1 /* Tests for precision-of-wording within malloc warnings.  */
3 typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
4 extern void *malloc(size_t);
5 extern void free(void *);
6 extern char *strcpy(char *__restrict __dest, const char *__restrict __src)
7     __attribute__((__nothrow__, __leaf__)) __attribute__((__nonnull__(1, 2)));
test_1(void)9 void test_1 (void)
10 {
11   void *p = malloc (1024); /* { dg-message "\\(1\\) this call could return NULL" } */
12   strcpy ((char *)p, "hello world"); /* { dg-warning "use of possibly-NULL 'p' where non-null expected" "warning" } */
13   /* { dg-message "\\(2\\) argument 1 \\('p'\\) from \\(1\\) could be NULL where non-null expected" "event" { target *-*-* } .-1 } */
14   free (p);
15 }
test_2(void)17 int *test_2 (void)
18 {
19   int *i = malloc (sizeof (int)); /* { dg-message "\\(1\\) this call could return NULL" } */
20   *i = 42; /* { dg-warning "dereference of possibly-NULL 'i'" "warning" } */
21   /* { dg-message "\\(2\\) 'i' could be NULL: unchecked value from \\(1\\)" "event" { target *-*-* } .-1 } */
22   return i;
23 }