1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Peter Vreman
4     This unit implements support import,export,link routines
5     for the (i386) Win32 target
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit t_win;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28     uses
29        cutils,cclasses,
30        aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,fmodule,globtype,globals,systems,verbose,
31        symconst,symdef,symsym,
32        cscript,gendef,
33        cpubase,
34        import,export,link,comprsrc,i_win;
37     const
40     type
41        tStr4=array[1..MAX_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS] of string[4];
42        pStr4=^tStr4;
44       TImportLibWin=class(timportlib)
45       private
46         procedure generateimportlib;
47         procedure generateidatasection;
48       public
49         procedure generatelib;override;
50       end;
52       TExportLibWin=class(texportlib)
53       private
54         st : string;
55         EList_indexed:TFPList;
56         EList_nonindexed:TFPList;
57       public
58         destructor Destroy;override;
59         procedure preparelib(const s:string);override;
60         procedure exportprocedure(hp : texported_item);override;
61         procedure exportvar(hp : texported_item);override;
62         procedure exportfromlist(hp : texported_item);
63         procedure generatelib;override;
64         procedure generatenasmlib;virtual;
65       end;
67       TInternalLinkerWin = class(tinternallinker)
68         constructor create;override;
69         procedure DefaultLinkScript;override;
70         procedure InitSysInitUnitName;override;
71         procedure ConcatEntryName; virtual;
72       end;
74       TExternalLinkerWin=class(texternallinker)
75       private
WriteResponseFilenull76          Function  WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
PostProcessExecutablenull77          Function  PostProcessExecutable(const fn:string;isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
78       public
79          Constructor Create;override;
80          Procedure SetDefaultInfo;override;
MakeExecutablenull81          function  MakeExecutable:boolean;override;
MakeSharedLibrarynull82          function  MakeSharedLibrary:boolean;override;
83          procedure InitSysInitUnitName;override;
84       end;
86       TDLLScannerWin=class(tDLLScanner)
87       private
88         importfound : boolean;
89         procedure CheckDLLFunc(const dllname,funcname:string);
90       public
Scannull91         function Scan(const binname:string):boolean;override;
92       end;
94 implementation
96   uses
97     SysUtils,
98     cfileutl,
99     cgutils,dbgbase,
100     owar,ogbase
101 {$ifdef SUPPORT_OMF}
102     ,ogomf
103 {$endif SUPPORT_OMF}
104     ,ogcoff;
107   const
108     res_gnu_windres_info : tresinfo =
109         (
110           id     : res_gnu_windres;
111           resbin : 'fpcres';
112           rescmd : '-o $OBJ -a $ARCH -of coff $DBG';
113           rcbin  : 'windres';
114           rccmd  : '--include $INC -O res -D FPC -o $RES $RC';
115           resourcefileclass : nil;
116           resflags : [];
117         );
118 {$ifdef x86_64}
119     res_win64_gorc_info : tresinfo =
120         (
121           id     : res_win64_gorc;
122           resbin : 'fpcres';
123           rescmd : '-o $OBJ -a $ARCH -of coff $DBG';
124           rcbin  : 'gorc';
125           rccmd  : '/machine x64 /nw /ni /r /d FPC /fo $RES $RC';
126           resourcefileclass : nil;
127           resflags : [];
128         );
129 {$endif x86_64}
132   Procedure GlobalInitSysInitUnitName(Linker : TLinker);
133     var
134       hp           : tmodule;
135       linkcygwin : boolean;
136     begin
137       if target_info.system=system_i386_win32 then
138         begin
139           hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first);
140           while assigned(hp) do
141            begin
142              linkcygwin := hp.linkothersharedlibs.find('cygwin') or hp.linkotherstaticlibs.find('cygwin');
143              if linkcygwin then
144                break;
145              hp:=tmodule(hp.next);
146            end;
147           if cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches then
148             linker.sysinitunit:='sysinitgprof'
149           else if linkcygwin or (Linker.SharedLibFiles.Find('cygwin')<>nil) or (Linker.StaticLibFiles.Find('cygwin')<>nil) then
150             linker.sysinitunit:='sysinitcyg'
151           else
152             linker.sysinitunit:='sysinitpas';
153         end
154       else if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
155         linker.sysinitunit:='sysinit';
156     end;
159 {*****************************************************************************
160                              TImportLibWin
161 *****************************************************************************}
163     procedure TImportLibWin.generateimportlib;
164       var
165         ObjWriter        : tarobjectwriter;
166         ObjOutput        : TPECoffObjOutput;
167         basedllname      : string;
168         AsmPrefix        : string;
169         idatalabnr,
170         SmartFilesCount,
171         SmartHeaderCount : longint;
CreateObjDatanull173         function CreateObjData(place:tcutplace):TObjData;
174         var
175           s : string;
176         begin
177           s:='';
178           case place of
179             cut_begin :
180               begin
181                 inc(SmartHeaderCount);
182                 s:=asmprefix+tostr(SmartHeaderCount)+'h';
183               end;
184             cut_normal :
185               s:=asmprefix+tostr(SmartHeaderCount)+'s';
186             cut_end :
187               s:=asmprefix+tostr(SmartHeaderCount)+'t';
188           end;
189           inc(SmartFilesCount);
190           result:=ObjOutput.NewObjData(FixFileName(s+tostr(SmartFilesCount)+target_info.objext));
191           ObjOutput.startobjectfile(Result.Name);
192         end;
194         procedure WriteObjData(objdata:TObjData);
195         begin
196           ObjOutput.writeobjectfile(ObjData);
197         end;
199         procedure StartImport(const dllname:string);
200         var
201           headlabel,
202           idata4label,
203           idata5label,
204           idata7label : TObjSymbol;
205           emptyint    : longint;
206           objdata     : TObjData;
207           idata2objsection,
208           idata4objsection,
209           idata5objsection : TObjSection;
210         begin
211           objdata:=CreateObjData(cut_begin);
212           idata2objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata2,'');
213           idata4objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata4,'');
214           idata5objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata5,'');
215           emptyint:=0;
216           basedllname:=ExtractFileName(dllname);
217           { idata4 }
218           objdata.SetSection(idata4objsection);
219           idata4label:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_names_'+basedllname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA);
220           { idata5 }
221           objdata.SetSection(idata5objsection);
222           idata5label:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_fixup_'+basedllname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA);
223           { idata2 }
224           objdata.SetSection(idata2objsection);
225           headlabel:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_head_'+basedllname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA);
226           ObjOutput.exportsymbol(headlabel);
227           objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata4label,RELOC_RVA);
228           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
229           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
230           idata7label:=objdata.SymbolRef(asmprefix+'_dll_'+basedllname);
231           objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata7label,RELOC_RVA);
232           objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata5label,RELOC_RVA);
233           WriteObjData(objdata);
234           objdata.free;
235         end;
237         procedure EndImport;
238         var
239           idata7label : TObjSymbol;
240           emptyint : longint;
241           objdata     : TObjData;
242           idata4objsection,
243           idata5objsection,
244           idata7objsection : TObjSection;
245         begin
246           objdata:=CreateObjData(cut_end);
247           idata4objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata4,'');
248           idata5objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata5,'');
249           idata7objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata7,'');
250           emptyint:=0;
251           { idata4 }
252           objdata.SetSection(idata4objsection);
253           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
254           if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
255             objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
256           { idata5 }
257           objdata.SetSection(idata5objsection);
258           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
259           if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
260             objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
261           { idata7 }
262           objdata.SetSection(idata7objsection);
263           idata7label:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_dll_'+basedllname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA);
264           objoutput.exportsymbol(idata7label);
265           objdata.writebytes(basedllname[1],length(basedllname));
266           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,1);
267           WriteObjData(objdata);
268           objdata.free;
269         end;
271         procedure AddImport(const afuncname,mangledname:string;ordnr:longint;isvar:boolean);
272         const
273 {$ifdef x86_64}
274           jmpopcode : array[0..1] of byte = (
275             $ff,$25             // jmp qword [rip + offset32]
276           );
277 {$else x86_64}
278   {$ifdef arm}
279           jmpopcode : array[0..7] of byte = (
280             $00,$c0,$9f,$e5,    // ldr ip, [pc, #0]
281             $00,$f0,$9c,$e5     // ldr pc, [ip]
282           );
283   {$else arm}
284           jmpopcode : array[0..1] of byte = (
285             $ff,$25
286           );
287   {$endif arm}
288 {$endif x86_64}
289           nopopcodes : array[0..1] of byte = (
290             $90,$90
291           );
292         var
293           implabel,
294           idata2label,
295           idata5label,
296           idata6label : TObjSymbol;
297           emptyint : longint;
298           objdata     : TObjData;
299           textobjsection,
300           idata4objsection,
301           idata5objsection,
302           idata6objsection,
303           idata7objsection : TObjSection;
304           absordnr: word;
306           procedure WriteTableEntry;
307           var
308             ordint: dword;
309           begin
310             if ordnr <= 0 then
311               begin
312                 { import by name }
313                 objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata6label,RELOC_RVA);
314                 if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
315                   objdata.writebytes(emptyint,sizeof(emptyint));
316               end
317             else
318               begin
319                 { import by ordinal }
320                 ordint:=ordnr;
321                 if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
322                   begin
323                     objdata.writebytes(ordint,sizeof(ordint));
324                     ordint:=$80000000;
325                     objdata.writebytes(ordint,sizeof(ordint));
326                   end
327                 else
328                   begin
329                     ordint:=ordint or $80000000;
330                     objdata.writebytes(ordint,sizeof(ordint));
331                   end;
332               end;
333           end;
335         begin
336           implabel:=nil;
337           idata5label:=nil;
338           textobjsection:=nil;
339           objdata:=CreateObjData(cut_normal);
340           if not isvar then
341             textobjsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_code,'');
342           idata4objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata4,'');
343           idata5objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata5,'');
344           idata6objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata6,'');
345           idata7objsection:=objdata.createsection(sec_idata7,'');
346           emptyint:=0;
347           { idata7, link to head }
348           objdata.SetSection(idata7objsection);
349           idata2label:=objdata.SymbolRef(asmprefix+'_head_'+basedllname);
350           objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata2label,RELOC_RVA);
351           { idata6, import data (ordnr+name) }
352           objdata.SetSection(idata6objsection);
353           inc(idatalabnr);
354           idata6label:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_'+tostr(idatalabnr),AB_LOCAL,AT_DATA);
355           absordnr:=Abs(ordnr);
356           { write index hint }
357           objdata.writebytes(absordnr,2);
358           if ordnr <= 0 then
359             objdata.writebytes(afuncname[1],length(afuncname));
360           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,1);
361           objdata.writebytes(emptyint,align(objdata.CurrObjSec.size,2)-objdata.CurrObjSec.size);
362           { idata4, import lookup table }
363           objdata.SetSection(idata4objsection);
364           WriteTableEntry;
365           { idata5, import address table }
366           objdata.SetSection(idata5objsection);
367           if isvar then
368             implabel:=objdata.SymbolDefine(mangledname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_DATA)
369           else
370             idata5label:=objdata.SymbolDefine(asmprefix+'_'+mangledname,AB_LOCAL,AT_DATA);
371           WriteTableEntry;
372           { text, jmp }
373           if not isvar then
374             begin
375               objdata.SetSection(textobjsection);
376               if mangledname <> '' then
377                 implabel:=objdata.SymbolDefine(mangledname,AB_GLOBAL,AT_FUNCTION)
elsenull378               else
379                 implabel:=objdata.SymbolDefine(basedllname+'_index_'+tostr(ordnr),AB_GLOBAL,AT_FUNCTION);
380               objdata.writebytes(jmpopcode,sizeof(jmpopcode));
381 {$ifdef x86_64}
382               objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata5label,RELOC_RELATIVE);
383 {$else}
384               objdata.writereloc(0,sizeof(longint),idata5label,RELOC_ABSOLUTE32);
385 {$endif x86_64}
386               objdata.writebytes(nopopcodes,align(objdata.CurrObjSec.size,qword(sizeof(nopopcodes)))-objdata.CurrObjSec.size);
387             end;
388           ObjOutput.exportsymbol(implabel);
389           WriteObjData(objdata);
390           objdata.free;
391         end;
393       var
394         i,j  : longint;
395         ImportLibrary : TImportLibrary;
396         ImportSymbol  : TImportSymbol;
397       begin
398         AsmPrefix:='imp'+Lower(current_module.modulename^);
399         idatalabnr:=0;
400         SmartFilesCount:=0;
401         SmartHeaderCount:=0;
402         current_module.linkotherstaticlibs.add(current_module.importlibfilename,link_always);
403         ObjWriter:=TARObjectWriter.CreateAr(current_module.importlibfilename);
404         ObjOutput:=TPECoffObjOutput.Create(ObjWriter);
405         for i:=0 to current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do
406           begin
407             ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(current_module.ImportLibraryList[i]);
408             StartImport(ImportLibrary.Name);
409             for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
410               begin
411                 ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
412                 AddImport(ImportSymbol.Name,ImportSymbol.MangledName,ImportSymbol.OrdNr,ImportSymbol.IsVar);
413               end;
414             EndImport;
415           end;
416         ObjOutput.Free;
417         ObjWriter.Free;
418       end;
421     procedure TImportLibWin.generateidatasection;
422       var
423          templab,
424          l1,l2,l3,l4 {$ifdef ARM} ,l5 {$endif ARM} : tasmlabel;
425          importname : string;
426          suffix : integer;
427          href : treference;
428          i,j  : longint;
429          ImportLibrary : TImportLibrary;
430          ImportSymbol  : TImportSymbol;
431          ImportLabels  : TFPList;
432       begin
433         if current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports]=nil then
434           current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports]:=TAsmList.create;
436         if (target_asm.id in [as_i386_masm,as_i386_tasm,as_i386_nasmwin32]) then
437           begin
438             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_code,'',0);
439             for i:=0 to current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do
440               begin
441                 ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(current_module.ImportLibraryList[i]);
442                 for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
443                   begin
444                     ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
445                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_directive.create(asd_extern,ImportSymbol.Name));
446                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_directive.create(asd_nasm_import,ImportSymbol.Name+' '+ImportLibrary.Name+' '+ImportSymbol.Name));
447                   end;
448               end;
449             exit;
450           end;
452         for i:=0 to current_module.ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do
453           begin
454             ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(current_module.ImportLibraryList[i]);
455             { align al_procedures for the jumps }
456             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_code,'',sizeof(aint));
457             { Get labels for the sections }
458             current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l1);
459             current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l2);
460             current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l3);
461             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata2,'',0);
462             { pointer to procedure names }
463             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(l2));
464             { two empty entries follow }
465             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
466             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
467             { pointer to dll name }
468             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(l1));
469             { pointer to fixups }
470             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(l3));
472             { only create one section for each else it will
473               create a lot of idata* }
475             { first write the name references }
476             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata4,'',0);
477             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(l2));
479             ImportLabels:=TFPList.Create;
480             ImportLabels.Count:=ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count;
481             for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
482               begin
483                 ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
485                 current_asmdata.getjumplabel(templab);
486                 ImportLabels[j]:=templab;
487                 if ImportSymbol.Name<>'' then
488                   begin
489                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(TAsmLabel(ImportLabels[j])));
490                     if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
491                       current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
492                   end
493                 else
494                   begin
495                     if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
496                       current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_64bit(int64($8000000000000000) or ImportSymbol.ordnr))
497                     else
498                       current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(longint($80000000) or ImportSymbol.ordnr));
499                   end;
500               end;
501             { finalize the names ... }
502             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
503             if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
504               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
506             { then the addresses and create also the indirect jump }
507             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata5,'',0);
508             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(l3));
510             for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
511               begin
512                 ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
513                 if not ImportSymbol.IsVar then
514                   begin
515                     current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l4);
516                   {$ifdef ARM}
517                     current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l5);
518                   {$endif ARM}
519                     { create indirect jump and }
520                     { place jump in al_procedures }
521                     new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_code,'',0);
522                     if ImportSymbol.Name <> '' then
0null523                       current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(ImportSymbol.MangledName,AT_FUNCTION,0,voidcodepointertype))
524                     else
525                       current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(ExtractFileName(ImportLibrary.Name)+'_index_'+tostr(ImportSymbol.ordnr),AT_FUNCTION,0,voidcodepointertype));
526                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_function_name.create(''));
527                   {$ifdef ARM}
528                     reference_reset_symbol(href,l5,0,sizeof(pint),[]);
529                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,NR_R12,href));
530                     reference_reset_base(href,NR_R12,0,ctempposinvalid,sizeof(pint),[]);
531                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,NR_R15,href));
532                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(l5));
533                     reference_reset_symbol(href,l4,0,sizeof(pint),[]);
534                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_const.create_sym_offset(href.symbol,href.offset));
535                   {$else ARM}
536                     reference_reset_symbol(href,l4,0,sizeof(pint),[]);
537 {$ifdef X86_64}
538                     href.base:=NR_RIP;
539 {$endif X86_64}
541                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Taicpu.Op_ref(A_JMP,S_NO,href));
542                     current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,$90));
543                   {$endif ARM}
544                     { add jump field to al_imports }
545                     new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata5,'',0);
546                     if (cs_debuginfo in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
547                       begin
548                         if ImportSymbol.MangledName<>'' then
549                           begin
550                             importname:='__imp_'+ImportSymbol.MangledName;
551                             suffix:=0;
552                             while assigned(current_asmdata.getasmsymbol(importname)) do
553                               begin
554                                 inc(suffix);
555                                 importname:='__imp_'+ImportSymbol.MangledName+'_'+tostr(suffix);
556                               end;
4null557                             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_symbol.createname(importname,AT_FUNCTION,4,voidcodepointertype));
558                           end
559                         else
560                           begin
561                             importname:='__imp_by_ordinal'+tostr(ImportSymbol.ordnr);
562                             suffix:=0;
563                             while assigned(current_asmdata.getasmsymbol(importname)) do
564                               begin
565                                 inc(suffix);
566                                 importname:='__imp_by_ordinal'+tostr(ImportSymbol.ordnr)+'_'+tostr(suffix);
567                               end;
4null568                             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(tai_symbol.createname(importname,AT_FUNCTION,4,voidcodepointertype));
569                           end;
570                       end;
571                      current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(l4));
572                   end
573                 else
574                   current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(ImportSymbol.MangledName,AT_DATA,0,voidpointertype));
575                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(TAsmLabel(Importlabels[j])));
576                 if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
577                   current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
578               end;
579             { finalize the addresses }
580             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
581             if target_info.system=system_x86_64_win64 then
582               current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
584             { finally the import information }
585             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata6,'',0);
586             for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
587               begin
588                 ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
589                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(TAsmLabel(ImportLabels[j])));
590                 { the ordinal number }
591                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(ImportSymbol.ordnr));
592                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_string.Create(ImportSymbol.Name+#0));
593                 current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_align.Create_op(2,0));
594               end;
595             { create import dll name }
596             new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports],sec_idata7,'',0);
597             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_label.Create(l1));
598             current_asmdata.asmlists[al_imports].concat(Tai_string.Create(ImportLibrary.Name+#0));
599             ImportLabels.Free;
600             ImportLabels:=nil;
601           end;
602       end;
605     procedure TImportLibWin.generatelib;
606       begin
607         if GenerateImportSection then
608           generateidatasection
609         else
610           generateimportlib;
611       end;
614 {*****************************************************************************
615                              TExportLibWin
616 *****************************************************************************}
618     destructor TExportLibWin.Destroy;
619       begin
620         EList_indexed.Free;
621         EList_nonindexed.Free;
622         inherited;
623       end;
626     procedure TExportLibWin.preparelib(const s:string);
627       begin
628          if current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports]=nil then
629            current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports]:=TAsmList.create;
630          if EList_indexed=nil then
631            EList_indexed:=tFPList.Create;
632          if EList_nonindexed=nil then
633            EList_nonindexed:=tFPList.Create;
634       end;
637     procedure TExportLibWin.exportvar(hp : texported_item);
638       begin
639          { same code used !! PM }
640          exportprocedure(hp);
641       end;
643     var
644       Gl_DoubleIndex:boolean;
645       Gl_DoubleIndexValue:longint;
IdxComparenull647     function IdxCompare(Item1, Item2: Pointer): Integer;
648       var
649         I1:texported_item absolute Item1;
650         I2:texported_item absolute Item2;
651       begin
652         Result:=I1.index-I2.index;
653         if(Result=0)and(Item1<>Item2)then
654          begin
655           Gl_DoubleIndex:=true;
656           Gl_DoubleIndexValue:=I1.index;
657          end;
658       end;
661     procedure TExportLibWin.exportprocedure(hp : texported_item);
662       begin
663         if (eo_index in hp.options) and ((hp.index<=0) or (hp.index>$ffff)) then
664           begin
665            message1(parser_e_export_invalid_index,tostr(hp.index));
666            exit;
667           end;
668         if eo_index in hp.options then
669           EList_indexed.Add(hp)
670         else
671           EList_nonindexed.Add(hp);
672       end;
675     procedure TExportLibWin.exportfromlist(hp : texported_item);
676       //formerly TExportLibWin.exportprocedure
677       { must be ordered at least for win32 !! }
678       var
679         hp2 : texported_item;
680       begin
681         hp2:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
682         while assigned(hp2) and
683            (hp.name^>hp2.name^) do
684           hp2:=texported_item(hp2.next);
685         { insert hp there !! }
686         if hp2=nil then
687           current_module._exports.concat(hp)
688         else
689           begin
690             if hp2.name^=hp.name^ then
691               begin
692                 { this is not allowed !! }
693                 duplicatesymbol(hp.name^);
694                 exit;
695               end;
696             current_module._exports.insertbefore(hp,hp2);
697           end;
698       end;
701     procedure TExportLibWin.generatelib;
702       var
703          ordinal_base,ordinal_max,ordinal_min : longint;
704          current_index : longint;
705          entries,named_entries : longint;
706          name_label,dll_name_label,export_address_table : tasmlabel;
707          export_name_table_pointers,export_ordinal_table : tasmlabel;
708          hp,hp2 : texported_item;
709          temtexport : TLinkedList;
710          address_table,name_table_pointers,
711          name_table,ordinal_table : TAsmList;
712          i,autoindex,ni_high : longint;
713          hole : boolean;
714          asmsym : TAsmSymbol;
715       begin
716          Gl_DoubleIndex:=false;
717          ELIst_indexed.Sort(@IdxCompare);
719          if Gl_DoubleIndex then
720            begin
721              message1(parser_e_export_ordinal_double,tostr(Gl_DoubleIndexValue));
722              FreeAndNil(EList_indexed);
723              FreeAndNil(EList_nonindexed);
724              exit;
725            end;
727          autoindex:=1;
728          while EList_nonindexed.Count>0 do
729           begin
730            hole:=(EList_indexed.Count>0) and (texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[0]).index>1);
731            if not hole then
732             for i:=autoindex to pred(EList_indexed.Count) do
733              if texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[i]).index-texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[pred(i)]).index>1 then
734               begin
735                autoindex:=succ(texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[pred(i)]).index);
736                hole:=true;
737                break;
738               end;
739            ni_high:=pred(EList_nonindexed.Count);
740            if not hole then
741             begin
742              autoindex:=succ(EList_indexed.Count);
743              EList_indexed.Add(EList_nonindexed.Items[ni_high]);
744             end
745            else
746             EList_indexed.Insert(pred(AutoIndex),EList_nonindexed.Items[ni_high]);
747            EList_nonindexed.Delete(ni_high);
748            texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[pred(AutoIndex)]).index:=autoindex;
749           end;
750          FreeAndNil(EList_nonindexed);
751          for i:=0 to pred(EList_indexed.Count) do
752            exportfromlist(texported_item(EList_indexed.Items[i]));
753          FreeAndNil(EList_indexed);
755          if (target_asm.id in [as_i386_masm,as_i386_tasm,as_i386_nasmwin32]) then
756           begin
757             generatenasmlib;
758             exit;
759           end;
761          hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
762          if not assigned(hp) then
763            exit;
765          ordinal_max:=0;
766          ordinal_min:=$7FFFFFFF;
767          entries:=0;
768          named_entries:=0;
769          current_asmdata.getjumplabel(dll_name_label);
770          current_asmdata.getjumplabel(export_address_table);
771          current_asmdata.getjumplabel(export_name_table_pointers);
772          current_asmdata.getjumplabel(export_ordinal_table);
774          { count entries }
775          while assigned(hp) do
776            begin
777               inc(entries);
778               if (hp.index>ordinal_max) then
779                 ordinal_max:=hp.index;
780               if (hp.index>0) and (hp.index<ordinal_min) then
781                 ordinal_min:=hp.index;
782               if assigned(hp.name) then
783                 inc(named_entries);
784               hp:=texported_item(hp.next);
785            end;
787          { no support for higher ordinal base yet !! }
788          ordinal_base:=1;
789          current_index:=ordinal_base;
790          { we must also count the holes !! }
791          entries:=ordinal_max-ordinal_base+1;
793          new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports],sec_edata,'',0);
794          { create label to reference from main so smartlink will include
795            the .edata section }
796          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global(make_mangledname('EDATA',current_module.localsymtable,''),AT_METADATA,0,voidpointertype));
797          { export flags }
798          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
799          { date/time stamp }
800          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
801          { major version }
802          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(0));
803          { minor version }
804          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(0));
805          { pointer to dll name }
806          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(dll_name_label));
807          { ordinal base normally set to 1 }
808          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(ordinal_base));
809          { number of entries }
810          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(entries));
811          { number of named entries }
812          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(named_entries));
813          { address of export address table }
814          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(export_address_table));
815          { address of name pointer pointers }
816          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(export_name_table_pointers));
817          { address of ordinal number pointers }
818          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(export_ordinal_table));
819          { the name }
820          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_label.Create(dll_name_label));
821          if st='' then
822            current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_string.Create(current_module.modulename^+target_info.sharedlibext+#0))
823          else
824            current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(Tai_string.Create(st+target_info.sharedlibext+#0));
826          {  export address table }
827          address_table:=TAsmList.create;
828          address_table.concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,0));
829          address_table.concat(Tai_label.Create(export_address_table));
830          name_table_pointers:=TAsmList.create;
831          name_table_pointers.concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,0));
832          name_table_pointers.concat(Tai_label.Create(export_name_table_pointers));
833          ordinal_table:=TAsmList.create;
834          ordinal_table.concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,0));
835          ordinal_table.concat(Tai_label.Create(export_ordinal_table));
836          name_table:=TAsmList.Create;
837          name_table.concat(Tai_align.Create_op(4,0));
838          { write each address }
839          hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
840          while assigned(hp) do
841            begin
842               if eo_name in hp.options then
843                 begin
844                    current_asmdata.getjumplabel(name_label);
845                    name_table_pointers.concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(name_label));
846                    ordinal_table.concat(Tai_const.Create_16bit(hp.index-ordinal_base));
847                    name_table.concat(Tai_align.Create_op(2,0));
848                    name_table.concat(Tai_label.Create(name_label));
849                    name_table.concat(Tai_string.Create(hp.name^+#0));
850                 end;
851               hp:=texported_item(hp.next);
852            end;
853          { order in increasing ordinal values }
854          { into temtexport list }
855          temtexport:=TLinkedList.Create;
856          hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
857          while assigned(hp) do
858            begin
859               current_module._exports.remove(hp);
860               hp2:=texported_item(temtexport.first);
861               while assigned(hp2) and (hp.index>hp2.index) do
862                 hp2:=texported_item(hp2.next);
863               if hp2=nil then
864                 temtexport.concat(hp)
865               else
866                 temtexport.insertbefore(hp,hp2);
867               hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
868            end;
870          { write the export adress table }
871          current_index:=ordinal_base;
872          hp:=texported_item(temtexport.first);
873          while assigned(hp) do
874            begin
875               { fill missing values }
876               while current_index<hp.index do
877                 begin
878                    address_table.concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
879                    inc(current_index);
880                 end;
882               { symbol known? then get a new name }
883               if assigned(hp.sym) and not (eo_no_sym_name in hp.options) then
884                 case hp.sym.typ of
885                   staticvarsym :
886                     asmsym:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tstaticvarsym(hp.sym).mangledname,AT_DATA);
887                   procsym :
888                     asmsym:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tprocdef(tprocsym(hp.sym).ProcdefList[0]).mangledname,AT_FUNCTION)
elsenull889                   else
890                     internalerror(200709272);
891                 end
892               else
893                 asmsym:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(hp.name^,AT_DATA);
894               address_table.concat(Tai_const.Create_rva_sym(asmsym));
895               inc(current_index);
896               hp:=texported_item(hp.next);
897            end;
899          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concatlist(address_table);
900          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concatlist(name_table_pointers);
901          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concatlist(ordinal_table);
902          current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concatlist(name_table);
903          address_table.Free;
904          name_table_pointers.free;
905          ordinal_table.free;
906          name_table.free;
908          { the package support needs this data later on
909            to create the import library }
910          current_module._exports.concatlist(temtexport);
911          temtexport.free;
912       end;
915     procedure TExportLibWin.generatenasmlib;
916       var
917          hp : texported_item;
918          {p  : pchar;
919          s  : string;}
920       begin
921          new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports],sec_code,'',0);
922          hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
923          while assigned(hp) do
924            begin
925 {             case hp.sym.typ of
926                staticvarsym :
927                  s:=tstaticvarsym(hp.sym).mangledname;
928                procsym :
929                  s:=tprocdef(tprocsym(hp.sym).ProcdefList[0]).mangledname;
930                else
931                  s:='';
932              end;
933              p:=strpnew(#9+'export '+s+' '+hp.Name^+' '+tostr(hp.index));
934              current_asmdata.asmlists[al_exports].concat(tai_direct.create(p));}
935              hp:=texported_item(hp.next);
936            end;
937       end;
940 {****************************************************************************
941                             TInternalLinkerWin
942 ****************************************************************************}
944     constructor TInternalLinkerWin.Create;
945       begin
946         inherited Create;
947         CArObjectReader:=TArObjectReader;
948         CExeoutput:=TPECoffexeoutput;
949         CObjInput:=TPECoffObjInput;
950       end;
953     procedure TInternalLinkerWin.DefaultLinkScript;
954       begin
955         ScriptAddSourceStatements(true);
956         with LinkScript do
957           begin
958             if IsSharedLibrary then
959               Concat('ISSHAREDLIBRARY');
960             ConcatEntryName;
961             if not ImageBaseSetExplicity then
962               begin
963                 if IsSharedLibrary then
964                   imagebase:={$ifdef cpu64bitaddr} $110000000 {$else} $10000000 {$endif}
965                 else
966                   if target_info.system in systems_wince then
967                     imagebase:=$10000
968                   else
969 {$ifdef cpu64bitaddr}
970                     if (target_dbg.id = dbg_stabs) then
971                       imagebase:=$400000
972                     else
973                       imagebase:= $100000000;
974 {$else}
975                     imagebase:=$400000;
976 {$endif}
977               end;
978             Concat('IMAGEBASE $' + hexStr(imagebase, SizeOf(imagebase)*2));
979             Concat('HEADER');
980             Concat('EXESECTION .text');
981             Concat('  SYMBOL __text_start__');
982             Concat('  OBJSECTION .text*');
983             Concat('  SYMBOL ___CTOR_LIST__');
984             Concat('  SYMBOL __CTOR_LIST__');
985             Concat('  LONG -1');
986 {$ifdef x86_64}
987             Concat('  LONG -1');
988 {$endif x86_64}
989             Concat('  OBJSECTION .ctor*');
990             Concat('  LONG 0');
991 {$ifdef x86_64}
992             Concat('  LONG 0');
993 {$endif x86_64}
994             Concat('  SYMBOL ___DTOR_LIST__');
995             Concat('  SYMBOL __DTOR_LIST__');
996             Concat('  LONG -1');
997 {$ifdef x86_64}
998             Concat('  LONG -1');
999 {$endif x86_64}
1000             Concat('  OBJSECTION .dtor*');
1001             Concat('  LONG 0');
1002 {$ifdef x86_64}
1003             Concat('  LONG 0');
1004 {$endif x86_64}
1005             Concat('  SYMBOL etext');
1006             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1007             Concat('EXESECTION .data');
1008             Concat('  SYMBOL __data_start__');
1009             Concat('  OBJSECTION .data*');
1010             Concat('  OBJSECTION .fpc*');
1011             Concat('  PROVIDE '+target_info.Cprefix+'_tls_index');
1012             Concat('  LONG 0');
1013             Concat('  SYMBOL edata');
1014             Concat('  SYMBOL __data_end__');
1015             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1016             Concat('EXESECTION .rdata');
1017             Concat('  SYMBOL ___RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST__');
1018             Concat('  SYMBOL __RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST__');
1019             Concat('  OBJSECTION .rdata_runtime_pseudo_reloc');
1020             Concat('  SYMBOL ___RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST_END__');
1021             Concat('  SYMBOL __RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST_END__');
1022             Concat('  OBJSECTION .rdata*');
1023             Concat('  OBJSECTION .rodata*');
1024             Concat('  OBJSECTION .xdata*');
1025             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1026             Concat('EXESECTION .pdata');
1027             Concat('  OBJSECTION .pdata*');
1028             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1029             Concat('EXESECTION .bss');
1030             Concat('  SYMBOL __bss_start__');
1031             Concat('  OBJSECTION .bss*');
1032             Concat('  SYMBOL __bss_end__');
1033             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1034             Concat('EXESECTION .tls');
1035             Concat('  SYMBOL ___tls_start__');
1036             Concat('  OBJSECTION .tls*');
1037             Concat('  SYMBOL ___tls_end__');
1038             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1039             Concat('EXESECTION .CRT');
1040             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xc_start__');
1041             Concat('  OBJSECTION .CRT$XC*');{  /* C initialization */');}
1042             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xc_end__');
1043             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xi_start__');
1044             Concat('  OBJSECTION .CRT$XI*');{  /* C++ initialization */');}
1045             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xi_end__');
1046             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xl_start__');
1047             Concat('  OBJSECTION .CRT$XL*'); {  /* TLS callbacks */'); }
1048             { In GNU ld, this is defined in the TLS Directory support code }
1049             Concat('  PROVIDE ___crt_xl_end__');
1050             { Add a nil pointer as last element }
1051             Concat('  LONG 0');
1052 {$ifdef x86_64}
1053             Concat('  LONG 0');
1054 {$endif x86_64}
1055             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xp_start__');
1056             Concat('  OBJSECTION .CRT$XP*'); {  /* Pre-termination */');}
1057             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xp_end__');
1058             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xt_start__');
1059             Concat('  OBJSECTION .CRT$XT*');{  /* Termination */');}
1060             Concat('  SYMBOL ___crt_xt_end__');
1061             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1062             Concat('EXESECTION .idata');
1063             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$2*');
1064             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$3*');
1065             Concat('  ZEROS 20');
1066             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$4*');
1067             Concat('  SYMBOL __IAT_start__');
1068             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$5*');
1069             Concat('  SYMBOL __IAT_end__');
1070             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$6*');
1071             Concat('  OBJSECTION .idata$7*');
1072             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1073             ScriptAddGenericSections('.edata,.rsrc,.reloc,.gnu_debuglink,'+
1074                       '.debug_aranges,.debug_pubnames,.debug_info,.debug_abbrev,.debug_line,.debug_frame,.debug_str,.debug_loc,'+
1075                       '.debug_macinfo,.debug_weaknames,.debug_funcnames,.debug_typenames,.debug_varnames,.debug_ranges');
1076             { Can't use the generic rules, because that will add also .stabstr to .stab }
1077             Concat('EXESECTION .stab');
1078             Concat('  OBJSECTION .stab');
1079             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1080             Concat('EXESECTION .stabstr');
1081             Concat('  OBJSECTION .stabstr');
1082             Concat('ENDEXESECTION');
1083             Concat('STABS');
1084             Concat('SYMBOLS');
1085           end;
1086       end;
1089     procedure TInternalLinkerWin.InitSysInitUnitName;
1090       begin
1091         GlobalInitSysInitUnitName(self)
1092       end;
1094     procedure TInternalLinkerWin.ConcatEntryName;
1095       begin
1096         with LinkScript do
1097           begin
1098             if IsSharedLibrary then
1099               begin
1100                 Concat('ISSHAREDLIBRARY');
1101                 if apptype=app_gui then
1102                   Concat('ENTRYNAME _DLLWinMainCRTStartup')
1103                 else
1104                   Concat('ENTRYNAME _DLLMainCRTStartup');
1105               end
1106             else
1107               begin
1108                 if apptype=app_gui then
1109                   Concat('ENTRYNAME _WinMainCRTStartup')
1110                 else
1111                   Concat('ENTRYNAME _mainCRTStartup');
1112               end;
1113           end;
1114       end;
1117 {****************************************************************************
1118                               TExternalLinkerWin
1119 ****************************************************************************}
1121     Constructor TExternalLinkerWin.Create;
1122       begin
1123         Inherited Create;
1124         { allow duplicated libs (PM) }
1125         SharedLibFiles.doubles:=true;
1126         StaticLibFiles.doubles:=true;
1127       end;
1130     Procedure TExternalLinkerWin.SetDefaultInfo;
1131       var
1132         targetopts: string;
1133       begin
1134         with Info do
1135          begin
1136 {$ifdef x86_64}
1137            targetopts:='-b pei-x86-64';
1138 {$else x86_64}
1139            if target_info.system=system_arm_wince then
1140              targetopts:='-m arm_wince_pe'
1141            else
1142              targetopts:='-b pei-i386 -m i386pe';
1143 {$endif not x86_64}
1144            ExeCmd[1]:='ld '+targetopts+' $OPT $GCSECTIONS $MAP $STRIP $APPTYPE $ENTRY  $IMAGEBASE $RELOC -o $EXE $RES';
1145            DllCmd[1]:='ld '+targetopts+' $OPT $GCSECTIONS $MAP $STRIP --dll $APPTYPE $ENTRY  $IMAGEBASE $RELOC -o $EXE $RES';
1146            { ExeCmd[2]:='dlltool --as $ASBIN --dllname $EXE --output-exp exp.$$$ $RELOC $DEF';
1147              use short forms to avoid 128 char limitation problem }
1148            ExeCmd[2]:='dlltool -S $ASBIN -D $EXE -e exp.$$$ $RELOC $DEF';
1149            ExeCmd[3]:='ld '+targetopts+' $OPT $STRIP $APPTYPE $ENTRY $IMAGEBASE -o $EXE $RES exp.$$$';
1150            { DllCmd[2]:='dlltool --as $ASBIN --dllname $EXE --output-exp exp.$$$ $RELOC $DEF'; }
1151            DllCmd[2]:='dlltool -S $ASBIN -D $EXE -e exp.$$$ $RELOC $DEF';
1152            DllCmd[3]:='ld '+targetopts+' $OPT $STRIP --dll $APPTYPE $ENTRY  $IMAGEBASE -o $EXE $RES exp.$$$';
1153          end;
1154       end;
TExternalLinkerWin.WriteResponseFilenull1158     Function TExternalLinkerWin.WriteResponseFile(isdll:boolean) : Boolean;
1159       Var
1160         linkres : TLinkRes;
1161         HPath   : TCmdStrListItem;
1162         s,s2    : TCmdStr;
1163         i       : integer;
1164       begin
1165         WriteResponseFile:=False;
1167         if (cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
1168           begin
1169             SharedLibFiles.Concat('gmon');
1170             SharedLibFiles.Concat('c');
1171             SharedLibFiles.Concat('gcc');
1172             SharedLibFiles.Concat('kernel32');
1173           end;
1175         { Open link.res file }
1176         LinkRes:=TLinkres.Create(outputexedir+Info.ResName,true);
1177         with linkres do
1178           begin
1179             { Write path to search libraries }
1180             HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.locallibrarysearchpath.First);
1181             while assigned(HPath) do
1182              begin
1183                Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+HPath.Str+'")');
1184                HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next);
1185              end;
1186             HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(LibrarySearchPath.First);
1187             while assigned(HPath) do
1188              begin
1189                Add('SEARCH_DIR("'+HPath.Str+'")');
1190                HPath:=TCmdStrListItem(HPath.Next);
1191              end;
1193             { add objectfiles, start with prt0 always                  }
1194             { profiling of shared libraries is currently not supported }
1195             if not ObjectFiles.Empty then
1196               begin
1197                 Add('INPUT(');
1198                 while not ObjectFiles.Empty do
1199                  begin
1200                    s:=ObjectFiles.GetFirst;
1201                    if s<>'' then
1202                     AddFileName(MaybeQuoted(s));
1203                  end;
1204                 Add(')');
1205               end;
1207             { Write staticlibraries }
1208             if (not StaticLibFiles.Empty) then
1209              begin
1210                Add('GROUP(');
1211                While not StaticLibFiles.Empty do
1212                 begin
1213                   S:=StaticLibFiles.GetFirst;
1214                   AddFileName(MaybeQuoted(s));
1215                 end;
1216                Add(')');
1217              end;
1219             { Write sharedlibraries (=import libraries) }
1220             if not SharedLibFiles.Empty then
1221              begin
1222                Add('INPUT(') ;
1223                While not SharedLibFiles.Empty do
1224                 begin
1225                   S:=SharedLibFiles.GetFirst;
1226                   if FindLibraryFile(s,target_info.staticClibprefix,target_info.staticClibext,s2) then
1227                     begin
1228                       Add(MaybeQuoted(s2));
1229                       continue;
1230                     end;
1231                   if pos(target_info.sharedlibprefix,s)=1 then
1232                     s:=copy(s,length(target_info.sharedlibprefix)+1,255);
1233                   i:=Pos(target_info.sharedlibext,S);
1234                   if i>0 then
1235                    Delete(S,i,255);
1236                   Add('-l'+s);
1237                 end;
1238                Add(')');
1239              end;
1241             Add('SEARCH_DIR("/usr/i686-pc-cygwin/lib"); SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib"); SEARCH_DIR("/usr/lib/w32api");');
1242 {$ifdef x86_64}
1243             Add('OUTPUT_FORMAT(pei-x86-64)');
1244 {$else not 86_64}
1245             Add('OUTPUT_FORMAT(pei-i386)');
1246 {$endif not x86_64}
1247             Add('ENTRY(_mainCRTStartup)');
1248             Add('SECTIONS');
1249             Add('{');
1250             Add('  . = SIZEOF_HEADERS;');
1251             Add('  . = ALIGN(__section_alignment__);');
1252             Add('  .text  __image_base__ + ( __section_alignment__ < 0x1000 ? . : __section_alignment__ ) :');
1253             Add('  {');
1254             Add('    __text_start__ = . ;');
1255             Add('    *(.init)');
1256             add('    *(.text .stub .text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*)');
1257             Add('    *(SORT(.text$*))');
1258             Add('    *(.glue_7t)');
1259             Add('    *(.glue_7)');
1260             Add('    . = ALIGN(8);');
1261             Add('     ___CTOR_LIST__ = .; __CTOR_LIST__ = . ;');
1262             Add('    LONG (-1);');
1263 {$ifdef x86_64}
1264             Add('    LONG (-1);');
1265 {$endif x86_64}
1266             Add('    *(.ctors); *(.ctor); *(SORT(.ctors.*));  LONG (0);');
1267 {$ifdef x86_64}
1268             Add('    LONG (0);');
1269 {$endif x86_64}
1270             Add('     ___DTOR_LIST__ = .; __DTOR_LIST__ = . ;');
1271             Add('    LONG (-1);');
1272 {$ifdef x86_64}
1273             Add('    LONG (-1);');
1274 {$endif x86_64}
1275             Add('    *(.dtors); *(.dtor); *(SORT(.dtors.*));  LONG (0);');
1276 {$ifdef x86_64}
1277             Add('    LONG (0);');
1278 {$endif x86_64}
1279             Add('     *(.fini)');
1280             Add('    PROVIDE (etext = .);');
1281             Add('    *(.gcc_except_table)');
1282             Add('  }');
1283             Add('  .data BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1284             Add('  {');
1285             Add('    __data_start__ = . ;');
1286             add('    *(.data .data.* .gnu.linkonce.d.* .fpc*)');
1287             Add('    *(.data2)');
1288             Add('    *(SORT(.data$*))');
1289             Add('    *(.jcr)');
1290             Add('    PROVIDE ('+target_info.Cprefix+'_tls_index = .);');
1291             Add('    LONG (0);');
1292             Add('    __data_end__ = . ;');
1293             Add('    *(.data_cygwin_nocopy)');
1294             Add('  }');
1295             Add('  .rdata BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1296             Add('  {');
1297             Add('    *(.rdata)');
1298             Add('    *(.rdata.*)');
1299             add('    *(.rodata .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)');
1300             Add('    *(SORT(.rdata$*))');
1301             Add('    *(.eh_frame)');
1302             Add('    ___RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST__ = .;');
1303             Add('    __RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST__ = .;');
1304             Add('    *(.rdata_runtime_pseudo_reloc)');
1305             Add('    ___RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST_END__ = .;');
1306             Add('    __RUNTIME_PSEUDO_RELOC_LIST_END__ = .;');
1307             Add('  }');
1308             Add('  .pdata BLOCK(__section_alignment__) : { *(.pdata) }');
1309             Add('  .bss BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1310             Add('  {');
1311             Add('    __bss_start__ = . ;');
1312             Add('    *(.bss .bss.* .gnu.linkonce.b.*)');
1313             Add('    *(SORT(.bss$*))');
1314             Add('    *(COMMON)');
1315             Add('    __bss_end__ = . ;');
1316             Add('  }');
1317             Add('  .edata BLOCK(__section_alignment__) : { *(.edata) }');
1318             Add('  .idata BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1319             Add('  {');
1320             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$2)');
1321             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$3)');
1322             Add('    /* These zeroes mark the end of the import list.  */');
1323             Add('    LONG (0); LONG (0); LONG (0); LONG (0); LONG (0);');
1324             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$4)');
1325             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$5)');
1326             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$6)');
1327             Add('    SORT(*)(.idata$7)');
1328             Add('  }');
1329             Add('  .CRT BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1330             Add('  {');
1331             Add('    ___crt_xc_start__ = . ;');
1332             Add('    *(SORT(.CRT$XC*))  /* C initialization */');
1333             Add('    ___crt_xc_end__ = . ;');
1334             Add('    ___crt_xi_start__ = . ;');
1335             Add('    *(SORT(.CRT$XI*))  /* C++ initialization */');
1336             Add('    ___crt_xi_end__ = . ;');
1337             Add('    ___crt_xl_start__ = . ;');
1338             Add('    *(SORT(.CRT$XL*))  /* TLS callbacks */');
1339             Add('    /* ___crt_xl_end__ is defined in the TLS Directory support code */');
1340             Add('    PROVIDE (___crt_xl_end__ = .);');
1341             Add('    ___crt_xp_start__ = . ;');
1342             Add('    *(SORT(.CRT$XP*))  /* Pre-termination */');
1343             Add('    ___crt_xp_end__ = . ;');
1344             Add('    ___crt_xt_start__ = . ;');
1345             Add('    *(SORT(.CRT$XT*))  /* Termination */');
1346             Add('    ___crt_xt_end__ = . ;');
1347             Add('  }');
1348             Add('  .tls BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1349             Add('  {');
1350             Add('    ___tls_start__ = . ;');
1351             Add('    *(.tls .tls.*)');
1352             Add('    *(.tls$)');
1353             Add('    *(SORT(.tls$*))');
1354             Add('    ___tls_end__ = . ;');
1355             Add('  }');
1356             Add('  .rsrc BLOCK(__section_alignment__) :');
1357             Add('  {');
1358             Add('    *(.rsrc)');
1359             Add('    *(SORT(.rsrc$*))');
1360             Add('  }');
1361             Add('  .reloc BLOCK(__section_alignment__) : { *(.reloc) }');
1362             Add('  .stab BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.stab) }');
1363             Add('  .stabstr BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.stabstr) }');
1364             Add('  .debug_aranges BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_aranges) }');
1365             Add('  .debug_pubnames BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_pubnames) }');
1366             Add('  .debug_info BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_info) *(.gnu.linkonce.wi.*) }');
1367             Add('  .debug_abbrev BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_abbrev) }');
1368             Add('  .debug_line BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_line) }');
1369             Add('  .debug_frame BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_frame) }');
1370             Add('  .debug_str BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_str) }');
1371             Add('  .debug_loc BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_loc) }');
1372             Add('  .debug_macinfo BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_macinfo) }');
1373             Add('  .debug_weaknames BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_weaknames) }');
1374             Add('  .debug_funcnames BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_funcnames) }');
1375             Add('  .debug_typenames BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_typenames) }');
1376             Add('  .debug_varnames BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_varnames) }');
1377             Add('  .debug_ranges BLOCK(__section_alignment__) (NOLOAD) : { *(.debug_ranges) }');
1378             Add('}');
1380             { Write and Close response }
1381             writetodisk;
1382             Free;
1383           end;
1385         WriteResponseFile:=True;
1386       end;
TExternalLinkerWin.MakeExecutablenull1389     function TExternalLinkerWin.MakeExecutable:boolean;
1390       var
1391         MapStr,
1392         binstr,
1393         cmdstr  : TCmdStr;
1394         success : boolean;
1395         cmds,i       : longint;
1396         AsBinStr     : string[80];
1397         GCSectionsStr,
1398         StripStr,
1399         RelocStr,
1400         AppTypeStr,
1401         EntryStr,
1402         ImageBaseStr : string[40];
1403       begin
1404         if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1405          Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.exefilename);
1407         { Create some replacements }
1408         RelocStr:='';
1409         AppTypeStr:='';
1410         EntryStr:='';
1411         ImageBaseStr:='';
1412         StripStr:='';
1413         MapStr:='';
1414         GCSectionsStr:='';
1415         AsBinStr:=FindUtil(utilsprefix+'as');
1416         if RelocSection then
1417           RelocStr:='--base-file base.$$$';
1418         if create_smartlink_sections then
1419           GCSectionsStr:='--gc-sections';
1420         if target_info.system in systems_wince then
1421           AppTypeStr:='--subsystem wince'
1422         else
1423           begin
1424             if apptype=app_gui then
1425               AppTypeStr:='--subsystem windows';
1426           end;
1427         if apptype=app_gui then
1428           EntryStr:='--entry=_WinMainCRTStartup'
1429         else
1430           EntryStr:='--entry=_mainCRTStartup';
1431         if ImageBaseSetExplicity then
1432           ImageBaseStr:='--image-base=0x'+hexStr(imagebase, SizeOf(imagebase)*2);
1433         if (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1434           StripStr:='-s';
1435         if (cs_link_map in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1436           MapStr:='-Map '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map'));
1438       { Write used files and libraries }
1439         WriteResponseFile(false);
1441       { Call linker }
1442         success:=false;
1443         if RelocSection or (not Deffile.empty) then
1444           cmds:=3
1445         else
1446           cmds:=1;
1447         for i:=1 to cmds do
1448          begin
1449            SplitBinCmd(Info.ExeCmd[i],binstr,cmdstr);
1450            if binstr<>'' then
1451             begin
1452               Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.exefilename));
1453               Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions);
1454               Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName));
1455               Replace(cmdstr,'$APPTYPE',AppTypeStr);
1456               Replace(cmdstr,'$ENTRY',EntryStr);
1457               Replace(cmdstr,'$ASBIN',AsbinStr);
1458               Replace(cmdstr,'$RELOC',RelocStr);
1459               Replace(cmdstr,'$IMAGEBASE',ImageBaseStr);
1460               Replace(cmdstr,'$GCSECTIONS',GCSectionsStr);
1461               Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr);
1462               Replace(cmdstr,'$MAP',MapStr);
1463               if not DefFile.Empty then
1464                 begin
1465                   DefFile.WriteFile;
1466                   Replace(cmdstr,'$DEF','-d '+maybequoted(deffile.fname));
1467                 end
1468               else
1469                 Replace(cmdstr,'$DEF','');
1470               success:=DoExec(FindUtil(utilsprefix+binstr),cmdstr,(i=1),false);
1471               if not success then
1472                break;
1473             end;
1474          end;
1476       { Post process }
1477         if success then
1478          success:=PostProcessExecutable(current_module.exefilename,false);
1480       { Remove ReponseFile }
1481         if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1482          begin
1483            DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
1484            DeleteFile('base.$$$');
1485            DeleteFile('exp.$$$');
1486            DeleteFile('deffile.$$$');
1487          end;
1489         MakeExecutable:=success;   { otherwise a recursive call to link method }
1490       end;
TExternalLinkerWin.MakeSharedLibrarynull1493     Function TExternalLinkerWin.MakeSharedLibrary:boolean;
1494       var
1495         MapStr,
1496         binstr,
1497         cmdstr  : TCmdStr;
1498         success : boolean;
1499         cmds,
1500         i       : longint;
1501         AsBinStr     : string[80];
1502         StripStr,
1503         GCSectionsStr,
1504         RelocStr,
1505         AppTypeStr,
1506         EntryStr,
1507         ImageBaseStr : string[40];
1508       begin
1509         MakeSharedLibrary:=false;
1510         if not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1511          Message1(exec_i_linking,current_module.sharedlibfilename);
1513       { Create some replacements }
1514         RelocStr:='';
1515         AppTypeStr:='';
1516         EntryStr:='';
1517         ImageBaseStr:='';
1518         StripStr:='';
1519         MapStr:='';
1520         GCSectionsStr:='';
1521         AsBinStr:=FindUtil(utilsprefix+'as');
1522         if RelocSection then
1523          RelocStr:='--base-file base.$$$';
1524         if create_smartlink_sections then
1525          GCSectionsStr:='--gc-sections';
1526         if apptype=app_gui then
1527           begin
1528             AppTypeStr:='--subsystem windows';
1529             EntryStr:='--entry _DLLWinMainCRTStartup'
1530           end
1531         else
1532           EntryStr:='--entry _DLLMainCRTStartup';
1533         if ImageBaseSetExplicity then
1534           ImageBaseStr:='--image-base=0x'+hexStr(imagebase, SizeOf(imagebase)*2);
1535         if (cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1536           StripStr:='-s';
1537         if (cs_link_map in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1538           MapStr:='-Map '+maybequoted(ChangeFileExt(current_module.exefilename,'.map'));
1540       { Write used files and libraries }
1541         WriteResponseFile(true);
1543       { Call linker }
1544         success:=false;
1545         if RelocSection or (not Deffile.empty) then
1546           cmds:=3
1547         else
1548           cmds:=1;
1549         for i:=1 to cmds do
1550          begin
1551            SplitBinCmd(Info.DllCmd[i],binstr,cmdstr);
1552            if binstr<>'' then
1553             begin
1554               Replace(cmdstr,'$EXE',maybequoted(current_module.sharedlibfilename));
1555               Replace(cmdstr,'$OPT',Info.ExtraOptions);
1556               Replace(cmdstr,'$RES',maybequoted(outputexedir+Info.ResName));
1557               Replace(cmdstr,'$APPTYPE',AppTypeStr);
1558               Replace(cmdstr,'$ENTRY',EntryStr);
1559               Replace(cmdstr,'$ASBIN',AsbinStr);
1560               Replace(cmdstr,'$RELOC',RelocStr);
1561               Replace(cmdstr,'$IMAGEBASE',ImageBaseStr);
1562               Replace(cmdstr,'$STRIP',StripStr);
1563               Replace(cmdstr,'$GCSECTIONS',GCSectionsStr);
1564               Replace(cmdstr,'$MAP',MapStr);
1565               if not DefFile.Empty then
1566                 begin
1567                   DefFile.WriteFile;
1568                   Replace(cmdstr,'$DEF','-d '+maybequoted(deffile.fname));
1569                 end
1570               else
1571                 Replace(cmdstr,'$DEF','');
1572               success:=DoExec(FindUtil(utilsprefix+binstr),cmdstr,(i=1),false);
1573               if not success then
1574                break;
1575             end;
1576          end;
1578       { Post process }
1579         if success then
1580          success:=PostProcessExecutable(current_module.sharedlibfilename,true);
1582       { Remove ReponseFile }
1583         if (success) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1584          begin
1585            DeleteFile(outputexedir+Info.ResName);
1586            DeleteFile('base.$$$');
1587            DeleteFile('exp.$$$');
1588            DeleteFile('deffile.$$$');
1589          end;
1590         MakeSharedLibrary:=success;   { otherwise a recursive call to link method }
1591       end;
TExternalLinkerWin.postprocessexecutablenull1594     function TExternalLinkerWin.postprocessexecutable(const fn : string;isdll:boolean):boolean;
1595       type
1596         tdosheader = packed record
1597            e_magic : word;
1598            e_cblp : word;
1599            e_cp : word;
1600            e_crlc : word;
1601            e_cparhdr : word;
1602            e_minalloc : word;
1603            e_maxalloc : word;
1604            e_ss : word;
1605            e_sp : word;
1606            e_csum : word;
1607            e_ip : word;
1608            e_cs : word;
1609            e_lfarlc : word;
1610            e_ovno : word;
1611            e_res : array[0..3] of word;
1612            e_oemid : word;
1613            e_oeminfo : word;
1614            e_res2 : array[0..9] of word;
1615            e_lfanew : longint;
1616         end;
1617         psecfill=^TSecfill;
1618         TSecfill=record
1619           fillpos,
1620           fillsize : longint;
1621           next : psecfill;
1622         end;
1623       var
1624         f : file;
1625         cmdstr : string;
1626         dosheader : tdosheader;
1627         peheader : tcoffheader;
1628         peoptheader : tcoffpeoptheader;
1629         firstsecpos,
1630         maxfillsize,
1631         l,peheaderpos : longint;
1632         coffsec : tcoffsechdr;
1633         secroot,hsecroot : psecfill;
1634         zerobuf : pointer;
1635       begin
1636         postprocessexecutable:=false;
1637         { when -s is used or it's a dll then quit }
1638         if (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
1639          begin
1640            case apptype of
1641              app_native :
1642                cmdstr:='--subsystem native';
1643              app_gui :
1644                cmdstr:='--subsystem gui';
1645              app_cui :
1646                cmdstr:='--subsystem console';
1647            end;
1648            if dllversion<>'' then
1649              cmdstr:=cmdstr+' --version '+dllversion;
1650            cmdstr:=cmdstr+' --input '+maybequoted(fn);
1651            cmdstr:=cmdstr+' --stack '+tostr(stacksize);
1652            if target_info.system in [system_i386_win32, system_i386_wdosx] then
1653              DoExec(FindUtil(utilsprefix+'postw32'),cmdstr,false,false);
1654            postprocessexecutable:=true;
1655            exit;
1656          end;
1657         { open file }
1658         assign(f,fn);
1659         {$push}{$I-}
1660          reset(f,1);
1661         if ioresult<>0 then
1662           Message1(execinfo_f_cant_open_executable,fn);
1663         { read headers }
1664         blockread(f,dosheader,sizeof(tdosheader));
1665         peheaderpos:=dosheader.e_lfanew;
1666         { skip to headerpos and skip pe magic }
1667         seek(f,peheaderpos+4);
1668         blockread(f,peheader,sizeof(tcoffheader));
1669         blockread(f,peoptheader,sizeof(tcoffpeoptheader));
1670         { write info }
1671         Message1(execinfo_x_codesize,tostr(peoptheader.tsize));
1672         Message1(execinfo_x_initdatasize,tostr(peoptheader.dsize));
1673         Message1(execinfo_x_uninitdatasize,tostr(peoptheader.bsize));
1674         { change stack size (PM) }
1675         { I am not sure that the default value is adequate !! }
1676         peoptheader.SizeOfStackReserve:=stacksize;
1677         if SetPEFlagsSetExplicity then
1678           peoptheader.LoaderFlags:=peflags;
1679         if ImageBaseSetExplicity then
1680           peoptheader.ImageBase:=imagebase;
1681         if MinStackSizeSetExplicity then
1682           peoptheader.SizeOfStackCommit:=minstacksize;
1683         if MaxStackSizeSetExplicity then
1684           peoptheader.SizeOfStackReserve:=maxstacksize;
1685         { change the header }
1686         { sub system }
1687         { gui=2 }
1688         { cui=3 }
1689         { wincegui=9 }
1690         if target_info.system in systems_wince then
1691           peoptheader.Subsystem:=9
1692         else
1693           case apptype of
1694             app_native :
1695               peoptheader.Subsystem:=1;
1696             app_gui :
1697               peoptheader.Subsystem:=2;
1698             app_cui :
1699               peoptheader.Subsystem:=3;
1700           end;
1701         if dllversion<>'' then
1702           begin
1703            peoptheader.MajorImageVersion:=dllmajor;
1704            peoptheader.MinorImageVersion:=dllminor;
1705           end;
1706         { reset timestamp }
1707         peheader.time:=0;
1708         { write header back, skip pe magic }
1709         seek(f,peheaderpos+4);
1710         blockwrite(f,peheader,sizeof(tcoffheader));
1711         if ioresult<>0 then
1712           Message1(execinfo_f_cant_process_executable,fn);
1713         blockwrite(f,peoptheader,sizeof(tcoffpeoptheader));
1714         if ioresult<>0 then
1715           Message1(execinfo_f_cant_process_executable,fn);
1716         { skip to headerpos and skip pe magic }
1717         seek(f,peheaderpos+4);
1718         blockread(f,peheader,sizeof(tcoffheader));
1719         blockread(f,peoptheader,sizeof(tcoffpeoptheader));
1720         { write the value after the change }
1721         Message1(execinfo_x_stackreserve,tostr(peoptheader.SizeOfStackReserve));
1722         Message1(execinfo_x_stackcommit,tostr(peoptheader.SizeOfStackCommit));
1723         { read section info }
1724         maxfillsize:=0;
1725         firstsecpos:=0;
1726         secroot:=nil;
1727         for l:=1 to peheader.nsects do
1728          begin
1729            blockread(f,coffsec,sizeof(tcoffsechdr));
1730            if coffsec.datapos>0 then
1731             begin
1732               if secroot=nil then
1733                firstsecpos:=coffsec.datapos;
1734               new(hsecroot);
1735               hsecroot^.fillpos:=coffsec.datapos+coffsec.vsize;
1736               hsecroot^.fillsize:=coffsec.datasize-coffsec.vsize;
1737               hsecroot^.next:=secroot;
1738               secroot:=hsecroot;
1739               if secroot^.fillsize>maxfillsize then
1740                maxfillsize:=secroot^.fillsize;
1741             end;
1742          end;
1743         if firstsecpos>0 then
1744          begin
1745            l:=firstsecpos-filepos(f);
1746            if l>maxfillsize then
1747             maxfillsize:=l;
1748          end
1749         else
1750          l:=0;
1751         { get zero buffer }
1752         getmem(zerobuf,maxfillsize);
1753         fillchar(zerobuf^,maxfillsize,0);
1754         { zero from sectioninfo until first section }
1755         blockwrite(f,zerobuf^,l);
1756         { zero section alignments }
1757         while assigned(secroot) do
1758          begin
1759            seek(f,secroot^.fillpos);
1760            blockwrite(f,zerobuf^,secroot^.fillsize);
1761            hsecroot:=secroot;
1762            secroot:=secroot^.next;
1763            dispose(hsecroot);
1764          end;
1765         freemem(zerobuf,maxfillsize);
1766         close(f);
1767         {$pop}
1768         if ioresult<>0 then;
1769           postprocessexecutable:=true;
1770       end;
1773     procedure TExternalLinkerWin.InitSysInitUnitName;
1774       begin
1775         GlobalInitSysInitUnitName(self);
1776       end;
1779 {****************************************************************************
1780                             TDLLScannerWin
1781 ****************************************************************************}
1783     procedure TDLLScannerWin.CheckDLLFunc(const dllname,funcname:string);
1784       var
1785         i : longint;
1786         ExtName : string;
1787       begin
1788         for i:=0 to current_module.dllscannerinputlist.count-1 do
1789           begin
1790             ExtName:=current_module.dllscannerinputlist.NameOfIndex(i);
1791             if (ExtName=funcname) then
1792               begin
1793                 current_module.AddExternalImport(dllname,funcname,funcname,0,false,false);
1794                 importfound:=true;
1795                 current_module.dllscannerinputlist.Delete(i);
1796                 exit;
1797               end;
1798           end;
1799       end;
TDLLScannerWin.scannull1802     function TDLLScannerWin.scan(const binname:string):boolean;
1803       var
1804         hs,
1805         dllname : TCmdStr;
1806       begin
1807         result:=false;
1808         { is there already an import library the we will use that one }
1809         if FindLibraryFile(binname,target_info.staticClibprefix,target_info.staticClibext,hs) then
1810           exit;
1811         { check if we can find the dll }
1812         hs:=binname;
1813         if ExtractFileExt(hs)='' then
1814           hs:=ChangeFileExt(hs,target_info.sharedlibext);
1815         if not FindDll(hs,dllname) then
1816           exit;
1817         importfound:=false;
1818         ReadDLLImports(dllname,@CheckDLLFunc);
1819         if importfound then
1820           current_module.dllscannerinputlist.Pack;
1821         result:=importfound;
1822       end;
1824 {*****************************************************************************
1825                                      Initialize
1826 *****************************************************************************}
1828 initialization
1829   RegisterLinker(ld_int_windows,TInternalLinkerWin);
1830   RegisterLinker(ld_windows,TExternalLinkerWin);
1831 {$ifdef i386}
1832   { Win32 }
1833   RegisterImport(system_i386_win32,TImportLibWin);
1834   RegisterExport(system_i386_win32,TExportLibWin);
1835   RegisterDLLScanner(system_i386_win32,TDLLScannerWin);
1836   RegisterRes(res_gnu_windres_info,TWinLikeResourceFile);
1837   RegisterTarget(system_i386_win32_info);
1838   { WinCE }
1839   RegisterImport(system_i386_wince,TImportLibWin);
1840   RegisterExport(system_i386_wince,TExportLibWin);
1841   RegisterDLLScanner(system_i386_wince,TDLLScannerWin);
1842   RegisterTarget(system_i386_wince_info);
1843 {$endif i386}
1844 {$ifdef x86_64}
1845   RegisterImport(system_x86_64_win64,TImportLibWin);
1846   RegisterExport(system_x86_64_win64,TExportLibWin);
1847   RegisterDLLScanner(system_x86_64_win64,TDLLScannerWin);
1848   RegisterRes(res_gnu_windres_info,TWinLikeResourceFile);
1849   RegisterRes(res_win64_gorc_info,TWinLikeResourceFile);
1850   RegisterTarget(system_x64_win64_info);
1851 {$endif x86_64}
1852 {$ifdef arm}
1853   RegisterImport(system_arm_wince,TImportLibWin);
1854   RegisterExport(system_arm_wince,TExportLibWin);
1855   RegisterRes(res_gnu_windres_info,TWinLikeResourceFile);
1856   RegisterTarget(system_arm_wince_info);
1857 {$endif arm}
1858 end.