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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Makefile.amH A D28-Jul-20211.6 KiB5319

Makefile.inH A D28-Jul-202110.6 KiB409335

READMEH A D28-Jul-2021312 86

dlopen.ccH A D28-Jul-2021629 3929

dlopen_mt.ccH A D28-Jul-20212.2 KiB11388

environment-fail-32.sH A D28-Jul-202112.3 KiB515514

environment-fail-64.sH A D28-Jul-202110.4 KiB426425

field-test.ccH A D28-Jul-20212.6 KiB9566

replace-fail.ccH A D28-Jul-2021256 128

so.ccH A D28-Jul-20212.7 KiB9468

temp_deriv.ccH A D28-Jul-20212 KiB6849

temp_deriv2.ccH A D28-Jul-20211.9 KiB7051

temp_deriv3.ccH A D28-Jul-20212.2 KiB8060


1This directory contains tests that have not yet been converted to
2proper dejagnu tests.  If you look at the run_testsuite script in
3libvtv/scripts, you should get a fair idea as to how to run these
4tests.  The plan is to convert these tests into proper dejangnu tests
5sometime in the near future.
8Aug. 30, 2013