1! { dg-do run } 2! { dg-options "-std=legacy" } 3! 4! PR24489 Assure that read does not go past the end of record. The width of 5! the format specifier is 8, but the internal unit record length is 4 so only 6! the first 4 characters should be read. 7! Contributed by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@verizon.net>. 8program pr24489 9 character*4, dimension(8) :: abuf = (/"0123","4567","89AB","CDEF", & 10 "0123","4567","89AB","CDEF"/) 11 character*4, dimension(2,4) :: buf 12 character*8 :: a 13 equivalence (buf,abuf) 14 read(buf, '(a8)') a 15 if (a.ne.'0123') STOP 1 16end program pr24489 17