2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                                O S I N T                                 --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 S p e c                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--          Copyright (C) 1992-2018, Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
17-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
18-- Public License  distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3.  If not, go to --
19-- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license.          --
20--                                                                          --
21-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
22-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
23--                                                                          --
26--  This package contains the low level, operating system routines used in the
27--  compiler and binder for command line processing and file input output.
29with Namet; use Namet;
30with Types; use Types;
32with System;                  use System;
34pragma Warnings (Off);
35--  This package is used also by gnatcoll
36with System.OS_Lib;           use System.OS_Lib;
37pragma Warnings (On);
39with System.Storage_Elements;
41pragma Elaborate_All (System.OS_Lib);
42--  For the call to function Get_Target_Object_Suffix in the private part
44package Osint is
46   Multi_Unit_Index_Character : constant Character := '~';
47   --  The character before the index of the unit in a multi-unit source in ALI
48   --  and object file names.
50   Ada_Include_Path          : constant String := "ADA_INCLUDE_PATH";
51   Ada_Objects_Path          : constant String := "ADA_OBJECTS_PATH";
52   Project_Include_Path_File : constant String := "ADA_PRJ_INCLUDE_FILE";
53   Project_Objects_Path_File : constant String := "ADA_PRJ_OBJECTS_FILE";
55   Output_FD : File_Descriptor;
56   --  File descriptor for current library info, list, tree, C, H, or binder
57   --  output. Only one of these is open at a time, so we need only one FD.
59   procedure Initialize;
60   --  Initialize internal tables
62   function Normalize_Directory_Name (Directory : String) return String_Ptr;
63   --  Verify and normalize a directory name. If directory name is invalid,
64   --  this will return an empty string. Otherwise it will insure a trailing
65   --  slash and make other normalizations.
67   type File_Type is (Source, Library, Config, Definition, Preprocessing_Data);
69   function Find_File
70     (N         : File_Name_Type;
71      T         : File_Type;
72      Full_Name : Boolean := False) return File_Name_Type;
73   --  Finds a source, library or config file depending on the value of T
74   --  following the directory search order rules unless N is the name of the
75   --  file just read with Next_Main_File and already contains directory
76   --  information, in which case just look in the Primary_Directory. Returns
77   --  File_Name_Type of the full file name if found, No_File if file not
78   --  found. Note that for the special case of gnat.adc, only the compilation
79   --  environment directory is searched, i.e. the directory where the ali and
80   --  object files are written. Another special case is Debug_Generated_Code
81   --  set and the file name ends in ".dg", in which case we look for the
82   --  generated file only in the current directory, since that is where it is
83   --  always built.
84   --
85   --  In the case of configuration files, full path names are needed for some
86   --  ASIS queries. The flag Full_Name indicates that the name of the file
87   --  should be normalized to include a full path.
89   function Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive return Int;
90   pragma Import (C, Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive,
91                  "__gnat_get_file_names_case_sensitive");
92   File_Names_Case_Sensitive : constant Boolean :=
93                                 Get_File_Names_Case_Sensitive /= 0;
94   --  Set to indicate whether the operating system convention is for file
95   --  names to be case sensitive (e.g., in Unix, set True), or non case
96   --  sensitive (e.g., in Windows, set False).
98   procedure Canonical_Case_File_Name (S : in out String);
99   --  Given a file name, converts it to canonical case form. For systems
100   --  where file names are case sensitive, this procedure has no effect.
101   --  If file names are not case sensitive (i.e. for example if you have
102   --  the file "xyz.adb", you can refer to it as XYZ.adb or XyZ.AdB), then
103   --  this call converts the given string to canonical all lower case form,
104   --  so that two file names compare equal if they refer to the same file.
106   function Get_Env_Vars_Case_Sensitive return Int;
107   pragma Import (C, Get_Env_Vars_Case_Sensitive,
108                  "__gnat_get_env_vars_case_sensitive");
109   Env_Vars_Case_Sensitive : constant Boolean :=
110                                 Get_Env_Vars_Case_Sensitive /= 0;
111   --  Set to indicate whether the operating system convention is for
112   --  environment variable names to be case sensitive (e.g., in Unix, set
113   --  True), or non case sensitive (e.g., in Windows, set False).
115   procedure Canonical_Case_Env_Var_Name (S : in out String);
116   --  Given an environment variable name, converts it to canonical case form.
117   --  For systems where environment variable names are case sensitive, this
118   --  procedure has no effect. If environment variable names are not case
119   --  sensitive, then this call converts the given string to canonical all
120   --  lower case form, so that two environment variable names compare equal if
121   --  they refer to the same environment variable.
123   function Number_Of_Files return Nat;
124   --  Gives the total number of filenames found on the command line
126   No_Index : constant := -1;
127   --  Value used in Add_File to indicate no index is specified for main
129   procedure Add_File (File_Name : String; Index : Int := No_Index);
130   --  Called by the subprogram processing the command line for each file name
131   --  found. The index, when not defaulted to No_Index is the index of the
132   --  subprogram in its source, zero indicating that the source is not
133   --  multi-unit.
135   procedure Find_Program_Name;
136   --  Put simple name of current program being run (excluding the directory
137   --  path) in Name_Buffer, with the length in Name_Len.
139   function Program_Name (Nam : String; Prog : String) return String_Access;
140   --  In the native compilation case, Create a string containing Nam. In the
141   --  cross compilation case, looks at the prefix of the current program being
142   --  run and prepend it to Nam. For instance if the program being run is
143   --  <target>-gnatmake and Nam is "gcc", the returned value will be a pointer
144   --  to "<target>-gcc". In the specific case where AAMP_On_Target is set, the
145   --  name "gcc" is mapped to "gnaamp", and names of the form "gnat*" are
146   --  mapped to "gnaamp*". This function clobbers Name_Buffer and Name_Len.
147   --  Also look at any suffix, e.g. gnatmake-4.1 -> "gcc-4.1". Prog is the
148   --  default name of the current program being executed, e.g. "gnatmake",
149   --  "gnatlink".
151   procedure Write_Program_Name;
152   --  Writes name of program as invoked to the current output (normally
153   --  standard output).
155   procedure Fail (S : String);
156   pragma No_Return (Fail);
157   --  Outputs error message S preceded by the name of the executing program
158   --  and exits with E_Fatal. The output goes to standard error, except if
159   --  special output is in effect (see Output).
161   function Is_Directory_Separator (C : Character) return Boolean;
162   --  Returns True if C is a directory separator
164   function Get_Directory (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
165   --  Get the prefix directory name (if any) from Name. The last separator
166   --  is preserved. Return the normalized current directory if there is no
167   --  directory part in the name.
169   function Is_Readonly_Library (File : File_Name_Type) return Boolean;
170   --  Check if this library file is a read-only file
172   function Strip_Directory (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
173   --  Strips the prefix directory name (if any) from Name. Returns the
174   --  stripped name. Name cannot end with a directory separator.
176   function Strip_Suffix (Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
177   --  Strips the suffix (the last '.' and whatever comes after it) from Name.
178   --  Returns the stripped name.
180   function Executable_Name
181     (Name              : File_Name_Type;
182      Only_If_No_Suffix : Boolean := False) return File_Name_Type;
183   --  Given a file name it adds the appropriate suffix at the end so that
184   --  it becomes the name of the executable on the system at end. For
185   --  instance under DOS it adds the ".exe" suffix, whereas under UNIX no
186   --  suffix is added.
188   function Executable_Name
189     (Name              : String;
190      Only_If_No_Suffix : Boolean := False) return String;
191   --  Same as above, with String parameters
193   function File_Stamp (Name : File_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
194   --  Returns the time stamp of file Name. Name should include relative path
195   --  information in order to locate it. If the source file cannot be opened,
196   --  or Name = No_File, and all blank time stamp is returned (this is not an
197   --  error situation).
199   function File_Stamp (Name : Path_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
200   --  Same as above for a path name
202   type String_Access_List is array (Positive range <>) of String_Access;
203   --  Dereferenced type used to return a list of file specs in
204   --  To_Canonical_File_List.
206   type String_Access_List_Access is access all String_Access_List;
207   --  Type used to return a String_Access_List without dragging in secondary
208   --  stack.
210   function To_Canonical_File_List
211     (Wildcard_Host_File : String;
212      Only_Dirs          : Boolean) return String_Access_List_Access;
213   --  Expand a wildcard host syntax file or directory specification and return
214   --  a list of valid Unix syntax file or directory specs. If Only_Dirs is
215   --  True, then only return directories.
217   function To_Host_Dir_Spec
218     (Canonical_Dir : String;
219      Prefix_Style  : Boolean) return String_Access;
220   --  Convert a canonical syntax directory specification to host syntax. The
221   --  Prefix_Style flag is currently ignored but should be set to False.
222   --  Note that the caller must free result.
224   function To_Host_File_Spec
225     (Canonical_File : String) return String_Access;
226   --  Convert a canonical syntax file specification to host syntax
228   function Relocate_Path
229     (Prefix : String;
230      Path   : String) return String_Ptr;
231   --  Given an absolute path and a prefix, if Path starts with Prefix,
232   --  replace the Prefix substring with the root installation directory.
233   --  By default, try to compute the root installation directory by looking
234   --  at the executable name as it was typed on the command line and, if
235   --  needed, use the PATH environment variable. If the above computation
236   --  fails, return Path. This function assumes Prefix'First = Path'First.
238   function Shared_Lib (Name : String) return String;
239   --  Returns the runtime shared library in the form -l<name>-<version> where
240   --  version is the GNAT runtime library option for the platform. For example
241   --  this routine called with Name set to "gnat" will return "-lgnat-5.02"
242   --  on UNIX and Windows.
244   ---------------------
245   -- File attributes --
246   ---------------------
248   --  The following subprograms offer services similar to those found in
249   --  System.OS_Lib, but with the ability to extra multiple information from
250   --  a single system call, depending on the system. This can result in fewer
251   --  system calls when reused.
253   --  In all these subprograms, the requested value is either read from the
254   --  File_Attributes parameter (resulting in no system call), or computed
255   --  from the disk and then cached in the File_Attributes parameter (possibly
256   --  along with other values).
258   File_Attributes_Size : constant Natural := 32;
259   --  This should be big enough to fit a "struct file_attributes" on any
260   --  system. It doesn't cause any malfunction if it is too big (which avoids
261   --  the need for either mapping the struct exactly or importing the sizeof
262   --  from C, which would result in dynamic code). However, it does waste
263   --  space (e.g. when a component of this type appears in a record, if it is
264   --  unnecessarily large). Note: for runtime units, use System.OS_Constants.
265   --  SIZEOF_struct_file_attributes instead, which has the exact value.
267   type File_Attributes is
268     array (1 .. File_Attributes_Size)
269       of System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Element;
270   for File_Attributes'Alignment use Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
272   Unknown_Attributes : File_Attributes;
273   --  A cache for various attributes for a file (length, accessibility,...)
274   --  Will be initialized properly at elaboration (for efficiency later on,
275   --  avoid function calls every time we want to reset the attributes) prior
276   --  to the first usage. We cannot make it constant since the compiler may
277   --  put it in a read-only section.
279   function Is_Directory
280     (Name : C_File_Name;
281      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
282   function Is_Regular_File
283     (Name : C_File_Name;
284      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
285   function Is_Symbolic_Link
286     (Name : C_File_Name;
287      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
288   --  Return the type of the file,
290   function File_Length
291     (Name : C_File_Name;
292      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Long_Integer;
293   --  Return the length (number of bytes) of the file
295   function File_Time_Stamp
296     (Name : C_File_Name;
297      Attr : access File_Attributes) return OS_Time;
298   function File_Time_Stamp
299     (Name : Path_Name_Type;
300      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Time_Stamp_Type;
301   --  Return the time stamp of the file
303   function Is_Readable_File
304     (Name : C_File_Name;
305      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
306   function Is_Executable_File
307     (Name : C_File_Name;
308      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
309   function Is_Writable_File
310     (Name : C_File_Name;
311      Attr : access File_Attributes) return Boolean;
312   --  Return the access rights for the file
314   -------------------------
315   -- Search Dir Routines --
316   -------------------------
318   function Include_Dir_Default_Prefix return String;
319   --  Return the directory of the run-time library sources, as modified
320   --  by update_path.
322   function Object_Dir_Default_Prefix return String;
323   --  Return the directory of the run-time library ALI and object files, as
324   --  modified by update_path.
326   procedure Add_Default_Search_Dirs;
327   --  This routine adds the default search dirs indicated by the environment
328   --  variables and sdefault package, as well as the library search dirs set
329   --  by option -gnateO for GNAT2WHY.
331   procedure Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir : String);
332   --  Add Dir at the end of the library file search path
334   procedure Add_Src_Search_Dir (Dir : String);
335   --  Add Dir at the end of the source file search path
337   procedure Get_Next_Dir_In_Path_Init
338     (Search_Path : String_Access);
339   function Get_Next_Dir_In_Path
340     (Search_Path : String_Access) return String_Access;
341   --  These subprograms are used to parse out the directory names in a search
342   --  path specified by a Search_Path argument. The procedure initializes an
343   --  internal pointer to point to the initial directory name, and calls to
344   --  the function return successive directory names, with a null pointer
345   --  marking the end of the list.
347   type Search_File_Type is (Include, Objects);
349   procedure Add_Search_Dirs
350     (Search_Path : String_Ptr;
351      Path_Type   : Search_File_Type);
352   --  These procedure adds all the search directories that are in Search_Path
353   --  in the proper file search path (library or source)
355   function Get_Primary_Src_Search_Directory return String_Ptr;
356   --  Retrieved the primary directory (directory containing the main source
357   --  file for Gnatmake.
359   function Nb_Dir_In_Src_Search_Path return Natural;
360   function Dir_In_Src_Search_Path (Position : Natural) return String_Ptr;
361   --  Functions to access the directory names in the source search path
363   function Nb_Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path return Natural;
364   function Dir_In_Obj_Search_Path (Position : Natural) return String_Ptr;
365   --  Functions to access the directory names in the Object search path
367   Include_Search_File : constant String_Access :=
368                           new String'("ada_source_path");
369   Objects_Search_File : constant String_Access :=
370                           new String'("ada_object_path");
371   --  Names of the files containing the default include or objects search
372   --  directories. These files, located in Sdefault.Search_Dir_Prefix, do
373   --  not necessarily exist.
375   Exec_Name : String_Ptr;
376   --  Executable name as typed by the user (used to compute the
377   --  executable prefix).
379   function Read_Default_Search_Dirs
380     (Search_Dir_Prefix       : String_Access;
381      Search_File             : String_Access;
382      Search_Dir_Default_Name : String_Access) return String_Access;
383   --  Read and return the default search directories from the file located
384   --  in Search_Dir_Prefix (as modified by update_path) and named Search_File.
385   --  If no such file exists or an error occurs then instead return the
386   --  Search_Dir_Default_Name (as modified by update_path).
388   function Get_RTS_Search_Dir
389     (Search_Dir : String;
390      File_Type  : Search_File_Type) return String_Ptr;
391   --  This function retrieves the paths to the search (resp. lib) dirs and
392   --  return them. The search dir can be absolute or relative. If the search
393   --  dir contains Include_Search_File (resp. Object_Search_File), then this
394   --  function reads and returns the default search directories from the file.
395   --  Otherwise, if the directory is absolute, it will try to find 'adalib'
396   --  (resp. 'adainclude'). If found, null is returned. If the directory is
397   --  relative, the following directories for the directories 'adalib' and
398   --  'adainclude' will be scanned:
399   --
400   --   - current directory (from which the tool has been spawned)
401   --   - $GNAT_ROOT/gcc/gcc-lib/$targ/$vers/
402   --   - $GNAT_ROOT/gcc/gcc-lib/$targ/$vers/rts-
403   --
404   --  The scan will stop as soon as the directory being searched for (adalib
405   --  or adainclude) is found. If the scan fails, null is returned.
407   -----------------------
408   -- Source File Input --
409   -----------------------
411   --  Source file input routines are used by the compiler to read the main
412   --  source files and the subsidiary source files (e.g. with'ed units), and
413   --  also by the binder to check presence/time stamps of sources.
415   procedure Read_Source_File
416     (N   : File_Name_Type;
417      Lo  : Source_Ptr;
418      Hi  : out Source_Ptr;
419      Src : out Source_Buffer_Ptr;
420      FD  : out File_Descriptor;
421      T   : File_Type := Source);
422   --  Allocates a Source_Buffer of appropriate length and then reads the
423   --  entire contents of the source file N into the buffer. The address of
424   --  the allocated buffer is returned in Src. FD is used for extended error
425   --  information in the case the read fails.
426   --
427   --  Each line of text is terminated by one of the sequences:
428   --
429   --    CR
430   --    CR/LF
431   --    LF
433   --  The source is terminated by an EOF (16#1A#) character, which is the last
434   --  character of the returned source buffer (note that any EOF characters in
435   --  positions other than the last source character are treated as blanks).
436   --
437   --  The logical lower bound of the source buffer is the input value of Lo,
438   --  and on exit Hi is set to the logical upper bound of the source buffer,
439   --  which is redundant with Src'Last.
440   --
441   --  If the given file cannot be opened, then the action depends on whether
442   --  this file is the current main unit (i.e. its name matches the name
443   --  returned by the most recent call to Next_Main_Source). If so, then the
444   --  failure to find the file is a fatal error, an error message is output,
445   --  and program execution is terminated. Otherwise (for the case of a
446   --  subsidiary source loaded directly or indirectly using with), a file
447   --  not found condition causes null to be set as the result value and a
448   --  value of No_Source_File (0) to be set as the FD value. In the related
449   --  case of a file with no read permissions the result is the same except FD
450   --  is set to No_Access_To_Source_File (-1). Upon success FD is set to a
451   --  positive Source_File_Index.
452   --
453   --  Note that the name passed to this function is the simple file name,
454   --  without any directory information. The implementation is responsible
455   --  for searching for the file in the appropriate directories.
456   --
457   --  Note the special case that if the file name is gnat.adc, then the search
458   --  for the file is done ONLY in the directory corresponding to the current
459   --  compilation environment, i.e. in the same directory where the ali and
460   --  object files will be written.
462   function Full_Source_Name return File_Name_Type;
463   function Current_Source_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
464   --  Returns the full name/time stamp of the source file most recently read
465   --  using Read_Source_File. Calling this routine entails no source file
466   --  directory lookup penalty.
468   procedure Full_Source_Name
469     (N         : File_Name_Type;
470      Full_File : out File_Name_Type;
471      Attr      : access File_Attributes);
472   function Full_Source_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
473   function Source_File_Stamp (N : File_Name_Type) return Time_Stamp_Type;
474   --  Returns the full name/time stamp of the source file whose simple name
475   --  is N which should not include path information. Note that if the file
476   --  cannot be located No_File is returned for the first routine and an all
477   --  blank time stamp is returned for the second (this is not an error
478   --  situation). The full name includes appropriate directory information.
479   --  The source file directory lookup penalty is incurred every single time
480   --  the routines are called unless you have previously called
481   --  Source_File_Data (Cache => True). See below.
482   --
483   --  The procedural version also returns some file attributes for the ALI
484   --  file (to save on system calls later on).
486   function Current_File_Index return Int;
487   --  Return the index in its source file of the current main unit
489   function Matching_Full_Source_Name
490     (N : File_Name_Type;
491      T : Time_Stamp_Type) return File_Name_Type;
492   --  Same semantics than Full_Source_Name but will search on the source path
493   --  until a source file with time stamp matching T is found. If none is
494   --  found returns No_File.
496   procedure Source_File_Data (Cache : Boolean);
497   --  By default source file data (full source file name and time stamp)
498   --  are looked up every time a call to Full_Source_Name (N) or
499   --  Source_File_Stamp (N) is made. This may be undesirable in certain
500   --  applications as this is uselessly slow if source file data does not
501   --  change during program execution. When this procedure is called with
502   --  Cache => True access to source file data does not incur a penalty if
503   --  this data was previously retrieved.
505   procedure Dump_Source_File_Names;
506   --  Prints out the names of all source files that have been read by
507   --  Read_Source_File, except those that come from the run-time library
508   --  (i.e. Include_Dir_Default_Prefix). The text is sent to whatever Output
509   --  is currently using (e.g. standard output or standard error).
511   -------------------------------------------
512   -- Representation of Library Information --
513   -------------------------------------------
515   --  Associated with each compiled source file is library information, a
516   --  string of bytes whose exact format is described in the body of Lib.Writ.
517   --  Compiling a source file generates this library information for the
518   --  compiled unit, and access the library information for units that were
519   --  compiled previously on which the unit being compiled depends.
521   --  How this information is stored is up to the implementation of this
522   --  package. At the interface level, this information is simply associated
523   --  with its corresponding source.
525   --  Several different implementations are possible:
527   --    1. The information could be directly associated with the source file,
528   --       e.g. placed in a resource fork of this file on the Mac, or on
529   --       MS-DOS, written to the source file after the end of file mark.
531   --    2. The information could be written into the generated object module
532   --       if the system supports the inclusion of arbitrary informational
533   --       byte streams into object files. In this case there must be a naming
534   --       convention that allows object files to be located given the name of
535   --       the corresponding source file.
537   --    3. The information could be written to a separate file, whose name is
538   --       related to the name of the source file by a fixed convention.
540   --  Which of these three methods is chosen depends on the constraints of the
541   --  host operating system. The interface described here is independent of
542   --  which of these approaches is used. Currently all versions of GNAT use
543   --  the third approach with a file name of xxx.ali where xxx is the source
544   --  file name.
546   -------------------------------
547   -- Library Information Input --
548   -------------------------------
550   --  These subprograms are used by the binder to read library information
551   --  files, see section above for representation of these files.
553   function Read_Library_Info
554     (Lib_File  : File_Name_Type;
555      Fatal_Err : Boolean := False) return Text_Buffer_Ptr;
556   --  Allocates a Text_Buffer of appropriate length and reads in the entire
557   --  source of the library information from the library information file
558   --  whose name is given by the parameter Name.
559   --
560   --  See description of Read_Source_File for details on the format of the
561   --  returned text buffer (the format is identical). The lower bound of
562   --  the Text_Buffer is always zero
563   --
564   --  If the specified file cannot be opened, then the action depends on
565   --  Fatal_Err. If Fatal_Err is True, an error message is given and the
566   --  compilation is abandoned. Otherwise if Fatal_Err is False, then null
567   --  is returned. Note that the Lib_File is a simple name which does not
568   --  include any directory information. The implementation is responsible
569   --  for searching for the file in appropriate directories.
570   --
571   --  If Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set to True then this routine checks
572   --  whether the object file corresponding to the Lib_File is consistent with
573   --  it. The object file is inconsistent if the object does not exist or if
574   --  it has an older time stamp than Lib_File. This check is not performed
575   --  when the Lib_File is "locked" (i.e. read/only) because in this case the
576   --  object file may be buried in a library. In case of inconsistencies
577   --  Read_Library_Info behaves as if it did not find Lib_File (namely if
578   --  Fatal_Err is False, null is returned).
580   function Read_Library_Info_From_Full
581     (Full_Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
582      Lib_File_Attr : access File_Attributes;
583      Fatal_Err     : Boolean := False) return Text_Buffer_Ptr;
584   --  Same as Read_Library_Info, except Full_Lib_File must contains the full
585   --  path to the library file (instead of having Read_Library_Info recompute
586   --  it).
587   --  Lib_File_Attr should be an initialized set of attributes for the
588   --  library file (it can be initialized to Unknown_Attributes, but in
589   --  general will have been initialized by a previous call to Find_File).
591   function Full_Library_Info_Name return File_Name_Type;
592   function Full_Object_File_Name return File_Name_Type;
593   --  Returns the full name of the library/object file most recently read
594   --  using Read_Library_Info, including appropriate directory information.
595   --  Calling this routine entails no library file directory lookup
596   --  penalty. Note that the object file corresponding to a library file
597   --  is not actually read. Its time stamp is affected when the flag
598   --  Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set.
600   function Current_Library_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
601   function Current_Object_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type;
602   --  The time stamps of the files returned by the previous two routines.
603   --  It is an error to call Current_Object_File_Stamp if
604   --  Opt.Check_Object_Consistency is set to False.
606   procedure Full_Lib_File_Name
607     (N        : File_Name_Type;
608      Lib_File : out File_Name_Type;
609      Attr     : out File_Attributes);
610   function Full_Lib_File_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
611   --  Returns the full name of library file N. N should not include
612   --  path information. Note that if the file cannot be located No_File is
613   --  returned for the first routine and an all blank time stamp is returned
614   --  for the second (this is not an error situation). The full name includes
615   --  the appropriate directory information. The library file directory lookup
616   --  penalty is incurred every single time this routine is called.
617   --  The procedural version also returns some file attributes for the ALI
618   --  file (to save on system calls later on).
620   function Lib_File_Name
621     (Source_File : File_Name_Type;
622      Munit_Index : Nat := 0) return File_Name_Type;
623   --  Given the name of a source file, returns the name of the corresponding
624   --  library information file. This may be the name of the object file or of
625   --  a separate file used to store the library information. In the current
626   --  implementation, a separate file (the ALI file) is always used. In either
627   --  case the returned result is suitable for calling Read_Library_Info. The
628   --  Munit_Index is the unit index in multiple unit per file mode, or zero in
629   --  normal single unit per file mode (used to add ~nnn suffix). Note: this
630   --  subprogram is in this section because it is used by the compiler to
631   --  determine the proper library information names to be placed in the
632   --  generated library information file.
634   -----------------
635   -- Termination --
636   -----------------
638   Current_Exit_Status : Integer := 0;
639   --  Exit status that is set with procedure OS_Exit_Through_Exception below
640   --  and can be used in exception handler for Types.Terminate_Program to call
641   --  Set_Exit_Status as the last action of the program.
643   procedure OS_Exit_Through_Exception (Status : Integer);
644   pragma No_Return (OS_Exit_Through_Exception);
645   --  Set the Current_Exit_Status, then raise Types.Terminate_Program
647   type Exit_Code_Type is (
648      E_Success,    -- No warnings or errors
649      E_Warnings,   -- Compiler warnings generated
650      E_No_Code,    -- No code generated
651      E_No_Compile, -- Compilation not needed (smart recompilation)
652      E_Errors,     -- Compiler error messages generated
653      E_Fatal,      -- Fatal (serious) error, e.g. source file not found
654      E_Abort);     -- Internally detected compiler error
656   procedure Exit_Program (Exit_Code : Exit_Code_Type);
657   pragma No_Return (Exit_Program);
658   --  A call to Exit_Program terminates execution with the given status. A
659   --  status of zero indicates normal completion, a non-zero status indicates
660   --  abnormal termination.
662   -------------------------
663   -- Command Line Access --
664   -------------------------
666   --  Direct interface to command line parameters. (We don't want to use
667   --  the predefined command line package because it defines functions
668   --  returning string)
670   function Arg_Count return Natural;
671   pragma Import (C, Arg_Count, "__gnat_arg_count");
672   --  Get number of arguments (note: optional globbing may be enabled)
674   procedure Fill_Arg (A : System.Address; Arg_Num : Integer);
675   pragma Import (C, Fill_Arg, "__gnat_fill_arg");
676   --  Store one argument
678   function Len_Arg (Arg_Num : Integer) return Integer;
679   pragma Import (C, Len_Arg, "__gnat_len_arg");
680   --  Get length of argument
682   ALI_Default_Suffix : constant String_Ptr := new String'("ali");
683   ALI_Suffix         : String_Ptr          := ALI_Default_Suffix;
684   --  The suffixes used for the ALI files
686   function Prep_Suffix return String;
687   --  The suffix used for preprocessed files
691   Current_Main : File_Name_Type := No_File;
692   --  Used to save a simple file name between calls to Next_Main_Source and
693   --  Read_Source_File. If the file name argument to Read_Source_File is
694   --  No_File, that indicates that the file whose name was returned by the
695   --  last call to Next_Main_Source (and stored here) is to be read.
697   Target_Object_Suffix : constant String := Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all;
698   --  The suffix used for the target object files
700   Output_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
701   --  File_Name_Type for name of open file whose FD is in Output_FD, the name
702   --  stored does not include the trailing NUL character.
704   Argument_Count : constant Integer := Arg_Count - 1;
705   --  Number of arguments (excluding program name)
707   type File_Name_Array is array (Int range <>) of String_Ptr;
708   type File_Name_Array_Ptr is access File_Name_Array;
709   File_Names : File_Name_Array_Ptr :=
710                  new File_Name_Array (1 .. Int (Argument_Count) + 2);
711   --  As arguments are scanned, file names are stored in this array. The
712   --  strings do not have terminating NUL files. The array is extensible,
713   --  because when using project files, there may be more files than
714   --  arguments on the command line.
716   type File_Index_Array is array (Int range <>) of Int;
717   type File_Index_Array_Ptr is access File_Index_Array;
718   File_Indexes : File_Index_Array_Ptr :=
719                    new File_Index_Array (1 .. Int (Argument_Count) + 2);
721   Current_File_Name_Index : Int := 0;
722   --  The index in File_Names of the last file opened by Next_Main_Source
723   --  or Next_Main_Lib_File. The value 0 indicates that no files have been
724   --  opened yet.
726   procedure Create_File_And_Check
727     (Fdesc : out File_Descriptor;
728      Fmode : Mode);
729   --  Create file whose name (NUL terminated) is in Name_Buffer (with the
730   --  length in Name_Len), and place the resulting descriptor in Fdesc. Issue
731   --  message and exit with fatal error if file cannot be created. The Fmode
732   --  parameter is set to either Text or Binary (for details see description
733   --  of System.OS_Lib.Create_File).
735   procedure Open_File_To_Append_And_Check
736     (Fdesc : out File_Descriptor;
737      Fmode : Mode);
738   --  Opens the file whose name (NUL terminated) is in Name_Buffer (with the
739   --  length in Name_Len), and place the resulting descriptor in Fdesc. Issue
740   --  message and exit with fatal error if file cannot be opened. The Fmode
741   --  parameter is set to either Text or Binary (for details see description
742   --  of System.OS_Lib.Open_Append).
744   type Program_Type is (Compiler, Binder, Make, Gnatls, Unspecified);
745   --  Program currently running
746   procedure Set_Program (P : Program_Type);
747   --  Indicates to the body of Osint the program currently running. This
748   --  procedure is called by the child packages of Osint. A check is made
749   --  that this procedure is not called more than once.
751   function More_Files return Boolean;
752   --  Implements More_Source_Files and More_Lib_Files
754   function Next_Main_File return File_Name_Type;
755   --  Implements Next_Main_Source and Next_Main_Lib_File
757   function Object_File_Name (N : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type;
758   --  Constructs the name of the object file corresponding to library file N.
759   --  If N is a full file name than the returned file name will also be a full
760   --  file name. Note that no lookup in the library file directories is done
761   --  for this file. This routine merely constructs the name.
763   procedure Write_Info (Info : String);
764   --  Implements Write_Binder_Info, Write_Debug_Info, and Write_Library_Info
766   procedure Write_With_Check (A : Address; N  : Integer);
767   --  Writes N bytes from buffer starting at address A to file whose FD is
768   --  stored in Output_FD, and whose file name is stored as a File_Name_Type
769   --  in Output_File_Name. A check is made for disk full, and if this is
770   --  detected, the file being written is deleted, and a fatal error is
771   --  signalled.
773end Osint;