1 extern(C) int printf(const char*, ...);
TypeTuple(TL...)2 template TypeTuple(TL...) { alias TypeTuple = TL; }
4 import core.stdc.math : isnan;
6 /********************************************/
7 // 9112
test9112a()9 void test9112a()    //  T() and T(v)
10 {
11     void test(T)(T v)
12     {
13         foreach (string qual; TypeTuple!("", "const ", "immutable "))
14         {
15             mixin("alias U = "~qual~T.stringof~";");
16             //pragma(msg, U);
18             mixin("auto x1 = "~qual~T.stringof~"();");      // U()      default construction syntax
19             mixin("auto x2 = "~qual~T.stringof~"(v);");     // U(v)
20             static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin(qual~T.stringof~"(v, v)")));    // U(v, v)
21             static assert(is(typeof(x1) == U));
22             static assert(is(typeof(x2) == U));
23             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) :  real)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && !isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
24             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : ireal)) assert(!isnan(x1.re) &&  isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
25             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : creal)) assert( isnan(x1.re) &&  isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
26             static if (!is(typeof(U.nan)))         assert( x1 == U.init,                  U.stringof);
27             assert(x2 == v, U.stringof);
28         }
29     }
30     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x1 = void(); }));
31     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = void(1); }));
32     test!( byte  )(10);
33     test!(ubyte  )(10);
34     test!( short )(10);
35     test!(ushort )(10);
36     test!( int   )(10);
37     test!(uint   )(10);
38     test!( long  )(10);
39     test!(ulong  )(10);
40     test!( float )(3.14);
41     test!( double)(3.14);
42     test!( real  )(3.14);
43     test!(ifloat )(1.4142i);
44     test!(idouble)(1.4142i);
45     test!(ireal  )(1.4142i);
46     test!(cfloat )(1.2+3.4i);
47     test!(cdouble)(1.2+3.4i);
48     test!(creal  )(1.2+3.4i);
49     test!( char  )('A');
50     test!(wchar  )('A');
51     test!(dchar  )('A');
52     test!(bool   )(true);
54     static assert(!__traits(compiles, int(1.42)));  // in curre,t this is disallowed
55     static assert(!__traits(compiles, double(3.14i)));
57     {
58         int x;
59         alias T = int*;
60       //auto p = int*(&x);      // Error: found '*' when expecting '.' following int
61       //auto p = (int*)(&x);    // Error: C style cast illegal, use cast(int*)&x
62         auto p = T(&x);
63         assert( p == &x);
64         assert(*p ==  x);
65     }
66 }
68 enum Enum : long { a = 10, b = 20 }
test9112b()70 void test9112b()    // new T(v)
71 {
72     void test(T)(T v)
73     {
74         foreach (string qual; TypeTuple!("", "const ", "immutable "))
75         {
76             mixin("alias U = "~qual~T.stringof~";");
77             //pragma(msg, U);
79             mixin("auto p1 = new "~qual~T.stringof~"();");      // U()      default construction syntax
80             mixin("auto p2 = new "~qual~T.stringof~"(v);");     // U(v)
81             static assert(!__traits(compiles, mixin("new "~qual~T.stringof~"(v, v)")));    // U(v, v)
82             static assert(is(typeof(p1) == U*));
83             static assert(is(typeof(p2) == U*));
84             assert( p1 !is null);
85             assert( p2 !is null);
86             auto x1 = *p1;
87             auto x2 = *p2;
88             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) :  real)) assert( isnan(x1.re) && !isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
89             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : ireal)) assert(!isnan(x1.re) &&  isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
90             static if ( is(typeof(U.nan) : creal)) assert( isnan(x1.re) &&  isnan(x1.im), U.stringof);
91             static if (!is(typeof(U.nan)))         assert( x1 == U.init,                  U.stringof);
92             assert(x2 == v, U.stringof);
93         }
94     }
96     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x1 = new void(); }));
97     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = new void(1); }));
98     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { auto x2 = new void(1, 2); }));
99     test!( byte  )(10);
100     test!(ubyte  )(10);
101     test!( short )(10);
102     test!(ushort )(10);
103     test!( int   )(10);
104     test!(uint   )(10);
105     test!( long  )(10);
106     test!(ulong  )(10);
107     test!( float )(3.14);
108     test!( double)(3.14);
109     test!( real  )(3.14);
110     test!(ifloat )(1.4142i);
111     test!(idouble)(1.4142i);
112     test!(ireal  )(1.4142i);
113     test!(cfloat )(1.2+3.4i);
114     test!(cdouble)(1.2+3.4i);
115     test!(creal  )(1.2+3.4i);
116     test!( char  )('A');
117     test!(wchar  )('A');
118     test!(dchar  )('A');
119     test!(bool   )(true);
120     test!(Enum   )(Enum.a);
122     void testPtr(T)(T v)
123     {
124         T* pv = &v;
125         T** ppv = new T*(pv);
126         assert( *ppv == pv);
127         assert(**ppv ==  v);
128     }
129     foreach (T; TypeTuple!(int, const long, immutable double))
130     {
131         testPtr!T(10);
132     }
133     foreach (T; TypeTuple!(Enum, const Enum, immutable Enum))
134     {
135         testPtr!T(Enum.a);
136     }
138     static assert(!__traits(compiles, new const int(1, 2)));
140     static assert(!__traits(compiles, new int(1.42)));  // in curre,t this is disallowed
141     static assert(!__traits(compiles, new double(3.14i)));
143     // int(1) in directly on statement scope should be parsed as an expression, but
144     // would fail to compile because of "has no effect" error.
145     static assert(!__traits(compiles, { int(1); }));
146 }
148 /********************************************/
main()150 int main()
151 {
152     test9112a();
153     test9112b();
155     printf("Success\n");
156     return 0;
157 }