1 // Written in the D programming language.
3 /**
4  * Builtin mathematical intrinsics
5  *
6  * Source: $(DRUNTIMESRC core/_math.d)
7  * Macros:
8  *      TABLE_SV = <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
9  *              <caption>Special Values</caption>
10  *              $0</table>
11  *
12  *      NAN = $(RED NAN)
13  *      SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
14  *      POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
15  *      PLUSMN = &plusmn;
16  *      INFIN = &infin;
17  *      PLUSMNINF = &plusmn;&infin;
18  *      LT = &lt;
19  *      GT = &gt;
20  *
21  * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2011.
22  * License:   $(WEB www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0).
23  * Authors:   $(WEB digitalmars.com, Walter Bright),
24  *                        Don Clugston
25  */
26 module core.math;
28 public:
29 @nogc:
31 /***********************************
32  * Returns cosine of x. x is in radians.
33  *
34  *      $(TABLE_SV
35  *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
36  *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
37  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)     )
38  *      )
39  * Bugs:
40  *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
41  */
43 real cos(real x) @safe pure nothrow;       /* intrinsic */
45 /***********************************
46  * Returns sine of x. x is in radians.
47  *
48  *      $(TABLE_SV
49  *      $(TR $(TH x)               $(TH sin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
50  *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
51  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
52  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMNINF))    $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
53  *      )
54  * Bugs:
55  *      Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
56  */
58 real sin(real x) @safe pure nothrow;       /* intrinsic */
60 /*****************************************
61  * Returns x rounded to a long value using the current rounding mode.
62  * If the integer value of x is
63  * greater than long.max, the result is
64  * indeterminate.
65  */
66 long rndtol(real x) @safe pure nothrow;    /* intrinsic */
69 /*****************************************
70  * Returns x rounded to a long value using the FE_TONEAREST rounding mode.
71  * If the integer value of x is
72  * greater than long.max, the result is
73  * indeterminate.
74  */
75 extern (C) real rndtonl(real x);
77 /***************************************
78  * Compute square root of x.
79  *
80  *      $(TABLE_SV
81  *      $(TR $(TH x)         $(TH sqrt(x))   $(TH invalid?))
82  *      $(TR $(TD -0.0)      $(TD -0.0)      $(TD no))
83  *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)  $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD yes))
84  *      $(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
85  *      )
86  */
88 @safe pure nothrow
89 {
90     float sqrt(float x);    /* intrinsic */
91     double sqrt(double x);  /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
92     real sqrt(real x);      /* intrinsic */ /// ditto
93 }
95 /*******************************************
96  * Compute n * 2$(SUPERSCRIPT exp)
97  * References: frexp
98  */
100 real ldexp(real n, int exp) @safe pure nothrow;    /* intrinsic */
102 unittest {
103     static if (real.mant_dig == 113)
104     {
105         assert(ldexp(1, -16384) == 0x1p-16384L);
106         assert(ldexp(1, -16382) == 0x1p-16382L);
107     }
108     else static if (real.mant_dig == 106)
109     {
110         assert(ldexp(1,  1023) == 0x1p1023L);
111         assert(ldexp(1, -1022) == 0x1p-1022L);
112         assert(ldexp(1, -1021) == 0x1p-1021L);
113     }
114     else static if (real.mant_dig == 64)
115     {
116         assert(ldexp(1, -16384) == 0x1p-16384L);
117         assert(ldexp(1, -16382) == 0x1p-16382L);
118     }
119     else static if (real.mant_dig == 53)
120     {
121         assert(ldexp(1,  1023) == 0x1p1023L);
122         assert(ldexp(1, -1022) == 0x1p-1022L);
123         assert(ldexp(1, -1021) == 0x1p-1021L);
124     }
125     else
126         assert(false, "Only 128bit, 80bit and 64bit reals expected here");
127 }
129 /*******************************
130  * Returns |x|
131  *
132  *      $(TABLE_SV
133  *      $(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH fabs(x)))
134  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD +0.0) )
135  *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
136  *      )
137  */
138 real fabs(real x) @safe pure nothrow;      /* intrinsic */
140 /**********************************
141  * Rounds x to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding
142  * mode.
143  * If the return value is not equal to x, the FE_INEXACT
144  * exception is raised.
145  * $(B nearbyint) performs
146  * the same operation, but does not set the FE_INEXACT exception.
147  */
148 real rint(real x) @safe pure nothrow;      /* intrinsic */
150 /***********************************
151  * Building block functions, they
152  * translate to a single x87 instruction.
153  */
155 real yl2x(real x, real y)   @safe pure nothrow;       // y * log2(x)
156 real yl2xp1(real x, real y) @safe pure nothrow;       // y * log2(x + 1)
158 unittest
159 {
version(INLINE_YL2X)160     version (INLINE_YL2X)
161     {
162         assert(yl2x(1024, 1) == 10);
163         assert(yl2xp1(1023, 1) == 10);
164     }
165 }