }
113           has_fields_with_mop : tmanagementoperators; { whether any of the fields has the need for a management operator (or one of the field's fields) }
114           constructor create(const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
115           destructor destroy;override;
116           procedure ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
117           procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
118           procedure alignrecord(fieldoffset:asizeint;varalign:shortint);
119           procedure addfield(sym:tfieldvarsym;vis:tvisibility);
120           procedure addfieldlist(list: tfpobjectlist; maybereorder: boolean);
121           { returns the field closest to this offset (may not be exact because
122             of padding; internalerrors for variant records, assumes fields are
123             ordered by increasing offset) }
findfieldbyoffsetnull124           function findfieldbyoffset(offset:asizeint): tfieldvarsym;
125           procedure addalignmentpadding;
126           procedure insertdef(def:TDefEntry);override;
is_packednull127           function is_packed: boolean;
has_single_fieldnull128           function has_single_field(out def:tdef): boolean;
get_unit_symtablenull129           function get_unit_symtable: tsymtable;
130           { collects all management operators of the specified type in list (which
131             is not cleared); the entries are copies and thus must be freed by the
132             caller }
133           procedure get_managementoperator_offset_list(mop:tmanagementoperator;list:tfplist);
134         protected
135           { size in bytes including padding }
136           _datasize      : asizeint;
137           { size in bits of the data in case of bitpacked record. Only important during construction, }
138           { no need to save in/restore from ppu file. datasize is always (databitsize+7) div 8.       }
139           databitsize    : asizeint;
140           { size in bytes of padding }
141           _paddingsize   : word;
142           { array of tmanagementoperator_offset_entry lists; only assigned if
143             they had been queried once by get_management_operator_list }
144           mop_list : array[tmanagementoperator] of tfplist;
145           procedure setdatasize(val: asizeint);
getfieldoffsetnull146           function getfieldoffset(sym: tfieldvarsym; base: asizeint; var globalfieldalignment: shortint): asizeint;
147           procedure do_get_managementoperator_offset_list(data:tobject;arg:pointer);
148         public
iscurrentunitnull149           function iscurrentunit: boolean; override;
150           property datasize : asizeint read _datasize write setdatasize;
151           property paddingsize: word read _paddingsize write _paddingsize;
152 {$ifdef llvm}
153           property llvmst: tllvmshadowsymtable read getllvmshadowsymtabll;
154 {$endif llvm}
155        end;
157        trecordsymtable = class(tabstractrecordsymtable)
158        public
159           { maybe someday is worth to move managementoperators to              }
160           { tabstractrecordsymtable to perform management class operators for  }
161           { object/classes. In XE5 and newer is possible to use class operator }
162           { for classes (like for Delphi .NET before) only for Delphi NEXTGEN  }
163           managementoperators : tmanagementoperators;
164           constructor create(const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
165           procedure insertunionst(unionst : trecordsymtable;offset : asizeint);
166           procedure includemanagementoperator(mop:tmanagementoperator);
167        end;
169        tObjectSymtable = class(tabstractrecordsymtable)
170        public
171           constructor create(adefowner:tdef;const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
checkduplicatenull172           function  checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
173        end;
175 {$ifdef llvm}
176        { llvm record definitions cannot contain variant/union parts, }
177        { you have to flatten them first. the tllvmshadowsymtable     }
178        { contains a flattened version of a record/object symtable    }
179        tllvmshadowsymtable = class
180         private
181          equivst: tabstractrecordsymtable;
182          curroffset: aint;
getnull183          function get(f: tfieldvarsym): tllvmshadowsymtableentry;
get_by_llvm_indexnull184          function get_by_llvm_index(index: longint): tllvmshadowsymtableentry;
185         public
186          symdeflist: TFPObjectList;
188          constructor create(st: tabstractrecordsymtable);
189          destructor destroy; override;
191          property entries[index: tfieldvarsym]: tllvmshadowsymtableentry read get; default;
192          { warning: do not call this with field.llvmfieldnr, as
193              field.llvmfieldnr will only be initialised when the llvm shadow
194              symtable is accessed for the first time. Use the default/entries
195              property instead in this case }
196          property entries_by_llvm_index[index: longint]: tllvmshadowsymtableentry read get_by_llvm_index;
197         private
198          // generate the table
199          procedure generate;
200          // helpers
201          procedure appenddefoffset(vardef:tdef; fieldoffset: aint; derefclass: boolean);
202          procedure findvariantstarts(variantstarts: tfplist);
203          procedure addalignmentpadding(finalsize: aint);
204          procedure buildmapping(variantstarts: tfplist);
205          procedure buildtable(variantstarts: tfplist);
206        end;
207 {$endif llvm}
209        { tabstractsubsymtable }
211        tabstractsubsymtable = class(tstoredsymtable)
212        public
213           procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
214        end;
216        { tabstractlocalsymtable }
218        tabstractlocalsymtable = class(tabstractsubsymtable)
219        public
count_localsnull220           function count_locals:longint;
iscurrentunitnull221           function iscurrentunit: boolean; override;
222        end;
224        tlocalsymtable = class(tabstractlocalsymtable)
225        public
226           constructor create(adefowner:tdef;level:byte);
checkduplicatenull227           function checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
228        end;
230        { tparasymtable }
232        tparasymtable = class(tabstractlocalsymtable)
233        public
234           readonly: boolean;
235           constructor create(adefowner:tdef;level:byte);
checkduplicatenull236           function checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
237           procedure insertdef(def:TDefEntry);override;
238        end;
240        tabstractuniTSymtable = class(tstoredsymtable)
241        public
242           constructor create(const n : string;id:word);
checkduplicatenull243           function checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
findnamespacenull244           function findnamespace(const n:string):TSymEntry;virtual;
iscurrentunitnull245           function iscurrentunit:boolean;override;
needs_init_finalnull246           function needs_init_final: boolean; override;
247           procedure insertunit(sym:TSymEntry);
has_class_condestructorsnull248           function has_class_condestructors: boolean;
249        end;
251        tglobalsymtable = class(tabstractuniTSymtable)
252        public
253           unittypecount : word;
254           constructor create(const n : string;id:word);
255           procedure ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
256           procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
257        end;
259        tstaticsymtable = class(tabstractuniTSymtable)
260        public
261           constructor create(const n : string;id:word);
262           procedure ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
263           procedure ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);override;
checkduplicatenull264           function checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;override;
findnamespacenull265           function findnamespace(const n:string):TSymEntry;override;
266        end;
268        tspecializesymtable = class(tglobalsymtable)
269        public
270           constructor create(const n : string;id:word);
iscurrentunitnull271           function iscurrentunit:boolean;override;
272        end;
274        twithsymtable = class(TSymtable)
275           withrefnode : tobject; { tnode }
276           constructor create(aowner:tdef;ASymList:TFPHashObjectList;refnode:tobject{tnode});
277           destructor  destroy;override;
278           procedure clear;override;
279           procedure insertdef(def:TDefEntry);override;
280         end;
282        tstt_excepTSymtable = class(TSymtable)
283        public
284           constructor create;
285        end;
287        tmacrosymtable = class(tstoredsymtable)
288        public
289           constructor create(exported: boolean);
290        end;
292        { tenumsymtable }
294        tenumsymtable = class(tabstractsubsymtable)
295        public
296           procedure insert(sym: TSymEntry; checkdup: boolean = true); override;
297           constructor create(adefowner:tdef);
298        end;
300        { tarraysymtable }
302        tarraysymtable = class(tabstractsubsymtable)
303        public
304           procedure insertdef(def:TDefEntry);override;
305           constructor create(adefowner:tdef);
306        end;
308     var
309        systemunit     : tglobalsymtable; { pointer to the system unit }
311     type
312        tsymbol_search_flag = (
313          ssf_search_option,
314          ssf_search_helper,
315          ssf_has_inherited,
316          ssf_no_addsymref
317        );
318        tsymbol_search_flags = set of tsymbol_search_flag;
321 {****************************************************************************
322                              Functions
323 ****************************************************************************}
325 {*** Misc ***}
FullTypeNamenull326     function  FullTypeName(def,otherdef:tdef):string;
generate_nested_namenull327     function generate_nested_name(symtable:tsymtable;delimiter:string):string;
328     { def is the extended type of a helper }
generate_objectpascal_helper_keynull329     function generate_objectpascal_helper_key(def:tdef):string;
330     procedure incompatibletypes(def1,def2:tdef);
331     procedure hidesym(sym:TSymEntry);
332     procedure duplicatesym(var hashedid: THashedIDString; dupsym, origsym:TSymEntry; warn: boolean);
handle_generic_dummysymnull333     function handle_generic_dummysym(sym:TSymEntry;var symoptions:tsymoptions):boolean;
334     { writes all declarations for the specified system unit symbol }
335     procedure write_system_parameter_lists(const name:string);
337 {*** Search ***}
338     procedure addsymref(sym:tsym);
is_owned_bynull339     function  is_owned_by(nesteddef,ownerdef:tdef):boolean;
sym_is_owned_bynull340     function  sym_is_owned_by(childsym:tsym;symtable:tsymtable):boolean;
defs_belong_to_same_genericnull341     function  defs_belong_to_same_generic(def1,def2:tdef):boolean;
get_generic_in_hierarchy_by_namenull342     function  get_generic_in_hierarchy_by_name(srsym:tsym;def:tdef):tdef;
return_specialization_of_genericnull343     function  return_specialization_of_generic(nesteddef,genericdef:tdef;out resultdef:tdef):boolean;
is_visible_for_objectnull344     function  is_visible_for_object(symst:tsymtable;symvisibility:tvisibility;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
is_visible_for_objectnull345     function  is_visible_for_object(pd:tprocdef;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
is_visible_for_objectnull346     function  is_visible_for_object(sym:tsym;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
searchsymnull347     function  searchsym(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
searchsym_with_flagsnull348     function  searchsym_with_flags(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
searchsym_maybe_with_symoptionnull349     function  searchsym_maybe_with_symoption(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags;option:tsymoption):boolean;
350     { searches for a symbol with the given name that has the given option in
351       symoptions set }
searchsym_with_symoptionnull352     function  searchsym_with_symoption(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;option:tsymoption):boolean;
searchsym_typenull353     function  searchsym_type(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
searchsym_in_modulenull354     function  searchsym_in_module(pm:pointer;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
searchsym_in_named_modulenull355     function  searchsym_in_named_module(const unitname, symname: TIDString; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable): boolean;
searchsym_in_classnull356     function  searchsym_in_class(classh: tobjectdef; contextclassh:tabstractrecorddef;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
searchsym_in_recordnull357     function  searchsym_in_record(recordh:tabstractrecorddef;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
searchsym_in_class_by_msgintnull358     function  searchsym_in_class_by_msgint(classh:tobjectdef;msgid:longint;out srdef : tdef;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
searchsym_in_class_by_msgstrnull359     function  searchsym_in_class_by_msgstr(classh:tobjectdef;const s:string;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
360     { searches symbols inside of a helper's implementation }
searchsym_in_helpernull361     function  searchsym_in_helper(classh,contextclassh:tobjectdef;const s: TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
search_system_typenull362     function  search_system_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
try_search_system_typenull363     function  try_search_system_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
try_search_current_module_typenull364     function  try_search_current_module_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
search_system_procnull365     function  search_system_proc(const s: TIDString): tprocdef;
search_named_unit_globaltypenull366     function  search_named_unit_globaltype(const unitname, typename: TIDString; throwerror: boolean): ttypesym;
search_struct_membernull367     function  search_struct_member(pd : tabstractrecorddef;const s : string):tsym;
search_struct_member_no_helpernull368     function  search_struct_member_no_helper(pd : tabstractrecorddef;const s : string):tsym;
search_assignment_operatornull369     function  search_assignment_operator(from_def,to_def:Tdef;explicit:boolean):Tprocdef;
search_enumerator_operatornull370     function  search_enumerator_operator(from_def,to_def:Tdef):Tprocdef;
search_management_operatornull371     function  search_management_operator(mop:tmanagementoperator;pd:Tdef):Tprocdef;
372     { searches for the helper definition that's currently active for pd }
search_last_objectpascal_helpernull373     function  search_last_objectpascal_helper(pd : tdef;contextclassh : tabstractrecorddef;out odef : tobjectdef):boolean;
374     { searches whether the symbol s is available in the currently active }
375     { helper for pd }
search_objectpascal_helpernull376     function  search_objectpascal_helper(pd : tdef;contextclassh : tabstractrecorddef;const s : string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
search_objc_helpernull377     function  search_objc_helper(pd : tobjectdef;const s : string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
search_objc_methodnull378     function  search_objc_method(const s : string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
379     {Looks for macro s (must be given in upper case) in the macrosymbolstack, }
380     {and returns it if found. Returns nil otherwise.}
search_macronull381     function  search_macro(const s : string):tsym;
382     { Additionally to searching for a macro, also checks whether it's still }
383     { actually defined (could be disable using "undef")                     }
defined_macronull384     function  defined_macro(const s : string):boolean;
385     { Look for a system procedure (no overloads supported) }
387 {*** Object Helpers ***}
search_default_propertynull388     function search_default_property(pd : tabstractrecorddef) : tpropertysym;
maybe_find_real_class_definitionnull389     function maybe_find_real_class_definition(pd: tdef; erroronfailure: boolean): tdef;
find_real_class_definitionnull390     function find_real_class_definition(pd: tobjectdef; erroronfailure: boolean): tobjectdef;
392 {*** Macro Helpers ***}
393     {If called initially, the following procedures manipulate macros in }
394     {initialmacrotable, otherwise they manipulate system macros local to a module.}
395     {Name can be given in any case (it will be converted to upper case).}
396     procedure def_system_macro(const name : string);
397     procedure set_system_macro(const name, value : string);
398     procedure set_system_compvar(const name, value : string);
399     procedure undef_system_macro(const name : string);
401 {*** symtable stack ***}
402 { $ifdef DEBUG
403     procedure test_symtablestack;
404     procedure list_symtablestack;
405  $endif DEBUG}
407 {$ifdef UNITALIASES}
408     type
409        punit_alias = ^tunit_alias;
410        tunit_alias = object(TNamedIndexItem)
411           newname : pshortstring;
412           constructor init(const n:string);
413           destructor  done;virtual;
414        end;
415     var
416        unitaliases : pdictionary;
418     procedure addunitalias(const n:string);
getunitaliasnull419     function getunitalias(const n:string):string;
420 {$endif UNITALIASES}
422 {*** Init / Done ***}
423     procedure IniTSymtable;
424     procedure DoneSymtable;
426     const
427       overloaded_names : array [NOTOKEN..last_overloaded] of string[16] = (
428     { NOTOKEN        }  'error',
429     { _PLUS          }  'plus',
430     { _MINUS         }  'minus',
431     { _STAR          }  'star',
432     { _SLASH         }  'slash',
433     { _EQ            }  'equal',
434     { _GT            }  'greater',
435     { _LT            }  'lower',
436     { _GTE           }  'greater_or_equal',
437     { _LTE           }  'lower_or_equal',
438     { _NE            }  'not_equal',
439     { _SYMDIF        }  'sym_diff',
440     { _STARSTAR      }  'starstar',
441     { _OP_AS         }  'as',
442     { _OP_IN         }  'in',
443     { _OP_IS         }  'is',
444     { _OP_OR         }  'or',
445     { _OP_AND        }  'and',
446     { _OP_DIV        }  'div',
447     { _OP_MOD        }  'mod',
448     { _OP_NOT        }  'not',
449     { _OP_SHL        }  'shl',
450     { _OP_SHR        }  'shr',
451     { _OP_XOR        }  'xor',
452     { _ASSIGNMENT    }  'assign',
453     { _OP_EXPLICIT   }  'explicit',
454     { _OP_ENUMERATOR }  'enumerator',
455     { _OP_INITIALIZE }  'initialize',
456     { _OP_FINALIZE   }  'finalize',
457     { _OP_ADDREF     }  'addref',
458     { _OP_COPY       }  'copy',
459     { _OP_INC        }  'inc',
460     { _OP_DEC        }  'dec');
462       managementoperator2tok:array[tmanagementoperator] of ttoken = (
463     { mop_none       }  NOTOKEN,
464     { mop_initialize }  _OP_INITIALIZE,
465     { mop_finalize   }  _OP_FINALIZE,
466     { mop_addref     }  _OP_ADDREF,
467     { mop_copy       }  _OP_COPY
468     );
472 implementation
474     uses
475       { global }
476       verbose,globals,
477       { symtable }
478       symutil,defutil,defcmp,objcdef,
479       { module }
480       fmodule,
481       { codegen }
482       procinfo,
483       { ppu }
484       entfile,
485       { parser }
486       scanner
487       ;
490     var
491       dupnr : longint; { unique number for duplicate symbols }
493 {*****************************************************************************
494                              TStoredSymtable
495 *****************************************************************************}
497     constructor tstoredsymtable.create(const s:string);
498       begin
499         inherited create(s);
500         { Note: this happens for the initial macro symtable, so no error here }
501         if not assigned(current_module) then
502           comment(v_debug,'Current module not available for module id')
503         else
504           moduleid:=current_module.moduleid;
505       end;
508     procedure tstoredsymtable.insert(sym:TSymEntry;checkdup:boolean=true);
509       begin
510         inherited insert(sym,checkdup);
511         init_final_check_done:=false;
512       end;
515     procedure tstoredsymtable.delete(sym:TSymEntry);
516       begin
517         inherited delete(sym);
518         init_final_check_done:=false;
519       end;
522     procedure tstoredsymtable.ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
523       begin
524         { load the table's flags }
525         if ppufile.readentry<>ibsymtableoptions then
526           Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
527         ppufile.getsmallset(tableoptions);
529         { load definitions }
530         loaddefs(ppufile);
532         { load symbols }
533         loadsyms(ppufile);
535         init_final_check_done:=true;
536       end;
539     procedure tstoredsymtable.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
540       begin
541          { ensure that we have the sto_needs_init_final flag set if needed }
542          if not init_final_check_done then
543            needs_init_final;
545          { write the table's flags }
546          ppufile.putsmallset(tableoptions);
547          ppufile.writeentry(ibsymtableoptions);
549          { write definitions }
550          writedefs(ppufile);
552          { write symbols }
553          writesyms(ppufile);
554       end;
557     procedure tstoredsymtable.loaddefs(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
558       var
559         def : tdef;
560         b   : byte;
561       begin
562          def:=nil;
563          { load start of definition section, which holds the amount of defs }
564          if ppufile.readentry<>ibstartdefs then
565            Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
566          { read definitions }
567          repeat
568            b:=ppufile.readentry;
569            case b of
570              ibpointerdef : def:=cpointerdef.ppuload(ppufile);
571              ibarraydef : def:=carraydef.ppuload(ppufile);
572              iborddef : def:=corddef.ppuload(ppufile);
573              ibfloatdef : def:=cfloatdef.ppuload(ppufile);
574              ibprocdef : def:=cprocdef.ppuload(ppufile);
575              ibshortstringdef : def:=cstringdef.loadshort(ppufile);
576              iblongstringdef : def:=cstringdef.loadlong(ppufile);
577              ibansistringdef : def:=cstringdef.loadansi(ppufile);
578              ibwidestringdef : def:=cstringdef.loadwide(ppufile);
579              ibunicodestringdef : def:=cstringdef.loadunicode(ppufile);
580              ibrecorddef : def:=crecorddef.ppuload(ppufile);
581              ibobjectdef : def:=cobjectdef.ppuload(ppufile);
582              ibenumdef : def:=cenumdef.ppuload(ppufile);
583              ibsetdef : def:=csetdef.ppuload(ppufile);
584              ibprocvardef : def:=cprocvardef.ppuload(ppufile);
585              ibfiledef : def:=cfiledef.ppuload(ppufile);
586              ibclassrefdef : def:=cclassrefdef.ppuload(ppufile);
587              ibformaldef : def:=cformaldef.ppuload(ppufile);
588              ibvariantdef : def:=cvariantdef.ppuload(ppufile);
589              ibundefineddef : def:=cundefineddef.ppuload(ppufile);
590              ibenddefs : break;
591              ibend : Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
592            else
593              Message1(unit_f_ppu_invalid_entry,tostr(b));
594            end;
595            InsertDef(def);
596          until false;
597       end;
600     procedure tstoredsymtable.loadsyms(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
601       var
602         b   : byte;
603         sym : tsym;
604       begin
605          sym:=nil;
606          { load start of definition section, which holds the amount of defs }
607          if ppufile.readentry<>ibstartsyms then
608           Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
609          { now read the symbols }
610          repeat
611            b:=ppufile.readentry;
612            case b of
613                 ibtypesym : sym:=ctypesym.ppuload(ppufile);
614                 ibprocsym : sym:=cprocsym.ppuload(ppufile);
615                ibconstsym : sym:=cconstsym.ppuload(ppufile);
616            ibstaticvarsym : sym:=cstaticvarsym.ppuload(ppufile);
617             iblocalvarsym : sym:=clocalvarsym.ppuload(ppufile);
618              ibparavarsym : sym:=cparavarsym.ppuload(ppufile);
619             ibfieldvarsym : sym:=cfieldvarsym.ppuload(ppufile);
620          ibabsolutevarsym : sym:=cabsolutevarsym.ppuload(ppufile);
621                 ibenumsym : sym:=cenumsym.ppuload(ppufile);
622             ibpropertysym : sym:=cpropertysym.ppuload(ppufile);
623                 ibunitsym : sym:=cunitsym.ppuload(ppufile);
624                iblabelsym : sym:=clabelsym.ppuload(ppufile);
625                  ibsyssym : sym:=csyssym.ppuload(ppufile);
626                ibmacrosym : sym:=tmacro.ppuload(ppufile);
627            ibnamespacesym : sym:=cnamespacesym.ppuload(ppufile);
628                 ibendsyms : break;
629                     ibend : Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
630            else
631              Message1(unit_f_ppu_invalid_entry,tostr(b));
632            end;
633            Insert(sym,false);
634          until false;
635       end;
638     procedure tstoredsymtable.writedefs(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
639       var
640         defcount,
641         i   : longint;
642         def : tstoreddef;
643       begin
644         defcount:=0;
645         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
646           if tstoreddef(DefList[i]).is_registered then
647             inc(defcount);
648         { each definition get a number, write then the amount of defs to the
649           ibstartdef entry }
650         ppufile.putlongint(defcount);
651         ppufile.writeentry(ibstartdefs);
652         { now write the definition }
653         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
654           begin
655             def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
656             if def.is_registered then
657               def.ppuwrite(ppufile);
658           end;
659         { write end of definitions }
660         ppufile.writeentry(ibenddefs);
661       end;
664     procedure tstoredsymtable.writesyms(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
665       var
666         symcount,
667         i   : longint;
668         sym : Tstoredsym;
669       begin
670         symcount:=0;
671         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
672           if tstoredsym(SymList[i]).is_registered then
673             inc(symcount);
674         { each definition get a number, write then the amount of syms and the
675           datasize to the ibsymdef entry }
676         ppufile.putlongint(symcount);
677         ppufile.writeentry(ibstartsyms);
678         { foreach is used to write all symbols }
679         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
680           begin
681             sym:=tstoredsym(SymList[i]);
682             if sym.is_registered then
683               sym.ppuwrite(ppufile);
684           end;
685         { end of symbols }
686         ppufile.writeentry(ibendsyms);
687       end;
690     procedure tstoredsymtable.buildderef;
691       var
692         i   : longint;
693         def : tstoreddef;
694         sym : tstoredsym;
695       begin
696         { interface definitions }
697         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
698           begin
699             def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
700             def.buildderef;
701           end;
702         { interface symbols }
703         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
704           begin
705             sym:=tstoredsym(SymList[i]);
706             sym.buildderef;
707           end;
708       end;
711     procedure tstoredsymtable.buildderefimpl;
712       var
713         i   : longint;
714         def : tstoreddef;
715       begin
716         { implementation definitions }
717         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
718           begin
719             def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
720             def.buildderefimpl;
721           end;
722       end;
725     procedure tstoredsymtable.buildderef_registered;
726       var
727         def : tstoreddef;
728         sym : tstoredsym;
729         i   : longint;
730         defidmax,
731         symidmax: longint;
732         newbuiltdefderefs,
733         builtdefderefs,
734         builtsymderefs: array of boolean;
735         changed: boolean;
736       begin
737         newbuiltdefderefs:=nil;
738         builtdefderefs:=nil;
739         builtsymderefs:=nil;
740         { tdefs for which we already built the deref }
741         setlength(builtdefderefs,deflist.count);
742         { tdefs for which we built the deref in this iteration }
743         setlength(newbuiltdefderefs,deflist.count);
744         { syms for which we already built the deref }
745         setlength(builtsymderefs,symlist.count);
746         repeat
747           { we only have to store the defs (recursively) referred by wpo info
748             or inlined routines in the static symbtable }
750           { current number of registered defs/syms }
751           defidmax:=current_module.deflist.count;
752           symidmax:=current_module.symlist.count;
753           changed:=false;
755           { build the derefs for the registered defs we haven't processed yet }
756           for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
757             begin
758               if not builtdefderefs[i] then
759                 begin
760                   def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
761                   if def.is_registered then
762                     begin
763                       def.buildderef;
764                       newbuiltdefderefs[i]:=true;
765                       builtdefderefs[i]:=true;
766                       changed:=true;
767                     end;
768                 end;
769             end;
770           { same for the syms }
771           for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
772             begin
773               if not builtsymderefs[i] then
774                 begin
775                   sym:=tstoredsym(SymList[i]);
776                   if sym.is_registered then
777                     begin
778                       sym.buildderef;
779                       builtsymderefs[i]:=true;
780                       changed:=true;
781                     end;
782                 end;
783             end;
784           { now buildderefimpl for the defs we processed in this iteration }
785           for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
786             begin
787               if newbuiltdefderefs[i] then
788                 begin
789                   newbuiltdefderefs[i]:=false;
790                   tstoreddef(DefList[i]).buildderefimpl;
791                   changed:=true;
792                 end;
793             end;
794         { stop when no new defs or syms have been registered while processing
795           the currently registered ones (defs/syms get added to the module's
796           deflist/symlist when they are registered) }
797         until not changed and
798           (defidmax=current_module.deflist.count) and
799           (symidmax=current_module.symlist.count);
800       end;
803     procedure tstoredsymtable.deref(only_registered: boolean);
804       var
805         i   : longint;
806         def : tstoreddef;
807         sym : tstoredsym;
808       begin
809         { first deref the interface ttype symbols. This is needs
810           to be done before the interface defs are derefed, because
811           the interface defs can contain references to the type symbols
812           which then already need to contain a resolved typedef field (PFV) }
813         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
814           begin
815             sym:=tstoredsym(SymList[i]);
816             if (sym.typ=typesym) and
817                (not only_registered or
818                 sym.is_registered) then
819               sym.deref;
820           end;
821         { interface definitions }
822         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
823           begin
824             def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
825             if not only_registered or
826                def.is_registered then
827               def.deref;
828           end;
829         { interface symbols }
830         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
831           begin
832             sym:=tstoredsym(SymList[i]);
833             if (not only_registered or
834                 sym.is_registered) and
835                (sym.typ<>typesym) then
836               sym.deref;
837           end;
838       end;
841     procedure tstoredsymtable.derefimpl(only_registered: boolean);
842       var
843         i   : longint;
844         def : tstoreddef;
845       begin
846         { implementation definitions }
847         for i:=0 to DefList.Count-1 do
848           begin
849             def:=tstoreddef(DefList[i]);
850             if not only_registered or
851                def.is_registered then
852               def.derefimpl;
853           end;
854       end;
tstoredsymtable.checkduplicatenull857     function tstoredsymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
858       var
859         hsym : tsym;
860       begin
861         hsym:=tsym(FindWithHash(hashedid));
862         if assigned(hsym) then
863           DuplicateSym(hashedid,sym,hsym,false);
864         result:=assigned(hsym);
865       end;
868 {**************************************
869              Callbacks
870 **************************************}
872     procedure TStoredSymtable.check_forward(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
873       begin
874          if tsym(sym).typ=procsym then
875            tprocsym(sym).check_forward
876          { check also object method table            }
877          { we needn't to test the def list          }
878          { because each object has to have a type sym,
879            only test objects declarations, not type renamings }
880          else
881           if (tsym(sym).typ=typesym) and
882              assigned(ttypesym(sym).typedef) and
883              (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typesym=ttypesym(sym)) and
884              (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) then
885            tabstractrecorddef(ttypesym(sym).typedef).check_forwards;
886       end;
889     procedure tstoredsymtable.check_block_valid(def: TObject; arg: pointer);
890       var
891         founderrordef: tdef;
892       begin
893         { all parameters passed to a block must be handled by the Objective-C
894           runtime }
895         if is_block(tdef(def)) and
896            not objcchecktype(tdef(def),founderrordef) then
897           if assigned(tdef(def).typesym) then
898             MessagePos1(tdef(def).typesym.fileinfo,type_e_objc_type_unsupported,founderrordef.typename)
899           else
900             Message1(type_e_objc_type_unsupported,tprocvardef(def).typename)
901       end;
904     procedure tstoredsymtable.register_syms(sym:tobject;arg:pointer);
905       begin
906         tsym(sym).register_sym;
907       end;
910     procedure tstoredsymtable.register_defs(def:tobject;arg:pointer);
911       begin
912         tdef(def).register_def;
913       end;
916     procedure TStoredSymtable.labeldefined(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
917       begin
918         if (tsym(sym).typ=labelsym) and
919            not(tlabelsym(sym).defined) then
920          begin
921            if tlabelsym(sym).used then
922             Message1(sym_e_label_used_and_not_defined,tlabelsym(sym).realname)
923            else
924             Message1(sym_w_label_not_defined,tlabelsym(sym).realname);
925          end;
926       end;
929     procedure TStoredSymtable.varsymbolused(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
930       begin
931          if (tsym(sym).typ in [staticvarsym,localvarsym,paravarsym,fieldvarsym]) and
932             ((tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype in
933              [parasymtable,localsymtable,ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable,staticsymtable])) then
934            begin
935             { unused symbol should be reported only if no                    }
936             { error is reported                                              }
937             { if the symbol is in a register it is used                      }
938             { also don't count the value parameters which have local copies  }
939             { also don't claim for high param of open parameters    (PM)     }
940             { also don't complain about unused symbols in generic procedures }
941             { and methods                                                    }
942             { and neither in abstract methods                                }
943             if (Errorcount<>0) or
944                ([vo_is_hidden_para,vo_is_funcret] * tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions = [vo_is_hidden_para]) or
945                (sp_internal in tsym(sym).symoptions) or
946                ((assigned(tsym(sym).owner.defowner) and
947                 (tsym(sym).owner.defowner.typ=procdef) and
948                 ((df_generic in tprocdef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).defoptions) or
949                  (po_abstractmethod in tprocdef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).procoptions)))) then
950               exit;
951             if (tstoredsym(sym).refs=0) then
952               begin
953                  if (vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions) then
954                    begin
955                      { don't warn about the result of constructors }
956                      if ((tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype<>localsymtable) or
957                         (tprocdef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).proctypeoption<>potype_constructor)) and
958                         not (po_noreturn in tprocdef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).procoptions) and
959                         not(cs_opt_nodedfa in current_settings.optimizerswitches) then
960                        MessagePos(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_w_function_result_not_set)
961                    end
962                  else if (tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype=parasymtable) then
963                    MessagePos1(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_h_para_identifier_not_used,tsym(sym).prettyname)
964                  else if (tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then
965                    MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_identifier_not_used,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname)
966                  else
967                    MessagePos1(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_local_identifier_not_used,tsym(sym).prettyname);
968               end
969             else if tabstractvarsym(sym).varstate in [vs_written,vs_initialised] then
970               begin
971                  if (tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype=parasymtable) then
972                    begin
973                      if not(tabstractvarsym(sym).varspez in [vs_var,vs_out,vs_constref]) and
974                         not(vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions) then
975                        MessagePos1(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_h_para_identifier_only_set,tsym(sym).prettyname)
976                    end
977                  else if (tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then
978                    MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_identifier_only_set,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname)
979                  else if tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions*[vo_is_funcret,vo_is_public,vo_is_external]=[] then
980                    MessagePos1(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_local_identifier_only_set,tsym(sym).prettyname);
981               end
982             else if (tabstractvarsym(sym).varstate = vs_read_not_warned) and
983                     ([vo_is_public,vo_is_external] * tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions = []) then
984               MessagePos1(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_w_identifier_only_read,tsym(sym).prettyname)
985           end
986         else if ((tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype in
987               [ObjectSymtable,parasymtable,localsymtable,staticsymtable,recordsymtable])) then
988           begin
989            if (Errorcount<>0) or
990               (sp_internal in tsym(sym).symoptions) then
991              exit;
992            { do not claim for inherited private fields !! }
993            if (tsym(sym).refs=0) and (tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) then
994              case tsym(sym).typ of
995                typesym:
996                  MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_type_not_used,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname);
997                constsym:
998                  MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_const_not_used,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname);
999                propertysym:
1000                  MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_property_not_used,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname);
1001              else
1002                MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_n_private_method_not_used,tabstractrecorddef(tsym(sym).owner.defowner).GetTypeName,tsym(sym).prettyname);
1003              end
1004            { units references are problematic }
1005            else
1006             begin
1007               if (tsym(sym).refs=0) and
1008                  not(tsym(sym).typ in [enumsym,unitsym,namespacesym]) and
1009                  not(is_funcret_sym(tsym(sym))) and
1010                  { don't complain about compiler generated syms for specializations, see also #13405 }
1011                  not((tsym(sym).typ=typesym) and (df_specialization in ttypesym(sym).typedef.defoptions) and
1012                     (pos('$',ttypesym(sym).Realname)<>0)) and
1013                  (
1014                   (tsym(sym).typ<>procsym) or
1015                   ((tsym(sym).owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) and
1016                    not current_module.is_unit)
1017                  ) and
1018                  { don't complain about alias for hidden _cmd parameter to
1019                    obj-c methods }
1020                  not((tsym(sym).typ in [localvarsym,paravarsym,absolutevarsym]) and
1021                      (vo_is_msgsel in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions)) then
1022                 MessagePos2(tsym(sym).fileinfo,sym_h_local_symbol_not_used,SymTypeName[tsym(sym).typ],tsym(sym).prettyname);
1023             end;
1024           end;
1025       end;
1028     procedure TStoredSymtable.TestPrivate(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
1029       begin
1030         if tsym(sym).visibility in [vis_private,vis_strictprivate] then
1031           varsymbolused(sym,arg);
1032       end;
1035     procedure TStoredSymtable.objectprivatesymbolused(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
1036       begin
1037          {
1038            Don't test simple object aliases PM
1039          }
1040          if (tsym(sym).typ=typesym) and
1041             (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) and
1042             (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typesym=tsym(sym)) then
1043            tabstractrecorddef(ttypesym(sym).typedef).symtable.SymList.ForEachCall(@TestPrivate,nil);
1044       end;
1047    procedure tstoredsymtable.testfordefaultproperty(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
1048      begin
1049         if (tsym(sym).typ=propertysym) and
1050            (ppo_defaultproperty in tpropertysym(sym).propoptions) then
1051           ppointer(arg)^:=sym;
1052      end;
1055    procedure tstoredsymtable.register_children;
1056      begin
1057        SymList.ForEachCall(@register_syms,nil);
1058        DefList.ForEachCall(@register_defs,nil);
1059      end;
1062 {***********************************************
1063            Process all entries
1064 ***********************************************}
1066     { checks, if all procsyms and methods are defined }
1067     procedure tstoredsymtable.check_forwards;
1068       begin
1069          SymList.ForEachCall(@check_forward,nil);
1070          { check whether all block definitions contain valid Objective-C types
1071            (now that all forward definitions have been resolved) }
1072          DefList.ForEachCall(@check_block_valid,nil);
1073       end;
1076     procedure tstoredsymtable.checklabels;
1077       begin
1078          SymList.ForEachCall(@labeldefined,nil);
1079       end;
1082     procedure tstoredsymtable.allsymbolsused;
1083       begin
1084          SymList.ForEachCall(@varsymbolused,nil);
1085       end;
1088     procedure tstoredsymtable.allprivatesused;
1089       begin
1090          SymList.ForEachCall(@objectprivatesymbolused,nil);
1091       end;
1094     procedure TStoredSymtable._needs_init_final(sym:TObject;arg:pointer);
1095       begin
1096          if [sto_needs_init_final,sto_has_non_trivial_init] <= tableoptions then
1097            exit;
1098          { don't check static symbols - they can be present in structures only and
1099            always have a reference to a symbol defined on unit level }
1100          if sp_static in tsym(sym).symoptions then
1101            exit;
1102          case tsym(sym).typ of
1103            fieldvarsym,
1104            staticvarsym,
1105            localvarsym,
1106            paravarsym :
1107              begin
1108                if assigned(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef) and
1109                   is_managed_type(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef) then
1110                  include(tableoptions,sto_needs_init_final);
1111                if is_record((tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef)) and
1112                    (mop_initialize in trecordsymtable(trecorddef(tabstractvarsym(sym).vardef).symtable).managementoperators) then
1113                  include(tableoptions,sto_has_non_trivial_init);
1114              end;
1115          end;
1116       end;
1119     procedure tstoredsymtable.do_init_final_check;
1120       begin
1121          if not init_final_check_done then
1122            begin
1123              exclude(tableoptions,sto_needs_init_final);
1124              exclude(tableoptions,sto_has_non_trivial_init);
1125              SymList.ForEachCall(@_needs_init_final,nil);
1126              init_final_check_done:=true;
1127            end;
1128       end;
1130     { returns true, if p contains data which needs init/final code }
tstoredsymtable.needs_init_finalnull1131     function tstoredsymtable.needs_init_final : boolean;
1132       begin
1133          do_init_final_check;
1134          result:=sto_needs_init_final in tableoptions;
1135       end;
tstoredsymtable.has_non_trivial_initnull1138     function tstoredsymtable.has_non_trivial_init:boolean;
1139       begin
1140         do_init_final_check;
1141         result:=sto_has_non_trivial_init in tableoptions;
1142       end;
1145 {****************************************************************************
1146                           TAbstractRecordSymtable
1147 ****************************************************************************}
1149 {$ifdef llvm}
tabstractrecordsymtable.getllvmshadowsymtabllnull1150     function tabstractrecordsymtable.getllvmshadowsymtabll: tllvmshadowsymtable;
1151       begin
1152         if not assigned(fllvmst) then
1153           fllvmst:=tllvmshadowsymtable.create(self);
1154         result:=fllvmst;
1155       end;
1156 {$endif llvm}
1158     constructor tabstractrecordsymtable.create(const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
1159       begin
1160         inherited create(n);
1161         _datasize:=0;
1162         databitsize:=0;
1163         recordalignment:=1;
1164         usefieldalignment:=usealign;
1165         recordalignmin:=recordminalign;
1166         maxCrecordalign:=recordmaxCalign;
1167         padalignment:=1;
1168         { recordalign C_alignment means C record packing, that starts
1169           with an alignment of 1 }
1170         case usealign of
1171           C_alignment,
1172           bit_alignment:
1173             fieldalignment:=1;
1174           mac68k_alignment:
1175             fieldalignment:=2;
1176           else
1177             fieldalignment:=usealign;
1178         end;
1179       end;
1182     destructor tabstractrecordsymtable.destroy;
1184       { for some reason a compiler built with 3.3.1 fails building the libxml2
1185         package if the below define is not defined and thus the code snippet is
1186         part of the destructor itself and not a nested procedure; until that bug
1187         is fixed this is used as a workaround :/ }
1188 {$define codegen_workaround}
1189 {$ifdef codegen_workaround}
1190       procedure free_mop_list(mop:tmanagementoperator);
1191         var
1192           i : longint;
1193         begin
1194           if assigned(mop_list[mop]) then
1195             for i:=0 to mop_list[mop].count-1 do
1196               dispose(pmanagementoperator_offset_entry(mop_list[mop][i]));
1197           mop_list[mop].free;
1198         end;
1199 {$endif codegen_workaround}
1201       var
1202         mop : tmanagementoperator;
1203 {$ifndef codegen_workaround}
1204         i : longint;
1205 {$endif codegen_workaround}
1206       begin
1207         if refcount>1 then
1208           exit;
1209 {$ifdef llvm}
1210         fllvmst.free;
1211 {$endif llvm}
1212         for mop:=low(tmanagementoperator) to high(tmanagementoperator) do
1213           begin
1214 {$ifdef codegen_workaround}
1215             free_mop_list(mop);
1216 {$else codegen_workaround}
1217             if assigned(mop_list[mop]) then
1218               for i:=0 to mop_list[mop].count-1 do
1219                 dispose(pmanagementoperator_offset_entry(mop_list[mop][i]));
1220             mop_list[mop].free;
1221 {$endif codegen_workaround}
1222           end;
1223         inherited destroy;
1224       end;
1227     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
1228       begin
1229         if ppufile.readentry<>ibrecsymtableoptions then
1230           Message(unit_f_ppu_read_error);
1231         recordalignment:=shortint(ppufile.getbyte);
1232         usefieldalignment:=shortint(ppufile.getbyte);
1233         recordalignmin:=shortint(ppufile.getbyte);
1234         if (usefieldalignment=C_alignment) then
1235           fieldalignment:=shortint(ppufile.getbyte);
1236         ppufile.getsmallset(has_fields_with_mop);
1237         inherited ppuload(ppufile);
1238       end;
1241     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
1242       var
1243         oldtyp : byte;
1244       begin
1245          oldtyp:=ppufile.entrytyp;
1246          ppufile.entrytyp:=subentryid;
1247          { in case of classes using C alignment, the alignment of the parent
1248            affects the alignment of fields of the childs }
1249          ppufile.putbyte(byte(recordalignment));
1250          ppufile.putbyte(byte(usefieldalignment));
1251          ppufile.putbyte(byte(recordalignmin));
1252          if (usefieldalignment=C_alignment) then
1253            ppufile.putbyte(byte(fieldalignment));
1254          { it's not really a "symtableoption", but loading this from the record
1255            def requires storing the set in the recorddef at least between
1256            ppuload and deref/derefimpl }
1257          ppufile.putsmallset(has_fields_with_mop);
1258          ppufile.writeentry(ibrecsymtableoptions);
1260          inherited ppuwrite(ppufile);
1262          ppufile.entrytyp:=oldtyp;
1263       end;
field2recordalignmentnull1266     function field2recordalignment(fieldoffs, fieldalign: asizeint): asizeint;
1267       begin
1268         { optimal alignment of the record when declaring a variable of this }
1269         { type is independent of the packrecords setting                    }
1270         if (fieldoffs mod fieldalign) = 0 then
1271           result:=fieldalign
1272         else if (fieldalign >= 16) and
1273                 ((fieldoffs mod 16) = 0) and
1274                 ((fieldalign mod 16) = 0) then
1275           result:=16
1276         else if (fieldalign >= 8) and
1277                 ((fieldoffs mod 8) = 0) and
1278                 ((fieldalign mod 8) = 0) then
1279           result:=8
1280         else if (fieldalign >= 4) and
1281                 ((fieldoffs mod 4) = 0) and
1282                 ((fieldalign mod 4) = 0) then
1283           result:=4
1284         else if (fieldalign >= 2) and
1285                 ((fieldoffs mod 2) = 0) and
1286                 ((fieldalign mod 2) = 0) then
1287           result:=2
1288         else
1289           result:=1;
1290       end;
1292     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.alignrecord(fieldoffset:asizeint;varalign:shortint);
1293       var
1294         varalignrecord: shortint;
1295       begin
1296         case usefieldalignment of
1297           C_alignment:
1298             varalignrecord:=used_align(varalign,recordalignmin,maxCrecordalign);
1299           mac68k_alignment:
1300             varalignrecord:=2;
1301           else
1302             varalignrecord:=field2recordalignment(fieldoffset,varalign);
1303         end;
1304         recordalignment:=max(recordalignment,varalignrecord);
1305       end;
1307     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.addfield(sym:tfieldvarsym;vis:tvisibility);
1308       var
1309         l      : asizeint;
1310         varalign : shortint;
1311         vardef : tdef;
1312       begin
1313         if (sym.owner<>self) then
1314           internalerror(200602031);
1315         if sym.fieldoffset<>-1 then
1316           internalerror(200602032);
1317         { set visibility for the symbol }
1318         sym.visibility:=vis;
1319         { this symbol can't be loaded to a register }
1320         sym.varregable:=vr_none;
1321         { management operators }
1322         if sym.vardef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
1323           has_fields_with_mop:=has_fields_with_mop + tabstractrecordsymtable(tabstractrecorddef(sym.vardef).symtable).has_fields_with_mop;
1324         if sym.vardef.typ=recorddef then
1325           has_fields_with_mop:=has_fields_with_mop + trecordsymtable(trecorddef(sym.vardef).symtable).managementoperators;
1326         { Calculate field offset }
1327         l:=sym.getsize;
1328         vardef:=sym.vardef;
1329         varalign:=vardef.structalignment;
1330         case usefieldalignment of
1331           bit_alignment:
1332             begin
1333               { bitpacking only happens for ordinals, the rest is aligned at }
1334               { 1 byte (compatible with GPC/GCC)                             }
1335               if is_ordinal(vardef) then
1336                 begin
1337                   sym.fieldoffset:=databitsize;
1338                   l:=sym.getpackedbitsize;
1339                 end
1340               else
1341                 begin
1342                   databitsize:=_datasize*8;
1343                   sym.fieldoffset:=databitsize;
1344                   if (l>high(asizeint) div 8) then
1345                     Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1346                   l:=l*8;
1347                 end;
1348               if varalign=0 then
1349                 varalign:=size_2_align(l);
1350               recordalignment:=max(recordalignment,field2recordalignment(databitsize mod 8,varalign));
1351               { bit packed records are limited to high(aint) bits }
1352               { instead of bytes to avoid double precision        }
1353               { arithmetic in offset calculations                 }
1354               if int64(l)>high(asizeint)-sym.fieldoffset then
1355                 begin
1356                   Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1357                   _datasize:=high(asizeint);
1358                   databitsize:=high(asizeint);
1359                 end
1360               else
1361                 begin
1362                   databitsize:=sym.fieldoffset+l;
1363                   _datasize:=(databitsize+7) div 8;
1364                 end;
1365               { rest is not applicable }
1366               exit;
1367             end;
1368           else
1369             begin
1370               sym.fieldoffset:=getfieldoffset(sym,_datasize,fieldalignment);
1371               if l>high(asizeint)-sym.fieldoffset then
1372                 begin
1373                   Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1374                   _datasize:=high(asizeint);
1375                 end
1376               else
1377                 _datasize:=sym.fieldoffset+l;
1378               { Calc alignment needed for this record }
1379               alignrecord(sym.fieldoffset,varalign);
1380             end;
1381         end;
1382       end;
field_alignment_comparenull1385     function field_alignment_compare(item1, item2: pointer): integer;
1386       var
1387         field1: tfieldvarsym absolute item1;
1388         field2: tfieldvarsym absolute item2;
1389       begin
1390         { we don't care about static fields, those become global variables }
1391         if (sp_static in field1.symoptions) or
1392            (sp_static in field2.symoptions) then
1393           exit(0);
1394         { sort from large to small alignment, and in case of the same alignment
1395           in declaration order (items declared close together are possibly
1396           also related and hence possibly used together -> putting them next
1397           to each other can improve cache behaviour) }
1398         result:=field2.vardef.alignment-field1.vardef.alignment;
1399         if result=0 then
1400           result:=field1.fieldoffset-field2.fieldoffset;
1401       end;
1404     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.addfieldlist(list: tfpobjectlist; maybereorder: boolean);
1405       var
1406         fieldvs, insertfieldvs: tfieldvarsym;
1407         base, fieldoffset, space, insertfieldsize, insertfieldoffset, bestinsertfieldoffset, bestspaceleft: asizeint;
1408         i, j, bestfieldindex: longint;
1409         globalfieldalignment,
1410         prevglobalfieldalignment,
1411         newfieldalignment: shortint;
1412         changed: boolean;
1413       begin
1414         if maybereorder and
1415            (cs_opt_reorder_fields in current_settings.optimizerswitches) then
1416           begin
1417             { assign dummy field offsets so we can know their order in the
1418               sorting routine }
1419             for i:=0 to list.count-1 do
1420               tfieldvarsym(list[i]).fieldoffset:=i;
1421             { sort the non-class fields to minimise losses due to alignment }
1422             list.sort(@field_alignment_compare);
1423             { now fill up gaps caused by alignment skips with smaller fields
1424               where possible }
1425             repeat
1426               i:=0;
1427               base:=_datasize;
1428               globalfieldalignment:=fieldalignment;
1429               changed:=false;
1430               while i<list.count do
1431                 begin
1432                   fieldvs:=tfieldvarsym(list[i]);
1433                   if sp_static in fieldvs.symoptions then
1434                     begin
1435                       inc(i);
1436                       continue;
1437                     end;
1438                   prevglobalfieldalignment:=globalfieldalignment;
1439                   fieldoffset:=getfieldoffset(fieldvs,base,globalfieldalignment);
1440                   newfieldalignment:=globalfieldalignment;
1442                   { size of the gap between the end of the previous field and
1443                     the start of the current one }
1444                   space:=fieldoffset-base;
1445                   bestspaceleft:=space;
1446                   while space>0 do
1447                     begin
1448                       bestfieldindex:=-1;
1449                       bestinsertfieldoffset:=-1;
1450                       for j:=i+1 to list.count-1 do
1451                         begin
1452                           insertfieldvs:=tfieldvarsym(list[j]);
1453                           if sp_static in insertfieldvs.symoptions then
1454                             continue;
1455                           insertfieldsize:=insertfieldvs.getsize;
1456                           { can the new field fit possibly in the gap? }
1457                           if insertfieldsize<=space then
1458                             begin
1459                              { restore globalfieldalignment to situation before
1460                                the original field was inserted }
1461                               globalfieldalignment:=prevglobalfieldalignment;
1462                               { at what offset would it be inserted? (this new
1463                                 field has its own alignment requirements, which
1464                                 may make it impossible to fit after all) }
1465                               insertfieldoffset:=getfieldoffset(insertfieldvs,base,globalfieldalignment);
1466                               globalfieldalignment:=prevglobalfieldalignment;
1467                               { taking into account the alignment, does it still
1468                                 fit and if so, does it fit better than the
1469                                 previously found best fit? }
1470                               if (insertfieldoffset+insertfieldsize<=fieldoffset) and
1471                                  (fieldoffset-insertfieldoffset-insertfieldsize<bestspaceleft) then
1472                                 begin
1473                                   { new best fit }
1474                                   bestfieldindex:=j;
1475                                   bestinsertfieldoffset:=insertfieldoffset;
1476                                   bestspaceleft:=fieldoffset-insertfieldoffset-insertfieldsize;
1477                                   if bestspaceleft=0 then
1478                                     break;
1479                                 end;
1480                             end;
1481                         end;
1482                       { if we didn't find any field to fit, stop trying for this
1483                         gap }
1484                       if bestfieldindex=-1 then
1485                         break;
1486                       changed:=true;
1487                       { we found a field to insert -> adjust the new base
1488                         address }
1489                       base:=bestinsertfieldoffset+tfieldvarsym(list[bestfieldindex]).getsize;
1490                       { update globalfieldalignment for this newly inserted
1491                         field }
1492                       getfieldoffset(tfieldvarsym(list[bestfieldindex]),base,globalfieldalignment);
1493                       { move the new field before the current one }
1494                       list.move(bestfieldindex,i);
1495                       { and skip the new field (which is now at position i) }
1496                       inc(i);
1497                       { there may be more space left -> continue }
1498                       space:=bestspaceleft;
1499                     end;
1500                   if base>fieldoffset then
1501                     internalerror(2012071302);
1502                   { check the next field }
1503                   base:=fieldoffset+fieldvs.getsize;
1504                   { since the original field had the same or greater alignment
1505                     than anything we inserted before it, the global field
1506                     alignment is still the same now as it was originally after
1507                     inserting that field }
1508                   globalfieldalignment:=newfieldalignment;
1509                   inc(i);
1510                 end;
1511             { there may be small gaps left *before* inserted fields }
1512           until not changed;
1513         end;
1514         { reset the dummy field offsets }
1515         for i:=0 to list.count-1 do
1516           tfieldvarsym(list[i]).fieldoffset:=-1;
1517         { finally, set the actual field offsets }
1518         for i:=0 to list.count-1 do
1519           begin
1520             fieldvs:=tfieldvarsym(list[i]);
1521             { static data fields are already inserted in the globalsymtable }
1522             if not(sp_static in fieldvs.symoptions) then
1523               begin
1524                 { read_record_fields already set the visibility of the fields,
1525                   because a single list can contain symbols with different
1526                   visibility }
1527                 addfield(fieldvs,fieldvs.visibility);
1528               end;
1529           end;
1530       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.findfieldbyoffsetnull1533     function tabstractrecordsymtable.findfieldbyoffset(offset: asizeint): tfieldvarsym;
1534       var
1535         i: longint;
1536         sym: tsym;
1537       begin
1538         { there could be multiple fields in case of a variant record }
1539         if (defowner.typ=recorddef) and
1540            trecorddef(defowner).isunion then
1541           internalerror(2014090403);
1542         for i:=0 to SymList.count-1 do
1543           begin
1544             sym:=tsym(symlist[i]);
1545             if (sym.typ=fieldvarsym) and
1546                not(sp_static in sym.symoptions) and
1547                (tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset>=offset) then
1548               begin
1549                 result:=tfieldvarsym(sym);
1550                 exit;
1551               end;
1552           end;
1553         result:=nil;
1554       end;
1557     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.addalignmentpadding;
1558       var
1559         padded_datasize: asizeint;
1560       begin
1561         { make the record size aligned correctly so it can be
1562           used as elements in an array. For C records we
1563           use the fieldalignment, because that is updated with the
1564           used alignment. }
1565         if (padalignment = 1) then
1566           case usefieldalignment of
1567             C_alignment:
1568               padalignment:=fieldalignment;
1569             { bitpacked }
1570             bit_alignment:
1571               padalignment:=1;
1572             { mac68k: always round to multiple of 2 }
1573             mac68k_alignment:
1574               padalignment:=2;
1575             { default/no packrecords specified }
1576             0:
1577               padalignment:=recordalignment
1578             { specific packrecords setting -> use as upper limit }
1579             else
1580               padalignment:=min(recordalignment,usefieldalignment);
1581           end;
1582         padded_datasize:=align(_datasize,padalignment);
1583         _paddingsize:=padded_datasize-_datasize;
1584         _datasize:=padded_datasize;
1585       end;
1588     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.insertdef(def:TDefEntry);
1589       begin
1590         { Enums must also be available outside the record scope,
1591           insert in the owner of this symtable }
1592         if def.typ=enumdef then
1593           defowner.owner.insertdef(def)
1594         else
1595           inherited insertdef(def);
1596       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.is_packednull1599     function tabstractrecordsymtable.is_packed: boolean;
1600       begin
1601         result:=usefieldalignment=bit_alignment;
1602       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.has_single_fieldnull1605     function tabstractrecordsymtable.has_single_field(out def:tdef): boolean;
1606       var
1607         i: longint;
1608         currentsymlist: TFPHashObjectList;
1609         currentdef: tdef;
1610         sym: tfieldvarsym;
1611       begin
1612         result:=false;
1613         { If a record contains a union, it does not contain a "single
1614           non-composite field" in the context of certain ABIs requiring
1615           special treatment for such records }
1616         if (defowner.typ=recorddef) and
1617            trecorddef(defowner).isunion then
1618           exit;
1619         { a record/object can contain other things than fields }
1620         currentsymlist:=symlist;
1621         { recurse in arrays and records }
1622         sym:=nil;
1623         repeat
1624           { record has one field? }
1625           for i:=0 to currentsymlist.Count-1 do
1626             begin
1627               if (tsym(currentsymlist[i]).typ=fieldvarsym) and
1628                  not(sp_static in tsym(currentsymlist[i]).symoptions) then
1629                 begin
1630                   if result then
1631                     begin
1632                       result:=false;
1633                       exit;
1634                     end;
1635                   result:=true;
1636                   sym:=tfieldvarsym(currentsymlist[i])
1637                 end;
1638             end;
1639           if assigned(sym) then
1640             begin
1641               { if the field is an array, does it contain one element? }
1642               currentdef:=sym.vardef;
1643               while (currentdef.typ=arraydef) and
1644                     not is_special_array(currentdef) do
1645                 begin
1646                   if tarraydef(currentdef).elecount<>1 then
1647                     begin
1648                       result:=false;
1649                       exit;
1650                     end;
1651                   currentdef:=tarraydef(currentdef).elementdef;
1652                 end;
1653               { if the array element is again a record, continue descending }
1654               if currentdef.typ=recorddef then
1655                 currentsymlist:=trecorddef(currentdef).symtable.SymList
1656               else
1657                 begin
1658                   { otherwise we found the type of the single element }
1659                   def:=currentdef;
1660                   exit;
1661                 end;
1662             end
1663           else
1664             exit
1665         until false;
1666       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.get_unit_symtablenull1668     function tabstractrecordsymtable.get_unit_symtable: tsymtable;
1669       begin
1670         result:=defowner.owner;
1671         while assigned(result) and (result.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) do
1672           result:=result.defowner.owner;
1673       end;
1676     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.do_get_managementoperator_offset_list(data:tobject;arg:pointer);
1677       var
1678         sym : tsym absolute data;
1679         fsym : tfieldvarsym absolute data;
1680         mop : tmanagementoperator;
1681         entry : pmanagementoperator_offset_entry;
1682         sublist : tfplist;
1683         i : longint;
1684       begin
1685         if sym.typ<>fieldvarsym then
1686           exit;
1687         if not is_record(fsym.vardef) and not is_object(fsym.vardef) and not is_cppclass(fsym.vardef) then
1688           exit;
1689         mop:=tmanagementoperator(ptruint(arg));
1690         if not assigned(mop_list[mop]) then
1691           internalerror(2018082303);
1693         if is_record(fsym.vardef) then
1694           begin
1695             if mop in trecordsymtable(trecorddef(fsym.vardef).symtable).managementoperators then
1696               begin
1697                 new(entry);
1698                 entry^.pd:=search_management_operator(mop,fsym.vardef);
1699                 if not assigned(entry^.pd) then
1700                   internalerror(2018082302);
1701                 entry^.offset:=fsym.fieldoffset;
1702                 mop_list[mop].add(entry);
1703               end;
1704           end;
1706         sublist:=tfplist.create;
1707         tabstractrecordsymtable(tabstractrecorddef(fsym.vardef).symtable).get_managementoperator_offset_list(mop,sublist);
1708         for i:=0 to sublist.count-1 do
1709           begin
1710             entry:=pmanagementoperator_offset_entry(sublist[i]);
1711             entry^.offset:=entry^.offset+fsym.fieldoffset;
1712             mop_list[mop].add(entry);
1713           end;
1714         { we don't need to remove the entries as they become part of list }
1715         sublist.free;
1716       end;
1718     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.get_managementoperator_offset_list(mop:tmanagementoperator;list:tfplist);
1719       var
1720         i : longint;
1721         entry,entrycopy : pmanagementoperator_offset_entry;
1722       begin
1723         if not assigned(list) then
1724           internalerror(2018082301);
1725         if mop=mop_none then
1726           exit;
1727         if not (mop in has_fields_with_mop) then
1728           { none of the fields or one of the field's fields has the requested operator }
1729           exit;
1730         if not assigned(mop_list[mop]) then
1731           begin
1732             mop_list[mop]:=tfplist.create;
1733             SymList.ForEachCall(@do_get_managementoperator_offset_list,pointer(ptruint(mop)));
1734           end;
1735         for i:=0 to mop_list[mop].count-1 do
1736           begin
1737             entry:=pmanagementoperator_offset_entry(mop_list[mop][i]);
1738             New(entrycopy);
1739             entrycopy^:=entry^;
1740             list.add(entrycopy);
1741           end;
1742       end;
1744     procedure tabstractrecordsymtable.setdatasize(val: asizeint);
1745       begin
1746         _datasize:=val;
1747         if (usefieldalignment=bit_alignment) then
1748           { can overflow in non bitpacked records }
1749           databitsize:=val*8;
1750       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.getfieldoffsetnull1752     function tabstractrecordsymtable.getfieldoffset(sym: tfieldvarsym; base: asizeint; var globalfieldalignment: shortint): asizeint;
1753       var
1754         l      : asizeint;
1755         varalignfield,
1756         varalign : shortint;
1757         vardef : tdef;
1758       begin
1759         { Calculate field offset }
1760         l:=sym.getsize;
1761         vardef:=sym.vardef;
1762         varalign:=vardef.structalignment;
1763         case usefieldalignment of
1764           bit_alignment:
1765             { has to be handled separately }
1766             internalerror(2012071301);
1767           C_alignment:
1768             begin
1769               { Calc the alignment size for C style records }
1770               if (varalign>4) and
1771                 ((varalign mod 4)<>0) and
1772                 (vardef.typ=arraydef) then
1773                 Message1(sym_w_wrong_C_pack,vardef.typename);
1774               if varalign=0 then
1775                 varalign:=l;
1776               if (globalfieldalignment<maxCrecordalign) then
1777                 begin
1778                   if (varalign>16) and (globalfieldalignment<32) then
1779                     globalfieldalignment:=32
1780                   else if (varalign>12) and (globalfieldalignment<16) then
1781                     globalfieldalignment:=16
1782                   { 12 is needed for long double }
1783                   else if (varalign>8) and (globalfieldalignment<12) then
1784                     globalfieldalignment:=12
1785                   else if (varalign>4) and (globalfieldalignment<8) then
1786                     globalfieldalignment:=8
1787                   else if (varalign>2) and (globalfieldalignment<4) then
1788                     globalfieldalignment:=4
1789                   else if (varalign>1) and (globalfieldalignment<2) then
1790                     globalfieldalignment:=2;
1791                 end;
1792               globalfieldalignment:=min(globalfieldalignment,maxCrecordalign);
1793             end;
1794           mac68k_alignment:
1795             begin
1796               { mac68k alignment (C description):
1797                  * char is aligned to 1 byte
1798                  * everything else (except vector) is aligned to 2 bytes
1799                  * vector is aligned to 16 bytes
1800               }
1801               if l>1 then
1802                 globalfieldalignment:=2
1803               else
1804                 globalfieldalignment:=1;
1805               varalign:=2;
1806             end;
1807         end;
1808         if varalign=0 then
1809           varalign:=size_2_align(l);
1810         varalignfield:=used_align(varalign,recordalignmin,globalfieldalignment);
1812         result:=align(base,varalignfield);
1813       end;
tabstractrecordsymtable.iscurrentunitnull1815     function tabstractrecordsymtable.iscurrentunit: boolean;
1816       begin
1817         Result:=assigned(current_module)and(current_module.moduleid=moduleid);
1818       end;
1820 {****************************************************************************
1821                               TRecordSymtable
1822 ****************************************************************************}
1824     constructor trecordsymtable.create(const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
1825       begin
1826         inherited create(n,usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign);
1827         symtabletype:=recordsymtable;
1828       end;
1831    { this procedure is reserved for inserting case variant into
1832       a record symtable }
1833     { the offset is the location of the start of the variant
1834       and datasize and dataalignment corresponds to
1835       the complete size (see code in pdecl unit) PM }
1836     procedure trecordsymtable.insertunionst(unionst : trecordsymtable;offset : asizeint);
1837       var
1838         sym : tsym;
1839         def : tdef;
1840         i : integer;
1841         varalignrecord,varalign,
1842         storesize,storealign : asizeint;
1843         bitsize: tcgint;
1844       begin
1845         storesize:=_datasize;
1846         storealign:=fieldalignment;
1847         _datasize:=offset;
1848         if (usefieldalignment=bit_alignment) then
1849           databitsize:=offset*8;
1851         { We move the ownership of the defs and symbols to the new recordsymtable.
1852           The old unionsymtable keeps the references, but doesn't own the
1853           objects anymore }
1854         unionst.DefList.OwnsObjects:=false;
1855         unionst.SymList.OwnsObjects:=false;
1857         { copy symbols }
1858         for i:=0 to unionst.SymList.Count-1 do
1859           begin
1860             sym:=TSym(unionst.SymList[i]);
1861             if sym.typ<>fieldvarsym then
1862               internalerror(200601272);
1863             if tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset=0 then
1864               include(tfieldvarsym(sym).varoptions,vo_is_first_field);
1866             { add to this record symtable, checking for duplicate names }
1867 //            unionst.SymList.List.List^[i].Data:=nil;
1868             insert(sym);
1869             varalign:=tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef.alignment;
1870             if varalign=0 then
1871               varalign:=size_2_align(tfieldvarsym(sym).getsize);
1872             { retrieve size }
1873             if (usefieldalignment=bit_alignment) then
1874               begin
1875                 { bit packed records are limited to high(aint) bits }
1876                 { instead of bytes to avoid double precision        }
1877                 { arithmetic in offset calculations                 }
1878                 if is_ordinal(tfieldvarsym(sym).vardef) then
1879                   bitsize:=tfieldvarsym(sym).getpackedbitsize
1880                 else
1881                   begin
1882                     bitsize:=tfieldvarsym(sym).getsize;
1883                     if (bitsize>high(asizeint) div 8) then
1884                       Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1885                     bitsize:=bitsize*8;
1886                   end;
1887                 if bitsize>high(asizeint)-databitsize then
1888                   begin
1889                     Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1890                     _datasize:=high(asizeint);
1891                     databitsize:=high(asizeint);
1892                   end
1893                 else
1894                   begin
1895                     databitsize:=tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset+offset*8;
1896                     _datasize:=(databitsize+7) div 8;
1897                   end;
1898                 tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset:=databitsize;
1899               varalignrecord:=field2recordalignment(tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset div 8,varalign);
1900               end
1901             else
1902               begin
1903                 if tfieldvarsym(sym).getsize>high(asizeint)-_datasize then
1904                   begin
1905                     Message(sym_e_segment_too_large);
1906                     _datasize:=high(asizeint);
1907                   end
1908                 else
1909                   _datasize:=tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset+offset;
1910                 { update address }
1911                 tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset:=_datasize;
1912                 varalignrecord:=field2recordalignment(tfieldvarsym(sym).fieldoffset,varalign);
1913               end;
1914             { update alignment of this record }
1915             if (usefieldalignment<>C_alignment) and
1916                (usefieldalignment<>mac68k_alignment) then
1917               recordalignment:=max(recordalignment,varalignrecord);
1918           end;
1919         { update alignment for C records }
1920         if (usefieldalignment=C_alignment) and
1921            (usefieldalignment<>mac68k_alignment) then
1922           recordalignment:=max(recordalignment,unionst.recordalignment);
1923         { Register defs in the new record symtable }
1924         for i:=0 to unionst.DefList.Count-1 do
1925           begin
1926             def:=TDef(unionst.DefList[i]);
1927             def.ChangeOwner(self);
1928           end;
1929         _datasize:=storesize;
1930         fieldalignment:=storealign;
1931         { If a record contains a union, it does not contain a "single
1932           non-composite field" in the context of certain ABIs requiring
1933           special treatment for such records }
1934         if defowner.typ=recorddef then
1935           trecorddef(defowner).isunion:=true;
1936       end;
1939     procedure trecordsymtable.includemanagementoperator(mop:tmanagementoperator);
1940       begin
1941         if mop in managementoperators then
1942           exit;
1943         include(managementoperators,mop);
1944       end;
1947 {****************************************************************************
1948                               TObjectSymtable
1949 ****************************************************************************}
1951     constructor tObjectSymtable.create(adefowner:tdef;const n:string;usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign:shortint);
1952       begin
1953         inherited create(n,usealign,recordminalign,recordmaxCalign);
1954         symtabletype:=ObjectSymtable;
1955         defowner:=adefowner;
1956       end;
tObjectSymtable.checkduplicatenull1959     function tObjectSymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
1960       var
1961          hsym: tsym;
1962          warn: boolean;
1963       begin
1964          result:=false;
1965          if not assigned(defowner) then
1966            internalerror(200602061);
1968          { procsym and propertysym have special code
1969            to override values in inherited classes. For other
1970            symbols check for duplicates }
1971          if not(sym.typ in [procsym,propertysym]) then
1972            begin
1973               { but private ids can be reused }
1974               hsym:=search_struct_member(tobjectdef(defowner),hashedid.id);
1975               if assigned(hsym) and
1976                  (
1977                   (
1978                    not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and
1979                    is_visible_for_object(hsym,tobjectdef(defowner))
1980                   ) or
1981                   (
1982                    { In Delphi, you can repeat members of a parent class. You can't }
1983                    { do this for objects however, and you (obviouly) can't          }
1984                    { declare two fields with the same name in a single class        }
1985                    (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and
1986                    (
1987                     is_object(tdef(defowner)) or
1988                     (hsym.owner = self)
1989                    )
1990                   )
1991                  ) then
1992                 begin
1993                   { only watn when a parameter/local variable in a method
1994                     conflicts with a category method, because this can easily
1995                     happen due to all possible categories being imported via
1996                     CocoaAll }
1997                   warn:=
1998                     (is_objccategory(tdef(hsym.owner.defowner)) or
1999                      is_classhelper(tdef(hsym.owner.defowner))) and
2000                     (sym.typ in [paravarsym,localvarsym,fieldvarsym]);
2001                   DuplicateSym(hashedid,sym,hsym,warn);
2002                   result:=true;
2003                 end;
2004            end
2005          else
2006            result:=inherited checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2007       end;
2010 {$ifdef llvm}
2012 {****************************************************************************
2013                               tLlvmShadowSymtableEntry
2014 ****************************************************************************}
2016     constructor tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(def: tdef; fieldoffset: aint);
2017       begin
2018         fdef:=def;
2019         ffieldoffset:=fieldoffset;
2020       end;
2023 {****************************************************************************
2024                               TLlvmShadowSymtable
2025 ****************************************************************************}
tllvmshadowsymtable.getnull2027    function tllvmshadowsymtable.get(f: tfieldvarsym): tllvmshadowsymtableentry;
2028       begin
2029         result:=get_by_llvm_index(f.llvmfieldnr)
2030       end;
tllvmshadowsymtable.get_by_llvm_indexnull2033    function tllvmshadowsymtable.get_by_llvm_index(index: longint): tllvmshadowsymtableentry;
2034      begin
2035        result:=tllvmshadowsymtableentry(symdeflist[index]);
2036      end;
2039     constructor tllvmshadowsymtable.create(st: tabstractrecordsymtable);
2040       begin
2041         equivst:=st;
2042         curroffset:=0;
2043         symdeflist:=tfpobjectlist.create(true);
2044         generate;
2045       end;
2048     destructor tllvmshadowsymtable.destroy;
2049       begin
2050         symdeflist.free;
2051       end;
2054     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.appenddefoffset(vardef:tdef; fieldoffset: aint; derefclass: boolean);
2055       var
2056         sizectr,
2057         tmpsize: aint;
2058       begin
2059         case equivst.usefieldalignment of
2060           bit_alignment:
2061             begin
2062               { curoffset: bit address after the previous field.      }
2063               { llvm has no special support for bitfields in records, }
2064               { so we replace them with plain bytes.                  }
2065               { as soon as a single bit of a byte is allocated, we    }
2066               { allocate the byte in the llvm shadow record           }
2067               if (fieldoffset>curroffset) then
2068                 curroffset:=align(curroffset,8);
2069               { fields in bitpacked records always start either right }
2070               { after the previous one, or at the next byte boundary. }
2071               if (curroffset<>fieldoffset) then
2072                 internalerror(2008051002);
2073               if is_ordinal(vardef) then
2074                 begin
2075                   tmpsize:=vardef.packedbitsize;
2076                   sizectr:=((curroffset+tmpsize+7) shr 3)-((curroffset+7) shr 3);
2077                   inc(curroffset,tmpsize);
2078                   tmpsize:=0;
2079                   while sizectr<>0 do
2080                     begin
2081                       symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(u8inttype,fieldoffset+tmpsize*8));
2082                       dec(sizectr);
2083                       inc(tmpsize);
2084                     end;
2085                 end
2086               else
2087                 begin
2088                   symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(vardef,fieldoffset));
2089                   if not(derefclass) then
2090                     inc(curroffset,vardef.size*8)
2091                   else
2092                     inc(curroffset,tobjectsymtable(tobjectdef(vardef).symtable).datasize*8);
2093                end;
2094             end
2095           else if not(df_llvm_no_struct_packing in tdef(equivst.defowner).defoptions) then
2096             begin
2097               { curoffset: address right after the previous field }
2098               while (fieldoffset>curroffset) do
2099                 begin
2100                   symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(u8inttype,curroffset));
2101                   inc(curroffset);
2102                 end;
2103               symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(vardef,fieldoffset));
2104               if not(derefclass) then
2105                 inc(curroffset,vardef.size)
2106               else
2107                 inc(curroffset,tobjectsymtable(tobjectdef(vardef).symtable).datasize);
2108             end
2109           else
2110             { default for llvm, don't add explicit padding }
2111             symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(vardef,fieldoffset));
2112         end
2113       end;
2116     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.addalignmentpadding(finalsize: aint);
2117       begin
2118         case equivst.usefieldalignment of
2119           { already correct in this case }
2120           bit_alignment:
2121             ;
2122           else if not(df_llvm_no_struct_packing in tdef(equivst.defowner).defoptions) then
2123             begin
2124               { add padding fields }
2125               while (finalsize>curroffset) do
2126                 begin
2127                   symdeflist.add(tllvmshadowsymtableentry.create(u8inttype,curroffset));
2128                   inc(curroffset);
2129                 end;
2130             end;
2131         end;
2132       end;
2135     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.findvariantstarts(variantstarts: tfplist);
2136       var
2137         sym: tfieldvarsym;
2138         lastoffset: aint;
2139         newalignment: aint;
2140         i, j: longint;
2141       begin
2142         i:=0;
2143         while (i<equivst.symlist.count) do
2144           begin
2145             if (tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).typ<>fieldvarsym) or
2146                (sp_static in tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).symoptions) then
2147               begin
2148                 inc(i);
2149                 continue;
2150               end;
2151             sym:=tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]);
2152             { a "better" algorithm might be to use the largest }
2153             { variant in case of (bit)packing, since then      }
2154             { alignment doesn't matter                         }
2155             if (vo_is_first_field in sym.varoptions) then
2156               begin
2157                 { we assume that all fields are processed in order. }
2158                 if (variantstarts.count<>0) then
2159                   lastoffset:=tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[variantstarts.count-1]).fieldoffset
2160                 else
2161                   lastoffset:=-1;
2163                 { new variant at same level as last one: use if higher alignment }
2164                 if (lastoffset=sym.fieldoffset) then
2165                   begin
2166                     if (equivst.fieldalignment<>bit_alignment) then
2167                       newalignment:=used_align(sym.vardef.alignment,equivst.recordalignmin,equivst.fieldalignment)
2168                     else
2169                       newalignment:=1;
2170                     if (newalignment>tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[variantstarts.count-1]).vardef.alignment) then
2171                       variantstarts[variantstarts.count-1]:=sym;
2172                   end
2173                 { variant at deeper level than last one -> add }
2174                 else if (lastoffset<sym.fieldoffset) then
2175                   variantstarts.add(sym)
2176                 else
2177                   begin
2178                     { a variant at a less deep level, so backtrack }
2179                     j:=variantstarts.count-2;
2180                     while (j>=0) do
2181                       begin
2182                         if (tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[j]).fieldoffset=sym.fieldoffset) then
2183                           break;
2184                         dec(j);
2185                       end;
2186                     if (j<0) then
2187                       internalerror(2008051003);
2188                     { new variant has higher alignment? }
2189                     if (equivst.fieldalignment<>bit_alignment) then
2190                       newalignment:=used_align(sym.vardef.alignment,equivst.recordalignmin,equivst.fieldalignment)
2191                     else
2192                       newalignment:=1;
2193                     { yes, replace and remove previous nested variants }
2194                     if (newalignment>tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[j]).vardef.alignment) then
2195                       begin
2196                         variantstarts[j]:=sym;
2197                         variantstarts.count:=j+1;
2198                       end
2199                    { no, skip this variant }
2200                     else
2201                       begin
2202                         inc(i);
2203                         while (i<equivst.symlist.count) and
2204                               ((tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).typ<>fieldvarsym) or
2205                                (sp_static in tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).symoptions) or
2206                                (tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset>sym.fieldoffset)) do
2207                           inc(i);
2208                         continue;
2209                       end;
2210                   end;
2211               end;
2212             inc(i);
2213           end;
2214       end;
2217     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.buildtable(variantstarts: tfplist);
2218       var
2219         lastvaroffsetprocessed: aint;
2220         i, equivcount, varcount: longint;
2221       begin
2222         { if it's an object/class, the first entry is the parent (if there is one) }
2223         if (equivst.symtabletype=objectsymtable) and
2224            assigned(tobjectdef(equivst.defowner).childof) then
2225           appenddefoffset(tobjectdef(equivst.defowner).childof,0,is_class_or_interface_or_dispinterface(tobjectdef(equivst.defowner).childof));
2226         equivcount:=equivst.symlist.count;
2227         varcount:=0;
2228         i:=0;
2229         lastvaroffsetprocessed:=-1;
2230         while (i<equivcount) do
2231           begin
2232             if (tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).typ<>fieldvarsym) or
2233                (sp_static in tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).symoptions) then
2234               begin
2235                 inc(i);
2236                 continue;
2237               end;
2238             { start of a new variant? }
2239             if (vo_is_first_field in tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).varoptions) then
2240               begin
2241                 { if we want to process the same variant offset twice, it means that we  }
2242                 { got to the end and are trying to process the next variant part -> stop }
2243                 if (tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset<=lastvaroffsetprocessed) then
2244                   break;
2246                 if (varcount>=variantstarts.count) then
2247                   internalerror(2008051005);
2248                 { new variant part -> use the one with the biggest alignment }
2249                 i:=equivst.symlist.indexof(tobject(variantstarts[varcount]));
2250                 lastvaroffsetprocessed:=tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset;
2251                 inc(varcount);
2252                 if (i<0) then
2253                   internalerror(2008051004);
2254               end;
2255             appenddefoffset(tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).vardef,tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset,false);
2256             inc(i);
2257           end;
2258         addalignmentpadding(equivst.datasize);
2259       end;
2262     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.buildmapping(variantstarts: tfplist);
2263       var
2264         i, varcount: longint;
2265         shadowindex: longint;
2266         equivcount : longint;
2267       begin
2268         varcount:=0;
2269         shadowindex:=0;
2270         equivcount:=equivst.symlist.count;
2271         i:=0;
2272         while (i < equivcount) do
2273           begin
2274             if (tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).typ<>fieldvarsym) or
2275                (sp_static in tsym(equivst.symlist[i]).symoptions) then
2276               begin
2277                 inc(i);
2278                 continue;
2279               end;
2280             { start of a new variant? }
2281             if (vo_is_first_field in tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).varoptions) then
2282               begin
2283                 { back up to a less deeply nested variant level? }
2284                 while (tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset<tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[varcount]).fieldoffset) do
2285                   dec(varcount);
2286                 { it's possible that some variants are more deeply nested than the
2287                   one we recorded in the shadowsymtable (since we recorded the one
2288                   with the biggest alignment, not necessarily the biggest one in size
2289                 }
2290                 if (tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset>tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[varcount]).fieldoffset) then
2291                   varcount:=variantstarts.count-1
2292                 else if (tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset<>tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[varcount]).fieldoffset) then
2293                   internalerror(2008051006);
2294                 { reset the shadowindex to the start of this variant. }
2295                 { in case the llvmfieldnr is not (yet) set for this   }
2296                 { field, shadowindex will simply be reset to zero and }
2297                 { we'll start searching from the start of the record  }
2298                 shadowindex:=tfieldvarsym(variantstarts[varcount]).llvmfieldnr;
2299                 if (varcount<pred(variantstarts.count)) then
2300                   inc(varcount);
2301               end;
2303             { find the last shadowfield whose offset <= the current field's offset }
2304             while (tllvmshadowsymtableentry(symdeflist[shadowindex]).fieldoffset<tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset) and
2305                   (shadowindex<symdeflist.count-1) and
2306                   (tllvmshadowsymtableentry(symdeflist[shadowindex+1]).fieldoffset<=tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset) do
2307               inc(shadowindex);
2308             { set the field number and potential offset from that field (in case }
2309             { of overlapping variants)                                           }
2310             tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).llvmfieldnr:=shadowindex;
2311             tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).offsetfromllvmfield:=
2312               tfieldvarsym(equivst.symlist[i]).fieldoffset-tllvmshadowsymtableentry(symdeflist[shadowindex]).fieldoffset;
2313             inc(i);
2314           end;
2315       end;
2318     procedure tllvmshadowsymtable.generate;
2319       var
2320         variantstarts: tfplist;
2321       begin
2322         variantstarts:=tfplist.create;
2324         { first go through the entire record and }
2325         { store the fieldvarsyms of the variants }
2326         { with the highest alignment             }
2327         findvariantstarts(variantstarts);
2329         { now go through the regular fields and the selected variants, }
2330         { and add them to the  llvm shadow record symtable             }
2331         buildtable(variantstarts);
2333         { finally map all original fields to the llvm definition }
2334         buildmapping(variantstarts);
2336         variantstarts.free;
2337       end;
2339 {$endif llvm}
2341 {****************************************************************************
2342                           TAbstractSubSymtable
2343 ****************************************************************************}
2345    procedure tabstractsubsymtable.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
2346       var
2347         oldtyp : byte;
2348       begin
2349          oldtyp:=ppufile.entrytyp;
2350          ppufile.entrytyp:=subentryid;
2352          inherited ppuwrite(ppufile);
2354          ppufile.entrytyp:=oldtyp;
2355       end;
2358 {****************************************************************************
2359                           TAbstractLocalSymtable
2360 ****************************************************************************}
tabstractlocalsymtable.count_localsnull2362     function tabstractlocalsymtable.count_locals:longint;
2363       var
2364         i   : longint;
2365         sym : tsym;
2366       begin
2367         result:=0;
2368         for i:=0 to SymList.Count-1 do
2369           begin
2370             sym:=tsym(SymList[i]);
2371             { Count only varsyms, but ignore the funcretsym }
2372             if (tsym(sym).typ in [localvarsym,paravarsym]) and
2373                (tsym(sym)<>current_procinfo.procdef.funcretsym) and
2374                (not(vo_is_parentfp in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions) or
2375                 (tstoredsym(sym).refs>0)) then
2376               inc(result);
2377          end;
2378       end;
tabstractlocalsymtable.iscurrentunitnull2380     function tabstractlocalsymtable.iscurrentunit: boolean;
2381       begin
2382         Result:=
2383           assigned(defowner) and
2384           defowner.owner.iscurrentunit;
2385       end;
2388 {****************************************************************************
2389                               TLocalSymtable
2390 ****************************************************************************}
2392     constructor tlocalsymtable.create(adefowner:tdef;level:byte);
2393       begin
2394         inherited create('');
2395         defowner:=adefowner;
2396         symtabletype:=localsymtable;
2397         symtablelevel:=level;
2398       end;
tlocalsymtable.checkduplicatenull2401     function tlocalsymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
2402       var
2403         hsym : tsym;
2404       begin
2405         if not assigned(defowner) or
2406            (defowner.typ<>procdef) then
2407           internalerror(200602042);
2409         result:=false;
2410         hsym:=tsym(FindWithHash(hashedid));
2411         if assigned(hsym) then
2412           begin
2413             { a local and the function can have the same
2414               name in TP and Delphi, but RESULT not }
2415             if (m_duplicate_names in current_settings.modeswitches) and
2416                (hsym.typ in [absolutevarsym,localvarsym]) and
2417                (vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(hsym).varoptions) and
2418                not((m_result in current_settings.modeswitches) and
2419                    (vo_is_result in tabstractvarsym(hsym).varoptions)) then
2420               HideSym(hsym)
2421             else
2422               DuplicateSym(hashedid,sym,hsym,false);
2423             result:=true;
2424             exit;
2425           end;
2427         { check also parasymtable, this needs to be done here because
2428           of the special situation with the funcret sym that needs to be
2429           hidden for tp and delphi modes }
2430         hsym:=tsym(tabstractprocdef(defowner).parast.FindWithHash(hashedid));
2431         if assigned(hsym) then
2432           begin
2433             { a local and the function can have the same
2434               name in TP and Delphi, but RESULT not }
2435             if (m_duplicate_names in current_settings.modeswitches) and
2436                (sym.typ in [absolutevarsym,localvarsym]) and
2437                (vo_is_funcret in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions) and
2438                not((m_result in current_settings.modeswitches) and
2439                    (vo_is_result in tabstractvarsym(sym).varoptions)) then
2440               Hidesym(sym)
2441             else
2442               DuplicateSym(hashedid,sym,hsym,false);
2443             result:=true;
2444             exit;
2445           end;
2447         { check ObjectSymtable, skip this for funcret sym because
2448           that will always be positive because it has the same name
2449           as the procsym }
2450         if not is_funcret_sym(sym) and
2451            (defowner.typ=procdef) and
2452            assigned(tprocdef(defowner).struct) and
2453            (tprocdef(defowner).owner.defowner=tprocdef(defowner).struct) and
2454            (
2455             not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or
2456             is_object(tprocdef(defowner).struct)
2457            ) then
2458           result:=tprocdef(defowner).struct.symtable.checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2459       end;
2462 {****************************************************************************
2463                               TParaSymtable
2464 ****************************************************************************}
2466     constructor tparasymtable.create(adefowner:tdef;level:byte);
2467       begin
2468         inherited create('');
2469         readonly:=false;
2470         defowner:=adefowner;
2471         symtabletype:=parasymtable;
2472         symtablelevel:=level;
2473       end;
tparasymtable.checkduplicatenull2476     function tparasymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
2477       begin
2478         result:=inherited checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2479         if result then
2480           exit;
2481         if not(m_duplicate_names in current_settings.modeswitches) and
2482            assigned(defowner) and (defowner.typ=procdef) and
2483            assigned(tprocdef(defowner).struct) and
2484            assigned(tprocdef(defowner).owner) and
2485            (tprocdef(defowner).owner.defowner=tprocdef(defowner).struct) and
2486            (
2487             not(m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or
2488             is_object(tprocdef(defowner).struct)
2489            ) then
2490           result:=tprocdef(defowner).struct.symtable.checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2491       end;
2493     procedure tparasymtable.insertdef(def: TDefEntry);
2494       begin
2495         if readonly then
2496           defowner.owner.insertdef(def)
2497         else
2498           inherited insertdef(def);
2499       end;
2502 {****************************************************************************
2503                          TAbstractUniTSymtable
2504 ****************************************************************************}
2506     constructor tabstractuniTSymtable.create(const n : string;id:word);
2507       begin
2508         inherited create(n);
2509         moduleid:=id;
2510       end;
tabstractuniTSymtable.checkduplicatenull2513     function tabstractuniTSymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
2514       var
2515         hsym : tsym;
2516       begin
2517         result:=false;
2518         hsym:=tsym(FindWithHash(hashedid));
2519         if assigned(hsym) then
2520           begin
2521             if (sym is tstoredsym) and handle_generic_dummysym(hsym,tstoredsym(sym).symoptions) then
2522               exit;
2523             if hsym.typ=symconst.namespacesym then
2524               begin
2525                 case sym.typ of
2526                   symconst.namespacesym:;
2527                   symconst.unitsym:
2528                     begin
2529                       HideSym(sym); { if we add a unit and there is a namespace with the same name then hide the unit name and not the namespace }
2530                       tnamespacesym(hsym).unitsym:=tsym(sym);
2531                     end
2532                 else
2533                   HideSym(hsym);
2534                 end;
2535               end
2536             else
2537             { In delphi (contrary to TP) you can have a symbol with the same name as the
2538               unit, the unit can then not be accessed anymore using
2539               <unit>.<id>, so we can hide the symbol.
2540               Do the same if we add a namespace and there is a unit with the same name }
2541             if (hsym.typ=symconst.unitsym) and
2542                ((m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) or (sym.typ=symconst.namespacesym)) then
2543               begin
2544                 HideSym(hsym);
2545                 if sym.typ=symconst.namespacesym then
2546                   tnamespacesym(sym).unitsym:=tsym(hsym);
2547               end
2548             { iso mode program parameters: staticvarsyms might have the same name as a program parameters,
2549               in this case, copy the isoindex and make the original symbol invisible }
2550             else if (m_isolike_program_para in current_settings.modeswitches) and (hsym.typ=programparasym) and (sym.typ=staticvarsym)
2551               and (tprogramparasym(hsym).isoindex<>0) then
2552               begin
2553                 HideSym(hsym);
2554                 tstaticvarsym(sym).isoindex:=tprogramparasym(hsym).isoindex;
2555               end
2556             else if (m_iso in current_settings.modeswitches) and (hsym.typ=unitsym) then
2557               HideSym(hsym)
2558             else
2559               DuplicateSym(hashedid,sym,hsym,false);
2560             result:=true;
2561             exit;
2562           end;
2563       end;
tabstractuniTSymtable.findnamespacenull2565     function tabstractuniTSymtable.findnamespace(const n:string):TSymEntry;
2566       begin
2567         result:=find(n);
2568         if assigned(result)and(result.typ<>namespacesym)then
2569           result:=nil;
2570       end;
tabstractuniTSymtable.iscurrentunitnull2572     function tabstractuniTSymtable.iscurrentunit:boolean;
2573       begin
2574         result:=assigned(current_module) and
2575                 (
2576                  (current_module.globalsymtable=self) or
2577                  (current_module.localsymtable=self)
2578                 );
2579       end;
tabstractuniTSymtable.needs_init_finalnull2582     function tabstractuniTSymtable.needs_init_final: boolean;
2583       begin
2584         if not init_final_check_done then
2585           begin
2586             result:=inherited needs_init_final;
2587             if not result then
2588               begin
2589                 result:=has_class_condestructors;
2590                 if result then
2591                   include(tableoptions,sto_needs_init_final);
2592               end;
2593           end;
2594         result:=sto_needs_init_final in tableoptions;
2595       end;
2598     procedure tabstractuniTSymtable.insertunit(sym:TSymEntry);
2599       var
2600         p:integer;
2601         n,ns:string;
2602         oldsym:TSymEntry;
2603       begin
2604         insert(sym);
2605         n:=sym.realname;
2606         p:=pos('.',n);
2607         ns:='';
2608         while p>0 do
2609           begin
2610             if ns='' then
2611               ns:=copy(n,1,p-1)
2612             else
2613               ns:=ns+'.'+copy(n,1,p-1);
2614             system.delete(n,1,p);
2615             oldsym:=findnamespace(upper(ns));
2616             if not assigned(oldsym) then
2617               insert(cnamespacesym.create(ns));
2618             p:=pos('.',n);
2619           end;
2620       end;
2623     procedure CheckForClassConDestructors(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
2624       var
2625         result: pboolean absolute arg;
2626       begin
2627         if result^ then
2628           exit;
2629         if (tdef(p).typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) and
2630            not (df_generic in tdef(p).defoptions) then
2631           begin
2632             { first check the class... }
2633             if ([oo_has_class_constructor,oo_has_class_destructor] * tabstractrecorddef(p).objectoptions <> []) then
2634               result^:=true;;
2635             { ... and then also check all subclasses }
2636             if not result^ then
2637               tabstractrecorddef(p).symtable.deflist.foreachcall(@CheckForClassConDestructors,arg);
2638           end;
2639       end;
tabstractuniTSymtable.has_class_condestructorsnull2642     function tabstractuniTSymtable.has_class_condestructors: boolean;
2643       begin
2644         result:=false;
2645         deflist.foreachcall(@CheckForClassConDestructors,@result);
2646       end;
2648 {****************************************************************************
2649                               TStaticSymtable
2650 ****************************************************************************}
2652     constructor tstaticsymtable.create(const n : string;id:word);
2653       begin
2654         inherited create(n,id);
2655         symtabletype:=staticsymtable;
2656         symtablelevel:=main_program_level;
2657         currentvisibility:=vis_private;
2658       end;
2661     procedure tstaticsymtable.ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
2662       begin
2663         inherited ppuload(ppufile);
2665         { now we can deref the syms and defs }
2666         deref(false);
2667       end;
2670     procedure tstaticsymtable.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
2671       begin
2672         inherited ppuwrite(ppufile);
2673       end;
tstaticsymtable.checkduplicatenull2676     function tstaticsymtable.checkduplicate(var hashedid:THashedIDString;sym:TSymEntry):boolean;
2677       begin
2678         result:=inherited checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2680         if not result and
2681            (current_module.localsymtable=self) and
2682            assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then
2683           result:=tglobalsymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).checkduplicate(hashedid,sym);
2684       end;
tstaticsymtable.findnamespacenull2686     function tstaticsymtable.findnamespace(const n:string):TSymEntry;
2687       begin
2688         result:=inherited findnamespace(n);
2689         if not assigned(result) and
2690            (current_module.localsymtable=self) and
2691            assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) then
2692           result:=tglobalsymtable(current_module.globalsymtable).findnamespace(n);
2693      end;
2696 {****************************************************************************
2697                               TGlobalSymtable
2698 ****************************************************************************}
2700     constructor tglobalsymtable.create(const n : string;id:word);
2701       begin
2702          inherited create(n,id);
2703          symtabletype:=globalsymtable;
2704          symtablelevel:=main_program_level;
2705       end;
2708     procedure tglobalsymtable.ppuload(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
2709       begin
2710          inherited ppuload(ppufile);
2712          { now we can deref the syms and defs }
2713          deref(false);
2714       end;
2717     procedure tglobalsymtable.ppuwrite(ppufile:tcompilerppufile);
2718       begin
2719         { write the symtable entries }
2720         inherited ppuwrite(ppufile);
2721       end;
2724 {*****************************************************************************
2725                              tspecializesymtable
2726 *****************************************************************************}
2728     constructor tspecializesymtable.create(const n : string;id:word);
2729       begin
2730         inherited create(n,id);
2731         { the specialize symtable does not own the syms and defs as they are all
2732           moved to a different symtable before the symtable is destroyed; this
2733           avoids calls to "extract" }
2734         symlist.ownsobjects:=false;
2735         deflist.ownsobjects:=false;
2736       end;
tspecializesymtable.iscurrentunitnull2738     function tspecializesymtable.iscurrentunit: boolean;
2739       begin
2740         Result:=true;
2741       end;
2744 {****************************************************************************
2745                               TWITHSYMTABLE
2746 ****************************************************************************}
2748     constructor twithsymtable.create(aowner:tdef;ASymList:TFPHashObjectList;refnode:tobject{tnode});
2749       begin
2750          inherited create('');
2751          symtabletype:=withsymtable;
2752          withrefnode:=refnode;
2753          { Replace SymList with the passed symlist }
2754          SymList.free;
2755          SymList:=ASymList;
2756          defowner:=aowner;
2757       end;
2760     destructor twithsymtable.destroy;
2761       begin
2762         if refcount>1 then
2763           exit;
2764         withrefnode.free;
2765         { Disable SymList because we don't Own it }
2766         SymList:=nil;
2767         inherited destroy;
2768       end;
2771     procedure twithsymtable.clear;
2772       begin
2773          { remove no entry from a withsymtable as it is only a pointer to the
2774            recorddef  or objectdef symtable }
2775       end;
2778     procedure twithsymtable.insertdef(def:TDefEntry);
2779       begin
2780         { Definitions can't be registered in the withsymtable
2781           because the withsymtable is removed after the with block.
2782           We can't easily solve it here because the next symtable in the
2783           stack is not known. }
2784         internalerror(200602046);
2785       end;
2787 {****************************************************************************
2788                           TSTT_ExceptionSymtable
2789 ****************************************************************************}
2791     constructor tstt_excepTSymtable.create;
2792       begin
2793         inherited create('');
2794         symtabletype:=stt_excepTSymtable;
2795       end;
2798 {****************************************************************************
2799                           TMacroSymtable
2800 ****************************************************************************}
2802     constructor tmacrosymtable.create(exported: boolean);
2803       begin
2804         inherited create('');
2805         if exported then
2806           symtabletype:=exportedmacrosymtable
2807         else
2808           symtabletype:=localmacrosymtable;
2809         symtablelevel:=main_program_level;
2810       end;
2812 {****************************************************************************
2813                           TEnumSymtable
2814 ****************************************************************************}
2816     procedure tenumsymtable.insert(sym: TSymEntry; checkdup: boolean);
2817       var
2818         value: longint;
2819         def: tenumdef;
2820       begin
2821         // defowner = nil only when we are loading from ppu
2822         if defowner<>nil then
2823           begin
2824             { First entry? Then we need to set the minval }
2825             value:=tenumsym(sym).value;
2826             def:=tenumdef(defowner);
2827             if SymList.count=0 then
2828               begin
2829                 if value>0 then
2830                   def.has_jumps:=true;
2831                 def.setmin(value);
2832                 def.setmax(value);
2833               end
2834             else
2835               begin
2836                 { check for jumps }
2837                 if value>def.max+1 then
2838                   def.has_jumps:=true;
2839                 { update low and high }
2840                 if def.min>value then
2841                   def.setmin(value);
2842                 if def.max<value then
2843                   def.setmax(value);
2844               end;
2845           end;
2846         inherited insert(sym, checkdup);
2847       end;
2849     constructor tenumsymtable.create(adefowner: tdef);
2850       begin
2851         inherited Create('');
2852         symtabletype:=enumsymtable;
2853         defowner:=adefowner;
2854       end;
2856 {****************************************************************************
2857                           TArraySymtable
2858 ****************************************************************************}
2860     procedure tarraysymtable.insertdef(def: TDefEntry);
2861       begin
2862         { Enums must also be available outside the record scope,
2863           insert in the owner of this symtable }
2864         if def.typ=enumdef then
2865           defowner.owner.insertdef(def)
2866         else
2867           inherited insertdef(def);
2868       end;
2870     constructor tarraysymtable.create(adefowner: tdef);
2871       begin
2872         inherited Create('');
2873         symtabletype:=arraysymtable;
2874         defowner:=adefowner;
2875       end;
2877 {*****************************************************************************
2878                              Helper Routines
2879 *****************************************************************************}
FullTypeNamenull2881     function FullTypeName(def,otherdef:tdef):string;
2882       var
2883         s1,s2 : string;
2884       begin
2885         if def.typ in [objectdef,recorddef] then
2886           s1:=tabstractrecorddef(def).RttiName
2887         else
2888           s1:=def.typename;
2889         { When the names are the same try to include the unit name }
2890         if assigned(otherdef) and
2891            (def.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) then
2892           begin
2893             s2:=otherdef.typename;
2894             if upper(s1)=upper(s2) then
2895               s1:=def.owner.realname^+'.'+s1;
2896           end;
2897         FullTypeName:=s1;
2898       end;
generate_nested_namenull2900     function generate_nested_name(symtable:tsymtable;delimiter:string):string;
2901       begin
2902         result:='';
2903         while assigned(symtable) and (symtable.symtabletype in [ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) do
2904           begin
2905             if (result='') then
2906               if symtable.name<>nil then
2907                 result:=symtable.name^
2908               else
2909             else
2910               if symtable.name<>nil then
2911                 result:=symtable.name^+delimiter+result
2912               else
2913                 result:=delimiter+result;
2914             symtable:=symtable.defowner.owner;
2915           end;
2916       end;
generate_objectpascal_helper_keynull2919     function generate_objectpascal_helper_key(def:tdef):string;
2920       begin
2921         if not assigned(def) then
2922           internalerror(2013020501);
2923         if def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
2924           result:=make_mangledname('',tabstractrecorddef(def).symtable,'')
2925         else
2926           result:=make_mangledname('',def.owner,def.typesym.name);
2927       end;
2930     procedure incompatibletypes(def1,def2:tdef);
2931       begin
2932         { When there is an errordef there is already an error message show }
2933         if (def2.typ=errordef) or
2934            (def1.typ=errordef) then
2935           exit;
2936         CGMessage2(type_e_incompatible_types,FullTypeName(def1,def2),FullTypeName(def2,def1));
2937       end;
2940     procedure hidesym(sym:TSymEntry);
2941       begin
2942         sym.realname:='$hidden'+sym.realname;
2943         tsym(sym).visibility:=vis_hidden;
2944       end;
2947     procedure duplicatesym(var hashedid: THashedIDString; dupsym, origsym: TSymEntry; warn: boolean);
2948       var
2949         st : TSymtable;
2950         filename : TIDString;
2951       begin
2952         if not warn then
2953           Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,tsym(origsym).realname)
2954         else
2955          Message1(sym_w_duplicate_id,tsym(origsym).realname);
2956         { Write hint where the original symbol was found }
2957         st:=finduniTSymtable(origsym.owner);
2958         with tsym(origsym).fileinfo do
2959           begin
2960             if assigned(st) and
2961                (st.symtabletype=globalsymtable) and
2962                st.iscurrentunit then
2963               Message2(sym_h_duplicate_id_where,current_module.sourcefiles.get_file_name(fileindex),tostr(line))
2964             else if assigned(st.name) then
2965               begin
2966                 filename:=find_module_from_symtable(st).sourcefiles.get_file_name(fileindex);
2967                 if filename<>'' then
2968                   Message2(sym_h_duplicate_id_where,'unit '+st.name^+': '+filename,tostr(line))
2969                 else
2970                   Message2(sym_h_duplicate_id_where,'unit '+st.name^,tostr(line))
2971               end;
2972           end;
2973         { Rename duplicate sym to an unreachable name, but it can be
2974           inserted in the symtable without errors }
2975         inc(dupnr);
2976         hashedid.id:='dup'+tostr(dupnr)+hashedid.id;
2977         if assigned(dupsym) then
2978           include(tsym(dupsym).symoptions,sp_implicitrename);
2979       end;
handle_generic_dummysymnull2981     function handle_generic_dummysym(sym:TSymEntry;var symoptions:tsymoptions):boolean;
2982       begin
2983         result:=false;
2984         if not assigned(sym) or not (sym is tstoredsym) then
2985           Internalerror(2011081101);
2986         { For generics a dummy symbol without the parameter count is created
2987           if such a symbol not yet exists so that different parts of the
2988           parser can find that symbol. If that symbol is still a
2989           undefineddef we replace the generic dummy symbol's
2990           name with a "dup" name and use the new symbol as the generic dummy
2991           symbol }
2992         if (sp_generic_dummy in tstoredsym(sym).symoptions) and
2993             (sym.typ=typesym) and (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ=undefineddef) and
2994             (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) then
2995           begin
2996             inc(dupnr);
2997             sym.Owner.SymList.Rename(upper(sym.realname),'dup_'+tostr(dupnr)+sym.realname);
2998             include(tsym(sym).symoptions,sp_implicitrename);
2999             { we need to find the new symbol now if checking for a dummy }
3000             include(symoptions,sp_generic_dummy);
3001             result:=true;
3002           end;
3003       end;
3006     procedure write_system_parameter_lists(const name:string);
3007       var
3008         srsym:tprocsym;
3009       begin
3010         srsym:=tprocsym(systemunit.find(name));
3011         if not assigned(srsym) or not (srsym.typ=procsym) then
3012           internalerror(2016060302);
3013         srsym.write_parameter_lists(nil);
3014       end;
3017 {*****************************************************************************
3018                                   Search
3019 *****************************************************************************}
3021      procedure addsymref(sym:tsym);
3022        var
3023          owner: tsymtable;
3024        begin
3025          { for symbols used in preprocessor expressions, we don't want to
3026            increase references count (for smaller final binaries) }
3027          if not assigned(current_scanner) then
3028            internalerror(2017050601);
3029          if current_scanner.in_preproc_comp_expr then
3030            exit;
3031          { symbol uses count }
3032          sym.IncRefCount;
3033          owner:=sym.owner;
3034          while owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable,enumsymtable] do
3035            owner:=tdef(owner.defowner).owner;
3036          if assigned(current_module) and
3037             (owner.symtabletype=globalsymtable) then
3038              begin
3039                if tglobalsymtable(owner).moduleid>=current_module.unitmapsize then
3040                  internalerror(200501152);
3041                { unit uses count }
3042                inc(current_module.unitmap[tglobalsymtable(owner).moduleid].refs);
3043                { Note: don't check the symtable directly as owner might be
3044                        a specialize symtable which is a globalsymtable as well }
3045                if (
3046                      assigned(current_module.globalsymtable) and
3047                      (current_module.globalsymtable.moduleid<>owner.moduleid)
3048                   ) or (
3049                      assigned(current_module.localsymtable) and
3050                      (current_module.localsymtable.moduleid<>owner.moduleid)
3051                   ) then
3052                  { symbol is imported from another unit }
3053                  current_module.addimportedsym(sym);
3054              end;
3055        end;
is_owned_bynull3058     function is_owned_by(nesteddef,ownerdef:tdef):boolean;
3059       begin
3060         result:=nesteddef=ownerdef;
3061         if not result and
3062            { types declared locally in a record method are not defined in the
3063              record itself }
3064            not(nesteddef.owner.symtabletype in [localsymtable,parasymtable]) and
3065            assigned(nesteddef.owner.defowner) then
3066           result:=is_owned_by(tdef(nesteddef.owner.defowner),ownerdef);
3067       end;
sym_is_owned_bynull3069     function sym_is_owned_by(childsym:tsym;symtable:tsymtable):boolean;
3070       begin
3071         result:=assigned(childsym) and (childsym.owner=symtable);
3072         if not result and assigned(childsym) and
3073             (childsym.owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) then
3074           result:=sym_is_owned_by(tabstractrecorddef(childsym.owner.defowner).typesym,symtable);
3075       end;
defs_belong_to_same_genericnull3077     function defs_belong_to_same_generic(def1, def2: tdef): boolean;
3078     begin
3079       result:=false;
3080       if not assigned(def1) or not assigned(def2) then
3081         exit;
3082       { for both defs walk to the topmost generic }
3083       while assigned(def1.owner.defowner) and (df_generic in tstoreddef(def1.owner.defowner).defoptions) do
3084         def1:=tdef(def1.owner.defowner);
3085       while assigned(def2.owner.defowner) and (df_generic in tstoreddef(def2.owner.defowner).defoptions) do
3086         def2:=tdef(def2.owner.defowner);
3087       result:=def1=def2;
3088     end;
get_generic_in_hierarchy_by_namenull3090     function get_generic_in_hierarchy_by_name(srsym: tsym; def: tdef): tdef;
3091       var
3092         uname : string;
3093       begin
3094         { TODO : check regarding arrays and records declared as their type }
3095         if not (def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
3096           internalerror(2012051501);
3097         uname:=upper(srsym.realname);
3098         repeat
3099           if uname=copy(tabstractrecorddef(def).objname^,1,pos('$',tabstractrecorddef(def).objname^)-1) then
3100             begin
3101               result:=def;
3102               exit;
3103             end;
3104           def:=tdef(def.owner.defowner);
3105         until not assigned(def) or not (def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]);
3106         result:=nil;
3107       end;
return_specialization_of_genericnull3109     function return_specialization_of_generic(nesteddef,genericdef:tdef; out resultdef:tdef):boolean;
3110       begin
3111         { TODO : check regarding arrays and records declared as their type }
3112         if not (nesteddef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
3113           internalerror(2012051601);
3114         repeat
3115           if tstoreddef(nesteddef).genericdef=genericdef then
3116             begin
3117               resultdef:=nesteddef;
3118               result:=true;
3119               exit;
3120             end;
3121           nesteddef:=tdef(nesteddef.owner.defowner);
3122         until not assigned(nesteddef) or not (nesteddef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]);
3123         resultdef:=nil;
3124         result:=false;
3125       end;
3127     { symst: symboltable that contains the symbol (-> symowner def: record/objectdef in which the symbol is defined)
3128       symvisibility: visibility of the symbol
3129       contextobjdef: via which def the symbol is accessed, e.g.:
3130         fieldname:=1 -> contextobjdef = current_structdef
3131         objfield.fieldname:=1 -> contextobjdef = def of objfield
3132     }
is_visible_for_objectnull3133     function is_visible_for_object(symst:tsymtable;symvisibility:tvisibility;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
3134       var
3135         symownerdef : tabstractrecorddef;
3136         nonlocalst : tsymtable;
3137         isspezproc : boolean;
3138       begin
3139         result:=false;
3141         { Get objdectdef owner of the symtable for the is_related checks }
3142         if not assigned(symst) or
3143            not (symst.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) then
3144           internalerror(200810285);
3145         symownerdef:=tabstractrecorddef(symst.defowner);
3146         { specializations might belong to a localsymtable or parasymtable }
3147         nonlocalst:=symownerdef.owner;
3148         if tstoreddef(symst.defowner).is_specialization then
3149           while nonlocalst.symtabletype in [localsymtable,parasymtable] do
3150             nonlocalst:=nonlocalst.defowner.owner;
3151         isspezproc:=false;
3152         if assigned(current_procinfo) then
3153           begin
3154             if current_procinfo.procdef.is_specialization and
3155                 assigned(current_procinfo.procdef.struct) then
3156               isspezproc:=true;
3157           end;
3158         case symvisibility of
3159           vis_private :
3160             begin
3161               { private symbols are allowed when we are in the same
3162                 module as they are defined }
3163               result:=(
3164                        (nonlocalst.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
3165                        (nonlocalst.iscurrentunit)
3166                       ) or
3167                       ( // the case of specialize inside the generic declaration and nested types
3168                        (nonlocalst.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) and
3169                        (
3170                          assigned(current_structdef) and
3171                          (
3172                            (current_structdef=symownerdef) or
3173                            (current_structdef.owner.iscurrentunit)
3174                          )
3175                        ) or
3176                        (
3177                          not assigned(current_structdef) and
3178                          (symownerdef.owner.iscurrentunit)
3179                        ) or
3180                        { access from a generic method that belongs to the class
3181                          but that is specialized elsewere }
3182                        (
3183                          isspezproc and
3184                          (current_procinfo.procdef.struct=current_structdef)
3185                        ) or
3186                        { specializations may access private symbols that their
3187                          generics are allowed to access }
3188                        (
3189                          assigned(current_structdef) and
3190                          (df_specialization in current_structdef.defoptions) and
3191                          (symst.moduleid=current_structdef.genericdef.owner.moduleid)
3192                        )
3193                       );
3194             end;
3195           vis_strictprivate :
3196             begin
3197               result:=assigned(current_structdef) and
3198                       is_owned_by(current_structdef,symownerdef);
3199             end;
3200           vis_strictprotected :
3201             begin
3202                result:=(
3203                          { access from nested class }
3204                          assigned(current_structdef) and
3205                          is_owned_by(current_structdef,symownerdef)
3206                        ) or
3207                        (
3208                          { access from child class }
3209                          assigned(contextobjdef) and
3210                          assigned(current_structdef) and
3211                          def_is_related(contextobjdef,symownerdef) and
3212                          def_is_related(current_structdef,contextobjdef)
3213                        ) or
3214                        (
3215                          { helpers can access strict protected symbols }
3216                          is_objectpascal_helper(contextobjdef) and
3217                          def_is_related(tobjectdef(contextobjdef).extendeddef,symownerdef)
3218                        ) or
3219                        (
3220                          { same as above, but from context of call node inside
3221                            helper method }
3222                          is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and
3223                          def_is_related(tobjectdef(current_structdef).extendeddef,symownerdef)
3224                        );
3225             end;
3226           vis_protected :
3227             begin
3228               { protected symbols are visible in the module that defines them and
3229                 also visible to related objects. The related object must be defined
3230                 in the current module }
3231               result:=(
3232                        (
3233                         (nonlocalst.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) and
3234                         (nonlocalst.iscurrentunit)
3235                        ) or
3236                        (
3237                         assigned(contextobjdef) and
3238                         (contextobjdef.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,ObjectSymtable,recordsymtable]) and
3239                         (contextobjdef.owner.iscurrentunit) and
3240                         def_is_related(contextobjdef,symownerdef)
3241                        ) or
3242                        ( // the case of specialize inside the generic declaration and nested types
3243                         (nonlocalst.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) and
3244                         (
3245                           assigned(current_structdef) and
3246                           (
3247                             (current_structdef=symownerdef) or
3248                             (current_structdef.owner.iscurrentunit)
3249                           )
3250                         ) or
3251                         (
3252                           not assigned(current_structdef) and
3253                           (symownerdef.owner.iscurrentunit)
3254                         ) or
3255                         (
3256                           { helpers can access protected symbols }
3257                           is_objectpascal_helper(contextobjdef) and
3258                           def_is_related(tobjectdef(contextobjdef).extendeddef,symownerdef)
3259                         )
3260                        ) or
3261                        { access from a generic method that belongs to the class
3262                          but that is specialized elsewere }
3263                        (
3264                          isspezproc and
3265                          (current_procinfo.procdef.struct=current_structdef)
3266                        ) or
3267                        { specializations may access private symbols that their
3268                          generics are allowed to access }
3269                        (
3270                          assigned(current_structdef) and
3271                          (df_specialization in current_structdef.defoptions) and
3272                          (symst.moduleid=current_structdef.genericdef.owner.moduleid)
3273                        )
3274                       );
3275             end;
3276           vis_public,
3277           vis_published :
3278             result:=true;
3279         end;
3280       end;
is_visible_for_objectnull3283     function is_visible_for_object(pd:tprocdef;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
3284       begin
3285         result:=is_visible_for_object(pd.owner,pd.visibility,contextobjdef);
3286       end;
is_visible_for_objectnull3289     function is_visible_for_object(sym:tsym;contextobjdef:tabstractrecorddef):boolean;
3290       var
3291         i  : longint;
3292         pd : tprocdef;
3293       begin
3294         if sym.typ=procsym then
3295           begin
3296             { A procsym is visible, when there is at least one of the procdefs visible }
3297             result:=false;
3298             for i:=0 to tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList.Count-1 do
3299               begin
3300                 pd:=tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[i]);
3301                 if (pd.owner=sym.owner) and
3302                    is_visible_for_object(pd,contextobjdef) then
3303                   begin
3304                     result:=true;
3305                     exit;
3306                   end;
3307               end;
3308           end
3309         else
3310           result:=is_visible_for_object(sym.owner,sym.visibility,contextobjdef);
3311       end;
searchsymnull3314     function  searchsym(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3315       begin
3316         result:=searchsym_maybe_with_symoption(s,srsym,srsymtable,[],sp_none);
3317       end;
searchsym_with_flagsnull3320     function  searchsym_with_flags(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
3321       begin
3322         result:=searchsym_maybe_with_symoption(s,srsym,srsymtable,flags,sp_none);
3323       end;
searchsym_maybe_with_symoptionnull3326     function  searchsym_maybe_with_symoption(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags;option:tsymoption):boolean;
3327       var
3328         hashedid: THashedIDString;
3329         contextstructdef: tabstractrecorddef;
3330         stackitem: psymtablestackitem;
3331       begin
3332         result:=false;
3333         hashedid.id:=s;
3334         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
3335         while assigned(stackitem) do
3336           begin
3337             srsymtable:=stackitem^.symtable;
3338             if (srsymtable.symtabletype=objectsymtable) then
3339               begin
3340                 { TODO : implement the search for an option in classes as well }
3341                 if ssf_search_option in flags then
3342                   begin
3343                     result:=false;
3344                     exit;
3345                   end;
3346                 if searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(srsymtable.defowner),tobjectdef(srsymtable.defowner),s,srsym,srsymtable,flags+[ssf_search_helper]) then
3347                   begin
3348                     result:=true;
3349                     exit;
3350                   end;
3351               end
3352             else if not((srsymtable.symtabletype=withsymtable) and assigned(srsymtable.defowner) and
3353               (srsymtable.defowner.typ=undefineddef)) then
3354               begin
3355                 srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3356                 { First check if it is a unit/namespace symbol.
3357                   They are visible only if they are from the current unit or
3358                   unit of generic of currently processed specialization. }
3359                 if assigned(srsym) and
3360                    (
3361                      not(srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) or
3362                      srsymtable.iscurrentunit or
3363                      (assigned(current_specializedef)and(current_specializedef.genericdef.owner.moduleid=srsymtable.moduleid)) or
3364                      (
3365                        assigned(current_procinfo) and
3366                        (df_specialization in current_procinfo.procdef.defoptions) and
3367                        (current_procinfo.procdef.genericdef.owner.moduleid=srsymtable.moduleid)
3368                      )
3369                    ) and
3370                    (not (ssf_search_option in flags) or (option in srsym.symoptions))then
3371                   begin
3372                     { use the class from withsymtable only when it is
3373                       defined in this unit }
3374                     if (srsymtable.symtabletype=withsymtable) and
3375                        assigned(srsymtable.defowner) and
3376                        (srsymtable.defowner.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) and
3377                        (srsymtable.defowner.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) and
3378                        (srsymtable.defowner.owner.iscurrentunit) then
3379                       contextstructdef:=tabstractrecorddef(srsymtable.defowner)
3380                     else
3381                       contextstructdef:=current_structdef;
3382                     if not(srsym.owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) or
3383                        is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextstructdef) then
3384                       begin
3385                         { we need to know if a procedure references symbols
3386                           in the static symtable, because then it can't be
3387                           inlined from outside this unit }
3388                         if assigned(current_procinfo) and
3389                            (srsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
3390                           include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
3391                         if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3392                           addsymref(srsym);
3393                         result:=true;
3394                         exit;
3395                       end;
3396                   end;
3397               end;
3398             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
3399           end;
3400         srsym:=nil;
3401         srsymtable:=nil;
3402       end;
searchsym_with_symoptionnull3404     function searchsym_with_symoption(const s: TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out
3405       srsymtable:TSymtable;option:tsymoption):boolean;
3406       begin
3407         result:=searchsym_maybe_with_symoption(s,srsym,srsymtable,[ssf_search_option],option);
3408       end;
searchsym_typenull3410     function searchsym_type(const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3411       var
3412         hashedid  : THashedIDString;
3413         stackitem : psymtablestackitem;
3414         classh : tobjectdef;
3415       begin
3416         result:=false;
3417         hashedid.id:=s;
3418         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
3419         while assigned(stackitem) do
3420           begin
3421             {
3422               It is not possible to have type symbols in:
3423                 parameters
3424               Exception are classes, objects, records, generic definitions and specializations
3425               that have the parameterized types inserted in the symtable.
3426             }
3427             srsymtable:=stackitem^.symtable;
3428             if (srsymtable.symtabletype=ObjectSymtable) then
3429               begin
3430                 classh:=tobjectdef(srsymtable.defowner);
3431                 while assigned(classh) do
3432                   begin
3433                     srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3434                     srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3435                      if assigned(srsym) and
3436                         not(srsym.typ in [fieldvarsym,paravarsym,propertysym,procsym,labelsym]) and
3437                         is_visible_for_object(srsym,current_structdef) then
3438                        begin
3439                         addsymref(srsym);
3440                         result:=true;
3441                         exit;
3442                       end;
3443                     classh:=classh.childof;
3444                   end;
3445               end
3446             else
3447               begin
3448                 srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3449                 if assigned(srsym) and
3450                    (
3451                      not(srsym.typ in [unitsym,namespacesym]) or
3452                      srsymtable.iscurrentunit or
3453                      (assigned(current_specializedef)and(current_specializedef.genericdef.owner.moduleid=srsymtable.moduleid))
3454                    ) and
3455                    not(srsym.typ in [fieldvarsym,paravarsym,propertysym,procsym,labelsym]) and
3456                    (not (srsym.owner.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) or is_visible_for_object(srsym,current_structdef)) then
3457                   begin
3458                     { we need to know if a procedure references symbols
3459                       in the static symtable, because then it can't be
3460                       inlined from outside this unit }
3461                     if assigned(current_procinfo) and
3462                        (srsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
3463                       include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
3464                     addsymref(srsym);
3465                     result:=true;
3466                     exit;
3467                   end;
3468               end;
3469             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
3470           end;
3471         result:=false;
3472         srsym:=nil;
3473         srsymtable:=nil;
3474       end;
searchsym_in_modulenull3477     function searchsym_in_module(pm:pointer;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3478       var
3479         pmod : tmodule;
3480       begin
3481         pmod:=tmodule(pm);
3482         result:=false;
3483         if assigned(pmod.globalsymtable) then
3484           begin
3485             srsym:=tsym(pmod.globalsymtable.Find(s));
3486             if assigned(srsym) then
3487               begin
3488                 srsymtable:=pmod.globalsymtable;
3489                 addsymref(srsym);
3490                 result:=true;
3491                 exit;
3492               end;
3493           end;
3494         { If the module is the current unit we also need
3495           to search the local symtable }
3496         if (pmod=current_module) and
3497            assigned(pmod.localsymtable) then
3498           begin
3499             srsym:=tsym(pmod.localsymtable.Find(s));
3500             if assigned(srsym) then
3501               begin
3502                 srsymtable:=pmod.localsymtable;
3503                 addsymref(srsym);
3504                 result:=true;
3505                 exit;
3506               end;
3507           end;
3508         srsym:=nil;
3509         srsymtable:=nil;
3510       end;
searchsym_in_named_modulenull3513     function searchsym_in_named_module(const unitname, symname: TIDString; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable): boolean;
3514       var
3515         stackitem  : psymtablestackitem;
3516       begin
3517         result:=false;
3518         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
3519         while assigned(stackitem) do
3520           begin
3521             srsymtable:=stackitem^.symtable;
3522             if (srsymtable.symtabletype=globalsymtable) and
3523                (srsymtable.name^=unitname) then
3524               begin
3525                 srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.find(symname));
3526                 if not assigned(srsym) then
3527                   break;
3528                 result:=true;
3529                 exit;
3530               end;
3531             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
3532           end;
3534         { If the module is the current unit we also need
3535           to search the local symtable }
3536         if assigned(current_module.localsymtable) and
3537            (current_module.localsymtable.name^=unitname) then
3538           begin
3539             srsymtable:=current_module.localsymtable;
3540             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.find(symname));
3541             if assigned(srsym) then
3542               begin
3543                 result:=true;
3544                 exit;
3545               end;
3546           end;
3547       end;
maybe_find_real_class_definitionnull3550     function maybe_find_real_class_definition(pd: tdef; erroronfailure: boolean): tdef;
3551       begin
3552         result:=pd;
3553         if pd.typ<>objectdef then
3554           exit;
3555         result:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(pd),erroronfailure);
3556       end;
find_real_class_definitionnull3559     function find_real_class_definition(pd: tobjectdef; erroronfailure: boolean): tobjectdef;
3560       var
3561         hashedid   : THashedIDString;
3562         stackitem  : psymtablestackitem;
3563         srsymtable : tsymtable;
3564         srsym      : tsym;
3565         formalname,
3566         foundname : shortstring;
3567         formalnameptr,
3568         foundnameptr: pshortstring;
3569       begin
3570         { not a formal definition -> return it }
3571         if not(oo_is_formal in pd.objectoptions) then
3572           begin
3573             result:=pd;
3574             exit;
3575           end;
3576         hashedid.id:=pd.typesym.name;
3577         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
3578         while assigned(stackitem) do
3579           begin
3580             srsymtable:=stackitem^.symtable;
3581             { ObjC classes can't appear in generics or as nested class
3582               definitions. Java classes can. }
3583             if not(srsymtable.symtabletype in [recordsymtable,parasymtable]) or
3584                (is_java_class_or_interface(pd) and
3585                 (srsymtable.symtabletype=ObjectSymtable)) then
3586               begin
3587                 srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3588                 if assigned(srsym) and
3589                    (srsym.typ=typesym) and
3590                    (ttypesym(srsym).typedef.typ=objectdef) and
3591                    (tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objecttype=pd.objecttype) and
3592                    not(oo_is_formal in tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objectoptions) then
3593                   begin
3594                     if not(oo_is_forward in tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objectoptions) then
3595                       begin
3596                         { the external name for the formal and the real
3597                           definition must match }
3598                         if assigned(tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).import_lib) or
3599                            assigned(pd.import_lib) then
3600                           begin
3601                             if assigned(pd.import_lib) then
3602                               formalname:=pd.import_lib^+'.'
3603                             else
3604                               formalname:='';
3605                             formalname:=formalname+pd.objextname^;
3606                             if assigned(tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).import_lib) then
3607                               foundname:=tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).import_lib^+'.'
3608                             else
3609                               foundname:='';
3610                             foundname:=foundname+tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objextname^;
3612                             formalnameptr:=@formalname;
3613                             foundnameptr:=@foundname;
3614                           end
3615                         else
3616                           begin
3617                             formalnameptr:=pd.objextname;
3618                             foundnameptr:=tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef).objextname;
3619                           end;
3620                         if foundnameptr^<>formalnameptr^ then
3621                           begin
3622                             MessagePos2(pd.typesym.fileinfo,sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch1,formalnameptr^,pd.typename);
3623                             MessagePos1(srsym.fileinfo,sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch2,foundnameptr^);
3624                           end;
3625                       end;
3626                     result:=tobjectdef(ttypesym(srsym).typedef);
3627                     if assigned(current_procinfo) and
3628                        (srsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
3629                       include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
3630                     addsymref(srsym);
3631                     exit;
3632                   end;
3633               end;
3634             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
3635           end;
3636         { nothing found: optionally give an error and return the original
3637           (empty) one }
3638         if erroronfailure then
3639           Message1(sym_e_formal_class_not_resolved,pd.objrealname^);
3640         result:=pd;
3641       end;
searchsym_in_classnull3644     function searchsym_in_class(classh: tobjectdef;contextclassh:tabstractrecorddef;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
3645       var
3646         hashedid : THashedIDString;
3647         orgclass : tobjectdef;
3648         i        : longint;
3649       begin
3650         orgclass:=classh;
3651         { in case this is a formal class, first find the real definition }
3652         if assigned(classh) then
3653           begin
3654             if (oo_is_formal in classh.objectoptions) then
3655               classh:=find_real_class_definition(classh,true);
3656             { The contextclassh is used for visibility. The classh must be equal to
3657               or be a parent of contextclassh. E.g. for inherited searches the classh is the
3658               parent or a class helper. }
3659             if not (def_is_related(contextclassh,classh) or
3660                 (is_classhelper(contextclassh) and
3661                  assigned(tobjectdef(contextclassh).extendeddef) and
3662                 (tobjectdef(contextclassh).extendeddef.typ=objectdef) and
3663                 def_is_related(tobjectdef(contextclassh).extendeddef,classh))) then
3664               internalerror(200811161);
3665           end;
3666         result:=false;
3667         hashedid.id:=s;
3668         { an Objective-C  protocol or Java interface can inherit from multiple
3669           other protocols/interfaces -> use ImplementedInterfaces instead }
3670         if is_objcprotocol(classh) or
3671            is_javainterface(classh) then
3672           begin
3673             srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3674             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3675             if assigned(srsym) and
3676                is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextclassh) then
3677               begin
3678                 if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3679                   addsymref(srsym);
3680                 result:=true;
3681                 exit;
3682               end;
3683             for i:=0 to classh.ImplementedInterfaces.count-1 do
3684               begin
3685                 if searchsym_in_class(TImplementedInterface(classh.ImplementedInterfaces[i]).intfdef,contextclassh,s,srsym,srsymtable,flags-[ssf_search_helper]) then
3686                   begin
3687                     result:=true;
3688                     exit;
3689                   end;
3690               end;
3691           end
3692         else
3693         if is_objectpascal_helper(classh) then
3694           begin
3695             { helpers have their own obscure search logic... }
3696             result:=searchsym_in_helper(classh,tobjectdef(contextclassh),s,srsym,srsymtable,flags-[ssf_has_inherited]);
3697             if result then
3698               exit;
3699           end
3700         else
3701           begin
3702             while assigned(classh) do
3703               begin
3704                 { search for a class helper method first if this is an Object
3705                   Pascal class and we haven't yet found a helper symbol }
3706                 if (classh.objecttype in objecttypes_with_helpers) and
3707                     (ssf_search_helper in flags) then
3708                   begin
3709                     result:=search_objectpascal_helper(classh,contextclassh,s,srsym,srsymtable);
3710                     { an eventual overload inside the extended type's hierarchy
3711                       will be found by tcallcandidates }
3712                     if result then
3713                       exit;
3714                   end;
3715                 srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3716                 srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3717                 if assigned(srsym) and
3718                    is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextclassh) then
3719                   begin
3720                     if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3721                       addsymref(srsym);
3722                     result:=true;
3723                     exit;
3724                   end;
3725                 classh:=classh.childof;
3726               end;
3727           end;
3728         if is_objcclass(orgclass) then
3729           result:=search_objc_helper(orgclass,s,srsym,srsymtable)
3730         else
3731           begin
3732             srsym:=nil;
3733             srsymtable:=nil;
3734           end;
3735       end;
searchsym_in_recordnull3737     function  searchsym_in_record(recordh:tabstractrecorddef;const s : TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3738       var
3739         hashedid : THashedIDString;
3740       begin
3741         result:=false;
3742         hashedid.id:=s;
3743         { search for a record helper method first }
3744         result:=search_objectpascal_helper(recordh,recordh,s,srsym,srsymtable);
3745         if result then
3746           { an eventual overload inside the extended type's hierarchy
3747             will be found by tcallcandidates }
3748           exit;
3749         srsymtable:=recordh.symtable;
3750         srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3751         if assigned(srsym) and is_visible_for_object(srsym,recordh) then
3752           begin
3753             addsymref(srsym);
3754             result:=true;
3755             exit;
3756           end;
3757         srsym:=nil;
3758         srsymtable:=nil;
3759       end;
searchsym_in_class_by_msgintnull3761     function searchsym_in_class_by_msgint(classh:tobjectdef;msgid:longint;out srdef : tdef;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3762       var
3763         def : tdef;
3764         i   : longint;
3765       begin
3766         { in case this is a formal class, first find the real definition }
3767         if assigned(classh) and
3768            (oo_is_formal in classh.objectoptions) then
3769           classh:=find_real_class_definition(classh,true);
3770         result:=false;
3771         def:=nil;
3772         while assigned(classh) do
3773           begin
3774             for i:=0 to classh.symtable.DefList.Count-1 do
3775               begin
3776                 def:=tstoreddef(classh.symtable.DefList[i]);
3777                 { Find also all hidden private methods to
3778                   be compatible with delphi, see tw6203 (PFV) }
3779                 if (def.typ=procdef) and
3780                    (po_msgint in tprocdef(def).procoptions) and
3781                    (tprocdef(def).messageinf.i=msgid) then
3782                   begin
3783                     srdef:=def;
3784                     srsym:=tprocdef(def).procsym;
3785                     srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3786                     addsymref(srsym);
3787                     result:=true;
3788                     exit;
3789                   end;
3790               end;
3791             classh:=classh.childof;
3792           end;
3793         srdef:=nil;
3794         srsym:=nil;
3795         srsymtable:=nil;
3796       end;
searchsym_in_class_by_msgstrnull3799     function searchsym_in_class_by_msgstr(classh:tobjectdef;const s:string;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable):boolean;
3800       var
3801         def : tdef;
3802         i   : longint;
3803       begin
3804         { in case this is a formal class, first find the real definition }
3805         if assigned(classh) and
3806            (oo_is_formal in classh.objectoptions) then
3807           classh:=find_real_class_definition(classh,true);
3808         result:=false;
3809         def:=nil;
3810         while assigned(classh) do
3811           begin
3812             for i:=0 to classh.symtable.DefList.Count-1 do
3813               begin
3814                 def:=tstoreddef(classh.symtable.DefList[i]);
3815                 { Find also all hidden private methods to
3816                   be compatible with delphi, see tw6203 (PFV) }
3817                 if (def.typ=procdef) and
3818                    (po_msgstr in tprocdef(def).procoptions) and
3819                    (tprocdef(def).messageinf.str^=s) then
3820                   begin
3821                     srsym:=tprocdef(def).procsym;
3822                     srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3823                     addsymref(srsym);
3824                     result:=true;
3825                     exit;
3826                   end;
3827               end;
3828             classh:=classh.childof;
3829           end;
3830         srsym:=nil;
3831         srsymtable:=nil;
3832       end;
searchsym_in_helpernull3834     function searchsym_in_helper(classh,contextclassh:tobjectdef;const s: TIDString;out srsym:tsym;out srsymtable:TSymtable;flags:tsymbol_search_flags):boolean;
3835       var
3836         hashedid      : THashedIDString;
3837         parentclassh  : tobjectdef;
3838       begin
3839         result:=false;
3840         if not is_objectpascal_helper(classh) then
3841           Internalerror(2011030101);
3842         hashedid.id:=s;
3843         { in a helper things are a bit more complex:
3844           1. search the symbol in the helper (if not "inherited")
3845           2. search the symbol in the extended type
3846           3. search the symbol in the parent helpers
3847           4. only classes: search the symbol in the parents of the extended type
3848         }
3849         if not (ssf_has_inherited in flags) then
3850           begin
3851             { search in the helper itself }
3852             srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
3853             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3854             if assigned(srsym) and
3855                is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextclassh) then
3856               begin
3857                 if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3858                   addsymref(srsym);
3859                 result:=true;
3860                 exit;
3861               end;
3862           end;
3863         { now search in the extended type itself }
3864         { Note: the extendeddef might be Nil if we are currently parsing the
3865                 extended type itself and the identifier was not found }
3866         if assigned(classh.extendeddef) and (classh.extendeddef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
3867           begin
3868             srsymtable:=tabstractrecorddef(classh.extendeddef).symtable;
3869             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3870             if assigned(srsym) and
3871                is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextclassh) then
3872               begin
3873                 if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3874                   addsymref(srsym);
3875                 result:=true;
3876                 exit;
3877               end;
3878           end;
3879         { now search in the parent helpers }
3880         parentclassh:=classh.childof;
3881         while assigned(parentclassh) do
3882           begin
3883             srsymtable:=parentclassh.symtable;
3884             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3885             if assigned(srsym) and
3886                is_visible_for_object(srsym,contextclassh) then
3887               begin
3888                 if not (ssf_no_addsymref in flags) then
3889                   addsymref(srsym);
3890                 result:=true;
3891                 exit;
3892               end;
3893             parentclassh:=parentclassh.childof;
3894           end;
3895         if is_class(classh.extendeddef) then
3896           { now search in the parents of the extended class (with helpers!) }
3897           result:=searchsym_in_class(tobjectdef(classh.extendeddef).childof,contextclassh,s,srsym,srsymtable,flags+[ssf_search_helper]);
3898           { addsymref is already called by searchsym_in_class }
3899       end;
search_specific_assignment_operatornull3901     function search_specific_assignment_operator(assignment_type:ttoken;from_def,to_def:Tdef):Tprocdef;
3902       var
3903         sym : Tprocsym;
3904         hashedid : THashedIDString;
3905         curreq,
3906         besteq : tequaltype;
3907         currpd,
3908         bestpd : tprocdef;
3909         stackitem : psymtablestackitem;
3910         shortstringcount : longint;
3911         isexplicit,
3912         checkshortstring : boolean;
3913       begin
3914         hashedid.id:=overloaded_names[assignment_type];
3915         besteq:=te_incompatible;
3916         bestpd:=nil;
3917         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
3918         { special handling for assignments to shortstrings with a specific length:
3919           - if we get an operator to ShortString we use that
3920           - if we get only a single String[x] operator we use that
3921           - otherwise it's a nogo }
3922         isexplicit:=assignment_type=_OP_EXPLICIT;
3923         shortstringcount:=0;
3924         checkshortstring:=not isexplicit and is_shortstring(to_def) and (tstringdef(to_def).len<>255);
3925         while assigned(stackitem) do
3926           begin
3927             sym:=Tprocsym(stackitem^.symtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
3928             if sym<>nil then
3929               begin
3930                 if sym.typ<>procsym then
3931                   internalerror(200402031);
3932                 { if the source type is an alias then this is only the second choice,
3933                   if you mess with this code, check tw4093 }
3934                 currpd:=sym.find_procdef_assignment_operator(from_def,to_def,curreq,isexplicit);
3935                 { we found a ShortString overload, use that and be done }
3936                 if checkshortstring and
3937                     assigned(currpd) and
3938                     is_shortstring(currpd.returndef) and
3939                     (tstringdef(currpd.returndef).len=255) then
3940                   begin
3941                     besteq:=curreq;
3942                     bestpd:=currpd;
3943                     break;
3944                   end;
3945                 { independently of the operator being better count if we encountered
3946                   multpile String[x] operators }
3947                 if checkshortstring and assigned(currpd) and is_shortstring(currpd.returndef) then
3948                   inc(shortstringcount);
3949                 if curreq>besteq then
3950                   begin
3951                     besteq:=curreq;
3952                     bestpd:=currpd;
3953                     { don't stop searching if we have a String[x] operator cause
3954                       we might find a ShortString one or multiple ones (which
3955                       leads to no operator use) }
3956                     if (besteq=te_exact) and not checkshortstring then
3957                       break;
3958                   end;
3959               end;
3960             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
3961           end;
3962         if checkshortstring and (shortstringcount>1) then
3963           bestpd:=nil;
3964         result:=bestpd;
3965       end;
search_assignment_operatornull3968     function search_assignment_operator(from_def,to_def:Tdef;explicit:boolean):Tprocdef;
3969       begin
3970         { search record/object symtable first for a suitable operator }
3971         if from_def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
3972           symtablestack.push(tabstractrecorddef(from_def).symtable);
3973         if to_def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
3974           symtablestack.push(tabstractrecorddef(to_def).symtable);
3976         { if type conversion is explicit then search first for explicit
3977           operator overload and if not found then use implicit operator }
3978         if explicit then
3979           result:=search_specific_assignment_operator(_OP_EXPLICIT,from_def,to_def)
3980         else
3981           result:=nil;
3982         if result=nil then
3983           result:=search_specific_assignment_operator(_ASSIGNMENT,from_def,to_def);
3985         { restore symtable stack }
3986         if to_def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
3987           symtablestack.pop(tabstractrecorddef(to_def).symtable);
3988         if from_def.typ in [recorddef,objectdef] then
3989           symtablestack.pop(tabstractrecorddef(from_def).symtable);
3990       end;
search_enumerator_operatornull3993     function search_enumerator_operator(from_def,to_def:Tdef): Tprocdef;
3994       var
3995         sym : Tprocsym;
3996         hashedid : THashedIDString;
3997         curreq,
3998         besteq : tequaltype;
3999         currpd,
4000         bestpd : tprocdef;
4001         stackitem : psymtablestackitem;
4002       begin
4003         hashedid.id:='enumerator';
4004         besteq:=te_incompatible;
4005         bestpd:=nil;
4006         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
4007         while assigned(stackitem) do
4008           begin
4009             sym:=Tprocsym(stackitem^.symtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4010             if sym<>nil then
4011               begin
4012                 if sym.typ<>procsym then
4013                   internalerror(200910241);
4014                 { if the source type is an alias then this is only the second choice,
4015                   if you mess with this code, check tw4093 }
4016                 currpd:=sym.find_procdef_enumerator_operator(from_def,to_def,curreq);
4017                 if curreq>besteq then
4018                   begin
4019                     besteq:=curreq;
4020                     bestpd:=currpd;
4021                     if (besteq=te_exact) then
4022                       break;
4023                   end;
4024               end;
4025             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
4026           end;
4027         result:=bestpd;
4028     end;
search_management_operatornull4031     function search_management_operator(mop:tmanagementoperator;pd:Tdef):Tprocdef;
4032       var
4033         sym : Tprocsym;
4034         hashedid : THashedIDString;
4035         optoken: ttoken;
4036       begin
4037         optoken := managementoperator2tok[mop];
4038         if (optoken<first_managment_operator) or
4039            (optoken>last_managment_operator) then
4040           internalerror(201602280);
4041         hashedid.id:=overloaded_names[optoken];
4042         if not (pd.typ in [recorddef]) then
4043           internalerror(201602281);
4044         sym:=Tprocsym(tabstractrecorddef(pd).symtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4045         if sym<>nil then
4046           begin
4047             if sym.typ<>procsym then
4048               internalerror(201602282);
4049             result:=sym.find_procdef_bytype(potype_operator);
4050           end
4051         else
4052           result:=nil;
4053       end;
search_system_typenull4056     function search_system_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
4057       var
4058         sym : tsym;
4059       begin
4060         sym:=tsym(systemunit.Find(s));
4061         if not assigned(sym) or
4062            (sym.typ<>typesym) then
4063           message1(cg_f_unknown_system_type,s);
4064         result:=ttypesym(sym);
4065       end;
try_search_system_typenull4068     function try_search_system_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
4069       var
4070         sym : tsym;
4071       begin
4072         sym:=tsym(systemunit.Find(s));
4073         if not assigned(sym) then
4074           result:=nil
4075         else
4076           begin
4077             if sym.typ<>typesym then
4078               message1(cg_f_unknown_system_type,s);
4079             result:=ttypesym(sym);
4080           end;
4081       end;
try_search_current_module_typenull4084     function try_search_current_module_type(const s: TIDString): ttypesym;
4085       var
4086         found: boolean;
4087         srsymtable: tsymtable;
4088         srsym: tsym;
4089       begin
4090         if s[1]='$' then
4091           found:=searchsym_in_module(current_module,copy(s,2,length(s)),srsym,srsymtable)
4092         else
4093           found:=searchsym_in_module(current_module,s,srsym,srsymtable);
4094         if found then
4095           begin
4096             if (srsym.typ<>typesym) then
4097               internalerror(2014091207);
4098             result:=ttypesym(srsym);
4099           end
4100         else
4101           result:=nil;
4102       end;
search_system_procnull4105     function  search_system_proc(const s: TIDString): tprocdef;
4106       var
4107         srsym: tsym;
4108       begin
4109         srsym:=tsym(systemunit.find(s));
4110         if not assigned(srsym) and
4111            (cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
4112           srsym:=tsym(systemunit.Find(upper(s)));
4113         if not assigned(srsym) or
4114            (srsym.typ<>procsym) then
4115           message1(cg_f_unknown_compilerproc,s);
4116         result:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[0]);
4117     end;
search_named_unit_globaltypenull4120     function search_named_unit_globaltype(const unitname, typename: TIDString; throwerror: boolean): ttypesym;
4121       var
4122         srsymtable: tsymtable;
4123         sym: tsym;
4124       begin
4125         sym:=nil;
4126         if searchsym_in_named_module(unitname,typename,sym,srsymtable) and
4127            (sym.typ=typesym) then
4128           begin
4129             result:=ttypesym(sym);
4130             exit;
4131           end
4132         else
4133           begin
4134             if throwerror then
4135               message2(cg_f_unknown_type_in_unit,typename,unitname);
4136             result:=nil;
4137           end;
4138       end;
search_last_objectpascal_helpernull4140     function search_last_objectpascal_helper(pd : tdef;contextclassh : tabstractrecorddef;out odef : tobjectdef):boolean;
4141       var
4142         s: string;
4143         list: TFPObjectList;
4144         i: integer;
4145         st: tsymtable;
4146       begin
4147         result:=false;
4148         odef:=nil;
4149         { when there are no helpers active currently then we don't need to do
4150           anything }
4151         if current_module.extendeddefs.count=0 then
4152           exit;
4153         if (df_genconstraint in pd.defoptions) then
4154           begin
4155             { if we have a constraint for a class type or a single interface we
4156               use that to resolve helpers at declaration time of the generic,
4157               otherwise there can't be any helpers as the type isn't known yet }
4158             if pd.typ=objectdef then
4159               pd:=tobjectdef(pd).getparentdef
4160             else
4161               exit;
4162           end;
4163         { no helpers for anonymous types }
4164         if ((pd.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) and
4165             (
4166               not assigned(tabstractrecorddef(pd).objrealname) or
4167               (tabstractrecorddef(pd).objrealname^='')
4168             )
4169            ) or
4170            not assigned(pd.typesym) then
4171           exit;
4172         { if pd is defined inside a procedure we must not use make_mangledname
4173           (as a helper may not be defined in a procedure this is no problem...)}
4174         st:=pd.owner;
4175         while st.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable] do
4176           st:=st.defowner.owner;
4177         if st.symtabletype=localsymtable then
4178           exit;
4179         { the mangled name is used as the key for tmodule.extendeddefs }
4180         s:=generate_objectpascal_helper_key(pd);
4181         list:=TFPObjectList(current_module.extendeddefs.Find(s));
4182         if assigned(list) and (list.count>0) then
4183           begin
4184             i:=list.count-1;
4185             repeat
4186               odef:=tobjectdef(list[list.count-1]);
4187               result:=(odef.owner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) or
4188                       is_visible_for_object(tobjectdef(list[i]).typesym,contextclassh);
4189               dec(i);
4190             until result or (i<0);
4191             if not result then
4192               { just to be sure that noone uses odef }
4193               odef:=nil;
4194           end;
4195       end;
search_objectpascal_helpernull4197     function search_objectpascal_helper(pd : tdef;contextclassh : tabstractrecorddef;const s: string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
4199       var
4200         hashedid  : THashedIDString;
4201         classh : tobjectdef;
4202         i : integer;
4203         pdef : tprocdef;
4204       begin
4205         result:=false;
4207         { if there is no class helper for the class then there is no need to
4208           search further }
4209         if not search_last_objectpascal_helper(pd,contextclassh,classh) then
4210           exit;
4212         hashedid.id:=s;
4214         repeat
4215           srsymtable:=classh.symtable;
4216           srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4218           if srsym<>nil then
4219             begin
4220               case srsym.typ of
4221                 procsym:
4222                   begin
4223                     for i:=0 to tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist.count-1 do
4224                       begin
4225                         pdef:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[i]);
4226                         if not is_visible_for_object(pdef.owner,pdef.visibility,contextclassh) then
4227                           continue;
4228                         { we need to know if a procedure references symbols
4229                           in the static symtable, because then it can't be
4230                           inlined from outside this unit }
4231                         if assigned(current_procinfo) and
4232                            (srsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
4233                           include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
4234                         { the first found method wins }
4235                         srsym:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[i]).procsym;
4236                         srsymtable:=srsym.owner;
4237                         addsymref(srsym);
4238                         result:=true;
4239                         exit;
4240                       end;
4241                   end;
4242                 typesym,
4243                 fieldvarsym,
4244                 constsym,
4245                 enumsym,
4246                 undefinedsym,
4247                 propertysym:
4248                   begin
4249                     addsymref(srsym);
4250                     result:=true;
4251                     exit;
4252                   end;
4253                 else
4254                   internalerror(2014041101);
4255               end;
4256             end;
4258           { try the helper parent if available }
4259           classh:=classh.childof;
4260         until classh=nil;
4262         srsym:=nil;
4263         srsymtable:=nil;
4264       end;
search_objc_helpernull4266     function search_objc_helper(pd : tobjectdef;const s : string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
4267       var
4268         searchst   : tsymtable;
4269         searchsym  : tsym;
4270         hashedid   : THashedIDString;
4271         stackitem  : psymtablestackitem;
4272         i          : longint;
4273         founddefowner,
4274         defowner   : tobjectdef;
4275       begin
4276         hashedid.id:=class_helper_prefix+s;
4277         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
4278         result:=false;
4279         srsym:=nil;
4280         srsymtable:=nil;
4281         founddefowner:=nil;
4282         while assigned(stackitem) do
4283           begin
4284             searchst:=stackitem^.symtable;
4285             searchsym:=tsym(searchst.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4286             if assigned(searchsym) then
4287               begin
4288                 if not(searchst.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) or
4289                    not(searchsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) or
4290                    (searchsym.typ<>procsym) then
4291                   internalerror(2009111505);
4292                 { check whether this procsym includes a helper for this particular class }
4293                 for i:=0 to tprocsym(searchsym).procdeflist.count-1 do
4294                   begin
4295                     { does pd inherit from (or is the same as) the class
4296                       that this method's category extended?
4298                       Warning: this list contains both category and objcclass methods
4299                        (for id.randommethod), so only check category methods here
4300                     }
4301                     defowner:=tobjectdef(tprocdef(tprocsym(searchsym).procdeflist[i]).owner.defowner);
4302                     if is_objccategory(defowner) and
4303                        def_is_related(pd,defowner.childof) then
4304                       begin
4305                         { we need to know if a procedure references symbols
4306                           in the static symtable, because then it can't be
4307                           inlined from outside this unit }
4308                         if assigned(current_procinfo) and
4309                            (searchsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
4310                           include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
4311                         { Stop looking if this is a category that extends the specified
4312                           class itself. There might be other categories that extend this,
4313                           but that doesn't matter. If it extens a parent, keep looking
4314                           in case we find the symbol in a category that extends this class
4315                           (or a closer parent).
4316                         }
4317                         if not result or
4318                            def_is_related(defowner.childof,founddefowner) then
4319                           begin
4320                             founddefowner:=defowner.childof;
4321                             srsym:=tprocdef(tprocsym(searchsym).procdeflist[i]).procsym;
4322                             srsymtable:=srsym.owner;
4323                             result:=true;
4324                             if pd=founddefowner then
4325                               begin
4326                                 addsymref(srsym);
4327                                 exit;
4328                               end;
4329                           end;
4330                       end;
4331                   end;
4332               end;
4333             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
4334           end;
4335         if result then
4336           begin
4337             addsymref(srsym);
4338             exit;
4339           end;
4340       end;
search_objc_methodnull4343     function search_objc_method(const s : string; out srsym: tsym; out srsymtable: tsymtable):boolean;
4344       var
4345         hashedid   : THashedIDString;
4346         stackitem  : psymtablestackitem;
4347         i          : longint;
4348       begin
4349         hashedid.id:=class_helper_prefix+s;
4350         stackitem:=symtablestack.stack;
4351         while assigned(stackitem) do
4352           begin
4353             srsymtable:=stackitem^.symtable;
4354             srsym:=tsym(srsymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4355             if assigned(srsym) then
4356               begin
4357                 if not(srsymtable.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) or
4358                    not(srsym.owner.symtabletype in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable]) or
4359                    (srsym.typ<>procsym) then
4360                   internalerror(2009112005);
4361                 { check whether this procsym includes a helper for this particular class }
4362                 for i:=0 to tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist.count-1 do
4363                   begin
4364                     { we need to know if a procedure references symbols
4365                       in the static symtable, because then it can't be
4366                       inlined from outside this unit }
4367                     if assigned(current_procinfo) and
4368                        (srsym.owner.symtabletype=staticsymtable) then
4369                       include(current_procinfo.flags,pi_uses_static_symtable);
4370                     { no need to keep looking. There might be other
4371                       methods with the same name, but that doesn't matter
4372                       as far as the basic procsym is concerned.
4373                     }
4374                     srsym:=tprocdef(tprocsym(srsym).procdeflist[i]).procsym;
4375                     { We need the symtable in which the classhelper-like sym
4376                       is located, not the objectdef. The reason is that the
4377                       callnode will climb the symtablestack until it encounters
4378                       this symtable to start looking for overloads (and it won't
4379                       find the objectsymtable in which this method sym is
4380                       located
4382                     srsymtable:=srsym.owner;
4383                     }
4384                     addsymref(srsym);
4385                     result:=true;
4386                     exit;
4387                   end;
4388               end;
4389             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
4390           end;
4391         srsym:=nil;
4392         srsymtable:=nil;
4393         result:=false;
4394       end;
search_struct_membernull4397     function search_struct_member(pd : tabstractrecorddef;const s : string):tsym;
4398     { searches n in symtable of pd and all anchestors }
4399       var
4400         srsymtable : tsymtable;
4401       begin
4402         { in case this is a formal class, first find the real definition }
4403         if (oo_is_formal in pd.objectoptions) then
4404           pd:=find_real_class_definition(tobjectdef(pd),true);
4406         if search_objectpascal_helper(pd, pd, s, result, srsymtable) then
4407           exit;
4409         result:=search_struct_member_no_helper(pd,s);
4410         if assigned(result) then
4411           exit;
4413         { not found, now look for class helpers }
4414         if is_objcclass(pd) then
4415           search_objc_helper(tobjectdef(pd),s,result,srsymtable)
4416       end;
search_struct_member_no_helpernull4419     function search_struct_member_no_helper(pd: tabstractrecorddef; const s: string): tsym;
4420       var
4421         hashedid   : THashedIDString;
4422         srsym      : tsym;
4423       begin
4424         hashedid.id:=s;
4425         while assigned(pd) do
4426          begin
4427             srsym:=tsym(pd.symtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4428             if assigned(srsym) then
4429               begin
4430                 result:=srsym;
4431                 exit;
4432               end;
4433             if pd.typ=objectdef then
4434               pd:=tobjectdef(pd).childof
4435             else
4436               pd:=nil;
4437           end;
4438         result:=nil;
4439       end;
search_macronull4442     function search_macro(const s : string):tsym;
4443       var
4444         stackitem  : psymtablestackitem;
4445         hashedid   : THashedIDString;
4446         srsym      : tsym;
4447       begin
4448         hashedid.id:=s;
4450         { First search the localmacrosymtable before searching the
4451           global macrosymtables from the units }
4452         if assigned(current_module) then
4453           begin
4454             srsym:=tsym(current_module.localmacrosymtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4455             if assigned(srsym) then
4456               begin
4457                 result:= srsym;
4458                 exit;
4459               end;
4460           end;
4462         stackitem:=macrosymtablestack.stack;
4463         while assigned(stackitem) do
4464           begin
4465             srsym:=tsym(stackitem^.symtable.FindWithHash(hashedid));
4466             if assigned(srsym) then
4467               begin
4468                 result:= srsym;
4469                 exit;
4470               end;
4471             stackitem:=stackitem^.next;
4472           end;
4473         result:= nil;
4474       end;
defined_macronull4477     function defined_macro(const s : string):boolean;
4478       var
4479         mac: tmacro;
4480       begin
4481         mac:=tmacro(search_macro(s));
4482         if assigned(mac) then
4483           begin
4484             mac.is_used:=true;
4485             defined_macro:=mac.defined;
4486           end
4487         else
4488           defined_macro:=false;
4489       end;
4492 {****************************************************************************
4493                               Object Helpers
4494 ****************************************************************************}
search_default_propertynull4496    function search_default_property(pd : tabstractrecorddef) : tpropertysym;
4497    { returns the default property of a class, searches also anchestors }
4498      var
4499        _defaultprop : tpropertysym;
4500        helperpd : tobjectdef;
4501      begin
4502         _defaultprop:=nil;
4503         { first search in helper's hierarchy }
4504         if search_last_objectpascal_helper(pd,nil,helperpd) then
4505           while assigned(helperpd) do
4506             begin
4507               helperpd.symtable.SymList.ForEachCall(@tstoredsymtable(helperpd.symtable).testfordefaultproperty,@_defaultprop);
4508               if assigned(_defaultprop) then
4509                 break;
4510               helperpd:=helperpd.childof;
4511             end;
4512         if assigned(_defaultprop) then
4513           begin
4514             search_default_property:=_defaultprop;
4515             exit;
4516           end;
4517         { now search in the type's hierarchy itself }
4518         while assigned(pd) do
4519           begin
4520              pd.symtable.SymList.ForEachCall(@tstoredsymtable(pd.symtable).testfordefaultproperty,@_defaultprop);
4521              if assigned(_defaultprop) then
4522                break;
4523              if (pd.typ=objectdef) then
4524                pd:=tobjectdef(pd).childof
4525              else
4526                break;
4527           end;
4528         search_default_property:=_defaultprop;
4529      end;
4532 {****************************************************************************
4533                               Macro Helpers
4534 ****************************************************************************}
4536     procedure def_system_macro(const name : string);
4537       var
4538         mac : tmacro;
4539         s: string;
4540       begin
4541          if name = '' then
4542            internalerror(2004121202);
4543          s:= upper(name);
4544          mac:=tmacro(search_macro(s));
4545          if not assigned(mac) then
4546            begin
4547              mac:=tmacro.create(s);
4548              if assigned(current_module) then
4549                current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac)
4550              else
4551                initialmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
4552            end;
4553          Message1(parser_c_macro_defined,mac.name);
4554          mac.defined:=true;
4555       end;
4558     procedure set_system_macro(const name, value : string);
4559       var
4560         mac : tmacro;
4561         s: string;
4562       begin
4563         if name = '' then
4564           internalerror(2004121203);
4565          s:= upper(name);
4566          mac:=tmacro(search_macro(s));
4567          if not assigned(mac) then
4568            begin
4569              mac:=tmacro.create(s);
4570              if assigned(current_module) then
4571                current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac)
4572              else
4573                initialmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
4574            end
4575          else
4576            begin
4577              mac.is_compiler_var:=false;
4578              if assigned(mac.buftext) then
4579                freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
4580            end;
4581          Message2(parser_c_macro_set_to,mac.name,value);
4582          mac.buflen:=length(value);
4583          getmem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
4584          move(value[1],mac.buftext^,mac.buflen);
4585          mac.defined:=true;
4586       end;
4589     procedure set_system_compvar(const name, value : string);
4590       var
4591         mac : tmacro;
4592         s: string;
4593       begin
4594         if name = '' then
4595           internalerror(2004121204);
4596          s:= upper(name);
4597          mac:=tmacro(search_macro(s));
4598          if not assigned(mac) then
4599            begin
4600              mac:=tmacro.create(s);
4601              mac.is_compiler_var:=true;
4602              if assigned(current_module) then
4603                current_module.localmacrosymtable.insert(mac)
4604              else
4605                initialmacrosymtable.insert(mac);
4606            end
4607          else
4608            begin
4609              mac.is_compiler_var:=true;
4610              if assigned(mac.buftext) then
4611                freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
4612            end;
4613          Message2(parser_c_macro_set_to,mac.name,value);
4614          mac.buflen:=length(value);
4615          getmem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
4616          move(value[1],mac.buftext^,mac.buflen);
4617          mac.defined:=true;
4618       end;
4621     procedure undef_system_macro(const name : string);
4622       var
4623         mac : tmacro;
4624         s: string;
4625       begin
4626          if name = '' then
4627            internalerror(2004121205);
4628          s:= upper(name);
4629          mac:=tmacro(search_macro(s));
4630          if not assigned(mac) then
4631            {If not found, then it's already undefined.}
4632          else
4633            begin
4634              Message1(parser_c_macro_undefined,mac.name);
4635              mac.defined:=false;
4636              mac.is_compiler_var:=false;
4637              { delete old definition }
4638              if assigned(mac.buftext) then
4639                begin
4640                   freemem(mac.buftext,mac.buflen);
4641                   mac.buftext:=nil;
4642                end;
4643            end;
4644       end;
4647 {$ifdef UNITALIASES}
4648 {****************************************************************************
4649                               TUNIT_ALIAS
4650  ****************************************************************************}
4652     constructor tunit_alias.create(const n:string);
4653       var
4654         i : longint;
4655       begin
4656         i:=pos('=',n);
4657         if i=0 then
4658          fail;
4659         inherited createname(Copy(n,1,i-1));
4660         newname:=stringdup(Copy(n,i+1,255));
4661       end;
4664     destructor tunit_alias.destroy;
4665       begin
4666         stringdispose(newname);
4667         inherited destroy;
4668       end;
4671     procedure addunitalias(const n:string);
4672       begin
4673         unitaliases^.insert(tunit_alias,init(Upper(n))));
4674       end;
getunitaliasnull4677     function getunitalias(const n:string):string;
4678       var
4679         p : punit_alias;
4680       begin
4681         p:=punit_alias(unitaliases^.Find(Upper(n)));
4682         if assigned(p) then
4683          getunitalias:=punit_alias(p).newname^
4684         else
4685          getunitalias:=n;
4686       end;
4687 {$endif UNITALIASES}
4690 {****************************************************************************
4691                            Init/Done Symtable
4692 ****************************************************************************}
4694    procedure InitSymtable;
4695      begin
4696        { Reset symbolstack }
4697        symtablestack:=nil;
4698        systemunit:=nil;
4699        { create error syms and def }
4700        generrorsym:=terrorsym.create;
4701        generrordef:=cerrordef.create;
4702        { macros }
4703        initialmacrosymtable:=tmacrosymtable.create(false);
4704        macrosymtablestack:=TSymtablestack.create;
4705        macrosymtablestack.push(initialmacrosymtable);
4706 {$ifdef UNITALIASES}
4707        { unit aliases }
4708        unitaliases:=TFPHashObjectList.create;
4709 {$endif}
4710        { set some global vars to nil, might be important for the ide }
4711        class_tobject:=nil;
4712        interface_iunknown:=nil;
4713        interface_idispatch:=nil;
4714        rec_tguid:=nil;
4715        rec_jmp_buf:=nil;
4716        rec_exceptaddr:=nil;
4717        objc_metaclasstype:=nil;
4718        objc_superclasstype:=nil;
4719        objc_idtype:=nil;
4720        objc_seltype:=nil;
4721        objc_objecttype:=nil;
4722        dupnr:=0;
4723      end;
4726    procedure DoneSymtable;
4727       begin
4728         generrorsym.owner:=nil;
4729         generrorsym.free;
4730         generrordef.owner:=nil;
4731         generrordef.free;
4732         initialmacrosymtable.free;
4733         macrosymtablestack.free;
4734 {$ifdef UNITALIASES}
4735         unitaliases.free;
4736 {$endif}
4737      end;
4739 end.