2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT RUN-TIME COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                 S Y S T E M . B I T F I E L D _ U T I L S                --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 B o d y                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--               Copyright (C) 2019-2020, Free Software Foundation, Inc.    --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                     --
17--                                                                          --
18-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
19-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
20-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
21--                                                                          --
22-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
23-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
24-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
25-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
26--                                                                          --
27-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
28-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
29--                                                                          --
32package body System.Bitfield_Utils is
34   --  ???
35   --
36   --  This code does not yet work for overlapping bit fields. We need to copy
37   --  backwards in some cases (i.e. from higher to lower bit addresses).
38   --  Alternatively, we could avoid calling this if Forwards_OK is False.
39   --
40   --  ???
42   package body G is
44      Val_Bytes : constant Address := Address (Val'Size / Storage_Unit);
46      --  A Val_2 can cross a memory page boundary (e.g. an 8-byte Val_2 that
47      --  starts 4 bytes before the end of a page). If the bit field also
48      --  crosses that boundary, then the second page is known to exist, and we
49      --  can safely load or store the Val_2. On the other hand, if the bit
50      --  field is entirely within the first half of the Val_2, then it is
51      --  possible (albeit highly unlikely) that the second page does not
52      --  exist, so we must load or store only the first half of the Val_2.
53      --  Get_Val_2 and Set_Val_2 take care of all this.
55      function Get_Val_2
56        (Src_Address : Address;
57         Src_Offset : Bit_Offset;
58         Size : Small_Size)
59        return Val_2;
60      --  Get the Val_2, taking care to only load the first half when
61      --  necessary.
63      procedure Set_Val_2
64        (Dest_Address : Address;
65         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
66         V : Val_2;
67         Size : Small_Size);
68      --  Set the Val_2, taking care to only store the first half when
69      --  necessary.
71      --  Get_Bitfield and Set_Bitfield are helper functions that get/set small
72      --  bit fields -- the value fits in Val, and the bit field is placed
73      --  starting at some offset within the first half of a Val_2.
74      --  Copy_Bitfield, on the other hand, supports arbitrarily large bit
75      --  fields. All operations require bit offsets to point within the first
76      --  Val pointed to by the address.
78      function Get_Bitfield
79        (Src : Val_2; Src_Offset : Bit_Offset; Size : Small_Size)
80         return Val;
81      --  Returns the bit field in Src starting at Src_Offset, of the given
82      --  Size. If Size < Small_Size'Last, then high order bits are zero.
84      function Set_Bitfield
85        (Src_Value : Val;
86         Dest : Val_2;
87         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
88         Size : Small_Size)
89        return Val_2;
90      --  The bit field in Dest starting at Dest_Offset, of the given Size, is
91      --  set to Src_Value. Src_Value must have high order bits (Size and
92      --  above) zero. The result is returned as the function result.
94      procedure Set_Bitfield
95        (Src_Value : Val;
96         Dest_Address : Address;
97         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
98         Size : Small_Size);
99      --  This version takes the bit address and size of the destination.
101      procedure Copy_Small_Bitfield
102        (Src_Address  : Address;
103         Src_Offset   : Bit_Offset;
104         Dest_Address : Address;
105         Dest_Offset  : Bit_Offset;
106         Size         : Small_Size);
107      --  Copy_Bitfield in the case where Size <= Val'Size.
108      --  The Address values must be aligned as for Val and Val_2.
109      --  This works for overlapping bit fields.
111      procedure Copy_Large_Bitfield
112        (Src_Address  : Address;
113         Src_Offset   : Bit_Offset;
114         Dest_Address : Address;
115         Dest_Offset  : Bit_Offset;
116         Size         : Bit_Size);
117      --  Copy_Bitfield in the case where Size > Val'Size.
118      --  The Address values must be aligned as for Val and Val_2.
119      --  This works for overlapping bit fields only if the source
120      --  bit address is greater than or equal to the destination
121      --  bit address, because it copies forward (from lower to higher
122      --  bit addresses).
124      function Get_Val_2
125        (Src_Address : Address;
126         Src_Offset : Bit_Offset;
127         Size : Small_Size)
128        return Val_2 is
129      begin
130         pragma Assert (Src_Address mod Val'Alignment = 0);
132         --  Bit field fits in first half; fetch just one Val. On little
133         --  endian, we want that in the low half, but on big endian, we
134         --  want it in the high half.
136         if Src_Offset + Size <= Val'Size then
137            declare
138               Result : aliased constant Val with
139                 Import, Address => Src_Address;
140            begin
141               return (case Endian is
142                  when Little => Val_2 (Result),
143                  when Big => Shift_Left (Val_2 (Result), Val'Size));
144            end;
146         --  Bit field crosses into the second half, so it's safe to fetch the
147         --  whole Val_2.
149         else
150            declare
151               Result : aliased constant Val_2 with
152                 Import, Address => Src_Address;
153            begin
154               return Result;
155            end;
156         end if;
157      end Get_Val_2;
159      procedure Set_Val_2
160        (Dest_Address : Address;
161         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
162         V : Val_2;
163         Size : Small_Size) is
164      begin
165         pragma Assert (Dest_Address mod Val'Alignment = 0);
167         --  Comments in Get_Val_2 apply, except we're storing instead of
168         --  fetching.
170         if Dest_Offset + Size <= Val'Size then
171            declare
172               Dest : aliased Val with Import, Address => Dest_Address;
173            begin
174               Dest := (case Endian is
175                  when Little => Val'Mod (V),
176                  when Big => Val (Shift_Right (V, Val'Size)));
177            end;
178         else
179            declare
180               Dest : aliased Val_2 with Import, Address => Dest_Address;
181            begin
182               Dest := V;
183            end;
184         end if;
185      end Set_Val_2;
187      function Get_Bitfield
188        (Src : Val_2; Src_Offset : Bit_Offset; Size : Small_Size)
189         return Val
190      is
191         L_Shift_Amount : constant Natural :=
192           (case Endian is
193              when Little => Val_2'Size - (Src_Offset + Size),
194              when Big => Src_Offset);
195         Temp1 : constant Val_2 :=
196           Shift_Left (Src, L_Shift_Amount);
197         Temp2 : constant Val_2 :=
198           Shift_Right (Temp1, Val_2'Size - Size);
199      begin
200         return Val (Temp2);
201      end Get_Bitfield;
203      function Set_Bitfield
204        (Src_Value : Val;
205         Dest : Val_2;
206         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
207         Size : Small_Size)
208        return Val_2
209      is
210         pragma Assert (Size = Val'Size or else Src_Value < 2**Size);
211         L_Shift_Amount : constant Natural :=
212           (case Endian is
213              when Little => Dest_Offset,
214              when Big => Val_2'Size - (Dest_Offset + Size));
215         Mask : constant Val_2 :=
216           Shift_Left (Shift_Left (1, Size) - 1, L_Shift_Amount);
217         Temp1 : constant Val_2 := Dest and not Mask;
218         Temp2 : constant Val_2 :=
219           Shift_Left (Val_2 (Src_Value), L_Shift_Amount);
220         Result : constant Val_2 := Temp1 or Temp2;
221      begin
222         return Result;
223      end Set_Bitfield;
225      procedure Set_Bitfield
226        (Src_Value : Val;
227         Dest_Address : Address;
228         Dest_Offset : Bit_Offset;
229         Size : Small_Size)
230      is
231         Old_Dest : constant Val_2 :=
232           Get_Val_2 (Dest_Address, Dest_Offset, Size);
233         New_Dest : constant Val_2 :=
234           Set_Bitfield (Src_Value, Old_Dest, Dest_Offset, Size);
235      begin
236         Set_Val_2 (Dest_Address, Dest_Offset, New_Dest, Size);
237      end Set_Bitfield;
239      procedure Copy_Small_Bitfield
240        (Src_Address  : Address;
241         Src_Offset   : Bit_Offset;
242         Dest_Address : Address;
243         Dest_Offset  : Bit_Offset;
244         Size         : Small_Size)
245      is
246         Src : constant Val_2 := Get_Val_2 (Src_Address, Src_Offset, Size);
247         V : constant Val := Get_Bitfield (Src, Src_Offset, Size);
248      begin
249         Set_Bitfield (V, Dest_Address, Dest_Offset, Size);
250      end Copy_Small_Bitfield;
252      --  Copy_Large_Bitfield does the main work. Copying aligned Vals is more
253      --  efficient than fiddling with shifting and whatnot. But we can't align
254      --  both source and destination. We choose to align the destination,
255      --  because that's more efficient -- Set_Bitfield needs to read, then
256      --  modify, then write, whereas Get_Bitfield does not.
257      --
258      --  So the method is:
259      --
260      --      Step 1:
261      --      If the destination is not already aligned, copy Initial_Size
262      --      bits, and increment the bit addresses. Initial_Size is chosen to
263      --      be the smallest size that will cause the destination bit address
264      --      to be aligned (i.e. have zero bit offset from the already-aligned
265      --      Address). Get_Bitfield and Set_Bitfield are used here.
266      --
267      --      Step 2:
268      --      Loop, copying Vals. Get_Bitfield is used to fetch a Val-sized
269      --      bit field, but Set_Bitfield is not needed -- we can set the
270      --      aligned Val with an array indexing.
271      --
272      --      Step 3:
273      --      Copy remaining smaller-than-Val bits, if any
275      procedure Copy_Large_Bitfield
276        (Src_Address  : Address;
277         Src_Offset   : Bit_Offset;
278         Dest_Address : Address;
279         Dest_Offset  : Bit_Offset;
280         Size         : Bit_Size)
281      is
282         Sz : Bit_Size := Size;
283         S_Addr : Address := Src_Address;
284         S_Off : Bit_Offset := Src_Offset;
285         D_Addr : Address := Dest_Address;
286         D_Off : Bit_Offset := Dest_Offset;
287      begin
288         if S_Addr < D_Addr or else (S_Addr = D_Addr and then S_Off < D_Off)
289         then
290            --  Here, the source bit address is less than the destination bit
291            --  address. Assert that there is no overlap.
293            declare
294               Temp_Off : constant Bit_Offset'Base := S_Off + Size;
295               After_S_Addr : constant Address :=
296                 S_Addr + Address (Temp_Off / Storage_Unit);
297               After_S_Off : constant Bit_Offset_In_Byte :=
298                 Temp_Off mod Storage_Unit;
299               --  (After_S_Addr, After_S_Off) is the bit address of the bit
300               --  just after the source bit field. Assert that it's less than
301               --  or equal to the destination bit address.
302               Overlap_OK : constant Boolean :=
303                 After_S_Addr < D_Addr
304                   or else
305                 (After_S_Addr = D_Addr and then After_S_Off <= D_Off);
306            begin
307               pragma Assert (Overlap_OK);
308            end;
309         end if;
311         if D_Off /= 0 then
312            --  Step 1:
314            declare
315               Initial_Size : constant Small_Size := Val'Size - D_Off;
316               Initial_Val_2 : constant Val_2 :=
317                 Get_Val_2 (S_Addr, S_Off, Initial_Size);
318               Initial_Val : constant Val :=
319                 Get_Bitfield (Initial_Val_2, S_Off, Initial_Size);
321            begin
322               Set_Bitfield
323                 (Initial_Val, D_Addr, D_Off, Initial_Size);
325               Sz := Sz - Initial_Size;
326               declare
327                  New_S_Off : constant Bit_Offset'Base := S_Off + Initial_Size;
328               begin
329                  if New_S_Off > Bit_Offset'Last then
330                     S_Addr := S_Addr + Val_Bytes;
331                     S_Off := New_S_Off - Small_Size'Last;
332                  else
333                     S_Off := New_S_Off;
334                  end if;
335               end;
336               D_Addr := D_Addr + Val_Bytes;
337               pragma Assert (D_Off + Initial_Size = Val'Size);
338               D_Off := 0;
339            end;
340         end if;
342         --  Step 2:
344         declare
345            Dest_Arr : Val_Array (1 .. Sz / Val'Size) with Import,
346              Address => D_Addr;
347         begin
348            for Dest_Comp of Dest_Arr loop
349               declare
350                  pragma Warnings (Off);
351                  pragma Assert (Dest_Comp in Val);
352                  pragma Warnings (On);
353                  pragma Assert (Dest_Comp'Valid);
354                  Src_V_2 : constant Val_2 :=
355                    Get_Val_2 (S_Addr, S_Off, Val'Size);
356                  Full_V : constant Val :=
357                    Get_Bitfield (Src_V_2, S_Off, Val'Size);
358               begin
359                  Dest_Comp := Full_V;
360                  S_Addr := S_Addr + Val_Bytes;
361                  --  S_Off remains the same
362               end;
363            end loop;
365            Sz := Sz mod Val'Size;
366            if Sz /= 0 then
367               --  Step 3:
369               declare
370                  Final_Val_2 : constant Val_2 :=
371                    Get_Val_2 (S_Addr, S_Off, Sz);
372                  Final_Val : constant Val :=
373                    Get_Bitfield (Final_Val_2, S_Off, Sz);
374               begin
375                  Set_Bitfield
376                    (Final_Val, D_Addr + Dest_Arr'Length * Val_Bytes, 0, Sz);
377               end;
378            end if;
379         end;
380      end Copy_Large_Bitfield;
382      procedure Copy_Bitfield
383        (Src_Address  : Address;
384         Src_Offset   : Bit_Offset_In_Byte;
385         Dest_Address : Address;
386         Dest_Offset  : Bit_Offset_In_Byte;
387         Size         : Bit_Size)
388      is
389         --  Align the Address values as for Val and Val_2, and adjust the
390         --  Bit_Offsets accordingly.
392         Src_Adjust     : constant Address := Src_Address mod Val_Bytes;
393         Al_Src_Address : constant Address := Src_Address - Src_Adjust;
394         Al_Src_Offset  : constant Bit_Offset :=
395           Src_Offset + Bit_Offset (Src_Adjust * Storage_Unit);
397         Dest_Adjust     : constant Address := Dest_Address mod Val_Bytes;
398         Al_Dest_Address : constant Address := Dest_Address - Dest_Adjust;
399         Al_Dest_Offset  : constant Bit_Offset :=
400           Dest_Offset + Bit_Offset (Dest_Adjust * Storage_Unit);
402         pragma Assert (Al_Src_Address mod Val'Alignment = 0);
403         pragma Assert (Al_Dest_Address mod Val'Alignment = 0);
404      begin
405         if Size in Small_Size then
406            Copy_Small_Bitfield
407              (Al_Src_Address, Al_Src_Offset,
408               Al_Dest_Address, Al_Dest_Offset,
409               Size);
410         else
411            Copy_Large_Bitfield
412              (Al_Src_Address, Al_Src_Offset,
413               Al_Dest_Address, Al_Dest_Offset,
414               Size);
415         end if;
416      end Copy_Bitfield;
418   end G;
420end System.Bitfield_Utils;