1 /**Interface for NSObject for GNUStep
2    Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4    Written by:  Andrew Kachites McCallum <mccallum@gnu.ai.mit.edu>
5    Date: 1995
7    This file is part of the GNUstep Base Library.
9    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    Library General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
21    Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
22    Boston, MA 02111 USA.
24    AutogsdocSource: NSObject.m
25    */
27 #ifndef __NSObject_h_GNUSTEP_BASE_INCLUDE
28 #define __NSObject_h_GNUSTEP_BASE_INCLUDE
30 #import	"NSObjCRuntime.h"
31 #import <objc/objc.h>
32 #import	"NSZone.h"
34 #ifdef	GS_WITH_GC
35 #undef  GS_WITH_GC
36 #endif
37 #define	GS_WITH_GC	0
39 #import	"../GNUstepBase/GNUstep.h"
41 #if	defined(__cplusplus)
42 extern "C" {
43 #endif
45 @class NSArchiver;
46 @class NSArray;
47 @class NSCoder;
48 @class NSDictionary;
49 @class NSPortCoder;
50 @class NSMethodSignature;
51 @class NSMutableString;
52 @class NSRecursiveLock;
53 @class NSString;
54 @class NSInvocation;
55 @class Protocol;
57 /**
58  * The NSObject protocol describes a minimal set of methods that all
59  * objects are expected to support.  You should be able to send any
60  * of the messages listed in this protocol to an object, and be safe
61  * in assuming that the receiver can handle it.
62  */
63 @protocol NSObject
64 /**
65  * Returns the class of the receiver.  If the receiver is a proxy, then this
66  * may return the class of the proxy target.  Use -isProxy to determine whether
67  * the receiver is a proxy.  If you wish to find the real class of the
68  * receiver, ignoring proxies, then use object_getClass().
69  */
70 - (Class) class;
71 /**
72  * Returns the superclass of receiver's class.  If the receiver is a proxy,
73  * then this may return the class of the proxy target.  Use -isProxy to
74  * determine whether the receiver is a proxy.  If you wish to find the real
75  * superclass of the receiver's class, ignoring proxies, then use
76  * class_getSuperclass(object_getClass()).
77  */
78 - (Class) superclass;
79 /**
80  * Returns whether the receiver is equal to the argument.  Defining equality is
81  * complex, so be careful when implementing this method.  Collections such as
82  * NSSet depend on the behaviour of this method.  In particular, this method
83  * must be commutative, so for any objects a and b:
84  *
85  * [a isEqual: b] == [b isEqual: a]
86  *
87  * This means that you must be very careful when returning YES if the argument
88  * is of another class.  For example, if you define a number class that returns
89  * YES if the argument is a string representation of the number, then this will
90  * break because the string will not recognise your object as being equal to
91  * itself.
92  *
93  * If two objects are equal, then they must have the same hash value, however
94  * equal hash values do not imply equality.
95  */
96 - (BOOL) isEqual: (id)anObject;
97 /**
98  * Returns YES if the receiver is an instance of the class, an instance of the
99  * subclass, or (in the case of proxies), an instance of something that can be
100  * treated as an instance of the class.
101  */
102 - (BOOL) isKindOfClass: (Class)aClass;
103 /**
104  * Returns YES if the receiver is an instance of the class or (in the case of
105  * proxies), an instance of something that can be treated as an instance of the
106  * class.
107  *
108  * Calling this method is rarely the correct thing to do.  In most cases, a
109  * subclass can be substituted for a superclass, so you should never need to
110  * check that an object is really an instance of a specific class and not a
111  * subclass.
112  */
113 - (BOOL) isMemberOfClass: (Class)aClass;
114 /**
115  * Returns YES if the receiver is a proxy, NO otherwise.  The default
116  * implementation of this method in NSObject returns NO, while the
117  * implementation in NSProxy returns YES.
118  */
119 - (BOOL) isProxy;
120 /**
121  * Returns a hash value for the object.  All objects that are equal *MUST*
122  * return the same hash value.  For efficient storage in sets, or as keys in
123  * dictionaries, different objects should return hashes spread evenly over the
124  * range of an integer.
125  *
126  * An object may not return different values from this method after being
127  * stored in a collection.  This typically means that ether the hash value must
128  * be constant after the object's creation, or that the object may not be
129  * modified while stored in an unordered collection.
130  */
131 - (NSUInteger) hash;
132 /**
133  * Returns the receiver.  In a proxy, this may (but is not required to) return
134  * the proxied object.
135  */
136 - (id) self;
137 /**
138  * Performs the specified selector.  The selector must correspond to a method
139  * that takes no arguments.
140  */
141 - (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
142 /**
143  * Performs the specified selector, with the object as the argument.  This
144  * method does not perform any automatic unboxing, so the selector must
145  * correspond to a method that takes one object argument.
146  */
147 - (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
148 	    withObject: (id)anObject;
149 /**
150  * Performs the specified selector, with the objects as the arguments.  This
151  * method does not perform any automatic unboxing, so the selector must
152  * correspond to a method that takes two object arguments.
153  */
154 - (id) performSelector: (SEL)aSelector
155 	    withObject: (id)object1
156 	    withObject: (id)object2;
157 /**
158  * Returns YES if the object can respond to messages with the specified
159  * selector.  The default implementation in NSObject returns YES if the
160  * receiver has a method corresponding to the method, but other classes may
161  * return YES if they can respond to a selector using one of the various
162  * forwarding mechanisms.
163  */
164 - (BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
165 /**
166  * Returns YES if the receiver conforms to the specified protocol.
167  */
168 - (BOOL) conformsToProtocol: (Protocol*)aProtocol;
169 /**
170  * Increments the reference count of the object and returns the receiver.  In
171  * garbage collected mode, this method does nothing.  In automated reference
172  * counting mode, you may neither implement this method nor call it directly.
173  */
175 /**
176  * Decrements the reference count of the object and destroys if it there are no
177  * remaining references.  In garbage collected mode, this method does nothing.
178  * In automated reference counting mode, you may neither implement this method
179  * nor call it directly.
180  */
181 - (oneway void) release NS_AUTOMATED_REFCOUNT_UNAVAILABLE;
182 /**
183  * Performs a deferred -release operation.  The object's reference count is
184  * decremented at the end of the scope of the current autorelease pool,
185  * identified either by a -drain message sent to the current NSAutoreleasePool
186  * instance, or in more recent versions of Objective-C by the end of an
187  * @autorelease_pool scope.
188  *
189  * In garbage collected mode, this method does nothing.  In automated reference
190  * counting mode, you may neither implement this method nor call it directly.
191  */
193 /**
194  * Returns the current retain count of an object.  This does not include the
195  * result of any pending autorelease operations.
196  *
197  * Code that relies on this method returning a sane value is broken.  For
198  * singletons, it may return NSUIntegerMax.  Even when it is tracking a retain
199  * count, it will not include on-stack pointers in manual retain/release mode,
200  * pointers marked as __unsafe_unretain or __weak in ARC mode, or pending
201  * autorelease operations.  Its value is therefore largely meaningless.  It can
202  * occasionally be useful for debugging.
203  */
205 /**
206  * Returns the description of the object.  This is used by the %@ format
207  * specifier in strings.
208  */
209 - (NSString*) description;
210 /**
211  * Returns the zone of the object.
212  */
214 @end
216 /**
217  * This protocol must be adopted by any class wishing to support copying -
218  * ie where instances of the class should be able to create new instances
219  * which are copies of the original and, where a class has mutable and
220  * immutable versions, where the copies are immutable.
221  */
222 @protocol NSCopying
223 /**
224  * Called by [NSObject-copy] passing NSDefaultMallocZone() as zone.<br />
225  * This method returns a copy of the receiver and, where the receiver is a
226  * mutable variant of a class which has an immutable partner class, the
227  * object returned is an instance of that immutable class.<br />
228  * The new object is <em>not</em> autoreleased, and is considered to be
229  * 'owned' by the calling code ... which is therefore responsible for
230  * releasing it.<br />
231  * In the case where the receiver is an instance of a container class,
232  * it is undefined whether contained objects are merely retained in the
233  * new copy, or are themselves copied, or whether some other mechanism
234  * entirely is used.
235  */
236 - (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone;
237 @end
239 /**
240  * This protocol must be adopted by any class wishing to support
241  * mutable copying - ie where instances of the class should be able
242  * to create mutable copies of themselves.
243  */
244 @protocol NSMutableCopying
245 /**
246  * Called by [NSObject-mutableCopy] passing NSDefaultMallocZone() as zone.<br />
247  * This method returns a copy of the receiver and, where the receiver is an
248  * immutable variant of a class which has a mutable partner class, the
249  * object returned is an instance of that mutable class.
250  * The new object is <em>not</em> autoreleased, and is considered to be
251  * 'owned' by the calling code ... which is therefore responsible for
252  * releasing it.<br />
253  * In the case where the receiver is an instance of a container class,
254  * it is undefined whether contained objects are merely retained in the
255  * new copy, or are themselves copied, or whether some other mechanism
256  * entirely is used.
257  */
258 - (id) mutableCopyWithZone: (NSZone*)zone;
259 @end
261 /**
262  * This protocol must be adopted by any class wishing to support
263  * saving and restoring instances to an archive, or copying them
264  * to remote processes via the Distributed Objects mechanism.
265  */
266 @protocol NSCoding
268 /**
269  * Called when it is time for receiver to be serialized for writing to an
270  * archive or network connection.  Receiver should record all of its instance
271  * variables using methods on aCoder.  See documentation for [NSCoder],
272  * [NSArchiver], [NSKeyedArchiver], and/or [NSPortCoder] for more information.
273  */
274 - (void) encodeWithCoder: (NSCoder*)aCoder;
276 /**
277  * Called on a freshly allocated receiver when it is time to reconstitute from
278  * serialized bytes in an archive or from a network connection.  Receiver
279  * should load all of its instance variables using methods on aCoder.  See
280  * documentation for [NSCoder], [NSUnarchiver], [NSKeyedUnarchiver], and/or
281  * [NSPortCoder] for more information.
282  */
283 - (id) initWithCoder: (NSCoder*)aDecoder;
284 @end
286 @protocol NSSecureCoding <NSCoding>
287 + (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding;
288 @end
291 GS_ROOT_CLASS @interface NSObject <NSObject>
292 {
293  /**
294   * Points to instance's class.  Used by runtime to access method
295   * implementations, etc..  Set in +alloc, Unlike other instance variables,
296   * which are cleared there.
297   */
298   Class isa;
299 }
302 /** On a system which performs garbage collection, you should implement
303  * this method to execute code when the receiver is collected.<br />
304  * You must not call this method yourself (except when a subclass
305  * calls the superclass method within its own implementation).
306  */
307 - (void) finalize;
308 #endif
311 - (NSString*) className;
312 #endif
314 + (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone*)z;
315 + (id) alloc;
316 + (Class) class;
318 /**
319  * This method is automatically invoked on any class which implements it
320  * when the class is loaded into the runtime.<br />
321  * It is also invoked on any category where the method is implemented
322  * when that category is loaded into the runtime.<br />
323  * The +load method is called directly by the runtime and you should never
324  * send a +load message to a class yourself.<br />
325  * This method is called <em>before</em> the +initialize message is sent
326  * to the class, so you cannot depend on class initialisation having been
327  * performed, or upon other classes existing (apart from superclasses of
328  * the receiver, since +load is called on superclasses before it is called
329  * on their subclasses).<br />
330  * As a gross generalisation, it is safe to use C code, including
331  * most ObjectiveC runtime functions within +load, but attempting to send
332  * messages to ObjectiveC objects is likely to fail.<br />
333  * In GNUstep, this method is implemented for NSObject to perform some
334  * initialisation for the base library.<br />
335  * If you implement +load for a class, don't call [super load] in your
336  * implementation.
337  */
338 + (void) load;
340 /**
341  * This message is automatically sent to a class by the runtime.  It is
342  * sent once for each class, just before the class is used for the first
343  * time (excluding any automatic call to +load by the runtime).<br />
344  * The message is sent in a thread-safe manner ... other threads may not
345  * call methods of the class until +initialize has finished executing.<br />
346  * If the class has a superclass, its implementation of +initialize is
347  * called first.<br />
348  * If the class does not implement +initialize then the implementation
349  * in the closest superclass may be called.  This means that +initialize may
350  * be called more than once, and the recommended way to handle this by
351  * using the
352  * <code>
353  * if (self == [classname class])
354  * </code>
355  * conditional to check whether the method is being called for a subclass.<br />
356  * You should never call +initialize yourself ... let the runtime do it.<br />
357  * You can implement +initialize in your own class if you need to.
358  * NSObject's implementation handles essential root object and base
359  * library initialization.<br />
360  * It should be safe to call [super initialize] in your implementation
361  * of +initialize.
362  */
363 + (void) initialize;
364 + (IMP) instanceMethodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
365 + (NSMethodSignature*) instanceMethodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
366 + (BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
367 + (BOOL) isSubclassOfClass: (Class)aClass;
368 + (id) new;
369 + (void) poseAsClass: (Class)aClassObject;
370 + (id) setVersion: (NSInteger)aVersion;
371 + (NSInteger) version;
373 - (id) awakeAfterUsingCoder: (NSCoder*)aDecoder;
374 - (Class) classForArchiver;
375 - (Class) classForCoder;
376 - (id) copy;
377 - (void) dealloc;
378 - (void) doesNotRecognizeSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
379 - (void) forwardInvocation: (NSInvocation*)anInvocation;
380 - (id) init;
381 - (IMP) methodForSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
382 - (NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
383 - (id) mutableCopy;
384 - (id) replacementObjectForArchiver: (NSArchiver*)anArchiver;
385 - (id) replacementObjectForCoder: (NSCoder*)anEncoder;
386 - (Class) superclass;
388 /**
389  * This method will be called when attempting to send a message a class that
390  * does not understand it.  The class may install a new method for the given
391  * selector and return YES, otherwise it should return NO.
392  *
393  * Note: This method is only reliable when using the GNUstep runtime.  If you
394  * require compatibility with the GCC runtime, you must also implement
395  * -forwardInvocation: with equivalent semantics.  This will be considerably
396  *  slower, but more portable.
397  */
398 + (BOOL) resolveClassMethod: (SEL)name;
400 /**
401  * This method will be called when attempting to send a message an instance
402  * that does not understand it.  The class may install a new method for the
403  * given selector and return YES, otherwise it should return NO.
404  *
405  * Note: This method is only reliable when using the GNUstep runtime.  If you
406  * require compatibility with the GCC runtime, you must also implement
407  * -forwardInvocation: with equivalent semantics.  This will be considerably
408  *  slower, but more portable.
409  */
410 + (BOOL) resolveInstanceMethod: (SEL)name;
411 #endif
413 /**
414  * Returns an auto-accessing proxy for the given object.  This proxy sends a
415  * -beginContentAccess message to the receiver when it is created and an
416  * -endContentAccess message when it is destroyed.  This prevents an object
417  * that implements the NSDiscardableContent protocol from having its contents
418  * discarded for as long as the proxy exists.
419  *
420  * On systems using the GNUstep runtime, messages send to the proxy will be
421  * slightly slower than direct messages.  With the GCC runtime, they will be
422  * approximately two orders of magnitude slower.  The GNUstep runtime,
423  * therefore, is strongly recommended for code calling this method.
424  */
425 - (id) autoContentAccessingProxy;
427 /**
428  * If an object does not understand a message, it may delegate it to another
429  * object.  Returning nil indicates that forwarding should not take place.  The
430  * default implementation of this returns nil, but care should be taken when
431  * subclassing NSObject subclasses and overriding this method that
432  * the superclass implementation is called if returning nil.
433  *
434  * Note: This method is only reliable when using the GNUstep runtime and code
435  * compiled with clang.  If you require compatibility with GCC and the GCC
436  * runtime, you must also implement -forwardInvocation: with equivalent
437  * semantics.  This will be considerably slower, but more portable.
438  */
439 - (id) forwardingTargetForSelector: (SEL)aSelector;
441 #endif
442 @end
444 /**
445  * Used to allocate memory to hold an object, and initialise the
446  * class of the object to be aClass etc.  The allocated memory will
447  * be extraBytes larger than the space actually needed to hold the
448  * instance variables of the object.<br />
449  * This function is used by the [NSObject+allocWithZone:] method.
450  */
451 GS_EXPORT id
452 NSAllocateObject(Class aClass, NSUInteger extraBytes, NSZone *zone);
454 /**
455  * Used to release the memory used by an object.<br />
456  * This function is used by the [NSObject-dealloc] method.
457  */
458 GS_EXPORT void
459 NSDeallocateObject(id anObject);
461 /**
462  * Used to copy anObject.  This makes a bitwise copy of anObject to
463  * memory allocated from zone.  The allocated memory will be extraBytes
464  * longer than that necessary to actually store the instance variables
465  * of the copied object.<br />
466  */
467 GS_EXPORT NSObject *
468 NSCopyObject(NSObject *anObject, NSUInteger extraBytes, NSZone *zone);
470 /**
471  * Returns a flag to indicate whether anObject should be retained or
472  * copied in order to make a copy in the specified zone.<br />
473  * Basically, this tests to see if anObject was allocated from
474  * requestedZone and returns YES if it was.
475  */
477 NSShouldRetainWithZone(NSObject *anObject, NSZone *requestedZone);
480 NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(id anObject);
482 GS_EXPORT NSUInteger
483 NSExtraRefCount(id anObject);
485 GS_EXPORT void
486 NSIncrementExtraRefCount(id anObject);
490 /** Global lock to be used by classes when operating on any global
491     data that invoke other methods which also access global; thus,
492     creating the potential for deadlock. */
493 GS_EXPORT NSRecursiveLock *gnustep_global_lock;
495 @interface NSObject (NEXTSTEP)
496 - (id) error:(const char *)aString, ...;
497 /* - (const char *) name;
498    Removed because OpenStep has -(NSString*)name; */
499 @end
501 #if GS_API_VERSION(GS_API_NONE, 011700)
502 @interface NSObject (GNUstep)
503 + (void) enableDoubleReleaseCheck: (BOOL)enable;
504 @end
505 #endif
507 #endif
509 #import	"NSDate.h"
510 /**
511  *  Declares some methods for sending messages to self after a fixed delay.
512  *  (These methods <em>are</em> in OpenStep and OS X.)
513  */
514 @interface NSObject (TimedPerformers)
516 /**
517  * Cancels any perform operations set up for the specified target
518  * in the current run loop.
519  */
520 + (void) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: (id)obj;
522 /**
523  * Cancels any perform operations set up for the specified target
524  * in the current loop, but only if the value of aSelector and argument
525  * with which the performs were set up match those supplied.<br />
526  * Matching of the argument may be either by pointer equality or by
527  * use of the [NSObject-isEqual:] method.
528  */
529 + (void) cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget: (id)obj
530 					selector: (SEL)s
531 					  object: (id)arg;
532 /**
533  * Sets given message to be sent to this instance after given delay,
534  * in any run loop mode.  See [NSRunLoop].
535  */
536 - (void) performSelector: (SEL)s
537 	      withObject: (id)arg
538 	      afterDelay: (NSTimeInterval)seconds;
540 /**
541  * Sets given message to be sent to this instance after given delay,
542  * in given run loop modes.  See [NSRunLoop].
543  */
544 - (void) performSelector: (SEL)s
545 	      withObject: (id)arg
546 	      afterDelay: (NSTimeInterval)seconds
547 		 inModes: (NSArray*)modes;
548 @end
551 /**
552  * The NSDiscardableContent protocol is used by objects which encapsulate data
553  * which may be discarded if resource constraints are exceeded.  These
554  * constraints are typically, but not always, related memory.
555  */
556 @protocol NSDiscardableContent
558 /**
559  * This method is called before any access to the object.  It returns YES if
560  * the object's content is still valid.  The caller must call -endContentAccess
561  * once for every call to -beginContentAccess;
562  */
563 - (BOOL) beginContentAccess;
565 /**
566  * Discards the contents of the object if it is not currently being edited.
567  */
568 - (void) discardContentIfPossible;
570 /**
571  * This method indicates that the caller has finished accessing the contents of
572  * the object adopting this protocol.  Every call to -beginContentAccess must
573  * be be paired with a call to this method after the caller has finished
574  * accessing the contents.
575  */
576 - (void) endContentAccess;
578 /**
579  * Returns YES if the contents of the object have been discarded, either via a
580  * call to -discardContentIfPossible while the object is not in use, or by some
581  * implementation dependent mechanism.
582  */
583 - (BOOL) isContentDiscarded;
584 @end
585 #endif
586 #if	defined(__cplusplus)
587 }
588 #endif
590 #if     !NO_GNUSTEP && !defined(GNUSTEP_BASE_INTERNAL)
591 #import "../GNUstepBase/NSObject+GNUstepBase.h"
592 #endif
594 #endif /* __NSObject_h_GNUSTEP_BASE_INCLUDE */